
September 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:29 pm

Pick up your sense of time and place.

We are all called here today to these fields to bear witness – to judge – and most certainly score.

It is the 3rd day, a Wednesday, in the New Year, of the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty and Four. The late Charles Krauthammer would have pressed tomes upon his own institution, perhaps.

In a black turtleneck and a smartly tweed we can imagine him still of his standards.

In a mocking way his, 45’s, was; a world bore witness to a first black president as he established his sought “personality presidency” of a hoity-toity aloofness.

Elementary mathematics and Grammar 101 need not be counted out by Harvard minors.

We have “What can be ‘post-racism’?” on the boards. Whom can proffer a suffice to fill a “Krauthammer Chair”? Any Doctors in Education?

We have a work before us to score for Posterity across many fields – on current events and past histories still of untold, even redacted, dramas.

Whom are all of first black president Obama’s players? How broad and deep did his mocking ways set asunder institutions – schooling in higher education?

To come of age at Harvard University many fields should be considered, and fewer mastered.

A worst elementary education course is any that will not allow youths, especially future black leaders, to study the times of Barack Obama and to work out a placement from studying his many mistakes – an honest scoring – a truest placing in history.

His, Charles Krauthammer’s, field and achievements professionally cleared him to definitively box and label the ‘personality’ in the “personality presidency” of Barack Obama as much as narcissistic Stalinism.

Dr. Krauthammer might not have pressed the first black president as so analyzed as firstly of ‘mommy issues’ beset – as not yet was as wrote of “dreams from his father.”

A post-racism goal line persists after President Obama’s seeming working definition of ‘success’ failed Americans, especially blacks, young and old.

In present time many minors, across many fields, can focus, even major towards one can still grow up to be this Union of States first good black president.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER protestants began as riotous against how President Barack Obama was failing blacks.

Junior psychologists, even criminologists, can opine upon the Obama definition of ‘success’ was too “try to get to Harvard, and then accept for life where you failed – as is to keep you down, and under”. Even: “Obama governed too white!”.

A post-racism originalism is a best constitutionalism; Harvard University is wrong to teach the constitution according to Barack Obama’s personality; it should haunt and haunt many institutions how it seems proofed the first black president left office as one who still misread the Peoples’ “Order” the order ordained our constitution, and misread scripture – establishments of religion.

Most American institutions of higher education should be instructive on elementary originalism as across these lands hoards are reaching a great understanding that the CONSTITUTION as written actually does solve a great many of the issues schools like Harvard somehow otherwise were long posturing for sedition, even rebellion, towards as if amendings (, and/or insurrection?,) were needed.

A post-racism law is already in the written of textualism as of a color-blind justice ordered as originally ratified constituted.

I.E.: The words “A FREE PERSON” in a moral grammar must relate to “CREATED EQUAL” as a high standard graded to on a grading upon if at least passed a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% bar as regards peer review on if achieved an honorable – a working moral authority.

One can walk and talk a constitution from preambling mental stretching to full textual anchoring – to with our true drumbeats in Liberty.

The Peoples’ “Order” is of a prima facia color-blind morality at its ratification.

By the days the times of Abraham Lincoln it was diabolical if any postured a prejudging to all blacks, near a hundred years later, could still be prejudiced as if 2/5ths less children of God – 40% less human.

President Lincoln emancipated races from evil interpretations to of that yet a color-blind moral scoring upon grading on knowing FREE - a knew public morals – achieved a moral authority at least above a 60% FAIL “F” grade – is textualism of originalism of CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment leaves a SCORE important to when any then, regardless of race, could be enslaved/imprisoned.

Harvard University’s lack of grace is far broader now than can be just studied as if fruit poisoned of President Obama’s lots.

The NARCISSISTIC of the first black president is evident in his misread and misspoken regularly to as if the 9th word of the CONSTITUTION is not a noun. Schools and schools of minors have too long been mistaught from grammar elementary of this legend for understanding our Peoples’ “Order”.

The 9th word is a noun. Socialists – especially Stalinists – may want it to read otherwise as just for usage as “in order to” with “form” moved from as “to form” over to “form… more perfect” but this is a foolish wanting errant too secular which would have the entire ordered republic yet have a narcissism trump for executive tyranny – a by like a clever loophole un-law – a: the Law is not Law.

To major for proper jurisprudence the structural textualism is as “Order” is used as a noun – used as “in/Order/to form”.

Please read our founding order as not in blasphemy by using precise language as “in/Order/to form” to that “Union” is secured established as “more perfect” as without divine rights of a monarch – religious autocracy – theocratic powers in the Federal Government – and as “done” “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord” whence.

Harvard, God is not dead!

We are established as subscribed under the Lord of Jews, Christians, and Muslims to first called, under a perfection standard inalienable, to morality – practiced public morals first toward polity for peaceable in the elementary of Judaism – the Lord’s Laws commandments establishments of religion.

Harvard, God is not dead!

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling across many fields, and eventually the scoring of whom areas’ majors.

E.G.: Ask and answer: Whom were Obama’s players also bad actors?

Besides first black president Barack Obama is known to have plagiarized in the 2004 Democrats Convention speech – as seemingly ordered to (perhaps by John Kerry?) as to “Put a black face on it – make it your own!” essence vibed to a knowing.

Senator Joe Biden, as a known plagiarist, was a safe Vice President pick for a plagiarist from Harvard University’s schools.

What was plagiarized sounded very different from his style as established in print with his early - life of Barack Obama memoir while necessarily gave him the words and beats to sound an heir to what the Clintons had been stealing for popularity since 1993.

The Clintons with Al Gore, another of Harvard, nearly got away with marching CLIMATE CHANGE as new STRUCTURAL RACISM like a rewrite to old SOUTH SOUTHERN lost battles – while yet it became still a greatest whitening of employment.

Higher education institutions need now move to scoring the UNREDACTED Clintons, and especially the real Al Gore, of deplorable and diabolical selfishness, and comparatively to what proofs of Obama as personality tag fits “narcissistic Stalinist”?

Senator Elizabeth Warren once upon a time was Harvard University’s top bankruptcy expert for institution’s proffering on causes of the housing and banking crises.

It remains scandalous Professor Warren seemed SOLD-OUT – sold her silence on was the expert on it was mostly the Clintons’ fault – accepted a particular Mass. Political promotion with a willingness to lie to the world forward for eternity.

Simple economics can field a clarity of the 90s moral bankruptcy of the Clintons set up hyper-consumerism and with tons of risky loans.

By 2006 Al Gore and Hillary Clinton somehow, contrary to Logan Act protections, and Emoluments Clause checks and balances, got the $4 gas price fixing GLOBAL WARMING alarmists wanted since the early 1990s.

Harvard, God is not dead!

Future leaders, the institutional attitude from early 1990s Left was towards bringing change by solutions tyranny of like $4 gas price fixing to FORCE behavior change – in lieu of by democratic methods available.

Despite minors, or in majors, smartphones make most equally players to SCORE judgement on Bill Clinton asked banks to gamble to derivatives schemes, and upon years later in 2006 Democrats – Al Gore & Hillary Clinton plus - triggered all the collapsing as hoards on fixed incomes had bought into 1990s hyper-consumerism couldn’t afford the somehow fixed new $4 gas price.

Future leaders, it seems for decades our “smart people” have not been smart people – at least well short of near as smart as each thought themselves intelligent.

Senator Warren can not have been an expert, even at Harvard University, without considering inflation from Democrats’ raised $4 gas in times whence still $1 per gallon had been factored – as far less variable.

It is dire! Harvard University Gay-Gate didn’t come from nowhere – Gay fits a broader narrative for failing schooling.

A hurdle in many institutional fields, for abiding a color-blind originalism – for post-racism easiest curriculum, yes, is plagiarism – and the motives motivated – but too is the selling out also associated of it seems that “B.L.M.” “leadership” SOLD-OUT movement to yet shift to could profit from protecting as a new global BILLIONS – uber millions branding - “OBAMA” propaganda.

As one who has been plagiarized by political leaders and to later uses, reuses theirs’s reset statutes of limitations, as to could reap newly popular benefits from of the originally my intellectual property misappropriated.

Future leaders, I have over 3 decades in the fight.

Harvard, Gay-Gate is huge!!!

Future leaders, if political standard now reset to MORAL – for and in TRUTHS - Congress may be due an ACT to regulate for regular order by acknowledging how much leading for positive change was done in my think – and especially as was misappropriated for political frauds to seem smarter than they were – more popular than could be themselves.

Future leaders, please prepare to answer: WHO IS JOHN HOGAN? - J.P. HOGAN? And prepare for TRUTH I started on paths towards such at age 6 – as asked my retiring grandfather to mentor me in the ways of his career successes.

I am at least one in the know that the first black president Barack Obama did plagiarize in his global 2004 break-out speech, and gets he picked a vice president a known old plagiarist.

My political drama is deeper across the Obamas’ legacy becomings as Michelle and I met in Harvard Square at Grendel’s in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School – as she was out hosting her brother on a visit from Chicago. Our truth is I started by 1988 passing on my thoughts to defeat “Hillary for President” I had known was to be attempted since a bad first impression of Bill & Hillary as Yale Law School co-eds out on a walk asked me for my constitutional judgement, while yet maybe also my 6th or 7th year of age.

Future leaders, it did say a lot great about our nation that it was by 2008 ready to elect a black president. To graduate though there is much unbecoming to study in just the Obamas’ becomings.

There is higher learning ahead across many fields in becoming however educated to the truths of Obama plagiarized me to also steal uses, for popularity, of what Bill and Hillary stole since 1993.

Harvard, God is not dead!

And Al Gore, whom ranks among those I have long had a least amount of respect for, who ushered solutions tyranny contrary to Logan Act and Emoluments Clause prudence, is a moral dilemma as all future leaders should be able to render honest renditions of original thoughts upon legendary differences between what can be ACTS OF GOD to that now globed together as “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

Now, especially, serial students:

A rendition on Barack Obama errant is that he seemed use a grammatical perversion of originalism textualism of “in order to”… “form… more perfect” as a loophole without checks and balances, as if a future tense, as for a loophole for his narcissism – his ego of if he just thought his own idea “more perfect” then he could dictate it so upon citizens as if more just subjects of a say Stalinist of mommy issues.

Fact based filling of a “Krauthammer Chair” would require speaking up old time and place truths of Barack was conceived a bastard, and then born into the HOUSE OF OBAMA (Sr., Dad) of polygamy – of his mother as concurrent second wife.

I only have poetic license; – I am without Charles Krauthammer education institutions degrees.

Harvard global brand should also account upon a moral scoring of the first black president Barack Obama on his proofed personality also involved plagiarism as a lesser, or greater offense. He at least is Shakespearean for he did plagiarize one who knew his First Lady at least a year before they knew of each other. There is history relates as well such, I, had been since before they met sharing thoughts otherwise conceived yet towards using Michelle to later defeat Hillary – yet of vibed in 1987-88 year to Michelle she could get to the White House.

Donald Trump may too have misappropriated other’s work?

We are constituted to regular order with a republic structured by a Peoples’ “Order”!

The preamble is the legend for measuring the written as of it is “to form” the “Union” – “more perfect” by likes of such narcissism is prohibited – theocracy powers are separated – our executive is not to be presumed to be infallible!

And, of to score in present time:

The Yalies Clintons were horrible, Harvard’s Al Gore by metrics near as bad – even worse, Senator Warren, also of Harvard University, is at least still violate of any old institutional honor code?

By your major, of whichever field’s players, what is your sense of school’s errant?

And placement? – worked up essence in E.S.G. accounting? – rankings?

What has been afoot is colossal of globally ushered undermining firstly of a new authoritarians’ STRUCTURAL RACISM – of SCORE an authoritarians’ branding tool?

Root definitions have been changed to old governing by rules, Lord’s Laws establishments, have been set asunder by bad actors!

Gay-Gate Shakespearean is of for over thirty years our education institutions were going in the wrong direction – should be FAILED especially as per CONFUSIOUS confusions – FAILED of missed algorithms of old PEACEABLE were being intentionally set asunder by clever changes to root definitions?

Harvard? God is not dead?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

     It is now near 10am Wednesday morning the eve of Thanksgiving 2021. I am seated in the Jefferson Building main reading room of the Library of Congress.

     President Joe Biden is an embattled executive with his leadership seriously questioned/doubted.
     Our national traditions for this holiday do contravene the political messaging from the current White House.
     Our national pastimes for level playing fields of law & order with referees & crowd emotions are inconvenient to current dictum prescribed too authoritarian & devoid regular order for advise & consent.
     Enter President Donald Trump.
     This man must be understood for parity in a real sense of history - real historicals - real context.
     This man is a conundrum as to criticize him there that factor of most of years to be most critical he was yet in New York City resident as a Clinton Democrat. Which years were most formative & questionable for this man long a Democrats who changed parties it seems to be able to stay a winner?
     To surmise he can only be judged as a Republican is off.  This man, to President Biden especially, is of he changed party from Democrats to Republicans after there major national movement success in constitutional fundamentals of for modern Republicans of a Republican Movement & it also of a new Tea Party.
     Neither old white man started these dynamics for a back to basics in keeping to the Constitution is better written than it may ever have been allowed to be interpreted. To parse & pare the different challenges it seems prudent all must see parameters like for Thanksgiving sports - football? - of settings for a level playing field & with referees sworn for rule by rules.  The drama dynamic for broadcasting on challengers maybe fields best when both sides try to explain all the mistakes of the 1990s made by the Clintons.
     Where was his politics in the 1990s?
     President Biden now faces him as a Republican much did well after joining Republican Movement winning yet as his former self but too while Election 2020 had to be run with frauds perpetuated by the Democrats due the gestalt of the party is there otherwise eitherwise are too many contrary & contradictory in deeds & ranks.
     President Biden has not been celebrating the values of Thanksgiving in his or the Obama administration; the Thanksgiving story is respected in Constitution plain language originalism of the colonies respected the Pilgrims experimented as contracted to for repayment of ocean transit costs then with that called Socialism today.
     Our founders essentially rendered respectfully the learned from such experiment to the actual wording of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is to that we call Socialism is set as unconstitutional - but as under “Religious Liberty” focused & to as if religion.
     This man is innocent compared the Democrats he fled from when he changed party?
     President Biden otherwise is by how objects to actual originalism “Religious Liberty” per Thanksgiving inconvenient truths of Pilgrims experimented with & then overcame the pitfalls of that we call Socialism today, to he also fundamentally is postured eitherwise to in objections to the Iraq constituted - the Iraqi Constitution. Biden with Democrats whom fundamentally try to set asunder the concept of each an unum an individual of rights from Creator - to of Union as united pluribus to by how constituted each of Liberty for Posterity by it a Peoples’ “Order” “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.  The Iraq people have constituted likewise, however more similar to United Kingdom particulars, that the are each under Islam before under Government & since their liberation to stipulations for women to be guaranteed power of offices too.
    This man is whom tried to give the country back to the People & while martialing artfully for a return of “Merry Christmas” across our nation.
    Why did the Biden campaign need “Black Lives Matter” to fundamentally shift from formed after Michael Brown police incident tragedy in Ferguson Missouri into that seems SOLD OUT to be activists & radicalized to firstly a partisan politics to attempt to PROTECT A BILLION DOLLAR GLOBAL BRAND FOR OBAMAS?
    How was this man once a Clinton Democrat who joined the winning Republican Movement for constitutional law & order new buttressing so misunderstood?
    Aren’t both these old white men more wrong than right? - on Iraq for how Iraqi liberated? & then constituted a republic?  President Biden must be anti-Iraq as constituted like his politics are of party now long for citizens as if more just subjects & any religiousness to be suborned under an authoritarian tyranny of a Left ruling class?  President Trump must be more wrong than right on his objections to the liberation of Iraq - the Iraq War?
    This man who as our president represented an existential threat to the politician Joe Biden by moved as a Modern Republican in sync to the Republican Movement he joined to bring the nation to a refreshed polity of the Republicans more whom represented as the WORKING BLUE COLLAR CITIZENS party?  He had old “Joe” on the ropes!  He with the Republicans as his new party too demonstrated very professionally an economics with objectivism & social sciences data of our nation could creates more jobs than there seemed a suffice of workers to staff.
     Candidate Joe Biden just lied & lied & perpetuated frauds for gain across the 2020 election to ran more against a construct of a #FakeDonald actually irrational & devoid of any objectivism in any science for real psyche profiling.
     This man, besides becameth the new champion of the working people, did too trample on any ego of old “Joe” by too he was doing more than generally reported as doing of doing more for blacks - black Americans - than Democrats had been willing to do for the past 30 years, at least. Old “Joe” was being flattened by this man obviously a changed man as became a Republican politician & shed many past mistakes especially of the 1990s of the effected moral depravity in political decisions by President William Jefferson Clinton - born yet William Blythe III to need a name change seems to become electable.  This man became a Republican President didn’t change his name; Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton did both choose to have “Jefferson” as of their legal names, even as for firstly of South for Jefferson Davis.
     As candidate Joe Biden long in 2020 election he by his own party of New York state prosecutorial discretion standards, as precedent on FRAUD, was able to be deemed UNFIT FOR OFFICE for perpetuated FRAUDS for gain both of lies to inflate President Barack Hussein Obama legacy, & too to run against a construct a #FakeDonald.
     Ours & Iraqi constitutions are likewise of our Thanksgiving roots for each an unum and individual of rights from Creator by how constituted by a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) - by how united pluribus to each says each other’s rights come from their Lord - not the Federal Government.  President Biden is contrary to both.  President Obama more than misread Constitution he administered false governance at home & abroad as if he could lead as if a secular Socialist.
     This man may be hard to see as an innocent for he of so many years at least to quiet during the 1990s moral depravity of the executive decisions by the Clintons.  He did rise to show with Republican Movement & Modern Republicans that the Right was better on job creation & too as experienced to also setting up to have done more for blacks than Democrats had been willing to do for over 30 years.
     This man though a former Clinton Democrats was not so horrible as were the Clintons of it was apparent so much of what they yet staged for popularity as of DOING FOR BLACKS was much back doored also as SET UP  TO FAIL.
     This man may have failed to defend himself from the attacks from the Clintons & associated but due he was too long too quiet as maybe complicit as one of them?
     Candidate Joe Biden had to be unbecoming to unfit for office, by more than this said of failed his own party’s legal standards for perpetuating fraud for gain;  Candidate Joe Biden had this man of had him against the ropes by with Republicans of so improved/built a growing economics the economy nearly had too many jobs for the available number of workers, & to were actually moving forward to still be to helping blacks more than Democrats had long been willing to.
     As also maybe firstly just the other “old white guy” is this man now of old “Joe” problem of may be reflexively towards regressing to errant old ways of at least the 1990s and Clintons poor judgement for Posterity to be taught of 8 years much in a moral depravity?
     Where is there Thanksgiving of level playing fields for this contesting of the politics?
     Democrats perpetuated FRAUDS to flip his LAW & ORDER on him as set as vs THE SWAMP & their leadership to as if he was, not they by CYA necessity, whom militarizing POLICING issues & baiting racism?
     Whom can be the referees for LAW & ORDER this Thanksgiving and beyond to maybe #Trump2024?
      President Biden has a moral duty to be an  EDUCATION PRESIDENT to youths can study the mistakes of President Barack Hussein Obama - learn of and from the Obama mistakes - which to means we must now removed the like BLACKED OUT for all of 1990s on President William Jefferson Clinton real administering so too young & old all around the world can finally study so much firstly best tag’d “moral depravity” extant in the Clintons governance.
     It seems this day in 2021 near eve of Thanksgiving that to judge this man - beyond was President Donald John Trump, Sr. for a term - we must reconsider the 1990s & firstly work up a full dramatization of a Bill Clinton vs Donald Trump historical. 
     Speaker Nancy Pelosi did steal election 2020 as promised she would as Democrats went after this man constantly by stealing the successful movement developments of the Republican Movement & Tea Party - which too historically explains the current ORIGINALISM Supreme Court plurality - & projecting & transferring to build presumption of guilt by momentum, not proofing, the landed hits that felled #CrookedHillary.
     This man was of a stolen election but oddly his defenses so far have not explained how it actually was stolen as promised it would be.
     This man hasn’t defended himself well enough?
     This man was too long a Clinton Democrat now too old to stay a changed man?
                                               *       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:56 am

2020 and beyond is now less about Donald J. Trump, Sr. and Bernie Sanders than about the days of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge. Queens Protestant New York Presbyterian Trump and Jewish Sanders have competition.

John F. Kennedy is dead, let the Kennedys rest. This is more about Theodore Roosevelt and a Catholic American.

A rising from the ashes, to Americans, is supposed to not be of a partisan political convenient crisis used yet to rise more lawless & even unconstitutional.

The mark on these days that try our consciences in courts of public opinion such as elections are is a deja’ vu - a been there done that yet of generations before and a little time altered.

Brooklyn Jewish Bernie Sanders is not now the biggest threat to New Yorker Donald Trump POTUS.

The real historical character now in these modern times is one who grew up quite underneath the building of a great bridge - actually grew up a New Yorker poor Irish American and of family residence quite beneath the building of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Republicans & Democrats risk irrelevance now if try to make the great battle ahead between 2 New Yorkers - Trump vs Sanders - as at all about any Kennedys! These are the times again fit for questioning Theodore Roosevelt real history.

It may not seem natural to historically now compare Al Smith to Theodore Roosevelt more than and over Franklin D. Roosevelt but such is the nature of real unfolding drama - and how we Americans already have characters cast quite historically now to haunt any political narcissism of today’s needs.

Besides there is they have a common enemy in the Clintons due their reckless & unnecessary $2Trillion cut for $1Trillion in surpluses and in Hillary Clinton history of maladministration and campaign bullying Trump vs. Sanders is to be much of Al Smith bridge builder vs Teddy Roosevelt & a bully pulpit.

We can let the Kennedys rest - the Clintons & Obama politics have perverted a real understanding of Catholic American John F. Kennedy too much for such to be intelligently mashed about before election day in November.  We have 2 “un-Clintons” now squaring off as if in old Greek amphitheater as if Al Smith’s story had to be compared and contrasted with Teddy Roosevelt’s.

The Clintons are not out of this - not yet! The aren’t offensive - well not in that way - there story is offensive, but they are now the ammunition Trump & Sander need in Trump vs. Sanders Republicans vs Democrats.  Independently both sides owe a dissection of the mistakes of the 1990s and a thorough deconstruction of the Clintons cuts for $1Trillion in surplus in lieu of caring and as for peace dividends before their time. Ashes to ashes line items to line items the guilt of the Clintons is real, and, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is condemnable for party to such & worse still for having defended surpluses after 911 attacks even over helping President George W. Bush needs for policies for economic growth for recoveries. Speaker Pelosi, in defense of Clintons, did during the Bush years actively block any policies that would have suggested the Clintons were less than 100% perfect in their past administrating. It was not even half Bush’s fault.

Ahh but these deplorable Democrats played their tunes and keyed wrongly to Kennedy legacy sentiments while yet marching mislead souls to diabolical partisan politics unbecoming Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and John Kennedy, for starters.

It seems Theodore Roosevelt grew up not just with a silver spoon by to New Yorkers & establishment life styles a maybe the 5th most highly polished silver spoon of the city. Al Smith grew up poor with a father running a trucking enterprise with horse drawn carts while living under the mysteries and wonder of the construction of a great bridge.

Trump & Sanders can’t honestly debate their sides of the philosophical without the historical of these days problems were much solved already over a century ago by a Catholic of Tammany Hall an Irish American who both was New York’s first Catholic Governor and American’s first Catholic nominee to be President.

Trump vs. Sanders is now about if Teddy Roosevelt as President got it right!

Trump vs. Sanders is now about the rise and success of Al Smith and how much he did get right - not just for his times!

Trump vs. Sanders Republicans vs Democrats is much those mashable on the question of vanity and narcissism of if the Theodore “Bull Moose” Roosevelt after 1910 was a different animal politically and one, after his long safari of so many kills in Sudan towards Egypt that most natural history museums across our country are still stocked for displays of his kills as artifacts. From what I read years ago they actually tied a big chair to the front of the locomotive for his grand safari and he sat there in front of it all with rifle(s) and ammunition at the ready.

Tammany Hall Catholic Al Smith must be historically seen as a feminist? His employment & support of issues cannot deny him such an honor?

Bernie Sanders vs Teddy Roosevelt is a tease to the real bridge building necessary forward vs Trump Republicans!

It seems Bernie is for the Teddy that developed after his safari and to then the hosted of the European parlors then of new fascism the pop thing. Bernie Sanders must be able to intelligently differentiate the “Teddy” of “two terms only” volunteered though only elected to one to whom then came back after the toast of the new fascists all across Europe who then around 1910 forward was more breaking from William H. Taft and towards a narcissism of wanting a 3rd term even if he then had to bring the “new fascism” to America.

Donald J. Trump, Sr. does now, even if it seems odd and hard to believe, as he more the real bridge builder and whom is and will continue to carry the mantle of Irish American Tammany Hall Catholic Al Smith.

We really due have the tales of truth forward of 2 un-Clintons squaring off against each other.

New York Saint Patrick’s Cathedral was still newish when Al Smith laid to rest - but by then he was managing the near still empty new Empire State Building and the Catholic Cathedral was no longer the tallest building in New York - (in America?).

Democrats must be able to intelligently now mash out the essences of Roosevelts - not Kennedys - due it seems Al Smith, Catholic, must come first - he much made Frank - Franklin D. - while it seems the story of “Teddy” born with sets of silver spoons and maybe the 5th most polished in New York City only worked due there were others like Al Smith dealing with the politics of keeping it real. Was it more who grew up rich or more who grew up under the construction of a great bridge (an enterprise yet made possible by established society?)?

To Republicans vs Democrats Bernie Sanders accomplishments are still of he of rise from Brooklyn but the lessons to be learned are already in our books? - the bridges over these times are already established?

         *     *     *     GOD BLESS AMERICA?     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:24 am

This is not an ‘Adam Schiff and a Trojan Donkey’ success story.

This is not about playing ‘Chicken’ with tanks - of which ever or any gang stripes/colors.

The Pelosi caucus has opened a Pandora’s Box upon itself.  Trump’s trump on impeachment is he actually is getting Ukraine right and inconveniently to Democrats of proving they like always got Ukraine policies wrong.

No career Foreign Service witness can now really help Democrats with their parade of festering insubordination due when duly pressed each should have an intelligent response to detail an understanding of different political currents from different political philosophies over year of Clintons, Gore, & Obama. There cannot have been one policy that fit all - still cannot possibly be.

Oddly, for me, in 1997 I believe, I happened to Cambridge, Massachusetts to the Kennedy School of Government for a public lecture in part due I wanted to finally meet Rep Gephardt in person and incidentally had 12 fully uniformed Ukrainian Generals walk & brush past me leaving their meeting in the front first floor conference room.

Rep Gephardt & I created some history in weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union in days Charles Koch’s son & George Stephanopoulus were his two equally ranked office assistants.  Out of concern for what messaging I was hearing from President Bush I sent letters to Rep. Gephardt in weeks just before Yeltsin’s August tank stand. Clinton later learned to sound like these letters with Stephanopoulus’ help & too it seemed my old neighbor father of friends Stanley Greenberg. It may be odd to hear I got a quick response though was not a constituent.

But that is only background yet though it develops on my early 1990s deep thinking and writing to how best for USA to become a sole superpower & by my giving and anchoring think to THE NEW WORLD ORDER to set it up as calling in America for a new urban agenda.  Yes and that is why when Clintons ran they so often mentioned my New Haven.  I also coincidentally had in years before lived on Block Island & to helped a B&B called THE WHITE HOUSE be established in the home of septagenarian friends Joe & Violette, and to which as also my summer boarding arrangement, while a rough & finish carpenter for contractors, in my summers from Villanova studies, I did many nights sleep under an autographed by Benito Mussolini photograph of himself as signed for Joseph V. Connolly Sr. then much running Hearst Corp, and too a photo of the WWII Liberty Ship named for JVC Sr. I believe sunk by a U-Boat returning bodies of fallen soldiers home.

But this is more just about Democrats and how I never felt of thought President Obama, and his minions and rivals Clintons were or did get Ukraine policies right.  Again Trump’s trump to Adam Schiff’s impeachment circus of festering insubordinates is to let people study & understand Clintons are new monarchists for totalitarian power, Obama more just a narcissistic Stalinist of thinking his personality enough for Socialism yet to work where it yet had failed before, and Al Gore & Global Warming alarmism of solutions tyranny really firstly a deplorable new Fascism primarily for Authoritarian power - and by strategies to addict masses anew to what Gores were selling.

I don’t remember having problems with President George W. Bush policies towards Ukraine but I also figure I may not have had time to consider them then while less heated.  I was in Bush years of Ukrainian thoughts more of one family tree of Ukrainian Jews related to a Ukrainian American and to if could hold my own with Russian Vodka if forward more familiar ever.

Some bullet points to process and discern upon re how Ukraine no ordinary problem:

* When Soviet Union collapsed I believe Moscow assumed all its former debts even over Ukrainians having been such a large part of USSR.

* Ukraine is analyzed as a nation of 3 separable regions like of equal geographic size yet of the Eastern 1/3 of being religiously historically of the Moscow Orthodox Christian faith, the middle of country as said mostly irreligious, and the western 1/3 as Greek Orthodox Christian historically.

* The was intelligent strategy in how V. Putin dealt with Georgian separatists and of the sorts Sigmund Freud to have lost sleep over.  Due the physical shape of Georgia it was never polite to speak of it but prophylactically as discarded application as a “separatist” state.  That playful of around Assetia or Ossetia worked to reset a phonetic and physical interpretation from a Rorschach easy A test image.

*Note: Secretary Clinton was too elementary making news stories around her wanted War on Women against the Taliban all those days she like tried to use Rorschach shapes of Kandahar Province & Helmand Province (that which much resembles Georgia - but while vertically represented).

*The idea Democrats worked to bring Ukraine into Western organizations and even the EU was a deplorable ingratiousness to Moscow after it assumed debts of the collapsed USSR.

* Note: While FLOTUS Mrs. Bill Clinton she was crusading Hillary Clinton on feminism and into turfs of even radicalized Muslims with dictates imperial of that they should treat their women as she said as an American.  Hillary Clinton feminism crusades and desire to exclamate it with a War on Women against the Taliban should have had chapters and real depth in the 911 Commission 911 reporting. It is simply true that Hillary Clinton as Secretary Clinton did incite and precipitate attacks against the homeland - against America.  It is also true that while she was abroad inciting Bill Clinton counter productively was vastly cutting too much from defense & intelligence, and establishing “walls of separation” at FBI between investigation & enforcement and for “Peace Dividends” before their time.

* President Putin moves on Ukraine & Crimea have to be thought through some as a response to Ukraine even thinking of wholly joining West while yet a nation more distinctly of 3 very different demographical communities. And, too of it plausible in such years Syria would go so down so South that it might become unreasonable & inconvenient to yet try to keep the Russian Naval base at least fully operative in Syrian sovereign territory. And, so it might have been prudent to create back up plans even however of with parts of Ukraine historically religiously of Moscow Orthodoxy its spiritual home.

* Al Gore so of solutions tyranny so simply a new Fascism must be separated from all this somehow as Ukraine future should be intelligent and soulful of its real heritage and of the problem much really being worked better by President Donald Trump Sr is of Ukraine firstly became one more failed Socialist State, like Syria, of somehow crossed an unknown line to being nationally too irreligious - nationally too little of people considering a universal right & wrong & a expectation of religions as firstly for self-governance.

* The Clintons have to be dissected due it is diabolical that it figures they are new MONARCHIST sought TOTALITARIAN POWER and used coy ploy chicanery of popularized POST CONSTITUTION while yet it so anti-Constitution it of textbook TREASON and any lawyer almost just need get indictment & then argue to court(s) hopefully below Supreme Court of that they are GUILTY by that actually our CONSTITUTION never did stop being the law of our land.

* Though an elemental problem of all of Obama Ukraine policies was of working promises of “sovereign state” forward to such a nation thought still had a nationalism that worked it is Trump is working it better and letting globally people realize themselves that somehow in many places a problem is of areas and peoples became too irreligious - to devoid of religions as first tools & needed disciplines of self-governance - a maintenance of a sense of right & wrong. Obama policies were wrong across the board yet in many ways yet of that he thought he, Barack Obama, narcissistic Stalinist, had enough personality for a personality based Presidency that would by his personality have Socialism where long failed in past yet work because of just his personality.

* Clintons did want Hillary to get a War on Women against the Taliban but not in years Bill was supposed to be loved as a Dove to set up she could be feared as a first female President different by being then staged as a Hawk.

* Ukraine problems are that across the populated higher ranks of Democrats there are rival factions that cannot be taken or managed in unison as if one collective correct at all.  We are just learning, especially from Amb. Masha Yovanovitch facial expression while answering of real concern about Hunter Biden dealings, how Ukraine is like the whole global turning point ground zero on where wrong in past may me how to build a copacetic intelligent forward.

* Ukraine should investigate and share even quips on how differently they had to manage around Clintons as by their said of Constitution to that left makes them MONARCHISTS for TOTALITARIAN POWER, and of Obama as narcissistic Stalinist for grand schemes thought to yet work just because of his personality while yet Clintons were of blackmailed, it seemed/seems, the first black President into a team of rivals of then his house so divided they like got to world and he left to be a domestic president firstly.  The amount of emoluments laundering through the Clintons’ foundation is so yuge it like for Posterity sets that Obama cannot claim foreign policy successes not firstly primarily to be yet Clintons’ successes of from how move monies around even as a global new Tammany Hall of a patronage scheme.

* For now let us ponder whom are now are experts and to get Ukraine didn’t belong in West at least until it made amends with Moscow at least for having assumed, as I recall, like all of the past debts of their old Union. - that V. Putin is maybe more right at least than Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and differently yet with each. - that Trump shouldn’t necessarily trust V. Putin but can’t ignore the Russian President is yet seeming intelligent of working the problem of areas of world of did somehow cross that unknown line to too irreligious.

           *     *     *     GOD BLESS AMERICA?     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:56 am


Beware the charm offensive of Joe Biden!

To Bernie Sanders old “Joe” can principally only be the establishment Democrat cast for “Bernie Got Robbed II”!

To Democrats generally a Joe Biden #Biden2020 must be embraced to as Donald Trump considered the underdog candidate!

Like expected soon so from Speaker “Nancy” these establishment Democrats must soon patronizingly to #AOC… - and with a martialing - be near “GET IN LINE!” - you all are so young and inexperienced of our grandchildrens age group.

Can Senator “#TheHands2020″ Delaware beaches beach hound “Joe” rev back his Corvettes pin-up core dominant behavioral?

Vice President Joe Biden can now forward only be “THE ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE”.

Like Speaker “Nancy” candidate “Joe” has “Hillary” problems likewise but otherwise: They have to posture as the authoritarians the keepers of the establishment and so posture as if “FRONT RUNNER” - even to that also patronizingly treat Donald Trump as if an underdog Republican candidate.

Election 2020 is really much ado about President Barack Obama and the most pertinent of guidance in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech erudite orated performance.

So now we know despot “Nancy” and establishment “Joe” at least have a conundrum a historical and political pickle.

The mantra must be still dogmatic for these authoritarians the establishment elders of their party - regardless of truthfulness they must martial anew at “we are right - they are wrong”.

Speaker “Nancy” must not embrace President Trump but must continue still to embrace Vice President Joe Biden.

President Barack Obama’s erudite guidance so whence was wisely of “dangers” from “inaction” and “avoidance”.

We can’t now expect candidate “Joe” to apologize for where “Hillary” still won’t come clean.

We can’t now expect Speaker “Nancy” to surrender establishment elder duty to posture still nationally as if still a Bolshevik and of the authoritarians.

President Obama recently opined of his party organizing as of in a “circular firing squad.”

President Obama erudite raised was non-partisan shade cast upon 1993 to 2001 at least of decidings by the Clinton power couple.

But alas we must see how they play it - play along.

Speaker “Nancy” is of a madness still of Democrats years at solutions tyranny while now needing to posture as if the establishment - an of “we are right - they are wrong” and still to while sans even a slight - say even 1% - admission of past fault - wrongfulness.

Consider - that is - and of a for example - their “Green New Deal” puzzler as a mine field for Democrats partisans.

President Obama GREEN AGENDA is known as of he was much forced into it by elders Al Gore and Clintons even though such at such time had become a near 10 years old plan really made out-dated when of Yale finished global counting of number of trees world wide and realized there are near 8 times the number than assumed/expected - scientifically allowed for.

Quiet be the authoritarians - can they actually still be Bolsheviks - and President Trump thus a minority candidate and the underdog?

If yet these Democrats do not nationally represent a majority of communities mustn’t it be they now are in the minority - them not Bolsheviks? - by definition?

“Joe” now must too be an authoritarian of his party did no wrong - isn’t even 1% at fault!

We’ve seen this specific type of madness now years past in Speaker “Nancy” while needing likewise to be despotic.

Old Bernie Sanders yet has a comfort zone as an independent voice a Democrat yet otherwise independently looking to be a voice for victims.

To Bernie Sanders Donald Trump as President must not be seen as an underdog but rather truthfully dramatized as if truth can be that “Trump” and Republicans are great and powerful bad oppressors.

President Trump is still of Tea Party originalism reset and Republican Movement progressed as of the party of liberators busily trying to re-secure the national to a pathology of freedom.

President Obama with his Nobel remarked prudence and more recent admission his party as organized is much already commenced as a working “circular firing squad” even with live practice rounds heaved with not a soul in between - in the middle.

President Trump has modern Republicans re-established on his side due in history he and his times have him most like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson with construction of our great constitution and their secured People’d method for ratification as the Peoples’ “Order” an order a constitution ordained and established by conventions of the peoples - not by signed off on by state legislatures.

The madness of despotic “Nancy” is similar but too quite different from similar psychopathy of Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” as “Hillary” though too had left she had to be despotic it for her that as intimate to mistakes of 1993 to 2001 she had for President Obama  - and nation - that truth was not an option for her State Department and policy due as a spouse she is not to incriminate her spouse and so had to work away from truths relating to how much was and is the fault of Bill Clinton and his 90s American abandonment of Iraqi and Afghani previously enough engaged with by Americans to that there were expectations for further engagements not being met - truth not an option for the Clintons’ eight years - those shaded by President Obama erudite - of inaction and avoidance - and to dangerous raised.

Establishment “Joe” must not convict his own party en masse?

Establishment “Joe” must to be to being a despot - ruling as if not representative of any souls - but to as being offensive as legally defensive and to protecting Clintons firstly by carrying the old postured still of cover-ups as if of Democrat establishment did not even a 1% of problems’ wrong - that too of “Hillary” as posture of if Bill Clinton was so innocent he was perfect.

This is all of the madness of despotic of “Nancy”!

But Democrats of her madness, soon - if reports true - is madness also to be necessary and inescapable of candidate ”Joe” there are already serious cracks in “Barack’s” old “new foundation.” - Establishment “Joe” must ignore what candidate “Joe” naturally cannot:

President Obama has already turned on his sworn rivals now past his “team of rivals” and is - maybe in self-preservation modal - to having outed Clintons at least so far as NOT as perfect as long postured, and, as also from protected with 2016 machinations of “Bernie Got Robbed I.”

It is a non-partisan conundrum that forward in election 2020 needs resolution in feminism of the political and historical reality of that Mrs. Clinton “Hillary” has truth as not an option due she’ld incriminate the years 1993 to 2001 - for starters - and specifically at least the inner circle - of FOB - of Bill Clinton admin days.

Candidate “Joe” must at least inherit this madness some for even if to now “Honest Joe” as also turning truths out of real Clintons his loyalty to President Obama will catch him like a real “Catch 22″ - of madness real.

You must engage - for sanity in election 2020 - to realize this - however free assorted via link http://UNBECOMING.US may help - for still once party admits beyond Obama’s “circular” opine a that Democrats - some - at least 1% at fault there is real legal jeopardy in thinking still Bolsheviks while actually minority by status and practically at risk of confessed to even textbook treason and gross negligence.

Dear old “Joe”:  DON’T DO IT!  ???

Old “Joe” please don’t voluntarily agree to assume the madness of Speaker “Nancy” of being so authoritarian to be a despot and madly at governing only to protect lies for benefit of a liberal elite too crooked to even be able to begin a bipartisanship restoration with a tabling of with a necessary practicable humility of actually able to admit they at least just of 1% fault.

Old “Joe” you should firstly be loyal to “Barack” due he liberated you from subjugated under his sworn rivals the Clintons?

Old “Joe” these rivals cannot survive Democrats already circular in how firing attacks at each other as once intelligent answers to how Clinton Dems differ from Obama Dems the party will in essence be to itself to publicly convicting Clintons at least of textbook treason and gross negligence.

Old “Joe” can you even resolve the as a feminism pickle how “Hillary” still has truth as not an option for it would incriminate at least her spouse of the 1990s - the Clintons’ administration?

Old “Joe” can you even fairly now even openly discuss the Clintons of their established “white pride” of also materially evident with their Emoluments Clause violations - enough emoluments abuse to have voided any immunity from prosecution - of how that Southern Bill Clinton needed to bill out with charity racket - even seems extortion - to be able to be globally measured as if actually worth/valued more per hour than our first black President as valued “per year”?

How the Clintons do value themselves is beyond inflated - it is purely more criminal - contrary to spirit of Constitution and Emoluments Clause - “no titles” especially - as by that of their “post Constitution” ploys it intelligently adds up to essentially the Peoples’ protections from tyranny are nullified and them clearly to unconstitutional powers more akin autocrats - totalitarians - new monarchists.

Old “Joe” is it of “Nancy” so a despot or does “Barack” have people? - or does “Barack” even have a sense of representation? - is it he too persists like of a despotic as more a despot due denies there is a real constitution?

President Donald Trump cannot truthfully be the underdog of election 2020 - he is established with a majority of communities as like of modern Republicans as new like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson of it is the Peoples’ “Order” as still ordained and established as our constitution and for it stands by principally ratified by conventions of peoples - not the then establishment legislatures leaning already towards despotic wants?

Remember the madness too now of seems all along that “Barack” and “Joe” green agenda science was used Gore’s over 10 years old strategies and of solutions tyranny while now known earth - our globe - has near 8 times the number of carbon filtering trees as thought/known/accounted for.

Can you - “Joe” - answer engagingly on architecture - even for #AOC #GreenNewDeal peeps - against #NYCMayor Bill de Blasio - he who ran #SenClinton campaign - of skyscrapers - to #AOC young set - is precursor architecture for near future facility for flying cars cosmopolitan main lined? And of madness of Clintons’ library as inartfully gray to like a Confederate d^*k by design?


Old “Joe”?

What you - we - read next will only confirm Democrats are now already organized as in a circular firing dynamic President Obama confessed to!

The madness of “Nancy” (Speaker Pelosi) is likewise politically terminal to her reputation and career and better quarantined by ”Barack” and “Joe” with them of best politics fall back position now as to continue to offer testimonies against the Clintons - those Clinton Dems short of being honestly Obama Dems?

          *     *     *     #realJoeBiden?     *     *     *

NOTE: My experience and witnessed have me knowing long Hillary Clinton represented a threat to national security by became to those in the know - even intelligent enemies -as too predictable by truth was not an option and her only options needed Bill Clinton postured as if perfect - 100% innocent - not even 1% wrong!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:27 pm

The risky business ahead for an intellectual honesty in the new year 2019 is of battles looming against zones of ignorance.

This has been an endearing and enduring work of modern Republicans and a Republican movement since days New Yorker Donald Trump was a Clinton Democrat.

Though there are likely pockets of intellectualism in these zones of ignorance - of most political maps of 2018 as recorded blue - it is alarming the Antonin Scalia chair at Harvard isn’t bronze and worn bright.

The battles ahead go further and deeper than yet the second Tea Party tabled - of prudent stand for common sense and it a core in originalism.

The risky business may not be so much an if or when Puritanism as a Liberal renaissance.  A basic discourse is more primarily calling out these times forward firstly to eyes open anew and free minds conscious of at founding the constitution didn’t need to be a “living document” because scripture was still and now then of it with a first English copy/translation.

No, the risky business is the convergence of the Republican movement with Donald Trump as seems now established of he an also a modern Republican and cleared of still too much a “Clinton Democrat.”

The Liberal nightmare is not least of both are risking trouble by actually offering freedom - constituted freedoms basically cored of ‘rights from Creator’.

Apparently uniformly across the nation and as common to blue areas as zones of ignorance of our constitution freedom isn’t the risked - but is the feared and opposed.  And education of that each’s rights firstly basically figure before the redundancy of the “Bill of Rights” as of each soul has the right to defend against any violate of the “Ten Commandments” against them is to Liberals like blaspheme to Liberalism, and especially as amendments secure such “American” as rights also particularly applies against any governing/government that violates the “Ten Commandments” tenets of Lord’s Law each of freedom with.

There is already a lot of “blue noise” controposing to risked for original freedoms.

Of King James as establishment of an English edition “NEW” still of revolutionary days there is the constitution needn’t be a “living document” for it needeth principally be for fixed due process and civil procedures for when Lord’s Law broke down - where/when breaking down.

The Bible “nonsense” equals old “liberalism” - not immoral lies - especially not lies for political profits.  Practice Christianity comports with a suffice to “nonsense”.

The convergence of Donald Trump and enduring Republican movement is in history much akin to 1800 and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison worked efforts to keep the Union as ordered by the Peoples’ “Order” and as ratified by state conventions of their peoples - as not as ratified by legislators.  Freedom is the first order of Republicans.

That now the work of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren is risky for pockets in most of the blue areas zones of ignorance due they are incidentally being circular and to yet laser tag’n their own with crossfire.

Elizabeth Warren is the leading source of “blue noise”!

Democrats generally should be embarrassed for Elizabeth Warren due her Harvard tenure.

Her “blue noise” may be the politically tanged “death” tone of her incidentally tag’n Clintons and Obama with her proffered expertise academic record.

We will return to Professor Warren as like was Harvard’s expert of that “Clintonomics” and Clintons did more - much more - to cause housing collapse than George Bush.

President Trump doesn’t need to change to counter candidate Warren ideology or any Democrat still standing after natural course of her “blue noise” diatribes register.

President Trump is businessman “Trump” in so much as working politics for economic growth forward remains cornerstoned in art of management style of like locals should think locally - not try to do Trump’s global thinking for him - and so operate in self interest they do their managing as if even were a Trump franchise of best to do jobs so well that say New York needn’t ”manage”  - micromanage as if a distant lording yet needed as a babysitter/nanny.

Senator Warren’s “blue noise” is otherwise for a “Nanny State” and in keeping with Nancy Pelosi disregard for her oaths of office of her style as to try to operate the House as firstly a “Tear Factory” with parades of appeals to emotions in the idea of 70% taxation can thus be justified by rendered unto here before innocent citizens  as yet a prejudiced forward to presumed guilty mere subjects who need lording over “Nanny State”.

We may not have time here to brave broaching Nancy Pelosi as conclusively historically, but not yet litigated, bad political actor long derelict in past duties - at least of “Emoluments Clause” - per laws of Robert Mueller’s focus and yet as per so ignored regards Clintons’ violations it seems there now no “equal justice” and an air of that such laws only apply to Republican.

For now Mitt Romney, junior Senator for Utah, is an outlier and unknown per 2019 convergence.  Senator Romney still should be embarrassed of how lost to President Obama by his saying near “I will repeal and replace Obamacare with Romneycare” simply checked/countered in last month of race with Democrats retort near “Obamacare is a Romneycare!”.

But the risky business of 2019 as a year of convergence rests more in it as anti-Democratic Party working yet rooting of a President Trump working the Republican movement tilled for the budding seeded collaborative think to America deserves to feel and breath again the robust pathology of freedom of it has been the living in our freedoms behind our history established as a nation of peoples’ willing to voluntarily cosign to fighting and winning others’ wars.

Personally the Mitt Romney race wrap up was said embarrassing and so of that I so thought he had to see it such that my position taken was confident and/or prudent - to let it run of thinking if he didn’t see it he wasn’t ready or qualified to be President Romney. Today’s work is not on this an outlier to the risky business of the 2019 convergence looming.

Republicans trump Democrats with most issues tabled for 2019 politics.

For example:  For Republicans to further improve relations with Muslim peoples there must be a docketed and tabled full discussion on the “911 Report” as some a sham.  Democrats can be as beaten by this as by candidate Warren candidacy to ask for a judgement on her expertise as inconvenient to Clintons and Obama with truths on how Democrats more than Republicans actually caused the yuge problems Democrats worked lies on towards only Republicans got blamed.

The “911 Commission” “911 Report” as some a sham shall maybe be more damming to Nancy Pelosi as Republicans must work to expose sham of not looking back more than ten years and avoiding probative to 1993 to 2001 of Clintons’ feminism crusades and “American Abandonment” of at least two relevant historicals fodder to intellectually honest study of Clintons’ admin precipitated and incited attacks/response.

In the blue areas zones of ignorance it likely will b risky business to ask to participate in nation renewal to original pathology of freedom - to even hope to also. - Feel so free as to be willing to fight voluntarily for others to also win freedom.

E. Warren diatribes, however self defeating Democratic blue noise, are due retorts but sans engagement.

E. Warren is maybe, second only to if there “Speaker Pelosi” again, the greatest threat to Democratic enduring - any freedom on any campus.

The E. Warren communal blue noise is married to Nancy Pelosi political operations to justify a “Nanny State” of the House to be her “Tear Factory” to 70% taxation secured and citizens suppressed by taxation a prejudiced of subjects firstly presumed guilty. - Need’n “Nanny”!

Again, the convergence is risky business with attempts to counter Democratic as if only for tyrannical rule by distant entrenched elites - a Leftist ruling class.

Modern Republicans now know, it seems, that President Trump is tru’ to Republican movement and grown reformed from days a Clinton Democrat.

President Trump is taking the lead of 2019 a convergence year and to that ad hominem retorts energy against candidate E. Warren can be spared - of time not wasted?

President Trump is a natural leader to second Tea Party sentimental common sense prudence in that he is an old salt stuck in management ways of expecting even distant “TRUMP” destinations to be operated as independently and locally as possible (autonomously?) to that rule from afar to micromanagement disassociated by physical distance is yet minimized - not maximized as otherwise to justify a “Nanny State”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi was long derelict per laws Special Prosecutor Mueller pressing versus Republicans in all her years of duty yet per such regards the Clintons’ violations of the “Emoluments Clause” and especially the spirit of “none shall be titled”.

No really!  Speaker Pelosi is antagonist #1, it seems, against Republicans to further improving relations with Muslim peoples with intellectual honesty freshly put to tabling how (her?) “911 Report” was some sham.

Oy!  Candidate E. Warren really!  Though Clintons have long - with each utterance of “post Constitution” posit - been publicly confessing to textbook treason it is likely risky business in blue areas to challenge “blue noise” of zones of ignorance.

Oy!  Candidate El Warren really!  Though it public knowledge Clintons tried to open Clintons’ global initiatives in suites nearest then Penthouse still available high above the “THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM” in Carnegie Hall Tower it is simply elementary academics that besides Bill Clinton asked big banks to comp he rent near $1 Million per year as THANKS for derivatives gambling push we have that Professor Elizabeth Warren Harvard tenure was as an expert more fully broadened on how it wasn’t George Bush’s or Republicans’ fault for it mostly concludes as naturally of slick violations of constitution for personal gain by Clintons - fundamentally - fit’n “Slick Willy” reputation - particularly causal.

It now may be too risky to be of intellectual honesty and to politically mature on campuses now more communes.

Please though try to be brave however such risky business to also able to feel the pathology of freedom.

My ask is complicated and maybe still yet leading.

The Clintons won in 1992 after unscheduled late entry much by learned to sound like me and my worked to an urban agenda focused of New Haven as way to put meat on the bones of “New World Order” - of my philosophizing long regards how America to adjust if became a sole superpower.

The Clintons disappointed by 1994 and as well before Monica Lewinski affair broken news by those also involved in the 1992 making of Clintons electable despite 1988 “never ending speech” convention moment of that which more truly the real Bill “Slick Willy” Clinton.  Study, please, coincident of people pressed them electable turned in disappointment whence with “MONICA” story from feeling President Clinton wasn’t attending to work elected for as regards Iraq and Al Qaeda and so then yet found in lieu of elected responsibility to been doing intern(s)!

To not ignore the inconvenient scandal per regards “Mr. Science” Al Gore let us post & promote questions not as deniers while anchored for pathology of freedom and representative “by the people” “for the people” renaissance with minds open to that cuts in solutions tyranny can be said “man made problems” by that European Union and also rushed United States of Americas “Green Agenda” cuts did flip greenhouse effect to Asian centric from decades as Atlantic centric and to that laws forward should be pressed of personal liability jeopardy just upon at least Al Gore for conduct unbecoming a former Vice President as engaged in a solutions tyranny that didn’t account for that cuts could and did some cause enough shift in Atlantic thermals to that he and others may have cause New York devastation by Super Storm Sandy.  Republicans trump Democrats on solutions side and if take evolving laws to practice on issues of dangers and liability of Democrats wrongful at trying to play GOD with weather.

To wrap this warning of risky business to also try to participate in 2019 looming convergence:

Yes, I too am philosopher basis for “Harry Potter” “Hogwarts” “The Philosopher’s Stone” (long story) and of that such mused and long supported with new energies found and developed for next books yuge success is particularly yet of my motive as towards protecting a next generation from those I already knew as crooked Clintons.  So much of thought good stuff from Democrats actually only extant from that I worked out a counter culture dominant parallel.

Yes I want to engage readers in the philosophical versus “blue noise” with intellectual honesty and broad scope.  “The Philosopher’s Stone” roots are in I/we could cloak my involvement and motives by shifting thoughts of my vehicle used to back to FORD F250 4X4 an as if I a Philosopher a driver of truck from Stoneham Motors in Massachusetts.  The cloak worked so well my family didn’t know it was so much from me - even as was for them - until after the last book and then later for they resisted believing it could have been of I fooled them and hid such much with such cloak and a legal professionalism of kept thoughts with JK Rowling of as if I was just a contractor and she a door supplier I connected with if client prospective for new doors or door rehabs.

While motive wasn’t material content it yet was philosophical towards stories to get readers to expect better than Clintons and to out think how underestimated and patronized by the Clintons’ premeditated machinations and selfish ambitions for Power more than purpose.

It is also true, but maybe less necessary work with convergence concurrent to Democratic self destruction, to diss of with Nancy Pelosi on trial for if just to be back to high office “Speaker Pelosi” while she long a derelict from duty to probe Clintons on emoluments, and, with of Candidate Elizabeth Warren whose scholarly expertise must now be questioned to value her even while it is textbook such to convict President Obama as of illegal cover ups of that Clintons and “Clintonomics” ruined banks and housing and of the “911 Report” a sham still protecting at least Clintons from tag’d of GROSS NEGLIGENCE!

This risky business is everyone’s forward - however more now in a commune in a “zone of ignorance”!

Democrats are piling on to unstable from Clintons and Obama worked long publicly & publicly confessed to textbook treason.  Now it is a wonder how party to violations Nancy Pelosi yet recently postured her Democrats will obey their oaths of offices to obey and defend the actual Constitution.

It simply actually fits simple surface and deeper intelligent pursuits for knowing realities that I am of such shared also did now long ago ask CNBC to have one of their broadcast near a stating “a new Tea Party may be needed” and did offer guidance to Washington Republicans to become a PARTY OF NO so clear lines would present of GOP originalism versus Dems wing’n it.

         *       *       *       FREEDOM’S SONG?       *       *       *

PS: Of course this also relates to how President Trump can honestly answer when asked about “THE APPRENTICE” of that such idea stemmed also from my connection and querious of if I would ask for a deal with a side to deal of also then to apprentice his builder side.  Such is also synchronistic to “Harry Potter” as my media ambitions and lead was idea was fit’n to concerns on how and where to offer guidance for readers through the books and to that I wouldn’t as it muse become party to them of an expectation that a job was owed them by their government.  My side is I was too busy then voluntarily helping President George W. Bush from across town in DC with post 9/11 attacks politics to handle how Donald Trump liked idea more than I could be party to as priorities had to govern.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:14 am

This summer of 2018 of EAST meets WEST fanaticism is cored to Christian values faced off to YING and YANG.

As pacified the old “ON THE BEACH” alarmist literature reduces currently yet to islands postured “CHINESE.”  Though war now is less likely and peace mashable warring may still be necessary navally.

Titular heads of states new parity abides Washington’s usage of “among the vicissitudes incident to life” concurrently.  Though cored in primary “Order” our documented constituting freedoms as from our CREATOR beget comity with EAST as the balance of GOOD & EVIL isn’t always LIFE & DEATH for where there is RIGHT a balancing WRONG can be ten people J-walked and two others “Litter Bugs.”

Americans have polity with the pledged of allegiance to the flag as for the republic for equal justice of innocent until proven guilty.

What is of the soul of a NORTH meets SOUTH - an above the belt and an of below the belt diplomatically pares to universal of the pledged by ways to copacetic so illustratable by discourse to that SHARIAH - Sharia Law - must be unconstitutional in these united states of the Americas due the pledged allegiance is to due process and civil procedures anchored of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Likewise the laws of originalism as compassionate originalism are by plain meaning particularly simply read to that founders’ work was NOT in blasphemy and so NONE is of a separation - a separation right from supposed to care for all of CREATOR’S creatures and created stuff.

Likewise the established compassion synchronizes to a healthcare as a right is settled by founding as ordained and ratified as done by consideration of healthcare seems an oldest of the establishments of religions.

Therefore likewise the Federal government is to make no laws respecting - to change from spectacle of faiths gestalt and Lord’s Laws as caring for souls and vicissitudes remains the purview of like that of what belongs to our Lord - of “in the eyes of our Lord” the jurisdiction proper.

An equitable resolved to parry the NORTH to the SOUTH of Seoul tables for diplomacy, however, around Washington’s inaugural wisdom of evoked hearts and minds with his opening of our nation as akin on the beach normity by commenced whence as with his “among the vicissitudes incident to life.”

A mashable “ONE KOREA” likewise is less complicated of LIGHT & DARK as again a balancing to JOY and HOPE can be pedestrian and global yet as of too many J-walked and littered.

Let us not over complicate world peace by devalue CHINA of claiming islands can be a real precursor to real war though may be more peaceable by facility to more CHINESE less homogeneous and on the beach COSMOPOLITAN.

President Donald Trump business experience as an operator of destinations suits him well of this “on the beach” and “world peace” analogous.  Other operators too may fathom a reason chain of a new CHINA - too can be of awakening through at home diversification by creating and building out/up new safe spaces for metrosexual communities up from nothing to international - as to like it may be easier than like remaking historical CHINA through forced busing.

The scope and joy and potential for hope is universally better secured with originalism plain meaning kept to our separation of church and state I vertically moral and internationally acceptable by that the FIRST AMENDMENT reinforces the body of the peoples’ “Order” as a fixed done “more perfect Union” by that the federal government is set as also under universal morality - also under religiousness as firstly tools and disciplines of self-governance - also so therefore UNDER our Lord as subscribed and ratified.

The presumption of innocence works to this current on the beach to natural reflexology is fastest and truer by peoples firstly in self governance at least by international morals for vicissitudes - lows and peaked.

The break through for NORTH and SOUTH to “ONE KOREA” souls anew may be much due Trump as a president with experience in keeping a peace but too may be of in the breadth of broader scope too as of discovering originalism and tat by the pledge of allegiance Muslims render SHARIAH as inappropriate in these states of bounty by that sworn is to due process and civil procedures of government is established NOT to replace our LORD but to buffer communities for when Lord’s Laws some to much set asunder.

Likewise it is an important figure to mash and measurably fathom that compassion is in our founding by the healthcare as a right didn’t need recent winds and torrents of disruption for as an oldest of the establishments of religion it is fixed as set by real federalism to that healthcare as of religiousness is prudent of morals and laws for keeping a peace among souls is NOT a federal power but of the common sense for self-governance of as an oldest establishment of religions it is too also best primarily secured to left to good economics as by resolved set of principally about neighbors caring for neighbors in own ‘hood - neighborhoods.

However now politically postured for peace of on the beach with tides of JOY our work of HOPE our cores of areas remain as for inaugural of vicissitudes of preparedness for what is of (in PUBLIC & CYBER) of above the belt and below the belt.

Our nation was founded in prophylactic humor generally by retired General George Washington as “repaired from retired” to now a first President of the former colonies to yet a more stately concern over vicissitudes (UPS & DOWNS) and pertinent “impregnable fortitude” as like a Martha & His personal directive/joke for comity with comedic reference to real concerns of a budding nation to prescribed preset by orated “FIRST INAUGURAL” as coyly suggestive to prudence in ‘WASHING’ AND ‘REUSING’ skins/condoms of their times, - an also of the “repaired from retired” leadership of change in status to FIRST PRESIDENT from retired and to from His and Martha’s concern of begetting too many children in retirement.


Of what I spin with these lines a hook remains compassionate if stay within originalism of the constituted peoples’ “Order” that formed our confederate republic.

As a POET PUNDIT on the beach this summer of two thousand ten and Eight I will travel in time whence I fish and row about for decades ago I found the other side of Washington’s Potomac as a fisherman recreationally new to the capital city area as a new resident of Washington DC near Eastern Market at 133 7th Street SE & Independence Ave.

Though my father and son story is of my fishing from my grandfather’s passion I did overcome childish regret when family vacation introduced us to Mount Vernon.

Yes it is TRUMPISH of his business experiences as an operator of destinations yet historically my story overlays and even with of Washington metaphor in comedy carries of “Mount Vernon” equates of ”vicissitudes” to parry for comity from polity to parity of lightened from “mounting” of “green” souls vigilance.

R.I.P. Charles Krauthammer!  Our orbits have shared space time relativity even of though as a child I couldn’t get family on vacation to “explore” across the Potomac River from FIRST PRESIDENT’S home.  Yes decades ago now I did in my early 30s take up day trips from DC for catfishing in Maryland just there abouts specifically across from Mount Vernon in Virginia.

However you, my readers, to “I RAN” and “I ROCK” yourselves this summer, where ever, PLEASE do keep your pledge!

We have a prudence with Einstein too of relativity with E=MCsquared as Albert spirited a common sense too of vicissitudes incident as really as a fist may travel and impact is it the mass of the fist at constant of speeds or is it just the energy of the fist to be vigilant as regards?  It is simply relative that a body of a fist at impact is of it equal whether it is the energy or the mass at speed.

      *       *       *       ALL SOULS SUMMER?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

To get what they want they are willing to give up what?  Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!

Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.

The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.

It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.

Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.

It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)

This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.

To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.

This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.

This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!

NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign.  Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.

Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control

Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.

Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!

Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.

Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?

Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?



To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!

Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?


The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun!  Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?

     *    *    *     IT IS THE AGE OF MEA CULPA?    *    *    *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

In a space-time not suffered as if in a Hawking black hole students marching must be prudent & of resolve.

As the hyper-networked of our universe & beyond is wired to its originalism as connected as synaptical of the brains of our Creator’s crediting the future of our work must consider manners and personal hygiene; as it is as it has always been to created humans:

What the world needs now is TRUMP SOAP - TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE?

Our American stateliness endures by blood, sweat, tears, consummated irregularly.

Our American leading must be of ORIGINALISM reset due jeopardy of #FOB52 reigning of DEMOCRATS have done it to themselves to NO WAY OUT left as IGNORANCE of the LAW - our CONSTITUTION - is NOT a defense.

You can THINK and presume to be but will you have been duly considerate & to actually reasoned beyond doubt to a solid believing to how chartable the scandals are even in a numerology of a Cartesian coordinated graphically amassed?

As the hope of our shared future amass to sweat gun control and their rights as if still individual rights indivisible, as like of 14th Amendment such is of our separation as vertical and our Federal governance, as equally set “under” “our Lord”, it is forward essential of structural objectivism ensconced in our regularity by due process of civil procedures that each is resolved as constituted to that we of the Washington Capitol Hill creatures are of meaning from government of laws.

Vice President Joseph Biden enticing President Donald Trump to social media TWITTER engagement is now as per SOAP as if clumsy & incarcerated of having DROPPED THE SOAP while a larger of #LawAndOrder standing up to railroad - drill - newly even President Barack Obama administration problematic back from government of man/whimsy/executive decrees.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for anything goes as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

For the purposes of TRUMP SOAP ON A ROPE metaphorical let us forward not assuage “ECUMENICAL” as a term uniquely CHRISTIAN or own by and CHRISTIANS - crusading Catholics nor Evangelicals - and let it assert a spirit of togetherness by #MoralsTrumpHate of being akin to that prayer beads can connect as well as FACEBOOK.

I have postured that President Trump first year big question of IF HE DESERVED TO CARRY ON ON THE SUCCESS OF REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT OF TEA PARTY & A NEW GOP and to that this year as a second year should amount in our journal of IF HIS MOTHER RAISED HIM RIGHT - IF HE WAS/IS RAISED TO BE A GENTLE GIANT.

Again: Vice President Biden is quite self-exposed as regular order by Peoples’ Order our how constituted a Union is of jeopardy for any poser of as if IGNORANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION could yet be a DEFENSE to TREASON - even GROSS NEGLIGENCE by an administration in duty to LAW AND ORDER.

Favoring #NewGOP #TeaParty risen #TRUMP is the science of grammar & literateness as our Peoples’ “Order” is far less the living document of the work of the Founding Fathers is/was not #BLASPHEME as the founding consent was of “Order” in preamble to the constituting ordained & established body as usage as a #YUGE NOUN:

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you should be guided and have been so far reared institutionally actually from the wrongful “interpretation” of the CONSTITUTION as common across the Democratic Party entrenched Capitol Hill (Jenkin’s Hill per history) and of purity of originalism of respecting the spectacles of faith and to our Federal Government no less “under God” than yourself.

I trust (naively) that #StudentsStandUp #StudentsDemandAction of #MarchForOurLives are of parents (legal guardians), teachers, administrators and faith leaders of not encouraging irresponsibility and too idealistic mindsets to decending upon nation’s capital as if “more perfect Union” just a loophole for ANYTHING GOES - ANYTHING WE CLAIM “MORE PERFECT” GOES - as has been the failed and irregular misinterpreted of Peoples’ Order.

Students to be regular citizens of these united states of the Americas you must arrive & march clearer of mind and body than how Vice President Biden must clean up his “mis-interpretation” akin that President Obama actually oddly left the White House - even as a first former #ConLawProf - of still mis-reads CONSTITUTION.

Students it is that there is real JEOPARDY surrounding even especially Vice President Biden due specifically it its most errant and wrongful per science of grammar and literateness to ever, like he/his, proposed the work of the Founding Fathers can be of them of work at BLASPHEMY./

Students to be regular of these united states of the Americas one must read - read “Order” of preamble particularly - of constituting document less a living document than scriptures - of then still new was King James Bible “new edition” - and to that the science of the preamble as legend and key to the proper reading of the body is of “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/… do ordain/&/establish/… done/… subscribed/… in/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Again:  Back to basics:  As simple to be as TRUMP SOAP:

Of the BIBLE: Can/do you fathom “the meek shall inherit” of meek can be too “GENTLE GIANTS” as it imports to believers for believer that GRACE - of GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY at least for - subscribed as ordained and established done with separation vertical of government also equally under Lord’s Laws is to be regular as postured for civility of JOY, HOPE, GOOD NEWS, becometh from being of humility and humble (meek) before the Lord - of vulnerable (meek) by being resolved to wait upon the Lord - to wait for the sense of RIGHT - as to be steeled from WRONG/EVIL?

NOTE: #SPORTSMANSHIP > > Catholic former Vice President Joseph Biden does have of his BIBLICAL feminism guidance of BIBLE at UNMARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THE LORD, &, MARRIED MEN SHOULD LIVE FOR THEIR WIVES of his better HALF doth have a degree from VILLANOVA.

NOTE: #SPORT > > It can be a still to be developed and understood BIDENISM of how ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is generic yet of Founding Fathers FEMINISTS OF THE FIRST ORDER of thinking & practicing of women are morally superior TO it may figure that MEN as ROMANTICS religious are supposed yet to believe their WIVES are born superior to other WOMEN.

NOTE:  #PHILOSOPHY > > I can posture one good thought for on Rene Descartes - “I THINK THEREFORE I AM” philosopher - Catholic Philosopher who wrote from where our Pilgrims departed as also of the times near upon that the governance deeds of Oliver Cromwell - by I am willing to respect CARTESIAN COORDINATES - CARTESIAN gestalt - due graphically it amassed in his mind then of a space-time relativity of that a four posted bed embodies the cubical of the universalism of that there can be discussed a civility in the X,Y,Z, each represented logically even of the existential & metaphysical meted through by the late Stephen Hawking.

            *       *       *        #ORIGINALISM       *        *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:44 am

We cannot long still deny Hillary Clinton is in a pickle - Bill & Hillary may be stuck akin in the same pickle barrel.

These times oddly of James Comey not of trying souls when reasonable souls saw due course affirm a failed copacetic had become, among Democrats, a new normal more convenient.

Aren’t we, mustn’t we, consider how such times may have been apparent to foreign leaders too much in the know as Vladimir Putin, for example, may have felt pinched and of no legal recourse against the Democratic Party corruption short otherwise of asking the International Criminal Court to open charges against ranks of American leadership, Democratic, as too corrupt Socialist.

We are not faced with Mitt Romney, as President, a one victim of the Peter Principle limitations for as to if a Utah Senator their is ample evidence to offer hope that he too yet can serve as a good Mormon.

We have particularly concerning the old Director Comey ad lib’d to evidence is of a Russians’ leader’s dilemma - as specifically parsing parameters for Justice - that James Comey FBI that couldn’t find “intent” of ”Crooked Hillary” amounts considerably as to have been in over their heads to find Vladimir Putin, if of improper collusion, of criminal or crooked intent.

What recourse for justice was then available to any foreign agent of foreign moral agency where a justice department of these united states of the Americas was so “Godfathered” to ascendency overwatch by Bill Clinton keeping offices as the unelected President of the World with strings attached to so so many he and Hillary doth did so appoint?

The “Putin Dilemma” is illustratable of a Harvard complictry of the “intent” sans rising to Director & Justice assuaged.

The “Putin Dilemma” is like of Russell Crowe and a trunk full of millions in cash, per Hollywood metaphors.

The “Putin Dilemma” is also a sad feminism Harvard future case study as “intent” arises to Elizabeth Warren’s old Ivy League area of expertise to of she though much muted to silent when of the peoples’ business she yet remained an expert of that the housing collapse & banking problems were actually much caused by Clintons, and, as historically significant for future scholars to easily now better than Senator Warren of also relevant to that it can be studied of yet bad times of ”TRUMP” business days at least coincide with months and years Democrats economics did actually undermine predictable and fair economics by government meddling imprudent for democratic economics of times.

It is, it truly is, as if now we are yet of a flood of Bidenisms and yet oddly none just from ”Joe” Biden.

To be just on Justice compromised and of by Clintons’ ‘Justice’ a charlatan there is the Biden miss?

Joe Biden coulda have been President by if stood up for Originalism & Constitutional Governance he could have called his Congress pals to impeach the first black President for in-American intent. Oy?

“Leave it to Joe!” was a big fail for beyond “inside the beltway” wasn’t it established of Bill & Hillary personal intent that their own union was conceived & consummated on the ambition for Power to be “the most powerful lawyers to ever graduate Yale Law School” and to be likewise bent for Power as the first husband & wife to each have a named own Presidency?

Consider poor Vladimir Putin of “Joe” Biden & Director Comey somehow missing the gross corruption or organized contrary politics of the Bill & Hillary “intent” as enough near “ABSOLUTE POWER” to have the intent condemn a mass for crimes different from those Vice President could have risen to President by prosecuting against Barack H. Obama.”

Our “Joe” Biden coulda been a hero - he coulda contended for Justice against the said “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery of the said “first black President” as “Bill Clinton” (oddly if you look objectively at Southern white male core) and the blatant disregard for the Constitutional oath of office of the first half black President one yet more a first black President than William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

Where oh where was, and is, our “Joe” Biden on the oh so so contrary of Senator Elizabeth Warren as one while so supposed to be of the peoples’ of Massachusetts work while yet the expert too silent as the (former) Harvard expert on how the Clintons’ selfish politics (for near “ABSOLUTE POWER”) does better explain why & how economies failed and Donald J. Trump was able to rise as a reformed Clinton Democrat?

How was our dear “Joe” not enough a ‘go to’ for Vladimir Putin to find justice for at least Russians against the Clintons machinations of intent for global supremacy as part and parcel to their “Post-Constitution” coy ploy chicanery and quite of long of confessed criminal intent - as our “Joe” could Bidenize a Bidenism - due essentially Justice perseveres an enemy of the Clintons and not their charlatan made as simply, but for entrenched (& “deep state”) corruption of complitry all Vice President Joseph Biden needed do to defeat the Clintons and restore Justice was,however inconvenient to President Barack Obama, to assert officially that it is clear that with the “intent” of the Clintons long known as akin wants after “ABSOLUTE POWER” we have simply - so simply to not be lost in translation to Russians or Greek - that the Clintons’ have long confessed to TREASON with ever uttered “Post-Constitution” - utterances for justifications for extra-Constitutional Power by posturing as if the CONSTITUTION was dead.

Our “Joe” knows - our “Joe” Biden knows our CONSTITUTION isn’t dead?  Right?

The Tea Party to Republican Movement successes evident in the seating of a for “Law and Order” new President does offer at least Russians & Greeks Justice and a trump to old coy ploy chicanery a Bidenism not Bidenized.

A Bidenism we can concur: For simply the “intent” is diabolical and there have been confessions that are established simply by asserting that the CONSTITUTION is still the law of the land - that our old Peoples’ “Order” did form our Union is our CONSTITUTION still and is NOT dead.

Was the ICC a better avenue - even an open avenue - for say just President Putin to effect corrective Law upon Clintons as too “dons”?

As Clintons “intent” was long uttered to confessed President Obama’s Justice needed just assert the CONSTITUTION was still the law of the land to move to sentencing of too two “dons”?

Forward Donald J. Trump, President, of Attorney General Jeff Sessions is secured as seated by what said “collusion” if ever rose to as accused is yet of a plain language & Bidenism to suffice a defense even while conundrum remains of if FBI couldn’t find “intent” per “Crooked Hillary” they then must be over their heads to establish any honest “intent” per accused of Russians?

A Bidenism also not Bidenized is Hollywood metaphorically of Elizabeth Warren no Russell Crowe for she hath by silence dominant while of Harvard expertise on the Clintons economic crashes complicitry has been more like a bad cop on the take and one who didn’t turn in evidence of Clinton Cash in Democrats’ trunk?

               *       *       *       #LockEmUp?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

It is empirical to our concurrent space-time that matter may weigh heavier on our existential.

The arc of humanity isn’t tangential to the pull of a planetary situational gravity.

Before any attempt to tag ‘imperial’ upon any of these united states of the Americas we have our republican standard re-established about the North Pole connective meta.

The republican of our national orbit fits within the Moscow of Russian Saint Basil spiritual communal and as a good counter to President Putin (a not inevitable next elected President of Russia)?

Aren’t we with President Trump and his effecting stand a posture against a new fascism and for a needed reset for spreading the copacetic of the holidays by refreshing a politics for the pathology of freedom?

A dictionary, any dictionary, can now confuse our celebrations & reaching for better understandings; with only a dictionary, even many an encyclopedia, masses can be wrought ignorant and misguided and unprepared to take on and take down the new fascism long now arising contrary to how long defined since the perversion of the old fascism the Hitler Nazism rode rising in concert whence.

Our discussions can now not suffice if sans a broaching of “imperial” vs “new nationalism”!

Our holidays guidance can be of a united front for Donald J. Trump inherited the march of the Republican Movement to restore “compassionate originalism” and to effectively anew draw the line in the sand as for republican, less of empire, due mass of intellectualism surrounding such is as to renaissance for the pathology of freedom.

I do not know which dictionary President Vladimir Putin uses and if now fitting a New American lexiconography to redefine FASCISM from old as “a movement of the Right” to so now apropos as yet clearly the threat - especially domestic threat - as the too long advanced ‘movement of the Left’ to effect to subordination of subjects to see world like the faces of the Authoritarians of a tyranny tyrannical of whom can be present authorities on political issues.

The republican of the Republicans is a celebration at least of the Christian conceptual to that the poor can become rich and the wealthy can become enslaved - slaves - due incarceration/enslavement.

Again: Of “SOFT POWER - SOFT SELL” espoused priorly there is the conundrum in that to fathom President Trump we must consider what President Putin has done or afforded allowance of to the churches of Moscow as since the 1990s;  We are of the complication of faith in matters of fears of old Soviet methodologies as what was torn down to make way for a shrine to Joseph Stalin is now again a great Cathedral in Christianity in Moscow (- thanks to President Vladimir Putin?).

The real Santa Claus is the Kris Kringle of Russians if not of a lost in translation from apropos - appropriately named a one the accountant of the naughty list whose accounting can spirit forgiveness anywhere as we together of matter of weighing our orbits consequence around the winter equinox and holding to the pulled towards another tracking universal bound as gravity secures us again as subjects of our sun.

We republican of our holidays responsible celebratory must adhere to that fascists can be enslaved - even as by example leaders of Democrat Party past and present can be judged deficient and rightfully too of effected machinations akin empire by Authoritarian tyranny quite by definition as FASCISM - but of the new FASCISTS of the Left, not on right.

Our Republicans are in the right of our republican if now to posture, at least Christian of Christmas time, to that political leaders of the left are now of the “rich” of Christ who can become the “poor” and those of Moses who can by violate of the commandments towards being above slavable -slaves - be now secured to incarcerated as enslavable due violate of the pathology of freedom and quite by definition new FASCISTS of a new FASCISM evidenced.

How just Al Gore machinated for “GLOBAL WARMING” was ALARMISM and towards a base fascism by rendering citizens more just subjects expected to be assimilated to be of seeing the world as in his face - as his spected - a spectacle set by Gore-isms.  There is/was no apostolic spectacle in the fascism of the fascist methodology for “CLIMATE CHANGE” while there was a worked suppression and oppression to move people from their faith.

This far exceeds the evidence of Hillary R. Clinton as seemingly held to long supposed of “HILLARY DID AS HER GOOD BOOK SAYS (ALINSKI’S) - THEY GOT CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE, AND KILLED OFF THE MORAL PEOPLES’ GOD!”

We can be empirical on their NEW NATIONALISM as versus a defense of TRUMP against PUTIN “imperial”?

Our republican basis can continue to be reborn of the new Tea Party & otherwise long successful popular movement of the “Republican Movement” enduring and endearing.

Al Gore wasn’t alone since leaving Clinton White House & Clinton Administration of being a former of such then forward of froward misbehavior in-American as of to in-democratic conduct unbecoming a unseated former executive of the People’d; To understand concurrent fascism parties we must look honestly at the dishonesty of President Clinton and Vice President Gore backwards and forward as white men of the South who had means, motives, and opportunities of ulterior motives.

Our proper Christmas spirit for how the spirit an enunciation and articulation, even exclamatory, with “Merry Christmas” is that thanks to Moses, Crist, our republic’s founding fathers and the Peoples’ “Order” the constituted constitution ratified by the peoples we have that it is Christian that slavery is allowed in the Bible and our republican secured “Order” the peoples constitution.

However you consider breaking bread “with” Donald J. Trump, President, we yet have evidenced our concurrent political set of Republicans are republicans post Democrat Party “New Nationalism” advanced.

However you party these holidays it is still especially Christian that we accept and celebrate that those our “leaders” can become enslaved - incarcerated - slaved, and, in 2017 we have the situational paradigm of that we have that (former) leaders are evidenced to be now, particularly President Clinton, Vice President Gore (and first black President, Barack H. Obama) are with “Crooked Hillary” as a set - a variety of partisans - whom now should  be considered as due exercised democracy sans prejudgement within the scripture & constituted due process towards due to become slavish due in-American Authoritarian tyrannical methodology akin the new best definition of FASCISM.

We should be vigilant and consider of the Christian (sympathizer) Russian President Vladimir Putin “imperial” if it is proper & safe to tag American President Donald Trump as not ‘for empire’ but as one a new Republican firstly consequentially as a “republican”!

As we share our humanity connective & communal of the holidays of our existential & metaphysical as bodies electric we have that matter reasons to weigh heavier as gravity of the equinox pre-supposes since not tangential we yet are all pulled back to our core generally equally maybe with greater force as earth holds to a universal sun orbit.

As we weigh our politics we may find relief in the holidays of our weight may increase not due to family, community, political stress but due our terra firma of our celestial specific planetary is of we are more pulled together as we are sans tangential and our orbit gravitationally normal for a passing thru the nadir and towards recycling to the apex.

Our smallness is of our greatness as we celebrate the particulars of our universal and considerate of the march restorative for the Peoples’ “Order” did “form” our “Union” and while we face (honestly devoid assimilated to a Left “fascism”) that our progress is joined by MAGA amassed united forces of humanity in furtherance of the “Republican Movement” of which President Donald J. Trump is a more “republican” of than an “imperial”?

Let me be clear: By the way:  Are we all heavier at the holidays tangential to our consumption for due the gravity of the holidays if significant to that we are regular in our cyclical at the nadir equinox of the matter heavier consequentially of we to not be tangential bodies are yet bodies pulled closer harder to our common core - our local “home” planetary?

Let me be clear: Yes, by the way, again:  It is Christian & Constitutional that President Clinton, Vice President Gore, & President Obama have evidenced variant methodologies so contrary to our constituted protective prudence that they have been violate of the commanded through Moses and now considerably upturned & legally allowed to become slaved/slaves/enslaved and so the “poor” can be rich again to a restoration renaissance for the pathology of freedom!

  *       *       SAINTS’ CLAUSE - FORGIVENESS, BUT?       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:47 am

Where are all the philosopher ants?

We have these days an allegro dynamic with sounds of patriotism key’d anew - key’d of NEW COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM - for to build to the presto and celebratory bombastic.

Who is Donald J. Trump, Sr., and what is the depth of his patriotism?

If we are all ants and yet not builder ants all of the same colony under one OHM - unique bodies electric - of how do we key to songs of republic and solidarity of community?

With duly elected geographical surmounted victorious Donald J. Trump, Sr., candidate of the movement - the Republican Movement, we wake individuals liberated of promises kept to that these united states of the Americas does belong to the citizens, whomever/whatever, again.

An orchestration synergy is ours anew as ants in solidarity akin Adam Smith “THE WEALTH OF NATIONS” and as individual ants cognizant to that our “SELF-INTEREST” is a great economic motivator due our first such naturally is to choose safety in numbers, and with our second then to choose to be moral in network.  I.E.:  An individual ant working in their own selfishness is doing what is best for the colony due their unique self interests are firstly safety in numbers with second morality, and of third then of to find a calling - an individual ant’s VOICE.

Hasn’t President Donald J. Trump, Sr. progressed and in keeping his word to be beholden to the actual oath of office duty akin now to being of an essence elementary & respectingly as a new VOLTAN KODALY?

Let us moderate our work output and consider, for now, a sotto voce yet in a staccato to be the old well healed spirited worker ants our colonial scripts measured to patriotism of with common core of dictionary & King James Bible originalism relative.

The antagonistic is of antagonists to our progress to keep the old scores still heartfelt moral meaningful as first well written.

The antagonistic is of antagonists to our vital spirit as of rights from our Creator & our Creator Lord as kept seated above Government/Governments/Politicians.

The antagonistic is of antagonists to our renditions patriotic as still rightly justly key’d of COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM while the bodies of our enemies are like of President Barack H. Obama a too white termite due rates as one among many as destructor pests.  President William J. Clinton may be the contrarian for the historicals as a to a too yet progress anti-ORIGINALISM rebel with a cause of clear intent to set asunder the CONSTITUTION however such sets asunder the true solidarity and heartfelt of our nations legends & musical scores.

Let us stay positive and focused to our work to progress of us holding ourselves of the ants work, and, disavowing to termites of them that shall not be named but to be judged and truly ostracized with each sentence - to that our old heartfelt patriotic lyrics hold still their full dynamic and core purposeful celebratory meanings.

Let us move beyond where termites who shall not be named have been to destructors and too long of intent as destructor pests!

Philosopher ants where art tho’?  Philosopher ants how now are we organized still of community/solidarity?


The sounds of our music do begin now anew and elementary as if Donald J. Trump, Sr. is at least a new Voltan Kodaly!

There are many ways the King James Version is more than hoopla for ordinaries and restorative as a first texts response to rebuilding a renaissance a restoration from how those the shall not be (for now) named termites set asunder quite even especially common sense for their selfish designs of purposes of intent to change the ebb & flow of how each CONSTITUTED and articulated to Powers as from their CREATOR still actually above any Government yet of oppression to be SECULAR & SOCIALIST - even especially AUTOCRATIC.

We can rebuild her!  We have the songs, - we have the collective will! We can erase the ALTERNATIVE FACTS and each misrepresentation of when a song in a lyric has been supposed to not be the is is is to an isn’t how a dictionary or scripture bound!

There is a juxtaposition among the ants of the world between a Saint Frances plain and a celebration of arts and artisans efforts even to that a gilded but moral as even for private individuals habits.

There is gilding and gilded and then their is devilish and details gaudi - excessive and troubling due not kept as a celebration of our LORD CREATOR is in all the details - and however long tirelessly worked to a product that from work did become more heavenly due blessed by honest and dedicated commitments to developments in a greater understanding of all facets of living life from colonies tunneling to earth-breaking stardom consummated in arts.

To any philosopher ant President Trump is still an ant among ants however of gilding & keeps that celebrate so many of so much long worked of high heavens commitments celebrations by artisans ants!

There be now time and place - concurrent in space time - appreciation for “GREEN MINIMALISM” and newly rededicated plain of Saint Frances, at least!  The Pope & the President can both be GOOD!

We have our solidarity to such philosophical established of our heavens and LORDLY still now again in how our songs and ballads are scored and actually meant to be of renditions sans perversion of the morality measured and meted/noted!

Our lore and legend allows use to see Donald J. Trump, Sr. yet as a tiny - a “tiny, tiny, little man” - for we have the morality and solidarity in our morals much of that as we all are born equal we are yet as if we much still sing songs as if all are each still firstly just a worker builder ant - of the size of “TRUMP” is relative and still of our morals, and heavenly?

Beware the termites!!!  They - the many of them - have to the lot - acted with intent to set asunder our foundations moral!

Ordinaries together:  Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do:  We have our songs!  We anew have our elementary scores!  Clap your hands - use Kodaly hand signals to!  We still have our songs!  Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do:  Sounds of United State’s music - scores! - Even Ecclesiates 3 “For a time…”!

Ordinaries together:  God Bless America!  And newly blessed be still our COMPASSIONATE ORIGINALISM!  God Bless America!

         *       *       *       ORIGINAL RECIPE?       *       *       *

[Such of our concerns as of our songs is now a commenced composition in prose reflection; - We have begun here what may take some hours to build up and out; - We have that many trips may be needed to see to such work is concluded; - Memorial Day awaits to remind our old heartwarming ballads & songs are sung best when effected in full originalism of old words still used in the moral scope and not perverted by past 25 years of efforts to redefine the dictionary use.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:55 am

The future is black Republicans!

The good news in old divine right of kings was a supposition of that kings were to be nearer to our Lord - divined not to be abusers of Powers akin Powers of our Lord.

To fathom the scope of the imminent decline and fall of “Obamacare” it may help to relate a planet of apes.

Where Donald J. Trump comes from may be much ado about Queens’ Protestants, Queens’ Presbyterians, Utopian Parkway.

We must not look, as long mislead, as that health insurance costs need a larger pool - risk pool - for to be of us all happier to lower costs of insurance on risks of becoming ill - diseased.

We must not look, as long mislead, as if an understanding can be had - gotten to - by just accepting the old propaganda of the Democrat Party Left Liberals.

To be progressive - truly progressive - mustn’t we now get to reconsidering respecting healthcare costs that as morals are liberated, return, grow/rise anew the opportunity for medical costs to become more reasonable is far more possible?

To be progressive mustn’t we re-embrace morality for values as where morals risen and raise costs of neighbors caring for neighbors as still mostly community work of caring for neighbors in own neighborhood then and only then can costs be balanced and moderate/moderated?

A morality as of where Donald J. Trump comes from is yet Biblical of that a married man is supposed to live for their wife, - as comparable to unmarried are written as to under such condition being supposed to live for our Lord.

President Donald J. Trump therefore has no choice but to govern in “soft power” and “soft sell” operating procedures for he cannot abide compromising the First Lady at her campaign against cyber bullying. 

President Donald J. Trump doesn’t need a “TRUMP DOCTRINE” for his habit is of that he has a philosophy of business of a keenly developed standard operating procedure at least of that his left hand shouldn’t be coincidentally being at undermining the concurrent work of his right hand.

Let us now go back to the planet of apes and jury rig a late discourse on healthcare and “the meek shall inherit the earth”!

Of apes and their genius and speciousness we have that they are also creatures of our Lord’s creation but primate boxed of considerations in that they lack any awareness of such of their kingdom.  Of apes vs “Obamacare” we must now lately pull back the draped cloaking covers from divining greater apparent and relevant truths and ponder the dark and Trinity relative to the theories of morality and as healthcare is wisely and originally an oldest of the establishments of religions.  Of apes and Donald J. Trump operating we have a calling to comparative logistics and to assuage from fake news for faux medicine a paradigm for caring of if apes too like humans are of variant blood types of bodies electric and blood types of varying compatibility to dire incompatibility of a humans range of “Universal Receiver” to “Universal Donor” typed certain.

Of “the future is black Republicans” we can plank a platform for comity in polity for parity in healthcare by liberating, returning, growing morals of that Lord’s word on “the meek shall inherit the earth” is not a redistribution nor free care SOP dictum but a wise riddle to that those humble and patient on the Holy Spirit - Lordly guidance - are “meek” for of guts to be prone and vulnerable by being compliant and obedient to the prudence of that there are deadly sins.

Donald J. Trump strong suit is that he has a philosophy of business that translates to politics of that he has a unified vision by that his service duty - even to his wife - works best when worked in keeping to his standard operating procedures.

Donald J. Trump got off through his youth in Queens’ Presbyterian dogma by Saint John’s exit of use of Utopian Parkway facilitated on ramps and off ramps while how as a “Don Trump” of Queens he must have puzzled long and hard on American firsters versus otherwise English of Queen’s Protestants.

As white Republicans bask in the glory concurrent to the liberation of the souls of Religious leaders to fresh facility in Religious Liberty their open hearts and clean efforts seem to be winning - even winning blacks forward to be en masse also to own forwards even if tag’d “black Republicans”!

The plights of the A.I.D.S. medical history is of a politics that hasn’t fielded a moral philosophically thorough public referendum on the issuance of considerate moderation correctly in keeping to the “the meek shall inherit the earth”!  The politicians and politics are to blame firstly for such considerate for compassion as perverted and subverted from a thorough resolution that endures the morality and prudence long around an acceptance that some sins are deadly sins for risk of death may occur from physically or mentally (trespassed by cyber e-connectedness) crossing the lines as being boldly sinful in stead of prudent and meekly moral.

Christian compassion isn’t alone among compassionate religious practiced morality in how a presumption of innocence shall be proffered presumed firstly by those erudite enough to learned to a suffice to be to proffering as regards medicine and relative morality.

It remains to be seen if Donald J. Trump Presidency if of enough depth in character and bench of aids for Republicans, however colored presently and forward, for a guidance to take now morals are liberated, rising, growing anew!

The sticky wicket of the close quarters drilling down of the issues as a prophylactic to public consumption in town halls and tea rooms now remains of what belongs to the apes and what of deadly sins and to that the “meek” as of those of the Lord isn’t a black check for offering free curative services to those who should be first healing their souls. 

I write these words not as an indiscriminate prejudiced or bigoted; - I doth not scribe such thoughts prejudging any as an enemy - even if by actions in ignorance of that there are “deadly sins” for death can biologically or electrically result from non-compliance.

The Psalms of the Bible seem as primary tool in the bag of tricks of Donald J. Trump of his S.O.P. and as Psalms by the book are largely a critical element fundamental to any and all anti-BULLY - anti-BULLYING - cyber-bullying countering campaign.

By knowing of the prudence in art of enlightened to the moderation to healing potential of music and songs any is then equipped to fathom a scope of humanity in moral and compliance of music can heal - heal a village - even heal the world.

To be above apes yet, Republicans, of whatever color, now must be braced and prepared to be professionals on politics of pathology so that “meek” is duly and properly respected of the establishments of religion of which healthcare is an oldest prescribed bound.  To be above apes, all must tie on their smocks for an artful polity to a potential for parity and comity of that as per at least A.I.D.S forward the backwards to primates must be reconditioned around public service and P.S.A. ascribed moderating as broadcast professionalism is pertinent to advisories that still recall and remind of old morality and deadly sins that it is considerable and perilous of apes and humans (both?) that some blood types if crossed/shared by careless to temporary insanity of passions exercised inconsiderate of consequence are incompatible and detrimental to others if crossed/shared?

President Donald J. Trump now akin his commitment to be in living to in service to his wife is yet postured politically well for his foreign policy, domestic policies, and the coming of the anti-cyber-bullying campaign of his wife all have in common a best use methodology forward of keeping to his honed and kept “soft power” of his standard operating procedures through his years and decades as a properties operator in compliance with public space use and philosophies.

Costs of healthcare can only it seems be truly moderated by the liberation, rising, growing of the politics now commenced to a divination matrix re-secured to all whom are aware they are creatures of our Lord and indivisible from Lord’s kingdom?

A presumption of innocence can relate in healthcare industries for cost control and quality care where such is not a “pre-existing condition” of known diagnosis then inappropriate to compassion for risks of unknowns for insuring from unknowns.

It seems good news and quite welcome postured of “the future is black Republicans”!

Temptations must be guarded from for being against a developed knowing wise prudence can be physically costly and to of expenses then determined as yet not for others to morally be burdened also to carrying.

Illnesses, where not of pre-existing conditions, are of the paradigm of “innocent until proven guilty” so any systematic facilitation for neighbors caring for neighbors in own neighborhoods, primarily, must dig in first and then and only then determine the morality and if a self induced from careless reversion as akin to back to being ape-ish, and ignorant.

The Psalms as the COUNTER CYBER-BULLYING BOOK of scriptures is now a primary tool forward for everything Donald J. Trump, President of these united states of the Americas, for if we know how to sing of and to the Lordly we are then pre-conditioned to see and feel right and wrong across humanity of bodies electric and to sins of trespass as now also of e-enabled sins of subcategory of “cyber-bullying” - internet of thing bullying.

America rests now in the grace in the scriptures for Donald J. Trump must be to “soft power” to stay moral and in compliance to dictum of Lord’s laid to be living, for married, to of living for his wife, - for countering cyber-bullying - cyber bullies - any even old school of to e-internet of things of that of “trespass” sinning/sinful!

America rests now in a potential for grace being still reset and restored of morals have been liberated, returned, growing!

America rests now nightly of the separation of church and state as now repaired from retired to of “under our Lord” as set upon and set asunder as long suppressed to of Government as above morals; - Forward our Government is also not supposed to violate the moral laws of the Laws of our Lord by even being to covetous, steeling, bearing false witness!

America can only be great again once we politically have thorough discerning and open public expression to understanding, and, as that our Government is vertically separated to as under our Lord and each individual a created by our Creator!

Likewise to the preconditions ripe for success now in a course reversal back to prudence and morality from the wreckage to establishments long otherwise but secured we have our current conditions of that as our Government is to be moral as also under our Lord and Lord’s law winning by intimidation is illegal, generally, and of that a “knife in the back” as “thorn in one’s side” is where not a condition of correction is but illegal of a trespass and of cyber-bullying much of being a cyber-crime!

Of thee I scribe to sing?  Perhaps Donald J. Trump is suited now of/to Ecclesiastes 3:1… through all the familiar meted however colored?

             *       *       *       MERCY - TRUTH       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:01 am

We need to see the dead people!

As case can be made to that Donald J. Trump is attempting to finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Martin Luther - but as a Presbyterian: - It seems we must key seeing two that died on July 4th in 1826.

We need to see beyond just seeing Alexander Hamilton as hip!

Though the metropolis heeled/curbed set are 2016 cosmopolitan of class struggles we have to accept these may be among the last to step out and rock the politics of that we have been heading in the wrong direction for too long.

Akin to the metropolis cosmopolitan 2016 conundrum would be that essentially we must now change the music!

To right ourselves from too long off course and at least near broached it is imperative that we tag the drum beats of Barack H. Obama of too majored in steering us off course!  To parlay the politics of music perchance we accept such has been too long cliche and cliche Socialist - too “Old Stalinistic” marched! - too sans the hip of at least Alexander Hamilton as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #1 as keyed that the People’s Order a constitution is for “inducements to philanthropy” and “preservation… of property”!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP” is the life long business struggle dynamic still core to TRUMP now as a candidate.

A “LIBERATION” is cored to such dynamism even indivisible from the “PRESIDENT TRUMP” promise.

The “LIBERATION” is in that the life long human story now can only bear fruit if the new “music” rises bottom up - and ’street’ cool/hip.

I posture that all should prepare themselves for TRUMP delays akin to working an engagement and sagacity SOP of disciplined patience to wait for the new good music to rise bottom up.

What may be the chord or beat apropos a restoration to righteousness and practiced common morality?

What can be the hook - how for beat tragic and dire Barack H. Obama rap - to cover the wrecked havoc of so many years wasted with cacophonies discordant as forced measures clamors stacked for “Obama Comrades” of beatings to a crony elite ruling class solidarity effected tonage?

I posture newly we need to see the dead people!

The trump in the “THE TRUMP” is as restorative of “again” for “America” as constituted by the People’s Order done in the “Year of our Lord” whence so soundly and definitively as a formed “more perfect Union”!

For your liberation which beat is your own best tool? which dead person’s harmony can fit your melodic patriotism?

Pitty the fool who knoweth not their “A” game now best to also reconnoiter the triptick souls’d of our Pilgrims & Mayflower, to the Plymouth Plantation, but of score’d to a commonality as also of the times but different conditions to the risen works of Oliver Cromwell, and also Rene Descartes.  Yes! a “Cartesian” gestalt might help any calculable scoring.

There yet is the one soul common to “Dana” and “Kimberly” to synchronize forward with progressing beats of the Republican Movement; - Dana Plato as “Kimberly Drummond” - may she rest in peace - fits to if to doubt Donald J. Trump Republicans as the success of Donald J. Trump up from like a Queens’ Presbyterian orchestration now is yet for cites of precedence set but that Donald J. Trump here to fore has been “succeeded” near only a the scale and scope of Plato’s “REPUBLIC”; - Donald J. Trump has been a builder of buildings and communities - even neighborhoods - but yet is he proven as a keeper of a nation.  Donald J. Trump will need a “Willis” and an “Arnold” for his winded, beaten, & stroke’d new improved “different” for these ways to have the will’d.

For Donald J. Trump to amount to more than the limited of Plato’s worked he must be keenly seen as for “movin’ on up” for any who think they can survive the itches of responsibility in trying to find if able to take the heat of riches.  The “New GOP” may hoot and holler also with “TRADING PLACES” while not em must prove themselves for “LIBERATION ECONOMICS”.

Actually most voters, if they have heard of Jack Johnson or read enough of F. Scott Fitzgerald, should be sympathetic for TRUMP business dynamic of that every morning as a properties operator as souls stir newly of “bottoms up” there may yet be alarms and sirens harkening at least of a too demonstrable “Eloise” roaming the halls mischieviously or a “Dennis The Menace” too proudly loudly apparently in violation of the Mann Act.

America, to be great again, now essentially must learn to come to terms with a great embarrassment for Harvard & Harvard Law School as it seems self evident now that the “first black President of Harvard Law Review” to this very day is still somehow, by nature or corrupted nurture/guidance/teaching, of having, it seems, NEVER read the Constitution correctly.

“O” Barack H. Obama will be haunted by #Its_O_not_o for the rest of his life!  The Constitution only makes sense as with preamble “Order” a noun and for that reason as capitalized.  The proper reading of the Constitution is akin to how the Republicans have protested for decades as to that it cannot be the “living document” as Democrats protestant for as because “Order” is of “O” and not “o” it reads as “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union/…/done/…/Year/of/our/Lord”!

Essentially it has been necessary, while technically treasonous, for the Clintons to posture as if in a “post Constitution” new “order” and for President Obama to proclaim, even during his 2nd inaugural, that he “wouldn’t feel beholden to the oath of office” he just swore to be!  The Democrats have failed for by not knowing the proper reading of the Constitution they have thought it necessary to try to reinvent the wheel and now obviously have greatly failed!

The Constitution cannot be read for a “living document” as attempted, and yet progressed to ill effect now so long, in part because to the founders the work for the People’s Order to constitute the new better Union was like a apostolic spectacle - and so of humbly respecting that the scripture of “our Lord” set was at least by the King James Bible the “living word”!  It seems critical that to join in “Make America Great Again” we too must be so respectful and to that the People’s Order was constituted to be harder to amend or void than it was/is to edit and revise an edition of the Bible.

Sadly so much has gone so wrong by that the Democrats Left Liberals seems to have read to read what they wanted to read and missed reading truly to the only way the entire document can make sense.  It was/is lazy reading and “interpretation” to posture as if the preamble as the legend and key by which all that follows must be measured is ever as if just as “in order to…” and weak as like a loophole for Executive tyranny by Executive Orders as if “legal” if something just seems “more perfect”!

E.G.:  Take healthcare - for example:  Democrats if read the Constitution correctly would have avoided all these years of trying to create a “right to healthcare” for such is in the Republic already as constituted “under God” and to that what Democrats have come up with actually violates the First Amendment.  By the accurate Republican traditional reading of original intent everyone already with religion then already has a right to healthcare as health of souls is one of the oldest establishments of religion. Hence Republicans have been logical and faithful to the genius of the founders by working contrary to Liberals’ efforts for centralized secular Socialism by insisting that faith based solutions are affordable for existing structures, if now too dust covered, are yet already available. It is at least Christian and for crisis redistribution among communities how every religious American already is constituted of a equal right to that of healthcare of that of yet society together at discerning understanding of how God or the Devil is yet in the relative details.

I.E.: Consider the Obamacare irony:  By the powers vested in “ACA” the confederate republic of these unites states of the Americas has mere laws boldly contrary to Constituted prudence with Religious Freedom & separation of church & state.  By the powers vested in “ACA” if the Federal Government goals was actually “affordable care” it would/must mandate all citizen subjects voluntarily commune weekly, at least, for lite calisthenics of sit, stand, kneel, prostrate, sit, kneel, prostrate… and with aerobic work out of song with community harmony, however that day able to achieve heavenly harmony, by singing mixed in with meditations by readings and tough “medicine” with guilting & public shaming.  For healthcare to be ever affordable it must be likewise of all spokes in helm’s wheel of state of each part of community in services together as equals - as of rights to their work as individually as critical a spoke to keeping the wheel of community true - trued.  Essentially “Obamacare” must be UnConstitutional for that it gives the Federal Government the Power to mandate that subjects must (voluntarily) commune as to believe in each other that together in faiths they can yet be upstanding and moral (compliant assimilated subjects) citizens.

A simple Constitution teachable note:  It is easier to find GOD in the Constitution than that the Clintons, nor any other, have a right to be of an imperial authoritarian shadow government (such as Clinton Global Initiatives apparently has proceeded since organized)! It is ridiculous pure fiction any interpretation likewise effecting for there in Article 1 is the prohibition from titles of nobility and as well by Section 9 Paragraph 8 powers vested in Congress to highest standard low bar of “whatever” to audit and approve even the least seeming just personal emoluments for any banking on offices of trust.  To see the prima facia of “Clinton Shadow Government” think of Clinton Foundation annual meetings as synchronized to United Nations gatherings and to that it like mandatory to also attend presiding by “King Clinton” of “CGI” holding court even if just firstly primarily generally posturing as if President of the World promoted from having earlier been just President of the United States.

Sadly Mrs. Clinton’s foible related can be summed out as like Mrs. Clinton did as her good book said (Alinski’s) and with false “messiah” Obama did effectively get control of healthcare, and killed off their God.

Donald J. Trump may not have a past as one who has created rising tides yet he does relate as one who has like built sound vessels to be party to “rising tides” and has shared methods via books to others keen to building “boats”.

Even concurrently Donald J. Trump is more building a vessel for a ship of state on the “rising tide” now building long of that real and concrete as the “Republican Movement” as encompassing restorative by Tea Party sweated!

Donald J. Trump doesn’t need to know how to create an economics rising tide for how America is constituted sets up a natural dynamic for such to occur! - - - if not actively impeded!

As we individually should ponder which dead people we need see and respect newly the core common to all is “freedom” is “of” religion for religiosity is what amounts an any as above barbarian or animalistic barely.

Every core to the great American is of that of sans borders (spirit) is of religion while that which is of property rights and of borders then is that which is of government!

As we pick through the dead people and decide which has kept best we are all together wise to respect a conundrum of the founders at an apostolic spectacle by constructing the People’s Order as respectful of that economics of Adam Smith amount to a reinterpretation of two Corinthians - 1 & 2 Corinthians, and the jist of all of Paul’s letters!

Donald J. Trump is shouldering the cross of responsibility all free people must!

Corinthians, however “re-interpreted” economics of “Invisible Hand” economic theory, speaks as the founders established and ordained of that to be for growth economics a underlying foundation of community must exist of people able to sing together!

Simply Donald J. Trump needn’t try to reinvent the economics wheel!

He can helm a steadying of the ship of state if America can be America again!

That what is of sans borders (of spirit) is then of “religion” is yet the common core of Paul’s letters and also the economic theory as a “re-interpretation” of such - that by Adam Smith.  Liberation is still possible as naturally constituted if we can sing together at a sustaining community level and practice of that the first ruling “self interest” of a humanoid in economical moral capitalism (redundant! - Capitalism in theory is moral!) is to firstly choose “community” (safety in numbers) a secondly choose to be moral within “network” (not to shooting oneself in one’s own foot or wallet)!

                 *       *       *        BELIEVE!       *       *       *

[This is a work in progress I feel no pressure to finish before Friday evening.  I hope to get enough down now to establish the core spine for the economics politics dynamic - and yet as now the weather presents as a rare last day to get out on my 1982 road bike and spin the shoreline of Milford for a few hours of sweating out last nights like carbo loading.  Please check back regularly, and opine via social media if you think you can help the revolution - the Republican Movement even.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:10 am

A question for Democrats this 2016 election cycle, though not a first question, must yet be to if they can have an ego in 2016, and beyond, or if fated under a “Clinton-Kaine” to just of id(s), and dogged compliance.

A first question for Republicans will be more specifically economical and pragmatic to how if Donald Trump’s economic plan resets American & international economics to growth economics of a necessary core of “freedom of ego(s)” but in capitalism! - “moral capitalism” is supposed to be redundant, - always!

As “Clinton-Kaine” seems not to be even offering a believable plan for a back in black with economic and political unity a first question of all is like of the conundrum becoming primarily generally present of that by November there should be none surprised by October of most becoming learned more to the economic history as gone from incorrect of “all Bush’s fault” to then firstly as broadly known as truer as “half Clintons’ fault”!

A broad concern latent in the Hillary Clinton “campaigning” seems most assuredly of that Mrs. Clinton does not want Democrats egos apparently engaged! - Mrs. Clinton seems most depended on only id(s) accessed and to Democrats more as yet shepherded blind mice, to the lot!

What liberates Trump-Pence “New GOP” Republicans forward is much that which primarily and generally should dog dog dog Democrats forward, still forward, - likewise now as has since 2009 inauguration of President Barack H. Obama.

The overarching question for all - local to global ALL - is of the asking towards understanding around that generally it is the Democrats that have grossly failed at economics - not merely the “First Black President” alone!

We are on a “Clinton Trainwreck” as tracking unavoidably from “all Bush’s fault” becoming truly reset to “half Clintons’ fault”!

To dress down Mrs. Clinton until such pares out as a self-evident truth it is easier to firstly freshen up the “Bill Clinton” facts!

What may dog Mrs. Clinton the most is what now can be pressed and bound of at least President Clinton & Speaker Pelosi to that Representative Nancy Pelosi as some to much dramatically historically of economically of an “Axis Of Evil”!

Any vote for “Clinton-Kaine” logically must firstly to the knowing conscious be another Democrat Party compliant vote for more “New Deal Austerity” as otherwise Mrs. Clinton is abandoning the “Green Agenda” “Climate Change” ship of state to being so for a new industrialization that she primarily firstly is hard wired for work more akin to “Climate Deniers”!

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

A fair dramatization of errant President Obama said efforts at “compromise” is to ask all to try to visualize the politics worked and to see clearly how unlikely it is that how they postured as if for “bipartisanship” was so flawed their “ship” never floated when launched.  President Obama essentially locked up the Republicans as “others” again of a Democrats “We’re Right, They’re Wrong” divisiveness and as to then as like actually chained lead detestable efforts said for a “compromise” by like only offering Republicans the fixed singular option to like sign a false confession and to that such while a false confession also was forward of a contracted commitment to forward be to shouldering 100% of the blame for what ever had been 1% to 50% or more the errant under at least President Clinton and of the political blocking by Speaker Pelosi.

Contrary, much, there is that what ever the TRUMP-PENCE ECONOMIC PLAN is to be specifically it in keeping true to apparent lifetime standard operating procedures of the “TRUMP” operations must be firstly to a core for core strength as keyed around a “freedom of the ego(s)” and even before still respectful of “Religious Liberty” and “Religious Freedom”!

Mrs. Clinton seems not “short circuited” on this point but hard wired and truly for all more just dogged, and compliant!!!

Any though wanting to share in the fruits of the methodology of success likely to be shared by how an economic plan is structured and disciplined as for the “New GOP” under the colors and standard of “Trump-Pence” will have to believe firstly, and generally secondly be to probative to what and where key false histories and false narratives are yet obstacles as past Democrats lies yet forward as likely to surely, for thought historical - but not, be still obstacles to progress.

Will, or can there ever be, a Democrat road for a back in black?  Not with “Clinton-Kaine”! - seems the answer!

Are we yet stuck now even if a believing in “Trump-Pence” is well developing and due like because Democrats have some how rigged it - locked it up - stuck us to too like “Commies” at a “ONCE YOU GO RED YOU CAN’T GO BACK!”?

So firstly a question for Democrats is to what their actual guilt and culpability is more truly historically pathologically forensically to be now corrected from to that by November an “October Surprise” should be over and enough of the free People of these united states of the Americas then as still citizens exercised with knowing we have moved from “all Bush’s fault” to “half Clintons’ fault”!

There must be a cat fight for corrective historicals between a culpability generally for “Nancy Pelosi” and if and when firstly primarily for “Mrs. Clinton”!

A Republican prophylactic to what “Clinton-Kaine” seeded with #DemsInPhilly at #DemConvention of #Philadelphia is this here now by simple notation - noting - of that “HILLARY CLINTON” poll numbers should have tanked since Mrs. Clinton announced the new #Democrat #EconomicPlan - aka #100DaysJobs!

Mrs. Clinton is no “Teflon Democrat” as she has worn thin her scripted convention faux “Perfect Clinton” in just one week!

A general analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s #100DaysJobs must be of it so so so very very very contrary - radically divergent!

A simple cursory postured is that “Mrs.Clinton, of Clinton-Kaine, has tried to preempt Trump-Pence Republican economic solutions by trying to just steal what she fears the “NewGOP” is promising to present - stand up - soon and to long stand behind!

A cored to the historical rendition must though be for those more than “blind mice” merely of id(s) stirred, and em prone also to “short circuiting” of their exercised rights to have ego(s) and practiced to freedom with shouldering citizen’s responsibilities, and engaged upon forthwith to fathoming deeply that of which Mrs. Clinton has fronted as to “more jobs created than since WWII” there is the conflicted individual guilts of the actual historical politics of that essentially Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like firstly a stealing from “Builder Trump” is yet contradictory to the long partisan of that Bill Clinton, as President, cut $2 Trillion dollars in lieu of spending (for blacks especially?) on books, schools, road, bridges, tunnels, levies, or reparations, and, to complicate the truth fairly to more honestly set, there is too that Mrs. Clinton proposed also sets asunder how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did keep President George W. Bush from fixing the economy with similar measures by how partisan she was to standing up that no one would be allowed to undo that Bill Clinton cut $2 Trillion - and of just $1 Trillion as unnecessarily cut as cut just to have the popularity from having a YUGE surplus.

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!

To be brief now on this becoming most apparent contradicting conundrum let me simply broadly add to problems of Mrs. Clinton as admitting she “short circuits” by pressing out these simple political truths yet wearing clear as the convention efforts for a “Teflon Hillary” wear to frayed to the core at least too near true as “Crooked Hillary” so tag’d!

To be of a polite brevity for polity and comity to an economic plan parity near impossible let me here now close by posting the DANGERS of Mrs. Clinton if allowed at our economics of being that Mrs. Clinton has no road/path/passage forward to a bipartisanship to cooperation or compromise on matters of the economy/economies!  Mrs. Clinton’s plan besides like stolen from what feared Trump to win with is diabolical as like an abandonment of President Obama’s “New Deal” while also diabolical for it proposes Mrs. Clinton can do (together) what Democrats Speaker Pelosi and President Obama have since like November 2000 - post election - been specifically to keeping Republicans from doing - of long since 2000 of specific partisan politics particularly worked to keep such “solutions” from being exercised by Republicans!!!

The most cynical but maybe also a most true “politics” is that such now seems as if Democrats have worked to keep the economy suppressed since Bill Clinton was President and until, as may still surprise President Obama, now yet until like Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton can be like the hero a hero as not since President Clinton was a last hero to be a President Clinton now the only hero since then to now also be an economic hero!!!

Oy Mrs. Clinton as if on economics!!!  And while specifically her proposal is much simply that which Republicans have tried and failed to get passed, thanks to Democrats’ obstructions, and like since before the Clintons unnecessarily cut a second trillion to $2 Trillion then cut after $1 Trillion of Republican cuts was sufficient to balance the federal budget.

Forward there is maybe no “back to black” unless we shake off or more effectively mechanically remove the shackles as if chained to a “ONCE YOU GO RED - YOU CAN’T GO BACK”!!!

#TP2016 roll out of #TrumpPence #TrumpJobsPlan may seem all “HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” but yet this now as “Clinton-Kaine” plan is out there can maybe be actually believed as of a new POSSIBLE. 

#TP2016 roll out now should seem so similar to “Clinton-Kaine” and as also maybe more honest on #ClimateChange such that the Congress convened of these United States should expedite much of the common cores and to forcing President Barack Hussein Obama to have to, if he dare, be then to VETO - to vetoing Mrs. Clinton’s abandonment of “Green Agenda”!

#TP2016 roll out now is prefaced!  Essentially soon most should understand the truth is more “half Clintons’ fault” and President George W. Bush, though not “liberated” can forward at least feel lighted from “all Bush’s fault”!

#TP2016 roll out now promises to be refreshing and softening however if a “freedom of the ego(s)” yet to a contrary to #ClintonKaine as for merely politics for a ruling class over blind mice but corralled to id(s), and dogged compliance!!!

#TP2016 roll out promises to right how the self-proclaimed “First Black President” is more guilty for more culpable and errant and to how the more “First Black President” now has to face a “First Woman President” maybe as if a scheme to be a first “Back In Black” Democrat by means maybe of a scheme with he just a self proclaimed white a said “First Black President” - right?

#TP2016 roll out seems entirely packaged of that Trump and Pence are of stock and traded - of truth in advertising - of a common core as Republicans - as an em them now clean and fresh and ready for ALL and on a reseating of the politics and economics to permit good times to now rock on newly again - to see us all ship shape back to back in the black!!!  Right?

#TP2016 roll out is more than just an “UN-HILLARY” a the “UN_CLINTON” for it more as if “OBAMA” has been the “NEW COKE” and now “TRUMP” is on the job to bring back “OLD COKE” - THE ORIGINAL RECIPE!!!

#TP2016 roll out is at least not the contradictory of #100DaysJobs of #ClintonKaine for it isn’t of them party to blocking such methods and strategies for a real recovery now such as the Democrats are guilty to “DARK” “EVIL” - even of an “AXIS OF EVIL” - for having firstly been to divisive most dividing partisan politics for social engineering and selfish intra-party soapy drama now as like dead set against such “economic policies” since 1999 when the Clintons’ administration became term limited, - kept away until maybe Bill Clinton could be a “Russian Bear” like Vladimir Putin and to back in the White House though thought technically legally barred from more time in the EXECUTIVE suite!!!

#TP2016 roll out however smooth and believable of being of a team for economic recovery - REALLY - is yet to be shadowed by these dark facts that must be probed and placed in textbooks forward to how much President Obama as such a more “First Black President” can yet rightly more blame he self proclaimed a “First Black President” at least for how the Obama Administration too may have been chained from such economic solutions no somehow as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s! Right?

#TP2016 roll out must abide We the People now to again more fully engaged past corralled id(s) of dogged to compliance!

#TP2016 roll out now will seem comparable to rolled out of #ClintonKaine but for the contrariness for Democrats as to how and why new industrialization can be good or copacetic and not anti-CLIMATE and a betrayal of President Obama! What DANGERS for back to BLACK?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:15 am

Lifetime employment?  Lifetime corporate association and the First Amendment?  Lifetime dedication to a common cause, rituals, and appropriate attire?

What is one’s “Sunday Best” either from Queens and Presbyterian or from Ebenezer or Dexter Avenue Baptists of Martin Luthers akin to a Protestant Revolution?  What is a minimum “dressed up” for a necessary conscientious to be so lay dedicated for a walking the talk of the daily battles between good and evil, or just some right and wrong?

Can Donald Trump not be tru’d out for economics if peoples of these united states of the Americas won’t dress the part?

Whom are the suits?  Where is there honor in how picking their peacocks fantail accessorizing demonstrative lines and colors?

How does one dress to abide clothed to honor the disciplines of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - forward?  Mustn’t one’s very appearance be considerate for a choosing of good over evil, of right over wrong, of Godliness over slothfulness?  Mustn’t each be outta their homesteads, humble, and kept clean, and sharp, keen and bright?

Spiritual advisors to Donald Trump of Queens long of his Presbyterian roots have reared such a suit in stories of Power of togetherness comity structures secured of a post Protestant Reformation - so we are to presume.  He wears his suits like to be for the gold standard of faithful builders - like a dedicate to the traditions and rituals long of the preserve of the Masons and how their faiths were plumbed to on the level all squared up - squared away.  He wears his suit as a suit and yet it seems as befitting the methodical practices honoring of at least masons.

Election 2016 - once past the “Primadonna Of Platitudes” variety show of “spice” supposedly in pastel pantsuits - is setting up like a people watching on a day kept for worship.  As Bernie Sanders dresses the part of labor for recognition of the plights and conditions of workers - of workers employability - of workers livable standards - there is yet the contrary of the covers of the Clintons consorts of measured and hemmed for hedging - for banking on gambling with others labors - for gains without progress from building much, or anything.

I must only posture, as it would be improper to presume, or assume, that today if graced still of a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as walking among the living of the world we might be hearing about “EVIL HEDGERS” and at least to struggles from gadget addictions maybe focused by offering in this Catholic “Year Of Mercy” a “word of the year” as “ECUMENICAL”!

What is dressing the part?  Where can there be a corporate responsibility for lifetime employment if no dress code is associated of shared faithfulness of practiced rituals practiced to a sufficed to nonsense?  There is a need for 24/7 accommodations of the apropos to comity of community from Queens to Dexter Avenue.  There is that corporations must have the same right of assembly and rights of religious freedom and liberty in free speech (to at least divine a settling of truth - truths).

Republican nominee Donald Trump dresses the part of a suit a builder dedicated to keeping a morals yet about a copacetic with a gold standard.  Still deserving to be Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders also dresses the part, also as a suit, but to that 2016 is like morally unfolding like a live HAMILTON MUSICAL in real time and of the modern/present concurrence, and to that TRUMP is dashing as garbed as “MANAGEMENT” and SANDERS is smartly attired representative not of a casual or lazy but “smartly” as “air dried” compliant, measured, collared as a white collared for the blue collared of the building, of an everyday worship day best that represents well, of a uniformed for morality, also. 

Embattled of scandals and a rich compromised history with family’s banking associations for the standard a HEDGING AMORALITY Mrs. Hillary Clinton dresses, when not like years so of a “Mao Chic” yet much as suited but suitable for playing both sides as her creed - like suited for hedging and greed - like suited for greed’s amorality. 

Instead of a regular “Sunday Best” Mrs. Clinton entourage is begot of so much baggage and to that her “style” is like she is a political chameleon of like a different “color” for every occasion, - a variable wardrobe where a fixed values compliance more apropos for morality’s work.

Lifetime employment may be now gone and forever an aspect of the past, but forward there is likely only too much instability from irregularity where corporations are not allowed to be of their First Amendment rights for free assembly, and expression, and a unity for comity in a religiousness, a religiosity, a religious freedom, a religious liberty. 

Lifetime employment has maybe only endured when people gathered for work and community of a standard for attire of that there were wardrobes of appropriate attire for rituals and practice suffice to maintain a copacetic by nonsense - by like of “practiced Christianity in suffice to nonsense” where Bible “nonsense” equals “liberalism” - like e-stirred for Easter’s of eggs and bunnies.

Neither the wardrobe of Donald Trump, builder, nor Bernie Sanders, labor leader, are for a bad styled to be for greed by gambling like “work” as absent “bridge building” as amoral as to fortunes by “hedging” or just “derivatives” coy “playing” to a “rigged economy” - to a banking system anti-HAMILTON as firstly for to maintain a “ruling class”!

There may be a potential for a return of something more akin to “LIFETIME EMPLOYMENT” but not in a politics dedicated firstly for amoral hedging and fortunes made just in markets by gambling.

There can only be a suffice for a practicable “LIFETIME EMPLOYMENT” when there are adherents adhering of to a “nonsense” for a ritualized for comity in community.

These days are upon us to be involved en masse so that a presuming “ruling class” gets checked from and balanced from furthering the Clintons’ schemes for global autocratic (to Oligarchical) domination.  There is much more to “dressing the part” that we still need to prosecute of the storied and actually historical of the “THE CLINTON”!

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton was so regularly, in years before candidate for the Democrat Party nomination, (self?) styled in a “Mao Chic” - albeit when on President William Jefferson Clinton arm at the opening of the President George Walker Bush Library she was yet covered more submissive and quite, it seems, more “Geisha” than “Maoist”!

Even suits as “minds” actually gathered together while hip as the DAVOS #WEF (World Economic Forum) “top minds” have in past years proffered these times are like rich for a new “PROTESTANT REFORMATION”!

For Bernie Sanders to walk the dressed up of HAMILTON concurrent to 2016 politics he must not be alone in how suitable and accessorized to the import of FEDERALIST PAPERS first article FEDERALIST #1 and how Alexander Hamilton, as Publius, spelled out, from a mere (and humble) measured hemming, to cap off the establishment for the Constitution, as arguing against the then opposing opinion of then Governor of New York Clinton, his masses must be a collective to a solidarity with the intelligence of Hamilton more than Clinton - and to being able to most walk the conundrum to a workable discipline of that the Constitution is said to be ordained for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!



Your First Amendment rights are applicable to your styling - to your suitable styling - to your if dressed for good or evil, - to if clad for right or wrong!  Whether of #TRUMP or #SANDERS this #YearOfMercy of #Election2016 how can you be appropriately attired to be suitable for if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were to “ECUMENICAL” as prudent and the “WORD OF THE YEAR”? 

How now dress concurrent to ‘E-GATHERED MORALS” and prudently TRADITIONALLY - of FLOCKS OF NOT TOO GULLIBLES?

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