
January 2013
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:29 am

In some way this must be about how President Ronald Reagan liked to chop wood. 

He may have thought it kept him as keen as his axe as his axe a metaphor as similar to the axes of our forefathers - I do not know.  He may have considered it a “GREEN MINIMALISM” and “honest labor” good for one’s soul - I do not know.

President Barack H. Obama may be a skeet shooter to our surprise, and, yet still not one to chop his own wood.

If the European Union were gone tomorrow would it be missed?  What is the ideology behind it that justifies it as a necessary new order - a new order just now needed where not needed before?  Why shouldn’t there be more flavors of currency now - especially now that technology allows such easy computations of welcomed apps for variations and local competition, expression and loyalty?

Ideologically discoursing:  If there is an ideology is there also a “size matters” biased basis necessary for a success about such?  Where there is an import as to “size matters” as per a governance ideology supposedly more ideal how to an among equals whom should be necessarily more equal?

If the European Union were gone tomorrow I do doubt that I would miss it or any ideology that was supposedly justifying it.

Who is President Barack H. Obama?  What is his ideology for foreign and domestic states relativisms?

We have that supposedly his Affordable Care Act is instructive to a believing he has a plan and a fully considered and developed governance “ideal” and an “ideology” for governance - right? 

Of the first term of President Barack H. Obama we have been assaulted with confusing contrary relativity between rascals of nation states as if superior to our Governors of states large enough and quite independent enough to be nations themselves.  Under this President as maybe never quite before most of our states have battle hardened and combat ready state regulars armed and ready among their National Guards - for even foreign entanglements; now we have that our states are as large or larger than many nation states and yet our President has been treating our Governors as minor rascals while heralding like “greatness” upon those of comparable duties as states abroad fixed as nations.

There is much contrary just on the supposed face of an perceived “ideology” of the re-elected Administration of Obama.  It is hard to consider our “Leadership” of a fully considered and workable governance ideal at least while some state leaders at home treated more like political rascals than nation state leaders beyond our waters’ edges.  Somehow that I do not think I would miss the European Union if it were gone tomorrow is of these concerns of a expectation of a relativism.

Can a Department of Defense for a National Government be discussed and discerned as in conflict to a Nationalized and Centralized Healthcare System as if it were also like a “death panel” of decidings necessarily to let people get nearer to death by Government decrees?  How if it is of an “ideal governance” and a current “ideology” of the President is it supposed to work and actually be affordable?

How to a “morals” and “moralities” due consideration when to discussing and discerning “ideals” and “ideologies” to a Nation based Healthcare providing if and when our Armed Forces are at least trespassed upon a nation state - but to a consideration that if of “liberation” or “occupation” then “morally” must we not be to “official” “Governance” as also liable for the health of all those then even if temporarily under our “protection”?  Can there be a “waters’ edges” to a United States of America National Healthcare “morality”?

If we are of our national forces to even just “policing” “peace” in another nation how can we not give our own state leaders as much freedom to care for their own as we then if not to distant imperialistic dictates also for nation states and their “governors”?

A while ago I pressed out a piece I titled “PAPER FASCISTS” to discuss some of my thoughts about the European Union and a collective currency for the EU.  It is posted at http://jphogan.org if you are interested.  {I have not myself reread it in a while - I have not now even reread it before linking it here as relevant.}

If there is a gestalt to an Obama governance ideology are we there already - are we two thirds of the way there - are we yet a third of the way there or maybe yet just past a halfway there?  Is he building something?  Is he spinning as what he thought he could build and would have built is now actually falling apart and already too much in shambles?

Practicably speaking we should if to speaking of “ideals” and an “ideological governance” now we may be best to keep the discussion from a joined discourse as also about President Clinton and soon to be former Secretary of State Clinton.  As of “Senator Clinton” it was too much to a cart before the horse an apple v. an orange impropriety to suggest that we should be comparing and contrasting two spouses fully to the most exacting and specific settling of all details about the foreign policy of one in relation to the foreign policy of the other, and to discerning where one was actually two of such though now contrary such that a Jekyll and Hyde expose due for just one spouse’d Clinton.  It is quite right that at least towards 2016 theses and books are expectant for the husbandry of each of these eras of a Clinton(s) - despite how it may set asunder them as still holding powers as of a holding of some office(s) or another.

How are we, without discussing the imports of the Clintons distractingly, to fathom a bias unfairly upon our state leaders as if more “rascals” to our President’s idealism than those as nation state “governing” while of lesser capacity, “representation” and civic duties?

For those most “Philosophers” or “Sociologists” among these concerns we may expect ourselves cooperation to marking twains needed to fathom if and where there is any figured “depth” to the policies and politics of at least the first term of President Barack H. Obama.

It may take one accustomed to honest work of at least chopping their own firewood to discern the attitudes and latitudes confused by our state Governors long now these four years as of treatment as if tin pot dictators as Governors yet too much “rascals” to be patronized and suppressed/managed by a distant (and aloof) despotism/idealism wants.

But beyond this are two great concerns for any idealist and even just students of philosophy and sociology:

1:   If Obamacare cannot be afforded now is it that it should be over turned or thrown out on grounds of NATIONAL SECURITY if now we have to have discussions and affectings to reducing our Department of Defense because such “AFFORDABLE CARE ACT” is not also affordable - not affordable as this President’s economics seemed to have and still be failing - not affordable unless the President moves bureaucracies to cut our necessary funding for security and defense as it seems that his healthcare “ideals” are not affordable also?

2:   If Obama has “ideals” and is actually making progress that isn’t too counterproductive as across our necessary governance then what though is the “right size” or best location bias for such if a workable “ideology”?  It seems intellectually speaking to hopes for an “INTELLECTUAL HONESTY” that if such is a workable new “ideal” that still it is one that if justified by these times as not before justified by earlier times yet set up to be conflicted as if justified it then seems to figure that it would be more justified to have done it first at the United Nations or at our state level by sound “governance” led by real Governors.  It seems that though President Obama’s “ideology” seems to be failing that if it could have worked it had a better chance to have worked either at the United Nations or at our state levels.

With all this is still that much of what has worked to “improvements” economically these past four years has been by stirred and refreshed state based governance and Governors, and, so that now such is still improving as more of “Hope” for “hopefuls” quite still, and, while at times as discussed around the United States of America, at least, of also having a renaissance in state’s rights.

Mr. President will your second term be too much as well as if a Nation State supreme power yours where no one state team is allowed a political advantage, and, still be as seems of Governors treated more like “rascals” than leaders of nation states beyond our waters’ edges?  Will your second term be as hobbling to job creation by willful over-lording still to discouraging to job growth by the encouragement of states and competition between states?

Please Mr. President can you give us a base line for intellectual discussions of an ideology yours?  And, can you now explain what is “GREEN MINIMALISM” as your economics still too contrary as too strongly of a new conservationism decree like oppression?  What is our “GREEN MINIMALISM” working “national” “official” definition as it seems it is your new politically correct term for use in lieu of speaking of “poverty” and “poverty levels” and “poverty level subsistence”?

Please Mr. President can you please tell us “officially” how you have already saved the entire planet from the alarmed warning of “an end of the world as we know it” politically heavy muscled messaging?

Please!  Until you tell us that you have saved the entire planet our economy has to remain stuck by your romanticized NEW CONSERVATIONISM and “GREEN MINIMALISM” unless We the People also to be seen to much as if “rascals” to you and a workable Constitutional ideology. 

Please!  And really shouldn’t our Governors in these times be treated at least as much as if as honorable as leaders of nation states are?  And, can you find a way to be now more like President Ronald Reagan, at least as if he to his by way of honest work lessons?

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Filed under: POLITICS, #NEW_YORK
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

 Keynesianism is DEAD - like!  Long live Paul Krugman.  I am of the opinion that our founding fathers did do their homework.

This is not meant to be some dry legal piece about nuances as to whether old parchment parsed meants are alive or “dead.”

These are the time warps that have long knotted lesser thinkers and jurisprudence pre-judging.

As per Liberal Keynesianism as if a selling of Bill Clinton, at least, still sells so too their homework likely is still expected to be your homework.  Human nature has changed little and hardly from prudent jurists able to see things in light of eruditions about seven deadly sins and even just ten commandments.  There have been problems like Bill Clinton for eons - but for how he seemed to think and govern by his second term as if the .com boom had made him omnipotent with new tech Power to be to fooling most of the people most of the time.

If it isn’t selling - yet is being sold - why sell it still?  And, how are these economically down and trying times not warped with Clintons still selling what shouldn’t be sold and arguably isn’t actually selling?  With Clintons you are maybe confusing “selling” with “buying” - and “market value” of Clintons as if earned and not bought?

While the founding fathers of such enduring and necessarily well considered erudition that is our basis of laws for governance away from “governance by man” to of “governance by laws” were then set to deep studies and considerations of even natural laws another Clinton was thence as much a threat to economic growth as two Clintons are now.

Whether our Constitution is “alive” or “dead” - “breathing” or of “needs resuscitation” - Bill Clinton did step beyond it so much and long enough ago that he and his spouse “Hillary” are nearly compromised as now too “foreign” than “domestic”/”homeland” political figures.  Their very curious and warped “modern” political stature is the stuff of legend that can kill economies - they are now in an economic no man’s/no woman/s land for “usefulness” or “leadership” about real economics and economies.

That they seem to want to be loved for being above it and more altruistic despite derivation with “truth” about such is suggestive of this real problem.  They cannot be as above it as they seem to desire and yet be practicably useful as about and within it.

That goes, as per the Clintons, for our Constitution and our economy and other people’s economies.

There are more historical problems with the Clintons for as a from of what they “sold” though unearned in the early nineties and for such as of a design to better economies but as then perverted by them to lesser greater good capacity than figured when figured more to be for a grand second term for President George H. W. Bush.  Economically speaking to Constitutional concerns about the Clintons could be it like fraudulent to be selling themselves otherwise than how the real facts should be preceding them about their own place in history — there is a “truth in advertising” concern much about both Clintons.

I cannot deny that they have press reporting them of record popularity and powerful global political muscle from charisma somehow amassed from foreign agents and peoples.  And, I cannot let go that this may be a bad and dangerous modern development to let pass unchecked and fully probed regardless of how “alive” or “dead” our old parchments are considered now to be.  Our founding fathers must have done their homework — our current leaders and future leaders, since human nature has little changed since whence, are now best to at least be of having done or doing the same “homework” our formulative figuring formative forward focused founding fathers facilitated.

Our Constitution got dealt some serious intellectual blows as per ascendency ambitions contrary to its figuring such as whence thence of term limited Bill Clinton to his seeking to be funded by tax payers to New York City grand and regal offices such that he could consider the sum of such as his due, maybe, as above it - above his old job - as of just a yearly rent greater as hoped for just a first year so of an amount in excess of that of all past President’s “allowances” combined.

Bill and Hillary can be figured now of an effrontery to our Constitutional prudence and protections - and quite illustratively for the dramatics that followed them with their departure from the Powers of the Presidency.

What they have been selling as well though is fraught with fundamental problems of continuance and fluidity and so since they commenced in 1983 without having done their homework about economic energies at least about good market powers they inherited.  The Clintons cannot be well sold now with their desire to be favored however now maybe too “foreign” and “compromised” quite along the lines that they are those “still standing” and so able to “move forward” with Keynesianisms, however.  The Clintons are a dangerous conundrum as per our economics for the mantle they try to claim and move forward isn’t holding and because they rushed it constantly forward regardless of better Constitutional prudence, and, all the while it had been more a prototype method of methodology figured to be of it cycling back on itself numerous times to regroup and be refigured to moderate for Posterity. 

The Clintons cannot deliver economics as they are selling.  They are contrary minds, just among themselves, with debate and study now due, towards 2016, as to whom right and whom wrong? - how and when? - Bill or Hillary?

Whether our Constitution “alive” or “dead” to necessary considerations in our times to Un-Constitutional or just “unbearable” we have that I can at least stand still and describe economic problems as from the Clintons, together, together intimately, and to a circa 1993 grabbing of like a prototype not theirs or properly acquired and to years of riding it until they broke it - broke it while avoiding the expected break-in tuning and figured maintenance that was expected to be substantial if such “prototype” to have any Posterity. 

It is just wrong judicially politically and economically — The Clintons cannot deliver what they are selling or promising.  They broke the very methodology that worked for them.  They rode a prototype as selfishly as maybe it was possible and until it had no place on any road but in a ditch along side it.  They cannot bring it back for they never understood it well enough to maintain it or “reset” it — they still have shown no understanding on even how to build just a prototype like it again.

Long live our Constitution!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:30 pm

As these eves to February move to dawns to realities also to Marches Obama II is staged as if a SMOKEY IS THE BANDIT.

There are many conundrums to yet be settled about your civil rights and general Welfare consistently across different trafficking in “change” by President Barack H. Obama.  His new conservationism contradicts his new nationalism economic growth pimp’n - he is as much a punk rock poet for his due process stomp’n trip’n. 

We may not be yet any more safe as a nation than when we were before he became President; we do not know or know if we can be certain if he has stopped smoking.  As our President is his a “Smokey” - as President Barack H. Obama is he also a “bandit”?

We have been of four years for foreign policy quite different than that which was necessary to keep our United States of America from having been like punk’d by the peoples otherwise of the world to be the world’s police at our own expense.  Has President Obama, however of delegating these past four years, been to a giving away of the game (for popularity) before it was wise or safe?

It can be driven now for the next four years that the foreign policy of Obama I was able to build upon the Bush years in ways it and such wasn’t able to build upon the earlier years of the Administration of the Clintons.  That our President has trafficked in falsities taggable as a cover-up for a negligence of the Clintons doesn’t remove the logic of so much now as of a building upon much disciplined and difficult hard work of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA.  The years of Obama I has been of saying Bush was wrong and all at fault while fronting the Clintons as oddly completely innocent.  The first term - Obama I - can only have been possible as a building on the Bush’s years for what was more right and developmental than that inherently too much of the Clintons.

I am not saying President George W. Bush was closely supporting a French underground as if in a real CASA BLANCA.  I am trying to make light of years inherited from the Clintons and so now with there being “old” and “new” Clintons contrary to themselves in many ways quite concerning.

Is ACA Obamacare just Hillarycare II - a rebooted Clintons’ politics and now late win?  Are you aware of how Obamacare can rob you of your thought kept civil liberties, some?  Have you asked if it isn’t now set up to allow spying here at home?  And to using doctors like Pakistan Doctor now hung out to dry by President Barack H. Obama? 

Have you asked yourself yet - have you sat down publicly and people watched and asked yourself or another:  How bad must our Governor be - our Mayor - our community with Obamacare now a stain upon our communities of an institutionalization about our federal government fixed to a need to help our neighbors because our neighbors were not helping our neighbors as a working or workable “community”?

Have you asked yourself what it may be that you don’t want your Doctor to ask you as now his records as your records are now set to be analyzable Big Brother Big Government centralized and sortable medical records of personal medical facts, however incriminating or suspect?  Did you know by Obamacare that Libertarians are at least concerned that ACA now allows and likely expects your Doctor to ask you:  Do you own a gun? and while collecting all your specimen records for their systematic perusal?

A real bandit just for a endemic trampling of due process at home and abroad - right?  A real “Smokey” now with extraordinary new powers to sort and statistically analyze so much once kept preserved as “private” and untouchable - right?

You are now just a number - just a zip code - a zip code odd or even with a street name and a ward however your address odd or even or your lifestyle - and your doctor expected to help his Government spy even as to your Second Amendment Protections exercising.  You will be nameless to a Googleable front door - street view - back alley intimate view - but a very searchable numbered “identity” for ward based political analysis of wrongs about a Congressional district - right?

As you wake up to more challenges due in 2013 of Obamacare regardless of it however a Hillarycare II will you be joining the revolution to restore your civil liberties to “free” or “freer”?  Will you doctor have “emergency” samples for you from unscheduled Emergency Room visits that hadn’t been figured to your questionable consumption to nearly about to have flushed through to “undetectable” “evidence” of “criminality”?

Will Obama II be as much as Obama I as the good guy a “Smokey” a bad guy “bandit”?  If you are robbed of your privacy and your due process or party to others having their yanked knowingly - will you be able to abide such trafficking to trackable assimilation and overreaching?  Will you wonder now how bad your community must really be that your Federal Government had to step in so to just care for your neighbors?  And, how bad your Mayor, County Execs and/or Governor must be that such a cold and systematic assimilating central body had to essentially invade your “community” space?

I mean it figures that your United States Congress Representatives staff will be able to order up “medical” “ward based” analytical reports from Obamacare ACA IMAC centralized systematizing to an effectual Big Brother computing towards “cost consciousness” and so that “keyword” “healthcare” “searches” with “parameters” a grand and vast realm of “variables” will be to being able to discern “cost saving” factoids down to house numbers as odd or even and by street name, ward and zip code - right?

Who can the usual suspects now be at least just in a new world set “official” for People long otherwise of plausible deniability and presumption to innocence?  I mean with Obamacare aren’t politicians now in your blood and urine and stool to stay with “Smokey” duties too easily to checking their wards for “healthcare” “indicators” of personal medical records now Nationalized and Centralized per their designs like say “evidence” of “stress reducing” “medicines” i “samples” yet/but no evidence of “prescription” nor “necessary” diagnosis?

With Obamacare like a “Smokey” a bandit as a bad “Smokey” of over-reaching vastly sublime to “official” use of doctors as if Domestic Federal spies - whom will be willing of so many uncovered to acquiesce to “samples” so likely unavoidably “officially” and “permanently” trackable coyly as self incriminating?  Can Obamacare but scare away those it supposed to care for and increase costs because of its invasive “governance” so Big Brother statistically yet computer trackable for all as locatable numbers?

Won’t your political representatives of such powers to request and gather “ward” based medical “findings” by residence number, street name, race, age, height, hair color, eye color,sex and even gun ownership be now as well to a “knowing” where “plausible deniability” used to reign safely?

And how much a “bandit” while fronted as a “Smokey” for trafficking in violations of civil liberties by statistical frauds, like?

And, yes this is just asking you to think about how you feel while your due process is being diminished maybe less though so than so many foreigners about Obama I and now to Obama II, and the foreign assaults on due process!

As it seems Obamacare is to be fully set up and to an IMAC clearing center of and for political ward based “health” reports how can we or any be certain or even expecting that the inputs won’t be skewed if “services” used and by black market manipulations to establish official “innocence”? 

And yet this is while we wait to see if Congress won’t be asked to affirm a duty or right to insist that all Americans submit to complete biological work ups of blood and urine and stools at least twice a year towards the Government need to reason a possible way to reduce medical care costs - right?

Aren’t we now to Liberal social program of Obamacare, however just a Hillarycare II, to being as ineffective as gun rights lobbyists insists gun control legislation is to keeping guns from those to mischief but to a establishment of healthcare reform in ways that will turn off many now said to be turned away? 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:25 pm

The days are numbered for writer critics of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to pound #Hillary about Hillary Clinton as a clearly “PUBLIC FIGURE”.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for the office seeking of the United States of America Executive Branch Presidential see is not the still now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  We have that she has been of a “TEAM OF RIVALS” of the first of the Obama’s “we…” consideration as likely of two of his “we…” Secretary’s to be considered towards 2016.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for their leadership to capture the American Presidency must be considered firstly to be Senator John Kerry if confirmed nominee to duty as another Obama rival as a Cabinet Officer bound of State Diplomatic duties.  He should have the mantle of “Obama’s rival” at least as much as aspirant Mrs. Clinton of State husbandry, however, has or is presumed to be to a having towards 2016.

But for now it will be that “Hillary” is for a while no longer a public figure to kick around with fair criticisms and much due doubt — it is soon more that she will have been put out to pasture to idyllic retreating.  Of course if she is really a “rival” we should expect official statements contrary and critical of now re-seated President Barack H. Obama. 

Secretary of State John Kerry for President in 2016, though as “white” as a “Hillary” again for President, is what should be presumed firstly with bias based on sex, race, or age.  He has the money - he’s run before - he likely has to be at least as much a rival to President Obama as still charged and sworn Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton and as well the re-sworn Vice President Joseph Biden.

Citizens United as been quite rendered a good and necessary ruling in light of the ease with which President Barack Hussein Obama raised and spent that sum in excess of a billion campaign dollars. 

More concerning is any or all “foreign” “influence” now in our politics - and all global activities of both of Obama rivals - both “Bill” and “Hillary.”  Secretary of State John Kerry as his Democrat Party Nominee in 2016 makes more democratic sense even though he can likely fund a billion dollar campaign with his own wealth.

Are the days now numbered as if “Hillary” soon no longer a “public political figure” to criticize as not due a privacy as if a lamb quietly set out to pasture in idyllic retreat?  Are these the last days to fairly speak of due criticisms of Obama’s first Secretary of State?

“Kerry For President 2016″ is at least a halo Senator John Kerry deserves if also to be seen as an independent thinking Cabinet Officer also a wanted “rival” sworn to obedience to President Barack Hussein Obama, but how fronted as a challenger.

A due long continuous battle to unearth the cover-up air about the Obama’s State avoidance and inaction of Benghazi failures of his first “we…” now butter’d up for departure but not legal escape is afoot such that she is to remain suspect as a person of interest yet still much in the public domain and eyes. 

Writers for politics and justice though, unless she steps out like now soon with a how and a why for consumption of “rivals” with specifics hers much to how and why she would have been a better President these past four years, are to consider civility and decorum and political politeness as if she is due an idyllic retreat as if placidly out to pasture as just a lamb.

It would behoove her to quietly retreat as much as possible now.  Obama’s new “rival” Diplomat is hardly more “white” than she, and, of a more lore’d and well beaten step by step path and resume building towards a Presidency for himself.

It should much behoove both President Clinton and soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton to both quietly now try to just fade away from foreign and domestic entanglements at least now for high profile and long about pressures to justice and understanding of at least the first four years of “Foreign Policy” of the Administration of Barack H. Obama.

These days are numbered for writers to write as strongly as a “public figure” deserves about our former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton unless besides a continued push by our honorable Congress as per a lingering haze of “cover-up” of fogs about Benghazi we soon see “Hillary” of official steps to directly set her self apart as having been an independent thinking “rival” these four years and of the aforementioned “how” at least speaking to what she would have done differently and better these past four years.

I will be freer without her as Secretary of State or otherwise a sworn officer of the United States of America to reach to much deeper and globally broader markets with my already written thousands of pages long of years yet maybe not of having been critical enough of Presidential aspirant Hillary Rodham Clinton.  I will though myself until further developments be to considering her less now for new pieces as of “new” material.

I do look forward to finding my real audience for my book idea to publish past columns and commentary about “Hillary” and our 22nd Amendment towards a Guinness Book record for “most number of pieces written as to why Hillary Rodham Clinton should not become President.”  And, I look forward to being more entertaining of comity and comedy as a political pundit and as well as a poet and political poet.

It seems reasonable to consider that most of my columns are as long here as a New York Times Op-Ed Columnist’s there - but yet three times wider and so nearly 3x the word count there.  I have not yet compared word counts between my average length column and such as an industry standard.  I am glad many of my pieces did not have to be reduced to such standards as theirs.

“Secretary of State John Kerry for President” has a ring of Boston Brahmin lore’d good will and wealth for much musing to considerations that he with his Yale pedigree could be a revolutionary American elder in four years of promises to a long necessary cleaning up of his own party.  He will have to likely have to also run as a “rival” of President Barack H. Obama’s to assert that he as well at least as “Hillary” and “Joe” was not just a bureaucratic tool incapable of independent thinking.

The Clintons have been public figures long enough such that an idyllic retreat as if out to pasture not a lot fair or due either President William Jefferson Clinton nor soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

We have to write about and publicly long consider that Republicans couldn’t run clean enough campaigns in 2008 & 2012 because too many still of our Congress were about that had been too weak to avoid the corruptive collusion to political corruption worked politically by the machinations most political and new-tech of and by the Administration of the Clintons whence.

The Clintons with their Clintons’ global initiatives are due a near “monopoly” consideration to a new era of Congressional “trust busting” - can’t you say, yourself?  We have that we have no idea how vast the left wing global conspiracy is now already towards further undermining of our Constitution and at least our Constitutional protections set to limit and check all foreign “contributions” or “gifts” like by foreigner or agents of foreign countries.

As Walt Whitman sung of us as of body electricities while electricity hardly but a novelty otherwise we have that the Clintons have already too long been to involved and meddling as term limited by our 22 Amendment by at least the prudent example set by “George” and “Martha” - however pre-Lincoln re-uniting.

As per Clintons vs. Kerry towards 2016 with “whiteness” so muted it seems we must be to measuring the “foreign” influence in at least President Clintons affecting as of a electricity (bought and built) of foreign gifts towards political electoral homeland effectings as bankable swingable “CHARISMA.”

And, yes the Republicans still have troubles for having been compromised and corruptive by the Administration of the Clintons at least while during the Clintons’ second term.  We have yet to have a young enough Republican challenge to Democrat Party national ticket since President George W. Bush whom can stand up with enough inside the beltway Republicans without the Clinton having them not able to be free enough to speak against them without incriminating themselves.

The Clintons have to be the most long shot most “underdog” ticket to now measure towards 2016 hopes - right?

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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:41 am

>>> COMING SOON!!! <<<

This is not meant to become a drugs piece.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:19 pm

This is not about Sarah Palin!

Senator John McCain vis a vis so with the introduction of Senator John Kerry as President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State nominee begets that this is instead cleanly about a wrap of a first term for President John McCain if he had been elected - and figured since he looks stronger not weaker while so old four years later.

There was another way. 

As responsible global citizens we have a responsibility to consider now, now that we see McCain was fit, and enduring, how had if he been elected in 2008, to what, and where otherwise, we could or would be now.

The tao of Barack Hussein Obama as questioned leader of his own party though publicly set officially as our President has been of the party group think of an elite few that radical change had to happen and very quickly - had to happen like in only two years.

There was another way - not as tortured - as tortured as Senator John McCain’s own proud and patriotic past of sacrifice in the service of truth.

There was another way.

President Obama as our new executive did attempt to evangelize all global citizens while hoping to captivate Americans with his near daily one hour interruptions of regularly scheduled broadcasts.  There is that had he had a state run media for all of America contrary officially to our preserved rightly by our First Amendment he would have had a better chance at success.

President John McCain, if so, was of a way for Americans to zen and organize as proud and American Free. 

This is not about President George W. Bush nor specifically of his Administration.

We do have that because Democrat elite were able to railroad our new President Barack H. Obama as if he were not the head of his own party and so to the GREEN AGENDA etcetera we are now as global citizens best postured if fully to a consideration that effectively the Administration of George Bush must have been “GREEN” itself much somehow.  It is inescapable that all the rushed idealistic change of just the first two years of the Democrats back in power in DC couldn’t have been mechanically or physically possible if President Bush hadn’t been to institutional support of so much suddenly “new technology.”

There was another way.

Senator McCain had been selling a renaissance in state’s rights and a economic way forward that could have turned our economy around in just two years.  We shouldn’t take President Bill Clinton’s word that such was not possible — there is that a quick and “GREEN” economic recovery was possible with the direction a President McCain was towards as an new “executive” directing.  The caveat though as per such is that a faster recovery would have needed an official reforming of our banks more publicly otherwise than that which happened and with a real tagging of our banking problems having actually much having been of and by Clintons’ and their “CLINTONOMICS.”

By the heavy hand of elite Democrats as they seemingly were to railroading new and hopeful President Barack Hussein Obama we got a rush to political and partisan economics that could only lead to a slow recovery like our “JOBLESS RECOVERY.” 

These hands called us to their tao as if President’s change all along - like.  Yet we ignore still at our expense and at pains to the global economy a perspective ignorant for all global citizens if so without recollection that such was marched as our marching orders even though in Spain such was earlier proven to have cost two jobs for every new one that it could produce.

I don’t know why we went the way of Spain and so blindly quickly - so politically and in a polarizing partisan forced march.

A once tortured President John McCain was reared years as a U.S. military brat, arguably.  Our military was our new frontier for most of our best integration as a nation as a melting pot.  A President John McCain could only have been at least as much a President of all our people as President Barack Hussein Obama has been, it seems.  Senator McCain was reared institutionally to be none other than such, it seems.

There were and are other and better ways to have changed our economy around real and imagined concerns about GLOBAL WARMING.  Senator John McCain as a candidate for President was standing receptive and leaning it seems as if responsibly to a more open minded approach as well on the possible uses of so much investment in GREEN technology as that which must have been long of the Administration of President George W. Bush and the Congresses convened those years.

There was another way.

It can be said that our economies haven’t been able to recover yet because the Democrats of the United States of America rushed too quickly ahead with too much unfigured and yet properly considered change.

As I tweeted recently: 

>”What of 150,000 troops? For enough to liberate an oldest of sovereign nations & for enough to chase 50 Al Qaeda.”

>Time rprtd a 9% drop in USA carbon emissions since 2007 & others a USA warming as gas levels dropped. What up w/ that?

There was another way.

More condemning of Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton than her outburst like “JACK” of A FEW GOOD MEN with her’s nearer to an “I cannot handle the truth!” is that which you can find by visiting citizenrosebud.com and with use of search pane to gathering from keyword prompting with “9/11 II”.  See:   http://bit.ly/Tyzzlk  (& scroll past this column also in results for 9/11 II)  It seems it still makes more sense and is more condemning of her that Al Qaeda attacked on another 9/11 for reasons similar to the first 9/11 - Right?

As I posted on Facebook the other day:

>“Tease: There would have been a “new nationalism” w/ Prez McCain - with THNX to troops rotated home reasonably & to nation’s thnx with: This is why OIF right and necessary uniting! late but not too late, and with McCain Admin of promises to keep to have at home as well stirred the spirit of federalism with what seemed his paths then to a renaissance in state’s rights.  We wouldn’t have needed Obama’s Liberal ideas of New Nationalism as then we were a better informed general populace capable finally of learning of real complexities that necessitated OIF at least so that the United States of America didn’t get trapped on the wrong side of all this change happening across the general Middle East.

>”Prez McCain would have been a healthcare for all President too - but with Americans and returned troops encouraged to show proudly what it means to be American Free and of states as incubators to better government of and by the People.  See we already had Romneycare in Massachusetts, and, Utah is much of a Mormon tything and we were just missing other states stepping up competitively with inventive new healthcare coverage for all models of their own.”

There was another way.

This Saturday January 26, 2013 in the wee hours near 3am I posted this on #davos2013 venue for the World Economic Forum on a couple of their Facebook updates:

>”That is a tough one to answer as the US internal politics still in disarray with people not considering or having realized that WMD argument by President Bush needed Senator Hillary Clinton’s vote as affirmation that the intelligence of the Administration of the Clintons did not contradict his basis for Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Senator Clinton’s vote for Operation Iraqi Freedom is more condemning of her and her husband than President Bush if WMD basis was a lie.  She voted as reported without reading any newer intelligence reports than she would have been at least intimately privy to via Clintons’ administration.  Cooperation is a tricky issue now since USA is waking up to it not possible that “it was all Bush’s fault” and to that it likely was more than half the fault of the Clintons.  There was never an argument that Saddam got WMD in only the few months since the Clintons left office so Senator Clinton’s vote was affirmation that the Clintons agreed with the Bush intelligence about WMD.  @jphoganorg . of http://jphogan.org etc…”

There was another way — I was ready to work with a President John McCain along all of these lines whence.

Earlier I shared probably via Facebook the historical perspective that the housing crisis and down economy started with Hillary and Al spiking the price of gas with their global campaigns.  Clintons and CLINTONOMICS had encouraged Americans to spend more than every penny they had and recklessly such that there was no room for higher fuel prices in their fixed incomes when the price of gas did spike and keep spiking due to so much subjectivity and politics slammed into our markets with Hillary’s and Al’s global campaigning.  When the price of gas went up the hyper consumerism at the core of CLINTONOMICS had to stop and while the fuel prices had yet to cause so much more to cost so much more due to higher energy and transportation costs then added to once otherwise budgeted basics.

When you figure finally how it all started it becomes rational to consider that Bush could basically do nothing once it started as related to the spike in gas prices caused by the politics and subjectivity of Hillary and Al and their global campaigning against carbon based fuels.  The last thing Republicans were to wanting then before an election in 2008 were higher gas prices as then they could get re-elected simply due to economics.  And, as long as the price of gas was part of the ideology for rushed change by the Democrats there was no way really to turn back the prices in time to prevent the housing collapsing first around those that had bought into spending more than every penny as urged by CLINTONOMICS then on fixed incomes.

There is as well, to help McCain’s case and incidentally President Bush and his legacy, that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was wrongly a devotee of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of that extra trillion cut that never should have been touched for cuts.  Speaker Pelosi as a devotee was also a wall up against President Bush having political room to attempt to prevent the housing collapse being as great with some quick spending — he was not allowed by her to call for spending like on anything the Clintons had said could be cut for their SURPLUSES.


*[I will stop now and consider style and content and possible edits though space and word count not here limited to me.  This is supposed to be a column ready for Sunday - the first Sunday of the Second Term of President Obama yet maybe as if it were otherwise to being now a second term for still strong still Senator John McCain.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:18 pm

I personally am not versed enough in particularities in scholarly discussions of “FREE WILL” as per a polarizing of global relations between different people of varied histories and levels of living under tyranny.  Appearances by Secretary Clinton do stir wonderment as to what meats may go into her sausage making - and to how kosher or FDA certifiable as if a policy approval of and by the people for that which is less read about such as her of global work to divide the world along polarized partisan political lines firstly much to assimilations to “Clintonites.”  This is a mess we are witnessing.

I do not know enough about Senator John Kerry to know of his views to an importance of “FREE WILL” and nor how he may be different and maybe better at State leadership than Hillary Rodham Clinton specifically because of his religiousness as Roman Catholic.  As Secretary of State if his kited appointment sails through he will inherit a duty global of much seized opportunities by the Clintons together to establish loyalties to Clintons and the Clintons Global Initiative and intimately also shared political operations of just their Foundation.  I am not even sure, in light of the recent Congressional hearings on Clinton failures, that he as a new Secretary of State will have half the global “FREE WILL” our office of State Diplomacy harbored prior to the over-reaching post office international political meddling of just President Bill Clinton.

Seldom is discussed, so that I am yet aware, how we are of these years of conflicts and a new “Longest War” much as a related due discourse to consider that our Bush Administration and its standardized FREEDOM AGENDA was at least of a visible method of building with foreign peoples from the ground up.  The years of Clintons’ “diplomacy” strike more as a call to hold on high and herald politicians as lawyers as ready compromisers - not steady and considered builders.  We could use more public discussion as oddly as it may sound to a chit chat where ever about how the chase of “POPULARITY” as the end all for a Clinton be all of the Obama 1st term was actually a “WRONG” way to proceed “DIPLOMATICALLY” after the hard work and years of the Bush Administration nurturing of freedom with bottom up “standing with” boots on the ground developmental compassionate progressive conservativism.

The Compassionate Conservative George W. Bush as President was quite progressive internationally.  But now as per the rap on Hillary Clinton of a SLAUGHTERHOUSE STATE it is time we peel back some truths and look at lies for what they were.  Against the better judgement of Secretary Clinton however prejudiced still from her days “international” as FLOTUS Clinton we have to contrast how we are now of permanent truths contrary enough to ask about said “lying into war” by President George W. Bush.  Like:  So if President Bush lied us into OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and now it looks like such was a necessary but late due prosecution of Saddam Hussein - why did he think it necessary to “lie” us into a proven to have been necessary execution of American sense of fairness?  What were the politics he had to fight and/or the ignorance in our Washington or general Peopleness that he for some reason needed to proceed with lies duly because of in order to be so progressive and to doing what has it seems been proven to have been necessary?

Besides that it can be put upon Senator John Kerry much for his/a disloyalty to our President whence then after our President had committed us all albeit with lying us into OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM for having started his very disruptive ANTI-WAR REVIVAL with questions of voracity marched at President Bush only after the USA and coalition states had become actually committed into OIF with boots on the ground — we have that so from such it may be ANTI-WAR ACTIVIST KERRY that so undermined confidence at home and abroad that he on his shoulders most should carry our weight of OIF taking so much longer and costing so much more.  He seems to have it as his culpability that he so spread fear across Iraq that liberated people we expected ready cooperation from with their liberation tucked away rightly with stirred fears by Kerry’s ANTI-WAR proffering that they best lay low as long as it looked like he, Senator John Kerry, would succeed at  a quick CUTTING AND RUNNING again by the seeming there to see it through of a global coalition.

A most strategically puzzling of today’s partisan softball cordial queriousness is that line of support taken nobly by Senator form Illinois Dick Durbin when of a sparring softly supportively with his own Pandora’s Box mine field of Operation Iraqi Freedom being of lies about still unfound WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction).  Since Senator Hillary Clinton didn’t offer a diplomatic honesty intellectually in defense of truths of the circumstances of her having voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom:  It is most puzzling today amidst all this that WMD issue can be raised at all to help free Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton from her Senate vote as Senator Clinton of New York while such vote then was proffered by her with so much confidence in her own understanding of the issue that she cast a vote for a war by such reasoning and without thinking she needed to read the intelligence reports for such voting whence.  WMD as per Iraq should be a weight to sink her in any “intelligence” queriousness now at all about worsening sit reps for the Middle East, at least. Right?  Hillary voted for Operation Iraqi Freedom confident in her own political understanding and without feeling beholden to question herself by reading a fresh post Administration of the Clintons new intelligence report - Right?

In Hillary’s tears more the guilt of the Clintons’ avoidance & inaction of the 90s as causal following on from her speaking of dangers from avoidance and inaction - that still follow on from President Obama’s Nobel Acceptance Speech as a slap at the Clintons for their avoidance and inaction on Afghanistan and Iraq while of his charge earlier in our 90s.  President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Acceptance Speech spoke pointedly but coyly of “dangers of inaction and avoidance” much as Hillary today did while prefacing her tears for those affected by loses from her negligence years after such path towards such became trodden by the dangers that grew from the Administration of the Clintons inaction and avoidance as just per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Her use of word “husbandry” is quite a clever way to like hide that the Clintons for four years may have been overtly getting away with serious and dangerous like official conflicts of interests - at least.  She did bristle when her tears fell flat and she had to go on the defensive - quite so!  As one who remembers her New Hampshire tears as those triggered by her sliding in pols and with then a hit about if she was at all well rounded with even at least one hobby so stressing her so whence - as I recall from having been one of pressuring her before her New Hampshire tears for not at least having a hobby - but not to expecting she could shed tears for not having time for her stationary walker machine to avoid her inaction and lack of well roundedness - a less well roundedness than such campaigns long had insisted for its male entrants.

Those of the Administration of George W. Bush demonstrated a very different social norm globally and expandingly with their FREEDOM AGENDA respective of ‘FREE WILL’ as if at least the majority of Iraqi should and could be endowed by their creator as Americans free by theirs - a very different and even more progressive but yet not “socialist” than the heavy hands of change of Obama/Clinton FP with fear and pressure kept more distantly centralized, and, quite of the same governance sense that Government (by them) knows best.  Surprisingly these hearings may help peoples all around the world better see now that American Republicans are better protectors of individuals and their God given “FREE WILL” than at least President Barack Hussein Obama while of such rivalrous Clintons pulling him down.

I do not know if with Secretary of State as seems now inevitable of a turnover to the charge and such duty boundedness for John Kerry we can see HOPE return to the Administration of President Barack H. Obama.  I do not know if the assault on due process and developmental threats to “FREE WILL” as perpetrated by the Clintons’ “two-fer” are now bound to keep em shackled even so.

[I think that wraps up SLAUGHTERHOUSE STATE composition. {Well I’ve gotten this new column started.  Please check back throughout rest of day and evening and tomorrow as I work out the necessary bulwarks to ideas so broached already.}]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:11 pm

These are momentous days of truths rolling on beyond the control and wishful messaging of President Barack Hussein Obama The Re-Elected.  Firstly we should primarily concern ourselves much already to 2016 to the preservation of U.S. of at least two parties.  Secondly we should firstly also be to a present queriousness as to whether these past four years have been of the United States of America of a governance and politics actually more polarizing politically than was thought beyond “expected” to of an “inevitable” new partisan dividing quite on the way and yet of a President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

There are greater truths rolling on above this now ancillary historical still concerning problem more pressing now judicially as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is set to be paraded for problems inescapably hers and some much more than of others about her as failures at least in “leadership” messaging and tone hers.

Whether President Clinton would have been more polarizing if the resultant victor of the 2008 challenges - more polarizing than he that has now been sworn in again for having hung himself higher successfully than she in our public eyes/galleries is somewhat a something that both our House and our Senate by tomorrow should also consider at least as per “motive” and “means” while working to see if she can or will incriminate her boss without delay.

If it is to a real concern that a capital punishment is deserved at least for Madam Secretary Clinton it shouldn’t be a high hanging of a well worked rendition in oil on canvas for her but harkenings chorused on high as if the United States of America had French guillotines.  These are moments like past lore’d histories where at least a threat of “off to the guillotine” or water-boarding would be in the pressing and generally in the civil airs.

Whom to hang higher tomorrow?  To at least consider hanging higher tomorrow and now on the eve with political palpitations in flux anticipatory to a high drama possible if “rival” Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may or may not be prone to an outburst or worked plotting to effectively throw her boss under a bus — Whom to hang higher or lower soon?

The state of our nation is at stake and our last vestiges of HOPE maybe in our institution of Congress.  His team of “rivals” has truths their own rolling on contrary and maybe superior to a better and higher legacy than he may yet be able to lift or peg as his own.  There has been much change but now with scholarly called hopefully to an intellectual honesty professionally rended towards future editions reared to consider his successes may actually already now be more her “successes” and not much at all anything he actually built.

How much is at stake?  Is the entire reputation of our state of a nation at stake and threatened by what should be heard and discoursed fully through with his “Hillary” to hot seats with a “the buck stops here” out of passing the buck up to her boss to help set her up, however, towards 2016?

How threatened is the state of our nation vis a vis our view of our representatives and our institutions of Congress as our House and Senate now with a “Hillary” disposition maximus or again too minimus due news of this week?  Can she be hung high now despite whether or not politically an “how high” or if “higher than” her boss without our Congress being again too complicit in a vast lowering of standards of our State?

This is more for echoes of our Statuary Hall and galleries, where ever, though in centuries earlier more dramatic events would likely have already unfolded for at least our Madam Secretary of State for having doned pompous capping in preposterous hats as figuratively as if too much a modern day Marie Antoinette - nearer to “off to the guillotine with her” or for her boss.

No, we can wait to see if President Barack Hussein Obama can stand the never ending campaign of the Clintons in battles for legacies greater for themselves than they have earned, and now with he too set to have a institutionalized never ending campaign for himself.  For our Statuary Halls and galleries, where ever, it may be that the Clintons will succeed in still out foxing President Obama and maybe by some clever transference or projection again in coming days of State disposing hearings into renditions of Hillary’s questionable understanding of history.

Today on the eve of a scheduled challenge to seated power such as times before celebrated eons and eons prior like with a sharpening of guillotines or a building of a hanging stand we behold a great institutional threat to our House and our Senate and so our Tranquility and Posterity. 

Must our Congress find that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to be effectively somehow and very publicly set out tomorrow and in coming days for perpetuity as if always now to be hung lower than President Barack Hussein Obama?  Can his “Hillary” effect a coup as a still too celebrated “rival” and yet not be so to a corrupting of our institution of Congress of the People quite sworn? 

Can they go light - can they as our Congress’s sworn go as light on her as she and our now re-sworn President have in mind as of a “fairness”?

Our we at a weakness for firsts primarily now too much like of a too high affirmative action for those held out as of our highest or presumed finest?  Are we of these as “her” and “she” of “Hillary” as our to be most scrutinized highest yet for all the State failures at least in Presidential messaging and “leadership” “tone” such to as of a “he” and “his” of “Obama” as our still unreached maybe too to be faulted as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and so that they are hoping that our institution of Congress can only be to a review of them as nearly our First Female President and he as historied already as a First Black Man so by reasoning as of a low standard for each of them firstly to be primarily no higher than the worst of the white men that have preceded either of them?

Our Congress has before it the ability to destroy itself if it proceeds towards a hanging of a prettier portrait of our Secretary of State than she has earned or merited.  There is that maybe she can make a deal to throw her boss under the bus to get herself hung higher for perpetuity but still with that we have the risk that our Congress could be to being of acts too low and basic to be only to devastating affectings upon themselves.

Can our Congress now proceed at all “lightly” against our currently seated Secretary of State without incriminating themselves to publicly of a set and cast to standards now too low for our people of our We the People…?

It may be too dramatic a judicial pondering to be believing that either our Secretary of State Clinton as an almost First Female President Clinton or our re-elected and re-sworn President Obama are self-possessed to an escapist rendition of justice such that they and their failures as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and the related contrary suggestive that their Al Qaeda intelligence must all or nearly all be fundamentally flawed intelligence at our highest of political review levels are now or ever can be judged by our institution of Congress now only by comparison to the worst white men that have preceded them in their current offices.

Some truths are rolling on now greater in an honesty and breadth of permanent details now such that President Obama seems to think it necessary to now also be of running a permanent campaign at least to defend himself defensively from machinations by the most political and proven polarizing Clintons and their never ending campaigning.

And, some truths are now more self evident and still rolling on that stand up Republicans as more correct and of having been of a more honest telling than yet broadly known specifically as pertains to renditions of Dems histories as preached or posited by “Hillary’s” boss.

We have that just though for all the State failures in crisis prioritizing and “leadership” tone it looks like we are set now to just see our institution of Congress seize these moments to RESET their “standards” be to effecting that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has now done too much too poorly to ever be hung as high as now re-elected and re-sworn President Barack Hussein Obama.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:50 am

My father is a lawyer so though we are both fans of Clint Eastwood I should start this as like a “NIGHTMARES FROM MY FATHER” study in contrast.

I cannot write this as if I was born a poor black boy;  I can only write this as I was born of an Irish Catholic up and coming family with eyes to being middle class in New Haven Connecticut. 

I can write this as well as an Irish Catholic American story of struggle and social climbing from a daily risk of ending up poor;  I can write this as well personally as the oldest son but third child of the second Catholic family ever admitted to club membership of New Haven’s exclusive New Haven Lawn Club, and, so personally of the responsibility as the oldest son while otherwise the first Irish Catholic family to be then ever joined as members.

As I said:  My father is a lawyer. His father was not.  He and his oldest sister his family could afford college for as first in such family’s history but the two younger brothers of my father had the Electrician vocation to best advance with.

Beyond my father being a lawyer and his father having been of the Knights of Columbus and political in the Democratic Party I grew up with life long and very successful in New York City Republican conservatives on my mother’s side.  My grandfather John William Hogan Sr. whom I carry the first name John for was the “Hogan” pal from childhood of Al Capp that was honored with a “Hogan” character for L’il Abner.  My Grandfather Hogan was with Al Capp (with born name then) that fateful day that Al fell of the ice trucked they both had hitched a free ride on and to his loss of a leg by the wheels of a trolley car too close behind.

I believe there is some distant Hogan family shared lineage via Waterbury, Connecticut, with the former Manhattan District Attorney years then hailed as Hogan DA “Mr. Integrity” for whom One Hogan Place now is set as the address of currently charged Cyrus R.Vance Jr.  I am now wondering if I have the current title for Cyrus R. Vance Jr. correct.  I believe I am writing about Frank S. Hogan DA and former Senate candidate for the seat Robert Kennedy got to holding.

Now, about those nightmares from my father.

As I have said:  My father is a lawyer.  And as I implied I do have two older sisters and was of a 70s and 80s of Government experimentation with public teaching to equal rights, and while still an oldest son of the oldest son in an Irish Catholic family.  All I will say to much of that is I could tell many were just making it up as they went along.

Don’t worry about my Dad.  My dad is now a still recent former President of the Connecticut Bar Association and now in his 70s “of counsel” with Berchem Moses and Devlin of bmdlaw.com and its continued representation of Newtown, Connecticut and its Department of Education now with charges about a development of a Foundation for Sandy Hook Elementary School contributions and caring. 

I have a dad whose business was in reacting after usually bad news professionally;  I grew up to work to being proactive not to reduce work for him or his profession but to help grow economics with better forethought and wiser capitalist free market fairness.  I chose to be of those years of after leaving Suffolk Law School at the end of classes of my first year and to then staying an “accepted” student for seven years who wouldn’t need to re-apply to return to be more to hands on construction and in work boots more than my wing tips or my suits.  Many of those years my favorite boots were my darker leather gore tex lined Dunham boots with Vibram soles - if I recall the soles correctly.  I did miss these after they were among a mix of stuff stolen from my van while parked overnight in DC on Capitol Hill near my apartment of 10 years there across from Eastern Market.  I do not recall if that was the break-in that had the near thousand dollars worth of power tools also lifted that had been of my running so late that day that I had to risk leaving them visibly inside a parked vehicle.

I did want to help improve the law profession and started my “rebel with a cause” better able to work from the outside after leaving Suffolk Law School via my fraternal association so paternal and legal about my father and son existentialism.  I did work to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and since from the spring before the fall that “Barry” Obama son of Anne Dunham started at Harvard Law School.  I have figured that “Barry” Obama is the B.O. from Hawaii I have known and networked around politically since the late 70s after a pal asked me if I was ready even for my School’s Oratory Contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY speech to compete against all comers in Hawaii and as if he was opening up the phone lines all across Hawaii to find all willing challengers.

My dad did very much help me prepare for and stay encouraged to my competition in oratory so and did as well find time to come and be in the audience then at East Rock Community School that Oprah Winfrey many years later also visited at least via a show guest.

Yes I grew up fearing poverty and for my whole family as we were Irish Catholic climbers with little or no safety net.  I did fear sports some for a fear was in my dad that a medical injury or any liability could suddenly bankrupt the entire family beyond just over extending it to prohibit funding college educations.

Though I grew up with a father a very involved and loyal Democrat I did work it so that I could use my more right of center economic sense as more of Reagan era Republicans as if a Reagan Democrat to help him as and when I could as of times I saw that his party sense and loyalty seemed to lack its own ways forward to match his desires to be to betterings for others, and he and his family.

So our first president President George Washington did commence our consummation of independence in a new union of our United States of America by 13 with “Among the visiccitudes incident to life…” first official oration.

Before there was and internet wiz of a candidate Senator Obama for President with wonders of small internet donations I was of my ten years living on Capitol Hill of strutting with a pride of a confidence that I could be a wonder in democracy as a small contribution personality for more positive bi-partisan change.  I did not like Senator Obama’s convention oration as it haunted me with “flattery” supposedly from imitation in rhyme and reasoning of my much earlier Reagan “caboosing” efforts of my works to revitalize our public speak and language (diction) of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM. I did not like “flattery” of “imitation” as it was more theft like with echoes of ‘make it your own’ like and “put a black face on it” while without my consent nor opinion that it needed a more black face consideration than how I had much worked it to be color blind.

As I tweeted this morning and with mention of Lance Armstrong and Oprah I am one that knows enough about our politics and our economy over the past twenty years to consider it quite so that both William Jefferson Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama have President titling yet are now both of enough lies just about our economy to have lost them seven titles.

I have built to this ability to be a prolific political scribe intentionally with my hands on years in construction as a general contractor sole proprietor of tools and skills in most of the trades.  I have built Rhode Island mansions and as well have been employed across DC in past years to securing doors and repairing doors and locks as well in low income neighborhoods then some of the city’s worst.  I also while such was of a near third of my contracts as small contracts from Home Depot as a certified window and door installer such that there are many storm doors, doors and windows across the area that I did install myself.  I also of course did install new closet doors for then early to DC National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice but from the work stream that came from my sailing networks as of my ability to also rebuild boats.  And, then in my last years about DC and past my work on the town home that Grover Norquist leased then but a few doors from my own I was as well to building a doll shelf for American Girl Doll collection for Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s Chief of Staff.

Yes I set out to be pro-active professionally to growing our economy while otherwise regularly about wearing my Dunham gore-tex lined work boots in lieu of my Church’s or Johnston Murphy wingtips and suits.  I am now of disappointment much of President Barack Hussein Obama and still mostly for he of like failing “Politics 101″ in my mind by embracing the Clintons in 2008 race and then especially for a political naivete of his nomination of “Hillary” to Secretary of State. 

Sadly I now know enough to like have a different political chore more of our Forth Estate (as per my career plans timing) of a morality to not encourage anyone to economic activity as too many seem too corrupt economically politically still about DC.

Dunham booted from infancy Barack Hussein Obama, however he dreamed while accepted as a known person in my families dreams since the late 70s, is now of a DC and a first term that I have to stand up to with my knowing and independence, and now as this is the part of my life I meant to have gotten to being of the Forth Estate or Mad Man world.

President “Barack” #Obama did want to lead as of a “personality based” President.  With both somehow spent years as Dunham booted people towards “change” and now with most of my past years of “positive change” effecting undermined by his more recent efforts seemingly towards goals thought to be yet quite similar.  I cannot abide his bad judgement in embracing the Clintons instead of politically and judiciously challenging them and towards a needed “cleaning up” in DC especially across the high ranks of his own party at least just four years ago.

I stayed independent these years since I stopped construction part of my intended and figured career path that are of such political timing that you can figure my ceasing and desisting from a tax identity for construction was near to the day that the Clinton “two-fer” announced HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. 

The story of my bootedness remains now that I once of favored Dunham work boots did legally apply pressure against the Clintons via the honor and diligence of the Bush administration towards the proper protection of my intellectual property of my decade plus of efforts and strategizing to more positive change and jobs than Governor Mitt Romney can claim himself to have been of such that the Clintons were to much real angering of Bill Clinton especially and some remembered fits I shall never forget that do best explain how young and little known also most junior of Senate Barack Obama was able to defeat the thought mighty and inevitable Clintons and their vast left wing political machine.

My bootedness for so many years hands on in making an honest living did allow me the flexibility and resolve to be able to stand up with officials of badges of honor of duty under President George W. Bush in defense of my own intellectual property and earlier rhyme and reason such that I could keep the Clintons from running as the Clintons as me again without authorization or agreement in usage of what was mine and figured, by my opinion and as time as recorded some, much better.

While of my replacement boots and my shift to full time writing and blogging to prevent the Clintons from returning to possession of our White House I was regularly of feeling as if I was near of a minority of one in official circles around DC as one that thought that the Clintons wouldn’t win and shouldn’t win in 2008. 

I did live up to my very many public and private statements and worked explanations as to why they shouldn’t and couldn’t or wouldn’t and all the while my dad and oldest sister were deeply set and professionally linked up as loyal Democrats too much abiding being more soldiers of the Clintons and their machinery. 

I could say I don’t know how this story of Barack Hussein Obama was and is possible in America of these still somewhat loosely affiliated states - but well it seems I know better about much of such and so that now I have a moral duty it seems to not be again to my past efforts to stir economic growth as long as Dunham boot’d President #Obama persists in his “personality” based presiding as President without the due standing up against corruption just too much about his own party - economically speaking.

When this “Dunham boot’d” President set off to his “personality based” Presidency and “new foundation” heralding he did at least two things.  Firstly he effected a posturing that my past efforts of my personality in capitalism though of much growth and booting for him had to go so that he could have his ideology and a legend of his own by his own personality.  And secondly he — well you can get busy trying to figure that out yourselves - for now.

*Please share your thoughts of his first term, his inauguration now near, and your considerations for his second term.  I am now as hoped enough into the Forth Estate such that I had hoped to be for this part of my career ambitions such that I now am to an objectivity for journalism and fairness even if it means criticizing President Barack Hussein Obama that I have been of an awareness of since the late 70s.

NOTE:  In my opinion President Obama with such agenda as his did come on the scene with such ten years too soon as of a ten years before the efforts about my works to a new political correctness and public language revolution needed ten more years before a similar “change” could be effected following on from such with undermining both by too much and then obviously much about not otherwise kept artful and of a until then working capitalism.  Yes, there is little I can now do that all our Governors shouldn’t be able to already be doing better, and, yes because President Obama is now of politics ten years too soon upon so much I had earlier been building that had been working and not yet done in some important ways.  I stand by my previously expressed opinion and as it relates to this that our best foreign policy posture and foreign and domestic economic foundations are best to be of a renaissance in state’s rights, and, at least because our Governors haven’t so earned our distrust with too much centralizing while de-centralizing the rage.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:49 pm

I may have to walk this off slowly as new readers are about without having followed along over the past 6,000 or so pages of political discourse these past five years blogging.

There are more from years earlier elsewhere like such that had me being of suggestion for the TIME “Mirror” of the Year cover, but that is more a story for later as to why I did turn them down with their query for a picture of me as “uc” and be to offering that if they could put a mirror on their cover I could help them with their intents.

Today this column starts slowly with measured steps first about Bill Clinton and then likely next about Senator John Kerry and as well a discussion of the late John Murtha.  I don’t know if you Google or otherwise search “HE WAS MURTHANIZED” if you will immediately find an old informative peace discussing seeming important finer nuances as to the Pope’s old messaging in a familiar Catholic against American Catholics needed to support an operation as Catholics to help some Muslims get justice from other Muslims in a Muslim country.  (Also here via: http://bit.ly/HeWasMurthanized)

For now we should start with Bill Clinton — oh but where to start?

How is he of “TEAM”? 

How is he while so just of “I” actually of real life historical non-fantasy (imagined) “TEAM”?

The old “Bill” is the real “Bill”?

Today to start slowly the later seems most condemning since we shouldn’t be hearing him speak about the economy with any confidence given his storied history.  We should not have confidence in him as an “expert” “I” nor as a “TEAM” affiliated spox.  President Bill Clinton, the old, is still the Bill Clinton as a President that just won’t go away.  As President as per the economy where it wasn’t of him fattening up an otherwise fit and working for “politics” he himself would admit and even cherish that Allen Greenspan was making it work and that he basically just let someone that knew what they were talking about work it.

It is hard, going slowly for our economy is in a mess arguably much some because of Senator John Kerry and his anti-war revival.  That I have to leave for tomorrow when I expect to revise, edit and finish this now started new column.

For now we while walking slowly should look around and look of concern and paranoia maybe to a possibility of being punk’d by former President Bill Clinton. 

He cannot now be an expert on the economy.  He used to confess that he wasn’t while President.  He cannot be an Obama “team player” now for he of so many “I” moments as if he now is the expert he never was and while President Obama had been to these economic failures with those of the old Clinton “TEAM.” 

There is more to walk out slowly here - but not too much as your imaginations might settle your doubts quickly enough to a clearer and dangerous political reality.

Bill Clinton as well as trying to be the “I” and the “TEAM” while of such as a political impossibility is also or somewhat recent explanations economic as well to contest by his claimed expertise, economic, that it can at all be an “expertise economic.”  Somewhat recently he was to walking and talking while seated of a grand explanation that economic events like these are known to need a certain amount of time to “recover.”  And, with that remembered the real conundrum or paradoxical for if he knows that now and wants us to believe he knew it while President then he with such was confessing that he knew he shouldn’t have worked the very economic mix of policies he did while at least of his second term.

{more to come tomorrow!}


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:04 pm

With so many tee’d up and tee’d off these days we really shouldn’t let a Tea Party go to waste.  The long and short of our predicaments Constitutional have hardly been broached yet.  No matter how steeped you are in our Constitutional brews it is likely you have only by now seen a half full cup.

This Sunday of January in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three reached high noon with laurels rested some by former General Colin Powell while more of his captaining of Diplomacy colors.  For the sake of civility and comity I will try to keep this sociable as small talk for an afternoon as if our former Secretary of State Colin Powell did out himself as if a Tea Partier.

We can leave aside the patronizing education he proffered about Iraq towards hopeful President Barack H. Obama - for now.  What we cannot ignore are the seeming missing years of official records of the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons have already spilled too much of our tea as autocrat wanna bees.  We can please find ways now to move to a revolution in Tea Party solidarity around our founders like Samuel Adams, and please while considering, for the sake of being smarter and safer, that our Clintons are Constitutional enigmas more of wants towards reigning as our Fourth Vice President did while at least then still Governor of New York George Clinton.

Yes, as you can see your cup however about our Tea Parties seems until now as while of considerations of recent election debates been like only a half full cup of Constitutional concerns, however steeped.

I can honestly claim to have not ever have been a Tea Party member nor to ever having been knowingly at a Tea Party rally - I have kept Tea Party leaders as facebook friends and otherwise of relations per social media.  I can though tell an honest tale though of days before there was a new Tea Party that date to moments while I was considering if I could or should go to work for CNBC and that such had me considering what I might then not be able to do;  I can honestly report that I did about then ask current employed personalities of CNBC to have one of theirs publicly state that “America could use a new Tea Party.”

For the sake of Constitutional rendition success I do have to add peacefully that as of yet a Tea Party as I may have imagined can not yet be seen quite as a cup over-runneth.

We can now understand as “fact” that President Obama has been overwhelmed by actual histories to a situation report about he having been at least ignorant or naive as per Saddam Hussein and the Iraq that President George W. Bush inherited from peacenik Clintons.

I have afraid that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has shown herself not to have been as claimed either to “be ready at 3am” or “ready from day one.”  We have that this is about how still now she isn’t likely ready for 3pm tea time civil rendition reflections on either of our Tea Parties.

We have for other less quiet times of discourse like heated happy hours that the Clintons may be due a full dissection of their decades of spousal political plotting at least as pertains to federalism issues Constitutional by ways foreign and domestic.  We have the Clintons around to dissect ad nauseum for years more;  We have for starters that they may have worked official department lying for a PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS before their time.

As per you cups of tea however now tee’d up or still tee’d off and if half full or still half empty — We have the federalism debate to refresh civilly with non-violence at least to discuss threats from undermining our Constitution as per foreign and domestic politics or “governance.”  We have a still here and concerning “FLASHING RED” sit rep to discourse upon even just to threats from within to our Constitutional safeties and checks and balance prudence.

In many ways former top Bush Administration cabinet officer Secretary Colin Powell seemed to have outed himself as if a Tea Party idealist.  For this hopefully quiet nearer 3 pm “Tea” you can ponder as you might how steeped as a Tea Party originalist and how just sympathetic to foreign Constitutional concerns from threats from within he may be as of this Sunday in January as Constituted by our Christian Constitution “ordained” by preamble set to its fully affected subscriptions then with the Christian Calender so that specific Year of their (our) Lord whence.

It seems the Clintons can be more clearly to be of debatable Constitutional threats as plotters long from inside;  The Clintons have themselves argued to a convenient mostly for them acceptance that our United States of America is now in a Post-Constitutional era, and, so that it practically authorized them each contrarily to be extra-Constitutional - at least.

We can spend some time on Obamacare as ACA as being found passable with low Constitutional grading as if a War Power would have been compromised if a President and Congress weren’t allowed to wage war at home on its people’s general Welfare.  Hmmm?  There is a can of worms - the specific seeming random use of capitalization in our Constitution’s preamble has to be purposeful and instructive as like a legend/key to the tune of all then to follow and be subscribed there within - right?

It is inescapable that we are now necessarily back to having a Tea Party - and now more globally yet then ever before.  Our former TOP DIPLOMAT has spoken simply to a naivete of President Obama and his hopefully still not kept views on Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

However you try to take your Constitution and American tea times we have that Iraq issues and our Clintons are here to stay as yet fully and appropriately discussed “federalism” issues.  We cannot escape a full considerations now of the dangers of the Clintons wants and practices to lesser Constitutionality and how such was argued to be convenient for them to together share more autocratic powers to foreign and domestic concerns as justified new extra-C powers in a necessary Post-Constitutional era.

This Sunday in January the issue has been broached that we have been but of half full or half empty tea cups so far.

Whom now will be next?  With former Secretary of State proffering wisdom and humility and with his rendition relating to Iraq and President Obama we now have to like find what has seemed too long to have been as missing records of missing years of those that are supposed to be there as the eight of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

We have our hands full enough to broach a discussion just of the Clintons and as per Constitutionality and “federalism” such that it would be unnecessary and maybe rude to even mention President George W. Bush and his administration at least until some base line notes are settled upon as to how the Clintons seem to be acting globally as if towards a global Constituting newly around themselves while opportunities exist specially for such to assign to them Powers nearly as if Autocrats.

For today’s Tea Party reviving comity we should brace ourselves away from thoughts comedic for it is still quite serious that we can greatly discuss that our modern day Clintons do not deserve a rap as “modern moralists” but maybe so as Karl Marx seems to have.  It is better to be more sociable to more localized small talk to how steamed many are now due to problems from how steeped the Clintons have been to leading and governance attempts as if they were former Governor George Clinton of New York in the days of our first Tea Party and to getting his way over that of our Federalist Papers and the troika such as Publius was set.

Are the Clinton effecting an anti-Constitutional global and domestic effrontery — Are they purposefully to attempts to make changes globally before any can figure out they are are trying to seize powers more of the mind set of former Governor of New York George Clinton than that which has survived long as subscribed whence thence in that “Year of our Lord…”?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It is now a quiet late Friday morning near the shores of America, feet dry.  I am a good “white” and President Obama seems to be a bad “black”!  Do not worry this isn’t supposed to be about race nor “racist” — we have cause to check on President Barack Hussein Obama as for driving “white” as a “bad”!

It must have been a tough 100th birthday for the President - considering the implications of these times;  It must have been a tough week as his past term as President is remembered too much of a “cover-up” politics while lessons so fresh that it is still “the cover-up” to be the ruinous.

It seems President Obama is still in a ditch and while of a “driving while white” Democrat Party economic think.

President Richard Milhous Nixon did, surprisingly to many, have a very good week.  Again: As I have posted for a while:  “It is not that Nixon was guilty but that Democrats are at least as guilty.”

The anatomy of Hillary of these times is this week again of echoes of her once of part in taking down President Nixon (though no more guilty than say the JF Kennedy Presidency) as the Watergate saga was.  The specific considerations of problema of our times as to covers of and for at least “Hillary” are of an anatomy of scandal more murderous and unchecked.

The anatomy of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is now of “FLASHING RED(S)” as if she pinned to have been President herself with RED “hot phones” to the Kremlin as if a magical “Bat Phone.”  (Right - It doesn’t seem she wanted to be a Cat Woman)

Her gifted and scandalous “RESET” of actual translations as “OVERCHARGED” by their tongues might have been another “FLASHING RED” per her activated imagination.  We have though that we are of murderous times with she of an anatomy of “assault” at least.  We have that it is undeniable that he once of Hope and Change started his administration with a “COVER-UP” messaging too CYA just for the former first coupled “two-fer” Clintons, we have that it is undeniable that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” was an overwriting attempt to cloak the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons (in a preposterous impossible innocence quite unreasonable).

As pop culture goes we are stuck if of those that watched the last season of “24″ with shock and awe of a ridiculous that such a plot could have been so aired as if a prophetic warning of what was to come if “Hillary” were to be elected, and yet us now all to such real times as now (so similar).

President Barack Hussein Obama did get elected as foretold to a mandate to austerity and grid lock, by my perspective and past commentary.  He did not get re-elected for having succeeded in his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons and at least their “executive” like “two-fer” power plays.  He did fail to rewrite the facts of our past couple decades to affect the attempted yet ridiculous (desperate) preposterous irrational impossibility that his too generous polarizing partisan political “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” did attempt.

It does seem that blacks around the world are now getting a bad associated incriminating rap however about traversing metaphorically or politically vehicled;  it does seem it isn’t fair that President Obama is so “pulled over” as if he is “driving while black”!

There is that President of Hope and Change “Barry” Obama by embracing the beat’n as “BIG LIARS” Clintons did himself pick the “whitest” of “white” of all possible nominees for the special “Obama” representing charge of our State Department.

Did you see the last season of “24″?  Are you puzzled now as to how we could be in this pickle now?

President Barack (”Barry”) Hussein Obama, as of his tales of earlier rise as not too innocent to have avoided at least political confessions of personal failings per illegal substance abuse, did fail as a first term President to rewrite our actual history and enough of the facts of the past twenty years of specific plotting and rascalishness for his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons to now flash but “RED!!!”!

We can leave that the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE is a danger to our State and our Constitution as it is to a purpose and practice now too long of a privatization of some of our reserved to just “EXECUTIVE POWERS” at a loss of potential prestige now for any actual sworn President.

This week must have President once of “Hope and Change Obama” smarting with Nixon turned 100 and having by most reports, it seems, a very good week.

I don’t know how there could have been enough “wool over their eyes” and/or plain ignorance or arrogance to have thought that they could have all rewritten enough of the past “hands on” by the Clintons’ “two-fer” to have effected the needed vast conspiracy to a partisan man made “innocence” for such now exposed of anatomies of negligence - even gross negligence.

With it this week that President Obama has President Nixon in his face to remind him “it is the cover-up” STUPID! — we have ourselves to likely seeing “red” otherwise just about the economics of Obama far longer for the loyalty and fidelity to Jack Lew once of the blunders that were the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.

Is President Barack Hussein Obama “in the ditch” still because he is “driving black” or because he has been “driving white” - as white or whiter than the Administration of the Clintons?

[I can write here that I am “good ‘white’” as per this new battle between good and evil - a ying and a yang, political - for I write of the Clintons of having been so wrong and for so long without now having a different perspective from when they made the decisions towards us being now stuck so by their say “negligent” governance whence.  I write of the perspective that I thought their decisions were this bad when they made them whence in the 90s, and, now, with affirmation that they did end up near as bad as feared.]

This Friday a morning thought to help focus anyone stirred to read it as shared via Facebook and Twitter was about how we could all become safer suddenly if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia. 

A reasoning about such could be bolstered for the shame they should share for having asked or maybe coerced a new Hope President to an Adminstration to “COVER-UP” for them and their co-Administering as a political “BOGO ‘two-fer’”.  If either Bill or Hillary were a Samurai an “honor code” could have had them of “seppuku” a hundred times each already.

Though it was politically selfish of the Clintons to have however worked a “New Hope” to a contagion of an anatomy of negligence covering for them it is hard to understand how but by coercion they could have bent President Barack Hussein Obama to such a ridiculous and preposterous attempt at such an irrational impossible political “COVER”.

It is hard to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

Flashing hot spots of “Hillary” still “Hillary’s” and not yet ever, hopefully, to be as well negligence of or by succeeding likely Secretary John Kerry - now have us wise to consider and long debate how we could be safer if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia now for it seems we might be safer if we were to open up all the files of the co-Administration of the Clintons NOW and not hardly put at risk more so by what they could or might willingly be able to “share” as if “intelligent” as “Russians”!!!

Happy 100th Birthday President Richard Milhous Nixon!!!  It is hard, this January 11th in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three, to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:12 am

Our hopes are upon him now as another set soon so out to pasture and reflection; these days soon to dawn for hopes not too bogged down.  And, by the embers of his peats a shared stoking for the she fires before now but out to pastures, soon.

If Governor Andrew Cuomo is to run for President in 2016 there isn’t much he now need to do about Hillary Clinton.

This is not to be a “metrosexual” new age piece like a vagina diatribe by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton;  President Obama after nearly four years had only one “foreign policy” success to run on - right?  Mrs. Clinton is today to be covered as a woman and following on the Governor of New York State being of his State of the State about sexual equality and pay as if equals.

Yes, that is right — after four years President Obama only had the overseas military success of having done more than catch Osama Bin Ladin to run on despite Madam Secretary Clinton as his top “DIPLOMAT.”  We can off blog get down to discussing how she has been heralded as a success despite such and yet with such usually of commentary with metrics as that only maybe related professionally since the measure it seems for her has oddly been to whether “Bill and Hillary” have become “more popular” globally.

Has she been more a “terrorist” than a “peacemaker”?  Has she been the “moody” and “irrational” decider thought now only of past chauvenistic bygone era - actually?  Has she been all of a personal vendetta and vengence - as it can be reasoned with the co-Administration of the Clintons so fresh still and yet so incredibly contrary?

How can there be a bucolic reign for Senator John Kerry turned Statesman with the irregularity left of the long era of his predecessor?  Can Madam Secretary be just considered as “put out to pasture” if not also penned that way with “Bill” and their CGI?  Where are the ‘happy places’ - ‘happy fields’ - for a Secretary Kerry and his Boss Obama?

Governor Cuomo, while recently of having to unlearn most of what was his “expertise” while in the Clintons’ administration and to finding workable ways otherwise so as a new governor, is of his prudent political posture that there sould be sexual equality and equal pay regardless of ones sex.  But Hillary stands as a failed Secretary of State to enough and yet while still oddly championed as a better “next President” than now Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Can there be a bucolic political landscape - can there be one at least until some of the wounds of the hawkish “Hillary” have had care and time to heal?

It seems we all should be of real concern about our “Hillary” and now look back at her irregularity and contrariness as at least of her being a woman - a woman though specific to her past and its “emotions” political not because of her and menopause.

She did show in these four years a “Hillary Before” and a “Hillary After” that is still hard to explain but by discussing deeply a need for Clinton CYA and for it seeming that such now so as “different” or “moody” stuck like vengence around the world on those still standing as if standing was an embarrassment personally to “Bill and Hillary” of their eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

It does seem just wrong to suggest Madam Secretary Clinton has been a success because the “CLINTONS” global brand stock is up around the world.  It seems unfair to President Barack Hussein Obama that she otherwise has left him hardly a campaignable success but for whatever “hands on” roll she might have diplomatically or undiplomatically played towards the assassination of Osama Bin Ladin.

There is all the “moodiness” that cannot now be like a tool in the shed of diplomacy for Senator John Kerry if and when Secretary of State - he will be expected not to change his hair style willy nilly per his personal whimsy and nor will he be seen as stable if he dons even a small fraction of the irregular and inconsistent wardrobe stylings of his predecessor.

It is arguable that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has despite clearing up the “Saddam Hussein” specifics been to targeting foreign leaders that make she and her husband look bad for having been so cozy and like ‘in bed’ with during the eight years of the co-administration of the Clintons.

But can a bucolic now be possible if we are just of a letting of our “Hillary” be to as if just put out to pasture?  Isn’t the Clintons’ BRAND now globally a conflict of interest whether she is Secretary of State or just like afterwards the “FIRST LADY” of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE?

We have that many can hope so many now won’t just be like “lambs” to a Secretary Kerry as if “lambs” as “pawns” these years - long years - of Secretary Clinton.

It may be suggestive of a possible political bucolic to see “Hillary” as a peaceable lamb tucked away in some fields of Ireland’s Kerry — But, we are talking about the Clintons and should be talking about Hillary as a woman - and as one that had too many “POLITICAL” emotions to carry after having been FLOTUS Mrs. Clinton for eight.

Governor Cuomo has prudently spoken to an agenda for sexual equality and equal pay regardless of sex, and, he knows better than most that he had to learn a new “expertise” to Govern after that of the era of the co-Administration of the Clintons and his charges about such couldn’t carry water.

It seems Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be tagged and/or branded to near historic chauvenistic stereotypes for and of women.  I don’t know which of our politicians now has the greatest ambitions against more favoritism for her at their own expense - Senator John Kerry if her successor will have her “womanness” hard to avoid, and difficult politically to fix.

Though the timing of her baby as it was “ODYSSEY DAWN” did broadcast like simultaneously with the Twitter scandal of her top Middle East Advisor’s husbands “tri - pol - I” pixilated infidelity it may not be another WAG THE DOG Clintons CYA for the French needed to take the lead on Tripoli.  Much more has been to getting more hazy.

She needed the French as did President Obama it seems; they needed the French to take the lead because they didn’t have the necessary leadership skills and experience themselves to have taken the lead so. 

So it seems, still. 

But as per our “Hillary” as not a too emotional (woman) politician prone to hot spots/flashes and irregularities we have that she leaves to the likely nominee Senator John Kerry a fog of Diplomacy and international politics much ado about how if we were right to proceed towards the killing of Osama Bin Ladin and Qadhaffi and to the stand-offishness about Egypt than we must have been justified earlier towards a similar pursuit, however, against Saddam Hussein, and, as he to many was considered worse.

As per our “Hillary” this may all about her just a vengence seeking hawk and as a former First Spouse scorned, and, not otherwise specifically about her as an irregular female and too moody a woman.  There is the “HILLARY BEFORE” and the “HILLARY AFTER” and still so much worrisome as to how she can be so different now than she was while First Lady.

So it seems, still.  

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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:53 am

>>> coming soon <<<

SAMPLE:   {Our hopes are upon him now as another set soon so out to pasture and reflection;  these days soon to dawn for hopes not too bogged down.  And, by the embers of his peats a shared stoking for the she fires before now but out to pastures, soon.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:19 am

We have heard a lot about “fair share” these past weeks, and, we gladly haven’t heard too much about coal.

We have hardly heard from Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, and nor have we yet had the fair discussion of how much “coal” this “lady” deserved/deserves.

What is right?  What is wrong?  What was and is “Playing Politics”?  What needs to be done?

We have a leading woman character too written of a presumption of innocence not fitting the amount of baggage she carries around, and, we have that she meddled in similar affairs earlier that are of records stored somewhere.

It is wrong to forget THE BENGHAZI FOUR, and, it is wrong to ignore that “Hillary” used to be FLOTUS Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be avoiding jousting at Libya as if just a windmill, and, VP Biden may be loyal and subservient with such hoofing and pedestrian tripping.

It is wrong to let go or ignore that Senator Clinton did reportedly vote for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and, that she voted for a war like “operation” without having read the related intelligence reports.

Records of the Administration of the Clintons that are related just for her travels and foreign meddling are much of protections of political privacy wanting of that which remains of their maybe thirty years of “secrecy.”

President Obama and his trusty borrow also mounted sidekick VP Biden are right not to joust at Libya and Benghazi as just “windmills” — they are wrong - so wrong as Secretary of State Clinton - much now more so for having “Played Politics” with “terrorism” while such considerable as actually an “act of war” expecting a serious response.

Simply the foreign policies for the vast and varied regions from Tripoli to the Afghanistan and Pakistan border are considerably different between this administration and its predecessor administration and the co-administration of the Clintons then before such. 

We do not have a common thread that needs us to think this administration has to be treated with kid gloves to avoid incriminating the previous administration of the other party.

Sorry to say our Congress has a hard lot served as their trails to ride and walk about this to an “honorable” and “respectable” or “chivalrous” soldiering.  Hillary Clinton, as failed and failing still Secretary of State, is a can of worms politically speaking. 

We have that these matters do relate as per the injustice and unprofessional lack of foresight and preparedness by “leadership” of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton to a presumption of innocence for her despite her past flip flopping as per Operation Iraqi Freedom and such as stumbling after she had been to “voting” without having reportedly read the related “intelligence reports.”

With anticipation building for a great Political Congressional “SMACK DOWN” of a seemingly grossly negligent female Cabinet Officer of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama:

We have that these matters do relate at least in a sense of “what did she know - when did she know it” queriousness to her inciting and crusading days as FLOTUS Clinton and so to official records of the Administration of the Clintons. 

We have that she being this wrong now suggests she has been quite wrong officially for a while and so much so that we may think it our civic duty to suggest or insist that Congress unseal most of the foreign policy records of the Administration of the Clintons otherwise tucked away for that remaining of secured “privacy” allowances nearly thirty years set.

She is a can of worms that seems already to much OPEN to now not see if President Obama’s “jousting” or not has he and his trust side kick VP Biden has also of having stepped all in it, all that among it on the sordid trails from the hoofing of the crusading Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

Benghazi represents more than a lurking threat of a windmill possessed.  As an “ACT OF WAR” of an ongoing known war it is that President Obama is taggable as of “Playing Politics” and muckraking with his Madam Secretary as if it could be “terrorism.”

{We can leave it to conspiracy theorists to discuss alternative machinations these events could have wrought if Governor Mitt Romney hadn’t quickly stepped in and stemmed a flood of misinformation that probably or just possibly was building.} 

{We can leave it for others to wonder if Bill Clinton with Al Qaeda like “funding” methods now his with his CGI isn’t himself incidentally or accidentally of a “material support of terrorism” if Benghazi rates as “terrorism.”}

The Administration of Barack Hussein Obama seems to have let now - and still seems to be letting still - an “act of war” go unanswered, and, the administration with Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton seems beset with a now long over due queriousness as per “what did she know - and how long did she know it?”

Earlier during the co-Administration of the Clintons we did let acts of war, like, on embassies go largely un-responded to as of a category of a fog of conflicts of a “terrorism” gray, and, earlier the Clintons could call it “terrorism” for they were avoiding acknowledging their “PEACE” time as actually “WAR” time.

It is wrong for President Obama now to call the events that show now a of a gross negligence by a female Cabinet Officer to accept her attempts to let it go as “terrorism” and further political cover for failures of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

The attacks that killed four under the care and keep charge upon Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and while of such as one of her “babies” of BOLD “mothering” are best to be called “ACTS OF WAR IN A KNOWN AND ONGOING WAR.”

What did she know?

When did she know it?

Is she just being loyal to spousal plotting and of the “secured” papers of the co-Administration of the Clintons now and of “political” judgements in keeping with a “behavior” of avoiding “intelligence reports” or new counsel of “intelligence”?

Is Hillary Clinton the most POLITICAL Secretary of State our nation has ever had?  How is it that the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t “Playing Politics” with events of such as the negligence about Hillary’s BENGHAZI?

The co-administration of the Clintons essentially seemed to leave President George W. Bush two started games of JENGA, and, the Clintons seemed in unison of like a coy “best wishes” while it seems that they did leave him each a tower of their own “playing” where he had but only one move left to “play” before two towers would just fall down.

{We can leave it to conspiracy theorists to discuss how annoyed and even paranoid once new President Clinton was when then of a simple self awareness that he had oddly become President without having earned such mantle, and, we can leave it to them that he did express annoyance that his predecessor had “left him a war.”  It is better for such to look at how President Clinton may have been petty again and to thinking he (they?) should leave their successor at least one war.}

We have that by the time our Congress may get to giving Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton a due “third degree” or a “whole nine yards” of review for her of a perp walk or cat walk “political” the events of 9/11 II have passed too long as considerable as an unanswered ACT OF WAR.

What is a fair share of blame now for President Barack Hussein Obama?

What is the fair share of blame for Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton, and, how long its years of incrimination?

What is or is not just a “windmill” to Vice President Joseph Biden?

This is not about Christmas “coal” for a born yesterday “Hillary”!

With the elections now passed we can look back and consider that these of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama did seemingly get all busy with “Playing Politics” over events in Libya, and, with these elections once so critically set to turn against them if such was allowed out honestly as not “terrorism” - as but acts of war in a warring known and ongoing - but/yet there to fore of having been being politically sold as “GOING WELL” and them of “WINNING.”

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has her fair share of documents of their co-Administration of the Clintons earlier “official” days, and, Madam Sec now gives cause to have such reviewed much at least as they that are just of her fair share of secured papers and such. 

She did crusade and incite as FLOTUS “Hillary” - and stomp and rant much as if an imperialistic queen irrespective of whose “turf” she was upending.  She has now been of such a BOLD intelligence failure that she seems institutionalized about such failure as of a consistent and/or persistent other realmness.

These may be just “windmills” to President Barack Hussein Obama and his otherly orderly side kick Vice President Joseph Biden, and, these may be days where they are due a political separation and differentiation from “Hillary.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

A longer title could or should be NEW WORLD ORDER TABLETS.  Our world has changed and we have by one party more than another been encouraged to change with them in ways contrary to our long established systems of checks and balances.

Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

A retrospective on President Obama should now at least dig up how his famed “SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” CAIRO SPEECH oddly proffered like:  American slaves got out of their bondage peacefully and without violence.

The complexity of this recently re-elected President who wanted to have a “personality” based Presidency has another grand oratory moment of international concern for any world order.   Some how Senator Barack H. Obama spoke to a large crowd in Berlin, Germany and with linguistic oratorical looseness such that he closed out his rendition of history as if his father as a army cook was critical to the success of the Berlin Air Lift and so that he the son now can stand and inherit from his father and all listening a personal empowerment of having saved the World - or just Berlin, himself.

We are of days of wonderful new communication tools that don’t just have to be wired by Government as tools for mass partisan assimilations.  As tablets are of our past carried morality now new tablets are there yet to be used for a better modern morality.

President Obama now has a problema much like that visceral for his predecessor while himself no long re-electable — The Clintons as like “family” - adopted and embraced step children/brethren - by the Bush clan did turn out knives as if back stabbing political opportunists even though Bush was no longer “electable.”   President Obama now himself no longer re-electable has the Clintons as his greatest threat and as an internecine Democrat divided house — as the Clintons were willing to back stab the Bush as “family” as “rivals” of Administration of President Obama what won’t they be willing to try to do, politically just within their own party?

President Obama may have the greatest friend as of the adage “an enemy of my enemy is my friend” with Senator John Kerry if approved to be Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s successor.  He should after Benghazi failures now of problems and unpreparedness within some of her own “pet” issues be called to a cleaning of her houses of State.  A Secretary of State John Kerry is a perfect political ally for President Obama against an expected internecine power struggle (for legacies - over legacies).

Most concerning, despite how dangerously framed, in these complicated times, by the real international and geo-regional politics more real than some of the above oratorical confounding profferings, and as if we are working on a tower of policies on shifting sands and without an adequate foundation, remains, though little pressed, to be how we have been of Mrs. Clintons our “oversight” head for Mr. Clinton while of all his CGI and Library and/or Foundations’ global machinations.

I don’t know that our system with checks and balances and its three equal branches of Government ever failed to consider that a wife is not supposed to be our “policing” agent for a “hen house” of global egg laying of her husband.  I do think that is like having put an known egg thief in charge of securing our eggs.

We can recall how I and others did give the orator of at least the above mentioned past Obama speeches very low grades or failiing grades for one or the other - and how others gave him glowing like A++ s even though he spoke as if orating a denial that our Civil War had actually been at all about slavery. 

We can though still look at how our Executive Department has historically worked with more checks and balances and too more transparency over our history — We can look at how almost all of President Obama’s weak or faulted international moments and especially of his speaking with prepared remarks has his top Diplomat as Secretary of State as a Cabinet level “officer” at least primarily a suspect for each as each fault had her of a job to see it and say something about each before each and even maybe to have been an “expert” with “edits” proffered.

Politically speaking just about the very concerning above problema intertwined in much of what isn’t working now while of “national” or “federal” hands we have that a Secretary of State John Kerry can come in and blame his predecessor for most if not all of his new boss’s past international foibles - and domestic messaging as per them all.

I was disappointed recently when I quickly Googled “modern moralists” and didn’t see any “modern” moralists then in the first page of results.  Again, it may be “leaders” of your party that are using new “tablets” to attempt to work a mass hysteria to an acceptance of methodologies contrary to our system and still writ regulatory ways. 

But about President Obama — has he been an imperialistic neo-colonialist?  Was he trapped by internecine Democrat Party machinations hung-over from the Clintons’ spousal plotting to a having of his “governance” hands greatly tied up by the Clintons?  Is President Obama though of a desire to be of a “personality” based Presidency and despite how a “cabinet of rivals” rivaled such as a contradicting paradigm/conundrum but now of a legacy near exactly as that which we would have had if of an extention of the Administration of the Clintons as attempted?

With former President William Jefferson Clinton, here to fore protected by his spouse, while she the cabinet level officer charged with oversight of organizations like his creatively established CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE, still of his CGI as if a privately operated “State Department” can Senator Kerry start at State as the successor of such charge now without calling rightly for a full and complete audit of all the overseas activities of our former President William Jefferson Clinton?

Even though like President Bush in years past we have that President Obama is no longer also re-electable can that the Clintons are of his own party keep them from behaving just as disloyal or even more of a lack of loyalty?

Though our new tablets are now of us still of a lasting legacy of foundations in earlier tablets we have problems now in part for international “relations” are so borderless that we are of a new world more of “international politics” than as before of and for “global diplomacy” for relationships between peoples.

Again we have had administration by Democrats where they have worked less than possible and/or prudent towards an national awareness raising to better “informed” “citizens” as all of a “towards such” reality.  These Democrats new and or compromised so, as of a before when a “before” wasn’t too early, have been contrary to our basic methodologies secured by our Constitution by policies and practices more towards a shift at home and abroad to as many as possible more to as if just “subjects.”

These are days of us of new world order with tablets old and new — and of people in a world more already of an “international politics” than the “Diplomacy” so far of the Obama administration’s State Department has pressed, itself. 

We have that we are of dangers just from a lack of sharable understanding of the attacks to the loss of THE BENGHAZI FOUR as such is going down rightly, it seems, as an “ACT OF WAR” in a known ongoing war and not as a random act by unknown unaffiliated “terrorists” as spewed in amateur fashions by those we accepted (wrongly) as experts.

The new order possible for President Obama in his second term with Senator John Kerry if confirmed to be our next Secretary of State remains of opportunities for the both of them to blame Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for most of the past “shortcomings” or “failures” - yet to allow President Obama an escape for near un-American “management” methods of his having let Mrs. Clinton be the policing “officer” of his cabinet for all “foreign” activities of her husband has to rest on his shoulders as of his naivete and bad managerial and legal judgement.

We are so of new tablets and a new world order our Democrat Party leaders are trying to subdue but when to mass assimilations to dictatorial obedience as if of more “subjects” than “citizens” below them, and while of an opportunity to govern more as if a media corporation of “pop” artistry in lieu of due process by governance still of and by laws, not man or woman.

It is if, some at least, that President Obama thought he of a “personality” based Presidency wouldn’t have to make consideration for “management” or “cost consciousness” that actually recognized “temptations” as a human problema necessitating a governance by laws not by will or tyranny of a man or woman - or an elite troika.

Again:  Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

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