
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:08 pm

Is it time to sweat the stones?

Working with the dead who were a part of Jack’s and Jackie’s celebrations, in district life, of Jesus, means raising the patron saint of stonemasons.

The Kennedys Catholic regularity was normative, in Washington DC, around one also the patron saint of deacons.

As a cornerstone setting is akin to Albert Einstein “Theory of Relativity”, applied to a “Trust the Science” logical origin, to that a spiritual life begins when particular matter of two bodies collide, and becometh in union conceived, to forward measurable in common time, to Saint Stephen likewise a building starts living spiritually as the first material seed is set?

In our Federal City our nation’s capital such church of the martyr Stephen is near eight blocks from the White House while an earlier earliest church for Catholics Saint Patrick’s is near just six blocks away. Saint Patrick’s Church was first founded for the flocking Irish Catholics laboring in the creation – the stone-by-stone erecting - of the structures for governing.

How far have we fallen since the chivalry and honor of Camelot? From King Arthur to King James to King George and now to the early times of a new King Charles?

America’s first state is religious liberty – “a free state” as the human condition of liberty ordered secured to a pluribus of each unum as respected as a child of the Lord Creator – as of their rights are from their Creator – as it inalienable each conceived as equal and destined to be scored to if, amongst community peers, hopefully as has achieved an enlightened moral authority above the 3/5th 6/10ths 60% FAIL grade threshold.

The Kennedy’s Saint Stephen respects a Catholic practice of that buildings built as conceived are not able to be renamed due of that all the souls and spirits sweated the development – especially from the first cornerstone, live on – may live on - to spiritually from first intent the life stays respected – it thus to an education “Trust the Science” degree therefore life begins at the big bang – the kick-off cornerstone engagement – or either wise the big conjoining of particles that is of knowing – as regards seeding sets sizeable - sequences spiritually significantly soulful.

Thomas Jefferson wasn’t present. Jefferson can’t save the Bidens?

Jefferson was living in Paris France as the Union of states became ordered more perfect by a vertical separation of church and state established by a Peoples’ “Order” an order ordained a constitution.

Doubting Thomases were too set by a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” for each unum allowed a constitution as by how pluribus each is under their Lord before under government as set also to a “more perfect” existentialism as there no divine right of monarch. As ordered doubters could question “God” while yet Lord’s Laws were set respected as establishments of religion Government was not allowed to change.

Thomas Jefferson though abroad, while founding ordering was to a Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution, seems was yet with the “Order” as not in blasphemy.

The principle core to fundamental individual liberty foundation is “a free state” is real woke of wokism truly each is equal by created each from moments of seeding to be spiritually equally conceived.

Washington – George Washington – forward instructed the world with his words put to paper in his historic letter to the Jews then concerned of Newport Rhode Island.

The first President respecting the true nature of the developments in the American northern continental since the first colonies of first pilgrims en masse, and settlers in Jamestown, inked an explanation on separation of church and state as vertical.

To the concerns of the Jews of Newport Rhode Island the States’ first Union leader wrote presidentially to the states are constituted ordered under Lord’s Laws – a perfection standard of establishments – where “a free state” to reign as akin an “A Promised Land” sans sanction of bigotry – due to a perfect God bigotry is not to be – as each is to be of the questioning - of it thus un-Christian for a Christian to be bigoted.

The ifs and whens to take up arms perchance versus troubled tides is for those common and neighbors – not of nobles – nobility – divine said superiority – nor a presumed uber authoritarian.

Now presently on public enemies: How Shakespearean the Education “Doctor”?

Where did the education of Hunter Biden FAIL – come up short – miss its mark?

Did he flub a First State comprehending of the Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” without titles, and sans any stacking assembling for structured order as to if a human leader is prescribed to be presumed infallible?

However Hamlet and Lady Macbeth predate Hunter Biden fallen existentialism raps a portrait of Hunter should abide “Dr. Jill” is the named First Lady as in education so Dr. Biden – and now to haunt, and haunt.

To artfully and critically now score Hunter Biden any must reach to some very basic elementary complexity – akin like: Do not pass over the simple facts.

Can Hunter Biden be now scored as fallen causally from ignorance?

Is that First Lady Biden is too “Dr. Jill” an albatross about President Biden’s neck?

Isn’t a Doctor in Education presumed to be sworn to telling/teaching the truths?

Where 42 & 44 had intimate allegiance with say Devil’s Advocates – whom were lawyers, some think, as in a profession of lies – Liberalism taken too far – 46 has self-selected First Lady to be a model of propriety towards charged to be to the truths, and as to not arrest development of youths.

And thus by our Peoples’ “Order” we are as conceived to by how pluribus each, to be scored and graded an unum on if achieve beyond a 3/5ths 6/10ths 60% FAILING - on if earned a common moral authority, it therefore to yet now seems the Bidens are quite contrary – short of measuring up to PASSING scores on moral authority.

The story of the union of states respects that since King James the Biblical became available in the English generally accessible to masses, and to how constituted established liberty for religious freedom respecting frontiers pilgrims empowerment to have Democracy firstly in locally English speakers could self-govern in communities with own interpretated yet from English language editions of Lord’s establishments commandments scriptural.

Of due noting: The BILL OF RIGHTS is instructive especially to Article 6 of our Peoples’ “Order” as by amending it reiterates however Federal Laws to have “supreme” status such is of much ado about how limited a Federal Government is constituted as by 1st Amendment it spelled out Congress is not allowed to change Lord’s Laws. What is left to the states is far greater than what is allowed to be federal – the 10th Amendment resounds upon so much is not of Federal jurisdiction – is left to states and within scope of religious freedom.

Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden seems of a Kennedy “Camelot” and Catholic dilemma. And “Dr. Jill” and education conundrum an albatross about President “Joe” Biden’s neck.

An American “Camelot” as lived on since the murder of “Jack” – President Kennedy - is more contrary to “a free state” core and arguably unconstitutional.

The knightly of Kennedy’s was more Catholic than Lordly of titles? Since the passing due assassination of President “Jack” Kennedy even other Catholics have betrayed “JFK” – “Jack”?

The “albatross” is much ado about an education “Trust the Science” mantle of “Dr. Jill” “Joe” self-selected to be in union wholly with until death. Hunter Biden too is stuck to be scored by First Lady “Jill’s” profession – professionalism.

There is no real comparison in present time rational between a “Contempt of Congress” grade – score – measurement of Hunter Biden if opines for a parity to Representative “Jim” Jordan.

Rep. Jordan is innocent of “Contempt of Congress” structurally by when a newly sworn executive President Biden uttered official remarks asserting the Union is “in a new Civil War” - for thus by such Democrat did frame the issues to there thus are two sides, and one side is necessarily more the rebels anti-Constitution.

The House of Representatives is seated with swearing – sworn oaths – into regular order of limited government constituted. Again akin Article 6 is defined away from loose language of “supreme” by the BILL OF RIGHTS resounding upon how limited our federal government is yet supposed to be.

Republican Representatives – Representative Jordan, yes, - versus past Democrats’ issuances had basic rights to ignore subpoenas written in anti-Constitution rebellious tones by Democrats illegally much whom insurgents as those of the side (of Biden’s “Civil War”) particularly anti-Constitution.

Hunter Biden’s “Hamlet” is more of a rap vibe essence of real deep beats of CONTEMPT attitude viscerally self-evident due a public enemy #1 now caught, and stewing? Smartly, a Doctor of Education professionally must likewise concur?

While the Doctor of “Dr. Jill” indicts “Joe” in principle, with son, the SNARED existentialism roots of “Hunter” statements – theater in the defensive – miss also that past administrations, at least on oversight obligations to check for even incidental material support of terrorism, and past Congresses “Emoluments Clause” auditing duties, have essentially that Hunter’s father “Joe” – however “The Big Guy” – had a sworn duty to know the details of his son’s business just to clear it. Right! Hunter’s father was supposed to be all over his son’s business, and is more impeachable if yet proofed as was derelict in such “oversight” professional duties.

Oh Shakespeare? – Oh Shakespeare?

Tis it the House of Biden fell? Tisn’t it too many others knew – should have known too – and for far too long? And fallen likewise, after clearly in Ukraine “Hunter” (and pals) got in bed with the “a known most corrupt” Ukrainian oligarch? And by definitions of “collusion” & “emoluments” as regards with Chinese as more of selling out – than railroading with abuse of powers?

However Catholic “Camelot” may too have fallen due other Catholics ignored the protections from tyranny of the Emoluments Clause to as if more entitled – set titled – despite prudence ordered by scoring established to even family not titled and any “emoluments” “whatever” must be approved by Congress.

However Catholics Doctor Biden defeats President Biden as his self-selected metric with which to be scored/graded truthfully? As Catholics it even more so?

Past administrations too had duty to fully know Hunter Biden’s foreign entanglements/engagements down to the first penny.

“Jack” and “Jackie” worshipped at Saint Stephen’s Church.

“Hunter’s” practicing seems yet eons apart from moralism - moralistic – while yet first gray areas/realms materially.

By the Kennedy’s honors on whom can be Saint – saintly – Hunter Biden fallen is unfit for martyrdom claims?

From Camelot to presently seeing the tree from the trees of the forest where can rest the “PUBLIC ENEMY #1” to be sweated of honest prosecution due?

Perhaps due we are to rap first more dire that grades due the Clintons & Al Gore? - even eventually just Barack Obama’s own score?

As, again, Representative Jim Jordan was of “Contempt of Congress” slung by those real rebels to regular order – the actual constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” - he was quite politically cast stones upon unjustly as sweated the truths of partisan discord from Democrats oh so very very contrary.

Yet again: What are the roots of Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden’s fallen?
Any Doctor in Education should professionally fully consider how Shakespearean – uber dramatic – it is comparatively that it is simply teachable that the Clintons, in their proud anti-Constitution “Post-Constitution” schemes, have proofed themselves even DIABLOLICAL – even DEPLORABLES – for decades devilishly working to set asunder the CONSTITUTION – so busily that now compared to founding days of British General Clintons, and then New York Governor Clinton it is now that Bill and Hillary score as the most ANTI-CONSTITUTION of 3 Clintons of American History.

Al Gore, however indivisible from was of professional obligations to have turned in Bill and Hillary, is of he personally may have represented a greater threat to the ideas of America of our established constituted order. Al Gore as a private citizen has done tons and tons of material affecting towards forcing presidents’ hands on foreign, and domestic, policies. Al Gore may have taken violating the Logan Act to a level some still might consider due indictments with capital punishment – modern stoning a fair judgement – on the table.

Joe Biden failed his son?

Hunter “Public Enemy #1” Biden – however of education fails – failed his father?

The self-selected Education professional standard – as for TRUTH – convicts?

Any equal justice must yet rest on comparisons now particularly to Bill and Hillary for parity in judgements, however in lieu of sweating a stoning, and as it near self-evident their “Post-Constitution” schemes involved perverting the Emoluments Clause to, though becameth term-limited, they were facilitated to rake in emoluments as if just now called “charity” to be endowed to violate the Logan Act - as banked to be global power brokers – even play about as if autocrats – at least to Bill was supported, quite contrary to ORIGINALISM, to posture as like titled – to posture too as if a first unelected President of the World – to even hold court annually as if more a monarch to which other world leaders were obligated to prostrate.

Again, while Clintons can be convicted by prosecutions asserting that the Constitution never stopped being the law of the land, the house of Bidens is beset as snared by a real CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS – by their own self-selected, and elected to standards.

As Joe Biden ‘Catholic Guilt’ long seems triggered regular “Biden Gaffes” where is a moral score - a #TRUTH ESG - a Kennedy & post-Camelot Catholics judgement/grade?

Can ‘Bidens sold out some!’ be mitigated by perhaps ‘The Bidens sold out but a mere fraction of apparently what the Clintons did?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:49 am

The civility of the summer of 2018 needn’t be about beating up on women and blacks as election 2018 midterms should be more squared off on how Trump beats Bill Clinton.

As we try to move past these alarming betrayals by officers of the courts as Clinton libs of Justice and FBI brass the heart of our matters do toe in justly as much ado about an evil in Bill Clinton.

A crisis in our democracy extant is illustratable and graphically with a late but long due accounting of Bill Clinton as of actually bad and diabolical politics.

The beats are up - let us now drop this story - let our summer be viral for trued justice!

Correctly we can go deeper than cross and bitter at the revealed associated scandalous of Bill Clinton head to protégé Anthony Weiner and wing man and fixer Harvey Weinstein as such of today’s dropping but adds shade and coloring to how the Clintons so regularly crossed our lines.  The picture should be clear enough to convict Bill Clinton as quite diabolical and to therefore never quite the man he was sold and packaged as time and time again.

Let us not forget what President “Hollywood” Bill Clinton did to Baltimore!

For Justice, despite troubled Chicago of close accomplice in Mayor Rahm Emanuel, starting with a case study of Baltimore will deeply rap a fated to HELL, it seem still, for Bill Clinton and how he administered for real crime/true crime in such major city.

A moral conundrum persists in the souls stirring sad story as seems President Clinton was afraid of seeming “too good” a President (person generally) and to therefore was willing to sell out Baltimore for a Hollywood pal so to have a blockbuster hook-up for real crime and true crime homicide as wired and anchored television.

Oh YEH - you are starting to see a different Bill Clinton - a real Bill Clinton - and as to it self evident such trued Bill Clinton has a rap of corrupted ranks of Justice while promoting himself while afraid of being a leader “too good” a person.

This is the Bill Clinton I have sensed since of a bad first impression in the early 1970s while he and Hillary were just out walking in my neighborhood as coed cohorts of Yale Law School days.

These stories of criminal behaviors associated through many he promoted to be of his team, in domestic collusion at least, have much to answer for which they should not get immunity for as times call for them to also tell us of this real Bill Clinton.

The names Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok are hardly enough to fill out the rap sheets we yet should be dropping shade on today!

The sold Bill Clinton unexpected 1992 rise was ahead of schedule to the ambitions of Bill and Hillary and by so does expose their plots to now an easier prosecuting to at least clearly indicted as diabolical in the court of public opinion they voluntarily changed venue to by candidacies.

More simply:  The Clintons’ schemes, frauds, and cons have been slowed down enough from suffice of popular energy needed to keep their diabolical compromises cloaked.

Personally, of my bad first impressions dropped story, it is that I have known their engagement was cored around a collusion intimate to be together from Yale forward to become each of an own Presidency as firstly ambitious to like become the most powerful lawyers alumni of Yale.

How Bill Clinton sold out Baltimore as while afraid to seem “too good” yet for of “community policing” backed for those leaders locally effective proponents for New York City and New Haven, Connecticut, plus, is almost as revealing as how they tried as they were leaving the White House to get big banks and banker pals to fork out near a million a year for sought near penthouse suites for his “foundation” in another tower on 57th Street - Not Trump Tower but that above the Russian Tea Room of as Carnegie Hall Tower.

Despite ethics - Senate ethics - for Senator Hillary Clinton as the due concern for peoples of New York protection from banks Bill Clinton after failed to get G.A.O. okay to hook taxpayers did, as I recall, pressure banking pals to pay such rent as like thanks for all the money he made them by forcing/pushing them into derivates gambling as only way to deal with his irresponsible economics of diabolical politics of having his surpluses by cutting 2 Trillion dollars at the same time pimping hyper consumerism and tricking peoples to committing to risky mortgages and to spending more than they had and ability to afford.

A devilish Bill is the true Clinton - the real Bill Clinton!

Though Weiner, Weinstein and other loyalists provide shade and color to how they crossed the lines we have midterms ahead at much of the work of cleaning out the ranks of “officers” of our courts who partied to and with these moral compromises as the political partisan standard operating procedures of the kept cloaked said “good” Bill Clinton.

The President who became saved by Harlem after all this - after failed to hook the taxpayers, thanks to the G.A.O., and failed to further bend the banks to his diabolical power scheming is so illustratable as a devilish character, likely fated to HELLISH for eternity, with how he was willing to use his power as President with Justice and walls of separation, at least, at the Bureau - The Federal Bureau of Investigation - to let Hollywood television pals profit grossly off a willingness to deprive Baltimore the revolutions in policing and community improvements he otherwise inherited good will with for of at least New York City and New Haven, Connecticut. 

Bill Clinton’s worst is of stories to drop of how his avoidance and inaction can be tagged as quite criminal while severely morally compromised!

Sadly the foreign aspects of so much that went bad does too relate for there is a commonality to Bill Clinton likewise a common denominator by storying how principally he chose avoidance and inaction instead of moral leadership particularly as around Saddam Hussein and simmering unrest known of Al Qaeda.

It is of the diabolical - the devilish - of Bill Clinton that historians and students must consider and try to fathom the reason chain as regards.  Globally President Clinton was more as was compromised for pals to profit off selling Baltimore as of true crime than he was as loyal and of integrity with the bravery for community policing revolution.

Notable for Posterity is a common denominator of for studious to affirm that Bill Clinton policies towards Iraq showed he was not an intelligent believer in “community policing” and allowed his fattened ranks t cloak and bury leads and stories from dropping on the commonality to so much that went south as of his diabolical deplorable moral compromises is as is/was evident of that the mistakes he made showed that he was never a believer in the “community policing” where even it was allowed.

Bill Clinton did not act alone!  What did they know?  When did they know it?

The path to indictments by old adage of “follow the money” convicts this time around more as to criminal by studies and affirmation to that he - Bill Clinton - is crooked by where didn’t let money go and actively worked to stop money from going.

Such a deplorable and diabolical President we had never had before and pray never get near to having again.  There are women and blacks beaten likewise (Mrs. Clinton & Barack Obama, at least) and due also to be accepted and notable as fallen.  Bill Clinton is still though their king - the king pin we need drop truth & light upon.

So true, for starters, is the rap that “Harlem saved President Bill Clinton!” for if not for the Harlem zip code as the Clinton Foundation ‘hood awful stories would have been regular news of a horrible leader ensconced in offices high up in a tower on 57th Street in NYC.  Only because Bill Clinton was dragged almost in tears to having to call Harlem home is it that the Clintons have even survived to now! - remember he asked bankers to pay his downtown near penthouse suite rent as thanks for his forced/pushed them into derivates - the huge (#YUGE) profits gross before the fall - the crash - the crashes - the economics that prevented a recovery due too much consumer confidence lost.

  *     *     WHERE WERE WOODWARD & BERNSTEIN?     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

You know things must be bad for Democrats when…

Enter Joe Biden, Catholic former Vice President:

We all know honesty is a problem for our “Joe” - we hail some of his quips “Bidenisms” when truth is inconvenient.

With all the women of Hollywood blacked out our Catholic “Joe” may be best to remain silent - “Joe” and I go way back to my earlier writing days of civil rights political correctness leadership and to his accepting my guidance as a guiding light - good soul from afar - in the Clarence Thomas hearings of that he did say “our great nation” when going negative and more honest was yet his instinctual. I worked the mass media upside after he accepted a catholic (lay use for worldly) guidance from me a Hogan in his early 20s.

Our “Joe” has two problems:  Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

Emma Watson, dear subject of the Queen of England, yes it is I who have street cred in Hollywood for old “Bidenized” official remarks;  Emma of “Beauty and the Beast” forward perhaps a synchronicity with Halle Berry who dates to back to 1990s of an earlier like #HeForShe due production carried of “STRICTLY BUSINESS”!  These are of the me prior to then able to be the challenging muse for 7 books on magic and as the philosopher of the “The Philosopher’s Stone”.  These are of before Berry in “STRICTLY BUSINESS” I was of wishing for a movie of such content as help to a friend of a sister then in DC employment of a work place some race issue.  Yes of before each of these of by phat for civil rights and a improvement to political correctness lingua franca there is also of such vibe and essence of that I did tell Michelle R. Obama when crossed paths with her in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School a “you could be President some day.”

The Hollywood Foreign Press Golden Globes production showed me I do not have Joe Biden’s problem.

Vice President Joseph Biden, Catholic, can hardly embrace the blacked women issue without compromising himself politically on feminism and constitutionalism due would be expected to opine on immovable facts of his two problems Bill Clinton, & Hillary Clinton.

That Barack H. Obama lives with having been a former Constitutional Law Professor may personally & professionally steed him in more common jeopardy than “Joe” on Clintons & Hollywood of an inescapable urge to have to explain the 22nd Amendment & how Bill Clinton used his wife to try to get a 3rd term in the White House.

As we are being worldly and for feminism of equal rights progress we have that dear “Joe” is trapped (as a Catholic) as a politician to needing to explain Hillary Clinton problem of became less desirable to Bill Clinton as his leading lady much of the Hollywood rabbit hole of she became too too too predictable to Bill Clinton & foreign agents.

You must know things are bad for Democrats when dear “Joe” must have to explain how Hillary Clinton became less desirable to Bill Clinton, at least, due too too too predictable since by spousal husbandry & vows of marriage as a wife not supposed to incriminate a spouse Hillary Clinton, politician, was/is yet a wife now long so predictable for there is little she can do or decide without being grossly limited by that she is NOT supposed to incriminate Bill Clinton - even with executive decisions expected to be the work of the people.

I fear the Hollywood ending for Joseph Biden is not written and unchangeable of that the “TERM LIMITS” Amendment our 22nd Amendment must apply to spouses of term limited Presidents regardless of sex due as Clintons’ example establishes they are an indivisible union of diminished capacity for honesty, and, Mrs. Clinton, so long betrayed, is established for plots of likely to that it is more important that the spouse be term limited due the bitterness of losing power may be too emotional and irrational in at least, regardless of sex, of a driving bad subconscience.

You now must know that things are bad for Democrats too?  To Joe Biden, Vice President, it seems he is one, due a Catholic, who cannot separate the work of the 80th Congress & the ratification of the 22nd Amendment as less than such due the very language written as a future prophylactic to Roosevelts reigning with too much power over truth and as such is verbage of language common in rhyme & reason to the language of common marriage vows.

As we all nearly had a dire problem to Hillary Clinton if elected after my success in 2008 & work in 2016 to establish Clintons as defeated from aspirations to return a term limited President to a 3rd term, at least, we must sympathize with “Joe” for truly to Hollywood women he is also stuck on Hillary Clinton as having become a threat to national security by that she years before had already become too too too predictable by as not allowed to incriminate Bill Clinton it was simple and elementary work to know how few options she then could have to ever responsibly administer the service work of the people. 

Like “Joe” - a Catholic - I too must break bread for truth and even as it embroils Barack H. Obama as too associated with the “Ganster” or “Gangsta” - of the union indivisible of Clintons as yet too akin organized crime.

Can’t we now at least leave it to “Joe” to refresh and reset how contrary to Constitution & Amendments it is/was that Hillary Clinton ever ran while last job was as #2 at the Clinton Foundation as subordinate to a term limited President who yet had to promise when CGI was allowed to form that he wouldn’t use such structuralism as if philanthropy yet politically or in any partisan manner?

“Joe”?  Vice President Joseph Biden?  Really?

What happened is Hillary Clinton - the Clintons - became predictable?

      *       *       *       WHO YA GONNA CALL?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:27 am

Let me be clear:  As Donald J. Trump, President, brings back “Merry Christmas” for Mormons we have the paradigm of our time’s politics of Hillary Clinton as “Butch” and Barack Obama as “Cassidy” a metaphor.

We have alarms to raise against careers of evil of complicitry to set asunder the pathology of freedom enshrined also of Apostle Paul successes at furthering the work of our Lord.  We must raise enough alarm to ensure their crimes against humanity have a suffice of respondents to encircle and attest with testimonies of motivation of appeared to ensnare and arrest.

Some baby steps around the elementary of the birth of Christ is to sock it to “BUTCH” & “CASSIDY” for wrongful ways to just ways for a short term sun dancing devoid of morals and a core value.

Catholics must be alarmed of New York Presbyterian likewise emboldening of Book of Mormons for reasoning through how worthy a Queens’ Protestant amounts before Truth is the work of everyday - the work of humanity - the work of living moral - the short game of if any can make it a week sans due public shaming in a weekly service accountancy.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” have had careers of evil by being of and for being oh so contrary to the prudence & philosophically reasoned of at least John Jay & Alexander Hamilton;  “Hillary” & “Barack” are two individual souls likewise violate of the humanity of faith by long dedicated to set asunder the pathology of freedom as said of Apostle Paul in furtherance of the education in the way & laws of our Lord.

As a metaphor of ensnared but for the comity of polity for parity we have their too just sun dancing now as crimes against our constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” our Constitution to account them assuaged of careers in evil effectively.

It behoove us, however catholic (worldly), to consider if a New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant a President of these united states of the Americas is yet a topper to Catholics - to even American Catholics - to especially Kennedy Catholics.

I’ve nothing against Donald J. Trump martialing a “Merry Christmas” reset for Mormons.

Forward we must stir our alarms of our consciences & connective metaphysical of that the American founding fathers were not as seems presumed by Democrats of stray from apostolic spectacle and to basely earlier of a blasphemy of being generic of a sun dance primal regression politics.

The metaphor fitting “careers of evil” tag is of “Hillary” as “Butch” & “Barack” as “Cassidy”!

For polity and comity we can affix a parity though seasonal polite now as if we are yet see them as surrounded by peaceful protestors now muscling in on against how they have long wrongly worked to set asunder the mystery of faiths of the pathology of freedom of at least the basics of Apostle Paul furtherance in educating on the ways universal of caring of our Lord. 

In tatters is the Law the Justice of Obama’s reign as related to the endemic of the duration of James Comey for to respect the rule of law each must cotton to the American prudence of innocence held high of protections in the presumption of innocence and at least how so long contrary and evil it has been by careers of leaders of Democrat Party of missing the prejudice & discrimination in their own common core. 

In tatters is the politics of ”tax the rich” Liberalism for the Left elite ruling class is now encircled and to be clowned over until alarms can be quieted by a suffice of worldly arisen to knowledge in their wrongful setting asunder of the essential metaphysics of the pathology of freedom as tied to truth and honesty. 

We must leave Donald J. Trump, New York Presbyterian a Queens’ Protestant, to explain himself on “Merry Christmas” to evidence if actually worldly with his attempts at parochial politics reset. 

In tatters they unite and yet evidence their crooked and as of careers of evil and fraying to frayed of their high fashion long hemmed irreligious.

Let us all ensnare to even clown around with metaphors for crookedness arresting.

At least the basic question of if and how devoid of a philosophy of governance was/is the likes of “Butch” & “Cassidy” for too of just pimp’n out sun dancing of a devolution to a natural state contrary to the ten of seen of the ark of old saws religious & moral written.

This metaphorical isn’t set to be commentary on how to be of a copacetic by self-governance in a shared established morality particular to coexistence of a metaphysical existentialism of particularly the Catholic YUGE family; this is merely an essay on brotherhood & sisterhood as universally governed for a pathology of freedom. 

To maintain order of old saw an adage of old times of “give to Caesar” & of differentiations between that of government from that of Lord’s - that of morals indivisible from of universal humanity and moral of all let us consider taxation of our times and the American creed as constituted of founding fathers not at blaspheme but as yet anew of an apostolic spectacle respecting separations vertical between of under our Lord and of equal in rights to our government.

American civil liberties are of our Union of own indivisible from the universal union however yet keepers of it within a smaller family either the Catholic mass or that Mormon amassed, and or Trump’s of Queens’ Protestants as New York Presbyterian.

The Liberals’ sun dances for taxing the rich & redistribution by claiming power to be redistributors doth as spaketh and martialed betray our common core in the pathology of freedom and by crookery of complicitry forwarded of wrongful by having asked to be entrenched to Power as if just to be prejudice and discriminating against the HAVES - any rich enough to be TAXED - by attacking their civil liberties by assuaging GUILT not INNOCENCE as pre-judged.

“Butch” & “Cassidy” likewise are tag’d for of a BIGOTRY a PREJUDICED an inconsiderate politics un-American and contrary to faiths by working a base endemic for their own sun dance pimp’d for popularity over morality.

And now:  How threatening is “Merry Christmas” to your comfort level American?

How cotton ye to how established the founders’ effected as the Peoples’ Order as the American long game, and, now how doth ye in testimonies sayeth ye selves of how Trump short game arrests the politics of the Left Leftists much fully ensnared and encircled by own so to circular reasoned devoid a philosophical?

“Merry Christmas” is pronounced how?  Mustn’t we face the evil amongst us if to articulate it particularly morally?

Arrest them with the “SHORT GAME” and shed your partisanship to their BIGOTRY & PREJUDICED against the HAVES for HAVE NOTS & HAVES in America must toe to the same morality of it wrong to entrench a structural discrimination against any (class or persons) and so it is in-Constitutional & un-American to posture & govern for any REDISTRIBUTION by TAX THE RICH dictum?

Our “SHORT GAME” is President Trump’s, however personally religious, “LONG GAME” and the over due reset an example American modal now pressing and welcome?

We the People by our Peoples’ “Order” do coexist to govern of religions as first tools for self-governance and now must attest with encircling alarm by testimonials of that we are constituted under our Lord’s Law not a sun dancing blasphemy to that it improper and irregular to entrench a structural bigotry against the taxable for the separations of of Caesar’s from of Lord’s is our separations vertical constituted our more perfect Union “done” “subscribed” in past “Year of our Lord” whence.

The HAVES are established and ordained to equal rights of the HAVE NOTS and to then our “SHORT GAME” the “LONG GAME” constituted American for these united states of the Americas to that “MORALITY” of “INEQUALITY” & “EQUALITY” is not the work of Caesar but that the work of ALL and set dogmatically prudently to be forward of the humanity froward of doth behoove all to redistribution is as of (John Jay and?) Alexander Hamilton as espoused by “PUBLIUS” of constituted for “INDUCEMENTS OF PHILANTHROPY” reasoned as constituted also for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY” so that HAVES shall not be prejudged and discriminated against with any structural bigotry by any TAX THE RICH politics.

For it only is calculable that the presumption of innocence governs and so redistribution is only constitutional where voluntary or of peer pressure by “SHORT GAME” prudence exercised of to now of any separation from of supposed to care for all and of existential community in believing buttress by a weekly test to if any can make it a week (even days) without being due PUBLIC SHAME & SHADE of being singled out for public shaming by participatory democracy in keeping faith in maintaining the PATHOLOGY OF FREEDOM of “each is under our Lord before under any government?” (Your source?  Also of Apostle Paul for any “Merry Christmas” however secular to a faith family particulars.)

No HAVE shall be of HAVES structurally prejudged as if GUILTY due a BIGOTRY of PREJUDICED/PRE-JUDGED!!!

None said a ”HAVE NOT” shall be PRE-JUDGED and PREJUDICED in a STRUCTURAL BIGOTRY to as if presumed to be of “HAVE NOTS” as dictated as if NOT of a “GREEN MINIMALISM” an otherwise living plainly and “CLOSER TO OUR LORD”?

            *       *       *       NOT GUILTY?       *        *        *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

[As publicly shared on facebook.com/jpeterhogan wall & @jphoganorg linked.]











      *       *       *      BIG LIARS CLINTONS!       *       *       *
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

We are here - we are really here now!  Let us face it - let us begin to face our space time & Cartesian connective feminism.

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism - lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t the worst of the worst to connect the dots to attest a theorem - proofed hypothesis.

Nancy Pelosi due her protection has expired is now more than ever yet of an excommunication threat due Donald J. Trump has repealed the tyrannical anti-religious liberty Johnson Amendment that protected Catholic Pelosi from her own religion.

Nancy Pelosi is culpable and mashed by math of the real as yet caught too of that there isn’t enough water in the oceans to wash Hillary Clinton clean of “Crooked Hillary” prima facia as truly representative when graphically calculated.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminist until the math and comparative guilt is consummately laid out scientifically thoroughly.

Hillary Clinton cannot be a feminism icon until we discern her role as First Lady and the ends of the bad means of the years 1993 to 2001 of the Clintons’ administration.

Hillary Clinton greatest threat is Barack Obama due his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech spoke smack on Bill Clinton of the erudite orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world have the work called calling them each to see honestly that forward the religious froward to Hillary Clinton & her Judgement Day is now enough prefaced by facts & circumstantial persuading exposed to that we can now already begin planning the works of that she is fated to be at the gates of Hell due the blood on her hands than at the Gates of Heaven while of a band apropos as HILLARY AND HAREM FIDELITY.

The intellectual honesty challenge to a proper thorough accounting of the comparative guilt of the culpabilities of Mrs. William J. Clinton is daunting and testing even to Cartesian coordinated efforts science; - our space time is time sensitive as Hillary Clinton comparative guilt is shared ugly of Nancy Pelosi and much primarily mostly diabolical for the years as Speaker Pelosi.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi long partied to the partisan Democrat Party beat of it OK if Mrs. William J. Clinton is a “Manchurian Candidate” of our future as Hillary Clinton could be packaged and repackaged and attempted of pimp’n to the ENDS as “FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT” while minds of the world face a tyrannous suppression to bury awareness to the MEANS to such END by especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi were without the Johnson Amendment at near enough due crimes against our Lord as near enough for EXCOMMUNICATION.

Women, children, boys to men, ye us of the world face a grand scope as of our task to probe the collective about “CROOKED HILLARY” as facts and supporting circumstantial knowns bolster the graphic Cartesian plotting.

The work of feminism is halted concurrently of especially Democrat Party leaders of tag “feminists” are negligent and remiss as obstructionists to prevent a due proper thorough accounting of how many dead buried at least in Arlington Cemetery are there as of the hands of the Clintons’ spousal husbandry of Mrs. William J. Clinton Shakespearean of her own hands deeply stained of “blood on her hands” collective culpability of the comparative guilt this broad scope is to scientifically call all able minds, however bodied, to.

A first broach of the swamped guilting of Mrs. William J. Clinton is of the “THE LONGEST WAR” & “FEMINISM” due we know Secretary of State John Kerry inherited the Obama war of choice on the Taliban in Afghanistan from Barack Obama first term & the “diplomacy” of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton; - Secretary Clinton has many to most of the dead in Afghanistan as blood on her hands of deep stains to at least responsible feminists think.

Secretary Clinton did leave Secretary Kerry the “THE LONGEST WAR” inheritance, and oddly of while tasked as chief Diplomat of President Barack H. Obama as supposed to find peace alternatives to war to that the situation of her final days had left Secretary Kerry one basic option yet not yet attempted shockingly.

Secretary John Kerry stands as evidence to “CROOKED HILLARY” as of how Democrat Party partied to her an ENDS justifying MEANS by simply that he inherited a war of which Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had not even tried that he then attempted of as a peace ploy - even diplomatic - of near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

Sadly FEMINISTS of the world have a comparative guilting to work through now to if I am wrong to of postured that Nancy Pelosi is a women of lesser guilt and a lower bodybags accounted culpability burden than Mrs. William J. Clinton.

Sadly FEMINISM must now face that as Speaker Nancy Pelosi did do more of the dirty work of the ENDS justify the MEANS of the diabolical Democrat Party set up for a President Hillary Rodham Clinton so it may be mature and considerable that Nancy Pelosi is more the BAD ACTOR and Mrs. William J. Clinton whom was then supposed to have the opportunity as a President then only to become worse and more guilty than America’s first female Speaker of the House of Representatives.

To know these women of their stories so complicated and historically diabolical is to be then of awakened of eyes open to that now forward a conscientious considerable froward is moral only if of asking and answering of the ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, as inherited from the Clintons’ administration by George W. Bush, of due President Obama erudite oration in receipt of NOBEL PEACE PRIZE of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”, to that therefore honesty of intelligence relates a comparative guilt amassed to be charted however Cartesian of that Mrs. William J. Clinton has all the dead of the 9/11/2001 attacks and resultant lost from collateral engagements for Justice as also blood on her hands and fittingly of her own personal guilt by an accounted real bodybags count for modern feminism in truth.

Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

No! REALLY!!!  Have you found the missing years 1993 to 2001 yet?

These years establish that forward Mrs. William J. Clinton, due accepting and intimate of being colluded long as END to justify Democrat Party shortcuts & negligence MEANS, is fated to meet the ferryman of HELL and without PURGATORY at all in play; - We have these days the modern INFERNO consideration to a dramatic to wake William Shakespeare ghost of that now there is needs akin LUCIFER finding DANTE reincarnate to be found and contracted for an EIGHTH LEVEL to be designed and constructed for at least BILL & HILLARY and likewise it seems near certain she whom sadly was ever honored as SPEAKER PELOSI.

These years can explain how much was never of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

These years equate the inequality and diabolical of SPEAKER PELOSI hellishly and fiendishly especially for such was always as “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” RIDICULOUS and yet a cover-up illegal always and of its breadth of a scope so broad the size of the crimes equal TREASON of treasonous that the size of the cover-up suggests the size of the high crimes and misdemeanor - their full criminal gestalt.

These years present to bare just Mrs. William J. Clinton, for a parity necessary for any and all polity for comity of modern feminism, as calling all available intelligence still of an enlightenment potential to that we can get past these dark ages only by an intellectual honest and thorough rendition to effecting a deposed upon the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS as seemingly fitting as reservation to a new worse EIGHTH LEVEL INFERNO infernal.

We the People must be diligent and corrective now especially to adequately accounting of how many buried in at least Arlington Cemetary are firstly primarily of bodybags of blood on the hands of Mrs. William J. Clinton and back to 1993 as spirited of accepting corners cutting and even negligence as if she was ENDS that would (but didn’t) justify Demorat Party leadership MEANS.

We the People can hardly free or liberate William J. Clinton from a feminism culpability of a comparative guilt comparable for William J. Clinton did, as I recall, nearly undermine every foreign policy and domestic policy by sleeping on each with Mrs. William J. Clinton long enough to each consider how much of each had to be compromised so as not to inhibit their succession plan for setting up the “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” “HILLARY”.

We the People do now have at least enough public records and circumstantial amassed connective fibrous political historicals to render the GATES OF HEAVEN are outta the froward picture for how CLINTONS (AND PELOSI?) are now ominously fated; - The Clintons cannot escape SCIENCE of POLITICAL SCIENCE at least of future leaders of the world called to be studious to doctoral of mastering some to much of the evidence of that we have before us a greater truth now as at least corrective to near:  IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT!!!

It rests as calculable and to amass Cartesian how the Clintons cannot have their bodies separated of the mind and bodies separate for their souls did share intimately as a Power Couple to the spousal husbandry considerable tag’d by President Barack H. Obama in his erudite oration in receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize!

President Obama essentially undermined his whole party by alighting on an innocent by “inherited” for President Bush such as now leaves us of unfinished business of feminism of to be to assessing the comparative guilt especially as between Bill & Hillary - between POTUS & FLOTUS of 1993 to 2001 of the years to George W. Bush inheritance of DANGERS from the Clintons’ collective colluded of choices to be of inaction and avoidance especially as to where the what for the how of cutting corners was from putting the “MANCHURIAN” ahead of “PRUDENCE” by Clintons’ selfish spousal husbandry so partisan and diabolically effecting by how much was set asunder due each political policy compromised was of a compromised to protect a succession planning for their to be by Clinton machine machination an inevitable PRESIDENT HILLARY!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for an INFERNO EIGHTH LEVEL rests in her story & roll in the THE LONGEST WAR due all the dead and injured are at least blood on her hands staining her/their soul due at least she did never even try that which Secretary Kerry found was a peace option still untried and available to President Obama - ya know! - that of that Mrs. William J. Clinton didn’t even try near:  LET US JUST TRYING CALLING IT DONE - SAYING IT IS OVER!

So the TRUTH that attests a need for DANTE reincarnate to be engaged in HELL ties their souls collectively for their solidarity of spousal husbandry likely is broadly to a 52 “FRIENDS OF BILL” snared to of a comparative guilt; - As they couldn’t have done it alone it does go past the BAD ACTORS females of leadership by NANCY PELOSI to also snare male Democrats.

So the TRUTH that attests a need grossly for a sustained new honesty for requisite honor for any modern feminism waits upon the accounting firstly of “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” Mrs. William J. Clinton and to that scientists of politics and history can make a case lawyers too can build out of that maybe all dead, - at least most nearly - died due to the THE HOUSE OF CLINTONS was always (since 1993) #CROOKED!!!

“HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON” fit’n banding as “HILLARY & HAREM FIDELITY” begs now a starting point for #FEMINISM & #FEMINIST #FEMINISTSTUDIES of that the threshold to #TRUTH is of “HILLARY” - TRUTH BOMB of science is prudent and fair if to start with such overdue accounting by finding the number of dead since 1993 inauguration of First Couple Power Couple Bill & Hillary and then and only then subtracting from the tragic totals if there isn’t at least a 6th degree of separation from their “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” coy ploy chicanery quite simply TREASONOUS - OF PRIMA FACIA #TREASON!!!

We have before us a vast realm of the unfinished work of feminism!!!

Lay back as if in a four poster and see the Cartesian coordinates connect!!!

                             *       *       *       *       *       *


                 *       *       *       BELIEVE!!!       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:28 am

This issuance is intended to be a global guilting, - none free from anywhere, - not an Alicia, Ashley, Emma, Madonna, Scarlett nor #WomanJaneDoe.

Women are having trouble with their messaging of the good news - their message, proper. Utterances, so past POTUS of eve, uttered of confusions.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Faith, not state, nor “citizen”, is all’s “global citizen” - - - religion is the state of the universal spirit - there no global citizen sans religious - ’tis a defined.

Women have trouble with Donald J. Trump that now must be explained - however troubling to easy.  As seems the ‘protests’ measure out coincidentally enduring as if endear as like a “FLOTUS” “Slovene Slumbered Parties’d” as it doth not register true that women of the world can actually be anti-Trump as anti-Freedom & anti-Liberation.

Women have trouble with “Women’s March” as is seems em doth hath protested “FREE AT LAST” and been gathered in a “solidarity” in protestation, to at least to Americans, of “America is yours again” in the attitude of ‘YOU’VE BEEN LIBERATED’! Perhaps #FreeWithMilania!

An utterly comical precedent to the yin and yang of “Republican Movement” karma & balance is illuminated by listing Donald J. Trump business acumen of a daily regimen of timely accordance & attention to that fish and eggs - even Champagne - was, where ever of his properties scopes of arriving and time in the development for “grace” in service.

But utterly comical precedent in a historical is more of that Donald J. Trump is less a charming Benjamin Franklin than stout & steeled akin President George Washington & his general humor in his first inaugural.  Do you have any idea how prescient and froward our first President was with such erudite & common oration?  Do you accept even a President can have general humor akin a former General still besot to speak prophylactically to the moral of his troops?

So utterly literate and literary and more humorous that what is sold as comedy these Saturday nights live is that as imbued & imported by George and as of a prudence to recall to “wash & re-use” practiced while of a mores affirmed of that his spouse his bride his wife his Martha was the essence of all the pecuniary emoluments he hath need and want of froward.

Do yourselves all a favor and make time for citation studious of such Washington humor and now as laid out convenient with a bitly shortcut here: http://bit.ly/1stInaugural.  You cannot ignore our start as of “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…”! Nor word for “ups & downs”!

We together can celebrate the preparatory prudence in “wash & re-use” preface of that “impregnable fortitude” is like what “George” had to be “repaired from retired” as not then like what George’s & Martha’s biggest worry as homebodies froward was to be. 

George & Martha are biographied of having inherited from Martha’s parents their library of books on sex and sexuality. 

“George” as General Washington consummating the birth of the nation as the first President most certainly set condom precedence by implying worrying of skins prophylactics of such day were a common vein each beseeched to attend to diligently for maintenance of “impregnable fortitude” facility.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of ribbing:

Material of my unique kinship to your sisterhood, - bear with me I am no cum laude - is a coming clean on how J.K. Rowling has since our moments over the famous napkins somehow got to her literal spite due the platonic core of holding a double edge sword to me as a safety net.

At times she protesteth that I pushed her too hard - of that I hath over charged her to be to committing to perform to seven books - in that she had her heated moments at beseeched to if five books could suffice, - and yet after complaints heard of “you haven’t even given me enough for five books yet!”

Ladies and gentlemen the start of “HARRY POTTER” of coverage in “HOGWARTS” is her literal double edged sword a sharp safety net for though mission was to write so that core youths didn’t grow up from like wards to be yet like dirt under the skin and Hogan warts.

J.K. Rowling in performance on charge to seven books yet developed appropriate of task to write as like of a mother’s perspective for a character basis in my end as set of as a “Pete Rowe-ling”.  J.K. Rowling had her safety net for a chance I wasn’t right about such if to seven as charged would “make her very rich, - if she stuck to how outlined” as covered for if such by how “HOGWARTS” failed/bombed she had it bound as ready to import of like “OH IT FAILED NOT BECAUSE OF ME BUT FOR IT SO HOGAN’S WARTS!”.

Ladies and gentlemen readers of the known & unknown world let me share I have since barring further “HARRY POTTER” books and allowing my muse energy to yet still flow but around STRIKE and economics sadly less of John Kenneth Galbraith as times needing guarding from Bill & Hillary Clinton crooked were known more to as if of ROBBING ECONOMICS fit’n her cloaked productions and performance on Rob “Galbraith” release dictum from stitching together more bounded voluminous of “HOGWARTS” and specifically as pressed and sent of yet an idea for a trilogy to be also furthered of patron o’ US conscience but as to years apart as different school years era particularly then of 7 girl wonders and of one of each of each a top study from each of the seven continents, and, as these 7 girl wonders were also particularly studied to the specific important of Dante’s INFERNO.

J.K. Rowling such has seemed covered and worked to if not even near as specifically this time around as outlined.

Readers of the vast world of unknown fans it is from “but you have not even given me enough for five books” protest that “Harry Potter” became of a godfather figure a “SERIOUS BLACK” and of volts dangers prudence due national electrical standard yugely vary, and as of PATRONUS another play on spelling, - though righteous as “patron US” - in that my circle of friends and local athletic compatriots in ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues were of the architecture firms of the design, and construction management of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and, yes my own godfather, the late “Uncle Charlie” Hogan was serious about black wires as his career was as a union electrician knowingly prepared for volts of more dangers, and racially sensitive in diversity quite as a serious fan of serious black pugilist “Smokin’ Joe” Joe Frazier.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay:

Of the old adage “knowledge is power” I grant thee access to http://bit.ly/BEAVERWARShttp://bit.ly/PetersRabbits for since “TITANIC” I was not an idle muse otherwise to Potterdom commitments and as Leonardo Di Caprio of REVENANT was a performance on suggestion he could help preface a HOGAN new “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” tv series as on “BEATRICE BOXER & THE BEAVER WARS” by developing silver screen prologue on the epic era of the THE BEAVER WARS. I regret the inconvenience of such series also a ready to go Poet JP Hogan children series for popular books mass appeal of that any now considerate enough to be curious will yet find these links are to what was written chronological to regular readers of “Citizen Rosebud” in series and so present as linked now but in reverse chronological order. {As is problematic with old series thou ripe & popular links to such may present now with this current squip as the leading in otherwise old scroll/thread, and, but #BeaverWars link takes many back to earlier days of http://myblog.jphogan.org art of archived of the month of November in the year 2010.}

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of scribed for TV & books, at least:

For the proper respect to divinity and coincidence of John Adams & Thomas Jefferson of dying on the same Fourth of July there now is a “Potter World” likewise for my basis for “Harry Potter” godfather in my own of the Brotherhood of Electricians is of that the date November 7, 2011 likewise shall live in infamy as such is the day the New York Times published David Brooks hit piece op-ed “THE SERIOUS ONE” and too somehow the same day that Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier died and my own godfather “Uncle Charlie” Hogan of the brotherhood died suddenly about yard work in retirement though his union brethren were all call to duty as such day is of record as a “Greatest BlackOut in Connecticut History”.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of new media social media facebook media shares:

I.E.: E.G.: Yesterday’s of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan “PUBLIC” share comment:

JKRowling @JK_Rowling J.K. Rowling ~ I am not studied nor read in on specifics — an American take thou from long known me for our collaborative successes is yet to read #Hamilton as #Publius in #FederalistPapers #Federalist #1 for #AlexanderHamilton spells out that the #Constitution is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” & “PRESERVATION OF… PROPERTY” so it wrong for USG to be so monied while yet USA is expected to be of COMPASSION and engagement via #CHARITY & #PHILANTHROPY - even as by #ReligiousLiberty of the religions the institutions & bureaucracies expectant to such adherence.  #PoetJPHogan

Yes!  Quid ditch did stem from J.K. Rowling prudence to ask if our books on magic should have a flying broom, and to that my answered was “Yes! Go big! Make it a team sport!” and to that I put about her the energy then of my recreation & sport in area ULTIMATE FRISBEE leagues.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of old school broadcast sharing methods in of reading with openness to Lord & peeps (as “meek shall inherit” meaning those strong in the Lord who “wait upon the Lord” by being open and patient for the guidance by the Holy Spirit) by at least being cotton’d to Old Testament of the Bible of that to the “chief Musician” akin the connectivity & interconnected eco-system of religions of the PSLAMS.

Perhaps we can yet find a way to build GRACE out of clay, or a good ribbing?

A Psalms conundrum is “meek” in Psalm 37 as meaneth not weak or feeble but those strong in the Lord as open to a “meek” as open & patient to receive the Holy Spirit hook-up?  (Divined import by reading of Barnes & Noble collectors classic printing bound of King James edition.)

                   *       *       *       GRACE?       *       *       *

[This squib/essay is currently a work in progress - what you see may be just today’s beginning - do come again until satisfied it is all done.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:39 am

BLACKS of these still united states of the Americas what follows is much ado about your class and especially of how Clinton Democrats, at least, don’t want “low information voters” to learn it is much ado about them.

The first hook to rap the #IAmHillary #RealClintons can be to thrown down the “TEAM OF RIVALS” the Clintons forced Obama, as the President-Elect to accept!  Hook:  Clintons forced Obama to concurrent to his administration accept them as RIVAL/RIVALS in the house - in the building - and to as if they divided the world up to that they go “global initiatives” and he but “domestic” peddling.

Blacks of these still united states of the Americas your engagement and intelligence is now most fully needed if our Country as Constituted can now still endure.

A chorus forward of “Cha Ching Hillary” needs be mashed and pump’d out to masses - even hashed up #ChaChingHillary!

Perchance now a universal exclamation fit’n a deep dive to tru “ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS” rap!

Together we are smarter when we exclamate:


Hillary Clinton now should be sleepless and restless as “WHAT YA GONNA DO WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU” has verb! - heart! - core of established culpability, - got a tru & deep core common of both Clintons!

How is the being exposed as like rotten core of the Clintons’ global initiatives as of co-operators of co-mingled systems, at least, now beggard for Justice to a so late ask as to:  WELL? WHAT ABOUT IN THE BEGINNING?  YA KNOW - LIKE WHAT ABOUT WHEN MRS. CLINTON JUST A NEW NEW YORK SENATOR AND PRESIDENT CLINTON ‘INITIATIVE’ OF LIKE RAKING IN DOUGH FROM THOSE (OBVIOUSLY) WITH BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE?

Surely we cannot forget Harlem, and the first days such contrivances for Power by machinations as if for “charity” were commenced not as so desired by President Clinton as yet on 57th and high above the THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM as ensconced in nearly the penthouse suites with so desired but not afforded location as in the CARNEGIE HALL TOWER?

#OMG ~ Oy the “CHA CHING!!!” to rap more easily if Harlem hadn’t been the saver of the Clinton Foundation!

#OMG ~ Oy the self evident “GUILT” to be already have arrested Mrs. Clinton if now the Clinton Foundation were yet in CARNEGIE HALL TOWER and not HARLEM and due Bill Clinton tried to, as recalled reported, get the BIG BANKS to like pay the rent he (they) couldn’t get GAO (Government Accounting Office?) to allocate on tax payers earnings and to that concurrent to the HOUSING and ECONOMIC crashes the whole world could have seen (as reminded) that Clintons were of Bill Clinton of asking banking friends to like pay his foundation’s near $1 Million/year rent in gratuity for like recalled “ALL THE MONEY HE MADE THEM WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”!



Donald Trump isn’t just a #LawAndOrder alternative to #CrookedHillary:


We can be harmonizers with Trump-Pence! 

We can be entrusted of our Bill of Rights and of the 2nd Amendment and accept Donald Trump incidentally spoke the words as 2nd-A is signed and ratified and incidentally as alarming for Clinton camp to that enough defensive sentiment already in the air as awares Hillary Clinton may definitely be to trying to carry Barack Obama torch forward as for further warring against the people to steal their Union/Country/Freedom from them to yet have a voided CONSTITUTION so that there can be yet an AUTHORITARIAN RULING CLASS of AUTOCRATIC power by negating by war against the constituted most to all clauses that are to protect the People “citizens” from TYRANNY. 

We can bolster and reinforce #TP2016 as random roll outs seem now of the leaders of incidentally orating, while of “the pen is mightier” postured, the warning in the Bill Of Rights by the Second Amendment as written to be a warning to any (political) leader intent on disrespecting the ‘We the People’ constituted essential common core!


Remember Harlem!  Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton, to date back to when “Cha Ching Clintons” seems to commence with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton sworn to the oath of the Senate of Senator’s pledge for integrity and honor, have “Cha Ching” in their earliest of foundation days yet cloaked as if “HARLEM SAVED BILL CLINTON - SAVED THE CLINTONS!”!

This rap of self evident guilt would be moot if #CGI was of #FOB - even #FOB52 - of yet that the Clintons had gotten “friends of Bill” bankers to gratuitously pay his most desired near Penthouse lease rent as recalled asked for as in “THANKS FOR ALL THE MONEY MADE WITH HIS ‘JUST GAMBLE’ DERIVATIVES IDEA”! Keys to WJC #HOUSINGBUBBLE!


To key a fit’n curb’n for TRUTH rap’n of Mrs. C. so “CROOKED” is seems we are best measured for words to pique by G - to key measures for GOVERNMENT - of “Of The People” as still actually constituted!

While it seeps out that Donald Trump has passions - is passionate - is trying to RESET civil heart beats for chevrons for HEART - and has an apparent deep HATE for bad management - especially DEMOCRATS BAD MANAGEMENT:

Let us firstly consider how “Cha Ching Hillary” cannot be now ENDS that justified such vastness of so many years of MEANS for “CHA CHING CLINTONS” initiatives (to never surrender the Power of the Presidency even though term limited by 2000)!  Seems we’re rap’n TREASON &/or MUTINY !!!

Sadly their have been victims - many victims! Today brightest must attest:


So let us progress now to ART for all this sadly so many must deal with!  Let us harmonize and synchronize to the beat’n of Hillary Clinton as indivisible from the THE CLINTON and Bill Clinton!  Let us be measured and civilly tru’d!  Let us be of measures civil and effective to arrest the “Cha Ching” at least now civilly with support for standing for the families of fallen of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton house as they proceed to sue private citizen HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON! PLEASE !!!

A monetary sum cannot suffice to repair from losses due her admitted known, and unknown yet culpable negligence of GUILTY by the jurors by monetary valuation even as to “EXTREMELY CARELESS” now equates to GROSS NEGLIGENCE amounts.

There seems a suffice for case to have standing!

The story of how HARLEM and its BLACKS saved Bill Clinton from himself should be just a citation cite to footnote!  The story of HARLEM and the ‘THE CLINTON’ is much proof enough for standing for #CHA_CHING_CLINTONS suing !!! PLEASE! NEVER FORGET !!!

                               *       *       *       *       *

BLACKS - ET ALL:  For more “core’d” please follow #HOGAN link http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=RIVAL and be forewarned it due this column now keyword associated you will experience a deja vous while this “CHA CHING !!! :-( (MUY SAD!)” will queue newly to as first yet in a deep and vast collection collation sadly rich in detail assortment of the Clintons as #RIVALS of Obamas and for “Cha Ching” facilitation for initiatives global from like the first day of the administration of President George W. Bush.

                               *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:18 pm

Her “I am not a crook” train should not be allowed to leave the station. 

You could look at just how she is being packaged but how stupid would that be considering how she a walking disaster when looked at on paper chronologically, by dates - even dates picked at random.

There is like no good news for blacks in America, maybe anywhere in the world, if it is that the real Hillary Clinton somehow gets elected, and past legal barriers of allowed challenges, to actually lawfully seeming sworn in.  There may yet be comfort in it tell tale now to that any Democrat now a Democrats nominee should be only running on a ticket of as of Joe Biden still to be Vice President, - and so not to be evicted at his age unnecessarily from his current, however comforting, only Washington DC option for public housing.

She has no natural story now to benefit blacks forward even as a Democrat Party nominee; Hillary Clinton is only now presented as if a prima Donna of platitudes as if each day a new day with a clean slate like a lawyer, as like a lawyer always but each day with a new case; Donald Trump may need a wall of women against such as if Mrs. Clinton gets free kicks on goal, just because she is a woman.

Blacks what ever “dancing days” there has been your dancing days are maybe now nearly over; to Mrs. Clinton you can have no soul and President Obama must go from never being even 4/5ths as good as Bill Clinton to soon never even 3/5th as good as President Clinton was.  Forward, if it the Clintons the masters of the Executive plantation, it is beyond that blacks will en masse be set about to but minor roles, relatively; - No dancing for blacks may be the new normal and as likely Mrs. Clinton never firstly will give, generally, blacks much to still dance about.

If a Trump “WALL OF WOMEN” is not enough to level the playing field, generally, there is yet before to seal the deal on #CrookedHillary there is still of Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee, said to that Secretary Clinton was near a worst Secretary of State of the history of these united states of the Americas; - there is that “The Donald” is near to rapping that Secretary Clinton was so bad a Diplomat that a chimp, - a chimpanzee - coulda done as well or better a job at finding alternatives to war - to finding opportunities for peace.

It is ridiculous that Mrs. Clinton is on the field so unharassed an to like expected of a polity to parity for feminist comity that she is like to be able to take free shots on goal, as befitting getting away with fronting as a “Prima Donna Of Platitudes”!

Besides that blacks may need Donald Trump to have a “WALL OF WOMEN” there is much that a prop-ism is due on the trail as if “The Donald” has a chimpanzee in a pastel pantsuit to battle with - and with him like always, as fitting as a political prophylactic drama device.

Blacks I am sorry to report, but that now may be in time to be not too late, that Mrs. Clinton must always put her spouse and their spousal husbandry as above the Obamas’ and superior, to satisfy her own spouse wants for legacy.

Blacks I am sorry the obvious is what should be trusted and not the slick props and attitudes of controlling drama/narrative that is of how Mrs. Clinton is now being doctored up and repackaged. 

Blacks President Obama for history can be shown to never have amounted to being any more than just a tool of the Clintons’ global schemes for Clinton Machine husbandry for intra-party rivalry and to effecting to as of superior international Power.

If you, blacks, feel this is something you can dance to, I am further worried and saddened.  If you are down with such I must concur you are like of without any soul.

The Clintons boxed the “first black President” in and to having forced - maybe blackmailed - him into accepting them as rivals and to then that his administration was of rivals, Clintons sworn, on his team as then set asunder from within to but a “TEAM OF RIVALS” - - - Right! Abraham Lincoln “team of rivals” wasn’t of staffed by them that forced him to fold to them as rivals, his was forward thinking, as I understand, of himself confident he hadn’t seated any with more global power than himself.

Harlem, sadly is what has saved the Clintons, to date, from themselves, to now able to be yet still standing up some kinda doctored repackaged Mrs. Clinton.  If Bill Clinton had had his way,after the government said taxpayers do not owe him a mid town New York City near penthouse in the new Carnegie Hall Towers rent, and to just if the Big Banks of ranks staffed with Clinton FOB (FRIENDS OF BILL) then had agreed to his request for gratuities in thanks for all the money the Clintons had made them (due friendly deregulation and asked for “gambling” on housing as to the derivatives mess) he then when the George W. Bush late in administration crashing occured been high up and obviously caught up in the scandal as to then so guilty he was of banks, had they agreed to his request for covering a million dollar a year lease, if Harlem hadn’t saved him from himself as to being then caught of being so tied to the corrupt banking that it was the banks were, as once then asked, to but paying his rent, gratuitously for the very problematic as backed and or initiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Oy!!! Oy!!! Right! - - - And that is of this woulda been as outta the obvious and too scandalous as but then of that a New York Senator had her spouse not to just asking constituent Big Banks for gratuities, but of maybe them of caught as to having asked for them as so in thanks for like making it legal for banks to operated without any consideration for business ethics or morality.

Blacks, we all got played, - but maybe none more than African Americans.  The Clintons encouraged the risky loaning and hyper-consumerism and while undermining the economy from being budgeted still to create or save enough jobs to give any lasting success any real possibility.  Too the Clintons beside such undermining of what was seeming a helping hand so then it is that later as #Hillary2008 geared up Al Gore and Mrs. Clinton were to like setting up the impossible economics that triggered the crashes more than President Bush ever coulda or woulda.  See http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net - - - such is to a #HillaryInTheFlesh a #LUCIFER dramatically like in “COVERT CYPHER” as like a “Louise Cypher” of a feminist #AngelHeart.

Blacks your dancing days are near over and as either way it seems set up that President Barack Hussein Obama will be forward like stuck to singing the Blues and much as if back in Langston Hughes poetic record.

Sad it is - for all of America, the legacy of President Obama, as necessarily constructed for an electable Mrs. Clinton must get past #ClimateChange problem of loyalty to Mrs. Clinton needing to sell austerity to keep moving the masses to saving the planet as loyal to yet “rival” and the “Obama Green Agenda” quite as: TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY FOR NEW CONSERVATIONISM IN A GREEN MINIMALISM.

The legacy of President Obama is so easy to spell out as if he was never above being just a tool to the Clintons and an inferior dependent on the global initiatives of President Clinton as if a needed international “power broker”. 

Heck, President Clinton, while secured in rights to act as a sworn rival to the President, was worth so much he was billing more per hour than President Barack H. Obama took home as a year’s salary.

The obvious “history” for the “first black President” seems to that he was always dependent on two old white Southern men to be global power brokers of over lording the world, - Al Gore and Bill Clinton seemed two Southern white men that black/mulatto President Obama never could get out from under, nor afford to.

It is arguable due the vast sums involved and to that Mrs. Clinton is running on that her husband it seems musta been always of President Obama never more than 3/5ths her man - at least as President, that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were so in over their heads as of inadequacies in leadership that Southern white Christian born William Blythe III just had to compensate globally for both of them, and conveniently of that such seems to have paid very well, considering he like was profiteering on public service while still trafficking as like of an “office of trust.”

Too much money has moved through the Clintons’ and Al Gore’s global initiatives for any history of President Barack Hussein Obama to be anything for blacks to like dance about, to find soul in. 

It seems at least the Clintons have beaten Obama badly to legacy and to that due how much Bill Clinton has been billed as worth it must firstly be, as he was accepted as a sworn rival, that such was only politically possible because President Obama himself like thought himself not even 4/5ths as good as William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

You are either “THE PEOPLE” or you are of your lot precast as a “SUPER DELEGATE”!

Hillary Clinton is not running as an innocent, - the Clintons have much confessed to vast high crimes but somehow maintain them are kingpins as too big to fail for if they fall they promise they will take others down with them.

If you are prone to like Mrs. Clinton for “I DIDN’T STAY HOME AND BAKE” brace yourselves for today you may learn much, - and much to how there is this big bad WHAT of which “Bill & Hillary” are of having “cooked it up” since Yale Law School days.

You don’t need the Obama Justice Department to move in an expedited manner complete of due process, - have already moved so - to be “THE PEOPLE” in judgement of so much seeming self evident and as of confessed bad by the Clintons;- you are “THE PEOPLE” unless biased for a weak defense as in jeopardy just be being sided now with the “HILLARY CLINTON” lot.

Shake off the long ridiculously worked spun of “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Accept there is to the “THE PEOPLE” the parity that 50% BUSH’S FAULT is still VERY BAD, - but not maybe equally BAD as that you now should accept “IT” is that it was that at least 50% is the CLINTONS’ FAULT.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us start with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support.

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED.

The Clintons’, contrary to originalism, plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified.

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS.

As Al Gore was expected to be President on September 11, 2001 there is much you should already have asked and answered and yet much haven’t. For starters:  Was how the Clintons packed the Washington bureaucracies with CLINTON LOYALISTS privy to a promised like a CLINTONS - we will return (SOON) - to have much have slow walked “government” as it seems to have done to REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH when whence to the unexpected triumphant?  Aren’t the days of 2001 (or November 2000) from the forced departure of the CLINTONS from the WHITE HOUSE to September 12, 2001 they most concerning days for the proper and full judging of the “HILLARY CLINTON” as against the “THE PEOPLE”?

In that it is #RIDICULOUS to assert or believe it is/was “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” the “HILLARY CLINTON” on “TRIAL” tonight in #BROOKLYN versus SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS is in jeopardy as he or the moderators need as Mrs. Clinton to fully explain how it is that it was just “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!  There has been a cover-up since hour one of the OBAMA administration to effect a like BIG LIE to a like: “IT WAS NONE OF THE CLINTONS FAULT - BILL CLINTON WAS A PERFECT PRESIDENT”!  If Mrs. Clinton has to answer so she will be confessing by voiding the absolute to that she at least was engaged in a (TREASONOUS) cover-up akin to high crimes and misdemeanors.

Of what is left of the said “CLINTONS’ PLAN” (to be anti Constitution and to affect essentially a King & Queen firsts for the U.S.A.) as but now at most 50% effected, and to then it now harder to see and comprehend its full diabolical depths because the worst half’s essence was yet BLOCKED there is that the worked 50% still enough to float a #HILLARY2016 with vast (unreasonable but of guilty cohorts too compromised) mass of #SUPERDELEGATES is more to that Mrs. Clinton can be said by President Barack Obama (somehow) to have not “JEOPARDIZED NATIONAL SECURITY” it is like beyond reason that it is that the CLINTONS did not PERVERT NATIONAL SECURITY!

Of the said PLAN:  The second term of the CLINTONS was bent much, it seems, to bending any threatening politician, and especially enough REPUBLICANS, to also corrupted so that they could not in the future be to incriminating the “HILLARY CLINTON” without also self incrimination.

Of the said PLAN:  The days from when the CLINTONS were forced outta the WHITE HOUSE until at least 9/12/2001 are maybe the most questionable and ripe for deep probatives and prosecution.  It still seems that when surprisingly become President it was that for like his first 8 months GEORGE W. BUSH had a government of vast bureaucracies that just weren’t responding to his lead - his direction - his leadership (and as if the “THE CLINTON” was happy their CLINTON LOYALISTS they packed into the Washington bureaucracies were cooperating with their plans to be back in Power ASAP for the second round as by a PRESIDENT HILLARY. 

Of the said PLAN:  It still seems the CLINTONS obstructed the BUSH ADMINISTRATION (as they likely woulda Al Gore’s for succession had to be forwarded (by any and all means possible) to a PRESIDENT HILLARY.  It still seems President Obama’s NOBEL PEACE PRIZE SPEECH is enough to tag that it wasn’t actually or effectively “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for he chided and blasted the “THE CLINTON” each time he proffered erudite oration about DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE.  RIGHT! - - - IF IT WAS BECAUSE OF PRESIDENT CLINTON INACTION & AVOIDANCE THEN “IT” COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN, OR BE YET, “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Of the said PLAN:  SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS & his welcome REVOLUTION were not planned for, as wasn’t that an actually BLACK PRESIDENT could get between BILL CLINTON, & HILLARY CLINTON.

Of the said PLAN:  It seems we “THE PEOPLE” must now accept that PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON musta used the #CIA to lie about PEACE for his reckless budget cutting of DEFENSE, & INTELLIGENCE, as said justified as PEACE DIVIDENDS!  RIGHT? - - - Like it only in “HILLARY CLINTON” spun that AL QAEDA like came outta no where and some how so while outta no where as like only the fault of he who wasn’t even supposed to be PRESIDENT on 9/11/2001!

Poor Bernie Sanders having to battle such a corrupt political machine long of machinations figured much as “cooked up” in the kitchen of the Clintons since before they were yet Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton (to like the same anti Constitution political ambitions as whence New York Governor Clinton opposed the new American Constitution and to that Hamilton, Madison, and Jay then busied themselves all as PUBLIUS to present to the “THE PEOPLE” the cases as to why CLINTON was wrong and the work of the FOUNDING FATHERS was RIGHT/CORRECT!

“HILLARY CLINTON” is in vast jeopardy - such vast exposure even the #ICC - INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT is of jurisdiction.

“HILLARY CLINTON” is yet trapped:  #MrsC can run but she cannot hide.

To appreciate the like “FULL MONTY” of transparency to a 50% culpable upon the suits of the CLINTONS let us continue with some stretches:

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000, and would have if the Clintons hadn’t held back support!

Al Gore was expected to win in 2000 and be then President Gore on September 11, 2001.

The Clintons’ plan to be the first husband and wife of the United States of America to each have their own Presidency was “cooked up” and lived forward ever since they were Yale Law School coeds sympathetic to each’s own young narcissism.

The Clintons’ plans today are best looked at critically and judiciously as yet having at best been to 50% effected, - and now yet harder to see and judge cynically/sufficiently because the worst parts of the other half were managed to be BLOCKED?

The Clintons’ plans have been much confessed to by themselves as to their intents was HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS dedicated to unsettling the CONSTITUTION and undermining it for EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL powers by claims to be in a new world of POST CONSTITUTION more seat of the Clintons’ pants Powers justified?

The Clintons’ plans seem too much effected to it affected you are now more SUBJECT than still CITIZEN while lost much how you are supposed to be more suppressed to as just SUBJECTS of a GLOBAL AUTOCRACY OF THE CLINTONS?

Ask yourselves:  Could that #TeaParty have been racist while firstly being to #RESET that we are not now nor have ever been in the POST CONSTITUTION world of the CLINTONS’ PLAN effectings?  Mustn’t the #TeaParty have been more against these machinations of the CLINTONS’ PLAN more than ever as against a BLACK PRESIDENT committed to also affecting the CLINTONS’ machinations?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t #CONGRESS suffered a record UNPOPULAR tag and really firstly because there was the CLINTONS’ PLAN of the CLINTON FOUNDATION ever since CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE became (chartered) so that BILL CLINTON could rival the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT?

Ask yourselves:  How much assistance does BERNIE SANDERS now need to proceed against “HILLARY CLINTON” while #JUSTICE beggard for thorough due process and regular orders for diligent investigations and prosecutions?

Ask yourselves:  Hasn’t your CONSTITUTION but yet too trumped? - to set asunder, and by conscious premeditated will full machinations partisan/selfish political of and by the “THE CLINTON” albeit now critically much as the “HILLARY CLINTON”?

Mustn’t we “THE PEOPLE” concur that the CLINTON FOUNDATION work is to obstruct good governance, and while perverting NATIONAL SECURITY (at least) to rivaling the #CONGRESS as in the old worked sell to that AMERICANS (at least of the SOUTH) still would prefer AUTOCRATS to DEMOCRATS of limitations and terms for office holding Power?


Can BERNIE SANDERS, OR DONALD TRUMP, yet save the UNITED STATES CONGRESS from the willful Constitutional perversions by the machinations of what the Clintons cooked up so very long ago?

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  While here site search with search pane by:  GULF COUNTRIES; ABSOLUTE; PERFECT; FEMINISM; and, AL GORE.  I essentially have the unrecorded record for the most full pieces written on why/how Hillary Clinton cannot win!  I have this probably still just for all that I blogged publicly to effect the 2008 Clinton DEFEAT.

Yes you can!  Yes you should!  And while you do please remember it seems the Clintons jeopardy is greatest for the days and months between the CLINTON WHITE HOUSE and SEPTEMBER 12, 2001!

- - - There is still at least a negligence seeming a GROSS NEGLIGENCE tag fit’n them as for the WALLS OF SEPARATION than can be said to have kept the INVESTIGATION side of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS from having a chance at catching those FIRST LADY HILLARY CLINTON much incited in their own turfs with her FEMINIST FEMINISM CRUSADES of DICTUM by DICTATES to ‘YOU SHOULD TREAT YOUR WOMEN AS I SAY”!

- - - There is much to, it seems, that the Clintons while no longer of EXECUTIVE POWER were to influence across the federal bureaucracies by minions vastly staffed into such ranks in a belief and HOPE a PRESIDENT HILLARY would soon be there (instead)!  It is for agents and officers of the Government and Courts now to assess and assuage how 2001 is the year for which the Clintons will have the greatest legal and Constitutional JEOPARDY!

Like hip to you, - are you hip to: #‎NY‬ ‪#‎NYValues‬ ‪#‎NYC‬ #‎NewYorkValues‬ ~ ‪#‎BillClinton‬ operates ‪#‎CGI‬ ‪#‎ClintonFdn‬ as obstruction to good governance & a perversion of regular order!  ‪#‎USC198‬

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

Despite be of Chicago and up from Chicago politics the histories must show, likely, how Bill & Hillary were too much yet for President Obama to handle, at least politically.  By now you should have heard, - heard of, or been asked if yet read of, a rivalry so great it can be packed and shipped as “BLOOD FEUD.”  This isn’t about such - such book - for I haven’t myself yet read such book;  this though is to be extant at least as pregnant with the same subject and similar tags.  Bill & Hillary have been quite villainous - I don’t need, myself, to read another’s reporting to share anew how villainous they were/are.

As President Obama seems now to be as “conveniently” towards finding a way to be about his refugees, but not, and as yet while they are long truly of his job - of his duty of the charges of the Office of the President pertaining to immigration, and as “conveniently” as like his Chicago political palling to a side yard “bought” from the Rezco holding as if 3/5, or a 1/6, could yet be equal to the whole - or at least the apparent whole benefit, we should be now to looking for more meat on the bone of the intra-party “blood feud” to see if yet there may be a way out - a Democrat Party way forward.  Perspectives on President’s history with borders pertaining to Chicago are some at http://jphogan.org where “Rezco” is in title, at least.

Despite it a shared history of President Obama and she known once as First Lady Hillary Clinton that they are both somehow from Chicago it seems that Chicago must be more full blood blooded or just nurtured into Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  We must be ready, though, to whip our horses yet to the industrious whence for southern tobacco and for an exposing more of what was smoked as of the Clintons yet than than of the old Gore tobacco plantations; we are saddled with HOPE while yet jostled by Chicago in at least half of the Clinton or all of the Obama.  As the sixties have passed so to has the MARLBORO MAN toking; we are yet of days to query and stoke if it not that even less good has come from of those of the sixties than rapped.

Despite the dangers now more pervasive since Chicagoan President Obama embraced (the too Chicago) of the Clintons as thought more of THE NATURAL STATE it to behoove any general Person that we should look more to where they have come from than yet with them - forward - to where they are tethered as if heading towards.  The reins of their reigns have rained long too plain as if what they drove messaging towards in defensive revisionist histories while the plane of their extant too low and rather diabolical.  That Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be his or our’s as a MY FAIR LADY is left to be only maybe articulable.  “HARD CHOICES” seems a bad title and especially for a wanna be female so undiplomatic to a first female Presidency, and while inseparable yet from a male a former President, and, especially while it inartful how the CLINTON legacy isn’t enshrined but is risen, by their library, in a skinned gray of the South, and base in a shape phallic as at least a “gun” in three dimensions - however “art” of a James Polshek.

Our MY FAIR LADY remixed & popularized beyond a First Lady’s potential and reality?  A she a she female of twitter yet of her avatar and its “organized” disorganized bio of a pride as a lawyer an esquire yet only of advocating for women and children?  Is Mrs. William Jefferson “@HillaryClinton” a man hater but of he her only man - of he President William Jefferson Clinton?  It is substantially pronounced and articulated specifically, albeit in her negatives, that she is to the twitterverse to be assumed and presumed to not be also a advocate for men.  Do you have any idea how, for a feminist, supposedly as Mrs. Clinton said, however said was/is packaged and distributed as if, yet does abide “HARD CHOICES” as if not too titled of her life but long dedicated and consecrated and consummated but of always seeing her man as her God given to be always on top of all things political and also hers?

It seems a rough stretch of she too muddied and trenchant of exclamations irregular and entrenched in the privacy and protections of the institution of marriage and especially as a loop-hole for so much too long, and of longest wars, of like getting away with murder, at least.  Bill and Hillary did have their public seduction (and vast corrupting to collusion) of the media of those “presidential” days and we now are suffering due a contrary prevalent also of problems as of less good having come from the sixties than yet rapped. We must get beyond the years too long of just selling her “Bill” her “husband” her “significant other” her “partner” as the GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN - AS HE TO BE LONG ADORED FOR HAVING BEEN THE MALE PRESIDENT WILLING TO USE HIS PRESIDENCY TO LIKE BUY A FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENCY FOR HIS LADY (HOWEVER FAIR) SO THAT HIS SPOUSE COULD THEN RETURN THE REINS OF REIGNING TO HIM FOR ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL TOP DOG (WHIPPING WAYS).

If the Congress has the power now to arrest Lois Lerner - really has the simple Power to arrest any so in contempt of Congress - we the People’d people of the The United States of America should applaud any Congress willing to be so effecting for Justice.  Right!  This is about Bill and Hillary - this is about us beyond their THE NATURAL STATE covers as if sheeps clothing for a Chicago wolf, and of times to wonder how much of the sixties isn’t yet fairly rapped out enough as badly as its due.  If Congress has such right to be so arresting for Justice in basic (common sense) established Powers we should be loud and accountable in applaud if such exercised firstly now upon the citizen servant Lois Lerner.

It is to be to an evening - a leveling of/for the extant, of the trail to a well trodden forward to prepare the People’d people together, for days approaching when Mrs. Clinton, however, is to be of us some chained to our (new & improved media) news feeds and stocks with the “Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton” likely herself as needing to be defensive and against hostile to Congress and to also taking the allowance from self incrimination of the Fifth Amendment rights.  If Congress has the Power to basically arrest Lois Lerner than it soon should too be to the crossroads with Mrs. Clinton, however, as also a prime suspect necessarily boxed in to needing to be in contempt, and finally accepting that a Presidency will never be theirs again.

What started as of intimidations to take Mrs. Clinton into the HOUSE OF OBAMA primarily whence, and publicly as tagged a qualified “rival” has unsurprisingly become - really become - REALLY BECOME - of so many bound up as binded otherwise to history of a blood feud intra-party of Mrs. Clinton yet of a guilt lately becoming long assuaged now so lately and quantified so that Congress is forward and fast approaching days when they too will have a seeming right and base Power to also arrest her as soon as she shows her now historic levels of contempt.  Her KATRINA is BUSH’S KATRINA and her IMMIGRATION is OBAMA’S REFUGEES AND ABSENT IMMIGRATION - - - Bill & Hillary by a trillion (or two trillion dollars) - by $1 TRILLION IN SURPLUSES AT LEAST - are of a trillion unit points per dollar of culpability and at least guilt in negligence re such, and more.

The days of Bill & Hillary of selling them as like a gift to the world of Bill forgivable for so much because he was/is willing to help his spouse help him get back the Powers of the Executive, even without Obama’s vast over-reaching also too imperialistic, are passed - passed like the to foggy of the sixties.  We seem already arrived at the prescient of it born and too of President Obama of times cover-up from being obviously of the Nation as too as if Chicago;  we seem arrived at it prescient that the Clintons are also in risk of going to jail and like Lois Lerner simply for contempt if so of a restored basic common sense exercising of Justice by Congress.  They have been too long in deep and in their “hard choices” together for Congress to be of any ability to separate the Mrs. from the Mr. however they have suggested they can be separated for Power and yet while irreconcilably for history of having intimately shared the Administration of the Clintons.

If you are not now saddled to such not yet stoked enough as from the days of the MARLBORO MAN and the SIXTIES as of the Clintons more smoked to an alternate chemically induced “architecture” grab your spurs and reins.  It isn’t if their are known rivals of a blood feud just - it is now not if the “Bill & Hillary” are a modern and global “Clyde & Bonnie” - it is yet not if they are of guilt and a guilt of $1 TRILLION to $2TRILLION unit points measurable at least to of GROSS NEGLIGENCE it is that they too may already be arrestable at least by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - right? 

Whether for their lacking Power to repeat is more for them of the sixties altered states think short of philosophical or because the “great lady” behind the supposed “great man” was too either naturally or nurtured of Chicago it is that at least as per IMMIGRATION as a KATRINA it is theirs, and mostly theirs as they didn’t just not fix it they negligently were grossly netting selfish politics to cutting $2 TRILLION in lieu of at least approving the budgeting for known needed repairs to N.O.’s M.R. G.O.!  Mrs. Clinton, however - however of “HARD CHOICES” - seems now self exposed of the HOUSE OF THE CLINTONS of houses yet so richly in her hemming that many are to “HOW RICH!” sarcasm.  It seems by the talk and walk of Mrs. Clinton isn’t booked in the right “booked” parlance yet;  it seems now she has incriminated herself, and, it seems her “Bill” has also at least incriminated her, and, it seems she has been short of fraud at least when championing how “ME ME ME” she has long been - politically, and privately (covertly?).

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:53 am

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

We’ld be fools and unfairly so (and racist) if we are to ignore all the flip flops of Mrs. Clinton, however, and if to an affirming posit that it she be presumed that she was a better Secretary of State than the two most previously.  Right?

We’ld be fools and unfairly to discerning differences in old white political elites and new white political elitism if to an avoidance to pare the pair of Secretaries of State of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama.  Both Clinton and Kerry brought hypocracy and baggage to the office for diplomacy - both Clinton and Kerry were inappropriate or devolutionary choices for such high office due to their personal conflicts - conflicts of interests - past positions as of entanglements.

We to start any due probative of Mrs. Clinton as a worst, at least of three, by remembering all her flip flops and too her executive decidings while crusading with the Powers of her office as First Lady.  We should be aware of whom are Bedouins or Nubians and how Ja Ja Binks seems to have been cast as a new good Gunga Din.  If I recall the setting correctly then it was when Lara Logan interviewed General Petraeus in Afghanistan when he spoke of then in his readings of reading Rudyard Kipling.  It seems to be accounted of an if true how true that Mr. Binks was right when of parrying that if a people keep theirs sewers clear from clogging their murder rate should be lower.  President Barack Hussein Obama in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech tagged the Clintons while parsing in oratory how there are dangers from inaction and avoidance (as like evident now from the Clintons’ own years of avoidance and inaction).

The Congress so far has the House nearly ready for the rendering of justice per the discovered and confirmed cover-up post Benghazi.  I do not know when the Senate will also be ready.  I expect due to the seriousness of any “cover-up” our Congress must soon be bicameral and in too a bipartisanship in the Senate, so charged, to also looking to how guilty Mrs. Clinton, however, and to how diabolical it is that a “cover-up” was thought her best strategy.  Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton is the prime suspect in a commencing investigation to the extents in criminality and so that it must be now presumed that she was a worse Secretary of State than at least Condoleezza Rice.

To preserve some “innocent until proven guilty” for Mrs. Clinton, however, we should look firstly at the life and politics - war/anti-war politics of her successor Secretary of State John Kerry.  We should look first at a comparative for prudence secured in “jurisprudence” to his positions re: “BOOTS ON THE GROUND” and her’s, however.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we can make this more about the life and story of John Kerry as of a query:  TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER?  But we should behooved of another believed remembered Lara Logan interview that was with a supposed top Taliban leader - yes! before 9/11 II in Benghazi - as contradicting President Obama and Secretary Clinton with his pronouncements to it that the Taliban and Al Qaeda were now much as if one, and, yes, newly.  For a sake of tonality and the horse race of this to a due fair measurement of the saddled guilt just of Mrs. Clinton let us just acknowledge that part of the cover-up relates to it that Benghazi could have been and may be a widening of the theater of war and a “counter-attack” in the Obama/Clinton war of choice in Afghanistan against primarily the (said) Taliban.

Still, and again, to be of a preserve for any innocence, despite Mrs. Clinton’s years of flip flops over boots on the ground, and indiscriminate droning warring, we should be organized as a posse for truths, and too bicamerally in a new bipartisan, yet recognize the evidence that she has set her self (themselves in Clinton) up as if the bad guys in a season of SOPRANOS.  We can’t just jump on her successor if to keeping prudence in jurisprudence for she however measured for her guilt is still of her years as FLOTUS where she did go into rivals turf and incite with incendiary imperialist rhetoric the locals, however tribal, and to such inflaming that those radical already were more radicalized and pushed into corners as if called out by Mrs. Clinton, so, in a pride to a need to “respond.”

So about how bad a Secretary of State John Kerry is, and, too to how he was a most inappropriate selection for any high office in foreign affairs regarding the Middle East, and due to his past pulling of the rug out from under any real potential for success in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and so from near the very day and hours the country, with President George W. Bush, had become “committed” with boots on the ground - committed beyond the point of quiet return:

Secretary of State John Kerry while the primary ANTI-WAR SENATOR did do more than any other in the known world to undermine the potential and any ready success for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  Mrs. Clinton can hardly have to shoulder all the blame for so much that went wrong much do to the betrayal in a late response as a revival in ANTI-WAR demonstrative tonality, but for her own flipping and flopping fickleness to prudence and loyalty to a committed administration too.  Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha were a tag team that did by their politics so partisan (interpartisan too) were to being those, even more than the Clintons, that did put the lives of all with boots on the ground in Iraq into their unexpected greater peril.  At the time Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha started their ANTI-WAR REVIVAL it was no longer appropriate to take issue with the matter Congress had already voted with, and however Senator Clinton is remembered for admitting that she herself didn’t read the intelligence reports regarding such before her vote.

Mrs. Clinton yet cannot escape that the cover-up seems still to have been necessary to save the cover-up of the culpability and negligence of the Administration of the Clintons.  As it is the known “Benghazi Lies” seem of the worst case scenario need for the dangerous strategy of cover-up, and by Mrs. Clinton who had worked on the committees to impeach Nixon and as of the Clintons’ own Lewinski cover-up, arguably and in an seeming evidence based deciding for if not, as the lies of the Clintons’ cover-up were failing, only lies about their lack of intelligence and understanding about Al Qaeda, at least, needed more lies to preserve any chance of future electability of the Clintons for a retaking of the The White House.

Right!  This is supposed to be an attempt to transfer Clinton guilt, presumed, unto her successor Secretary of State John Kerry, and however as necessary by a looking deeply back at least at his “politics” of his ANTI-WAR REVIVAL as causal to such that maybe can be said to be more, at least, of a Kerry negligence than a Clintons’ gross negligence.

We, if of the lay, should behooved to let the Federal Bureau of Investigation profilers and Defense Department Armed Forces Psychological operations experts take the lead to explaining how devastating Senator John Kerry’s ANTI-WAR REVIVAL, from hour one, was to moral and cooperation of the Iraqi people.  We should expect that experts will be called to parse the level of negligence, at least, to the full measure of at least the guilt of Mrs. Clinton, however, and even towards passing the buck if passable to her successor for his past own culpability for lighting the fire of a belief that the U.S.A. was, due to his lead, ready to CUT AND RUN - REALLY!!!

RIGHT!!! Still, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, just for the impeachment and disbarrment of the half she supposedly is the better half too, and however of a “great man” she supposedly the “great woman” behind, is even without her experience as Hillary Rodham Clinton of the committees to impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon like the political figure of the modern United States of America whom best should know cover-ups are to be avoided but in worse case political scenarios - She is whom seems best knows how bad things must really should be thought as bad if and when a cover-up is the uncovered strategy.  That Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton herself chose to front with a cover-up does itself suggest so much guilt and a necessity that it may not matter how much blame we can yet transfer to her successor or continue to project upon the Bush Administration. SEEMS!!!

Where did she go wrong?  How are our criticisms of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enough “well informed”?  Aren’t we at if we just compare her to whom she followed and who followed her that we are fair in reporting and chronicling that she was the worst of three?

The sheer tonality of the remarks from Secretary of State Clinton since the Benghazi lies started did, despite her strategy to run out the clock with Congress, yet have her of self-incrimination and even much that was admitting of ignorance and incompetence at least as to her (like the Administration of the Clintons’ too) as lacking in intelligence.  It seems Congress has her already fit for orange and is now only ready for the House to assess its duty to a determination as to how long she should be fit to only wear orange - however a pants suit or jumpsuit.

NOTE:  There is much to a much longer list if and when to looking only at Mrs. Clinton, however, and of the when-evers, to how that she risked a cover-up over her culpability for the keep of State per the Benghazi consulate, and personnel, that to must reach with the long arms of justice, by the charge and reach Constitutional of the Congress, straight to and also through Mr. William Jefferson Clinton, and any and all of his “foundations” and “initiatives.”  It must be presumed due to a cover-up strategy that Mrs. Clinton while responsible for State & USA oversight of CGI likely was as a spouse afraid to incriminate herself for such seems naturally to also implicate her spouse for his “HOWEVERS” and “WHEN-EVERS” — and for just as long.

However, a STAR WARS defense a greater defense now for the Bushes and Reagan, it seems fair to illicit an imagery for the Clintons as now it seems of them of: A HOUSE OF CLINTONS WITH THEIR SEWERS CLOGGED!

RIGHT!!!  It to Secretary of State John Kerry’s benefit that Mrs. Clinton is taggable, and mashable, and hashable as too much of:  MRS. CLINTON LIED AND SOLDIERS AND DIPLOMATS, AT LEAST, DIED — SHE WAS MOST INDISCRIMINATE IN DRONING WARRING AND AS IN LIEU OF BOOTS ON THE GROUND PARITY OF MISSION.

NOTE:  FOR MORE HISTORY & “BACKGROUND” SEE SORTED BY “CARNEGIE HALL” @ http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubby.  Please get past confusion of voluminous thread opening yet with this same column as its lede or leading piece.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:47 am

You’ld think you should call ‘em “charitable”?  You’ld suppose if it is called “philanthropy” it should net out some greater good advantaged.  These are rough days for philanthropy much due it “philanthropy” the Clintons proposition themselves as at.

There should be a jeopardy - a danger - in associating with the Clintons purported “charity”! It is confused and quite confusing how that what the primary purpose of the Clintons’ politics it that any of their Clintons’ Global Initiatives aren’t firstly by the IRS as if a PAC or a 501c(4) - or another.  To host a Clinton under a guise of “charity” and “philanthropy” seems risky legally and to a dawning new appreciation that quid pro quo at least in creative arts is due a new accounting.

Any familiar with that supposed of a “good” of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, however charitable, is oddly firstly as of two so so so “Political” and “Partisan” of standing up in public relations of damage control and spin doctoring too seemingly of a need to appear to be doing “good” to cover - cover-up - a legacy of failing to net out in greater good accountancy.

It seems of a poisoned tree that any associate “philanthropically” around the so so so political and partisan Clintons. Such as any “charitable” association with the “The Clintons” seems too much “political” and “campaign” activities to be actually fit for charity registering.

The history of this supposed “charitable” of a foundation in Clintons began with a promise that such was not to be operated by William Jefferson Clinton in a political or partisan manner.  The history has been that it is ridiculous, especially lately, to posit that the Clintons haven’t been specifically using these appearances of doing good for political and partisan personal gain.

There is a danger in the global philanthropic of a pair a power couple playing at “philanthropy” and “charity” in ways that allow them to act contrary to the Constitutional prudence as if a Congress bypass as an organized too autocratic totalitarianistic.

There is a danger in the message in their standard - their banner/flag - as the “C” so violated as if of a bosoming in Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton smarts artlessly as too like of “imperialism” and as an affront to the European Union yet with a circle of stars as grounded away from “imperialism.”  By the masthead of the Clintons it seems inappropriate to conclude their CGI is for “philanthropy” or “charity” firstly and to any net profit in a “greater good” mission.

By the very existence of the so false flag organizing of the Clintons as seemingly of an attempt to actually be like the first American global autocrats in an Autocracy of Clintons the process and prudence of the Washington based democratic lives as set asunder and undermined.  The Clintons even as when so of “believable” in “charity” still are those so publicly know to be “Big Liars” that they lost near half of their old “Hollywood” “friends” and friends’ money to the Democrat Party alternative so junior and inexperienced - they lost half their thought “friends” to candidate Barack Hussein Obama.

We are to be behooved to a more prudent safe “philanthropy” if and when we become more saddled of the old Constitutional prudence which the “politics” and “partisan” of the Clintons so daily undermines.  It seems so wrong if it called “philanthropy” as the Clintons are suspected of cover-ups and known of lies that undermine a reset in consumer confidence and confidence in politics all over the world.

The Clinton Global Initiative was inaugurated with a promise that it would not be operated of “politics” and “partisan politics” and yet that is largely all it has ever been convenient for William Jefferson Clinton, and so now too so Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It seems impossible to now suggest there is any real legal separation between “political” and “campaign” and the appearance of the Clintons as in “charity” and “philanthropy” while the real politics are of it that they need good public relations like of appearing to be so actually engaged to balance a now fairly growing understanding of how much they already should have been doing political penance for - each, and personally.

It seems as good as philanthropy can be and should be we are of days where it generally is undermined by the existence of the Clinton of an extant as of doing more good then harm while them so at such defensive work to appear at doing good is poisoning the boughs of the trees of giving.  There too is that a global economy with too much “philanthropic” can be to depressing much opportunity for economic growth — As by first post in thread at http://CitizenRosebud.net as WHITE COLLARED POSSE there is an economic dynamic expressed originally as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECNOMICS.

There is that any associating now with any familiar to the Clintons Global Initiatives, however “charitable” or “philanthropic” are themselves too much to enabling the “politics” of such an dangerous alliance for it does by how it is extant undermine the regular process and practices of the Constitutional Congress.  The low public opinion now held of the Congress is interestingly related, it seems, to how the Clintons have by their appearance as “do gooders” been short of due accounting and as they persist and persist and with annual (mandatory) meetings so crossed in “import” as if of a right of King yet timed to the United Nations annual gaggle.

It seems by supporting the Clintons as if of “philanthropy” any so at least familiar to such is also working for personal gain towards a constituted Power extra-Constitutional and so actually quite so in a rivalry with the Congress and accountable mostly as if consecrated to be firstly for “Power” and as too like the early Clintons of the American unifying as more for empire than freedom in independence, and as too like it as of Clintons yet now having a power too nearly real though set in The United States while operating as if a Autocracy of Clintons & too much as if above the Laws.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:01 am

There is a grimy - a real grimy - in the slow walk political of the Clintons.  We are beyond, with the Clintons, any “greased pigs” mud as of an innocence, even an innocence lost; we are still at the greased water melons of the Clintons’ courting; we are now of the grime - the dirt - the mud - the controversy - the scandals under Mrs. Clinton’s nails, at least.

Mrs. Clinton has become the newest “Baghdad Bob” for the cliche politics of her’s and our’s defenses.  She has now, as of this Monday morning, post the week of ‘Hillary Clinton has/had brain damage’ flushing, availed herself of her greatest defense forward while we all patiently await hearing whom of the Democrats will be joining the Benghazi Select Committee to investigate especially Mrs. Clinton quite towards concerns regarding a new low in political grime akin to Nixon’s tags.  Mrs. Clinton has now availed herself of a medical excuse for her Benghazi defense in coming bipartisan criminal probatives.

Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with her first remarks after the second 9/11 was to admitting she lacked intelligence and so of an admission apparently of incompetence.  As recalled she closed out her first remarks as from outside her office, at State on the seventh floor, so then hours before joining the President in the Rose Garden, with words surprisingly, considering just recent history, of near ‘I did not believe this could happen in a country I liberated.’

Mrs. Clinton cannot position herself as a “Great White Hope” to succeed the first black President. If she really didn’t believe “this” as “Benghazi” could happen in a country she had liberated President Obama still has her ignorance as a crutch to lean on to yet stand up a legacy for himself independent of any the Clintons may be losing.  In the cases pertaining now to the culpability of Mrs. Clinton there, as evident this weekend, now is a new grimy in our politics more as if Mr. & Mrs. Clinton are as if a two headed “Baghdad Bob.”

The Clintons are so muddy and muddied by their own sloth and trophs and how they rolled and rolled that being each others character reference is now, however grimy in their old cliche, that they have to scamper around and around Senator Harry Reid and his penned up also dirtied by the Clintons that they cannot take the “medical excuse” path nor not enter 2016 without such either and however “exit” seeming too much a pleading of guilty to criminal cover-ups of the purview at least of the still forming bipartisan & maybe bicameral Benghazi Select Committee.

Though the timing of the supposed brain damage that afflicted Mrs. Clinton did time to the post 9/11 II pressures as conveniently of an incident that kept her away from personal scrutiny when the heat was on most heavily weighing on her to struggles at standing up an explanation at least how it was that when there was a second 9/11 she was so (necessarily) it seemed to denying and denying that it could be Al Qaeda again responsible.

It is remarkable for the Clintons that they have a “black problem” like no body would want as also their ‘business’!  This goes beyond the rehashed of the dalliances in infidelity of her spouse in the offices of the highest office in our land as specifically of Monica Lewinsky;  forward this also goes to now a dirtier tucking concern of the “The Clinton” of grimy infidelity yet to date not celebrated among the “Comeback Clinton” mud when trying to clean ‘em up for 2016 and yet now when black is in how it seems historical that President William J. Clinton has not yet had an affair with a black woman.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s greatest infidelity may have been to the first black President - to her duty to serve fully and wholly he and the People’d.  She can not now be a “Great White Hope” unless she has been holding back all these years since the Clintons’ presidency ended and was especially holding back and holding out on President Barack Hussein Obama.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton should not have anything to offer now that is new and possibly better than that of he whom she supposed served (though a “rival”) wholly and without reservations.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton would have us believe, as now it is that she isn’t admitting herself a ‘medical excuse’, that she can run, though white, in 2016 with a tagging as if she is expected to be told of near and broadly as if of a potential and a legacy where she can be better that the first black president, and was a better Secretary of State than the first female black Secretary of State and to as if at least she should be politically considered to have been a better First Lady than the first black First Lady Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama.

We are of days of a new grimy and too cliche Clinton politics where a criminality is likely to be proffered as a due tag on at least Mrs. Clinton for her days, however of health and full capacity, regarding cover-ups that go to a not seen criminal basis like since she helped impeach President Richard Milhous Nixon. Mrs. Clinton has her own legacy as of a partisan politics at setting the very standards that now apply to herself as the Benghazi Select Committee, however yet not clearly bipartisan or bicameral, and to be publicly discerned in all the grime of the post 9/11 II Benghazi cover-ups.  In the case of Mrs. Clinton as per real culpability she is now hardly expected to be as hard to grasp as a muddy and grimy greased pig.

Essentially Mrs. Clinton has availed herself of her best defense as a defense in limited mental capacity.  Now as it seems we are of a politics, where she too must avail herself of any “not running” so to avoid seemingly to preface the due full probative, of the Select Committee to investigate her, at least for criminal cover-ups, she is shadowed with a prima facia like a pleading in GUILTY, however of “NOT.”  It is now that the Clintons are persisting as if a two headed new “Baghdad Bob” extant in a new grime and muddy that the “BLACK” in the house is also that her spouse supposedly hasn’t (yet) had any of his celebrated infidelities with a black woman.

Her biggest “Black Problem” must though be Benghazi as at least since her own first remarks spoken were of such ignorance and incompetence when of closing with quips of her speaking to she couldn’t believe such could happen in a country she had liberated — She made the first black President look innocent at least in comparison to her.

President Barack Hussein Obama may now be saved the worst fate from any Benghazi Select Committee because Mrs. Clinton helped set the very standards for “criminality” and “jail time” for politicians of any cover-up at least as bad as that figured as Nixon’s.  It will likely be years before the fully established Benghazi Select Committee, whence established as bipartisan and bicameral, can yet proceed to any case or issues of grime and mud specifically fitting President Barack Hussein Obama — Mr. & Mrs. Clinton have themselves kinda penned in and center ring for this committee’s duty and so that it could be years of just looking at them and even the CGI as Clintons’ Global Initiatives for dirty prints in a criminality of what now seems confirmed to have been at least an improper political cover-up.

By the standards for “criminality” long of the legacy celebrated of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton due her professional work at impeaching President Richard Milhous Nixon over a “cover-up” just relating to botching a Federal Investigation into the Democrat Party as botched while probing their Watergate Headquarters it is that she a lady will go first and that her man too will need be looked at long before the first black President becomes personally also so penned and processed.

As any Benghazi probe of Mrs. Clinton, however as the first black President’s “rival” is of her duty such is grimy in a new muddy for she had a spouse globally of initiatives that seem still to have inhibited her professionalism as Secretary of State.  As Secretary of State, I seem to understand, she was the Obama cabinet officer whom had the People’s duty to oversee all the activities of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives and even as it seemed their CGI was being run as a rival executive branch by a rival like still First Couple and as if President William Jefferson Clinton was to be heralded as the first President of the World.

It seems as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is of her legacy of celebrating that President Richard Milhous Nixon deserved to be impeached for a cover-up of an event that was less political than her Benghazi cover-up and too was without the loss of life of her Benghazi cover-up we must consider that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is a criminal suspect - the primary suspect - suspect of offenses that can lead to imprisonment.  It seems that President William Jefferson Clinton has to also be long ahead of President Barack Hussein Obama on any march to being orange suited too;  President Clinton seemed to have so meddled in foreign affairs since leaving office in 2001 that he is of “initiatives” his spouse should have investigated while the People’s Secretary as President Obama’s Secretary of official duty to “oversee” such of her spouse, now even more concerning as newly her repose as also of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives.

The Benghazi Select Committee has the white people to look at first - such is a real problem for Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least.  Unlike Watergate people died!  Like Watergate politicians are known to have been of a cover-up!  Unlike Watergate it is that there seems to have also have been official obstruction of justice as part of the cover-up and so sadly of a new grime and muddy politics worse than any of Nixon’s supposed as of it now that Obama’s white Secretary of State has to face her own lower standards now when her cover-up impeded the due Federal investigation of murdered/killed of her “house” of State.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:39 am

1.  “#SCOTUS per #Economics Dems are lost souls not knowing #HobbyLobbby “work” as “not for profits” more as for disciples as a type of insurance by community pre-organizing that cannot be rightly as a rainy day and daily synchronicity be to the time and attention to assimilation to political uniformity as set importantly in the fog of poetry and Christian forgiveness, where so.  As “not for profits” as more of the work of later disciples of past prophets it is that “for profits” are about those thinking ahead as of a belief they are of a prophets beneficience to hope and change that only might prove necessarily devilish in a devils’ advocation sort of way or rightly heavenly on an earthly shared electricity of humanity.  “For profits” are more for working an existence for a believed possible shared energy in humanity than the metric of taxation as that of the rewards that may flow to those brightly about hope and change, however incorporated in shared missions with vague or specific mission statements - publicly or privately.”

2.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vodkas


4.  “#CspanChat on #HobbyLobby & #Conestoga need economics of “for profit” refreshed as of the entrepreneurial of risk at thinking if to doing what a profit may suggest could be possibly fruitful if enough forethought and organized work efforts conjoined about it.  It isn’t meant in traditional capitalism to be that a business even as a corporation of people is singularly organized to “make money” but as to prove a forethought like of a prophet is proven to have been of beneficience and of rewards from having been prepared correctly.  And, as it is confused as by “not for profits” yet of work of past prophets’ realms it is explainable that “not for profits” have tax exempt status more because of an establishment for everyday realities and possibilities than are like of insuring from risks and not of a luxury in aforethought hope for change in a uncertain belief.  “Not for profits” are yet said maybe for a prophets work but as after the fact not like for profits as of the shared hope a priori apropos.

5.  “#CommonSense #HobbyLobby if #Obama can claim signing subjects up for #ACA is “God’s work” then at least medical corps exempt!

6.  “#SCOTUS as “Order” a founders’ noun “respecting” as USC only yet establishment of USG informs 1st Amnd must by “no Law respecting an establishment of religion” mean that the Constitution as yet the only Order of the Union establishment be an Order as of an establishment of religion so as the 1st Amendment informs as with “respecting” any thing so new imports that by use of “re…” one as an establishment must already exist in the Ordering of the Union so by the Order as the People’s writ Constitution.  It is clever both how the First Amendment appears to placate Thomas Jefferson’s objections and yet by its words and grammar seem set to actually reaffirm the very un-Jeffersonian Constitutional constructs so subscribed to humbly unanimously by the founding signers.  It too is extremely clever how it seems the most important aspect of the protections of the 2nd Amendment are essentially secured in the specific implications by grammar in the 1st Amendment and so that it seems the most important relevance to the 2nd Amendment interpretive seems that the 1st Amendment is 1st. ???

7.  “#HobbyLobby #SCOTUS @ #Obama #CONTRACEPTION illegal of that #USA #USC should never have seen a #RFRA in #Congress — The First Amendment is of one essential truth that Congress by it is barred from making any Law as a declaration that there is no GOD and that GOD has been necessarily been replaced with nationalization in centralized social programs and too as “entitlements” though by Article 1 no “TITLING” is to be allowed however minor such “titling” may yet be proffered as and if just a granting as by title to a right to even say a poverty level or now a green minimalism new PC.”

8.  “#HobbyLobby #BecketFund @CardinalDolan #Religion #SCOTUS #Corporations

“Still liking this FB/JPeterHogan UPDATE: 
#HobbyLobby #BecketFund @CardinalDolan #Religion #SCOTUS J Peter Hogan ditto posting of comment @TheBecketFundforReligiousLiberty”

“As #HobbyLobby like a #LittleSistersOfThePoor Constitutional poetic of original ordained concepts writ “done” in that Year of the founders’ Lord this week is ripe for cross training citizen Peoples in First Amendment revelations.  A genesis of a Constitutional problema is in how there seems now philosophy of governance about the Obama administering during these years of the ill fated marching of leftist Democrat Party political dogmatic wants.  A prolegomenon to Constitutionality originality rebirth is of the old book a still new book as with the USA USC there is writ an accompaniment.  The more biting words to a proper defense of religious freedom as pertains to contraception breach seems pertinent of RFRA of McKeon & Gallo as a bringing elected Clinton back to a rationality in the folds of prudence, necessarily.  The more biting assault for a restoration of such renaissance in foundational establishment yet this week is maybe best served up as also much to the Constitutional legality that any Law a “Tax” as ACA ruled merely as “it’s a tax” is strictly speaking not subscribed as of a permanence as a right — As it is a tax, and now with the First Amendment prescient and apropos, the justices of the Supreme Court should be asked to rule upon how a tax isn’t yet to be considered established law of the land as if to be prejudged in a permanency as if a law writ to be suspect as a permanent Law.  It seems fleeting as it however “established Law of land” that as a tax the People have the Power to expect it not to be enduring as it not yet a Constitutional right but so as in an impermanence as a law a law merely as a temporary specific taxation.  It seems to properly be to a resurrection of prudence of the religious protections of the First Amendment respecting of the spectacle of the body of its articles as subscribed as established and ordained to a People’s Order done in constituting a more perfect Union (than the United Kingdom’s) (than the Articles of Confederation) as of God’s bite as a writ in accompaniment to the New Testament as set so unanimously and “done” in the Christian Calendar.  It seems however George Washington inaugurated poetically with vicissitudes and a seeming humor common for the People’s times as of “washing” ton o’ humor in a heralding prudence at a prophylactic conscience (and said concern of “impregnable fortitude) to be of thinking at least to rinsing and reuse of condoms as ’skins’ of the modernity.  It does seem to behoove all about SCOTUS to illegalities of POTUS now to reconsider the fate of a permanence for entitlements contrary to Constitutional stoicisms in sectarian preserves by ways of pimp’n the issue that any Law a tax like The Affordable Care Act is by its nature not of a legal permanence by design - that any permanence too would be of the same realm of First Amendment religiousness violates as such as being defended by Hobby Lobby.  http://JPHogan.org/

* #Hashtags #tag ISLAM, #Islam, MUHAMMAD, #Muhammad
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down?  It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right?  To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.

What are journalists now to do?  To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama.  The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty.  He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.

What are journalists now to do?  To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration?  Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama?  Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary?  The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home.  Right!  We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).

A Hillary Clinton expectant line:  “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”

Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama?  Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America?  Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?

A Hillary Clinton political ad starter:  You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …

The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader.  It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama.  Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?

The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you?  Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama?  Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking?   Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?

There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton.  It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton.  It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President.  There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.

Right!  That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him.  President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily.  Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling.  Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.

What is she thinking?  Really you all:  What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.

It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. 

Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush.  Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye;  Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest.  It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.”  It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.  It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.

There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.

President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems;  President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”

What are journalists now to do?  It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11.  It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts.  Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America.  Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics.  President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.

What are journalists now to do?  Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?

What are journalists now to do?  Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior? 

What are journalists now to do?  What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads?  I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?

It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.”  She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix;  She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World.  It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics.  It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths.  It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance. 

It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated.  Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom?  Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?

It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001. 

It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush. 

Really, this is crazy.  Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

Where are the Governors?  As the contrast was set so loudly and transparently this week, with President Bill Clinton of regaling, again as if of the authority to so hold court, as if the Clintons’ Global Initiatives a seat of power already established, and such that he can Lordly be about, as if the Clinton Global Autocrat crowned, and titled, as if he (and his wife) were both promoted from the office of the President of The United States of America:  Where are the Governors?

In stark contrast to the too Lordly holding of Global Court by President William Jefferson Clinton was one who stood up for transparency, process, logic, and democratic patience whom if he had a colonial era powdered wig on likely would have firstly have been judged as if a George Washington impersonator.  It was in stark contrast that Senator Edward (”TED”) Cruz stood up so long and democratically as one more of the people and as a clear defender of the People all the while the Clintons were of putting on Lordish airs and taken to hosting as if of an established Power to hold Global Court under than banner as Clintons’ Global …

Where are the Governors?  What has happened to the common sense and governance theories of Hamilton, Madison & Jay?  How can the Clintons be succeeded as if in agreement with the “leadership” of President Obama all the while their recent documented history as of the Clintons’ Administration have so many official records of these two Democrat Party families of such different ideas of prudence?  How is it really, though, just that the Clintons are trying to be to the togetherness of the sovereigns of the world as Governor George Clinton tried to have set and secured otherwise than by the Constitution of The United States of America and its bolstering so as by Publius to educate and stir with that which is now of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS?  Where are the Governors?

It is the Governors of the loosely confederated states whom are put down most by the nationalist presumptions of the Affordable Care Act.  I has to be considered that the politics of Obamacare “justification” is that the federal government has to do all this because too many of our Governors are failures - are not capable of caring for their own resident peoples - but for.  In the federalist scheme of Constitutional prudence it is that an establishment like that for the Federal Government so far as set about the Affordable Care Act & its amending by regulations does much put the Governors out of the business of being governors.  By the ideals of Obamacare it is that the national governance of the Executive Branch is at least now supposed to have eminent domain over peoples bodies and their privacy rights to their personal medical histories.  The body politics of the states now soon will be Law as set not of the protections of a more nearly elected governor but to being of the purview and establishment of the domain of the nations executive.  In the spirit of Obamacare as necessary to work and establish and “affordability” somehow for healthcare (and oddly by adding new layers of management) the national government is set to be of an authority and duty to order the People to have full medical exams and with a right to say when and how often so that data as for costly Power from information can be adequately assessed for efficiencies.

Where are the Governors?  Is your Governor really such a failure and boob unable to see to a more neighborly caring and securing of health regulations?  Is it just that your neighboring state’s Governor is a bad boob who would avoid doing a right and just thing caringly for his/her state’s People as long as he could corral his sickly and herd them out over his state’s borders into the too neighborly and naive neighbor state for their more compassionate & neighborly community caring?  Where are the Governors? 

To understand the anti-Constitutionalism of the “BOGO” “two-fer” former First Couple Clintons you may actually have to have also, like the new Tea Party, have read THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.  Too how autocratic and Lordish the Clintons now appear all may need otherwise to check their doubting of economic pains as if for common sense & as by (doubting) Thomas Paine and his COMMON SENSE.  Too how courtly and complicit the Clintons are to their now being able, albeit less so now than their plans and strategizing had intended, to so like be to annually holding of a Clinton Global Court all may need to consider that they together have like always, since Law School, been of pillow talk spousally to figuring out how to get each of them elected President, despite Constitutional prudence being set in their way, and to figuring how one would or could be staged and established still with powers if and when delays and obstacles slowed them down.  It behoove all to consider the Clintons have always been united towards a possibility of becoming America’s first global (autocratic) leaders and too some of considerations that they would best be more like Governor George Clinton and as modern anti-Constitutionalists.

Where are the Governors?  With the ideals of the Affordable Care Act set so as a (too) temporary Law status far short of a more permanent Constitutional right, it is still critical for it as  a Nationalistic tool for power (and affordability) for it to remove the peoples’ rights from their state’s and governors’ more neighborly compassion and sense of community to the agenda(s) of a seated (& sworn) Executive as President.  For the meta data to be useful and sufficient to achieve the desired political efficiency or inefficiency by way of establishments authorized by the mere law of the Affordable Care Act there must be sufficient input for a calculus for any political prioritizing.  The Presidents will, it seems, be of the Power and Duty to decide how many times a year they should order the residents otherwise still of their state’s jurisdiction and Governor to show up at a doctors office for a new and however full medical exam so to update the national capacity to data mine for new efficiencies and more targeted political (partisan) platforms.  Where are the Governors?

Reading this it should become apparent to readers of the HARRY POTTER series that grew from my challenge to JK Rowling for seven books for seven separate years in schooling curriculum in magic that HARRY POTTER must be on the side so now established as of Senator Ted Cruz.  The courtly selfish spousal Power plotting and polarizing too courtly and lording too global partisan political reigning attempts by the Clintons just are not of the charm of that intended to be of a suggested good or necessary or proper in the worlds of Hogwarts.  Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz with their most public teaching by standing however long however of a filibuster democracy posturing are quite of the freedoms that allow local charm and community good will to be nourished more as if by neighbors and villages.

Where are your Governors?  It is more as if they are the SERIOUS BLACKS of your world and the Clintons too dangerously of regaling as if Lordish and Powered as Voldemort.  The godfather for HARRY POTTER as one a SERIOUS BLACK did come from me after JK Rowling while starting off on the challenge got back to me like complaining that I hadn’t yet given her enough to work with for even five books.  It was natural to me to suggest she give her lead character a godfather like mine who had to be serious about Volts and all wires as a lifelong union electrician - and, most serious always about the black wires and the primary “hot” wires to carry whichever volts.  R.I.P. my now late uncle godfather.  Like other characters of Hogwarts worlds there is that some came from playing with the spelling of iconic I channeled to JK.  Voldemort is a cautionary for young of the world and of days when my neighbors and friends were unknowingly of JK’s patron US so while as the firm of architects of design and construction management then of the Petronas Towers - Voldemort is of a concern of that which electricians have to be knowing of and guarded about while serious mostly about black as carrying volts - volts more than maybe even yet expected - volts d’ mor teed up like doubly in Europe than by USA standards.

Where are the Governors?  Hillary Rodham Clinton - most recently - but for being again as Bill Clinton’s First Lady for spousal global initiatives - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is still of dominant personality traits to firstly being to professionally protecting her husband regardless of how the USA Constitution might otherwise be set.  Where are the Governors? 

It seems implausible that Mrs. Clinton can yet learn any new tricks - it seems they are stuck for after all their years of plotting as if always and consistently with spousal pillow talk that they just never trained themselves or the other for the possibilities of a serious black like President Barack Hussein Obama.  It seems the Clintons do not have an answer to counter them as exposed as too courtly and too globally now of a hunger for a wishful autocratic Power - it seems quite implausible that they now can hide - that they can escape years of corner cutting and official negligence culpability or that “Hillary” is of a dominant personality trait of putting “Bill” first even it it to others may also appear to King-ish.

Whether as HillaryCare - Obamacare - or resurgence as if “UniversalCare” as ClintonCare it is that if the mere law of ACA allowed to be fully implemented the good in it will no longer be of the power or jurisdiction of the Governors.  By eminent domain of a too socialistic political power written and secured by ACA it is that future Presidents now have the power to tell all the People as if more subjects than citizens when & where to show up for a most revealing medical examination and so that they can mine all subjects personal medical records as meta data to know how to more efficiently politically prescribe or program (partisan) Nationalistic permanent solutions.  They won’t just want the medical histories of all as of their domain - they will insist they have the power to tell us all how often and fully all personal parts need to be probed for their “politics”.

Where is your Governor?  The charm of the French resistance as of the dramatic “round up the usual suspect” akin to “Play it again Sam” of CASA BLANCA has the Obama casa blanca “white house” is much of these too regal concerns.  To better work out a copacetic per dangers of Obama’s health posturing I for brevity direct you if so of a free will inclination to http://CitizenRosebud.org so that you can also find THE USUAL SUSPECTS.  For now as to the Lordly of the Clinton dangers it may behoove President Obama to use his ACA (”StormTroopers”) of his #IRS to leak Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons medical history as per at least her analytics that can attest to drug use or abuse and as well those however regular of her personal health papers to attest from full required mental examinations as to what is irreversibly of “dominant” personality traits. 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit to protect the Presidency from institutional corruption as from a power and mere law authority to as well have like eminent domain over People as subjects and to as per even dictates to ascertain and secure each person’s full mental work-up? 

Where is your Governor - where is their bully pulpit as even President Obama may now know each of his subjects per there meta data better than any might ever know themselves, and, as politically so empowered to call over members of the House of Representatives to go over their ward’s medical statistics by sex, race, personality, contrary meds in systems reports as checked against legal prescription levels so of the “data” now a keystroke away by keyword search targetable down to wards and streets and even by street numbers?

Where are you?  Do you have any power and freedom left if such violations of old privacy rights so set in however by the thinking of the Supreme Court as by a temporary mere law of taxing authority classifiable as a type of law that in America is always for a TAX most at risk of being politically reversed and removed, and even if not yet an established cancer on the economies of the USA or the world?  Where are you?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:57 am

Happy Memorial Day 2013.

Today seems a very good day to press out some not too simple reasoned thoughts about the state of the United States of America and/or it Politics - political history.

I don’t want this piece to be about race or specifically about failures of the first actually “black” President of the United States.  It may be beyond a pale to discuss his darkness as of his darkness, however black enough or maybe not black enough.

It isn’t on a proud readiness of the citizens of the United States of America to which this presser broadside is primarily to be worked through as about the “pride” citizens should have that the USA was ready to elect a black president.

It is inescapable that Barack Hussein Obama is black and also now too much that he is justly being compared to a white tagged as “Criminal” Richard Milhous Nixon.  Impeachment may be looming - looming large and realistically for Harvard Law Grad and former Constitutional Law Professor B. Obama.

So let’s just look at the whites of the team of rivals of the USA’s first black President. 

All that now is actionable, however just this far, and just as for an administration a “the most corrupt ever” as beyond a pale of political decency may be most of a culpability of the paler whiter of his careful selection and management.  It may be hard to step so far so fast as to a “it is all Hillary Clinton’s fault” but yet that may be a more just broadcast presser.  It could be too much affirmative action for a hoped for 1st female to assert first an affirmative action for a US executive to be slammed firstly though as due at least an equally affirming action as a 1st black as a 1st female might get, however wrong or right.

It wasn’t the first black President whom after 9/11 II showed a deep ignorance still about 9/11 I and intelligence per the Middle East since.  No!  That was his paler white female Secretary of State Madam Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - Former First Lady.  It is worse than all the “PLAYING POLITICS” both are now seriously suspect of while officially expected to be above such a pale - embarrassment;  President Obama’s Secretary of State though with some outburst @ Congress did admit to a culpability for the senseless loss of the Benghazi Four. 

It was Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Former First Lady Hillary, who embarrassed herself and the United States of America or at least its State Department with her first official remarks after the dreadful tragic loss of the American Consulate in Libya and the Benghazi Four.  It is unthinkable how she could have had such a naive perspective in her official remarks posited from the dais of the seventh floor at State. 

It was Obama’s “Hillary” who wasn’t ready for a 9/11 II whether on day one or at 3 am - as it turns out.  It was naive and embarrassing that she officially spoke about the attacks of September 11, 2012 with a too personal addendum integral to her speechifying like:  I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS COULD HAPPEN IN A  COUNTRY I LIBERATED.

For now it seems that black President Obama is above the fray and beyond the pale - whites - more central to the too criminal sloppy management across different departments within his team of rivals officialdom.  It may not be quite believable that he as his long shown self of a desire to have a “personality based” Presidency and to need BEER SUMMITS for speaking out too early as if a ready judge, jury and executioner can not get pulled down at least by white Hillary Clinton for her also sloppy “customer service” (management).  His “Hillary” showed her intelligence and foundation was flawed with her too personal official and naive remark after the tragic loss of Americans in Benghazi.  Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State in President Barack Hussein Obama’s TEAM OF RIVALS admitted to having a ridiculous and impossible view of the Middle East and for her Diplomatic Mission when of orating that she couldn’t believe such an attack could happen.

This has to go above the seventh floor of the State Department and all the way up to however raised a dais of the President is.

He has to himself really be wondering sure like:  WHAT DID SHE KNOW AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT.

But he has to be able to have the buck stop at his however raised dais of the Presidency as well with a consideration that he is not beyond the pale & beyond a due process for official embarrassment at least for his “Hillary” for having had on blinders - so it seems.


President Barack Hussein Obama, however black, and due an American celebration by its people for themselves of having shown the world that citizens of the United States of America are modern and compassionate already enough to be beyond accepting black leadership. 

But “Hillary” isn’t alone in being a more pale embarrassment while of the Black President’s TEAM OF RIVALS. 

But with that said we can this Memorial Day remember that Governor Mitt Romney cost himself the last election and maybe for driving to much as if black Obama - on healthcare. 

It is difficult to believe that after Governor Mitt Romney suggested that if white he were elected and black President Obama defeated he would repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE he had a chance with common sense citizens.

Governor Mitt Romney only offered basically that citizens of the United States should elect him to solve healthcare because he was white, maybe.  It could be a fairness thing that since he was white when he got ROMNEYCARE passed in a liberal Massachusetts he thought that as long as President Barack H. Obama was saying OBAMACARE IS ROMNEYCARE then he should be voted to a defeat of black President Obama because it wasn’t honorable for his ROMENYCARE to be stolen from him and taken as if that the work of another.

But beyond that Governor Mitt Romney may have had a moral case, after President Obama himself asserted that OBAMACARE is ROMNEYCARE, such that since so it should be returned to its rightful owner and he that admitted/confessed a stealing should at least be defeated it rests that as long as OBAMACARE WAS ROMNEYCARE and Governor Mitt Romney yet was saying that if he was elected he would repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE it actually seemed simply political that it would have been racist to have elected Mitt Romney unless of a moral standing that OBAMACARE was a theft of ROMNEYCARE.

So simply the field is set and there seems an impossibility in our modern politics that Democrats can offer a road of any sort back to a bi-partisan politics in Washington DC.

It is impossible to believe that Obama’s Secretary of State couldn’t have known about Iraq and years of attacks on State Department facilities or people.  It is irrational to believe that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as former First Lady or Secretary of State had any reasonable basis to believe an attack like that of 9/11 II couldn’t happen in a country she liberated.

It is beyond a pale for US politics and Diplomacy that “Hillary” however now culpable also for PLAYING POLITICS at least with the deaths of the BENGHAZI FOUR isn’t of having been at President Obama’s side for so long, however in a TEAM OF RIVALS, is an embarrassment due a subpoena by Congress and with her Middle East expert too, as the wife of Bill Clintons’ protege Anthony Weiner, if “Hillary” wasn’t just PLAYING POLITICS, must, it seems, have been the Secretary’s go to person to be best able to explain the events of our second 9/11.

It may have been all the white people whom have seemingly taken black President Barack H. Obama beyond the pale to such official and embarrassing days as these with a potpourri of scandals, and, all worst when each looked at as to consider if the President of the United States wasn’t just PLAYING POLITICS.

And, yes!  Yes Governor Mitt Romney lost the last election less because he was white and the President was black but that he himself blurred the lines and issues while maybe too prideful with his campaigning on his desires to basically repeal and replace OBAMACARE with ROMNEYCARE and while the country was believing that OBAMACARE was ROMNEYCARE.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:35 pm

A time it is and what a times it is to round up now the usual subjects and predicates.  Oddly it seems no one knows enough about the scope and range of leading news even today.  I may be much of such a class - such a subject much ado about President Obama as a politician from Chicago.

I had hardly given it much though on Patriots Day, as I set out for a long ten plus mile walk about in one of my pairs of hardly used FootJoy golf shoes, that such day was as well the annual day of the Boston Marathon.  My dad did run in it once back in the 80s and I have been at or near the finish line because — I haven’t been in Boston since before the Big Dig got started but once maybe near its ground breaking.  It was Tax Day of April 15th and the day after a remarkable Masters finale — my dad just had his first ever knee replacement surgery recently - I wasn’t thinking of him running or not running.

These times seem times of old but how, and too political in some ways, however, maybe more fitting for Dirty Harry in a hunt for bombers in Clinton masks - maybe firstly Hillary Clinton masks and then secondly a paired Bill and Hillary covering.  Too little seems known of the suspects as per this subject and a class of “criminal” yet quite properly predicated, however.  As it was I must have been finishing my long walk about the time of the ________________ that happened on the Boston Marathon route.

“It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.” 

Right!  Interesting start.  Such a start fits with existing and potential “political” plot twists at least as too few or none know enough about such a tragic event, and, as so soon after she as Boston’s John Kerry’s predecessor was grilled about Benghazi culpability hers and to such pressured “Jack” moment as if of a Dirty Harry A COUPLE BAD WOMEN sequel to A FEW GOOD MEN with her of her outburst like “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE - NOW???”, and, to proffering a weakness on terror - a softness on crime investigating.

Are Bill and Hillary Clinton the (political) type to not go down alone?  And Hillary Rodham Clinton, like President Obama can be said to be from Chicago too - she was born there and maybe now still more naturally a “Chicago pol” of a greater likelihood to end up in prison.  I don’t know how shameful these subjects - this class of subjects of Mrs. Clinton and President Obama should now be as per gun control with them both “from” Chicago and not of having made Chicago as a gun-land danger zone not a 100 Days Priority.  It is twisted that President Obama as from Chicago more directly and as a recent “Chicago pol” tried to stand up a political show about gun control any time after his first 100 Days without having spent such time dedicated fully to such, and, then long still before he too was to proffering free healthcare coverage.

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  It is not believable that a Republican in Boston even on Patriots Day could have not been suspicious in a Mitt Romney even about the Boston Marathon.  It seems it might have had to have been a domestic about such cookery and caldrons of security and as if so in a Clinton mask, however, jolly as if off to a party.  I do not know myself if there were only two “potlucks” served up in-suspiciously or if more of of the subject for better predication now - or if there were actually two more cooked up that didn’t get served properly.

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  She reportedly doesn’t like to cook and doesn’t like exercise and is suffering politically at least some from her successor from Boston John Kerry’s Secretarial acumen being a beating on and of her as likely not much more than mediocre while of the charge previously.  It seems the Clintons are more like Will Farrell in THE CAMPAIGN than most in our recent history and not to lightly let a hit go un-responded to - it seems if the Clintons are now going down (finally) they are still of posturing to make sure that they won’t go down alone, right?  If the Clintons won’t go down alone by natural instinct how will they try to scare off truth seekers from exposing them too much on however many subjects with whichever class of predicates that could be peacefully employed?

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  It is not that she is a witch or ever practiced witchcraft at least in Salem.  It isn’t even much about Bill for having been judiciously sewn a SCARLET A upon their presidency.  It may be more like another Tripoli as if another convenient crisis like a WAG THE DOG and yet generously of a sisterhood of HILLARY WOMEN as with her first strike ODYSSEY DAWN it timed to have been as if a tail wagging a dog anew but as if for Anthony Weiner’s predilections as a devotee of his mentor Bill Clinton.  I don’t know how this tragedy of a “just something I cooked up” crockery that got past the caldron of Boston’s finest could have transpired but as if of a non-state sponsor at least like the Clintons’ CGI in range and scope — it seems they couldn’t have been set by conservatives on Patriots Day in Boston on any April the 15th Tax Day without being suspect from the outer rims/perimeters - it seems logical that the perp(s) must have like been covered as if in masks of either a jolly Bill Clinton or Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  I can with such limited knowledge of such even only surmise that a Democrat or non-Republican could have pulled off walking through such crowds and security as if with a “POT-LUCK” mantra however carried as if of a “JUST SOMETHING I COOKED UP”.  I don’t get this incident as for it being so late in the marathon unless somehow the “cooks” were not able to get through earlier with such a mantra seeming innocent enough.  It still seems days later that this tragedy could be nonsense of thrill seekers and/or an exercising of too radicalized Democrat expression towards justifying higher taxation.  If it has Mrs. Clinton’s finger prints all over it, or just a generous and defensive husband in Clintons’, I haven’t reasoned that out past such as these starts towards consideration of subjects and predicates.

I do fear the Clintons have to try to drive the news too much if they are to have any chance in surviving intra-party comparisons during the second term of President Obama and the seeming trumping Diplomacy of Bostonian Secretary John Kerry.  They can now only be considered non-state actors about such despite how much Bill may still be on our payroll as a past President. 

I did mean to use this title to start towards summer full of fun and light to amorous golf witticisms for sporting consumption.  I didn’t figure a pressure cooker as the news broke as but a heavy crock pot slow cooker, even though I have seen such oddly somehow in use on interesting cooking channel shows.  I was not aware that a “BOMB” could be tagged as if a POT-LUCK and carried into crowds anywhere, however, as if a jolly contribution as innocently “JUST SOMETHING I COOKED UP.”

It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.  She is the one that whined to Congress as if pleading that they tolerate her being light and/or soft on terror.  Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton must have been despite her dislike of staying at home and cooking preeminently aware that bad actors as even HILLARY’S WOMEN could be carrying off “BOMBING” as if of sympathetic and timely political cooking.

I do wish my quiet April 15th activities of a long walk near a half marathon hadn’t become so disturbed by more tragic news seemingly somehow (yet explained) of inheritances from Hillary diplomacy and politics.  It seems it could have been thrill seekers who just couldn’t resist trying to walk around with a “BOMB” as if a “POT-LUCK” - and that any conservative or Republican even if not in a Mitt Romney mask would have been naturally too suspect in such pressure caldron of Boston’s finest.

I too have not yet heard of a justification about these subjects and predications for a USUAL SUSPECTS that could explain how it is more likely of foreign elements or motives.  It was both Tax Day and Patriots Day and seemingly only of outcomes to justify more taxes as per Democrats agendas - and even so if to keep taxes justified to a new high so that funding will still be there to like go after terrorists that Boston’s John Kerry’s Diplomacy now won’t be as soft as Chicago’s Hillary Rodham Clinton had been.

“It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.”   And how really we shouldn’t treat this as just a teased perspective on another maybe “terror” related event that still has to be as well some of a “too political” consideration and judging - like RIGHT?

It is undeniable that Hillary Rodham Clinton was born to be a Chicago politician, such that she has become, however, and so that she among her peers, however less prone, is of a higher likelihood to be eventually imprisoned.  It was documented that she was both raised as a young girl to hit her peers and to hit first - I will have to look up whom documented that she was raised to hit boys and to hit them first.  It is now too much of a new record for the United States of America that she lacked in “diplomacy” while of such charge and to State based too “political” renderings as if a Secretary of War to a new way for the USA in a time of first strikes.

How have Obama’s days been of times more of a Hillary Doctrine to strike first and ask any questions later if someone disliked is still too alive to be conveniently handled?  Is it only President Obama’s fault that he ushered the USA to a first strike standing with far less due process or is this what he dealt away before first being sworn in as a political solution to keep the Clintons from sabotaging his administration from like day one?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:57 am

To be frank…

To be frank, a Texan may be on to something quite uniquely American - North American - specifically of the The United States of America. This is not particularly about how gun control debate now could be to labeling “assault” weapons of common usage as more “American” as defensive anti-assault weapons.  And, nor is it really to be about the poetry of our Bill of Rights in a heavy handed way to profess that our Second Amendment may be ratified from its times of a prudence for free people created by a common Lord to be as well armed as private citizens as that of any “militia” that might be organized by their “State” against them.

I do not know if the great baby boom of the loosely affiliated populaces of the united states of the Constitution of the USA was exclusively of creationism exuding by citizens only or mostly North American and of the boundaries of our Constituted in our Confederate Republic.   We have though an economic consideration about the Baby Boom now still as our economy may be down for those born of its well tempered creationism surging maybe tone deaf economically about marketability.  We have that the USA maybe now in need of leaders who are not at least wholly born and raised as of our Baby Boom Era.

This may be more a regional economic consideration that might exclude a negativity from those not raised in the North East but maybe in the wilds of Kentucky or Texas.  I can write of this as one born four years after President Barack H. Obama and yet on the same August date — I can write of this as one who experienced those of a grade or two ahead of me as of the Baby Boom tail end while as well of associations with the next gen not technically of the Baby Boom Era of the grades coming up behind me.

For sake of jurisprudence with war criminal suspect permitted as it seems the protections of our citizens and as if merely of criminality for a peer review in New York City Federal Courts:  It may not be that such shouldn’t be allowed to proceed in our civilian court system more not because of what one may use our Fifth Amendment rights to avoid saying but for the soap box one can stand on to say almost anything and as of a self defense - self representation.  A war criminal suspect so allowed a seemingly evolutionary civility by our Baby Boom gen leaders is much not of an inclination to stand to stay within our rules and regulations at least as it may seem to us for a “defense” could be of a soap box filibuster like self representation that could go on and on with orations of a very different and interestingly sounding different record of a “history.”

For those of our Baby Boom such stepping seems less than judicially prudent and not nearly as evolutionary as their idealism may have imagined it.  For a balance to such as that which we can hear of somehow from such a fateful executive decision it may help to consider our First Amendment more in the legend and key of our preamble to it and the prefacing to the unanimous subscribing that settled its primary documents ratification.  For a balance to a possible “new history” defense with a civilian venue for a war criminal suspect we seem at a critical reflection for citizens of the USA, at least, to consider that we of the Americas may now be most prudently to a global axis of Catholics - an Axis of Catholics with a Holy Americas Doctrine.

What may occur as a war criminal suspect is allowed the rights and protections of citizens of the United States of America is a prideful call by a self professed enemy of such so united American states by one maybe more learned in our own faith of our founders of the Lord or the ordaining and establishing of our Constitution - of the Christian calender all subscribed the ordaining and establishing so then when of that “Year of of our Lord” special and judicial usage.

I don’t know if we can blame all of what is going wrong economically and in governance practice on the unique and discernible sociological variations about a generation of people of our Baby Boom Era.  Our 1990s have some more interesting ways to be historically analyzed and recorded for Posterity — our 90s may have been of a time still when parents of those born of our Baby Boom Era still had ways to compensate for the rebelliousness of its era’s youth that were necessarily of stealthy methodologies for such era liked too much to tune out when it should have maybe tuned in more.  We have that this gen now of our top leadership posts may have been compensated for and that good times rolled in spite of them not because of them, at least economically during our 1990s.

Religiousity is an new frontier now that our sworn (terrorist) enemies may understand better.  Our sworn enemies may now know better how we think as Anglo Saxons inheritors of governance once more of a Manifest Destiny era.  We may as a nation need to become more learned about religions and the United States of America Constitution as a Christian Constituting just to be better able to defend ourselves as a nation.  The Catholics of our adjoined Americas are naturally by their shared creator already much of an Axis of Catholics also on the defensive from “terrorism” of sworn enemies of the USA.  A “HOLY AMERICAS DOCTRINE” would be a celebration of our First Amendment by some interpretive security logics and not as much a violation of it.

I do not know how any or most could be tripping over the on its face simplicity of out Constitution and its ten of the Bill of Rights with the legend and keying of the preamble set with “do ordain and establish” so then closed for its ratification as with the unanimous subscribing in the “Year of our Lord” so thence.  I do not know how we can be of so many of our Baby Boom Era wanting to trip past (over or under - around?) our First Amendment of a particular basis around “establishment” with it prefaced with “do ordain and establish” of the legend and keying of the primary body of Constitution.

As we have these days of debate about our Second Amendment we have that it may be that Liberals violated Adam Lanza’s First Amendment rights too severely by their long work to a national secularism contrary to the writs of our founders and the Constitution.  As we have these days to worry about the guns of Adam of Peter and Nancy we have the apple of the discussion too much it seems as well that Liberals too much took Adam’s Adam and his creationism out of not just his classrooms.

There is that as long as we were of Bush’s FREEDOM AGENDA it was patriotic for citizens of the United States of America to hold and cherish weapons like their brave were brandishing as volunteers in service to the securing and sharing of our Constituted freedoms.  If not weapons of defensive or liberating “wars” such at home in our loosely affiliated states of our Confederate Republic were of a common use more of a patriotism to hold and preserve them as American anti-assault arms.

We have that at least I witnessed the chasm of generational differences between those a year to three ahead of me in my youth and those then a year or few behind me also like me hardly as born of the Baby Boom Gen.  In my family my oldest sister seems much too much like a Baby Boomer like President Obama while a year younger and yet my other older sister is less so and my younger brother definitely not at all.  While of the years of success of the philosophy of governance and language change about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM with its first round back from before the Clintons even entered the 1992 race I was of a clever attempt to preempt the Baby Boom weaknesses at least around economic thought with a prophylactic pre-marketing of their era in our general entertainments.  With such as part of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM those now in power of the tail end of the Baby Boom Era may be stumbling over themselves as if just a sad and out of tune has been beat too of a lack of awareness that we already marketed them before their time and too much to the max.

We may have been saved by these of a certain Baby Boom Era having tried to sell themselves without a new originality and because it seems to all have fallen flat, and some because it fell flat for they themselves didn’t realize how we grew so much in the 90s by having prophylactically marketed around them and these now most too apparent short comings in a philosophy of governance and economics.

It seems just nutty and absurd that any though of any generation should think that war criminal suspects belong in our civilian courts.  It seems dangerous that such offering such as wise haven’t themselves warned us and educated us on the risks from a self defense and/or self representation that could be filibuster like and of a new telling of a believable yet different “history.”

Our First Amendment uses “establishment” quite cleverly and specifically following on with a complementary import to the use of “do ordain and establish” of the legend and keying of the preamble.

To be frank:  Today I have more questions for you than answers.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:15 am

The Governors are my mascot.  I was publicly educated through the twelfth grade to my graduation from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross High School.  We were/are THE GOVERNORS.


What is too low a standard morally or ethically speaking for a former US Executive to be at without it “charming” while lower than we should expect?  When is a former Executive of our United States exposed to personal suits for having been of conduct unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

What is a TERRORIST?

Whom are our referees for all this that is of an air of our protections secured for JUSTICE more than a willy nilly of our POLITICS?  Where are the flags from our referees however where ever they are for LIES unbecoming a former officer of our Executive Branch?

Before I graduated as a GOVERNOR from New Haven’s Wilbur Cross Public High School I already knew of “B.O.” of Hawaii of interests in presidential oratory and as well already knew there was a Sarah Heath of a Bush, Conn & Heath title IX basketball passion in Alaska.  I have cousins related to Connecticut’s second Governor after the Great Independence & Revolution & original Constituting.  While a high schooler if I was to asking someone to pick up my down winter coat I had to ask them to like grab the “Jerry Brown” coat - for it is I had/have a Gerry brown down winter coat.

By 1971 I had picked a good career path for myself that was much in my mind in 1983 while near to HS graduation.  My grandfather Arthur M. Menadier was to mandatory retirement as a top “Mad Man” of his day (show’s era) as the primary account chieftain for the consolidated work for Johnson & Johnson then at Young & Rubicam.  In 1971 I asked him to take me under his wing and teach me to become like him - with an agreement of “but without your vice of smoking.”

I am John Peter Hogan as named “John” of the oldest son of my paternal grandfather John W. Hogan Sr. and oldest son of his oldest son - my dad named more for his father as John W. Hogan Jr. Esq.  I wanted by 1983 to grow up to be like both of my grandfathers as a merger of their uniquenesses as responsible contributing honorable citizens.

Today is also my dad’s 74th birthday.  The “B.O.” of Hawaii I have known since the late seventies of when I was to the middle school school wide East Rock Community School New Haven Public School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY Declaration of War Speech did become known only more recently for having my same birthday of August 4 though I have all along known him to be four years ahead of me.

I did grow up wanting or needing to be ambitious at least because of my family and our neighborhood and its neighbors and legacy.  While growing up Richard Hegel was of hosting of Holiday Parties we were invited to and while he was New Haven’s official Historian.  It was my old classmate Steve who started dating another old friend who lived across the street from another of BO a “Bo” — Steve Brennen is still a professional artist and now as well a Hamden Fireman, last I knew.  Steve Brennen is the old seventh grade pal whom is responsible for he of “Are you ready for the Oratory Contest? and Are you ready as well to compete in any school wide competition with it also in Hawaii?” queriousness with a like Operator for Hawaii broadcast to all whom might want to compete in presidential oratory against me.

I get it is funny that I have known so many characters for so long and while of interests to a career like both of my grandfathers somehow to a touch as an international marketer of the highest ordering.  I am not sure though it is funny that if you change two “e”s to two “a”s you get “Hagel” from “Hegel” and “Brennan” from “Brennen.”

It is still relevant that I have know Bill and Hillary since 1971 or 1972 and for them of days as students not yet engaged to each other and both to walking my neighborhood with wondering and querying about whether they both might be able to become President someday.  They asked me about such and effectively, to make a long story short and while this is more about Governors today, I like said “NO - if you marry each other be careful who goes first in attempt as the 22nd Amendment should keep you if married to each other from both becoming elected.”  I still don’t know how as a near 1st Grader I was to such a comment - but do get that I was wised up enough to realize I should never let myself forget two people who would ask such a question of anyone.

Is Al Gore a WEATHER TERRORIST?  Was Hillary Clinton with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, from near day one, also effectively acting as if a WEATHER TERRORIST?

As our Diplomacy standing rule is like - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERMANENT ENEMIES OR PERMANENT FRIENDS - JUST PERMANENT INTERESTS - Secretary Kerry with “we have now permanent enemies” is maybe more of the “rule” than a practicable reality.

The Clintons were wrong not to proceed against Saddam Hussein in their first term to a full compliance with all United Nations sanctions.  We have that President Bush was wise not to proceed immediately into Baghdad with THE PERSIAN GULF WAR as until the United States of America started saving its own cities like New York City and its Time Square and as well Las Vegas Saddam Hussein had a way to win.  Saddam Hussein had enough cards up his sleeve to turn the world to his side if we had proceeded immediately at him and Baghdad and with sympathetic marketing to ask peoples of his region and the broader world about whether he wasn’t able to better manage Baghdad than Americans were able to manage their own big cities.

Within the first term of the Clintons we were ready to stand up our cities as at least as well run as his and able to defeat his PR advantage and then move at him for a WWII like post world war RECONSTRUCTION with trials like Nuremberg’s but then for him.  In hindsight we can see many troublesome “official” acts by the Clintons different from this and contributive to so many problems that we have had since that were otherwise able to have been checked and addressed better sooner.

John Kerry, Secretary of State, was smart to remark about how well Japan and Germany are after we defeated their earlier constitutednesses and then worked post world war RECONSTRUCTIONS about.  It is remarkable though that his location was a slap at the Clintons of them more like William Blygh or Bov. George Clinton as well as his mention of RECONSTRUCTION good will of at least the Japanese and Germans as proven to not be “permanent enemies.”  Such begets the late query as to how or why the Clintons didn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein for war crimes in a timely manor nor proceed ASAP to a POST WWWIII RECONSTRUCTION for Iraq once we had started our COMMUNITY POLICING & LIVEABLE CITIES INITIATIVES. 

We have our Governors may now want and get their own drones.  We have that President Obama’s foreign policies with Secretary Clinton are suspect and with Mrs. Clinton of acceptance of a “culpability” for her intelligence and leadership failures as per the BENGHAZI FOUR and our 9/11 II. 

If they cannot explain whom is a terrorist as per BENGHAZI acts of war on like a Holy Day for Al Qaeda how can they or we be sure they know a “terrorist” when tasking a “kill” off their “Kill List” by drone(s)?

If we cannot be clear yet about what a “TERRORIST” is or isn’t still - is it because a defiinition of such will tag both Al  Gore and former candidate for President Hillary Clinton of then HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT while Senator Clinton as well as ‘TERRORIST” - but more as WEATHER TERRORISTS?

What is a TERRORIST?


What is “MATERIAL SUPPORT OF TERRORISTS” and how isn’t Bill Clinton’s CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE while so modeled for “support” like Al Qaeda’s purported “banking system” maybe incidentally or accidentally to casual or real “material support of terrorists”?

Who are our referees?  Where are our referees?  Where are the flags for conduct unbecoming a former Executive Branch Officer of The United States of America?  Where are the penalty flags for all the LIES?

Did I tell you already that today is also my dad’s birthday?

Brennen is a friend - he married the Geller friend once a co-tri Governors swim-team captain with myself and another swimmer David.  This female Geller and other swimmer David were the basis for my musing FRIENDS show into existence as bulwark for friends and a guards against foes.  Bo was and is likely still big into pick-up urban B-ball games though a Professor of Marketing now - as I recall. 

Yes we needed to start fixing New York City, Time Square and some Las Vegas before we proceeded to a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and an attempt to run his Baghdad.  Yes we could have and should have moved to a full enforcement of all United Nations sanctions on Iraq within the Administration of the Clintons’ first term and to a RECONSTRUCTION like that for Japan and Germany after the earlier last world war. 

Secretary Kerry as opened up a can of political worms now with such as in his inaugural speech and with it from the University of Virginia.

What is “material support of terrorists”? 


What is a TERRORIST?

How much has it cost us since the Clintons acted official with an infidelity to our own Justice standards abroad for their eight years as regards Iraq and Saddam Hussein?  How can it be right to have these years be to helping Afghani women and girls and not right for President Bush to have tried to help Iraqi women and girls?  How wrong was it for the Clintons’s official “State” speak to have been religiously bases with a bias against Shia peoples and especially the Shia majority of Iraq oppressed and suppressed by Saddam Hussein and as official speech of “Iraqi Shia are not capable of governing themselves”?


Their foreign policy now also in hindsight is horrendous for a religious basis with sectarian bias contrary to our own established Justice and rights.  It is scary that we let them sell PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS while such morally questionable with Middle East region realities quite different. 

It seems we have that Bill Clinton was at least an AMERICAN INFIDEL to our own Justice standards - and that too many are at risk of a guilt by association now as he thinks we and others have permanently forgotten.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:30 pm

As these eves to February move to dawns to realities also to Marches Obama II is staged as if a SMOKEY IS THE BANDIT.

There are many conundrums to yet be settled about your civil rights and general Welfare consistently across different trafficking in “change” by President Barack H. Obama.  His new conservationism contradicts his new nationalism economic growth pimp’n - he is as much a punk rock poet for his due process stomp’n trip’n. 

We may not be yet any more safe as a nation than when we were before he became President; we do not know or know if we can be certain if he has stopped smoking.  As our President is his a “Smokey” - as President Barack H. Obama is he also a “bandit”?

We have been of four years for foreign policy quite different than that which was necessary to keep our United States of America from having been like punk’d by the peoples otherwise of the world to be the world’s police at our own expense.  Has President Obama, however of delegating these past four years, been to a giving away of the game (for popularity) before it was wise or safe?

It can be driven now for the next four years that the foreign policy of Obama I was able to build upon the Bush years in ways it and such wasn’t able to build upon the earlier years of the Administration of the Clintons.  That our President has trafficked in falsities taggable as a cover-up for a negligence of the Clintons doesn’t remove the logic of so much now as of a building upon much disciplined and difficult hard work of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA.  The years of Obama I has been of saying Bush was wrong and all at fault while fronting the Clintons as oddly completely innocent.  The first term - Obama I - can only have been possible as a building on the Bush’s years for what was more right and developmental than that inherently too much of the Clintons.

I am not saying President George W. Bush was closely supporting a French underground as if in a real CASA BLANCA.  I am trying to make light of years inherited from the Clintons and so now with there being “old” and “new” Clintons contrary to themselves in many ways quite concerning.

Is ACA Obamacare just Hillarycare II - a rebooted Clintons’ politics and now late win?  Are you aware of how Obamacare can rob you of your thought kept civil liberties, some?  Have you asked if it isn’t now set up to allow spying here at home?  And to using doctors like Pakistan Doctor now hung out to dry by President Barack H. Obama? 

Have you asked yourself yet - have you sat down publicly and people watched and asked yourself or another:  How bad must our Governor be - our Mayor - our community with Obamacare now a stain upon our communities of an institutionalization about our federal government fixed to a need to help our neighbors because our neighbors were not helping our neighbors as a working or workable “community”?

Have you asked yourself what it may be that you don’t want your Doctor to ask you as now his records as your records are now set to be analyzable Big Brother Big Government centralized and sortable medical records of personal medical facts, however incriminating or suspect?  Did you know by Obamacare that Libertarians are at least concerned that ACA now allows and likely expects your Doctor to ask you:  Do you own a gun? and while collecting all your specimen records for their systematic perusal?

A real bandit just for a endemic trampling of due process at home and abroad - right?  A real “Smokey” now with extraordinary new powers to sort and statistically analyze so much once kept preserved as “private” and untouchable - right?

You are now just a number - just a zip code - a zip code odd or even with a street name and a ward however your address odd or even or your lifestyle - and your doctor expected to help his Government spy even as to your Second Amendment Protections exercising.  You will be nameless to a Googleable front door - street view - back alley intimate view - but a very searchable numbered “identity” for ward based political analysis of wrongs about a Congressional district - right?

As you wake up to more challenges due in 2013 of Obamacare regardless of it however a Hillarycare II will you be joining the revolution to restore your civil liberties to “free” or “freer”?  Will you doctor have “emergency” samples for you from unscheduled Emergency Room visits that hadn’t been figured to your questionable consumption to nearly about to have flushed through to “undetectable” “evidence” of “criminality”?

Will Obama II be as much as Obama I as the good guy a “Smokey” a bad guy “bandit”?  If you are robbed of your privacy and your due process or party to others having their yanked knowingly - will you be able to abide such trafficking to trackable assimilation and overreaching?  Will you wonder now how bad your community must really be that your Federal Government had to step in so to just care for your neighbors?  And, how bad your Mayor, County Execs and/or Governor must be that such a cold and systematic assimilating central body had to essentially invade your “community” space?

I mean it figures that your United States Congress Representatives staff will be able to order up “medical” “ward based” analytical reports from Obamacare ACA IMAC centralized systematizing to an effectual Big Brother computing towards “cost consciousness” and so that “keyword” “healthcare” “searches” with “parameters” a grand and vast realm of “variables” will be to being able to discern “cost saving” factoids down to house numbers as odd or even and by street name, ward and zip code - right?

Who can the usual suspects now be at least just in a new world set “official” for People long otherwise of plausible deniability and presumption to innocence?  I mean with Obamacare aren’t politicians now in your blood and urine and stool to stay with “Smokey” duties too easily to checking their wards for “healthcare” “indicators” of personal medical records now Nationalized and Centralized per their designs like say “evidence” of “stress reducing” “medicines” i “samples” yet/but no evidence of “prescription” nor “necessary” diagnosis?

With Obamacare like a “Smokey” a bandit as a bad “Smokey” of over-reaching vastly sublime to “official” use of doctors as if Domestic Federal spies - whom will be willing of so many uncovered to acquiesce to “samples” so likely unavoidably “officially” and “permanently” trackable coyly as self incriminating?  Can Obamacare but scare away those it supposed to care for and increase costs because of its invasive “governance” so Big Brother statistically yet computer trackable for all as locatable numbers?

Won’t your political representatives of such powers to request and gather “ward” based medical “findings” by residence number, street name, race, age, height, hair color, eye color,sex and even gun ownership be now as well to a “knowing” where “plausible deniability” used to reign safely?

And how much a “bandit” while fronted as a “Smokey” for trafficking in violations of civil liberties by statistical frauds, like?

And, yes this is just asking you to think about how you feel while your due process is being diminished maybe less though so than so many foreigners about Obama I and now to Obama II, and the foreign assaults on due process!

As it seems Obamacare is to be fully set up and to an IMAC clearing center of and for political ward based “health” reports how can we or any be certain or even expecting that the inputs won’t be skewed if “services” used and by black market manipulations to establish official “innocence”? 

And yet this is while we wait to see if Congress won’t be asked to affirm a duty or right to insist that all Americans submit to complete biological work ups of blood and urine and stools at least twice a year towards the Government need to reason a possible way to reduce medical care costs - right?

Aren’t we now to Liberal social program of Obamacare, however just a Hillarycare II, to being as ineffective as gun rights lobbyists insists gun control legislation is to keeping guns from those to mischief but to a establishment of healthcare reform in ways that will turn off many now said to be turned away? 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:25 pm

The days are numbered for writer critics of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to pound #Hillary about Hillary Clinton as a clearly “PUBLIC FIGURE”.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for the office seeking of the United States of America Executive Branch Presidential see is not the still now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  We have that she has been of a “TEAM OF RIVALS” of the first of the Obama’s “we…” consideration as likely of two of his “we…” Secretary’s to be considered towards 2016.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for their leadership to capture the American Presidency must be considered firstly to be Senator John Kerry if confirmed nominee to duty as another Obama rival as a Cabinet Officer bound of State Diplomatic duties.  He should have the mantle of “Obama’s rival” at least as much as aspirant Mrs. Clinton of State husbandry, however, has or is presumed to be to a having towards 2016.

But for now it will be that “Hillary” is for a while no longer a public figure to kick around with fair criticisms and much due doubt — it is soon more that she will have been put out to pasture to idyllic retreating.  Of course if she is really a “rival” we should expect official statements contrary and critical of now re-seated President Barack H. Obama. 

Secretary of State John Kerry for President in 2016, though as “white” as a “Hillary” again for President, is what should be presumed firstly with bias based on sex, race, or age.  He has the money - he’s run before - he likely has to be at least as much a rival to President Obama as still charged and sworn Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton and as well the re-sworn Vice President Joseph Biden.

Citizens United as been quite rendered a good and necessary ruling in light of the ease with which President Barack Hussein Obama raised and spent that sum in excess of a billion campaign dollars. 

More concerning is any or all “foreign” “influence” now in our politics - and all global activities of both of Obama rivals - both “Bill” and “Hillary.”  Secretary of State John Kerry as his Democrat Party Nominee in 2016 makes more democratic sense even though he can likely fund a billion dollar campaign with his own wealth.

Are the days now numbered as if “Hillary” soon no longer a “public political figure” to criticize as not due a privacy as if a lamb quietly set out to pasture in idyllic retreat?  Are these the last days to fairly speak of due criticisms of Obama’s first Secretary of State?

“Kerry For President 2016″ is at least a halo Senator John Kerry deserves if also to be seen as an independent thinking Cabinet Officer also a wanted “rival” sworn to obedience to President Barack Hussein Obama, but how fronted as a challenger.

A due long continuous battle to unearth the cover-up air about the Obama’s State avoidance and inaction of Benghazi failures of his first “we…” now butter’d up for departure but not legal escape is afoot such that she is to remain suspect as a person of interest yet still much in the public domain and eyes. 

Writers for politics and justice though, unless she steps out like now soon with a how and a why for consumption of “rivals” with specifics hers much to how and why she would have been a better President these past four years, are to consider civility and decorum and political politeness as if she is due an idyllic retreat as if placidly out to pasture as just a lamb.

It would behoove her to quietly retreat as much as possible now.  Obama’s new “rival” Diplomat is hardly more “white” than she, and, of a more lore’d and well beaten step by step path and resume building towards a Presidency for himself.

It should much behoove both President Clinton and soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton to both quietly now try to just fade away from foreign and domestic entanglements at least now for high profile and long about pressures to justice and understanding of at least the first four years of “Foreign Policy” of the Administration of Barack H. Obama.

These days are numbered for writers to write as strongly as a “public figure” deserves about our former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton unless besides a continued push by our honorable Congress as per a lingering haze of “cover-up” of fogs about Benghazi we soon see “Hillary” of official steps to directly set her self apart as having been an independent thinking “rival” these four years and of the aforementioned “how” at least speaking to what she would have done differently and better these past four years.

I will be freer without her as Secretary of State or otherwise a sworn officer of the United States of America to reach to much deeper and globally broader markets with my already written thousands of pages long of years yet maybe not of having been critical enough of Presidential aspirant Hillary Rodham Clinton.  I will though myself until further developments be to considering her less now for new pieces as of “new” material.

I do look forward to finding my real audience for my book idea to publish past columns and commentary about “Hillary” and our 22nd Amendment towards a Guinness Book record for “most number of pieces written as to why Hillary Rodham Clinton should not become President.”  And, I look forward to being more entertaining of comity and comedy as a political pundit and as well as a poet and political poet.

It seems reasonable to consider that most of my columns are as long here as a New York Times Op-Ed Columnist’s there - but yet three times wider and so nearly 3x the word count there.  I have not yet compared word counts between my average length column and such as an industry standard.  I am glad many of my pieces did not have to be reduced to such standards as theirs.

“Secretary of State John Kerry for President” has a ring of Boston Brahmin lore’d good will and wealth for much musing to considerations that he with his Yale pedigree could be a revolutionary American elder in four years of promises to a long necessary cleaning up of his own party.  He will have to likely have to also run as a “rival” of President Barack H. Obama’s to assert that he as well at least as “Hillary” and “Joe” was not just a bureaucratic tool incapable of independent thinking.

The Clintons have been public figures long enough such that an idyllic retreat as if out to pasture not a lot fair or due either President William Jefferson Clinton nor soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

We have to write about and publicly long consider that Republicans couldn’t run clean enough campaigns in 2008 & 2012 because too many still of our Congress were about that had been too weak to avoid the corruptive collusion to political corruption worked politically by the machinations most political and new-tech of and by the Administration of the Clintons whence.

The Clintons with their Clintons’ global initiatives are due a near “monopoly” consideration to a new era of Congressional “trust busting” - can’t you say, yourself?  We have that we have no idea how vast the left wing global conspiracy is now already towards further undermining of our Constitution and at least our Constitutional protections set to limit and check all foreign “contributions” or “gifts” like by foreigner or agents of foreign countries.

As Walt Whitman sung of us as of body electricities while electricity hardly but a novelty otherwise we have that the Clintons have already too long been to involved and meddling as term limited by our 22 Amendment by at least the prudent example set by “George” and “Martha” - however pre-Lincoln re-uniting.

As per Clintons vs. Kerry towards 2016 with “whiteness” so muted it seems we must be to measuring the “foreign” influence in at least President Clintons affecting as of a electricity (bought and built) of foreign gifts towards political electoral homeland effectings as bankable swingable “CHARISMA.”

And, yes the Republicans still have troubles for having been compromised and corruptive by the Administration of the Clintons at least while during the Clintons’ second term.  We have yet to have a young enough Republican challenge to Democrat Party national ticket since President George W. Bush whom can stand up with enough inside the beltway Republicans without the Clinton having them not able to be free enough to speak against them without incriminating themselves.

The Clintons have to be the most long shot most “underdog” ticket to now measure towards 2016 hopes - right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

A longer title could or should be NEW WORLD ORDER TABLETS.  Our world has changed and we have by one party more than another been encouraged to change with them in ways contrary to our long established systems of checks and balances.

Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

A retrospective on President Obama should now at least dig up how his famed “SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” CAIRO SPEECH oddly proffered like:  American slaves got out of their bondage peacefully and without violence.

The complexity of this recently re-elected President who wanted to have a “personality” based Presidency has another grand oratory moment of international concern for any world order.   Some how Senator Barack H. Obama spoke to a large crowd in Berlin, Germany and with linguistic oratorical looseness such that he closed out his rendition of history as if his father as a army cook was critical to the success of the Berlin Air Lift and so that he the son now can stand and inherit from his father and all listening a personal empowerment of having saved the World - or just Berlin, himself.

We are of days of wonderful new communication tools that don’t just have to be wired by Government as tools for mass partisan assimilations.  As tablets are of our past carried morality now new tablets are there yet to be used for a better modern morality.

President Obama now has a problema much like that visceral for his predecessor while himself no long re-electable — The Clintons as like “family” - adopted and embraced step children/brethren - by the Bush clan did turn out knives as if back stabbing political opportunists even though Bush was no longer “electable.”   President Obama now himself no longer re-electable has the Clintons as his greatest threat and as an internecine Democrat divided house — as the Clintons were willing to back stab the Bush as “family” as “rivals” of Administration of President Obama what won’t they be willing to try to do, politically just within their own party?

President Obama may have the greatest friend as of the adage “an enemy of my enemy is my friend” with Senator John Kerry if approved to be Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s successor.  He should after Benghazi failures now of problems and unpreparedness within some of her own “pet” issues be called to a cleaning of her houses of State.  A Secretary of State John Kerry is a perfect political ally for President Obama against an expected internecine power struggle (for legacies - over legacies).

Most concerning, despite how dangerously framed, in these complicated times, by the real international and geo-regional politics more real than some of the above oratorical confounding profferings, and as if we are working on a tower of policies on shifting sands and without an adequate foundation, remains, though little pressed, to be how we have been of Mrs. Clintons our “oversight” head for Mr. Clinton while of all his CGI and Library and/or Foundations’ global machinations.

I don’t know that our system with checks and balances and its three equal branches of Government ever failed to consider that a wife is not supposed to be our “policing” agent for a “hen house” of global egg laying of her husband.  I do think that is like having put an known egg thief in charge of securing our eggs.

We can recall how I and others did give the orator of at least the above mentioned past Obama speeches very low grades or failiing grades for one or the other - and how others gave him glowing like A++ s even though he spoke as if orating a denial that our Civil War had actually been at all about slavery. 

We can though still look at how our Executive Department has historically worked with more checks and balances and too more transparency over our history — We can look at how almost all of President Obama’s weak or faulted international moments and especially of his speaking with prepared remarks has his top Diplomat as Secretary of State as a Cabinet level “officer” at least primarily a suspect for each as each fault had her of a job to see it and say something about each before each and even maybe to have been an “expert” with “edits” proffered.

Politically speaking just about the very concerning above problema intertwined in much of what isn’t working now while of “national” or “federal” hands we have that a Secretary of State John Kerry can come in and blame his predecessor for most if not all of his new boss’s past international foibles - and domestic messaging as per them all.

I was disappointed recently when I quickly Googled “modern moralists” and didn’t see any “modern” moralists then in the first page of results.  Again, it may be “leaders” of your party that are using new “tablets” to attempt to work a mass hysteria to an acceptance of methodologies contrary to our system and still writ regulatory ways. 

But about President Obama — has he been an imperialistic neo-colonialist?  Was he trapped by internecine Democrat Party machinations hung-over from the Clintons’ spousal plotting to a having of his “governance” hands greatly tied up by the Clintons?  Is President Obama though of a desire to be of a “personality” based Presidency and despite how a “cabinet of rivals” rivaled such as a contradicting paradigm/conundrum but now of a legacy near exactly as that which we would have had if of an extention of the Administration of the Clintons as attempted?

With former President William Jefferson Clinton, here to fore protected by his spouse, while she the cabinet level officer charged with oversight of organizations like his creatively established CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE, still of his CGI as if a privately operated “State Department” can Senator Kerry start at State as the successor of such charge now without calling rightly for a full and complete audit of all the overseas activities of our former President William Jefferson Clinton?

Even though like President Bush in years past we have that President Obama is no longer also re-electable can that the Clintons are of his own party keep them from behaving just as disloyal or even more of a lack of loyalty?

Though our new tablets are now of us still of a lasting legacy of foundations in earlier tablets we have problems now in part for international “relations” are so borderless that we are of a new world more of “international politics” than as before of and for “global diplomacy” for relationships between peoples.

Again we have had administration by Democrats where they have worked less than possible and/or prudent towards an national awareness raising to better “informed” “citizens” as all of a “towards such” reality.  These Democrats new and or compromised so, as of a before when a “before” wasn’t too early, have been contrary to our basic methodologies secured by our Constitution by policies and practices more towards a shift at home and abroad to as many as possible more to as if just “subjects.”

These are days of us of new world order with tablets old and new — and of people in a world more already of an “international politics” than the “Diplomacy” so far of the Obama administration’s State Department has pressed, itself. 

We have that we are of dangers just from a lack of sharable understanding of the attacks to the loss of THE BENGHAZI FOUR as such is going down rightly, it seems, as an “ACT OF WAR” in a known ongoing war and not as a random act by unknown unaffiliated “terrorists” as spewed in amateur fashions by those we accepted (wrongly) as experts.

The new order possible for President Obama in his second term with Senator John Kerry if confirmed to be our next Secretary of State remains of opportunities for the both of them to blame Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for most of the past “shortcomings” or “failures” - yet to allow President Obama an escape for near un-American “management” methods of his having let Mrs. Clinton be the policing “officer” of his cabinet for all “foreign” activities of her husband has to rest on his shoulders as of his naivete and bad managerial and legal judgement.

We are so of new tablets and a new world order our Democrat Party leaders are trying to subdue but when to mass assimilations to dictatorial obedience as if of more “subjects” than “citizens” below them, and while of an opportunity to govern more as if a media corporation of “pop” artistry in lieu of due process by governance still of and by laws, not man or woman.

It is if, some at least, that President Obama thought he of a “personality” based Presidency wouldn’t have to make consideration for “management” or “cost consciousness” that actually recognized “temptations” as a human problema necessitating a governance by laws not by will or tyranny of a man or woman - or an elite troika.

Again:  Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:37 am

As we move through today realizing that we might have to move to impeach at least President Obama are we so to it that we might have a President John Boehner in lieu of a President Joe Biden for interim months before a new representative and informed electorate moves with decisions?


Remember yesterday was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 and the news today seems to most be that the Obama Administration at least of its State Department charge was too far inadequate securing of our embassies and our personnel in regions of known conflict on what should have been the calender day of the year when such are likely most at risk.

REMEMBER TO THINK - this is what I thought this morning and shared as my Facebook.com/jpeterhogan updates that also re-post automatically as tweets with first 140 characters or nearly and a bitty link to the rest available at Facebook link:

>Could America have looked any worse abroad during the Dem Convention?  Take just Egypt - how did it go over to have power hungry Bill Clinton too clinging to attempts to have thirty years of too real power after eight of paling with their Hosni Mubarak?  And with promises of that appearance to be loudly around about race for a while?  And with Mrs. C of State but oddly actually looking too comfy with meetings with China and Russia in China and Russia?  Just seems that the message of the Dem Convention has to have been heavy with an almost pining for days of old when Clintons could just embrace likes of Qadhaffi and Mubarak.  What message are we letting slip out to the world letting Clintons be so visibly to attempts to be in power maybe for forty years despite them having little history of making things better?

>Before we go and all start talking about Egypt like we know anything about it because Hillary was happy to be recently sitting down with China and Russia >> Are we all better informed or just wrong now?  Do Muslims as a practice tend not to tell outsiders or opposition what the real reason they are doing something as like a check and balance by them towards seeing if they really have cause to be doing what they won’t tell you they are really doing?  Is this whole cloth home spun that as regards the Middle East we have to be able to divine the real whole reason they are doing something and not respond as if the reason they give is the real reason as for them are they checking us to see if a Holy War or protest is needed just because we cannot see the real reason they are to such?  Just seems now Sec Clinton is about the worst person that we could have as our Top Diplomat - how say you?  Do we have to find a way just to be more wholly about a understanding that will only be teased out and not explained simply as if to simpletons?

>Are we at that President Obama isn’t Muslim enough - not nearly as skilled in “Muslim” as he thinks he is cleverly?  How do you see his Convention set and styling so much of a FORWARD but with a RESET with his chariot podium and DWS’s female Ramses II simple ware to a ruler of Egypt attitude maybe though of days before Ramses II started chasing Moses to get back his labor force?  Just seems we may underestimate the import but can Egyptians afford underestimating President Obama of that Cairo speech I gave an “F” to years ago?  Can they escape that he said FORWARD but went back so far to seem to try to RESET the stage as if he were the supreme ruler of lands of Egypt?

>Are we now at that we are better to be globally allied with our much Catholic brethren of Central and South America than visibly in bed against Middle Eastern freedom with secular socialist states like Russia or China, however so?  Not to be about religion but not to not be about common values and shared energies of faith and ways?  And, really where did Saddam’s WMD disappear to and does Iran already have a bomb?  And how are we not to publicly condemn our Clintons - both of intimate political “two-fer” for they didn’t just get along with Hosni Mubarak and Muamar Qadhaffi they nearly were so with Saddam Hussein as the best to keep leading Iraq that they nearly left him be free to start what likely would have soon become a nuclear power and weapons race against Iran.  ???

How do we discern an “attack on America” from an “attack on religious freedom”?  If the later might there sooner be a great Mexican - Libyan War than an USA v. Muslim showdown?  It we are attacked for “religious” reasons there are many others that might respond first that are not even American - goes to figure?


>Simply it may be Un-Constitutional by our 1st Amendment for our Congress to declare HOLY WAR as such would be a making of a law respecting establishment of religion.  So we are though allowed to share a common defense with other countries against threats to life and limb and freedoms - so we are maybe now of a time where we help other nations also threatened by religious conflict have more autonomy about their defense and globally?  Are the armed forces of our southern Americas brethren large enough?  Are they constitutionally allowed to defend their own values?

>And so last week too many failed to report the end of the world as we know it of/for Bill Clinton and his thought non-partisan and non-political global charm.  With his appearance at Dem Convention he did kill his global charm and undermine both our Department of State and our Executive Branch.  He by choosing to be most political and partisan an of a greedy hungry game of old Clinton politics did himself set us up for an official request for our Government to shut down his CGI and all global meddling he has been about under the guise that he was being charming in a non-partisan and non-political way.  ????

>How bad is it that we can sit back and just think we should let Obama respond consistent with his record and that all we need for a response is more indiscriminate remote operated drones for bombing or strafing fire?  I mean due process went out the door nearly as early as when Hillary walked through, right?

>Can we sit by and let the un-elected “President of the World” Bill Clinton carry on so with the likes of a private State Department while the real State Department in such global disrepair under Obama regardless of whom his lacky running State?

>If we are to preserve our two party protections and our representative checks and balances - we essentially have to no bring an end to the efforts of both Clintons long to effecting a global one party rule under them?  Remember to think?

>How can President Obama now respond and also keep his prime Sunday tee times? And, morning beer tasting?

>What did I say yesterday - where did I say it?  How can I have a day with one visit from a .edu domain and yet have this page showing such otherwise as first - most busiest domain of visits to http://jphogan.org on September 12, 2012 as recorded with most from “.ru” (Russia) domain - and that of over three hundred visits?

>Has Sec. Clinton been too busy with her “JOBS DIPLOMACY” agenda attempts to usurp historic powers of our Commerce and Treasury departments of their over seas charges to have paid enough attention to the otherwise standard and necessary work/charge of just her own cabinet level department?

>I guess I could write a new column to refresh my nearly unique understanding of the Clintons and their ambitions and how it dates back to me polled one day in a school yard by them while single law students while they were walking by.  See because Bill asked me to lie to back up his lie to be like a wing man to him with her smitten even with him having lied about what my honest youthful innocent answer had been and he then to asking me to lie about his lie and so lie about what I thought was truthful from me as I was that remembered iconic “charming boy in the school yard” carried by them for years like a circuit breaker for their plotting and so that I remember these two for years as mostly distant invisible friends I am still of my memories of them when they thought they may have been going “too far” and “plotting against our Constitution” with too much thinking of bending it but not breaking it as so as so as they would check like for another youthful innocent iconic opinion from me as of if they were to go that far could they both become President some day.  And, since Bill asked me to lie from our first meeting and I to thinking we would be safer if I could learn how fully dastardly and diabolic their plotting might be I did regularly tell them from afar a “yes” again though really a “no.”  And so Hillary and Bill may today have a misplaced confidence that they hadn’t plotted to bend our Constitution so far and that their decades of plotting and scheming were of misleading false truths offered in the spirit of the standards of their first impression.  Oh, boy did I think with 1992 race that they were perfectly set up to be campaign foils and as one time use disposable politicians that we were best to throw out forever after that exposure.  Yes, they have a confidence that they had the smartest plan and were the smartest that were plotting -but…???


>How can President Obama explain or now apologize for Sec. Clinton not having thought to have had sufficient security for our Embassies across such conflicted areas on an anniversary of 9/11?  NOW:  Mrs. Clinton you are FIRED?

REMEMBER TO THINK - and these were some of my thoughts on 11th Anniversary of 9/11:

>>It is the 11th year since 9/11 attacks.  The Clinton are scum in my mind for trying to cling to power these years since instead of having faded away.   See, from my perspective and with all I have already shared and shared officially with the appropriate authorities of the Bush Administration following the attacks it is that then and now I should be sharing that on the morning of 9/11 when I finally learned of the attacks I realized that I had been right not wrong about a threat since a move by Clintons nearly seven to eight years before.  It seems what I knew was that when the Clintons decided a perspective or point of view didn’t need consideration or shouldn’t be considered or was of them not seen as apparently there for consideration back whence though such was a consideration of the integrated strategizing that launched them >>  I was left with but if they ignore that consideration we will get attacked.  On 9/10/01 I was as it were thinking finally that I must after seven plus years and even after having asked Philip Bobbitt “What about the threats we don’t see?” except that I had been wrong and that our government must have covered it all somehow.  But on the morning of 9/11 I became a rare person then able to help the President and the media through that day and week and the months and years that followed for on that day I found out I had been right and that I had had a sense of what two targets were to be.  This I had been trying to warn about but not with a knowing that these two “targets” weren’t actually two complexes that I shouldn’t have needed to waste a thought thinking about being secure and as informed.  On 9/11 it made sense to me even though the night before and that morning I was wrong in thinking I must have been wrong.  We know the Clintons are “BIG LIARS” and we should be looking at them and their years now thoroughly for the next ten years at least for thinking a whole consideration didn’t need to be considered whence.  I seem to have known two of the targets for seven years and been of attempts to alert officials without so much energy to have had my little awareness be too noticed so that new targets and strategies would be employed to better work their plans.  And, I did think DC had ways to defend from air from movies and didn’t think WTC would need amateur me.  I do now have a coffee mug for Bush’s Air Force One - I traded with Rumsfeld’s chief of staff and his wife for one of my American Egg coffee mugs.  Yes, I have spent these past 11 years helping in my own way as much as I could but for the Clintons about undermining progress and understanding in a necessary defensiveness of themselves.  It seems what I knew was that if the targets I suspected for seven years were know other targets I couldn’t have figured would be selected and that maybe their “luck” would have them thinking more than two might be blessed.  And this is probably the smartest way to pass the 11th year - especially since the Clintons are still holding on where and how they shouldn’t be.   This does all go back to decisions they made seemingly together and some much of thinking considerations in the global political air didn’t need their consideration though they were being prompted to consider them, and while they had been considered in the thinking that launched the Clintons not original to the Clintons.

>>We have that after 9/11 those of the Admin. of the Clintons were of blaming red states and blue states and claiming innocence upon themselves quite ridiculous considering the nearness to their 8 years of questionable worked governance abroad and at home - and of claiming of innocence upon themselves with a blaming on Americans themselves with posits near “we just did what the people asked us to do.”  And so how does a country survive after letting a past First Couple go on like this with their years those that preceded and most likely arose a “motivation”?  Are we stuck trying to believe just lies and stuck economically for such from them hardly actually provides a working explanation for our down times?  And, wait, didn’t they ask to be elected because they were so smart that they would know what to do and wouldn’t have to just be knee jerk figureheads at the top with all its spoils and perks just doing what the people asked them today - without any study, any real committees, or actual work and homework?  Yes I do think I may want an office in new World Trade Tower so that I can look out and be about better to remembering what a mess our 90s really were.  Yes we are now of days when it isn’t too late to look back and realize that very early the Clintons did, on their own, without being asked, did completely change our foreign relations path in the Middle East and so that for the rest of their administration there was no way back from such of them doing what they wanted to do for partisan political convenience.  Yes, Bush was right to let the country heal before we looked to justly at the Clintons and the Administration by the Clintons’ “two-fer” — Now at eleven years past it is starting to seem long over due though.

>>The attacks of 9/11 were unnecessary - there were political avenues still open for grievances to be settled - there were as long as we were willing to look at Clintons at least for ignorance or negligence.

>>The attacks of 9/11 Hogan still holds as unnecessary as it seemed against one party of American politics not both and so room for settling grievances still was about and secured.


>>A JOE(SEPHINE) WILSON >> This may help stir the necessary long overdue thinking for the “before” 9/11.  We have that our “PARTY OF NO” that I encouraged from like its day one is also maybe essential for our restoration of our USA along these lines as it was maybe that we had two different party lines before 9/11 and one necessary better for being more thorough and more globally compassionate.  Our “PARTY OF NO” also stands against President Obama but in ways that can be said to be standing for justice and civility and against an ignorance and/or negligence by those he chose to associate with not of any “inheritance.”  To preserve that 9/11 attacks were unnecessary we do still need to prove that grievances at least against the Presidency of the Clintons could have been or be still aired/heard and to an ignorance and/or negligence of them and just one of our two parties.  The Clintons are remembered for one of their first foreign policy steps abroad of having been polarizing in new kind of extreme partisan politics by their asking Middle East leaders to like just blame all they wanted or felt just in a blame with upon just American Republicans.  I don’t know how to label President Obama for his embrace of the Clintons but at least as of a political ignorance and naivete.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am

In these trying times that torture our souls with wars, necessary, or of choice, we still have that Afghanistan is a Gettysburg of the Cold War.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be then more clearly of a war zone of mission creep, and politicizing, by this current administration, of our executive branch in our Constituted loose federation of states.   And, it would be easier to see that it logically is still a battle some between expansionist socialism of a Cold War global geopolitics and America’s shared free market principles and freedoms for all from birth, equal as an American working concept.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be able to look beyond the Clintons getting away with one of two-fer saying the other didn’t do it and the other as well testifying, however as well that the other of two-fer didn’t do it, and, we could be beyond taking one Clintons’ defense as innocence just because they say the other is innocent.

Our 1990s were actually a mess.  Afghanistan can be said to be a Gettysburg of the Cold War, and, now we can say that Syria seems to be in a Civil War.  We have from just last night that President Clinton of our 90s and his PEACE DIVIDENDS now feels so guilty about having let a million die in Rwanda while President that he has returned to try to ease his guilt.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

It seems incontrovertible that the Cold War was about at least the United States of America motivated and actively to a guardianship about the globe to hinder and prevent a global spread of socialism or communism.  With Afghanistan as a Gettysburg of the Cold War we have that we most now should avoid a mission creep to an involvement as if now to also being to an attempt to socialize Afghan peoples even short of a neo-colonialism.

It does seem we are through the breached breastworks of the Clintons’ defensiveness and finally to an open field now in 2012 to look back and critically at the Clintons and at least their PEACE DIVIDENDS.  Today we seem bolstered and well enough informed to see that our 1990s were actually a mess and not an era officially able to be in hindsight to justifying peace dividends so.  We have at least Rwanda and Afghanistan to look at - for starters.

There is a conundrum about the Clintons from the early nineties that as well rates as a paradigm at least of those times.

It may have been safer to elect the Clintons in 1992 than to re-elect President George H. W. Bush.  It looked possible that if President George H. W. Bush were re-elected he might not have been able to continue to moderate the more conservative Christians of his Republican Party.  It may have been too dangerous to have re-elected President George H. W, Bush because of Christian Conservatives nearly then in 1992 overcome with pride and excessive to a national expression about such excessive pride.

It is hard to say that a country such as ours with its Constitution of a preamble of an “ordained” and then all those subscriptions by its signers so “in the Year of our Lord …” is not a Christian country from its conception.  What President Bush likely would have faced instead of our long story of a wonderful melting pot of diverse peoples was it seems an overwhelming push by Christian Conservatives to claim credit for a “WINNING” of the Cold War too much for and as of just American Christian values.

The alternative that was the Clintons, now, is arguably with hindsight, maybe the worser of the choices though it seemed more reasonable maybe back whence.  How whether the Clintons were actually a worser choice in 1992 is now quite a consideration for 2012 - at least as per a prudence for future budgeting.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of  THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

It should seem harder to make any sense of the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS, at least.  We have just last night the contrary positing of President Obama’s Ambassador Susan Rice trying to make hay at the United Nations with 17,000 casualties as if a high bar, and, we have at the same time former President Bill Clinton in casual clothes on CNN seeming that the little he is now doing in Rwanda is enough to ease his categorically expressed guilt for having let one million be killed in Rwanda. 

We have it seems that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the one even more contradictory to global histories just with Afghanistan.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan? 

Should you know of Friedrich Nietzsche and more about BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL than I — should you consider his sister worked him offer posthumously and it seems his “ubermensch” and reportedly had Adolph Hitler at her wedding — Then: Nietzsche may not have been the monster his sister and Hitler can be said to have made him out to be after his death?

Are you already educated enough to know that supposedly Pakistan was organized as a sovereign nation with a new National identity for its people with the poetry of Iqbal and his attempts to create a “Pakistani ubermensch” more likely on the ideals of Friedrich than the perversion by his sister after his death?

I am not a scholar in these areas - but then I only worked to be a top student much to a BA in Economics and an undeclared minor in Philosophy.  I may hear from the Iqbal family some though since part of above may be remembered from near my sophomore year at Villanova University while a grandson of Founding Poet of Pakistan shared some of his family history as a classmate palling around in same clicks/circles.  I did find suggestion of that wrought by Nietzsche’s sister elsewhere.

We have that the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS are now more suspect than due a celebration.

We have though that it may have been safer to have elected them in 1992 just because of tendencies to excess by a Conservative Christian pride too proud and so that it seemed it was possibly amassed enough to overwhelm any further moderation by President George H. W. Bush if re-elected.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

As per the Clintons now it is high time we stop letting them be their own character references and great proclaimers of innocence - That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan?

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:32 pm

I could go on here about how as Washington became our first President and with only one of his own teeth left and as an argument against Obamacare.  I am now as July 4, 2012 approaches making my way through our early days while reading Ron Chernow’s WASHINGTON.

I do wonder about all the “Doubting Thomases” about today and whence.  I expect that Doubting Thomases predate Thomas Paine and help so explain his perspective and common sense groundings.

We have ourselves all consecrated as well by President George Washington’s First Inaugural with its “AMONG the vicissitudes incident to life…” and so with that such spoken with such import the suggestion that healthcare was not to be an American Constitutional right.  I have learned from Chernow that George Washington seems to have inherited books about sex from his parents in law.  I learned from reading the First Inaugural of our United States how grounded our first President was to a new land so with a new government and all the ups and downs of its citizens - all the “vicissitudes incident to life…”. 

The best piece I may have yet heard orated (for its irony from the whom orating) about the wisdom of limited terms for Power holding is still possibly one performance by Senator Clinton years ago where though projecting other meanings she did very well celebrate George and Martha’s foundational wisdom.

Oh, and were now to start about the political and common sense governance problems with ACA - Obamacare? — where now to start a full and deep discussion still of vicissitudes incident to life but to the “wisdoms” about shortcomings of Obamacare?

To jump ahead to Abe Lincoln and his COOPER UNION SPEECH?  To try to be of the common sense of George and Martha and how our First President commenced our Union with special oratory to proclaim Martha all the “pecuniary” or “personal emoluments” he needed from his new Country? - to how he pledged fidelity to Martha and in lieu of becoming a tyrant or conqueror taking for himself all he might be able to?

That Bill and Hillary have tried after decades of plotting and scheming to try to work around the wisdom of George and Martha to a taking of more terms for their “two-fer” nearly ‘however’ we may be here more in a down economy because they also took liberties with the wisdoms of Thomas Paine and especially with a looseness for pecuniary responsibility in budgeting as their two trillion cut with that extra trillion to SURPLUS pops up now AMONG the “most likely” and “simplest” explanations and as a most tagable and mashable conceivable to a first couple to a fiduciary “GROSS NEGLIGENCE”!

It was ironic when Senator Hillary Clinton spoke of President Washington to a wisdom in limiting power whence.  It still is, quite.

We have that the economy is suffering from too much “progressivism” and as a new revolution too soon upon an earlier revolution - and by ten years at least so.  We have that much that happened in the early 1990s was revolutionary and necessary as a “NEW WORLD ORDER” was quite a vicissitude itself.  We have that the Clintons inherited a boom time and then with their works developed a instability for our future economics.  We have that the very Clinton economic “experts” more then free riders on a boom economic inheritance for their inability to effect a repeat boom economic are now too suspect - we have that we should be doubting the “experts” of the Obama economy especially for being the “exerts” of the Clintons and now specifically for a failure to repeat a performance that as “experts” should have been a home run guaranteed.

We have as I above mentioned that we can look at our down economy as the fault mostly of the Clintons or at least their “experts” and much for an excess of progressive or liberal policies pushed and pimped out unsynchronized in a haphazard over reaching careless much for it of attempts to do too much at once.

We have President George Washington’s lead still to follow.  We have the attempts by the Clintons’ “two-fer” to work and exceeding proposition against the charm and democratic distinction of George and Martha now still much as a real concern.

We have that the speech I remember by Senator Hillary Clinton may be the first piece I would look for to show others an argument orated best to guard and protect our Constitutional wisdoms embodied for us by George and Martha as a check and balance ding ding ding alarmism to forewarn but maybe too late of a subversion and extra Constitutional wanting of and by the Clintons.

As we look now to understand the ARAB SPRING we have that the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA better explains how America didn’t get caught on the wrong side of it with much still to be shamed and guilted about related to an abandonment of Afghani and Iraqi peoples (during the Clintons’ years).

That said America would be better to recognize that the Obama administration has been with Clintons described by their Brookings experts at least as having been surprised and not prepared for the economy nor for the ARAB SPRING.  We have that we have an administration now that seems to have sought office expecting one thing and maybe offering ideology for a new governance potentially then acceptable that but for the surprises they have been documented now as unprepared for now a sore subject since it seems what they planned for stopped long ago being appropriate or at least considered enough.

We have us as a nation that until the Obama administration could still be said to have quite nearly only waged defensive wars.  With this administration and it so to offensive warring we have that a national healthcare morality financially in a governance wisdom and prudence therefore seems best left to our states and not moved to our State.  We have that if to offensive warring so we should avoid a national healthcare morality commitment so as not to then become beholden to all the peoples of any foreign state we may be in with enough force to effect and occupation - enough say as proven to be about 150,000 troops.

Our states and the National Guard units are most considerable in these times for never maybe has each state had so many ready and salted with sands of time experience to a state power from an armed and ready citizen guard all COMBAT READY.

It seems with our current vicissitudes incident to our times we have that besides neighbors still being best to care for neighbors and with neighbors that are doctors or healthcare professionals of a community known for the others of their neighborhoods and streets it is a moral danger to suggest or consecrate that if America is in control then all controlled by the United States therefore are due the same healthcare provisions and to a matching level of care, especially as we are in odd new times with a young administration quite a first for offensive foreign operations more of choice than necessity.

Whose pain is your pain?  Is our Paine your “common sense” too - or also did it just used to be?

Would a good Samaritan under a kept Obamacare become a traitor to his State if again to good Samaritan deeds?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:21 am

What is it said about “plans” and “war” - about “a plan” as soon as an actual war starts?

President Obama as Candidate Barack Hussein Obama - BHO - planned to be a new JFK, right?

And now how while BHO is seeming more pasty and unprepared for prime time You Tube video streams?

Looking at 2012 complexity:

> Are we to define “working class” as those of class as per governance that have work that pays taxes - and so “working class” is those busy as the reported less than fifty percent that pay taxes into a …? When President Obama says - “get back to work” is he speaking to the “rich” as his “working class” as it is they he needs working to afford his own “work”?

> So bike and pedestrian projects are “local” - pedestrian bridges and bike paths are best kept or made “local” projects and as near to “public/private” partnerships as economically reasonable as alternative and “better” commuting routes to businesses - businesses especially local fitness centers and eating establishments?

> More on the survival of our Constitution: #SCOTUS today with Arizona case set up ACA ruling seriously well >> from today’s decision and especially siding by Chief Justice Roberts we have established practically that if you can’t use race or “legal” status in Arizona then it cannot then be used by doctors under any Obamacare even for “family” or “genetic” factors and that Obama wants our borders open so that any can have American care since well after today they don’t have to carry proof of legal presence.

> Query: Re: Arizona dec - Conservative Justices could so support such for by supporting such they reinforce deciding against Obamacare - ACA - for having no limiting principles like with Arizona an example since of no power to establish whom therefore is “legal” and limited to Obamacare???

> Anyone have the numbers for this yet?: Is Obama running for re-election hoping for votes from recently unemployed or is he running for votes for millions grateful for a near three year paid vacation?  Are women for Obama grateful and willing to vote for him for having thinned down the jobs market so much they have him as an excuse to stay at home with more “me time” - or are they considering re-electing him thinking he knows what work they are better to be doing and believable with promises of finding non “me time” work for women?

> If I were moderating a Presidential Debate tonight I would have or hope for a question about immigration and self deportation of these economic times as it seems since immigration wasn’t worked out and fixed before ACA - Obamacare hysterics our economy may not start growing the new jobs in a new growth economy than some that haven’t self deported are maybe still waiting for, and so that we are to ask and get an answer about whether it is possible that until immigration is fixed the jobs won’t come back and that if a new immigration or re-immigrate legally system can be worked out it may be smarter and more self serving to self deport just so so much that Dems did backwards can be fixed and to unleash a new attractive growth economy.

Hmmm? Anyone - anyone with the last name Romney or Obama?

> Related to “SOVEREIGN STATE” powers and rights we have actually inseparable and relative philosophically at least - as least socially speaking comparatively - that therefore when a state is sovereign whom is “legal” is a particular particular - say for if Obamacare isn’t overturned if the United States of America is to have enough armed forces in another country another “sovereign state” and enough force to “OCCUPY” such state regardless of the stated state of such forces as if not combat though combat ready - hmmm?  It follows whom is “legal” or a “subject” critical for by the very lack of a complete philosophy of governance with sufficient checks and balances of limiting principles then therefore it stands that if the United States or another state is to have enough armed forces in another sovereign state but so that then morally all the people of that sovereign state have a right to expect for the duration of effective “OCCUPATION” the same full rights to medical coverage and American medical care.  So it seems #SCOTUS - how can it not be so based on the inadequate limits herefore so far writ?

> The easiest way I have of remembering the troop size considered by some to have been an Iraq OCCUPATION force of United States of American stand up citizens is to remember than during the primary race between junior Senator Clinton and junior Senator Obama in just Massachusetts’ primary the gap between them that primary election day was about 150,000 - about the same number of US troops at highest level of deployed whence.

> With efforts to ACA - Obamacare was much about a federal IMAC clearinghouse of all legal citizens and their personal medical files and medical histories and maybe as well to required annual or semi-annual check-ups #SCOTUS to the Thursday a wonder where we may be to hearing as well how IMAC so conceived as a Big Brother centralized computer database system to cost efficiencies isn’t to our Government to illegal search and seizure of incriminating personal information like urine - stool - and blood tests for all the substances legal and illegal then most a political and/or health concern. I mean didn’t Obamacare get set up to allow the new Big Brother Centralized Main Frame IMAC concept to be to comparing and contrasting details of individual citizen’s current and past medical facts without warrants otherwise to such and so to cost analysis maybe not just down to zip code but maybe per street to an objectivity not based on name that would at least be allowed to legally publish sharable analytics with “detail” down to at least a side of a particular street within a particular zip code or subset per zip-code?

> So as per #SCOTUS is it Thursday we may be reading lines about how in America and these United States you cannot claim “Under God” that an individual citizen’s soul or sexuality is free and locally set asunder in rights and yet have their body and its “jurisdiction” as per “their” body be to “their” body being of a soulless national body physically of national jurisdiction and Supreme Powers and even to a control of its arms via dictates adapted may as well to limit control of arms as per our thought preserved Second Amendment rights? #commonsense It is Thursday we may have to wonder how our nation can separate our body from our freedoms and our soul?

> Wow - aren’t we to the Clintons are suspect as towards all this and much of their 8 now vacuous of waste - time lost on a wrong path - to a post Constitutional era that isn’t?

> There is a big diff between how CGI was set up and how it is being run - Mr C claimed he would not use it to partisan or political powers - and yet really he is and is regularly - most regularly to an irregular especially when of his annual mandatory meeting of world leaders then able to be in town also for the meeting of the over-shadowed so United

> With this (Major Lawsuit Claims Dodd-Frank Is Unconstitutional) as long as some of ACA - Obamacare Unconstitutional - we have that Clinton Global Initiative as operating can also be challenge and separation of powers concerns and especially since it is operating while Mrs C is Madam Sec Mrs. C. — they thought they had the Constitution beat as no longer relevant and tried to do how much???  And Mrs. C our top officer responsible for saying whether Mr. C is operating completely within the intent of our protections and for saying whether anyone should be even looking at Mr. C so?

> And so yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was needed and with us in the right to be about it so.  Yes Bush admin though of a good feeling that it was right was not all that great at selling us on it as right - that said, the time to sell it rightly and timely was the first term of the Clintons’ admin thought maybe easiest if actually the second term of President George H. W. Bush.  Don’t know if I have written this all out fully yet but I have addressed it much now many places for a long while and in some of columns of just past few years.

Hmmm?  Yes it was right but not sold well - and I had confidence that Bush 43 had a feeling that it was right though he maybe could have sold it better even though the best time to sell it and only easy time was likely during what was the Clintons’ first term.

> And so still yes - Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and necessary and yet not to cause a peoples movement across the Middle East but so that we didn’t get trapped morally and hypocritically on the wrong side of it - and maybe as Saddam Hussein had considered or hoped he could trap us and as of a thinking that he had a way to keep Kuwait after invading it.  Hmmm?  Yeh a re-election of the Clintons would have been maybe America’s biggest ever mistake too - a return of the Clintons with suggestions that they were wise of a Grand Strategy needing continuity even though there was an actual ‘GRAND’ strategy - and nor a left entrance or exit plan for dealing with Iraq to leave to their successor whom ever - and so no real alternative by the Clintons and only a weak supposition of “bite” by Clintons for sanctions even just for human rights violations.

> Well, that was an interesting line in Foreign Affairs by Brooking xprts to find today about how Arab Spring was an unexpected curve ball to Pres O and therefore necessarily also former FLOTUS Madam Sec Mrs. C.  I thought they had been trying to take credit for it and not have their favorite institute of xprts say it was a ‘CURVE BALL’ unexpected.  See this is where it gets very interesting - if you have been to un-hid {maybe again “hidden”}commentary/blog page at jphogan.org as enticed you likely saw a composition mentioning a 2007ish conversation I had with Serbian Ambassador Ivan Vujacic about Hillary and Operation Iraqi Freedom - about why even though if AEI had “top Republicans” seeming already defeated that they were so early saying he should expect Hillary to be the next US President - - about Operation Iraqi Freedom while I told him Hillary shouldn’t or couldn’t win while then adapting for the only time anyone asked me to explain and defend Operation Iraqi Freedom and Bush admin as per Serbia and me to telling him my personal thoughts and how such was with needing that Clintons were not elected and to that way a way that Serbia would be able to be best positioned for the type of peoples movement I had a hunch had to be allowed for - sort of like the Arab Spring.  Seems my advice is admitable now as right then for how we did the necessary thing with Operation Iraqi Freedom even if it wasn’t sold as well as it could have been.

Hmmm? I guess Obama’s favorite xprts aren’t also going with:  Neither Obama nor Clinton were prepared for such.

Hmmm?  Did you hear the one about Obama policies expert Vladimir Putin and how he suggested that if President Obama didn’t beat his addiction to Soviet socialism he could cause the United States to fall apart into six separate regional realms?  @jphoganorg of http://jphogan.org/ & …

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

The important equity figure is near 6 Trillion.  When President Obama took office there was a reported 6 Trillion available but sitting idle in private equity.  When President Obama took office he may still have not realized how unfair it would be that some made it look far easier for Clintons to be First Couple in administering executively during their 8 than it actually was for those years.

Though there was a reported 6 Trillion of private equity available at the time President Obama took office there was little he could do with it as a new Democrat now to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & THE TAX for after first round of new Dem spending private equity was smart enough to see their mattresses as offering better “return” on investment even if only offering zero return.

Besides it quite unreasonable and not preposterous or of an injustice to note that the Clintons were made to be better than they were for of a time others were making it be too easy, relatively speaking of the challenges of those years, and seem easier to be a successful President than the work of the Clintons can explain, still.  No it may not be fair to Obama that it was made to look far easier to be President those years than the actual workings for America now will attest.

President Obama did come into office and move from old Dems “TAX AND SPEND” to a more progressive and irresponsible “SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX” loose affiliation with limiting principles and financial prudence.  He did come into office with a reported 6 Trillion in private equity available for investment if a profit could be reasonably and justly expected.  He did come into office where that 6 Trillion was beyond he reach and reasoning as of private wealth.  He is still in an office limited to spending mostly on a basis for revenues from profits or income or capital gains.

Yes, GREAT WALLS can make good neighbors.  Yes fences have also been to expressions that they too make better communities.  Yes, President Obama had mattresses offering at zero predicted return more reasonable return than “investing” in an Obama economy - and so while he without “wealth” or “property” taxing that in America is kept to the preserves of much more local governance revenue long arms of collections.  Our federalist system with its different revenue collection methods does act like a fence or wall to defend our confederated republic and enumerated and protected freedoms and rights - and as well a general Welfare in common sense.

Yes, it is reasonable to have at least considered that President elect Obama would have known of Nixon and the lesson most are if in politics supposed to take away about it being the cover-up that should ruin.  But President elect Obama did commence to President Obama with clear efforts that can only best be described as of an attempt to cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet? 

I don’t remember when the BIG DIG finished in Massachusetts nor when its vast sums of other states people’s money stopped flowing in excessive sums into such state, and, nor do I recall when the DOT COM BUST happened and how it directly effected the tech corridor about Boston and Massachusetts’ economy in general.  These both seem to be big factors of a relevant chronology precedent to Massachusetts having Mitt Romney as a Republican Governor.  For his state to have been at 51st place for job growth I am guessing that I am correct in remembering such preceded his governance.

2012 really is seeming to be a year where people will be wondering again about the Clintons and their 8 years and finally maybe to realizing that they still don’t know how they were successful with many of their sold “successes” and be to relating with such as it seems clearer now that they have failed in attempts to help Dems with President Obama effect a repeat.

Yes, it may be unfair still to President Obama that the Clintons were made to look better than they were and that those difficult years were made to look as if of an easy street of easy governance for our Executive leadership.  Yes, it may be unfair that so many let it be thought that it could be that easy to be President.

Our income and profit based federal revenue system may be all that saved us from this over-reaching initiated by the Clintons and carried further and too far by the Executive governance of Obama.  Our states and localities have the authority to mend and/or maintain their “communities” and “civility” with “wealth” and “property” taxation - the new Dems proceeded with policies that needed “wealth” or “property” taxing power to “redistribution” - the new Dems by trying to do such still with an profits or income or capital gains limited authority did self construct a wall or fence between their ideals and their workability.

It may go down in our future history books that President Obama’s biggest mistake was his work so polarizing and partisan in a political with a capital “P” to attempts to effect a cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

His efforts at job killing have been far stronger than his efforts to job creation and his “save” of GM may have been more about trying to effect a political remaking of such company than a “financial save” of such.

We still have that before he commenced with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM platform to green energy we had as precedence that a similar green energy political push in Spain had cost at least two old economy jobs for each one new “green” job created.  We have that there was precedence to expect that Obama meant to cut more jobs than he planned to create and multiples so for his aggressive politicizing was mixed with an austerity message with a call to a great new conservationism such that Americans should honestly have been warned by President Obama to expect that his furtherance of Dem ideology was set to actually kill off at least three to four jobs for each of the new politically correct green jobs.

We can thank our founders and later geniuses who limited our federal government spending to revenues bases so on profits or income or capital gains.  This doesn’t help President Obama with Dem ideology or actually help further the attempts to cover-up for the Clintons but it did allow people free economic expression and even a shift if of investment equity to otherwise shift plans to long term development where losses would be planned for next 4 - 8 years but with enough profit to be expected there after if it then seemed safe and/or profitable to be at least so endeaverous within American borders.

But have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

Have you also yet considered that a national or federal effort to a new growth economy may do now more harm than good and that Americans now have to find ways closer to home and for a while more with any “redistribution” debate kept to where “wealth” or “property” taxation the revenue basis for community maintenance and civility bolstering?

Yes I do believe the reports that there was near 6 Trillion in private equity sitting available and hungry for rational investing to reasonable returns for risk.  I do believe that Dems some how missed that their ideology and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX new ways forewarned capitalists to days where their mattresses likely would be a better “investment” and for a while.

They were the good guys and gals and well private equity capitalists were supposed to be the bad guys and gals. 

I still have no idea how the Dems did expect their “economic” ideas to actually work - it still seems clear that their aggressiveness was meant to cause this very economic condition and its austerity/conservationism.

I still have no idea how the Dems while attempting a cover-up for Clintons did expect any Republican to naively partake in a bi-partisan self destructive politics.

They tried the claiming to themselves as being the HEROES and the job creators of private sector as the VILLAINS.

Our Internal Revenue Service was supposed to get the funding for new massive armies of tax collectors - and yet since our federal revenues are not of a basis from “wealth” or “property” such was as self defeating as so much else of Dems’ ideology.

I still have no idea how Dems did think it would have worked if it could have worked - especially since it seems to be working exactly as it should have worked with so much “political” and “socialistic” injected preposterously and unjustly into and about our economy.

I don’t know about MARX as per “KILL LISTS” his - I did learn a new phrase this morning from Andrew Sullivan seemingly quoting Cardinal Dolan - I did realize this new term and its usage suggest a call to consideration to due process and as of an innocence until a guilt proven.  When you hear “preposterous and unjust” phrase do you first assume guilt or do you suspect a denial of due process or prejudice of a prejudgement maybe as unfair as that which its usage proffered regarding?

As per the Dems misplaced ideology and practice these past few years we have that Dems as a class of subjects can be said to have caused the economic down turn while as an individual suspect President Obama more insulated and isolated though clearly of a willful association. 

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is that which is of his foreign policies of so much denial of due process and soft money redistributing.  But this is punctuated in ways due clear emphasis.

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is as well is an election year oddity especially for the Clintons that had half their supposed Hollywood friends rat them out as “BIG LIARS” and now as with fatality reports regularly still flowing as evidence as failures in a Diplomacy we have a messaging somehow still allowed near:  Hillary lied and lies and soldiers are dying - Wow, what a great job Hillary is doing.  

A SIT REP now towards 2012 deciding now must encourage a less Marxist BLIND FAITH in Obama Diplomacy and get around to asking if we were once recently of Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts of regular disloyal assertions to his anti-war revival efforts of an earlier Communist scare so with “Bush lied soldiers died” how long can we now still tolerate the indiscriminate political “diplomacy” so partisan of Madam Secretary of State but as also to a “Hillary lies - more soldiers are dying.”?

How did the Clinton economic team embraced by Obama White House as if it were the expected inevitable return of the Clintons fail?  I can be said that their economic policies should have brought us all just here but that isn’t how they are telling their own stories.  We have that if they could have back in 1993 they would have commenced earlier to this mess - they by not learning by the easy times they still can hardly well explain do seem still to fail to understand what was the “successes” of those years. 

We have that we could have had this fine mess in their first term if they had managed to have their way then - and so quite so much because our federal revenues are not based on “wealth” or “property” but are responsive to motivations of the People and their willingness to associate and cooperate economically.  We have that the People likely would have gone on strike as well against such Dem “management” back as early as Clintons’ first term if they had managed to have had their way whence then.

[Note: Version of “MARX IS BURNING” in 33 #economics @ CitizenRosebud.net may have edits as later draft.]


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