I am with you Gen (Whatever) - the new YOUTH OF AMERICA.
The trenchant President Barack Hussein Obama, as long as his ACA Obamacare is surviving, has you all now protected until age 26, I believe, as still subjects/wards of your parents - justly. The wise pursuit for each of you now isn’t to try to find a job as your greatest returns may now be of the economic game changing by Prez as “wards” with time to now start lobbying your Federal Government so that by the time you turn 27 you will still be able to be a just ward of your parents and country.
It has been said that our current President has no philosophy of governance. It is that he did early on suggest we needed to become more French - more like the French. These days of depressed and trying times has most of the old stigma of unemployment “governed” away. It is that France didn’t become “French” by turning the worlds greatest economy into what they now have. It is as if Prez has been trying be more French as if all the stylings and economies of just Manhattan could all fit in one beret.
What has been happening as a next predictable to some devolution of the United States of America is that now Prez while so trenchant has been while of a posit of RACE TO THE TOP quite to a coddling to remove social stigmata about any wards/subjects not educated quite so. There are many ways that Prez has been depressing recessionary economics by government suppression of once more naturally moral philosophical renditions. His treatments on your human condition are not well thought through or considerate as of an a priori possible.
There is a probability that Prez while so trenchant and yet without a philosophy of governance while of so much acting is now to a new wave of economy shrinkage due to his “morality.” With what has been offered though mostly as of an Obama hypothesis as if a working theorem there is that such begets that now there is a game change to a duty of all employers and those industrious to ask and answer: HOW SMALL SHOULD THE ECONOMY BE?
Peeps of Gen (Whatever) you best use of time may now be to a self motivated home schooling in philosophy - philosophy of governance and governments. As it seems with our Prez so trenchant you all will be best to learn how to publicly protest (party?) at the national level as unemployed yet fully covered YOUTH OF AMERICA as a united Lobby and firstly best likely as towards amendments to Obamacare so that by the time you turn 27 you will then all so be able to be coddled still as wards of your parents and Government.
It did become clear since before such of how trenchant Prez is that his RACE TO THE TOP was of a usage of “TOP” uncertain and unexplained. Confusing was much about this so confounding too that while he said “RACE TO THE TOP” he soon regularly turned tail and spoke dictatingly to how per his thinking it is bad to be above the middle, like.
How to be an Obama-TRON is your current and greatest new predicament. Prez BO has undermined if not fully disassembled our once greatest economy in the world - SEEMS. He has now effected such a game change that it seems possible or probable that those of the economy of the United States of America have only witnessed a first wave of economic shrinkage.
Unlike George Washington Prez has been against there being vicissitudes incident to life as free radicals in his economics. He wants an economy, as he has long said, quite basically flat and free from unpredictable UPS and DOWNS - highs & lows.
Of what can stay together in his thinking that seems well short of being a workable philosophy of governance, and while it so seems as if he ignored that France didn’t become so admirably French by setting asunder at home the worlds greatest economy, we can say is that he has shown a desire and dug-in-ness to suggest that he must want to control all of it if he has tried to control this much of it.
Obama-TRONS of this new flat economy of Prez BO it is time to figure that it is pointless to resist - to be of a resistance any longer. He will assimilate you - or stay so trenchant while trying. It figures you are now liberated by his efforts at assimilation as he has rendered so many old of stigmata as stigma no longer as per meek to inherit health and strength freely and so that it is now PC to be on the Government dole - and of a race to be TOP in statistics as if of a MOST FREQUENT FLYER.
Yes Obama-TRONS it is confusing that ACA Obamacare is set up so that you and your gen can bankrupt the entire nation by seeking to be loyal and patriotic in a full and compliant assimilation. Yes Obamacare is like Social Security.
Right Obama-TRONS as the new YOUTH OF AMERICA you have been freed from needing to get work to stay healthy. Yes it is so of Prez thinking that you’ld should believe he has a pill for it, like. Right Obamacare is like Social Security - and OH MY - yet how different now as you have to consider your grandparents and their life style & carbon footprints.
It is essential to all this of Prez so trenchant to a half baked game change, and how it seems he thinks all the stylings and economies of just Manhattan can fit in one beret of Obama, that now thinkers and educators too would be amiss if not to asking and proffering diatribes morally figured about how small our economy now should be. Prez BO is still trying to be a costumed super hero that saves the entire planet from an end of the world as we know it doom of GLOBAL WARMING, however scientific or not. ie: It may be wrong to permit new construction as per a NEW NATIONALISM and his green federal agents as building and building activities may net more carbon use by enough so that it would be immoral to want to like “move up” or “move out.”
I am with you Gen (Whatever) - the new YOUTH OF AMERICA. Right Obamacare is like Social Security - BUT!!!
Right you are now of an age and a changed economy where your grandparents like have two of the jobs that might have been already yours. Right these days are of a liberation from old social stigmata and you now freer to be a Washington based Lobby unto yourselves however of a Party. It figures to be patriotic you are best to be now to a personal race to the TOP of Prez and his example that it is an ability to get free from Government whatever you need or want as his TOP so exercised so far.
I am with you Gen (Whatever) - the new YOUTH OF AMERICA. Right Obamacare is like Social Security - BUTT!!!
It is fruitless to fight the assimilation now! You know the math! You know maybe that we have now only seen the first wave of economic shrinkage related to Prez being so trenchant to fit the once greatest economy of the world into a French beret, like. Right! You get that it is pointless to resist while so much is being offered for free for so many if they just assimilate. You get that as your grandparents now likely have two of the jobs that might have been yours they otherwise would be more so to taking most of your earnings if you actually had a real job.
Right Obamacare is like Social Security! But unlike Social Security it is set up so that people of the United States of America can quickly bankrupt their own nation while assimilated in a NEW NATIONALISM so. Unlike Social Security, yet while argued as being nationally just as moral, it is that Obamacare is a social program to allow people to have some net safety but on oddly set up to allow people instead of waiting decades for its dollars to near instantly be seeking compliant ways to get hundred folds what they contribute out of it immediately and regularly.
Right Obamacare is like Social Security but that you don’t have to wait and are not supposed to wait - you can and should be getting as much from it up front as you can even if hundreds or thousands times what you did or ever will be of putting in.
And see why you may want to become home schooled, at least, now in a study of philosophy - philosophy of governance? As long as your grandparents have at least one of the jobs that should have been yours and otherwise to an unemployment with their excessive carbon footprints to just a high subsistance level grossly now more greatly off your nets - what is there really to do but take all the free and less stigmatized time to start lobbying as a NEW NATIONALIST now for the age to be soon enough to age 27 - at least?
Frankly it is diabolical how much we have now to cut through as a fog/smoke of the histories of the past twenty plus years.
To preface a late treatment of such dangers here are a few of my recent Facebook status posts:
“#Obama let me be clear (of) #BushLibrary > US Constitution has God in it & is a Christian establishment > Founders did ordain & establish it all in the Year of their Lord with that “Year of our Lord” for Posterity and Tranquility of “We the People…” with it People not people and “Year of our Lord…” not “Year of Our Lord…” Don’t know how to interpret now that it seems re-established that the USA is of a Christian Constitution of a 1st Amendment barring of Congress such that it is barred from making any laws to set itself above the equal right of the people though in “interpretation” of God and God’s will.”
“What is written of/for Islam as to facing East 5 times a day in shared prayer as at least as important as a sextant to a sailor of at least two dedicated uses per day and with one always early enough in each morning so of/for Islam about observations so as to keep faithful from losing their ways with God as a dedicated sextant use is necessary to a sailor to avoid becoming lost at sea?”
“Was #SecClinton #Hillary too busy trying to usurp legacy global powers of Treas & Commerce Dptmnts to do Diplomatic Mission right?“
“Is it of Islam that the paths to God disappear most days though still there while for most Christians their paths just become more worn and beaten and especially if just temporarily covered/hidden by some fresh snow? And that for Irish there of Ireland maybe their drinking paths are also same paths to Church? Where for Islam and the sands of times theirs there as paths to God’s places do most days seem to have disappeared?“
I figure it may be far safer to be a stoner in the regions dominantly and historically of Islam and desserts than to be of such regions with heat stroke risks and regular dangers from disorientation particular to wide open desserts and sand storms. I figure it may be safer to be stoner and even one lightly stoned than to be there and inebriated as of intoxication with alcohol.
President George W. Bush’s recently rebroadcast remarks as to how suicide bombers must have been “hopeless” speak to an alarmism due about the actual already passed years of Clintons’ administering - as still quite haunting.
President Barack Hussein Obama recently with his incriminating #BUZZFEED two am #WHCD stoking did give rise to the questioning now as to whether his illegal drug use that had him with early morning munchies was of usage criminal to break GOOD or break BAD haunting establishments or if it was just recreational mind numbing chemical doping of no points or counterpoints specificities.
President William Jefferson Clinton has left Jihadists and the established moral leaders of their religion less hope than they likely ever imagined possible as from one of the highest office of the United States of America.
It is as per Jihad it seems to rest that hope must have been dashed for a path to civil and peaceful Justice for their to be a Holy War causal. Even as per 9/11 I & II if “Jihad” mustn’t there have been, however, no civil or peaceful path for Justice left available as per the issues of an associated guilt?
I don’t know if President Obama would have to get half baked or fully cooked to be of a mental capacity to fathom the full diabolical of the Clintons’ legacy that left radicals of Islam of no hope for Justice but as by Jihad.
Attorney General Eric Holder has his hands full if he is to rend Justice back into Democrat Party executive execution exactly as per reducing a sense of Justice by Jihad only for those of Islam where ever. He may have to offer those remaining “Middle East Leaders” once of an 1993 era Clinton political con a specific amnesty and exactly as associated with moral justifications left to realm of suicide bombers at least as concerns 9/11 I.
If the 9/11 highjacker “terrorists” are so “Jihadists” and so of having seen no hope for Justice but as then through a Holy Warring sacrificial Jihad then such is of the moral realm of the faith and faithful of Islam and of a knowing about the right and wrong in the charges of the supreme leaders of the establishments moral of such faith. For us to be to finally litigating a guilt of the Clintons at least to a GROSS NEGLIGENCE for their eight years as our highest office holders our Attorney General Eric Holder may have to offer said of “Middle East Leaders” circa 1993 corruption of President Clinton amnesty from prosecution so that we can morally discuss how the Clintons had left Justice as not possible by any other means more civil or peaceful.
It was half baked that President Barack Hussein Obama did pressure all to not “re-litigate” a past that hardly had been yet litigated specifically once at least to a necessary moral understanding. The Clintons have not yet been effectively litigated for so much that can have been causal to faithful of Islam thinking there was no civil or peaceful path for a Justice as per the issues that are discussed as the motivation of the 9/11 I suicide bombers.
There is a political trap still effectively set for said “Middle East Leaders” however associated honorably with a corruption of the Clintons dated back as far as 1993. Without an offer of specific and full amnesty for such high class of people where ever they may be now as survivors of the Arab Spring they cannot share their perspective on the Clintons however “corrupting” it might be honorably. It is as if the Clintons are still surviving politically as if Redford in the STING and them of the conning globally.
We are stuck all sort of in a half baked no-mans land that now will beget more terrorism as of a Jihad just because said “Middle East Leaders” cannot speak morally and free about the cons and crash politics of the Clintons without damning themselves in a too on its face to people of the United States self incriminating telling.
It remains that President Barack Hussein Obama may be more dangerous as one of our highest office as not still a faithful of Islam. It is that to some of such faith he may be an apostate and to us of greater dangers as he governs as an adult who shed his religion of birth as if by choosing Christianity as a better religion. We have that for such to be resolved we may need a more serious BOOK OF BARACK than my column @ jphogan.org to detail how he lives not as if Christianity is a better religion than Islam is but just that it is a better religion for him.
It is the Congress of the United States that is barred by the First Amendment from making any law respecting an establishment of religion and religious tenets as if it has a superior right in moral interpretation than the people of the People. Our President is allowed like our Courts to be though of wearing their morality and faithfulness on their sleeves and in their talk and walk.
Our Clintons are not loveable for how diabolical their conning was and still is. They do seem to be fooling too many still too long as if of a STING set up for personal and political profits for their spousal husbandry however of private and public domains. It does figure that the supreme moral leaders of Islam and likely leaders of sovereign Muslim countries had to have an awareness of some “knowing” as predictive to 9/11 I & II. It figures that this may be a matter of our Clintons of having left no sense that a civil and peaceful path for a Justice on such issues was possible, and, that said “Middle East Leaders” could bare witness against the Clintons still if only maybe our Attorney General Eric Holder could secure them a just amnesty from prosecution.
It is that I oddly remember new President William Jefferson Clinton as to haunting me while about such in its earliest days in the White House. I was haunted then by such as inappropriate and corrupt and then for those years long until 9/11/01 - as it happened to have turned out.
Can we get the Clintons’ recipe for Jihad disasters revealed yet and as if of a first litigation?
Is President Barack Hussein Obama more dangerous as an apostate to his religion of birth than if he actually were a faithful of Islam?
Is this really not about religion but of a GROSS NEGLIGENCE at least of the Clintons’ 8 as at least politically half baked?
It seems it can only have been the administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” that left no hope for Justice by any means more civil and peaceful than that of the said Jihad of “terrorism” of 9/11 I. It seems we are all at least have cooked still as long as the Clintons’ con is allowed to keep running. It seems we should find a way to peacefully invite said supposed “Middle East Leaders” long ago of the Clinton request hauntingly and oddly remembered of he of asking them to “just blame Republicans” and as well like “to not attack the USA until after he was no longer President.”
TILT!!! ???
Have the Clintons rigged the global politics such as if they are successfully like a Robert Redford with a STING for personal political gain? How can we free the honorable faithful however of a predictive knowing that preceded events to a thought Justice on 9/11/01 - how can we loosen the tongues honorably of those as “Middle East Leaders” that the Clintons did seemingly trap and keep since 1993 “blaming” ploys?
We are now still unjustly suffering because so much of the politics of the Clintons was half baked.
Ours and those faithful of Islam may only have a better hope for peace and Justice now if we can clear whomever were knowing faithful as leaders whence to feel safe to bare witness against the Clintons - or just Bill Clinton.
As long as it seems at home or abroad that Bill Clinton is rising again to such highness however so corrupted and diabolical we all will be such that Jihad will have justifications still as per issues at least dated back as far as the Clintons’ first term. As long as Bill Clinton continues to think he can get away with this there will be no hope possible for an effective Justice as per what might have been until his first term actually much just the fault of Republicans.
Please Attorney General Eric Holder do offer any appropriate said as “Middle East Leaders” a proper amnesty from prosecution so that we can get those that actually know this to come forward to pave a better way to Justice anew away from a sense that no Justice is possible by more civil and peaceful means than Jihad.
It actually figures that unless we embrace those of “Middle East Leaders” and in a sharing of how the USA may have asked for it we cannot restore our Constitution and Government to working and respectable order free from what is diabolical as of a con half baked of and by the Clintons - such as I can tell.
There were some sheer moments of Obama in a no-nonsense comedic self incrimination. These may be the times of better leg work by Secretary Kerry as Obama’s Secretary Clinton replacement than of the leg work of Obama while politically stuck to the hemming and fraying of the Clintons’ exploits.
You have been un-styled too long. If you haven’t fashioned a comity about politics of the American confederate republic of the years since Governor and Mrs. Clinton walked your way in a rudely late 1992 strutting it may be because the Clintons can not be styled for comity. We do now have Mrs. Clinton now infamous for “ready from day one” and “ready at 3am” runs contrary to how she warranted or guaranteed her “Hillary for President” vanity.
Maybe if Mrs. Clinton were now having to out model our Barack Obama for high office she might have that his “BUZZ FEED” 2am moments might be worse than her infamy for her as unable and unprepared when fateful 3am challenges dressed her down.
What of our Barack Obama’s walk of his second term as of his new Secretary of State struggling to helm the heeling of so much keeled over that he has inherited from Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?
It may have been political fashion faux pas for President Obama to ask either of the Clinton “two-fer” to walk more straight and with more honesty. He may have tuned out when he needed most to have tuned in back when stumbling or fumbling however to ‘BUZZ FEED” satisfaction celebration/consummation. But still it is that the Clinton “two-fer” is strung out now quite noticeably as they have to strut deniability and work it daily to avoid having to carry the weight and mass of their personal baggage just of their eight years as our highest in our confederate republic.
These are the days that must be trying Secretary John Kerry’s personal delights in kiting times as he is leeward bowed by an unjust innocent cloaking of two Clintons. He may have stories to tell of these inherited times tacked hard and back with less than stellar lines of Hillary Clinton’s heeled helming of State. He may be stirred by ghosts of an albatros fairly due about the neck of at least then FLOTUS Clinton. It is hard to say that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while First Lady was more humane than the lore’d ancient mariner.
It is a stone cold sober reality that President George W. Bush and his father were no Reagans. And, it is still sobering that so much of the spending by President George W. Bush was simply necessary because the Clinton “two-fer” had created a disaster waiting to bust out by having cut two trillion too quickly and so with it of nearly one trillion too much cut. President Bush 43 was stuck with an economy the Clintons had treated as a candle that they could burn from both ends at once. Though the Bush Tax Cuts were justified and justifiable by the Clinton “two-fer” trillion in surpluses the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were not well figured nor judiciously fit for those days.
It seems it is a moral paradigm some how there seems to be a calculation that Bush was wrong and for lying and yet so such that the Clinton “two-fer” were necessary to that which too many have simply let walk as lies talked and strutted. It is sheer madness that there is much nonsense of our Barack Obama as of posturing that is suggestive that Hillary was/is not worth looking at. The years 1993-2001 were not years that justified the Clintons’ ploys of/to PEACE DIVIDENDS.
It may help the confederate republic still stand true if we boost Secretary John Kerry so that he feels freer to walk an erudite rendition of the Clintons as per their eight years and so that we can picture Mrs. Clinton with all her personal baggage as her’s to carry herself and towards a truer new fashioning that she may have been near our worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States of America.
Though we now have been refreshed that our Barack Obama by two in the mornings had likely tuned out in days he would have been better to have tuned in it is still that so much of the Clintons is revealable as more half baked. It is arguable that President Bush left a set-up for some due times for global tough love to allow the USA to better position itself going forward for parity and equality/fairness. As #SecClinton such set-up was squandered and now with it arguable that we didn’t need to improve relationships so as “Hillary’s” legwork as strutted as if well styled and necessary. It seems that “Hillary” just gave too much away and was too easy as she gave and gave.
It is still nonsense that President Obama didn’t herald the prudence of either of the Bush Presidents however they were yet short of Reagan while pimping the Clintons as if of a innocence that can be stoked but not quite reasoned. The slop of the tides and currents that are keeping Secretary John Kerry from an ecstasy in swift board kiting is also much of how the Clintons did corrupt our banks so to keenly politicize an unjust popularity to burn our economy as if a candle lit from both ends so that they could pass the bucks by stoking irregular branding. It isn’t just that FLOTUS Clinton was an incendiary imperialistic First Lady of global trotting and posting as if it were safe then to come home and unharness our defenses and intelligence realm with vast budget cuts for them to get a new fix from PEACE DIVIDENDS in times when old wars were being rewalked.
We may not have the luxury of avoiding looking closely at Hillary Clinton and the Clintons’ fashionings since 1993. It is ridiculous that “Hillary” did crusade as a inciting imperialistic First Lady and that she would then come home and support her husband fully as they they proceeded with sheer nonsense now all to haunting of having cut our defenses and intelligence realms after having traveled the world picking fights.
Really it may be a good first step towards 2014 & 2016 to look grossly at the leg work of the Clinton “two-fer” as much of utter nonsense, however it now may net out.
This is a time for a new REASON, MORALITY AND POWER discussion. And, now it seems President Carter as sold it that President Bush was from day one due more honors for fairness than either of the Clinton “two-fer” after their eight years.
It is reasonable to join a dressing down of at least Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton as a Secretary of State that can go down as near our worst ever in the history of the confederate republic of the United States of America. It may have been that our Barack Obama by two in the mornings was fumbling in a faux ecstasy with munchies his “BUZZ FEED” yet it is the infamy of our Hillary Clinton that is a stoking to be forewarned about.
Better it would have been if our Barack Obama served up that the Clintons can go down as “HALF BAKED” and that we should have prudently flushed them for such long long ago; it is concerning that for some reason she of the Clinton “two-fer” cooked up a squandering of days of righteous indignation opportunism that she inherited as a rare styling for a new prudence from global international tough love diplomacy.
You do not know the Clintons nor President Obama the way that I do. I have known the Clintons since the early 70s and known of such B.O. from Hawaii four years ahead of me since the late seventies.
There is much to my regularly refreshed ‘he is so wrong on Iraq he can hardly be right about anything’ thought that needed be specifically about tragedies of this week and my history with Barack Obama.
There is much I can not ever ignore of and from the Clintons of from their plotting years between the early 70s and as predating their assumption of the White House as of them of sharing with me that they had thoughts and plotting to undermining our Constitution as if of plotting to break it but as if appearing to be bending it greatly. I know the Clintons for having shared that they wanted to disregard our Constitution in order to attempt their ambitions like now long visible towards being the most powerful two people in the world. I can not ignore that I bore witness in spirit to their plotting and sharing nor that I was surprised that after their assumption of the White House they turned out to be so bold to actually think it wise or practicable to attempt to effect such of their decades of spousal scheming.
But today of this tragic week it is more to how sad it was for me after having helped the Clintons become more electable than I had meant to towards 1992 that further down the road my original assistance was being misappropriated by them and others in the Democrat Party though original to me and my ambitions and figurings to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.
My story of having helped the Clintons in 1992 is too long a story now some told to go into greatly here now, but as it of me of thinking Democrats were desperate as a party and dangerous in a desperation and of a need to be much saved from themselves.
But I cannot abide President Barack Hussein Obama much for having embraced the Clintons after my efforts to have defeated their 2008 attempts much to his unintended benefit. I was of a generous thought for him that I should give him a year to show a willingness to clean up his own party before trusting my distrust primarily in a fuller stand against any Democrat too affiliated with the Clintons. I can be remembered for having encouraged the Republicans to try to position themselves as a party of noes from the earliest moments of such a general GOP response, and, I can be remembered for having asked CNBC to ask one of theirs to broadcast my thought that America could use a new Tea Party.
But for now and for this tragic week it is as much for the problems I have historically much with once just state Senator Barack Obama for his break-out Democrat Party Convention speech. Many since have read his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and to a possible realization that stylistically the two are quite different. For me who didn’t intent to watch that convention at that moment and yet turned it on it was a woeful and most annoying moment of thoughts visceral of “he is stealing my lines” and with it of echoes of powers that be of guidance to him to “try to own it - make it your own” and with “put a black face on it”.
If only you knew how such lines were originally meant and intended to work for a greater good as new more civil language much needed when first figured back before the Clintons had yet braved their unexpected late entrance into the 1992 race.
Yes I know that State Senator Barack Obama’s break-out convention speech had him more of my style than his of his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and that the echoes about his oration of lines too much mine were quite viscerally quite annoying as if a theft of intellectual property. I was years into annoyance along these lines for the Clintons were not authorized after the election for their misappropriate and incomplete usage of such that I had figured to be both to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and then some retweeked in a generosity to be to some saving of the Democrats from themselves.
The Clintons made me witness their spirited considerations to how they could benefit from a weaker interpretation of our Constitution that could come from them bending it so much on its face that it could only maybe be seen as a breaking and intent to undermine such. Again, I couldn’t believe they were thinking those things when they those years shared such thoughts and I could even less quite believe that after their assumption to the White House however then quite unearned and lucky that they then were so bold or stupid to actually try to move along with such effectings as they had long dreamed up.
I know that it was most annoying years into so much of this misappropriating and incorrect usage of what was my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM figurings to be as if a caboose to the Reagan Revolution when Howard Dean needed to be told as well to stop stealing my lines and especially while of his misuse of such in speeches to inner city youths supposedly as a message to not steal.
At the time of State Senator Obama’s break-out convention speech I had yet to connect that he from Chicago was that B.O. from Hawaii I had been aware of since I was in the seventh grade and reading to compete in school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration of War Day of Infamy speech.
He is so wrong about Iraq that he really can hardly be right about so much more. I did feel it was generous to give him a year to show he was willing to clean up his own party to naught. I do feel it was ridiculous that he so boldly offered a cover-up of the Clintons with “all Bush’s fault” impossible nonsense as such on its face was so preposterous an impossibility that the size of it as a cover-up suggested the size of a guilt really due considered as mostly the Clintons.
It was ridiculous that I had to tell Howard Dean to stop stealing my original lines and as it was that I had to when he was stealing them to give speeches against stealing. As per the unexpected defeat of the Clintons in the 2008 race you may have the Bush administration and its honoring of my request to officially keep the Clintons from misappropriating anew more inappropriate use of my original works and figurings originally most figured to be for a strong economic recovery then as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution. I was able with the honor and officialdom of the Bush administration keep the Clintons from sounding like their earlier more popular selves as when mostly of having learned to have sounded like me and my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
The Clintons are not running to be a new hope for America if they unwisely risk an entrance into the 2016 races. The Clintons are running to continue with their extra-Constitutional plotting to undermine our Constitution to have more essentially global autocratic powers as still the most powerful two people in the world since like 1993. They are at running to be the most powerful people in the world regardless of our Constitution as if not an inconvenient relic of outdated unpopular useless Law.
I have said most of this in different ways in various pieces on and off of my blog sites for years - this week bring new concerns as we have it seeming commenced that the Clintons are already at least started down the roads of the intra-party warfare towards destabilizing the Obama legacy even while he is still trying to write one to supplant the Clintons’ legacy whatever and however it is yet.
I know more than most or any other how much both sides of such started intra-party warfare has roots but otherwise than would have been if not for me and my old figurings of decades of individual thought to my then afterwards titled so as my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
I really would like to know whom it was who boldly was of the echoes of the State Senator Barack Hussein Obama break-out convention speech that annoyed me as theft of intellectual property and to such misuse so that now is more publicly notable as of #Obama as then of a different style remarkably from his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and yet quite of the rhyme and reasoning of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
And, yes it is of a woe to me that one who could have been to such a visceral annoyance so so was then later to be so wrong about Iraq as to be so wrong about everything else while oddly of some of an unauthorized use of words mine of a peace that historically better explains how and why both Clintons and this Obama have been quite wrong.
And this week of its tragedies we still have to wonder about the Time Square bomber as one of such family abroad that was of reports of being of dollars from the USA to fight terrorism at home and he supposedly so of reports of having set out to bomb in Time Square to restore his loss of honor to his family by bombing to offer further justification for more USA dollars to keep flowing to his country and his family to prevent terrorism.
A time it is and what a times it is to round up now the usual subjects and predicates. Oddly it seems no one knows enough about the scope and range of leading news even today. I may be much of such a class - such a subject much ado about President Obama as a politician from Chicago.
I had hardly given it much though on Patriots Day, as I set out for a long ten plus mile walk about in one of my pairs of hardly used FootJoy golf shoes, that such day was as well the annual day of the Boston Marathon. My dad did run in it once back in the 80s and I have been at or near the finish line because — I haven’t been in Boston since before the Big Dig got started but once maybe near its ground breaking. It was Tax Day of April 15th and the day after a remarkable Masters finale — my dad just had his first ever knee replacement surgery recently - I wasn’t thinking of him running or not running.
These times seem times of old but how, and too political in some ways, however, maybe more fitting for Dirty Harry in a hunt for bombers in Clinton masks - maybe firstly Hillary Clinton masks and then secondly a paired Bill and Hillary covering. Too little seems known of the suspects as per this subject and a class of “criminal” yet quite properly predicated, however. As it was I must have been finishing my long walk about the time of the ________________ that happened on the Boston Marathon route.
“It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.”
Right! Interesting start. Such a start fits with existing and potential “political” plot twists at least as too few or none know enough about such a tragic event, and, as so soon after she as Boston’s John Kerry’s predecessor was grilled about Benghazi culpability hers and to such pressured “Jack” moment as if of a Dirty Harry A COUPLE BAD WOMEN sequel to A FEW GOOD MEN with her of her outburst like “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE - NOW???”, and, to proffering a weakness on terror - a softness on crime investigating.
Are Bill and Hillary Clinton the (political) type to not go down alone? And Hillary Rodham Clinton, like President Obama can be said to be from Chicago too - she was born there and maybe now still more naturally a “Chicago pol” of a greater likelihood to end up in prison. I don’t know how shameful these subjects - this class of subjects of Mrs. Clinton and President Obama should now be as per gun control with them both “from” Chicago and not of having made Chicago as a gun-land danger zone not a 100 Days Priority. It is twisted that President Obama as from Chicago more directly and as a recent “Chicago pol” tried to stand up a political show about gun control any time after his first 100 Days without having spent such time dedicated fully to such, and, then long still before he too was to proffering free healthcare coverage.
It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it. It is not believable that a Republican in Boston even on Patriots Day could have not been suspicious in a Mitt Romney even about the Boston Marathon. It seems it might have had to have been a domestic about such cookery and caldrons of security and as if so in a Clinton mask, however, jolly as if off to a party. I do not know myself if there were only two “potlucks” served up in-suspiciously or if more of of the subject for better predication now - or if there were actually two more cooked up that didn’t get served properly.
It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it. She reportedly doesn’t like to cook and doesn’t like exercise and is suffering politically at least some from her successor from Boston John Kerry’s Secretarial acumen being a beating on and of her as likely not much more than mediocre while of the charge previously. It seems the Clintons are more like Will Farrell in THE CAMPAIGN than most in our recent history and not to lightly let a hit go un-responded to - it seems if the Clintons are now going down (finally) they are still of posturing to make sure that they won’t go down alone, right? If the Clintons won’t go down alone by natural instinct how will they try to scare off truth seekers from exposing them too much on however many subjects with whichever class of predicates that could be peacefully employed?
It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it. It is not that she is a witch or ever practiced witchcraft at least in Salem. It isn’t even much about Bill for having been judiciously sewn a SCARLET A upon their presidency. It may be more like another Tripoli as if another convenient crisis like a WAG THE DOG and yet generously of a sisterhood of HILLARY WOMEN as with her first strike ODYSSEY DAWN it timed to have been as if a tail wagging a dog anew but as if for Anthony Weiner’s predilections as a devotee of his mentor Bill Clinton. I don’t know how this tragedy of a “just something I cooked up” crockery that got past the caldron of Boston’s finest could have transpired but as if of a non-state sponsor at least like the Clintons’ CGI in range and scope — it seems they couldn’t have been set by conservatives on Patriots Day in Boston on any April the 15th Tax Day without being suspect from the outer rims/perimeters - it seems logical that the perp(s) must have like been covered as if in masks of either a jolly Bill Clinton or Hillary Rodham Clinton.
It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it. I can with such limited knowledge of such even only surmise that a Democrat or non-Republican could have pulled off walking through such crowds and security as if with a “POT-LUCK” mantra however carried as if of a “JUST SOMETHING I COOKED UP”. I don’t get this incident as for it being so late in the marathon unless somehow the “cooks” were not able to get through earlier with such a mantra seeming innocent enough. It still seems days later that this tragedy could be nonsense of thrill seekers and/or an exercising of too radicalized Democrat expression towards justifying higher taxation. If it has Mrs. Clinton’s finger prints all over it, or just a generous and defensive husband in Clintons’, I haven’t reasoned that out past such as these starts towards consideration of subjects and predicates.
I do fear the Clintons have to try to drive the news too much if they are to have any chance in surviving intra-party comparisons during the second term of President Obama and the seeming trumping Diplomacy of Bostonian Secretary John Kerry. They can now only be considered non-state actors about such despite how much Bill may still be on our payroll as a past President.
I did mean to use this title to start towards summer full of fun and light to amorous golf witticisms for sporting consumption. I didn’t figure a pressure cooker as the news broke as but a heavy crock pot slow cooker, even though I have seen such oddly somehow in use on interesting cooking channel shows. I was not aware that a “BOMB” could be tagged as if a POT-LUCK and carried into crowds anywhere, however, as if a jolly contribution as innocently “JUST SOMETHING I COOKED UP.”
It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it. She is the one that whined to Congress as if pleading that they tolerate her being light and/or soft on terror. Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton must have been despite her dislike of staying at home and cooking preeminently aware that bad actors as even HILLARY’S WOMEN could be carrying off “BOMBING” as if of sympathetic and timely political cooking.
I do wish my quiet April 15th activities of a long walk near a half marathon hadn’t become so disturbed by more tragic news seemingly somehow (yet explained) of inheritances from Hillary diplomacy and politics. It seems it could have been thrill seekers who just couldn’t resist trying to walk around with a “BOMB” as if a “POT-LUCK” - and that any conservative or Republican even if not in a Mitt Romney mask would have been naturally too suspect in such pressure caldron of Boston’s finest.
I too have not yet heard of a justification about these subjects and predications for a USUAL SUSPECTS that could explain how it is more likely of foreign elements or motives. It was both Tax Day and Patriots Day and seemingly only of outcomes to justify more taxes as per Democrats agendas - and even so if to keep taxes justified to a new high so that funding will still be there to like go after terrorists that Boston’s John Kerry’s Diplomacy now won’t be as soft as Chicago’s Hillary Rodham Clinton had been.
“It seems this has Hillary Clinton’s finger prints all over it.” And how really we shouldn’t treat this as just a teased perspective on another maybe “terror” related event that still has to be as well some of a “too political” consideration and judging - like RIGHT?
It is undeniable that Hillary Rodham Clinton was born to be a Chicago politician, such that she has become, however, and so that she among her peers, however less prone, is of a higher likelihood to be eventually imprisoned. It was documented that she was both raised as a young girl to hit her peers and to hit first - I will have to look up whom documented that she was raised to hit boys and to hit them first. It is now too much of a new record for the United States of America that she lacked in “diplomacy” while of such charge and to State based too “political” renderings as if a Secretary of War to a new way for the USA in a time of first strikes.
How have Obama’s days been of times more of a Hillary Doctrine to strike first and ask any questions later if someone disliked is still too alive to be conveniently handled? Is it only President Obama’s fault that he ushered the USA to a first strike standing with far less due process or is this what he dealt away before first being sworn in as a political solution to keep the Clintons from sabotaging his administration from like day one?
To tee up stories for this weeks coming challenges we have that grammatically there is a place for sport and for sports. It may be that Tiger Woods and Hillary Clinton are most in the weeds or stuck deep in the woods for having hazarded the most so far.
It isn’t sporting now to beat up Hillary Clinton too much after she couldn’t keep a straight face while puffing up for Women in World audiences. She couldn’t keep a straight face as she put her best leg forward knowing it doesn’t historically show well and as if a sad political war profiteerette seizing a chance to reinvent herself while apparently knowing she doesn’t deserve such. That she while of her new puffing up leg work was to failing to keep a straight face is quite politically suggestive that she is not a viable candidate for higher office.
It is not quite sport though to speak of Condoleezza Rice as per the Masters though it can be sporting now more than ever before. She is now professionally again sworn to defending her employer and its professional standards where ever she is as a Stanford University Professor. I don’t think she can be loyal based on race this weekend without being concerned for her school colors officially — I can hazard a consideration that Tiger Woods in entering this Masters plantation having hazarded his standing however by winning.
It is sport in sports to consider how Tiger Woods may or may not be able to take the heat - all the heat this week whether weaker at Amen Corner or of great temptresses around the Magnolias and laurels and all the legends of hazards bounded by and about Hogan’s Bridge.
But with Hillary Clinton, as a successor to Condoleezza Rice, and to much dishonesty, with lies about new foundations being needed, and all the while she as she managed to stand and proceed, mostly on grounds actually gained by progressive efforts about a freedom agenda, of the Bush administration, it is interesting how it may be another Hogan bridging about a Freedom Agenda that is still to be established as a freedom agenda as of a manifesto like of a Hogan’s THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM a oddly foundational for both the Clintons’ and Bush Administration. {The Clintons present themselves as inseparable as a “two-fer” so “Clintons’” usage is appropriate and sporting for a political honesty in marketing their branding in a possessive plural sharing.}
The talk of the Masters may all be how though Michelle Obama may not herself be a golf enthusiast she could trump masters better than Hillary with 2016 Presidential race if it isn’t inconvenient to have a Michelle vs. Hillary Constitutional Crisis as per our 22nd Amendment constructs and its less than wordy establishments. It is sporting now to suggest that the members of the Bush administration have not been setting themselves all free from the railroading still of and by the Clintons with learned erudity orally proffered in part for being themselves the more honorable of the administrations. And, how this may be some for their Freedom Agenda by the timeline suggested recently by Elliot Abrams as so following a teed off sharing of a poetic manifesto like so whence thence committedly with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
But to stand up as a Stanford University Professional golfer and one of two of the first women ever to be admitted as members of Augusta National seems now for Condoleezza Rice a sporting concern as per Tiger Woods. I am not talking so here of a concern that another win by him so soon could caused him to need to return to therapy — I am talking here coincidentally about Hillary and Tiger of having contradictions to much in their branding as spring breaks anew in the Year of our founding fathers’ Lord two thousand Ten and three. For Tiger it was of a retailing of him at Torrey Pines as if he was reconciling with his wife and starting the season off with a putting of fathering first in his fields. For Hillary, well she couldn’t keep a straight face while trespassing upon good souls again with an attempt to an new unearned reinvention of herself.
I do find it sporting that I did once install new closet doors for Condoleezza Rice while President Bush’s NSA master, and, that as it may be her last thoughts on 9/11 morning before her aid walked in with news of a single plane crash into one of the World Trade Towers were of a professional referral airing for me as I then at that moment was coincidentally driving up 17th Street in Washington DC and right by the Old Executive Office Building of the White House plantation. I didn’t though myself know of the timing of such or of the plane crashes until maybe an hour later and after I had arrived at a new clients home and already had been to unrepairable full removal of the old front door.
When I wrote to Representative Gephardt’s offices then that August in days and weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union George Stephanopoulus and a Koch son were peers and equals there. When I wrote then I shared the first starts of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and as a way forward towards better freedom for more with such a started sporting attempt to give local American words and meaning in a rhyme and reason to Bush’s term NEW WORLD ORDER. It is still sport and sporting that so much of what Clintons then braved learning to say and sound like was teed off primarily, at least, with the due focus on New Haven, Connecticut - as I had so based it poetically and as a global coding.
But for Tiger he hasn’t quite failed to keep a straight face with a new extreme makeover type improper leg work so as recently such a sad sight by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now too much of disordered personalities and contrary historicals. But though branded for Torrey Pines as if to being this Year of our founders’ Lord two thousand Ten and three it seems by the Arnold Palmer Invitational that he was all about being iced tea and lemonade otherwise but likewise. I don’t know how it won’t be sporting for even Condoleezza Rice if not called upon too officially about such to hazard a “beware of the hazards” to Tiger Woods as well of her Stanford University branding.
What can be par for the course this week for Tiger Woods at least near Hogan’s Bridge or Amen Corner? Will the foliage be metaphorically at least too in bloom and as a HAZARD? How won’t servants and service people be now most on black Tiger “Ice Tea” Woods mix about Augusta National for all of the Masters of this week in the Year of the founders’ of the United States of America Lord so such as it now is two thousand Ten and three?
My sister did bring me back some paraphernalia from recent gathers of Masters - at least as a hostess executive for Time Warner Cable partying of the 75th Anniversary branding. I do not know at the time of this pressing if she will be hosting as a corporate executive again there at some time this week - her last name is not now Hogan - she is a Democrat whom I believe still keeps a personally autographed mug of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on or near her desk.
A Michelle vs. Hillary is a Constitutional Crisis waiting to be fluffed and folded for all the world to see. Michelle has as much right to let her husband run for re-election on her name now as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to run as if not a criminal enterprise, again. If it is not fair for President Obama to trump our 22nd Amendment protections and seeming established intent by running now on his Princeton and Harvard degreed lady’s name than it likely is so criminal for there to have been one HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT such that we should now find our Masters in Treason and learn of their learnedness at least as to whether there are any statutory limits that run with treasonous activities if not merely somehow established as criminal.
{note: At this moment on Sunday I am breaking from this pressing of a new column - not knowing if it is done or due furtherences however farther or further may be grammatically the appropriate metric for such meters and footings.}
Poor Obama for he seems to have been played by the Clinton “two-fer” - really played.
It seems considerable that the Clintons did together what GOPers sought to. The Clintons in their own way seem to have effectively made Obama a one term executive and a second term Clinton stooge as some a “lame duck” executive.
Nothing POPS a “whose your daddy?” now better than a new DPRK CRISIS. It seems that President Obama is now stuck having once needed the superior political skills of President William Jefferson Clinton to bring USA back from a nuclear brink again. This is the President Obama who had to visit President Clinton in his Harlem office and as I recall bow before him and with a recording of him calling President Clinton “The President” who then needed the Clintons’ superior political skill to save his administration from the crisis brought on after Clintons’ VP Al Gore as a private citizen had his babe private spies caught in North Korea with inadequate training.
In the coming days it will be as if a trial has started and the Clintons are burying President Obama as if a weaker lawyer - if not already.
Where is Bill? Where is nearly self proclaimed “PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD” Bill Clinton? Where is Bill and how is he now coping without his spouse his overseer at State there more effectively as if just running another Clinton Travel Office? We now have Secretary John Kerry charged with overseeing the foreign policy meddling of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE - Where is Bill?
He called them rivals. How much is that turning out to have been an understatement? I called the Obama save of the first DPRK CRISIS of this administration the BAY OF BABES for it seemed meant to be sold as if as dramatic and as a sequel so to our old BAY OF PIGS. And, yet young and inexperienced President Barack Hussein Obama needed to call in President Clinton to save the day and bring us then back from the brink of WAR - yet just by being a grand escort service to collect and babysit Al Gore’s private spies who got caught maybe for having had the wrong training, or not enough training.
These days stories just don’t write themselves naturally about the Clintons to present them in a good light. I mean unless you like the idea that the may have until now succeeded in high-jacking USA executive power since they were thought to have been officially term limited from such, from such anymore for evermore. I don’t have time now to discuss the “HOW” about that they may have successfully high-jacked USA foreign policy at least since 2001 - that does now though some want to write itself unlike stories that would be readable as of a “good light” for the Clintons.
But what about Mrs. Clinton’s private Hell these days? If you are on the road or a run with her (political run not “exercised”) can you figure out who or what she is? It writes itself that she isn’t a good example for an independent feminism as she has put being under her husband as her primary ceiling her whole life since Yale Law School. She is the enabler of Bill Clinton most obviously — her primary character is that of having made herself and her career submissive to the ambitions and career of her husband and only stepped out as if maybe otherwise when our 22nd Amendment got in the way of his being able to “officially” stay her visibly dominant main man.
But what about President Obama’s public Hell these days? Did he miss that Mrs. Clinton was firstly loyal to her husband with her earliest of public decrees as his Secretary of State and top “rival”? I mean he had to humble himself before President Clinton in the Harlem office of the Clintons’ continuing global political activities and for public consumption with a record of a bowing some then with a calling of a former President as “The President” - such that I recall. I mean when former First Lady Clinton started as promised “rival” in his new Cabinet she set up a Hellish but clever insubordination on her new boss by using Dante. One of his first mile markers on this road to Hell with the Clintons must still be of record of her saying that as Obama’s Secretary of State she would be taking her direction from that whom Dante did and much more so than as if listening to her new most inexperienced upstart of a politician boss.
Is President Barack Hussein Obama now stuck again in a political dependence that again will have him have to call in President William Jefferson Clinton to restore world peace at least as per the DPRK new but familiar CRISIS? If it will make her man happy Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now more as just a public private person as now a First Lady of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INIITIATIVES, as it seems, is likely to be fully submissive again in her man getting all the credit and pomp and circumstance.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a dangerous and quite faux feminist figure. It is not a fair lesson or example to sell her other than as her story wants to write itself respective of all the conflicting details. It is not even fair that to be for Hillary For President you have to explain to young girls everywhere that to be like her is to put your husband first and for as long as your government will allow and then be to needing the full pomp and ceremony at least of a full Presidential Secret Service division in order to win any office registered for with your name more than his.
There is that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s story doesn’t write itself well but as a blob of FRIENDS OF BILL still somehow holding on and moving forward as a political mass.
We have maybe that we should hear of still political Clintons that they will at least take a lead from President Barack Hussein Obama and to a doubling down rivaling with a promise to give back 10% of the Federal Funds being spent annually at least for New York rents for former President Clinton. I do not know how we tolerate so much foreign policy meddling from a former President and especially for those years that his spouse was running the real State Department - but for us to be however to paying the rents for operations of such and with such allowed an grandstanding of an annual meeting schedule to rival the United Nations as also a politically mandatory meeting is quite ridiculous in an American traditional consideration.
What seems to write itself now is that the Clintons have been the bigger rivals to President Obama than the GOPers and that now we have it on our plates too that Mrs. Clinton’s culpability for Benghazi as Secretary of State should be forever joined with a tag for the DPRK CRISIS as necessarily some or much of other failures in her while charge with being Obama’s Top Diplomat.
What has happened to President Barack Hussein Obama - how has he come to looking so much as if just a stooge of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and under Dante still as she decreed she’ld be, however inflaming.
No really we have to now sweat detail about Mrs. Hillary Clinton - private citizen. Good stories about her or for her just don’t write themselves well or naturally - you can say - you could say - anymore.
This whole North Korea sit rep so soon after her Congressional “JACK” outburst is most concerning. As you may recall she was like “you can’t handle the truth” but as more a ‘I can’t handle the truth’ in her “what’s the difference now?” And, quite so especially if she really is all the rival she and President Clinton rode an independent world wide popularity for.
What to make of Hillary Clinton now as private citizen with DPRK maybe an “official” reaction to her time as Secretary of State and with too imperialistic a Diplomacy? Surely we now as stories aren’t writing themselves (well) about her have to look at real details about her reign as President Obama’s Secretary of State. It is too much a “rival” story that wants to be written now as if she of a pride that she and Bill were able to keep or make peace with North Korea and yet her “rivals” of President Obama, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry seem otherwise less capable.
On the heels of her “culpability” and questions quite to wondering if she saw an Ambassador as a martyr for her cause and expendable by her own thinking, about herself of a self importance greater, it seems the DPRK raises more issues that go to competence about her service while of duties as President Obama’s Secretary.
It is very confusing thinking about how we now should be covering Hillary Clinton as a private citizen still as a public figure and out as if of her USA should go gay decree too much as if speaking as a First Lady of the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE while it still of offering of political cover as if President Clinton is an unelected President of the World.
It seems a good story now for Hillary Clinton just doen’t want to write itself. It is confusing how many ways it seems details matter that are being willingly overlooked. It is confusing especially now as well with DPRK nuclear posturing that we have to wonder rightly if it can be in part due to Secretary Clinton time of a too imperialistic Diplomacy now then moderated globally with her of her decree like that the USA should go gay. Aren’t we at wondering if she either was dictating a strong suggestion at least to all foreign nationals she had relations with that they now were to presume she was also talking to them and about them? And about DPRK people too?
What we have for starters as “details” about Hillary is that she seems not to have a single hobby other than a once mentioned and infrequent use of a said home kept elliptical stationary “exercise” machine. She isn’t a concert pianist or musician of any said capability or interest and nor is she a real golfer or even a bad golfer. She by her New Hampshire tears was revealing of real electoral pressures then put to her to answer for some details - I remember such as stirred by queries as to whether she was at all well rounded and with a hobby or two or any extracurricular personal interests. It seemed she had to cry for political cover as now she has to run for new political cover. It seems she really isn’t well rounded or even nearly as personally engaged in non work activities as we long have expected from male “candidates” at least.
As per her being out as public figure still and with a globally stirring decree that at least the USA should go gay we have as well that it seems as if she is lobbying for CGI and as if now a First Lady again to President Clinton as he rides high still too much as if an unelected and unchecked President of the World.
We have to remember that President Clinton got the high drama like of a new BAY OF PIGS stand off as it was awhile ago with an earlier DPRK CRISIS that seemed fit to be called a BAY OF BABES for Bill Clinton as called into a public relevance to be of a grand escort service to collect and babysit Al Gore’s private spies after they had been caught without enough training illegally in the DPRK. We have now that President Obama may have no choice but to call in Bill Clinton as a private citizen to negotiate a peace and as if it is needed for details that tell of more than Benghazi failures for Mrs. Clinton.
It seems Hillary Clinton was supposed to be an inevitable first female President much of a thought that stories would just write themselves well. It seems now that she has to run just to have cover and that it is hard to find a way around so many concerning “details” to cover competently.
It seems we have to consider that her recent decree as though acceptable as a rival while in a no woman’s land as a public private citizen still seems out of order so soon as of a meddling in foreign policy while a new successor still so new. As Hillary Clinton however now a lobbyist at all or too soon by our standards with efforts of or the mission of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE we have her as Hillary of any domestic comment as a decree as well meant to be a foreign dictate or STRONG SUGGESTION.
I don’t know how yet to write about the tough spots she has her former boss now in. I don’t yet know how to cover President Obama so soon after losing Mrs. Clinton as of whatever allegiance she as a rival so whence. I don’t yet know how to cover much of this but to try to think about all the details of Hillary’s story so far and as of her as if a typical wife of a cheating spouse who coped by busying herself with work - only with work. It seems we have to explain away that she doesn’t seem to have a single hobby of record and is yet celebrated as being a workaholic.
Right, at least we know, it seems, that she doesn’t hit the players or throw balls at them with a foul mouth. Right we know, it seems, that she isn’t a concert pianist or musician of any note and nor an athlete even in golf sport.
What we seem to have as a concerning detail is that she may need to run as if running for cover. And, that now like after 9/11 we may have our Democrats saying they just did what the people asked them to do, and, even while it seemed that they had asked to be elected as if smarter and smart enough to know not to do just what the people were asking them to do. After 9/11 the Democrats did meddle in foreign affairs while such the matters of State of a new administration of a different party - they even did shed any claims of blame upon them by casting it carelessly on Americans quite innocent in comparison.
I am confused - I don’t know how we as Americans have gotten so to a time like now with it so complicated as per a now public private citizen such specifically as Hillary Rodham Clinton. It seems she is running much just to run for cover and yet that seems the story that writes itself and yet oddly the story that isn’t being told.