
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:54 am








OH SAM? - - - OH LORD? - - - MY COUNTRY?





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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:17 pm

To get what they want they are willing to give up what?  Not “compromise” - shake off naiveté - overcome ignorance!

Of the Parkland Strong & school shootings amassed we must hope Donald J. Trump, Sr., President, does not wrongly agree to impulsive wills tantamount to Jenga & of pulling out the corner stone as an early move - corner base block.

The art of the real for this next generation still maturing firster basic is that they might have to show a comprehension of the deal variables with exhibiting an understanding of ORIGINALISM terms - the real plain meaning the actual Law of the Land.

It is an interesting parallel to that in our days it has been, it seems, only the Pope who has garnered so much public attendance and focus by and of youths.

Adults of the real must stand against youth and immaturity as long as while protestations energize raw emotions not disciplined for civil action or self-negating effecting, and, adults must posture a copacetic of acceptance before any deal on the real variables versus the dynamic inter-related over-lapping precepts of constituting jurisprudence particular specifics.

It is like a law of nature to be credited to appropriate genius of “every action has an equal and opposite reaction!”* (paraphrased)

This now exercised mass of an immature still next generation must be met strongly and equally to open their eyes on how Democrats such as President Barack H. Obama did much fail all living souls with how he disrespected the seriousness of causality.

To make a DEAL with President Donald J. Trump, Sr. any party to the parties to the deal besides getting over the first hurdle of shows understanding of the relative actually the Law legalese language meanings must brace themselves to discuss causality of if one piece is changed a catastrophic outcome is known to be potentially present to their mature seniors/more elderly/elders.

This next generation is like so immature and ignorant it in total is yet to practically understand it undermined the messiah complex economics of President Obama of GREEN AGENDA tyranny trumpeted with CLIMATE CHANGE propaganda a marched new FASCISM.

This still immature energized lot yet can, it seems, attest to its own role in undermined President Obama’s economics by accepting his unchecked inspiration and dictum to overwhelmed the economy with GREEN MINIMALISM and anti-materialism as self-starters to paraded home from their reared in schools to emotionally engaged their parents and familial to greater compliance and enthusiasm for SAVING THE PLANET than Democrats ever accounted for with their half thought through platform for radical inadequately considered NEW NATIONALISM paraded of GLOBAL WARMING <<< ALAMISM >>>!

NOTE: In and earlier exercised work an essay relative to this guilting and tagging of bad rap on Democratic Party leadership of the Obama administration I have developed the complex issues of the MESSIANIC of he who wanted to have a narcissistic Presidency as a PERSONALITY BASED reign.  Easy to locate and work through is, if I recall correctly, “BAILEY WICK(S)?” now posted in sample at http://JPHogan.org. There is the moral of this piece now very relevant and alarming of the economic collapses he said he “inherited” he yet could have halted if he had been willing to politically MARTYR himself with a CORRECTION & RETRACTION to stem the sliding from excess compliance NOT anticipated nor calculated for BY coming clean on how Democrats Al Gore & Senator Clinton campaigns on ALARMISM & party’s attempt to have a DOWN ECONOMY at election day to dislodge support from REPUBLICANS was the REAL & most CAUSAL to the economy in slide to collapse.

Our future leaders the youth of the exercised rights may in 3 days have an EPIPHANY after disgust that they have NOT already gotten their way and to a DEAL chalked & signed of Washington capitulated when emotions rise to thoughts of taking up revolution - taking up arms to JUST get ARMS control

Yes their is little time left in such immaturity from REALITY to show up and assuage real KNOWLEDGE across the lot of them of that they did undermine the inadequately prepared and enforced of the DEMOCRATS partisan divisive agenda by that they took the initiative to bring the politics of the “END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT” dictates to that households collapsed the economies by being more compliant than their partisan political games accounted for in the game theory to becometh enforced POLICY - new held up as LAW OF THE LAND.

Of this you are by the lot mostly forgivable despite the real world collateral damage of economies collapsed across the known world!

Of this you are by the complexity of the reality of the partisan & propaganda unleashed upon all Americans to treated less like CITIZENS to more ORWELLIAN and as if just now SUBJECTS to be managed not not forgivable because firstly you had to be like of the IVY LEAGUE elite back rooms shenanigans IN THE KNOW to know enough to garner the awful reality that President Barack H. Obama could have halted/arrested the economics collapses if he had owned up and maturely offered himself morally as a POLITICAL MARTYR by confessing that the DEMOCRATS DID MUCH MORE TO CAUSE AND TRIGGER THE FAILED ECONOMICS.

Are you and your lot actually protesting for an impulsive national reaction inappropriate to the social causal dynamic of these tragedies have been more of local and community failures?

Are you and your lot actively energized for TRUTH of just to scape goat someone not a NEIGHBOR?



To march on WASHINGTON maturely one needeth posture a constituted understanding to a constitution in our CONSTITUTION as actually constituted by the Peoples’ “Order” “done” “subscribed” whence in that “Year of our Lord”!

Are you and your lot actually prepared not to rush to a DEAL sans and ART of the deal as if STUPID at further pimp’d of at least SOCIALISM by nonsense of a popular “more perfect” raised as if a trump to prudence towards imprudently calling for a piece to be moved before a causality of the gestalt of the inter-relatedness relativity is calculated in a realism respecting a dynamic Cartesian for TRUTH of our shared space-time?


The #LiberationEconomics reset is far from just begun!  Are you (and your lot) ready to account realistically to improvement in the economics to a greater future awaits is of with President Trump Americans, and of the rest of the world, are consciously learning and accepting that the partisan BLAME machine of DEMOCRATS did effect COVER-UP - COVER-UPS - to bury the TRUTH that they were falsely accusing President George W. Bush and the entirety of the category “REPUBLICANS” of causing what they were actually purposefully & quite (as raised here) accidentally long incidentally aggressively working the causal for a partisan separateness - divisive new FASCISM to they as a LEFT ruling class were (supposed to be) the only AUTHORITY forward and so effected as AUTHORITARIANS?

     *    *    *     IT IS THE AGE OF MEA CULPA?    *    *    *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:39 pm

A first beat for a cementitious pedestrian cracking of the subject of civil rights and how hip if curb’d enthusiastically of Trump now may be sotto voce of better how from G - government to A - autonomous.

An attitude for a striking chord to harmonize a soul of the politics, national and local, might need be to be all about the base.

A first crack at the Dallas Police ambush, as of civil rights writing, should set up, tuned hopefully, to encompass eventually a gestalt devoid of a forced nationalism.

How has the first black President of these united states of the Americas, to his historical core, failed blacks, definitively?

Can we tune up our bands newly to beat a new direction - a change of music - a change of direction - near a one hundred and eighty degree about face sharp reset - to a hope of happy bottoms up with Donald Trump in front of a winning Republican movement?

How hasn’t Barack Obama failed blacks?  How isn’t it that he failed blacks just as Senator Hillary Clinton’s promises,  if likewise those the Democrats as “leaders” otherwise, promised to be to the structural same to the effected same institutionalized nationalized failing?

Blacks are not the only victims but how the Democrats as nationalist leaders moved in 2009 to keep those promises near identically promised of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton does account historically as that there was no plan to help blacks - from the bottom up.

A vote for Hillary Clinton now must be a vote for austerity!  Keeping an Obama or Clinton Democrat to the reigns of administering the ship of state means that “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” must endure to save the planet and to keep up a loyalty to the “GREEN AGENDA” party solutions for said extent of “CLIMATE CHANGE” as of dire “GLOBAL WARMING”!

A vote, even a local endorsement of an Obama or Clinton Liberal, likely must be for “GREEN MINIMALISM” as if the “EARTH FIRST” nationalism only economic option if a MORALITY to be considered and to that the Progressives politics are to have a soul - to have a common good structured morally!

A prejudice against police officers now as we morn the tragic loss of lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the honor call of fallen in public service for Dallas, is most inappropriate given how blues should still beat for Liberty and Justice as of an innocent until proven guilty!

As we progress to the plight of blacks due how President Obama politics set up failing blacks premeditatively and predictably structurally from day one we must see the “GREEN” as the problem forward, primarily, and as we can float a reasonable “just cause” of “extenuating circumstances” of Baton Rouge shooting a grand psychic SNAFU of Sterling at a convenience store of a reported threatening weapon and while it seemed gibberish or a nonresponse with his mother’s name like “win yetta McMillions” seeming insane nonsense of the scene’s spirit.  In Minnesota an officer was committed to a traffic stop for a broken taillight and soon found driver and passenger seeming not complying to produce license and registration while firstly being to saying, each, “he/I has/have a gun” and to instead of the driver moving to produce documents the passenger being said to have a weapon yet then, as one not asked for documents, was to reaching behind his back.  These incidents were escalated from reasonable coverage to that President Obama may have incited by inflaming the police involved shooting incidents to that President Obama must be said/considered to have begot the terror of the “DALLAS AMBUSH”!

The Democrat’s “GREEN AGENDA” was always firstly to secure anew an economic dominance for college graduates and to job security then firstly only for those able to get college degrees.  The rapid fire radical Left agenda, while for a new nationalism for a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” was from the start an elite ruling class program to move the economy to more college education dependent.  The hysteria worked to effect compliance and assimilation to the “GREEN AGENDA” was always sans benefits for a majority of blacks.

So firstly, let us accept that President Obama is black only helped sell the marching of this radical Progressive program that otherwise is what a President Clinton necessarily was always firstly to beating all into obedience with generally.

“HAPPY BOTTOMS UP WITH TRUMP” has enough soul to now echo of truth - forward!

“UP WITH RODHAM” would necessarily be yet of more forced compliance and assimilation sans benefits for a majority of blacks, - Hillary Clinton must continue structurally in methods of how and why Barack Obama failed blacks.

It is so wrong to blame George W. Bush that now to all he can be a cultural hero akin James Brown as his soul has never been as dark as President Obama has immorally mislead peoples of the world to believe.  It is wrong to rap “ALL BUSH FAULT” even though George W. Bush may still be yet of much fit’n a tag of “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT”!

There is enough truth and soul in how historically “IT WAS/IS HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” sucht that your vehicle too maybe should have a bumpers sticker to the left and another to the right to read like:

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

Born of the Southern plantation traditions Al Gore, raised of the tobacco plantation “Master Gore” pedigree, is now one even less to be considered an innocent.  There is too much in how he force marched obedient assimilation to American compliance as with a tyranny of limited solutions for Al Gore not to be a first named to have been to pulling one over on the majority of blacks.

The “Republican Movement” has been now years at advancing to winning battles after battles because it is true there were and are better “climate change” solutions available, - and were and are Republican solutions the radical Progressives as Left Liberals would not cotton to seeing free upon the tables of politics - of any opportunity for regular in order in advice and consent basis for open and free discussions, and debate.

What ever the mistakes President George W. Bush made - as if now he is fit’n tag of rap at least “IT WAS HALF BUSH’S FAULT” - there is yet that the radical agenda of President Obama was always premeditated to structurally disadvantaging the majority of blacks the most. 

As President Obama more innocent economics were more like copying President Bush there is then the conclusion that President Bush must be more innocent than President Clinton by developing the logic to that if Obama copied Bush it must be wrong to copy Clinton.

Here Mrs. Clinton has a contracted problem for she as a spouse is not supposed to incriminate her spouse, regardless of sex!

Here Mrs. Clinton has a big problem for if it was even a little bit contrary historically to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” however to at least the “IT WAS/IS HALF CLINTON’S FAULT” the truth is not an option and any political decision then, if made by her, must be to avoiding the facts and relevant history, as she would either be of “TREASON” or of contractually violating her marrital promise to not incriminate her spouse. 

Essentially Madam Secretary Clinton was never able to honestly and dutifully serve President Obama for so much in foreign policy was actually of a basis yet in what is/was due errors of President William J. Clinton.  No REALLY!!! We are looking at clear and present “SIMPLE” & “STUPID” developed with evidence!!!

So simply, primarily, the case of the black condition in 2016 for politics is that historically it is very accurate to tag that the first two “FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT” persons are of a record, each, that to its core if that they did fail the majority of blacks more than most Republicans can be asked to properly shoulder any guilt respectively.

Blacks now must think about the “GREEN” as the economics forward must now be that Democrats embrace a forced message to that President Barack H. Obama should be memorialized and immortal as if he a one fit’n “HE SAVED HIS ENTIRE PLANET SINGLE HANDEDLY!”!!!

The only real hope for the majority of blacks now is to see that the “SUPER HERO” theme is stripped from “BARACK OBAMA”!!!


Embrace “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” with new conservationism to sole’d for “MINIMALISM” soul!!!

President Barack Obama may not have been able to ruin so many - at least so completely and quickly - if not at least for the “leadership” of radical Progressive Al Gore!  We should consider if the former Vice President was so radical of Left and a Liberal that now his personal behavior of so much so forced it was of a “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” is fit’n tag to rap “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A FORMER VP”!!!

The Democrats after the rise of Illinois, of Chicago, Senator Barack H. Obama, to rising barely above the Clintons’ machine, did much force too many, not just the majority of blacks, to sing the blues, - to cry and cry much too.

The only theoretical possible explanation for the “GREEN AGENDA” as so forced and with its “SOLUTIONS TYRANNY” seem now primarily to it only reasonable while prosecuting this issue to conclude that the program of these Progressives was always sans benefits for the majority of blacks.  All People without an elite degree from an ranked institute of higher education was to be more brainwashed away from seeing the foibles and nonsense while compliance and assimilation beat for all.

The Democrats’ economics was never truly “economics” for such was “social engineering” to forcing planned top down centralized prearranged “SOLUTIONS” down on the masses.  The was not “e-co” for “shared humanity” as it was always to a “trickle down” new austerity for a new conservationism to a smaller economy for “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!

“HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” may now be a liberating soulful tune of believable chords and notation, with room to breath again structured in where discussion and debate is supposed to be a supported right for freedoms to endure, and endear.

#FreeGWBush >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID

The radical ’second black’ President never had helping the majority of blacks as part of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!!!

It seems impossible to see it otherwise, now as masses seem of eyes opened wide enough on “BLACK PROBLEM”!!!

The Democrats radical Progressive movement of Left Liberals is the new “FASCISM” as in 2016 “FASCISM” is best defined as a “movement of the left against the original founding principles for a constituted as a “liberal democracy” as for regular order in a structured of due process with advise and consent with honest and open debate.

I attest it should be easier to accept Al Gore as a “FASCIST” before such as the tru’d rap for Barack Obama, though by now not likely, or fairly should the same be said of/for Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

There goal must have been to force a “GREEN” - “GREEN MINIMALISM” - while their methods since Madam Senator Clinton threatened to seize “ALL OIL COMPANIES’ PROFITS” has been to their common core of AUTHORITARIAN beats for radical DEMOCRATS’ programs.

If now any try to walk a talk of “UP WITH RODHAM” please do consider that redistribution must be still not on her tables of politics as “social engineering” was to a a new “trickle down” faux economics as “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” for “GREEN AGENDA” always primarily sold “GREEN MINIMALISM” in a gestalt, and like never any thing of the radical Progressives as being to turning the economic spigot to a trickle until assimilation to obedience and compliance effected for a new conservationism to save the planet - from said “GLOBAL WARMING” said “CLIMATE CHANGE” dire straits stuck of heading to as if an about face one hundred and eighty degree change of course wasn’t actually possible.

President Barack H. Obama should own, as Madam Democrat Party Presumptive Nominee tag’d Mrs. Clinton also should, that their “GREEN MINIMALISM” must be complied to and even as it was always firstly primarily a program marched for brainwashing less educated so that the future economy was more dependent on “higher” education and “college degrees” and so that “WTF” (Winning The Future) was biased against the majority of blacks by how radical Progressives as Left Liberals did only effect a “GREEN AGENDA” that was structurally for an economic security for those who get a top liberal education by buying into the solidarity of elitism of ranking by top liberal institutions of (higher) learning.

A problem we all have now as regards real issues of #BlackLivesMatter is yet on that each waking by a President Donald Trump will need assuage for “HAPPY BOTTOMS WITH TRUMP” to be structurally re-established as possible by changing the direction and the music essentially to a full about face from Obama Democrats, and Clinton Democrats!!!

The “GREEN AGENDA” has simple ruined too many while sadly the majority of blacks were never given a chance!

The “OBAMA GREEN AGENDA” is your/our enemy!  Yet parity for equality now is of the “Republican Movement” winning on reseting the autonomy for all secured in the Constittution while yet forward any winning solutions for comity must pare to the core on the issue to be queried generally as to if “ARE SUCCESSFUL BLACKS NOT GIVEN BACK ENOUGH?”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, forward, one must be to thinking “GREEN” and to owning that the DEMOCRATS GREEN AGENDA was never set up for equality - or quality of think at “CLIMATE CHANGE”!

To posture to vote Democrat instead of Republican, now, seems ridiculous for any for “EQUAL RIGHTS”!

To think “GREEN” now for compliance means one buys into “GREEN MINIMALISM” forward!!!

And, sadly, in a seeming informed historical perspective, as mine, as fit’n a tag as a “civil rights” “writer” still, and as since, for politics, as since at least 1990, - and as since of leading thinking and writing that predates the Clintons 1992 race late entrance, let me attest that another serious flaw with the radical Progressives, as Left Liberals against “liberal democracy” our common core by original intent, is much of that which I attest of their “GREEN” of that it was at least a ten year old plan they commenced with in 2009 despite fresher and better plans were than possible and plausible, - and those we can say yet not considered.

#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?

It may smart now how beyond “GROSS NEGLIGENT” as if too archaic to rap upon #HillaryClinton there yet is that #TREASON is being seemed as even more archaic to the #FBI to that #Congress may have to specifically ask #DirectorComey to proceed to develop charges now based on readily available evidence, - based at least on the developed evidence in the PUBLIC RECORD!!!

#WTF #FORWARD maybe smarted at not beating “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS” as the damage done is more premeditated and purposeful to be of “FAILED” as implying destruction by “NEGLIGENCE” and not as seems established of CRUSHING by DESIGN to for an assimilation to “GREEN” by a “NEW DEAL AUSTERITY” even for “BLACKS” as to needing to obey and comply to a LESS IS MORE essentially inescapable as for a “GREEN MINIMALISM”!!!



#FreeGWBush? >>>>> bumper <<<<< #ItsTheClintons_STUPID?




                                *       *       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:18 pm

Her “I am not a crook” train should not be allowed to leave the station. 

You could look at just how she is being packaged but how stupid would that be considering how she a walking disaster when looked at on paper chronologically, by dates - even dates picked at random.

There is like no good news for blacks in America, maybe anywhere in the world, if it is that the real Hillary Clinton somehow gets elected, and past legal barriers of allowed challenges, to actually lawfully seeming sworn in.  There may yet be comfort in it tell tale now to that any Democrat now a Democrats nominee should be only running on a ticket of as of Joe Biden still to be Vice President, - and so not to be evicted at his age unnecessarily from his current, however comforting, only Washington DC option for public housing.

She has no natural story now to benefit blacks forward even as a Democrat Party nominee; Hillary Clinton is only now presented as if a prima Donna of platitudes as if each day a new day with a clean slate like a lawyer, as like a lawyer always but each day with a new case; Donald Trump may need a wall of women against such as if Mrs. Clinton gets free kicks on goal, just because she is a woman.

Blacks what ever “dancing days” there has been your dancing days are maybe now nearly over; to Mrs. Clinton you can have no soul and President Obama must go from never being even 4/5ths as good as Bill Clinton to soon never even 3/5th as good as President Clinton was.  Forward, if it the Clintons the masters of the Executive plantation, it is beyond that blacks will en masse be set about to but minor roles, relatively; - No dancing for blacks may be the new normal and as likely Mrs. Clinton never firstly will give, generally, blacks much to still dance about.

If a Trump “WALL OF WOMEN” is not enough to level the playing field, generally, there is yet before to seal the deal on #CrookedHillary there is still of Donald Trump, presumptive Republican nominee, said to that Secretary Clinton was near a worst Secretary of State of the history of these united states of the Americas; - there is that “The Donald” is near to rapping that Secretary Clinton was so bad a Diplomat that a chimp, - a chimpanzee - coulda done as well or better a job at finding alternatives to war - to finding opportunities for peace.

It is ridiculous that Mrs. Clinton is on the field so unharassed an to like expected of a polity to parity for feminist comity that she is like to be able to take free shots on goal, as befitting getting away with fronting as a “Prima Donna Of Platitudes”!

Besides that blacks may need Donald Trump to have a “WALL OF WOMEN” there is much that a prop-ism is due on the trail as if “The Donald” has a chimpanzee in a pastel pantsuit to battle with - and with him like always, as fitting as a political prophylactic drama device.

Blacks I am sorry to report, but that now may be in time to be not too late, that Mrs. Clinton must always put her spouse and their spousal husbandry as above the Obamas’ and superior, to satisfy her own spouse wants for legacy.

Blacks I am sorry the obvious is what should be trusted and not the slick props and attitudes of controlling drama/narrative that is of how Mrs. Clinton is now being doctored up and repackaged. 

Blacks President Obama for history can be shown to never have amounted to being any more than just a tool of the Clintons’ global schemes for Clinton Machine husbandry for intra-party rivalry and to effecting to as of superior international Power.

If you, blacks, feel this is something you can dance to, I am further worried and saddened.  If you are down with such I must concur you are like of without any soul.

The Clintons boxed the “first black President” in and to having forced - maybe blackmailed - him into accepting them as rivals and to then that his administration was of rivals, Clintons sworn, on his team as then set asunder from within to but a “TEAM OF RIVALS” - - - Right! Abraham Lincoln “team of rivals” wasn’t of staffed by them that forced him to fold to them as rivals, his was forward thinking, as I understand, of himself confident he hadn’t seated any with more global power than himself.

Harlem, sadly is what has saved the Clintons, to date, from themselves, to now able to be yet still standing up some kinda doctored repackaged Mrs. Clinton.  If Bill Clinton had had his way,after the government said taxpayers do not owe him a mid town New York City near penthouse in the new Carnegie Hall Towers rent, and to just if the Big Banks of ranks staffed with Clinton FOB (FRIENDS OF BILL) then had agreed to his request for gratuities in thanks for all the money the Clintons had made them (due friendly deregulation and asked for “gambling” on housing as to the derivatives mess) he then when the George W. Bush late in administration crashing occured been high up and obviously caught up in the scandal as to then so guilty he was of banks, had they agreed to his request for covering a million dollar a year lease, if Harlem hadn’t saved him from himself as to being then caught of being so tied to the corrupt banking that it was the banks were, as once then asked, to but paying his rent, gratuitously for the very problematic as backed and or initiated by President William Jefferson Clinton.

Oy!!! Oy!!! Right! - - - And that is of this woulda been as outta the obvious and too scandalous as but then of that a New York Senator had her spouse not to just asking constituent Big Banks for gratuities, but of maybe them of caught as to having asked for them as so in thanks for like making it legal for banks to operated without any consideration for business ethics or morality.

Blacks, we all got played, - but maybe none more than African Americans.  The Clintons encouraged the risky loaning and hyper-consumerism and while undermining the economy from being budgeted still to create or save enough jobs to give any lasting success any real possibility.  Too the Clintons beside such undermining of what was seeming a helping hand so then it is that later as #Hillary2008 geared up Al Gore and Mrs. Clinton were to like setting up the impossible economics that triggered the crashes more than President Bush ever coulda or woulda.  See http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net - - - such is to a #HillaryInTheFlesh a #LUCIFER dramatically like in “COVERT CYPHER” as like a “Louise Cypher” of a feminist #AngelHeart.

Blacks your dancing days are near over and as either way it seems set up that President Barack Hussein Obama will be forward like stuck to singing the Blues and much as if back in Langston Hughes poetic record.

Sad it is - for all of America, the legacy of President Obama, as necessarily constructed for an electable Mrs. Clinton must get past #ClimateChange problem of loyalty to Mrs. Clinton needing to sell austerity to keep moving the masses to saving the planet as loyal to yet “rival” and the “Obama Green Agenda” quite as: TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY FOR NEW CONSERVATIONISM IN A GREEN MINIMALISM.

The legacy of President Obama is so easy to spell out as if he was never above being just a tool to the Clintons and an inferior dependent on the global initiatives of President Clinton as if a needed international “power broker”. 

Heck, President Clinton, while secured in rights to act as a sworn rival to the President, was worth so much he was billing more per hour than President Barack H. Obama took home as a year’s salary.

The obvious “history” for the “first black President” seems to that he was always dependent on two old white Southern men to be global power brokers of over lording the world, - Al Gore and Bill Clinton seemed two Southern white men that black/mulatto President Obama never could get out from under, nor afford to.

It is arguable due the vast sums involved and to that Mrs. Clinton is running on that her husband it seems musta been always of President Obama never more than 3/5ths her man - at least as President, that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton were so in over their heads as of inadequacies in leadership that Southern white Christian born William Blythe III just had to compensate globally for both of them, and conveniently of that such seems to have paid very well, considering he like was profiteering on public service while still trafficking as like of an “office of trust.”

Too much money has moved through the Clintons’ and Al Gore’s global initiatives for any history of President Barack Hussein Obama to be anything for blacks to like dance about, to find soul in. 

It seems at least the Clintons have beaten Obama badly to legacy and to that due how much Bill Clinton has been billed as worth it must firstly be, as he was accepted as a sworn rival, that such was only politically possible because President Obama himself like thought himself not even 4/5ths as good as William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:02 am

It isn’t that you should see the America Bernie Sanders is trying to save is best to be like GAME OF THRONES but it is that if you are not considering that the Clintons surviving is only by getting you to like Mrs. Clinton as if more of thrones rules than your constitution.

Hillary Clinton is not playing by the rules!  The Clintons are too far from being able to play by the rules!  This is beyond the rise of Protestants due a King wanted a Catholic divorce!

Bernie Sanders is also bravely fighting, like the New GOP posse, how the Clintons are winning only in so much as they are posturing of government by man, over government by laws.  Bernie Sanders is superior to Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, individually; Bernie Sanders is no Mrs. Clinton!  Bernie Sanders “socialism” is like saying a President of the United States too should have a High Priest for moral guidance while the Clinton machinations must endure as extra-constitutional and still firstly for secular socialism where lawyers rule (as cynically as in ALICE IN WONDERLAND) where “lawyer” Mrs. Clinton need each day just treat life as if a case is on her desk and she, as the lawyer, can just professionally attempt to do a secular best (have each new day be for new lies?).

All parties to #Election2016 have intellectually to process that the Supreme Court rulings on SSM & LGBT cases has but stopped short from saying these can be morally less sinful - less sin - than still how pre-marital sex is establishment of religion as improper.

Bernie Sanders is not Barack “Messiah” Obama!  Bernie Sanders is no Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton!  Bernie Sanders has more “High Priest” in him than President Obama’s “soldier” Secretary of State, in with loyalty to his secular socialism, & New Deal Austerity, Mrs. Clinton ever has.

President Obama stands as a clear example of problems with a President Clinton when one looks at how he was greeted in Saudi Arabia by a “governor” as if he was no more than a governor.

Our enemies must want Mrs. Clinton elected by the America people more than any other!  To have an election of Mrs. Clinton, due all her personal and marital baggage, is to have a license to JIHAD without any trials morally due/needed.  Our said “enemies” are those of whom I digress so of seeing an election of Mrs. Clinton as only a losing move for Americans.  Our enemies culture, if finally now understood in the politics of these decades, is to that #Clintons are more than just of #CrookedHillary and to that then an election of Mrs. Clinton would be to a “guilty by association” assumption of all Americans.

Besides, as well as Bernie Sanders is charming like saying choose his courtly over more of the ‘CASTLE CLINTON’ & ‘COURTS OF CLINTONS’ and to accepting there is still a need for morality, and like a “High Priest”,  there is that Mrs. Clinton is being ridiculous talking as if she could bring back the 1990s economics the Clintons inherited from what worked due the intellectual and diplomatic engaging foreign policies and worldly economics of President Ronald Reagan, as then yet forward marched some enough by President George H.W. Bush. 

The Clintons have shown they still do not understand how or why the economic growth of the 1990s developed or worked.

The Clintons story is too much of a GAME OF THRONES but of a lost of a HOUSE OF CARDS economically speaking; If read of all 33 #economics at http://CitizenRosebud.net & most @ CitizenRosebud.org to that you have found & read at least http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT then, and finally, now maybe you be armed, and with a shield, to duly battle the lies for the throne of the Clintons.

To understand the real world Mrs. Clinton asks to be elected to administer by suggesting it is not as it actually is, so to protect the Mrs. & President Clinton global autocracy, it may help to analyze the greeting in Saudi Arabia of President Barack “Messiah” Obama as if he was no more to the Sunni Caliphate established Saudi Arabia jurisdiction as but a “governor”!

In other words:

Didn’t Obama & Clinton conspire before ISIS to a new “caliphate” but of as if “Barack” were a new “Messiah”?  And can you simply posture that this maybe only failed because they were each more too secular socialist for Powers to social engineering by trickle down new nationalism for a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY to effect their economies killing #GreenAgenda and to a #SocialJustice calling all to #GreenMinimalism?

Didn’t Obama deserve to only be greeted in Saudi Arabia as one who failed to overthrow the caliphate that justifies the Saudi Royal Family, - as he objectively succeeded with Secretary Clinton as yet secularly at most a governor of merely 300+ million souls while proven a “spiritual” leader, if, of yet a small fraction nearer to maybe only 100 million bodies?

Didn’t Obama visit the province of the Muslims’ See of Islam such as Saudi Arabia historically still stands as yet of their reign do the still standing caliphate to that they rule for at least 1.3 Billion souls of Muhammad’s awareness forwarded?

Didn’t Obama prove/proof it so that Mrs. Clinton was inadequate? - at least inadequate for the ministering of politics or diplomacy of her own days?  Isn’t it so that he generously gave the Clintons the rope to hang themselves and that Mrs. Clinton is quite hung out to be seen now actually as known judged fairly as #CrookedHillary, and with it only that we all wait for a “government” rendering of parity by sentencing?

In simple words:







#OMG #ELECTION2016 ~ #WhatsInHIllarysPurse like tagged:  Democracy is not the Clintons’ GAME OF THRONES - there are real consequences to bad and immoral actions.  Please understand before it is too late that the Clinton game is far from diss’n the Catholic religion so a King can have that he is protestant and wanting of a divorse, - please accept at least that the “ministries” of Bernie Sanders suggests a roll for a “High Priest” and so to that you should have answers to how if any religion now can co-exist with the court of Clintons as for autocratic secular powers more in totalitarian authority of government not by laws but as governing by mandate(s)! - by dictate(s)! 

The “courtly” of Clintons, via the vessel #Hillary2016, is maybe not as an “anti-Christ” but while self evidently, it seems, as at least as “anti-religion” as much for a rule by lawyers as not “under God” like some as presents in a consideration of the Clinton history globally enough of that though known as liars and still standing as liars it should be accepted that only Americans are buying the Obama/Clinton lies and that our their said “enemies” are still actually clear headed and working off the truth - the actual unadulterated and unperverted histories.

An election of Mrs. Clinton would be a irreversible losing move for America!  Our enemies are not blind to such!

Don’t you need now to have least read of http://bit.ly/DonkeyGong at least all in sorted set of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories? [Right!  Due how linked via bitly this new column will now present as the first when opening up these linked collections.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This is not hyperbole!  Voters of New York City & Long Island, largely, who voted for Hillary Clinton are now affected as stamped “STUPID”!  Trust the science!  We will get to the science!  For now top out realizing where at is not top shelf.

That Mrs. Clinton as a former First Lady and Senator and Secretary of State did only amass such an anemic number of Empire State votes foretells a HOPE for the Big Apple, yet, - still.  1.1 Million votes should have Mrs. Clinton embarrassed!

We should be able to peel and pare a “NEW YORK STATE OF MIND” from such a voting block as now stamped “STUPID”!

If you can remember the anti-tobacco ads that used to run while dedicants to evolutionary civility moved piles and piles of stuffing filled body bags to near building entrances of “Big Tobacco” corporate locations you can now more easily visualize that #Hillary2016 should have “TRUTH” bags likewise moved around the country to greet her every appearance of an asking to how many dead is Mrs. Clinton responsible to - as back to 1993 as claimed the “better half” of the Clinton “two-fer”!  Feminists should insist on a public demonstration of a respectable number of dead that are dead all around the world either due Clinton inaction & avoidance, or and specifically due her disastrous actions officially furthered; - it can’t be fair to men, or women, if feminism cause doesn’t separate the dead due Mrs. Clinton from the dead more dead due President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama.

Hillary Clinton is not TOP SHELF!  Bill Clinton never was TOP SHELF!  Mrs. Clinton attempts to break a “glass ceiling” is still of her not hot enough, - not competently pertinent sufficiently - not of a elevated level enough - at the ceiling like now falling down upon her.  It is a constituted constitutional thing:  Bill Clinton’s constitution is no longer (if ever truly) American! -  the constitution of Mrs. Clinton “glass ceiling” hyperbole is also not American! - Truth is constituted to reign over the United States by set in the People’s “Order” to that as ordained “done” in the “Year of our Lord” all are expected to be moral under God of a nation under Faith and always as before “under” Government.  It is still “STUPID” and now more visibly self evident that the Clintons’ machination have been un-American as for them of posturing that Mrs. Clinton can break the FAITH ceiling and become as above the reign of and for TRUTH.

Yes, to go back to 1993, in a moral way to morals accounting, there is that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton street cred should be of a truly vast number of dead now fit to be showcased and highlighted across the nation with masses and masses of dramatically stuffed body bags to greet the “real” “Hillary” a #DramaQueen #DroneQueen #SurplusdQueen with “#TRUTH” in bold unyielding font printed graphically, - printed LOUDLY.

Trust the science!  We are getting to the science!  We are getting to how voters who voted for Mrs. Clinton are now forward as affected as if stamped “STUPID” - as goes how goes that New York City & Long Island went.

It is like CLIMATE CHANGE “science” said!  The numbers and claims of and for Mrs. Clinton are damming, - conclusively! -  let there be no “STUPID” deniers!

People (devolved) of New York & Long Island who voted for Mrs. Clinton:  You’ve been stamped! You are affected as stamped “STUPID”!  It is too some as of #MIT #GRUBER confessed whence #GRUBERGATE was politics news, and more specifically now, that those who are “Hillary Clinton” voters are thought by Democrat Party leadership to be so “TOO STUPID” for their opinions to be actually considered.  Professor Gruber revealed akin to Mrs. Clinton, on OBAMACARE sell, that such setting asunder of regular order and generally Constitutional process was a claimed as “necessary” because their voters were too stupid to be politically engaged, educated, re-educated, updated, consulted, re-consulted, worked with for amending, and considered as relevant to their “leaders” dictum/decisions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren can proffer a teaching of how responsible Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton are, as in support of the science you should trust, but I fear that may have to be only for you if you can afford Harvard University prices for knowledge.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, if she will educate the People for free, can very professionally posture in a scientific accountable, even a lay & clear prosecution, of the culpability fit’n “STUPID” stamped upon followers of the Clintons.  Senator Warren can further her past tagging of bad economics by the Clintons to it generally and primarily mashable for #Election2016 to it of “science” forward that it is to be known that the Clintons rap is more TRUTH @ “ALL CLINTONS’ FAULT” than yet postured in their politik of bearing false witness and falsely accusing with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Perhaps a story, personal, involving Vice President Joseph Biden:  On constitutionality, - or not:  When Senator Biden in the mid to late 1990s the Senator was witnessed by myself as a member of the local public in attendance at a Yale Law School symposium on the CONSTITUTION - on FEDERALISM - as to be to concluding, if I recall correctly, “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”  This relates specifically now to how affected a stamped “STUPID” is fit’n on any who voted for Mrs. Clinton in New York, - who voted for Mrs. Clinton in her adopted home state.  When you get to an understanding of Vice President’s conclusion to that “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” you won’t/can’t be to deniers of the science of such so mashable as of a bad rap for Mrs. & President William Jefferson Clinton.

The “JOE” of “Joe Biden, Vice President” is also useful for though it was (innocently) a smack upon his boss President Barack Obama (accidently), when heard, over a live, or late rebroadcast tv spot, it is/was as like near “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BROKEN!” or “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”!

Mrs. Clinton, scientifically posturing for a lay, doesn’t get it that she is more the problem than the solution.  Mrs. Clinton is blind to her own limits and potential, as her record can show more scientifically, - more fully.  Mrs. Clinton is of the problem now much still too long upon the United States of that a “CLINTON PLAN” is still being furthered and while so flawed there is an evidence trail to be processed to that the Clintons both were never as smart as they thought themselves to be since bonding in law school, and, that the Clintons have not ever been smart enough for there thought “GRAND STRATEGY” to succeed.

Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren can still save you!  They have exposed themselves of wits of erudite roots than can more than just entangle the CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS - #BIDEN & #WARREN with more leadership from #SANDERS can more than entangle the CLINTONS’ & expose their vast accountability!  these can arrest the duo’p'd triangulations of cold calculators for global autocratic domination!  these can arrest the CLINTON FOUNDATION as too much a “RIVAL” and/or “SHADOW GOVERNMENT”!

Of those of Mrs. Clinton’s “home state” - adopted from whence she married into the “NATURAL STATE” it is much no self afflicted to you being en masse affected as stamped “STUPID” - scientifically in a lay posturing.

Like “JOE” has (innocently) declared (as remembered):  “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”

You are dedicated now with Mrs. Clinton for Democrat Party unity to the science! - the science must rule! - you are not alone now in being stuck also with President Obama’s #CLIMATECHANGE #SCIENCE to that because the planet is getting worse you now must still accept their tyranny of solutions, - you must accept their politics of their #GREENAGENDA for #AUSTERITY as for more sacrifice (so claims your “MESSIAH” figure(s)) to a greater saturation of #GREENMINIMALISM.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

For now you can try common sense to fathom that Mrs. Clinton’s “glass ceiling” is competency! - and that the office of the President is too above her at least because the Clintons’ duo’p'd constitution is quite not American in its hierarchy to that God & truth are supposed to be by politics of convenience as under them, - as under Democrats at least Yale or Harvard Law Schools Alums.

For now there is still time to save Senator “candidate” Bernie Sanders!  Vice President “Joe” Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren, if true to their oaths of offices to the actually Constituted, can help now save #Bernie2016 and maybe even by being morally effecting to an arresting of the CLINTONS FOUNDATION as so irregular as to much too much like a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! - or at least a vast #YUGE (#HUGE?) perversion of campaign finance good practices as operating much like a grand new TAMMANY of an organized for campaign like “CLINTON” branding as by a scheme of global patronage claimed, it seems, yet to be just conveniently otherwise as if just #CHARITY.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

It is not too late to save the DEMOCRAT PARTY! - - - it is not too late to save BERNIE SANDERS! 

TRUST THE SCIENCE!  Senator Elizabeth Warren can explain the economic science to rap Mrs. Clinton, too!

I must leave it to you, each of you, yourselves, to actually discern if #BIDEN #SANDERS #WARREN are fit to help you appreciate the American spirit(s) of TOP SHELF politics.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:12 am

Welcome to our bleak future.  There is no intellectual honesty in believing Hillary Clinton is not the austerity candidate of the 2016 election for President; - Mrs. Clinton is needing be as much an “Earth Firster” as Democrat President Barack Obama.

President Hillary must be of austerity or as against the climate to much mashable otherwise as a “climate denier”!  President Mrs. Clinton must shake off any weakness to be to a return of the gross excesses of the nineties - of the Bill Clinton styled (hyper consumerism) - and accept forward a responsibility to be a third term of the “Green Agenda” of President Obama.

New York by giving Hillary Clinton a win has lined up as having voted for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.  New Yorkers have spoken by giving a win to President Obama’s first Secretary of State, primarily, and to that their message is to be “Earth Firsters” forward of politics of “Global Warming” “Climate Change” furtherance necessarily by more New Nationalism New Deal Austerity for Green Agenda of “Green Minimalism” to even more jobs killing - industries killing - new conservations/conservationism.

As Bernie Sanders stood tall and came out “still standing” after the New York Democrat Party primary there is that his “democratic socialism” isn’t Mrs. Clinton “New Nationalism” - Candidate Sanders is being a moralist a socializer - not a structuralist,, - so it seems, primarily.

It is now an inescapable political reality that Hillary Clinton’s New York voters have very much so just voted for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.  A minimum wage of Mrs. Clinton $12 per hour or Senator Bernie Sanders’ walked and talked for $15 per hour yet must now figure as yet of within a continuation of “Earth Firsters” economics for conservationisms as of austerity and so yet as but for more part time work, - even more an economy from full time employment to masses forced by the “Green Agenda” to be yet but generally only employable part-time.

President Barack Obama has yet to announce that he has succeeded at become the “The Man Who Saved The Planet” and so the “warming” “ALARMISM” is still the Democrat Party politics driver.  The planet must still be in as much danger as in 2009 or now even in worse danger and so needing even more consumerism and capitalism squashing of materialism and waste.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton must not vacate President Obama’s rendition of science to that austerity isn’t now even needed more!

New York has voted! - - - New York State has voted, by giving a win to Mrs. Clinton, quite loudly for 4 to 8 more years of austerity.

As this was a killer economics policy of President Obama it should be still for President Clinton; - None should expect an economic “recovery” and now should settle in for less is more and to that Congress is now organized of committees, it seems, of “Climate Change & The New Economy” duty. 

As this was a killer economics politics of President Obama the Republicans now with a President Clinton will be morally right again in doing as their Democrat Leader prioritizes and to themselves to living more responsibly - more green - more too of “less is more” - forward.

As this was the killer “economics” of the Democrat Party since 2009, while begun with affected campaign Powers since 2007, it behoove the nation and world accept that New York has just voted for the “Austerity Candidate” of “Eleciton 2016″!

As this was the killer “economics” of the “Economics Experts” of Obama - as were set to then otherwise have been much President Hillary’s “economic team” please understand that much of Democrats promised was not able to be because the Republicans did act responsibly on the “global warming” “alarmism” and did do as the President said - very much so to a unexpected, seems, new level of “less is more” conservation - a GOP embrace for “green minimalism” to save the planet.

President Hillary Clinton, - God HELP us! - cannot be President and not be for austerity and yet now we know the Republicans did surprise the Democrats politics plans by on the climate to have been to doing as Democrat President said to do, and not as President Obama expected/sold them to be to doing as to doing BAD & not cooperative lifestyle changes.

Note:  It was essentially a grand great flaw in the Democrats green agenda, however for New Nationalism New Deal Austerity of “Green Minimalism” for their “Green Agenda” that they didn’t expect their selling of alarmism would shrink the economies so vastly and so thoroughly by people complying and to being “Super Compliers” to that supply & demand economics stopped functioning scientifically as school children, of rich and poor, connected and unconnected, did work so much to saving the planet by maybe cutting their materialism easily by twice that which Democrat “economics experts” ever considered/allowed for/predicted!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:02 am

The Hillary Clinton spread with Bernie Sanders as by Southern blacks subjects of South Carolina, at least, says nothing good about America.

There is no bright side of this to look at.  Nothing good can explain such unbalanced support attached to Hillary Clinton. This is about Obama:

Let us believe forward that President Barack Hussein Obama is the greatest black man ever born in the known world, - work with me here:

President Obama has been such a great President we should accept Russian ships into our ports today to unload a redelivery of 1601 bronze “OBAMA” park grade statues as gifted said from “the Russian people.”  Such now fits to an old story of whence such may have before been of such so kindly of Russia as in US ports before but rejected by the President for the likeness as with a hammer in his hand just seemed too clumsy.  The plus one to the 1600 life-sized plus’d bronze Obamas must apparently be the one to be uniquely larger and particularly large enough to replace Lafayette in Lafayette Park across from the White House.  If such has been reforged by the Russians to better please President Obama it should be now accepted without question as it must be, if here and unloading, and if as rumored he is now of his grand “likeness” of but with a quill’d bronze large feather in his left hand, - and not a hammer to be noted.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax.  As we relate to how real this all should be to our minds’ eyes, and accepted as real, there is but that President Obama is hands higher, a for Posterity establishment, in bronze, even to Russians as historically a superior leader and man to President Clinton.  Can you even imagine William Jefferson Clinton as if ever so honorable by the People of Russia? - so from Russia, with love?

“THE GREAT EARTH FIRSTER”  All hail the fall of constitutional government & the rise of The Peopled Republic of Climate Fear!

Hillary Clinton can only be anticlimactic!  It has been written, - let it stay Executive ordered dictum!

Ask not your worth to another, we are EARTH FIRSTERS, our with is the arrogance, - the problem!


We should assume that any such gift to President Obama by “Russia” of life-sized plus bronze “OBAMAS” with large feather as a pen have been accepted as gifted, - now that the hammer was impossible as but “clumsy”, and as prescribed with locations across these united states of America forever now THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, is of the locations proscribed as “contract” to the acceptance of the 1601 bronze park grade “OBAMA” statues.  There likely is sure to be one somewhere near you soon, at least as within a 360 mile one way trip.

Our duty forward as EARTH FIRSTERS just mere subjects able to be corralled by dictum is to accept the priorities to that the saving of the planet is more important than our worth or even than any work at any worth.  Hillary Clinton has been inked to such, she can only be an anticlimax.  Most work is a waste of energy and any energy use threatens the climate!




It is wrong to say “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” for out here and now - our TODAY - is it UN-PATRIOTIC, measurably - by GOVERNMENT.

Our old legitimacy is lost, - gone, - unconstituted,- set asunder by mob rule devoid of regular order and due process!  The old U.S.A. could intervene abroad to liberate and not occupy, - could stand against NEO-COLONIALISM in the debate halls of old.  As a the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, though President Obama may become establish as a greatest black man ever born anywhere, anyhow, and, and as President Obama as the “MESSIAH” trumps Hillary Clinton anyways, every way, we are together of now that delegitimizes old intervention postures.  We are no longer a wild card of “HOPE”!

We may not have become Switzerland, - of a general neutrality, but we have rendered our engagements paradigms to contrary, - to disabled from timely interventions, however once arguable in a moral “MORALS” attitude.  We are now no longer the country that we were, our Constitution has been set asunder, - embrace our new us like as the THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CLIMATE FEAR, now, - our “trump” hand has been ruled away by mobs, - our “trump” hand for liberation not occupation has been trumped!


Any peopled so affected to rendered subjects subjugated to fears is a PEOPLED contrary to “We the People… Order…”!

Yes, it may be that Russians may want to erect memorials to the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, but it doesn’t have to be that we accept such cowed and blind to old structural foundational strengths in how we were constituted before.  We have become delegitimized from foreign intervention, for starters. 

As so corralled under GOVERNMENT dictum in FEAR MONGERING we have become not a people who can offer liberation, we can only offer a spread of neo-colonialism of an also spread of a occupation of reasoning by tyranny over minds of “peopled” places also threatening the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

You/we now all have a right to want to believe ourselves are always worth at least $15 per hour, - but believing is free! We have no right to a job as work is bad as work uses energy and so wastes energy and so threatens the agenda of EARTH FIRSTERS.

Hillary Clinton can only be an anticlimax!  It has been written let it be done:  WORK IS BAD !!!


A President Hillary Clinton can at best be a foot soldier a doorman to the GREAT OBAMA rendered post-constitutional new American Ordered corralling.

Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton (obediently) marshaled these once “We the People…” to “PEOPLED” of the grand new world order, as reconstituted, by mob rule, to blindly for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY, for #GreenMinimalism of EARTH FIRSTERS, in a NEW NATIONALISM, of a new national harmony, for the new CONSERVATIONISM, that is anti jobs, and anti work, - as living constituted as in a material word is a bold new NEW EVIL!

The only trump now politically correct is more for a natural Latin lovers renaissance, if still possible, anyhow!  We must accept our old constituted justice that was so perfect it enabled foreign interventions, for liberation even, is now trumped by FEAR.  Our old glories of legitimate engagements as by free People is now longer to be marshaled of an “OLD GLORY” pride, - it cannot be now our “perfect justice” latitude for free attitudes is over lorded, - like trumped from prudence Christian, - Christian in an evolved sense.

We now as our constitution has been set asunder can no longer be bridge builders abroad, and much not at home any more either!

Our press, what is left of it, must now report from behind the leading from behind as also blind and bound from assuaging passions and regular say “vicissitudes incident to life”!

All must be prescribed from as proscribed, - forward !!!

Obama is here to stay? Ready at:  Long live Barack Hussein Obama!?

Hillary Clinton must comply?  She is cast to be whom she was, actually?

Kneel before TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - the politics saving the known world, - the planet, - the politics of #GreenMinimalism as the new politically correct lingua for old tiring “POVERTY LEVEL”!

Kneel before the death of our nearer “perfect justice” constitution.  We now have no NATIONALISM claim that isn’t jurisprudence of a jurisdiction of the global or intergalactic firstly.  We are now not “citizens” for we are now just “subjects”!

Kneel before it affected that these united states of America has lost its old legitimacy for foreign interventions, we now are so reconstituted we are proscribed from global bridge building as our posture now of our arranged succession for a RULING CLASS power ELITE is such that we, however admonished as better to a CLIMATE REDIRECT, are forward stuck as all prescribed EARTH FIRSTERS to the word, the words of their climate dictum to each word, as that we are 100% right with them and any other is 100% wrong - any other must comply and be assimilated, - not liberated.

Our old “OLD GLORY” has been set asunder; - our “perfect justice” is rendered impotent, - EARTH FIRSTERS preside and now to that we cannot be justified toward interventions because we are no longer perfect as constituted imperfect.

>>> #SuperTuesday 16.3.1. once as Constituted of in the “Year of our Lord” - so now just dated: 

>>> “Citizen Rosebud” signing off.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

The Church of America resides in the states of mind akin to the synchronicity of daily struggles, - of passions. The “American” is of a sense of Place for the inaugurated of vicissitudes (trespasses) incident to the propriety of Corinthians.  The Church of America is the home of Freedom, - - - its “place” is our State of minds - we are “under it” while “of it” with equality, if gotten.

The five boroughs of New York City parse a geographic for cosmopolitan in a pedestrian “local” with/by civil boundaries.  However catholic there are parochial sentiments as keystones to these establishments, however, for the great work of humanity as for to heaven grounded, livable, with the roots of olive branches for all.

C.O.D. peaces are to a general copacetic, still though of some should fish most on their side of the river, yet of a civility that fishers of fish shouldn’t have to cast long trepidations by shadows upon the waters where they ply their hooks, lines, even sinkers.  Those keeled to a professionality, of our waters abouts, do some have by their nets catches, of daily, by the lots schooled, a more catholic plying to be learned of for their bounties.

The five boroughs of New York City are not as much of a “Class Fascism” as those who are of wants for tyrannical Power ideally hoped for for their machinations to their no Church of America possible extant as higher in Freedom than could be set a ceiling by secular Socialism, even especially National Socialism.  The potential of Eden as a Heaven grounded, livable, where olive branches is yet above the machinations by mere humans by the sagaciousness of the Church of America, however it of “place” only as in a “State of minds” in Freedoms, - copacetics by disciplined in Peace brethrens.

C.O.D. peaces are the awakening Freedoms across the universal of the “melting pot” metaphoricals for brake fasts serial Peace brethrens.  As universal peoples wake from their since dinner fasts for a new day of new “catches” these days dawn “local” to if a new “of day’s” is to be enough of a “of fair play” and separate enough from machinations of foul play.

Though the general Peace of these five boroughs, so spotlighted, as if succeeding dusks proceed of succeeding in enlightenment, to new dawns, of day’s, spill to the cementitious pedestrians stirred less of excesses of Devil’s brewed and more to apportioned nectars, even caffeinated milky ways, so spouted across commisaries.  As drive times to some more just shuttled keeps to regulated deliverance there is yet the comity for civility of commerce as by Corinthians, 1, &, 2. Catches of days’ are to be sung of, - for economies of growth there must be maturity in a general ability of masses to gather in songs, in expressed unity.

Dire has been the suppressions transgressed by willful (idealists?) of politics too for machinations for Trickle Down New Deal Austerity upon the structured for sagacity as the politicians have been aggressive trans-economic with oppressive dictum for a Green Agenda, that did set asunder the laissez-faire long manageable as the economics of Bible’s Paul, and his letters as foundations for governance in parity from agreeables to agreeables.

I must bear witness to that somehow New York City seems to have survived, while enduring, also, so many years of attempts to more than set asunder the Church of England as by subjugated under Government machinations for Obamacare, so also coincidental to the general threats, domestic, to the “Place” of “Freedom” as the “State of minds” as a “Church of America” of no “place” in particular, so also incidentally as a threat to all believers “Peace brethren” who trespass together of the five boroughs as their Eden(s), - - - The inaugurated “vicissitudes incident to life…” of the establishment for nation by George Washington, firstly, have somehow endured while the Trickle Down New Deal Austerity of its synchronized Politics for secular Socialism constructs by Government take-over of the healthcare economics is fallen from able to be endearing.

The Church of America is the Cathedral of George Washington!  Americans, of all stripes and double helix variations, are establishment Free people by constituted order to ordained Freedom in this synchronicity as “under God” while of “equality with” as of natural law of more solidarity for Peaceable songs of Corinth’s writ civility than can endure for these witnessed years of political machinations to stifle and suppress the sagacious beauties of those resident in enlightened natural states.

The USS “Bounty” as if the “ship of state” we are yet in pledged Allegiance to is for, since its originals, - its origins, of fruited plains and black gold of richly soiled latitudes.  Albeit so set for regular days of bountiful harvest where work suffice to, there is yet the lessons of Muhammad to consider if to thinking of those of the same God whom are those His most severely tested of his deserts severities.  New York City gets by in a universal copacetic as a “Place” for “Peace brethren”!  New York City is a “Big Apple” of many Edens - of cracks of dawns to varieties on show across their cementitious trespassed common grounds.

I do not know if their is a secret to being “well heeled” to “even keeled” that is not common to all for Eden(s).  As neither Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, and their God is equally above them, there is the Peace common but specific to when of “Place” as that Islam is of writ of for Muslims in that Christianity is inadequate for His deserts’ severe.  Long has it been parsed as in established that Christ Jesus is not an infidel, but, beware Christianity may not trespass well once deep into deserts, Christianity may be of dangers to life, lives, if careless practiced where bounties not more naturally shareable.

The “Big Apple” of the five boroughs, still somehow enduring as Trickle Down New Deal Austerity for a new conservationism to a “Green Minimalism” falls from endearing, is yet considerate as like a 1,2,3, “Blossomed” of Lotus metaphoricals pertinent to budding(s) vicissitudes daily incidental to lazy and free of the economies of Freedom as “under God” before ever deprived of a natural solidarity as if all here abouts are of a “Church of America” such as the spirit of the cementitious trespassers of the “Big Apple” abide in their Peace brethren routines.

As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully.  It is outrageous that the Church of England had to break up some with its Establishments across the ideal “Space” of the “Americans’” “Place” due the machinations of Politicians contrary to Freedom’s solidarity as to suppressing “religiosity” under Powers of Government by a take-over of the “establishments” long of “religious” purposed, - by the usurpation of the healthcare economics.

As went the South, - so goes the South, - hopefully!!!  The Church, once more of the monarchical of the English crowned domains, has been set asunder and some set apart, post the suppressions of it as in “America” as if to be under Government and barred from the Freedom of natural solidarity of the songs for trespassed comity (of Corinthians)!  May the South cotten to also now away from the autocratic wants of the “House of Clintons” “Clinton Machine” political machinations to their standard, as so #ART #IMPERIAL, as if to be hoisted and set above “Old Glory”!

As went the South, - so goes the South? - HOPEFULLY!!!  By the busheled of the politics of President Barack H. Obama, as it has been determined quite ridiculous he only recently paid respects to an American Mosque, let us consider how hard it must have been for the five boroughs of the “Big Apple” to have yet endured, these years, while there has been a “rotten apple” viral to the Freedom songs establishments long too Corinthians synchronized.

To also save the Church of England for those of the “Church of America” let us shake off the shackles of secular Socialism and bind to an arresting the Politics bad actors now quite long at efforts to set asunder a republic consecrated for peaceable Eden(s), - let us forward be reset by levering to Constituted parameters in a moderated federalism where sanctuaries of nature’s solidarity are keeps for Knowledge and Knowing of Known paths for comity, of “Apples” for everyone.

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Note: See also sorted set by keyword searched HER BLACK PROBLEM - the many @ http://bit.ly/BLACKPROBLEM, and sorted by BLACKPROBLEM here: http://hogan.jphogan.org/index.php?s=BLACKPROBLEM

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:53 pm


Lead with nonsense!  Lead of a preponderance of/for Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers!  New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!

Without morals - right! - right, without an establishment for morals - public morals - a righteousness as under God before under Government - an each free man/woman of a voluntarily extra-nation morals established practiced - can there be mercy? - can there be a “YEAR OF MERCY” affected?

                            *       *       *       *       *

[Commenced work in progress due completion by end of Iowa Caucuses]*
*[Do to tech diffs over 2 days when inspired to be pressed/written an unknown length of postponed extant now.]

Material ideas to be synthesized in these shared by social media bits/posts:

#‎Evangelists‬ per ‪#‎Cruz‬ ‪#‎NewYorkValues‬: As NEW ROMANTIC ERA ‪#‎economics‬ driver needing ‪#‎LOVEEconomics‬ is ‪#‎NOW‬ ‪#‎TheNEEDS‬ @ a vibrous copacetic can better be akin structural if ‪#‎CallToPrayers‬ now exercised more regularly by ‪#‎Christians‬?

‪#‎PoetJPHogan‬ asking also if ‪#‎AmericanMuslims‬ as ‪#‎PEACE‬ brethren can help ‪#‎Christianity‬ recover from ‪#‎LiberalDemocrats‬ secular ‪#‎Socialism‬ beatings by sharing an enlightened tao for ‪#‎ReligiousLiberty‬ security in it exercised even if more of ‪#‎Christ‬, in their extra-nation voluntary morality, do muscularly proscribe at least a Sundays call to prayers in assembly well prescribed?

‪#‎IowaValues‬ as ‪#‎SouthernValues‬ to how ‪#‎RepublicanValues‬ sync now to Northeast as the growth economics past NEW DEAL AUSTERITY for ‪#‎GREENMINIMALISM‬ have so many now freer yet beset together in a commenced (somehow) NEW ‪#‎ROMANTICERA‬.

‪#‎Catholics‬ this too is too for synthesized ‪#‎ClimateRedirect‬ & ‪#‎YearOfMercy‬, - seems.

>> PLEASE BE ‪#‎4College‬ & with JPHogan.org ‪#‎SAMPLER‬.

NEXT TO CITIZENROSEBUD.COM (when technical difficulties remedied):


“Lead with nonsense! Lead of a preponderance Joy but with due hints of sanctuary’s extant!

New York is a near perfect colony of believers! New Yorkers are near perfect in their New York values!

With nonsense all things are possible, and, Peace is structurally secured! Nonsense equals liberalism, - not lies!”

{These are the words to how CitizenRosebud.com next commences}



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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

And, in conclusion the Clintons become imprisoned for heinous acts in treason.  Too Democrats, 16.1.21, we are read it may be life sentences upon each of their souls, for acts of collusion of their shared soul.

Too, of the collective opines of Davos, albeit as said as for world economics, 2nd Corinthians may be “Messiah” President Barack H. Obama’s best defense.  2016 is the year the “Messiah” must lock in his proffered NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as if to GREEN MINIMALISM as the new copacetic tao - the new POLITICAL CORRECT lingua, forward, as in lieu of POVERTY LEVEL. The messianic of this whom saved the world from the too “machinations” of the CLINTONS’ MACHINE now lives another day to days for responsibility for the forced austerity into retirement.

The world economics of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY have been established and ordained, like, - though wrongly for Americans in a secular SOCIALISM!  These days are to try souls, - in synchronicity with the devilish of the Clintons machinations for MACHIAVELLIAN Power for a ruling class.  President Obama may have been an accidental WIZARD towards CONGRESS convened and committed to CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY, and it may be accidental that the messianic too has brought peoples of the world closer to their “under God” and wiser from as if first “under Government”!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  To understand these, as AMERICAN, readings must be transgress morally of the old of PUBLIUS as the explainer of CONSTITUTIONAL as synchronized to ADAM SMITH for the then fresh WEALTH OF NATIONS.  Too, of the global, and of the collective opines wafting of Davos of #WEF, deference is due to a reading of holy scriptures for the People Order done was ordained and established “done” under God by subscribed “done” so respectfully of “Year of our Lord”!

Do you reject Satan?  Now in 2016:  Together: Yes! I reject Hillary Clinton (for her machinations devoid of prudent sagacious beingness)!  Together:  The “little princess” shall be no “Queen” despite her life’s shared work as of wants for autocratic global Power.  Together:  We the People, now 16.1.21, are wise enough to “BAD MAGIC” the proper tag for CLINTONOMICS!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  Too DEMOCRATS, 16.1.21, - SAVED DEMOCRATS!  Can you yet be #4College #READY if not intellectual to PROS & CONS, GOOD V. EVIL, RIGHT & WRONG by comparing and contrasting of the PILGRIMS era pride their works as then global - world economics, like - joined as an epoch or era, too of the core of Rene Descartes writing as a CATHOLIC from where they left from, and, too of the core, albeit martial to brutal of ENGLISH times, of OLIVER CROMWELL?

There is no securing the progress, however “accidental” of an “accidental wizard” President at a political spun as if “messianic”, forward, now, without people everywhere voluntarily committed and participant to their chose extra-nation morality and likely to the voluntary emoluments to financially buttress their home community as duly with celebrant structures as SANCTUARY. 

NEW DEAL AUSTERITY has begot GREEN MINIMALISM!  “An Accidental Messiah” may be a premature #TAG an not prudent to be bestowed as it seems un-Saintly how lies were worked by political machinations to falsely accuse more innocent political operatives to a BLAME & GO opportunism, - a politics, however to GOOD begot to a lesser materialism, as a Political too much of selfish ends for a RULING CLASS, particularly.  “LONG LIVE GREEN MINIMALISM!!!” ?

Forward:  Together:  For the social good to endure, however now a GOOD from bad magic of an “accidental wizard”, all, - all across these united states of the Americas, must fairly engage for discoursing upon an existential problema, concurrent to our votal decidings. 

Forward:  Together:  GREEN MINIMALISM, as a GOOD to less gauche or gaudy MATERIALISM for materialism’s sake, to be newly of the “right hand of GOD”, to be a lasting GOOD to endure (to save the shared planet from CLIMATE CHANGE, at least) must be embraced for world economics, - due local economies are of the People immediately pressed to the social problema of shared existence in this new year still kept of the Christian Calendar as a “Year of our Lord” Constituted!










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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:04 am

Hubris or humility?  Hubris and humility?  Where to start?  How to start?

Some are already said press’n to: ALL TRUMP - ALL THE TIME media! - not HERE! not NOW!

Perchance a requisite toe in is to front an asking regarding marriage as to the Clinton marriage union. Is the professional union of the Clintons contrary to the essence of Catholic Marriage for the airs of them are that they as professional lawyers can, despite souls joined as one, be to annulled imports of the establishment of tenets of married, as per what Catholic?

Is it that the Clintons are too institutionalized even from Catholic think of separations by Rene Descartes as to too much of machinations, and as primarily devoid of a sagacious commonality?  Are there Descartian separations of the mind and body in how they, the Clintons, parse a convenient import of annulled to their them yet supposedly married - one united soul?

Is it that the Clintons as too institutional as firstly of machinations are un-Catholics more of Descartian but too of Oliver Cromwell, as too of that era so of the days of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower, - as to the Puritans of the colonies?  How can the professional separations abide of the Clintons as if they can willy nilly annul inconvenient unions in their Union; how can the Clintons have a personal marriage and too have a off switch for a professional as if their Union can be “UN” to separations of their soul?

But!!!  But this is too not supposed to be to ALL ABOUT THE CLINTONS - even most about Mrs. Bill Clinton!!!

Catholics are on the spot!  With every refugee story there is aired an expectation that with there now an American Pope there should be less a border between nations of the continents of Americas!  With every refugees story as related to Catholic morality there yet then in a money question for observance to an “if then” to a consideration that Rome should likely commit to more than just corner stones in the United States southwest but to a larger “bridge” for faithful of a dedication to a new great cathedral maybe for New Mexico.  With every refugee there yet is only some commonality to the politics necessary for civility as with property rights and of established and kept borders!

To Catholics we yet must be guardians as too for borders not UN-kept and too for marriages and not too like Clintons of a professional collusion as if professional in as of an UN-union!!!

Donald Trump to the Reagan Library CNN hosted GOP Debate is now off to the #TeamReagan races paradigm web as yet in a Romanticism rise marched and beat out by the “others” to a New Romantic Era into the void, and, forward, for now, Donald Trump is late to the races and still to proof a comity and copacetic of the basis for this new era as keystoned in President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II - for their professional unity.

Clinton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. are yet set asunder by their own, and historical, false pride;  Bill and Hillary are remembered as thinking they did since Yale Law School believe so in each other that they did believe each were smarter than the Founding Fathers, and the sum of the product of the Founding Fathers union.  It seems also remembered of the “air” of the, as I hash ‘em, as the #TheFullBillary, when necessary, that this divisible union, as for professional convenience, did also consider since the 1970s that they too were like of “we must be smarter too than the 80th Congress.”

The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library is an erection in poor taste too also skinned for the South, of Polshek drafted, as established as phallic and in a Confederate gray.  The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is artful and Presidential while the “ART” or “ARCHITECTURE” of the Clintons’ is an abomination, - as least to #Cats (categories) of “PRESIDENTIAL”!

The union, under our Union, yet of the Clintons’ joined soul, seems divided when convenient - quite so - YES!  The joined soul of the #TheFullBillary yet seems annulled only when they attempt to UN- to collusion and intimate knowledge a priori from mea culpa’s too clear/transparent.  We are at the posteriori with their a priori from moral the problema - concurrent - presently unresolved. The Supremes have ushered Same Sex Marriage to the states, albeit ahead of the donkey of due process and regular order, albeit ahead as “ordered” before states and localities yet of adequate time to review & amend related statutoried regulations. The Supremes have ushered yet of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender #LGBT ideologicals to that marriage is a union not as divisible, even for professional convenience, as the Clintons posture their own “union” as consummated.

Too simple for Catholics, but not parochial to fifth graders, however more in public than private, is the Clintons’ scandal of Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton of a non-government server, for the Clintons “marriage” is yet half the picture of the improprieties while it seems a simple criminal possession can first be ruled against President Clinton for it has been from the beginning claimed that Mrs. Clinton did choose to use “Bill Clinton’s” server in lieu of the propriety in a proper and expected use of the Obama Administration records in-house methods; - - - it is that Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton did, also in a contrary to/for feminism, choose to have her emails seem/be the property of her husband, and not specifically property of her job or her BOSS’ Presidential records archivables.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now more than as if just a Republican mascot.  He is acceptable now, it seems primarily, as also apart of the long beat to and marched movement of the “others” to a new copacetic of comity with humility to a new regionalism in allowed federalism to a New Romantic Era.

Donald Trump to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is now yet clear of a juxtaposed proposition that he will fall as like in a romance soap/novel as too the jock to Homecoming King who yet loses the charming Queen, of Homecoming, or cheerleader(s) to hard working nerd(s).

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

To the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library millions are, by the tens of millions expected, - - - even as millions who “couldn’t get in” who are “outside” but yet like still on their sea-side decks in New Jersey or Georgia.  Right, those who like can’t get in for they are yet willing and desirous but still thousands of miles away.  Is Donald Trump “pop” now as like proof of the “species” most targeted by the Administration of Barack H. Obama, for extinction, as not yet extinct or yet on the endangered list enough?

Senator Bernie Sanders while at Liberty quoting the Pope did enlighten this blogger to remarks from the The Pontifex I was not yet illuminated of while the brightness/lightness of such quothed yet harkened familiar to my own earlier espoused, and posted to shared with hashtags whence inclusive of at least this Catholic link: #Pope.

I have searched, and searched but cursively, or rashly, for my old remembered allusion to these times as wrong as if set to a new too institutionalized in a celebration wanting in a “Golden Calf” by Barabas.  I have so far only lighted upon scrolls on my tablets as by “GOLDEN” and yet likely metaphorical on my primary domain in the piece work of “GOD IS DEAD: AN AMERICA OF LIARS, CHEATS, & FRAUDS.”  I am left for now wondering if I but did hash #Pope to a Facebook.com/JPeterHogan quip on morality, or if I yet edited out my think as trite if too also clearly as of a GILDED CALF.

There are the 1-33 of economics treatments set aside anchored by WHITE COLLARED POSSE, as it introduces new economics theory of SUPPOSITYORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS, to THE KRUGMAN FALLACY yet for me and others to generally comb through for such catholic or Catholic metaphoricals on these problema concurrent to scandalous of Union(s). - - - The 33 #economics set aside and satellited from http://JPHogan.org of http://CitRB.net are free good reads maybe a BEST ON WEB FREE, as set in satire from 1-33 degrees of catholic considerations, - en massed to global intellectualism, hopefully.

These times leading to the CNN Debate of Donald Trump, beyond just a mascot, and the “others” is now yet synchronized to pop politics forward as to the “Post Obama Recovery” yet in a morality worked to newly by protestations concurrent by Jewish Senator Sanders, Catholic (Jesuit?) Pope Francis, and Protestant Trump.  Forward to win the future #WTF our #WINNING to yet arise to a “Post Obama Recovery” as from/to a GREEN MINIMALISM as the new “poverty level” in “PC” “political correctness” lingua franca, - - - and as to repaired from too retired of Democrats (necessary?) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY!

I behoove the considerations of IMMIGRATION vs REFUGEES for all as to be considerate to a civil comity, yes for a liberal copacetic akin the Bible “nonsense” yet is par to “Democrats” “liberalism” and as the Nation the Union was subscribed to be a “liberal democracy” by way of being constituted by the People’s Order as a confederate republic, in form.

Practiced Christianity in suffice to nonsense! The Democrats did harm to Catholicism by Obamacare in National Socialism and for healthcare is an oldest of the establishments of religion, that the First Amendment was supposedly to bar Congress from any Law respecting.

The Democrats for Obamacare were for the Golden Calf of Barnabas as for a new “government” extra-Constitution yet consummated to a pop media modeling for a methodology from “religious” to centralized National Power more to a “just take a pill” corner stoned key’d methodologicals as to an end for parish or community by decreed jurisdiction over all bodies as subjects to which each so with then were to see their “neighbors” as the President’s subjects not to be cared for otherwise for then to be supposing that the President was fallible, and failing so bad his “patients” yet needed their “neighbors”!

Senator Bernie Sanders, has been at Liberty quoting The Pontifex - Bridge Builder - The Pope - Pope Francis!

And, now, with as much humility as seems apropos, I do accept that #FeelTheBern so upon #PopeFrancis as so been to being akin to blogged of me, of John Peter Hogan, - JP Hogan, even as I yet, for your convenience, am to finding that specifically I already so press’d “public” and to likely then of a #Hashtag’d #Pope, and yes @Pontifex, whence. 

I do not know if I yet will find the requisite historical for you, please feel free to look yourself, and in your own way!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:54 pm

If you have heard of Krugbit Paul O’Scharey you are likely a reader - a reader of his syndicate, at least.

Krugbit is known for taking the “Funnytown” out of Bunnytown.  One more expressive of the robust economics long of such warren is Edward Coco O’Horace.  E. Coco is local and traditional compared to a coy obtuse reconstructionism of Krugbit.  E. Coco is read more that Krugbit in Bunnyland.  It is a wonder Krugbit for his creative coy constructs is read at all;  Krugbit only arrives in Bunnyland by his syndicate;  Krugbit is a distant voice as far removed from these united wards of the warren of E. Coco.

It is sport that Krugbit is read at all for E. Coco is prized for debugging the rants his as often as necessary with his measured and fuller considerate press’d and shared.  E. Coco has long refused to be published in any media when such if of the Krugbit via syndicate concurrently.  It is debatable if E. Coco, thus for, is creditable for so many of these wards of needing to have two paid subscriptions to appreciate his own artful press’d.

The THE GREAT SUPPRESSION was cover’d, for example, by Krugbit as if loyalty and fidelity to a King was the highest duty of subjects however these subjects, so “covered” economically, were still rightfully free citizens.  E. Coco covered it true with now dumming down of the variant variables that bolstered or trumps other pieces also vital to robust synchronicity.  Krugbit, however, press’d as if more a tool than learned;  Krugbit fueled many a corrective economics and comedies in psycho-babble not just by E. Coco.  Krugbit had at least one constant across most of his positions and this in Bunnyland was long fodder as a known fallacy.

The THE GREAT SUPPRESSION is cover’d across many years of the rearing in such wards of E. Coco’s warren as too of a Socialism on the march beyond its borders too of a call to a new nationalism that reached oppressively into their realm and as it so primarily of a core as NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  The drum major of the austerity did beat for contrary policies of if of a mandate more Bolshevik than their side actually of a bolshevik.  Krugbit was regularly fodder for implicating a success of a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED known to be otherwise in these wards so united and common to E. Coco.  When a whiff was caught of Krugbit posits newly posted the media so associated by his syndicate did see sales boost - and the wards regularly were those days more of expressents waxing adage “GOOD TO KNOW THE ENEMY!”

Krugbit is known to object to ad hominem when his “theories” are deconstructed and proved of fallaciousness as if just ad hominem “attacks.”  It is fallacious to posit of the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION as of a short term bolshevik (majority) at politics of a GREEN AGENDA and a centralizing so Socialist of a HEALTHCARE take-over could later claim to be of proofed that its opponents were wrong as to the dire resultants prophetized to it bloated for economics back-firing.

E. Coco is known for having more gestalt and a song more fuller in his renditions of how Krugbit so often busted.

E. Coco is known for having an integrated geo-topo-theo-economics that doesn’t willy nilly disregard variables or constants for effect.

E. Coco is known for being rich in metaphor and spot on in numerologisms while fond of postulates & inferences - for heft.

The THE GREAT SUPPRESSION is the best to bracket a prudence in a greater gestalt, by example, as Krugbit has been metaphor poor and fallacy rich in a seeming convenience to unbecoming loyalty to a politics too of a political economics.  The busts of the constructs rests in it learned that Krugbit brackets 4 where 2 only are to be dominant in a logical interpretive.  Where Krugbit errs by 4 where only 2 in a rational gestalt is endemic to his fallaciousness.

It is known from Indiana to the also too depressed by the distant politics of the political economics that reached into the realm of all the wards of the warren of Bunnytown that such was firstly of a call for austerity as a coy GREEN MINIMALISM.  It isn’t too a stretch to tag Krugbit Paul O’Scharey for having been a disciple of GREEN MINIMALISM;  K.P.O’S. was always in the court with a 4 for 2 as a too secular celebrant of a marched beating for SOCIALISM by centralized NEW NATIONALISM.

It is known from Indian to the also busted of the collapsed economic paradigm that otherwise was ready to roar before these too Bolshevik were whence to sufficiently of their temporary reigns as of a bolshevism.  Krugbit has never discoursed on how these economic flat years were avoidable and that a growth potential was stored up and ready to otherwise restore global economies to singing songs of opportunity and responsible growth economics.

Of the storied of the KRUGBIT FALLACIES to these wards of E. Coco, and too at least as far as Indiana, it has been secured that the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION did get worked over the potential for an economic recovery of robust growth by a bolshevism too National for a GREEN MINIMALISM and an also job crushing NEW NATIONALISM anchored by corner stones set for their HEALTHCARE politics to citizens forward as if forever more limited as merely “subjects.”

Luckily Bunnytown has restored itself “locally” to its original rights and free stature in a religiousness of national limiting principles to act as bulwarks for freedoms of speech and religion.  The leader of this too a new Bolshevism has yet to be dethrowned and Krugbit has been a busy hare O’Scharey yet trying to succeed where long failing in attempts to claim success where failure is structural to beneath his comrads foundationals.

Too bins by their lots a corner stone of the Bolsheviks was that HEALTHCARE had to be nationalized in a NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM even though AUSTERITY was needed for such ideology but was for the NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM for GREEN MINIMALISM.  These caught of the KRUGBIT FALLACIES fallaciousness did render more baskets with fewer vittles and a depressing fig’n for future bounties of whatever harvests or merchantiles, forward.

Krugbit Paul O’Scharey is most fallacious when to positing that the HEALTHCARE reforms have been working in ways the opponents now a winning of the 2 due more than 4, however your psycho-babble mashes your economics, and history.  To dig deeper into the fallaciousness of Krugbit of mathematics problems at least of an Indiana of 4 for 2 busts other “bracketology” will be necessary for what is a bigotry of tolerance too a discrimanant will need sociologists for inequality concurrently is at the threshold of consciousness to it necessary to study, towards workable new paradigms, how and if some of colors more distinct are yet not giving back enough to others from whence they come also of such an obvious “bracket” of distinction by character of those they look more alike.

HEALTHCARE as worked with the politics firstly of NEW DEAL AUSTERITY for a NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM is indivisible from the marriage of politics too of a political economics that is grossly responsible for setting asunder so many economies beyond - far beyond the parishes of Indiana and Bunnytown.  Bunnytown has restored the “Funnytown” to its wards civilly across the entire warren - and as restored to the core common in E. Coco O’Horace as derived consistently resistant to Socialism over the centuries from whence Corinthians spoke of divers of tongues and economics of communities need to be able to have a harmony in song for a synchronicity for growth - for wealth of economics/markets.

E. Coco has been consistently of an economics rap similar to that which Art Strike too was uniquely known as a vibrant celebrant - their politics richly full as of geo-topo-theo-politics.  Krugbit is likely never to set foot - be boots down - in the warren of Bunnytown.  It is prudent for him to be at least consciousness enough of his negatives to be behooved as of a prima facia hair raised intuitive.

The HEALTHCARE of the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION is indivisible from the temporary “IT’S A TAX” status managed briefly in their beatings for GREEN MINIMALISM too while marching citizens as if forever forward merely more just “subjects” of these new Bolsheviks however temporarily they were actually of a bolshevism.  The drum beats of such whomever their drum major were devoid of a necessary gestalt and too an due observance of the foundations of their set traditions - theirs as constituted by their People’d as an “Order” as the Constitution.

It is/was folly too fallacious how Krugbit posited a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED as if HEALTHCARE so centralized wasn’t as bad to economies, globally, as countered but insufficiently during the THE GREAT SUPPRESSION when such a lot worked a mob rule too of governance by man than still by laws.

E. Coco O’Horace can rest on his past poetics as too the wards of the warren of Art Strike of the Bunnyland restored as at the ready of a “Funnyland” secured for growth - for going forth and prospering (and multiplying)!

                                                *       *       *

{E. Coco O’Horace and Art Strike were local celebrants that hold ways to tru’d for TRUTH ways were the only cornerstones of the only foundation yet proofed to work for all in a melting pot e-eco-psycho-babble however adjustant to times newly evovled to discussants of geo-topo-theo-politics.  The fall of these new Bolsheviks is some of the fallacious of Krugbit for the “accomplished” of his posits suffered poor bracketology for associating misnomers and to beats of the oppositions progress as if to beats of the GREEN MINIMALISM of too centralized HEALTHCARE of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY mismatched to a time too of NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM.  It was more the appropriately federal of the Justices supreme by refusing to legislate from their domain a political fix for inadequate regulation, and for having returned to the People’d the power and duty of its elected to their Congress.  For the HEALTHCARE over-reach did have to be fixed Bunnytown became free to become a ready “Funnytown” again - - - Thanks to the Justices supreme for ruling it wasn’t theirs to legislate how these not adequately representative of a true bolshevism that which had been allowed as “IT’S A TAX” became understood as therefore only allowed to be “TEMPORARY” as due the nature of “TAXES” to CONSTITUTIONAL.  Krugbit Paul O’Scharey is still trying to scare up 2 from 4 but with his bad bracketology fig’d from fallaciousness - - - Krugbit remains fodder, merely in Bunnytown - For of these of these wards of this warren know it known that AUSTERITY & GREEN MINIMALISM were the primary beat of the marching that needed HEALTHCARE to be so NATIONALIZED for the work of citizens rendered more meekly “subject” to have any keystone.  These Bolsheviks had their HEALTHCARE fall for they were not sufficiently of a bolshevism and for how CONSTITUTIONALLY their “reforms” yet only became “LEGAL” in a temporary status as taxes are not rights to entitlements but merely regulations transient to the short-term government necessities.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:31 am

The great and powerful climate change guru President “Barack” seems clearly of a plan - a plan maybe a twelve steps recovery process.

It behoove us now to consider which step we each are at and how early in the new discipline such has us each.  Without experience with other twelve steps processes, you, like I, may be worried the only the easy first steps are yet commenced and progressed from - from to permanent personal change.

How low can we go?  When the great and powerful climate change guru President Obama says “CUT! CUT!” anew how much lower now can we get?  What is your real potential to MODEL GREEN CITIZEN (SUBJECT?) to a new “step” and “steps” to further obedience patriotic to even more austere conservationism?  How much lower can you go?


Can we as a People yet be of a majority enough past even a third step of any process a plan of the great and powerful climate change guru President “Barack”?  Of the mileage we all have to go mustn’t the mileage we have yet gone be just cursory to a plan to save the earth - to his recovery plan?  We have seen and heard of higher mileage vehicles as quite quickly available soon after the prior administration with technological advances they must have long been fully supporting;  We have “NEW” & “IMPROVED” but are not quite of a majority to personally benefit in these higher mileage standards for lower carbon pollution CO2 emission levels.

Can we as a People yet be soon to a majority for higher mileage while to being MODEL GREEN CITIZENS (SUBJECTS?) to new lows for a greener economy?  We must be to being again stirred by dictates by the great and powerful climate change guru President “Barack” to an new CASH FOR CLUNKERS.  It figures if our fearless leader of such patriotism to austerity calling is talking highways and infrastructure again he must be also ready to reboot CASH FOR CLUNKERS - RIGHT?

The great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” did, when of so much vast left wing approved stimulus dollars, seem to abstain from highways, bridges, and tunnel projects for the good of the nation.  It seemed self evident that he was better to offer cash for old combustion based carbon monsters on the roads instead of funding fixing roads to let those “clunkers” seem repaired and sufficient incidentally by just improving the infrastructure they trespassed.  It seems it was pure genius, even as ridiculous as it seemed that it took near $250,000.00 in stimulus dollars for a creation of each job near a $25,000.00 annual salary, that the fearless (too) powerful climate change guru President realized that though infrastructure jobs are always “shovel ready” he would have to abstain some how from such being “shovel ready.”

“Shovel Ready” is a title like “addict” to “addicted” yet as for politics to politicians as such as supposedly of “shovel ready” is of that presumed to be the threshold of basic skills that define any person as qualified to be certifiable as a “politician.”  Any “politician” incapable of providing “shovel ready” jobs by definition is hardly certifiable as actually being a “politician”!

Our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” has yet not lifted or lower the DANGER!!! DANGER!!! levels of that which must be of a master plan to save the entire planet.  We are left as citizens (subjects?) now to surmise that the risks of the end of the world as near are still as prescient and real as first set as most alarming and dangerous.  We must now presume that we are only just at the first steps in a recovery and consider that the next steps to greater austerity in new conservationisms are our patriotic duty however to be easier or harder next steps.

We must accept how is seems fated to refresh the remarks/quips of Admiral David Farragut of the Hartford about the battles of Mobile Bay when of declarations, nearly, to be of: “Damn the torpedoes - Full speed ahead!”

Our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” must be actually meaning to be progressing with his leading from behind now anewly of a:  Damn the economies - Full speed ahead (at least to even lower mileage)!

Right Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has admitted she has a lot of mileage on her just from her days riding with our great guru.  But to understand the politics of Clinton’s “mileage” you might seek the new progressive language in sordid sorted of http://bit.ly/MILEAGE

From the experience with the first parlay as if of a real intent to be of infrastructure “shovel ready” jobs we have it that better roads, bridges and tunnels would have undermined the processes for corrective twelve steps to a People more austere in necessary conservationisms.  He our great (too) powerful climate change guru had a predicament in the first steps for his “CHANGE” that now likely is present still so that a CASH FOR CLUNKERS II would be a better next step than any real “politics” to “shovel ready” jobs.  Better infrastructure basically would set back progress as better roads will make those our guru thinks “clunkers” yet seem again charming enough - even if daily reminders how most are yet priced out of his new green bling automotive.

We seem to be now most surely still at the original proffered alarming dangers of a world as we know it soon to end.  Due to it that our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President “Barack” hasn’t had reports of progress to share, or just as avoided further alarm by sharing a true dire earth status, we must see his grains of salt as grains of truth to it that we are only quite just begun and of only the first steps to a necessary patriotism in a greater yet austerity in even greater conservationism.

We are still of the level as:  DANGER!!! DANGER!!! THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT IS NEAR!!! CUT! CUT! CUT! CUT!!!

To now self asses our progress to the person we must look to fully consider how irresponsible we each are still if mobile forward of wants to jobs from infrastructure work while such would yet be to tempting and disruptive to the green agenda recovery generally.  We should be wise that “shovel ready” is a qualifier to “politician” and that any politician incapable of creating “shovel ready” jobs, especially when of so vast stimulus funds made available, must be either duplicitous or incapable.

Our great and (too) powerful climate change guru President must be of higher political ends for it isn’t (yet) generally accepted that he has just been incapable, and intentionally duplicitous while so incapable.  There is a “CATCH 22″ to his economics of recovery for recovery with his green agenda economics is most improbable.  We have that most are priced out of their homes/mortgages since the insurgency of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH joined to the marching to seize all oil company profits of the first steps with HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.  We have that most while priced out of their old homes due to having been on fixed incomes budgets unable then to afford the (necessary and proper) new green agenda much higher gas & energy prices are now so still priced out of new and improved automotive options.  So it seems.

As infrastructure jobs would improve the ride of those so ordinary, and obviously so, as if of an underclass to the enabled rich of the green agenda political officer class, there is still the sacrifice and efficiencies expected however of a twelve step recovery to consider if to be a MODEL GREEN CITIZEN (SUBJECT?).  It seems only fair now that a CASH FOR CLUNKERS II be commenced for still it seems that so many - the majority - are priced out of the new improved OBAMA NEW ECONOMY for though a new car may be greener and helpful towards cushioning the politics of sacrifice and efficiencies and yet of much higher mileage per gallon performance it is still “detail” “detail” “details” that the price of gas is so high that the price of the car is still too high.

We must believe!  We must believe!  There must be a new CASH FOR CLUNKERS due if another “politics” rising while so many asked to yet be just of the first steps to even more austerity and new conservationism of a grand plan to save EARTH with like a twelve step recovery.  There must be a new CASH FOR CLUNKERS due for most - a majority - while still priced out of their homes since the DANGER!!! DAMN THE ECONOMIES!!! began with Democrat Party politics commenced with “AN INCOVENIENT TRUTH” & “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT” and how now such lot is now mostly still priced out of comparable status new greener vehicles.

It was simple political analysis that “shovel ready” was only so hard for if to actual new jobs as so “shovel ready” the whole green agenda would have been undermined.  Better roads, bridges, and tunnels now would still be like better roads, bridges, and tunnels then - - - if they allow the nation to be to such then they are caught in an economic and political “CATCH 22″ of now way out or no way forward to the next (necessary) steps to further austerity for lower and lower carbon CO2 levels of from patriots to MODEL GREEN SUBJECTS (CITIZENS?) to however much newer conserving they can be brought to.

Can it yet be fair that the great and too powerful climate change guru President “Barack” yet now fund infrastructure without also funding a more massive new CASH FOR CLUNKERS as maybe a CASH FOR CLUNKERS II so that so many asked so long to sacrifice for EARTH saving efficiencies can yet not persist in suffering economics of still so priced out of their homes and new and improved automotive options?

As it was reported that with so much of vast liberal left stimulus dollars made available it is yet a wonder that as simple as definitive to “politics” as “shovel ready” jobs are that somehow these years have passed with so many so austere already and with a math, at least whence, of national solutions, so only of managing near one $25,000.00 per year job for each $250,000.00 spent in President “Barack” dollars.

It may seem crazy crazy but yet it seems we are all politically still called in a new patriotism and with the DANGER!!! DANGER!!! guidance still set to the maximum MOST ALARMING level.  MOST ALARMING!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:49 am

A plain dealer to a common sense broadside of Yankee ingenuity, of these days, is beset to be pressed of a New England prudence to be of the Democrats austerity to green minimalism.  Long Live President Barack “Green” Obama!

Democrats, however of New England, are the sherpas of the party “messianic” of the base campy beaten way to less is more, of the race to the top, especially.  New Hampshire has been directed to be more from LIVE FREE OR DIE to a new politics of a new nationalism more of LIVE WITH LESS OR BE ASSIMILATED TO OBEDIENCE OF “GREEN IS GOOD.”

Whomever is a Democrat now is beholden to the Party of Obama as in/of the somber nationalized guilting from excess, and from the hyper-consumerism of the Clinton Democrats, to these days of greater efficiencies of the new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY dictates.

Despite how native and rugged a “New Englander” a Democrat Party loyalist may yet pan out isn’t it that between President Barack “Green” Obama and Mrs. Clinton, however, are two among the lot whom likely couldn’t make it two to three days in New Hampshire mountains - on New Hampshire trails?  Right!  I imply such as if it to be considered as them without their Secret Service details they have long been dependent upon.  Really, if either heard “LOON! LOON! LOON!” in the woods, or on the waters, wouldn’t they be too thin skinned and ignorant and to thinking they were being called names?

Can there, in a Granite State concord, be any concordance for the gaggles of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats as birds of a feather, at least of an above the surface, of their flocking?  Isn’t there a general discordance, really of the established rivalry, quite of a blood feud of attempts to reset and reset and reset the pecking order?

I can remember how easy it was to bring candidate for President Senator Mrs. Clinton to her New Hampshire tears.  I had blogged and blogged to press and press to her so then so visibly on the ropes and quite disturbed/beaten.  Her “New Hampshire tears” shouldn’t have been so generously wiped away as if nothing - nothing telling.  Her “New Hampshire tears” were shed when on the ropes and pressured to a old manly standard of an equal standard progressive with a made general queriousness to if she was at all well rounded and actually of any hobby/hobbies.  Mrs. Clinton’s tears were shed due to a quite soft-balled 4th Estate pitched fair question to discern if she wasn’t just a workaholic in a bad and too limited way.

President Barack “Green” Obama may be the first American black to be such a hero to the Green Mountains state of Vermont with it so differentiated from its across the Connecticut River sister state New Hampshire as so generally a “most white” and “most Socialist” however sovereign state.  I do not know Vermont’s history of or with black heroes.  I have hiked a week in the White Mountains without yet being then in the 70s of being also in the Presidential Range.  I have not climbed by foot or car that peak of the range Mount Washington.  I was a camper of the Massachusetts’ Y.M.C.A. system of Camp Becket in the Berkshires whence. We could see the Presidential Range but yet we couldn’t touch it from where we were.

If I have ever water skied but on “Golden Pond” it wasn’t memorable enough to be of a memory of having ever water skied but that week spent on and around Squam Lake. I have lived in the Boston area and too on Block Island of the Town of New Shoreham of The Ocean State of Rhode Island, and off course my mother state Connecticut, and too yes I lived near ten full years on Capitol Hill near Eastern Market in Washington DC and those years about Philadelphia of Pennsylvania as were of my four years at Villanova University on the Main Line.  I have know Bill and Hillary since they were in Yale Law School and they polled me as a “charming young boy” at play after school in the school yard across the street from my home then while I was near just a first grader.  My answer remains for “Hillary” that if she married “Bill” and let him be to a Presidency first then the answer was “NO” - my God’s honest answer was nearly: “No! You will not be able to become President if you let him go first.”

As the rival Democrat gaggles stir these days per New Hampshire isn’t it that it is anathema to ‘LIVE FREE OR DIE’ beats that President Barack “Green” Obama has marched and marched for an obedience in new nationalism to an assimilation more as the People’d people forward more as subjects than citizens?  As the gaggle roosts of discordance towards 2014 and beyond mustn’t more press a restorative common sense Yankee prudence?  There is so much that is anti-coal that otherwise is as much or more to raping mother earth by abusive mining otherwise for “GREEN” for it necessary to, in lieu of coal, be yet to harvesting vast amounts of rare earth minerals.  The processes for a said “progressive” of the Green Agenda seem at least as destructive, and while, at least for now, quite more expensive and costly to jobs and growth economics.

Fellow People’d people, however of New Hampshire, have you heard the one about how besides austerity the roots in the new New Deal New Nationalism it is that the economics common sense is plain and concordant that Obamanomics sets asunder Obamanomics for the politics, if too growth, needed Republicans (and Independents) to not do as President Barack “Green” Obama said but to yet persist in being, as he said they were, bad and at still being however industrious?  Have you yet twained how what has hurt the Green Agenda most is that the Republicans have complied - that Republicans (and Independents) have led the way in an obedience about the general concern of the alarmism that the world as we know it was going to end?  President Barack “Green” Obama to have otherwise succeeded in some economic recovery to growth has been long impossible for the Republicans (and Independents) were complying and being more of such as GOOD and NECESSARY as “proffered” by the President.

The gaggles of Democrats now however discernible of a rivalry more a “blood feud” are yet of defeating themselves faster that the Republicans (and Independents) could yet of defeated them if they otherwise had persisted in being as BAD as tagged, and so not as GOOD in obedient “GREEN” new leading conservatisms compliance.  And, too there is yet that if the Republicans (and Independents) yet weren’t also so patriotic and industriously of the prior administrations guidance towards energy independence any of the flocks of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats quite should be hunted akin of a hen pecking reset of wings of New England prudence and Yankee common sense to any plain dealing wised to it that that which has been of “economic growth” during the flights of Obama on point with Obamanomics has mostly and primarily been of Republicans (and Independents) so in compliance to ‘GREEN’ and progressive in “ENERGY INDEPENDENCE”!

Frankly it seems any New Hampshire Democrat “goose” must now be of ducking and running or being quite cooked.

Frankly it seems the so “messianic” of the Obama Democrats must have meant for an austerity Franciscan for it still seems that his “economics” were so likely to lead to such for his new New Deal Nationalism that he must have meant, however “robed” or “sandaled” to have brought us to these so beaten paths, and faster if not for the Republicans so of being so leading in practice to compliance, short of assimilation, about the so pressed towards saving the planet first from that “proffered” of a doom and alarmism of those notes so of shots of concord about an end of the world as we know it near.

Frankly it seems any of a gaggle of either Obama Democrats or Clinton Democrats, however of New Hampshire, must be firstly or primarily considered a bird more for the table(s) than for any parading.  It is quite true in an economic pathological that an economic fattening however unlikely with a new New Deal New Nationalism Austerity was even less possible for the Republicans (and Independents) so complied in practice and so as by doing what the President said should be done of any of private or public industriousness.

President Barack “Green” Obama and his gaggle, at least, is of the irony that his austerity has worked too well because the Republicans (and Independents?) proved themselves not to be as bad as they were feathered as a flock (too generally) as.  But can the rivalry so a “blood feud” separate the economics of Obamanomics from of those its “experts” firstly (loyally) while so also yet the Clintonomics “experts”?

It seems quite ironic as of a truth now contrary to the messaging long of the “messianic” that so many People’d people impressed more as if subjects of new nationalism than preserved as free citizens that President Barack “Green” Obama has with his “messianic” austerity brought a nation to so many flats as if more basically communal in a sandaled new Franciscan.

Is it now safe or prudent to presume or assume that this new “flocking” isn’t of necessity due to the “messianic” however paraded of a pride in a fan tailed Obamanomics otherwise as if for economic growth good for a middle class, at least?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:32 am

Imagine I am seated and staring at a blank piece of paper, a ream at the ready.

How it may be that it might behoove yee to imagine a conditional situational as if such were all blank and yet like a page one and yet but as a scroll - a new and very blank scroll - should yet be mostly just incidental to the beef - the beefiness to become of such, as it may.

It is situational to a blank slate now as it is prefaced for an apropos conditional in metaphor.  These times are trying times of times anew of past times and past vicissitudes, struggles, and trials.  The hemp is taught, the rigging is set, we yet are not hoved to; These are times yet of a Puritanical gruel, and too a Constitutional grog;  These are the hard times, shall we bemoan, of Obama and his New Deal Austerity +.

Right!  We are stuck as now with a politics of imagery of President Putin at a cry me a purr’d bare breasted upon a horse as if so now in a Russian Crimean War, not.  Maybe his successor predecessor Dmitry Medvedev is his trail cook?  As a Prime Minister could he yet be a Vladimir Putin, President, High Priest?  Perchance the successor predecessor is yet but like a gypsy snake oil vagabond?  What is the new lingua of intervention in the apropos conditional Putinesque?  Is he more a ruthless conqueror or more a Christian Crusader in a dressed up linga of a Russian Christian Orthodoxy?

Yes, please do imagine that I am still seated and staring at a blank piece of paper.

Yes, it is I am just trying to share thoughts so for now we shouldn’t need to wrestle about any paper - or at least any pen.  What has become of the messianic candidate of youthfulness known as Senator Barack Hussein Obama?  As the chow he dished out plated as if of a Christian prudence it seems now to have settled roughly of lingering bite too ripe of hypocrisy as if as feared by too few the religiousity was just a cover for grabbing centralized newly socialistic grand Powers.

Are we now all too long of a trail struck by too many of a blind faith in the HOPE of such once said to be set in a messianic and so bounced and tossed by it so of proven circular directions and muddied ways of seriously deep ruts?  Aren’t we all now at an epiphany conditional beyond any comfort from metaphors that Obamacare has become an albatross about the neck of freedom and as it burdensome as rendered yet already as the most expensive way imaginable for every state to have homesteaded their own Romneycare?  Is it yet that Obamacare isn’t yet near enough to itself when judicially reviewed and deemed of a Constitutionality too metaphorically as “it is a tax!”?  As The Affordable Care Act returns home to The Supreme Court this spring for further diagnosis of impropriety said proper and challenged - OH MY!!!  It seems it has become contrary and undermining to the First Amendment freedoms of religion.

However we see President Obama if with a horse more as if in a buggy and with a buggy whip and still a bare breasted other too much a comrade of maybe too socialistic MY BROTHERS KEEPER jingoisms bent too far as if to a broken back for reasonings why about valleys of death - and still specifically hills, mountains, and valleys of Crimea - it is a beef not a metaphor that there are conclaves of free people incidentally righteous as they hoof their behoven TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY broadsides.

For the matters soon before SCOTUS as yet another challenge to POTUS the SOTU rests upon it established and ordained that the First Amendment still exists.  For these matters of thresholds and limiting principles for a renewed showdown as a high noon in restorations of the intents from the days of Old Iron Sides the Puritanical gruel is yet still too rough as the grog so New Deal socialistic bare itself as by portions so watered down.  For these matters it is prudent to think of scrolls even if now blank and new;  For the incidentals of a SOTU as so muddied and rutted of circular Constitutionals if Constitutionals at all, POTUS has a date still with SCOTUS and such it seems as to decide if ACA as Obamacare isn’t now not in reality what it was when firstly review so partially as so written down an in seriously long form.

Justice Antonin Scalia now can lean on observations and metaphors - perhaps even similes.

Justice Antonin Scalia did jest and yet effectively plead an Eighth Amendment Right of protection from a standing of POTUS that he and the remainder of the Nine need be to reading all that was so then already written as if the Obamacare to judge for perpetuity as The Obamacare. 

Justice Antonin Scalia did claim his Eighth Amendment rights of protection from cruel and unusual punishment as it was his opinion, it seems, that to have been asked to have read it as it was then as if “all” was too much too ask any reasonable person if to asking them to interpret such, and, as it seemed implied that it wasn’t meant to be yet interpretable as yet but of a war power of an short term executive power to wage war on health, and have a taxing right for a momentary crisis. 

It seems that however President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thought it safe and cozy to be bunked up with a new Russia of the old President Putin we have to consider that what Obamacare has become is differentiable from what it was when it first was corralled in The Supreme Court chambers;  It is arguable that the Obama Democrats, however as they meant to be Hillary Clinton Clinton Democrats, have given cause to raise and praise Senator Joseph McCarthy for his old hunts for socialists must have had actual basis for such as this to have made it now so far so long later.

Yes, it behoove us prudently to consider scrolls new and old!

Yes, it behoove us prudently to consider scrolls new and old — it is pressing now that a First Amendment Challenge as so scheduled may be yet enough of a necessary standing for a new queriousness of the better revealed (intent) of The Affordable Care Act by ways of preserving and protecting the Rights of the People’s Order of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and for matters of over-turning this beast especially specifically the situational conditionals of the First Amendment.

These are puzzling times as Repubs on the rise more of a old Latin than Afrikaner populism.  These are puzzling times, yes, for it seems a President Putin maybe more at an actual messianic now than President Obama was though said messianic, and  while too it seems too much to using it as a charity like by nationalized “healthcare” as but a tool for Machiavellian socialistic centralized Power harnessing.

These are puzzling times of a beef for the record books as to how said ACA isn’t as it was said as written.  It seems any standing to review a new Constitutional interpretive is to be more stuck in the old ruts of original pathology in jurisprudence;  It seems, in a lay opine, safe yet to posture that a standing to revisit Obamacare however now Obamacare as originally Obamacare or yet as Obamacare as not Obamacare is yet a standing before and of The Supreme Court to render onto such authorities a consideration Constitutional that Obamacare is not now a Constitutional Obamacare at least by the First Amendment incidentals of Congress barred from making any Law respecting establishments of Religion.

These are puzzling times of a beef for the record books as to how said ACA isn’t as it was said as written.

President Obama, as President H. R. Clinton too likely would have as expeditiously, seems to have cured - to have healed the ghost, at least, of Senator Joe McCarthy.  The real whipped as a socialist gruel wagon, however also of New Deal Austerity green minimalism tyranny, is now of a puzzling times set it seems upon a stage yet proud and patriotic of Repubs already some established as forward in a Latino is the new Black - whether Rubio or Cruz, or both, vote for the RED - the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE - vote Republican an to steady the wagons United to make love not wars.

These times are quite puzzling!  Yes, it seems a RUBIO - CRUZ 2016 wagon is ready of REDS of a pledge to be of and for a standing as Latinos the new Black and of Republicans of the Christian old Latin to firstly be of and by writs @ MAKE LOVE NOT WARS.

And, yet now anew of the Eight Amendment Rights even afforded Justices, this beef still seems of pretty purring as if a gravy train could be affordable in perpetuity, though under still the Posterity of the written way Constitutional formed philosophically contrary, of a chuck wagon that cannot still roll.  It seems there may not be blank paper enough, metaphorically, as it seems that used of the original Obamacare used up all that hasn’t since been used up in making Obamacare no longer, arguably, still a Constitutional Obamacare.

It seems as “it is a tax” it yet by the First Amendment may too not be allowed to be a permanent tax.  SCOTUS?

And, yes there was a Republican alternative to Healthcare.gov and it too near a billion tax dollars for a website: See as for a Romneycare for each in a kept prudent federalism moderation each state nearly only needed to ask Massachusetts for a free copy of its software running its Romneycare — right?  President Obama, has President H.R. Clinton was likely to too have, was necessarily of a need to be so busy at reinventing the “wheel.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:33 am

With the shadows of doubt seen so about President Obama a fable of he still shouldn’t be (yet) that he should have stayed home and say vacuumed/cleaned.  These are days that are darkened by Mrs. Clinton, however, as too long yet of insufficient common sense possibly from not having enough stayed home to bake even some cookies.

I do not advise Republicans or even GOP women to be now at a WAR ON WOMEN.  I may not advise them or any of them to be so at war politically yet, however, I do have a history of progressive feminism and effected political positive change specifically for women that allows me latitude for attitude myself as if of a WAR ON WOMEN political punditry.

This February 2014 as the second month of the Year of the founder’s Lord two thousand ten and four as a new BLACK HISTORY MONTH is economically historical of a politically long dark shadow about President Obama that much belongs to the girth of the effectings by Clinton - by the Clintons.  President Obama, it seems, is now mostly of a culpability by association with an inherited darkness now affecting like a black hole made by the inferior orbits much still too polarizing of the Clintons’ presidency.

I may even now be near to cherishing a natural role, myself, for a WAR ON WOMEN open discourse about feminism and a guilt due political feminine.  We all need an emotional empowering to the days before the Clintons’ unexpected 1992 showing and placing to yet find a sufficiently empowering as like finding the leverage - as like finding the spot to move the world by a simple lever.  I may be uniquely of a history to generally discuss a Welfare of feminism of the science medical and as well a socio-economic of the politics of change at least of the early 1990s.  I may cherish a timely WAR ON WOMEN if only to air out as dirty laundry some issues about any progressive feminism now of a darkened economic shadow as if of a incomplete grading as I should be able to recall in due time many ways at how it seems women have avoided finishing some of their movements.

But really this today is supposed to be satirical to how it may yet not be fair for President Obama to be so blackened and trapped in a long economic shadow vacuous primarily made of the baking of the Presidency, at least, of the Clintons. Though we should be (morally) concerned about President Obama as seemingly of his own pen and powers at apparently self darkened by a Presidency violate of the ten commandments but by nine - it seems yet he hasn’t proffered at adultery and so all ten.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd he proffered at all near that it could be Constitutional for Congress to make any Law respecting that there is no GOD.  As a Constitutional Law Professor it is odd that he as a “messianic” was as it still appears of a attempt at a bright aura as if a messiah of more than one GOD - and yet now of a darkened shadow at least about Christianity.

This economic mess is much so of a vacuous morality nearest yet to a lacking morality as to be expected by a statist polity by polarized partisan politics so shared intra-party in a Socialism like New Deal Austerity.  How such is a blackened shadow of Democrats girth and casting is still to be parsed and metered — President Obama may be as a black shadow yet by an associated it may be us all so blackened by a darkness about a general Democratic Posterity.  Mrs. Clinton, however, need be looked for a culpable darkness of such girth and extent as like for not enough common sense from like enough time at home and baking cookies — it is palpable how unsavory these economics of the Democrat Party New Deal Austerity in an olfactory premonition for visuals have now too long shown that Mrs. Clinton doesn’t per intelligence at least know what things can or shouldn’t be mixed together.

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity. 

I have likewise a consideration for economics that I am one whom shouldn’t be expected to make a next move or even a request to others as per my history and vast successes I have a Posterity that need others to at least presuppose a political condition that I am one who should be reached out to and not waited upon.  There is that for what I know of my own past means, motives, and used opportunities for effecting economic growth and even a feminist progressive there is so much in such recollections that to see my affecting shadow and as truly relevant a capacity factor necessitates a protocol to waiting on others.  It seems that I must wait until approached by at least written email or phonography and a due protocol to preserve a capacity for sufficient detail remixing.

The politics or civility for a fair exposing of any long shadow as mine and made by me is of a necessity it seems for a sufficient capacity for Posterity because until others try to explain my story even to me I won’t yet be able to adequately discern a say leverage position towards rendering a new progressive bi-partisan affecting.  Until some others approach me either by at least written email or phonography it seems it would be self-defeating to public hopes even if I were to make efforts to ask to be more broadly read of my blogging yet so now of a brightness to expose Democrats of a darkness as their shadow economic and political. For now my blogging isn’t supposed to be of the answers but to a corralling or desperado range of miles and miles of fences to keep — for now my blogging is for justice and history as it seems a necessary politics that a justice for the darkened shadows by Democrats needs a public rendering firstly.

The Clintons can be said to mostly have affected a vacuous economics of the darkened or blackened shadow at least now economic of President Obama however if mostly yet of only an associated culpability.  How blackened is this vacuous now in an inescapable personal and political guilt for President Obama?  How now isn’t President Obama the THE ESTABLISHMENT and so of a liberating not occupying affecting for the Republicans?  How now isn’t President Obama mostly culpable by standards of leadership for even so much a trapping vacuous economics rendered primarily before the Presidency of George W. Bush by the too political and opportunist economics of the Clintons?

Again, I, though of legs for feminism myself, must advise Republicans, and even GOP women, to think, to think twice, before also entertaining a likewise, or eitherwise, conjoining of a WAR ON WOMEN refreshment of political relativity.

Speaking personally and yet politically to not get in the way of the first black President at his desires and attempts to have a personality based #OBAMA PERSONALITY presidency:  I speak personally of how I will not knowingly help even President Obama help the Clintons succeed in what has since their 1993 inauguration seemed too much to me as if of them of thieving knowingly in a clever (spousal) lawyering from me.  There is that for the vast past effected capacity and length of a shadow I cast economically and for a progressive feminism it is too that I am in a position that has me needing to wait on others to be firstly to attempting to assuage my past volunteered economically mused affecting generosity before I could have a chance yet to be to a restorative economics however with any reset using specifically that of the past successes.  There is that until I respect that President Obama wants to live or politically die by his “personality” and that for such too I am politically wise to avoid any reboot of my now off-line synchronicity for economic growth at least unless asked specifically by parties sufficient in a political girth for there to be any progress not too self defeating per any gross efforts.

I do have to some blame President Obama yet it really is the culpability of the Clintons for such a darkened economics and polarized partisan politics that I must most and most knowingly tag.  It is that however the Clintons may have thought justified in their unauthorized use and misuse of my past political and economic effectings - including some still quite empowering of progressive feminism - I personally have and still feel justified in tagging them of at least imprudent and unnecessary unwise thievery of that once more mostly my originally timely figured business plan an the greater ambition that still better explains it.

However Mrs. Clinton, however, now is of a history of failing at a proper intelligence before and after Benghazi it remains that such can be said as of her at least of not having enough time at home and baking — Mrs. Clinton, however, just seems for Posterity a public figure who hasn’t yet figured what can or shouldn’t be mixed together and/or cooked together.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:31 pm

There is a future for Detroit.  Beyond the pauled of the collapse and exodus of just the urban flight it is that all should be thankful that the Clintons did not get their way in their first term. 

President Ronald Reagan and President George H. W. Bush had a process and structure even as per Apartheid and Nelson Mandela that was prudent to global harmonic composition of what needed sectionally to be build or rebuilt firstly.  Detroit, any recovery, or renaissance, need, its seems, must recognize that urban revitalization and success is as dependent as satire and music on process and structure.

It is terrible what has happened to Detroit.  Detroit has a future as from a THE MOTOR CITY to a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  Yet first there is what is in the air too political and yet lacking in sufficient historical that has to be cleaned up.  If you wonder on me and if of a street cred due respect to any Detroit please consider that I after I had helped the Clintons become more electable towards 1992 voting than I had fully meant to it was I, not them, who answered the motor industry with an offering of direction that could mesh and harmonize — it was I that offered something President Clinton wouldn’t have and that of smaller back seated cars yet styled to look like scaled down 50’s & 60’s automobiles.  With such volunteered guidance I accepted airs of appreciation only from even Detroit and stayed of a responsibility in a synchronistic integration then forward in a marketing solidarity.  To look back at Detroit it is easier to see that the world could be better off now if the Clintons had not been of their co-Presidency whence.

It is terrible what did happen to Detroit.  What happened can be rolled out as only having been possible if years of avoidance and inaction was the rule; President Obama would better to have been to fixing the mess that largely arose from the Clintons’ years and the Clintonomics of cake eating while still cake selling.  President Obama would better to have been to fixing the collapse irregardless of all the politics of how and why it happened by approaching it more fairly and equitably and with a recognition that the fastest way to have stopped the housing collapse and the collateral damage to the US auto industry was to have worked to lower the price of gas and/or moved to distributions in a #MoralCapitalism of cash stipends to the People as the Government then was so busy increasing the costs of energy and living.  President Obama if as of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech had been more local than global his admonition and slaps at the Clintons about the dangers real that arose from their years of inaction and avoidance would have it as that he too could have tagged the Clintons for eight years causal by negligence to the plight of Detroit.

Right!  It is musical that during the Clintons’ 8 years, in an ironic, that success was wheeled out to help sell smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles, as I had considered, by suggesting a modeling type with smaller back seats, at least, that the attitude of William Jefferson Clinton likely himself couldn’t abide.  Detroit we all would have been worse off if the Clintons had gotten their way earlier than the first term of the Obama administration for so much of this mess - this economic mess - would then have happened earlier and when far more dire consequences then likely secured as real and present (dangers).  It was you could say an idea beyond a paul that compact cars could be other than humble and small and be ever ripe and musical.

The structure of the musical satire of Peter, Paul and Mary seems to have worked like a production line and also with sufficient originality and harmony;  it seems that their process had three parts - a interest at the beginning - a troubled or concerning in the middle - and a happy or just copacetic in the third place as the wrap.  On this here site you can locally search just by DETROIT and find I have earlier explained a workable future for THE MOTOR CITY as of it as able to be reborn poetically and justly instead as now and forward as a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  It seems Detroit has a place in history to fill out for its legacy of making so many mobile and freed;  it seems DESTINATION is in your future now as unlike most other metropolitan areas you have the area and mass available to create a realm of distant realms of #ClimateChange #MODERN #URBAN by way of earth domes of DESTINATION domes of interiors as theme parks and recreation DESTINATIONS.

If you only already knew that what Senator Rand Paul is now saying is what you likely could already have been living if at least but for the Clintons and so many dangers that did arise from their inaction and avoidances globally and locally.  You can diss on Reagan and Bushes for some of the humanities afforded the Clinton street cred for of a time and space shared with the story of Nelson Mandela as he then a President during the co-Presidency of the Clintons.  But to look at structure and process for any good musical or industrious roll out and not just hype and propaganda it is that many got stuck by the politics of the Clintons of deciding not to do stuff because, well, it seemed their “two-fer” had decided it could wait for a President Hillary Clinton, whenever.  There is a big difference in the history and politics that has to be considered as part of the Detroit story in how what Reagan and Bushes may not have done was done as part of a prudent process and structure as if assembling a workable betterment universally.  For the Clintons it is too considerable that their inaction and avoidances can be yet otherwise too parked as excusable supposedly because the Clintons seemed to think it would be more fun and for their own legacy if it were instead President Hillary not President Bill whom was at such disembarking politically.

Yes DETROIT you can become a DESTINATION — you can become a renaissanced international DESTINATION!!!  We of The United States of America if and when we can get past the many poor economic choices and establishments of the too nationalistic Democrats however Obamanaughts or Clintonites can be celebratory to a THE MOTOR CITY re-tuned and spun timed well as a THE MOTOR TO CITY.  Detroit is like custom made and yet ripe to become an American DESTINATION for climate controlled custom designed modeled on global hot spots environs as a city as a theme park as a city of EARTH DOMES of distant lands.  Detroit can be and should be a tropical destination as well as a place for year round albeit indoor down hill skiing.  Too by way of celebrating humanity and a shared environs mustn’t there be at least a couple places on each continent at least that could be of a reconstituted variety place of well structured and appropriate “local” customs now and forward in Detroit even if an a distant hot spring or a desert oasis with camels?

It is actually scary to look back and think back at how much more damage would have resulted if these too nationalistic ways about that of the Obama administration had been effectable then as the ways of the wants of the Clintons whence.  There was far more potential for just economic damage and dire straights not so humble or small.  Rand Paul seems tuned to helping Detroit rise anew from a humble and small - from say a paul that really wasn’t as necessary yet so of the Obama Administration and its CRISIS bailout ways “success” as too many still are thinking.

A big problem for Detroit has been also the excessive and untimely NEW NATIONALISM of the wants of Roosevelt liberal Democrats for a NEW DEAL however it parked austerity and severely as rolled out with an economic suppression from a related necessary green minimalism mantra.

A future for Detroit and other major metropolitan economies is complicated - too complicated - as long as local fixes are supposed to bow to a nationalism in Federal superiority.  It is better to think that President Obama has bankrupted the Federal Government and that cities like Detroit at least need pull together even to a celebration of SANCTUARY NODES @ http://bit.ly/1a0BAKo moral capitalism basis in community and competition.  There is more economic and political history sorted in a e-sampler at http://JPHogan.org and as well four renditions in original rap of: BOY WONDER - STATE O STATE - FUZZY MATH - O FOOTNOTES ODE.

A future for Detroit may now depend on its residents being in the present and of a beat that President Obama has been driving too hard and too long in the wrong direction - too much in a direction away from “community” and “competition” - too much in a socialist direction to a nationalized big government centralizing around and of his “personality.”

President Obama and the too Rooseveltean New Deal GREEN MINIMALISM attempts to a post-Constitution revolutionary politics have been more causal of “the problem” than helpful of “the solution.”  In Senator Rand Paul’s defense it is that even as per unemployment benefits it is better to hunker down and think the economics of the too nationalist Democrats have been and remain a clunker;  in defense of the GOP posits for Detroit I reckon that it is now necessary to find local and community based unemployment solidarity and be together as long as such Democrats still reign in DC to an even greater austerity and compliant green minimalism.  The first to accept that the United States of America is now more bankrupt than not may be those whom can be fleetest to rolling out new and improved rock’n urban beats.

Detroit, at least, please do realize that the “music” that has been missing while you, it seems, played along with Democrats entitlement discordance, has been the Republican beats and structures.  Detroit, isn’t it reasonable that you need now to find a way to help GOP bring back the “music” of growth and success that actually did, from the middle, do most to build a middle class?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:47 am

There is the question of “permanence”!  There is the Constitutional prepositions for and against permanence!

Some stories just come out as if they were meant to be of a magic of a tingle down Chris Matthew’s leg(s) - some times a story just is about how the story writes itself in a prophylactic preparatory.

When I moved to Washington DC in 1998 there was no Department of Homeland Security across the street from American University.  When I moved out of “The Beltway” as 2008 elections were of their 2007 stirrings it did exist and I had been incidentally to explaining to Ivan Vujacic, the then Ambassador to the United States of America from Serbia , during an accidental meeting at an American Enterprise Institute event how Senator Hillary Clinton should not and would not win the 2008 elections.  What was most odd to the Ambassador at first was that my opinion ran counter to what he said he was hearing from “top Republicans” that he should like “prepare for Hillary Clinton to be the next President.” 

2008 was of election cycles where the Republicans seemed defeated and just campaign puppets for the Democrats to play with from the start.  For me though it was as it was that I was able to explain a defeat logically to the Serbian Ambassador;  for me it was that I knew that the Clintons did not have the integrated marketing concept or rights to that of the nineties that was still making them appear to be better - far better - than they ever really were. 

2006 was of a politics of Iraq and a surge debate that had me behind the MIRROR cover for TIME Person of Year cover as a recommendation in lieu of a YES to TIME for query to a picture of me as “uc” for such cover.  I was very publicly blogging with commentary in 2006 for the IRAQ surge and then in defense of it and as it was many times directly it seems in a contrary and superior logic to that of Chris Matthews.  2006 was my first year of internet “blogging” and was mostly exclusively on the media watchdog site http://newsbusters.org — by 2007 I was better known and as J.P. Hogan for blogged commentary mostly across the treads of http://politico.com.  I have been my “more a Citizen Rosebud than a Citizen Kane since 1983 - at least.

For decades I have fought a Holy Cross group think that may only partly explain Chris Matthews - I exist beyond a metaphysics with many of The Crusaders as kin.  I’ve been of years of helping Democrats and Republicans by fixing and/or moderating what I saw as flaws in what was identifiable as of a group think of Holy Cross College and maybe prepared so myself beyond my self learning gains as by my Augustinian, not Jesuit, Villanova University BA.  I have a BA in Economics and the credits for a minor in philosophy that is of my “undeclared minor” in Philosophy for I took them to such but without informing the Philosophy Department of my intent or motives for minoring in Philosophy.

But this is supposed to be a prophylactic satire on a scheduled lap dance at American University - at least metaphorically speaking.

Right the Clintons successes where they were and if they actually lasted may much be of my shared story of them of using my guidance of the 1992 primary problematic years.  They were not of authorization to use such so as they much did from me after their unexpected election in 1992 — I say such much because had they asked for permission for a proper use I would have said no and in an expressed spirit of that I wouldn’t even use them to govern as they had been workable yet for campaigning.  The Clintons are known by me for making a mess of a whole lot and some to much to me knowing such just because they proceeded to use without permission that they should have asked permission for and so in the ways that I as an architect about them never meant or was for guidance in further use there of.

So it seems that it must be more akin to a LAP DANCE scheduled between “HARDBALL” host Chris Matthews as the stage is being set politically with teasing as if a grand SLOW PITCH SOFT BALL SOFTBALL “HARDBALL” the “journalism” to be pressed.

American co-eds when I graduated from Villanova University in 1987 after having grown up in a prime Yale University & New Haven Professionals neighborhood with Yale Professors in Economics my neighbors and ‘rents of my peers I did not yet figure that one would later become a first client and then become a twenty year reigned President of Yale.  I did while at Villanova know Pat McPherson the President of Bryn Mawr as a family friend through her father.  But I regress to share as it seems timely to refresh that I do post and update at times with some that were college papers I wrote whence that have been relevant now during much of these trying times, and as I did also graduate with 12 credits in Modern Standard Arabic and a politic science elective that taught me “there is no such thing as permanent enemies or friends - just permanent interests” & another that was full of content related to course title as about the United Nations and International Organizations.  Yes, my BA so amassed at Villanova though with hardly a chapel or church visit or physical participation too with me of one course in computer programing in Pascal.

The sad truth is that I while using other more self taught disciplines in my years of self employment did as a successful and engaged hobby maintain an ambition of my Villanova Economics BA towards at least and existential or metaphysical better earthly realm for a philosophical in an integrated marketing mine to widely/broadly facilitate hopes and thought to and for economic recovery and record low unemployment.  From my knowing of the Clintons personally since early 1970s when they were still in the neighborhood as Yale Law students I have been keenly aware of how they have gotten credit for much that since they haven’t been able to repeat while of yet being again of using as much “governance” energy as they thought the past good times had taken to be.

But this is about the concern and dangers of what may be conceived tomorrow between Chris Matthews and President Barack Hussein Obama at the venue of American University.  This is about bad seeds maybe but as timely now of it more of dangers of bad and flawed logic much too of the flaws in reasoning and marketing of the THE KRUGMAN FALLACY @ http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL.  The shared “politics” of HARDBALL’s  Chris Matthews and President Barack Obama are of the economic mess, and of it as that their NEW NATIONALISM is so also of the new deal austerity mashed GREEN to a green minimalism mantra; they share in how it was of a predictable to the said near depression recession.  The economy actually was poised to recover and take off in 2008 & 2009 otherwise if “nationalism” was not encourage and if Congress would have moved to restore consumer confidence by seriously affecting bank reforms.

All are welcome at my still free to read e-sampler of JPHogan.org > http://jphogan.org!  There there are many pieces that explain the politics and economic history that can be a prophylactic to what is being teased as “journalism” worthy tomorrow between expectantly seated HARDBALL Chris Matthews and rightfully embattled President Barack Hussein Obama at American University.  There there are also some poems some original rap and some odic renditions as of a lyrical tradition as poetry or song as meant to be sung or at least read aloud with attitude and pace. 

The THE RICE SISTERS is one at JPHogan.org that is meant to be sung. 

As to the complexity of my integration of my (hobby) of marketings what the Clintons and most others cannot be is me whom synthesized local New Haven new world order pro-active writing for “jounalism” and the politics of city and state with a global post Persian Gulf balance while as well moderating original concerns related to Stanley Tools for new handsaw evolution revolution; Snowboard and half-pipe pathology of origins from a high school brainstorming with a sledding pal; LIFE IS GOOD take off after VU classmate Bert Jacobs & I met at our fifth reunion and he told me he and his brother after three years were ready to give up; and even much the major changes that fit with even just these few as was of the IBM saving.  I could list shows that can be said to have been conceived and anchored in the spirit of all this as of my mused from a far maybe golden touch - I’ve already filled in/out too much for today - for here.

The “permanence” tease is of the Constitutional abuse of power purview due about President Obama and Obamacare.  A First Amendment challenge can be yet about a legality and Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act as it was passed only as a Law and not yet as even an Amendment or a Right of the Constitution but as a tax while taxing is basically specifically only expected to be non-permanent and not Constitutionally, it seems, to be a allowable basis for such a permanence in new social welfare centralized socialistic entitlements as an establishment for eternity.

To read the First Amendment and get to the use of “establishment” and “respecting” as just specified as a bar to Congress per Religion should have any student of America at least to firstly wondering like:  Ok, why did they use “establishment” - why does “establishment” sound so familiar - Oh my! Why is “establish” in the preamble with “ordain” and so that the founders writ it permanent as greater than a Law of Congress so by their unanimity in subscriptions under God by signage so eternal as might endure so of it keyed for legend in “the Year of our Lord” and with “our” not also or otherwise capitalized? 

To read the First Amendment and its quite unusual grammar and capitalizing there is also that the word “respecting” is odd unless there is firstly the body of the Constitution as set as an establishment in the New Testament by way of subscriptions in unanimity under God by rooting in the Christian calendar.  It seems it is playful and instructive and to how Obamacare aka ACA has a First Amendment violation that is coming to a head - politically.  I do not know prematurely what will be beyond teased at American University this Thursday in December 2013 but I do wonder why “respecting” is used if not to affirm the above of the body of the Constitution as writ larger than a mere Law by Congress as a Constitution of the People and to demonstrate the spectacle of the body by an amendment barring Congress supposedly from the very type of governance being more than tease by a too “post-Constitutional” advocate as President, President Barack Hussein Obama.

It seems to reason out and be pre-figured and secured that if just as “It’s a Tax” then Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act is not to be considered by The Supreme Court of The United States of America as of an established right to permanence.  If you also have not refreshed your American history even by Jon Meacham’s THOMAS JEFFERSON - ART OF POWER than you may still be missing the folds of history as of he that penned the Declaration of Independence was of duties to new nation with stationing in France at the time of the Founding Fathers’ penning of the body of the Constitution for a greater than mere Law of Congress eternity if it could endure. 

The First Amendment is a wonder to be sorted some to much by the spring calendars of our governance;  It seems to have been requested by a returned Thomas Jefferson as part of a Bill of Rights and yet it seems to have been cleverly written to yet affirm much of what Thomas Jefferson so more of his deism and “Age of Reason” preponderance found offensive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:55 am

President William Jefferson Clinton is now, for Posterity, due a polity of comity, and, he is for a general Welfare now but a dog that does not hunt.  It is of our modern interpretive of Tranquility that we of People of the subscriptions in more perfect Union under the God of the Founders by their ordaining and establishing whence thence in such Year of their Lord are faced with it a difficult prolegomena as President Clinton now for Justice is much a turkey still to be plucked.  To now anew secure the Blessings of Liberty of the promise and consecrated of the Constitution for the United States of America in Order and about the modern conundrums we need to preserve and protect a free press.

It seems as we all are sandaled by Saint Francis Assisi some by callings to joint missionary by way of Peter and the new Pope Francis we should be thankful for so much of President Ronald Reagan that has long been mislabeled as of a Clintonian while so as that of late Reagan Revolution evolutions more realistically and of the real Reagan who couldn’t have been Reagan without Pope John Paul II.  There is a large Catholic global family at play and a greater Christianity of the establishment by the Founders of the body of the Constitution so of the New Testament and by their unanimity so signers under God so metered by the Christian calendar.

To beat the New Nationalism New Deal Austerity socializing centralizing over-riding of community and parish this started Christmas season we can just by Wikipedia learn of whom it was that arranged a first Christmas nativity scene, and be to a preponderance for Christianity and faith by ways of philosophizing if of the garbled so robed long marbled of Saint Augustine.  By the establishment of Christianity secured by the Founding Fathers of the still enduring United States of America in the body of the Constitution and as well by the First Amendment as so set in affirmation that Congress by law making alone was prohibited from messing with their “establishment” “respecting” “religion” so constituted by the Articles - by the body of that writ large and most permanent.

We may be perchance to dream it a kept American Dream ours since our founding at least now until the Supreme Court of The United States springs however eternal so as now the clocks and calendars are counting anew to days of renewal and even renaissance of rituals and community at least around cherry blossoms.  Our SCOTUS has complied with a will of the People sufficient so far for a recognition of concerns of “under God.”  Our SCOTUS is though by spring of 2014 is put upon by their own recorded jurisprudence and towards a parsing of “GOD” and “religion” as per “Obamacare” and so it seems if citizens are now more just “subjects.”

It is that our SCOTUS has undermined already the decisions of its nine of the “It’s a TAX” escape from “penalty” by assertions quite of a keeping of war powers executive logic — By the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage rulings and the expressions of Constitutionality as of the states not the Federal Government on matters of religion and religious freedom the Court did undermine its specific ruling of the original challenges to the Affordable Care Act.  We should be wondering about these turkeys still to be plucked and cleaned sufficiently for the eyes and weighs of Justice — We should be wondering if what will be before the Supreme Court by spring isn’t quite a different turkey or dog in a practiced reality as regulatory maturation renders and renders more and more the “Obamacare” body legal as yet consecrated other than as judged whence as if conceived.

This is about the blah here to fore and the blah yet to be as still a blah for polity and comity of our future - even our Christmases o’ future.  If New York City of its five boroughs cannot afford to cover its own fully at least as of the “adequate” “minimums” set by “Obamacare” by “Romneycare” than it figures that an “affordable” nationalized healthcare system is really just a utopian dream of a cave of ignorance beset by Plato as of an earlier Republic.

We are approaching the first days of a possible hurrah mashable for a New York City of this some yet preserved of the spirit of Jeffersonian democratic republican age of reason settings.  Whence Mayor Bill de Blasio it may be that his first days will be all hurrah and yet set as a first hurrah written in time as well as his last hurrah.  The personality presidency of the too socialistic President Barack Hussein Obama is likely to start dogging the mayordom from day one and as well as the turkey or dog of President William Jefferson Clinton haunts still as unkempt in a hashable wildcard polity of about as much comity as an elephant loose in a china shop.

For a hurrah of his first days to be not his last Mayoral HURRAH it may be that Mayor Bill de Blasio should walk his gumshoes away from a corraling for a synchronicity in protecting and serving such as it may be if to be of a sheparding by William Bratton.  Brat based policing may be the way away from the ways of “stop and frisk” by racial profiling yet the moment and era of Bratton as for brat based policing may already be too rigid of a rigor to already chiseled in stone - to marbled as chipped and etched.

I have known William Bratton since at least 1988 - I am not writing here not to disparage or diminish his past or future potential.  The promise of the “bills” “blah” sharing of a “de Blasio” or otherwise “Blasio” for whichever to be the new Mayor’s political comity base note civic harmonics seems yet at this early consideration to be a complication poetic to a discordance to what has been of the Tranquility proffered long by Bratton lead more brat based policing - where ever.

I write as one, who since I started writing to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution, and with the ambition for protecting and serving of William Bratton in mind, in the early 90s, is no longer of a place, or in a place, to be writing proactively or retroactively in a restorative to have a renaissance for the old dramatic predictive synchronicity that I long volunteered in unsolicited routings of musing forward to developmental for a brat based policing evolution.  I write as one who know the turkey of the dog of President William Jefferson Clinton as I still am writing as he that wrote as a Rosebud motivated architect of the pre-Clinton Clinton 90’s recovery.

Locally speaking and irregardless of any complication from the “global” of the Obama presidency it seems that Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio, if able to be other than just a lowly soldier of Democrat Party ranks, is postulating a polity of tag lines to moderate his unions in community of a spirit of “blah” in “bills” and an economic lack of parity.  These have been years of trying times for many and such that fresh popular stirrings are rightly set afoot in urban & county wide realms — these have been years of down depressed and suppressed economic times much if not exclusively of a causal that was avoidable as of and by the hands or just minds of those of the tag “leaders.”

When Mayor Bill de Blasio will be in an odd and likely tough philosophical spot of an inherited from the “top” polity that should render any establishment his own to a local Franciscan missionary post crusading comity both insurgent and rogue, and, as Mayor Bill de Blasio thence likely writ as a poetic paradigm of an impossible.  De Blasio should find it difficult to govern for growth as a champion of the blahs of bills and what ever lack of economic parity as the “popular” is checked to check mated by the reality that Democrats caused much of the economic woes to such years of “blah” and so that the conditions he is to inherit are corrupted from the distant “top” of the broad reaching new nationalism of the new deal austerity of the administering by President Barack H. Obama.

The conundrums of the post crusading feminist imperialistic FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton may resemble out of time and place the era of Saint Francis of Assisi and so that it may be prudent and safe to consider that Pope Francis is a man of his times, locally and globally, as anew of us in times due a closing of crusades.  There should be no argument that many of our suffraged sufferings long shared have been as up and from the crusading by Hillary Rodham Clinton, however, but rather however as secured in her inciting and quite incendiary global trotting as a Crusader of her own “religiousity” in “femininity” and imperialism firstly as Mrs. Clinton - the First Lady of The United States of America.  She has a legacy about her enough to derail prudence in politic and comity where ever and however of a local polity to politics.

It seems in some ways that we should be preserving the secured intents of the Founding Fathers of their establishment of the body US in Christianity by their unanimity under God subscribed whence in the calendar of the New Testament as an ordaining respecting religion.  It seems in some ways that a Pope Francis now is a promise that the Crusading of and by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, however tagged, is to be historical of and for her complicated and compromised history as a crusading imperialistic First Lady Clinton.

What can possibly now be a beat for the Big Apple - how can a growth beat yet be restored now if so of so many still quite stuck under the economic suppressions so long so greatly depressing of that which will be the inheritance of its new Mayor so as from the visible hands of those most at fault as of Washington and the tag “leaders”?  The blahs of the bills for those New Yorkers now stirred of and for the rising together around a circling of wagons of “de Blasio” is so much now of a difficult till akin to being past a first hurrah and a first freeze.

The spring thawing seems set to years more of many globally and locally stuck under the political economic suppressions of the remarkably distant “leaders” of the administering by ways of ranks under the “top” as “leader” President Barack Hussein Obama.  It may be that the Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative purview are now equally beside each other both as political dogs that do not hunt and quite as the turkeys left for a popular gutting when whence we all are so lately to plucking them firstly clean.

These may be times akin for Saint Augustine more than Jesuits yet considerable as a Jesuit new Pope set so as a Jesuit no longer is sandaled more it seems to be at least a post-Clinton Crusaders fixer as one more a new Saint Francis of Assisi. As Jefferson had his age of reason holy trinity in Bacon, Locke & Sir Isaac Newton (As Meacham by ART OF POWER illuminates) now whence Mayor he as Mayor Bill de Blasio may have Pope Francis quite a partner as President Ronald Reagan had Pope John Paul II.

It does seem possible if not probable in an apriori predictive that Mayor Bill de Blasio too must be a post-Clinton Crusades political “leader” and somehow however yet rogue to his party and more as if of a secure bastion of insurgents.  Before it becomes that the new Mayor has his HURRAH as his first and his last together it is essential that all become wiser in an intellectual honest if yet possible forward to the historical and political of the numbers and science still quite insufficient by approachable that affirm it isn’t a mystery or mystical that the existentialisms now long of the suffraged suffering are discernible yet as by visible hands - and too for all to see however POTUS’D & FLOTUS’D as the wrought of Mr. & Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton dangerously yet of continuing at politics by ways of their “two-fer”‘d global initiatives.

How shackled is the Mayor Elect Bill de Blasio now — Will Mayor de Blasio be evermore yet more shackled and arrested by corruptions political and economic by those of the “top” of the ranks and ordered under the politics of President Obama and the still rivaling Clintons?  How can a Democrat however a Mayor be free to do the right thing now when all now seem served the blahs by the politics of the too distant “leaders” now long too much too much so of a grand centralizing?  If he cannot be one who actually makes it (work) whom yet can be one whom can be said to have made anything of it much as it be a first and/or last HURRAH?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

What are journalists now to do - what are journalists now to do with President Barack H. Obama so exposed and earnedly politically down?  It wouldn’t be prudent or sporting to just kick him and kick him or beat him however while so down - right?  To now be to covering President Obama “tough” could be too much as if of a bigotry or hate crime in kin to either men hitting women or men hitting other men while down and still with geeky glasses on.

What are journalists now to do?  To be earnest in their work (craft?) these days are fraught with tough partisan regulars also called out to like “honestly” cover the Democrats - to cover the Party under the leadership of their Party Leader President Barack H. Obama.  The truth is that President Obama doesn’t have enough “history” - enough “resume” - enough “phat” for trying times like these - for these long days of lingering economic uncertainty.  He may have out matched the Clintons in 2008 contests but still he doesn’t have a track record to suggest he must be right now because he has been right before.

What are journalists now to do?  To be partisan of a liberal persuasion may be a general calling - but how now for Democrats of such professional bias at least without a “before” and “after” President Barack H. Obama strategic consideration?  Can one - can any now create a sympathetic for “Barack” - for President Barack H. Obama?  Even if it possible to forget the “where is Bill?” party dynamic it wouldn’t be prudent to try to ignore the “Hillary Factor” - the “Hillary in the room” - a: Where is Hillary?  The Obama team had First Lady Michelle stylistically “back in the fields” as (back?) in the/a garden and seemingly as much to help sell NEW DEAL AUSTERITY at home.  Right!  We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t in a garden or in the kitchen (politically speaking).

A Hillary Clinton expectant line:  “Though maybe pretty in pink times toll she more true blue of and in blood red.”

Is Hillary Clinton the alternative now to Barack Obama for bi-partisans everywhere trying to get a scoop to press out for party or Presidential politics - political drama?  Can the OBAMA SLIDE be halted and reversed now by covering Hillary Clinton - by exposing and picking apart a fat resume hers of much real personal history of the most political engagements legally possible for any woman in/of The United States of America?  Can President Obama now be saved by his partisan scribes if only they shift to honestly covering Hillary Rodham Clinton - Mrs. Clinton now currently of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives?

A Hillary Clinton political ad starter:  You see a mountain top and clearly it with a shear cliff / Enter Hillary Clinton with white gloves on / camera perspective shifts to as if from the eyes of Hillary Clinton as taking in the path to the cliff and the cliff edge itself / now panning obviously from a “Hillary” perspective but of a self aware out of body alternate dimension you see the bust of President Barack Hussein Obama come into view and noticeably lower than Hillary seemed / Oddly President Obama seen as happy of like an oblivion political much like of his recent remarks seemingly of a future near when Obamacare will be so “working” and “great” that he as still the President will then be as he suggested to using such as a model to change so much else likewise across the Federal Government / White gloved hands more female than male are now seen on the bars of a wheel chair and a wheel chair that now explains how President Obama was appearing much lower than Mrs. Clinton / soundtrack engages with a mix of doom and political opportunity / A hope of an Obamacare fix seems motivating Mrs. Clinton as she is now caught with palpitations of HOPE pushing quickly a wheel chair with President Obama in it towards the cliff …

The political truth even now most inconveniently for a coven of journalists of partisan liberal persuasion can be alternatively covered intra-party by illuminations of any potential in Mrs. Clinton to be other than a white Barack Obama - to be in any way, however, yet better than or just as bad as her Party’s current leader.  It seems impossible to believe that Mrs. Clinton even with her fat records and long engaged phat political resume has a potential to be different or better than President Barack H. Obama.  Can covering Mrs. Clinton as she teases at least a dashing towards 2016 now be a panacea or just a timely and needed political fix for President Obama?

The REAL Mrs. Clinton - how say you?  Isn’t there only a HOPE for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives now per Obamacare if she can offer a fix in an administrative - if she can say she is an un-Obama - if she can present herself somehow as a needed replacement for President Obama?  Doesn’t she have to run as if she can get President Obama and his administration somehow out of the way - politically speaking?   Doesn’t Mrs. Clinton need to metaphorically suggest that she can push at least Obamacare over the cliff and fix healthcare either with Romneycare or Hillarycare?

There is much bar talk to be commenced just anew about Mrs. Clinton.  It should be an easy row for Obama loyalist partisans however of a wizardry in spin or a coven for liberal persuasion to now hoe in a defense at least comparative between First Lady Michelle Obama and the trying legacy so phat personally of former First Lady Hillary Clinton.  It should be an easy row to hoe if one takes to the Obama “garden” in lieu of say the “broken promises” of the Clintons to now cover just Mrs. Clinton towards protecting and maybe saving the President.  There is Mrs. Clinton’s “depth charges” bar videos and as well that Kenneth Starr nearly did move to also disbarring of the First Lady when then of success otherwise just to using the evidence against William Jefferson Clinton for conduct unbecoming a barred lawyer.

Right!  That President Barack H. Obama has basically no “resume” can help save him.  President Obama doesn’t have the personally condemning public and private records such that must haunt Mrs. Clinton daily.  Mrs. Clinton was a dangerous choice for Secretary of State for it was near impossible for her to be “Diplomatic” in such charge while needing so much time to politically protect and/or maintain a political cover for the Clintons’ years of global meddling.  Mrs. Clinton unlike President Obama but for his lies of suggesting “it” could be non of the Clintons’ fault and somehow yet “all Bush’s fault” has a personal “resume” quite fat of compromising “phat”; President Obama unlike Mrs. Clinton didn’t have twice as much “work” to do per “Diplomacy” just of a personal need to write a new positive history for the Clintons while trying to make a good and just history and legacy for President Barack Hussein Obama.

What is she thinking?  Really you all:  What can she be thinking even now just teasing towards being of a right or good phat now and towards 2016 and beyond?

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is more true blue in blood red than now pretty however covered in any other lighter color.

It is not now yet too late to save President Barack Hussein Obama — there is yet time to even save the President from Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. 

Even the President still now has time to attempt at least to explain to the known world that in reality time has passed enough for the phat of the issues to show themselves as more of the fat of Mrs. Clinton and her personal storied resume than yet the to be fore skinny on President George W. Bush.  Mrs. Clinton has a story of a “FEMIFEST DESTINY” like spousal scheming gone a rye;  Mrs. Clinton has a story to at least be hinted at in a clever disposition or kindly rendition journalistic probative post “phat” review that really should suggest she must be insane if she thinks she should even enter “officially” any 2016 Presidential contest.  It has been proven that “it” couldn’t have been at all as tagged in a too partisan as if a history could be real in the hashed “it is all Bush’s fault.”  It remains now that since it couldn’t have been all Bush’s fault that Mrs. Clinton is even more a first person to suspect before suspecting as well the so impeached and disbarred Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.  It may help to move coverage to President Obama from any talk that he too should be at least disbarred as a still barred lawyer President by way of rehashing that Mrs. Clinton was once also considered for disbarring and now newly may be quite sowed for all ears to hear a reaping in a harvesting of Clinton lies.

There may be time for President Barack H. Obama to be saved - even saved from their Obamacare debacle.

President Barack Hussein Obama would not be necessarily seen to be crazy and to be too committed if he were to change course and offer up a diagnosis more in keeping with the full history of his problems;  President Obama could now and likely should defend himself from both Mrs. & Mr. Clinton, and as of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, and straight forwardly with a pronouncement like: “It has finally come to my attention since Mrs. Clinton was no longer my Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that “it” as I had been led to believe actually is more an “it” and so of official records and enduring intelligence as more “all the fault of the Clintons.”

What are journalists now to do?  It actually now seems relevant that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton oddly historically has endured as the American politician whom actually most benefited politically from the attacks of 9/11.  It may be that the second 9/11 attacks would have more benefited her politically if Candidate Mitt Romney hadn’t stepped onto international stage about so and offered a more realistic telling of possible or likely facts.  Has the “Ground Zero Senator” “HILLARY” was spun large and remade in ways that allowed herself and her spouse to escape the normal “junior senator” seniority struggles of the Congress - of the Senate of The United States of America.  Senator Mrs. Clinton got a grand and sympathetic international extreme make-over almost uniquely because of her timely carpetbagging to New York local politics.  President Obama can help himself by helping President Bush sympathetically and restoratively after all these years of Democrats, whomever, of being party to false accusations and in a seeming known baring of false witness however naively in a collusion to protect the Clintons.

What are journalists now to do?  Can they just sit back and let the Mrs. or Mr. Clinton effectively just push President Barack Hussein Obama out of the way - even off a cliff with Obamacare?

What are journalists now to do?  Won’t it necessarily, otherwise, just be racist to suggest that the way to fix the Democrats now long lingering problems of the Presidency of Obama is to bring up white Mrs. Clinton as their savior? 

What are journalists now to do?  What will Katie Couric at least do now if she is supposed to ask Mrs. Clinton what she reads?  I mean like she admitted she didn’t even read the intelligence reports on Iraq before voting to commit troops - right?

It works journalists however partisan and like of a coven in liberal persuasion if one now looks historically at Mrs. & Mr. Clinton to explain the to be explained that it has been proven that it was not an “it” nearly or at all as said an “it” of “it” as “all Bush’s fault.”  She is white and yet hardly explainable ever if to just teasing that she can be a white Obama fix;  She might be crazy for not already having been to a disappearing of a promise of a full retirement and of both that of the persistent global meddling in matters too “executive” to long of Mr. Clinton however a last or first international playboy of heralding as if the known worlds’ first President of the World.  It seems more clearly that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are politically more of opposite ends of just intra-party politics.  It is crazy - it was/is “CRAZY” - Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was crazy about far more about Benghazi than just her “JACK” hearing outburst of her hardly able to handle the truths.  It is just crazy that a Secretary of State hasn’t been thrown under the bus by her President after such a sad performance. 

It was President Obama’s Secretary of State that maybe for a lack of reading “intelligently” again was ridiculously to “official” comments after the the second 9/11 from the State Department declaring that she personally and professionally wasn’t able to believe that like such an attack could happen in a country that she had liberated.  Really, how could she have missed the lessons of Iraq - the lessons of insurgents from Operation Iraqi Freedom?  Really, how could she have missed such for any country of the Middle East political environs unless she was firstly too busy defending the “story” of the Clintons, and of avoiding reading new and intelligent fact based reports?

It seems we all need to now help Mrs. Clinton find the still too missing years of history hers and of The United States of America such as they were of those 1993 to 2001. 

It seems certain there is now more to blame even just Mrs. Clinton professionally and personally for than there ever was inappropriately blamed upon President George W. Bush. 

Really, this is crazy.  Really it is crazy that any “journalists” are still entertaining any “HILLARY” tease for 2016.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:59 pm

Sometimes politics can and does offer up an indefensible.

Is it of adage “LOCATION - LOCATION - LOCATION”  that now past election day 2013 has us wise to consider if term “progressive” is a dirty word locally and globally - just nationally - or otherwise if just poignant in a locally or globally?

In modern day America the political set up seems with all education of “RACE TO THE TOP” at the presidency of the “TOP” and say a mayorship, even of New York City, as more a “rock bottom.”  There yet is the most odd outlier of the Clintons for they seem more nationless and of posturing as if the first First Couple in a “GLOBAL” as if there is a Presidency of the World.

Besides it  seeming that the Clintons are of a nowhere land in the established and writ governings - they are less than an old “RED SCARE.”  They may be now indefensible and yet not even of a modern “RED SCARE.”  So much has been leaked about the secrets of the USA, at least since they were in offices, however, that they likely now could defect to the Russian Federation and by so doing actually leave us and render US technically safer.  The Clintons’ departures as they were of such controversies should have been matched with a closing of ranks and whatever open programs they could have had any privileged knowledge, however of a working intelligence - yet of still.  If the Government of The United States of America has been working then the Clintons should now not be eitherwise in “Bill” or “Hillary” of any special Government Powers.

Mayor elect Bill de Blasio of the five boroughs of New York City is a most intriguing break out modern politician.  He may now be set so in a political location more “rock bottom” and opposite the President Obama’s “TOP.”  The promise, it seems,  of a new urban “progressive” politics for NYC also theoretically  seems in conflict with “TOP” of President Obama while set so of and in his new nationalism.  It seems that when Mayor officially sworn Bill de Blasio must be to at least opposing opposite ends with the President.

Politics is tricky business near everywhere - it is considerable that either or both of Clintons could also defect to the Russian Federation and have us not any more yet at a greater risk.  A case in point specific to them of any lasting relevance is that of the story of Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York State.   Governor Cuomo was a top expert of the Clintons’ administration and yet when he ran for governor and had to find a way to govern he had to change.  The case of New York State is much that Governor Cuomo had to unlearn/throw out near all his “Clintons’” expertise, basically, to find a new way forward while of duties at fixing much that became problematic by ways of the Clintons’ governance.

I do hope that when sworn in that the new Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio will put out a recommended reading list of 3-7 books.  I do hope for at least 3 book recommendations to be said of an informative to/for his “progressive” and how it is or is not in rivalry to the top heavy new nationalism New Deal austerity of the now Clintons free Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Clintons now may be quite politically indefensible where ever they may be actually located.  Not even the best trial lawyers should be able to fix the failed and still failing generous cover-up attempts for them by President Obama, and how since so of affectings as early as he was first sworn and to words so engaged in his first inaugural. For 3-4 lawyers between them it is remarkable these present and coming debacles set and triggered so it seems by an abstinence from long common legal adages.

Most lawyers are just supposed to be trained away from making generalizations, and from asking any question for which they have not already fig’d, somehow, the answers.  Essentially and as simply as possible these 3-4 lawyers were trained in law to not state any generalization at all like their “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!”  This is an impossible truth and so ridiculous that it acts on its face as if a confession of great guilt instead of yet being a true tag on President George W. Bush of/for an actual assessment of guilt.

Mayor elect Bill de Blasio is a mostly unknown yet quite intriguing break out political figure;  I don’t know how he can be of a local “progressive” promise without therefore being set up as insurgent and of rivalry to President Obama, and, be set up much at odds and theoretically opposite ended, at least at start.

The Clintons have simply it seems moved themselves into the politically checkmated position by the shared moves with Governor elect Terry McAuliffe;  For Governor McAuliffe  to be sworn and true now to his promise for a bi-partisan governing he must answer to the Clintons presented conundrums.  It has been proven that it couldn’t have been that as generalized as “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT”  It has been proven that it couldn’t have been just all the fault of President Bush.  Governor McAuliffe cant’ be to any real bi-partisanship without explaining how as it is left now true that he will have to be explaining what truth is left - he will have to be thence under oath and stuck to having to explain that reality is it must have a BIG “IT” of more ends and means of numerous its and as more of “IT” it as honestly left simply as of more of it pared down to a “IT IS ALL MUCH THE FAULT OF THE CLINTONS.”

Sometimes politics can and does offer up indefensibles.

A sworn Governor McAuliffe, if to his bi-partisanship promised, will be stuck at sticking it too to President Barack H. Obama for at least his “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” now proven a lie, at least, and as a generalization no trained lawyer should have ever uttered - uttered unless at a last straw and such inconveniently was the only nonsense available for a dire and much needed cover-up.

And, yet since the Presidency of Richard Milhous Nixon and Hillary Rodham Clinton days with the Watergate Congress matters it has been common and standard - it has too been an adage that lawyers and especially Mrs. Clinton herself was to know better of it best to never forget it is as warned that it is like the cover-up that’ll get you.

Sometimes politics can and does offer up an indefensible couple too.

It seems with so many opposite and opposing ends now set even if to promises made for a new bi-partisanship that the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” is off the political selves, and stuck forevermore in an evermore of a checkmating move there own yet too much as well of their location in a governance neverland.

                                                 *   *   *

Good luck to the lot of you all the newest whatevers “elect”.  “Progressive” to some has to be a dirty word and yet for some of the newest less so — it may be that for the next forty years it will be as if of Jeffersonians of holds by ways as democratic republicans — it may be that Obama has been more an Adams too to Federalist at least and now…

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:11 pm

A cardinal rule, for an Arab Spring political era, may be in the MTA taxing tune of the Kingston Trio.

Who yet can even afford, under President Barack Obama’s SCORCHED EARTH GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM and his New Deal Austerity, even a nickel in fare increase.  At two rides a day in old Boston times that could be a nickle times five hundred or a dimed calculus by an average annum of 250 rides if only of a ride to a job a day and a return fare.  In today’s money that even may have proven to be an obstacle and unfair a fare.

The Clintons may have put themselves legally in the reach and mission of the International Criminal Courts - its jurisdiction.  They now either with their Clintons’ Global Initiatives have to be of their “progressiveness” to being within the reach of the international long arms of a more global Law or be firmly of just the House of a jurisdiction to at least annually fully audit all monies and emoluments however flowing of or through the Clintons and their foundations.

How much DANGER! - ECONOMIC DANGER! - is afoot in local and state Democrats running on raising taxes on the “rich”?  What is a moral “work” and how are Democrats politically self immolating publicly this October by igniting propaganda that tags Republicans, and to being stuck now as if only in amoral “work”?

It is not a SURPRISE that Democrats did cause the housing collapse and have been long instrumental in a suppression by Government of heavy hands.  It shouldn’t be a political or economic surprise if economies contract or just slow again if local and state Democrat Party candidates run on higher taxes, win, and then effect higher taxation.

The ECONOMIC SURPRISE  is that local and state Republican candidates should be running on higher taxes on the “rich”, and, Republicans could win and be to raising taxes without an amoral “work” economic suppression paradigm affected.   It is a conundrum similar to the contra-indicative histories of the Clintons.  Former Senator George J. Mitchell proved a man and statesman of his times with his Northern Ireland tuned empathy and Diplomacy.  President William J. Clinton however showed such a lack of understanding about conflicts, it seems, like in Northern Ireland between religious sects of Christianity, in his general political practice — President Clinton’s Iraq and Middle East histories demonstrate no core to discern as of a prudent common core or common standard as a universal operating methodology for even similar conflicts.

We cannot now this late in October of the Year of the Founder’s Lord two thousand Ten and three be to ignoring a relevance for GUILT in politics and economics, and we shouldn’t forget to account for risks if and to a persistence in falsity and improper historical tagging.

We may need to broach a political psycho-babble to excuse the Clintons for their histories so contradicting and lacking in a standard.  The Clintons’ Iraq policies show them naturally more of a politics to spark sectarian unrest - not to mitigate & ease peoples from such.

President William J. Clinton is no Senatory George J. Mitchell — Time that has passed has seemed to etch this forever to still a ponderous querious for those about and considerate for all ages to come.  It may now be that many are being asked to consider that Mrs. William J. Clinton isn’t now even quite a measurable talent as Governor Jerry Brown.  Politics is supposed to always mostly be local — The Clintons seem to long have found this inconvenient and to be avoided.  But this is less about the Clintons per say than about TAXES by whomever, and how different they can and might be if so eitherwise.

There is in the down economies a Clinton PATHOLOGY of FORENSIC NEGLIGENCE that will rear and ghost if Democrats  now raise taxes under a banner in a HISTORY of the Clintons, otherwise.  Again this is supposed to be more now of clear and maybe certain dangers lurking in any local or state based hiking of taxes.

President Barack H. Obama has proceeded much as if the Clintons would have if Mrs. William J. Clinton had won and been allowed to take the oath of office of the President of The United States of America.  A win whence or ever for the Clintons has to be contested and ruled upon by the Supreme Court for the 22nd Amendment is still yet undecided but relevant Law.  And with that said back to the more taxing side of this as more about President Obama and local and state Democrats though as economically related to a psycho-babble of the Clintons, forever.  President Obama has basically proceeded enough just as the Clintons would have and quite with the very same people as supposed “experts” as they would have, and but with himself without it all personally necessary in a defensive politics.

President Obama has made it economically as DANGEROUS as just a nickle fare increase was sung  as for Boston.  The economy may not be able to return.

A cardinal rule is much that what should be is what is — that the still propagandized GREATNESS for Clintons and for a presumption of innocence, is, by far, amassed with too many irreversible LIES.

Whether Republican or Democrat it may now only be economically SAFE for Republicans to campaign for and then to effect due higher local and state taxes on the RICH. 

Republicans can be of an oddly CAPITALISTIC MORALITY with new and higher TAXES as necessary to fix the too SOCIALISTIC mess caused by President Obama quite exactly as the Clintons too eitherwise.  If Democrats promise to locally now raise taxes on the rich they will do great DAMAGE to any economic growth potential.  President Obama made what had been BOOMS from RICH at God’s “work” of an industriousness in believing themselves morally engaged otherwise to Republicans if working then only at amoral “work.”  Seems!

The only way to raise taxes now at local and state levels seems to be if only such is justified in a correctional for all the DAMAGE done by the Clintons and Democrats generally GLOBALLY and LOCALLY.  And as of an HOWEVER rather to a not so - NOT IF BY THE REPUBLICANS.  In such is also the simple economics and psycho-babble of these down times more of RICH as having done what Democrats told them to do as of the Obama Administration and generally too the too NATIONALISTIC Democrats with their SCORCHED EARTH GLOBAL WARMING ALARMIST POLITICS.  It is that these economic times have been of the Republican much of having done the NEW MORAL with all the Democrats calls and dictates to personal sacrifice inherent in President Barack H. Obama’s NEW DEAL AUSTERITY era.

New taxes are likely now necessary and justified if local and state bases on wealth and/or property assessment - not though if now so further on the industriousness and nationally exposed income and profits of the People of the Constituted by the Constitution of The United States of America.

Republicans can be MORAL and CAPITALISTIC now with such for an increase in local and state revenues for such may be correctional to the troubles from CLINTONOMICS and OBAMANOMICS and the long to be debated and criticized bailing out of the BIG BANKS without at least an issuance of cash stipends directly to the too many stuck on fixed incomes as the Democrats marched and marched to their ill reasoned and too little considered new much higher GREEN ENERGY gas prices and so as of them to a new era of a too POLITICAL ECONOMICS.  The People were trampled and tread upon unjustly and now it seems only the Republicans are capable of unifying enough to a workable solve to move all forward to growth again.  New higher taxes on the RICH can be MORAL and CAPITALISTIC now if by Republicans in a CORRECTIONAL for as all the 2012 GOP Presidential field declared:  The Government cause this economic slide.  It seems it only now time for the Democrats to be guarded from tax increasing and Republican necessarily to such if at local and state levels to correct for the TARP and such as too HEAVY for the BANKS while the People were due at least cost of living increases in the form of cash stipends to be able to afford while on their known fixed incomes all the new and higher costs of the Democrats politicized GREEN economics.

Republicans can be MORAL and CAPITALISTIC now with such and while they should be sufficiently able to explain clearly in common lay and more legal terminologies how it is that the Democrats caused this MESS and its SHRINKAGE in the “MIDDLE CLASS” and, and some too with their being as so NOT BEING REALISTIC.  The Democrats seemed to not have calculated that the RICH would do as the President said.  The Democrats seemed to not have calculated that the Republicans would do as the President dictated and not be as otherwise still of an immoral and in a persistence expected at being so IMMORAL. It seems the Democrats expected the Republicans to keep doing all that he said was bad and to not be to doing as he said and be of such as if it were actually a NEW MORAL.

I really don’t know if all this can be a “CARDINAL RULE” as an “OCTOBER SURPRISE” even for “BOSTON” and the lessons of the taxing tune of THE KINGSTON TRIO as to what could be too much an obstruction as per any fare.

President Obama and his band of merry too nationalistic Democrats have proven their tunes to be of them synchronized, however, as dividers more than uniters.  The Democrats should avoid raising new taxes, at least alone, as they are viscerally too much to Republicans as of a pathology as DIVIDERS - NOT UNITERS.  Local and state Democrats if so of taxing will it seems only increase the DIVIDE - not UNIFY.

This OCTOBER is should not be any surprise that the Clintons are HEAVY and quite politically at risk, and even now for possibly having put themselves and their “global” “initiatives” in the reach of the “progressive” long arms even of the International criminal courts.  The Clintons have put themselves in JEOPARDY globally and locally - long live their “progressiveness” as per JUSTICE?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:54 am

As we are near into the breach again - however “morally” now indeterminate - it is appreciable that President Barack Hussein Obama would now be a better servant of the peoples if he had forgone his Harvard Law degree but for a Harvard Divinity doctorate.

We can see him of his youthful Hawaiian “surf’s up” random whimsy as if of having grown up with a surf board shackled 24-7 to his ankle however branded by his Sex Wax — as if a pod racer named DARTH HUSSEIN.

He seems post occidental as a bigger Kahuna these days that try so many souls with the suffrage and suffering about his (inconvenient) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We are of tides and ebbs cycling with the youthful idealism of @BarackObama where his ends are supposed to be able to justify (eventually) his means.

As of the estranged racism of his pacific black man rights of passage “Barry” was maybe more a greaser than establishment and yet while accepted by the color of his skin as if more a native local just with funny hair.  Seems.  I can attest that he by near 11th grade had a competitive interest in oratory of at least President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and that for a declaration of war infamy related to some of the surprised history of the Hawaiian islands.

His “sled” his “pod racer” however named for he as a  DARTH HUSSEIN dark force “surf’s up” idealist may have had him less of time warps and warp speed as still of the era of pedestrian raciness less “back in the saddle” and more “doggy paddle” beach bum.  He may have howled at the moons and danced hung by leis with time in between to honor the fallen of Pearl Harbor and the Pacific campaigns of World War II - at least — he was/is still though of the “ebony and ivory” the “salt and pepper” of his parents stories as so conceived a Russian Studies LOVE CHILD “Barry Obama” - American.

He hasn’t purported a “morality” of a modern struggle against an axis of evil - he hasn’t recused himself from his personal story of a divided home that for his youthful reflections likely had him pining for a Socialist Soviet styled America as if it were the only way to bring his parents - his “ebony and ivory” - his “salt and pepper” - his “black and white” - back together. 

We are at the yet unwritten chapters of his memoirs, oddly, that should have most much concerned as to who Barack “Barry” Hussein Obama really is.  It really seems that at least we all could feel safer and believe he has a plan better if he had a Harvard Divinity Doctorate and not his Harvard Law JD.  He up to now has seems lacking in a philosophy of governance or a call to a general “morality” but to a politically rendered pop New Nationalism evangelizing towards secular Socialism.

Who is “Barry” the wave rider racer likely accepted in Hawaii as if a native just with funny hair?  How long did he paddle - paddle necessarily doggy styled to try to be a big Kahuna?  Did he yet catch enough wave before he was Senator Obama to be said to have HUNG TEN?  Is he from his troubled youth of his split family of a pining to be again firstly of the love as a SOVIET STUDIES LOVE CHILD of such “ebony and ivory” - “salt and pepper” - “black and white”?

For the sake of political simplicity it behoove many to broach the waxing of President Barack Hussein Obama as per Syria as SPLASH than a STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK.  We have that the Middle East used to have been subjected to a over-lording some as the United States of America fought many places and many ways to stem the attempts by the U.S.S.R. to reign an expansionist State Socialism across the seven seas.  Syria of today can be said to be one of those places that has lost its global cache with the end of the Cold War and the retreat of Obama’s endearing Soviet Socialism.

There are histories now contrary to histories and oddly yet coexistent as if both or all could be true and accurate.

President Obama didn’t catch the waves of the defeat of his endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.

There are stories to be told of how President Barack Hussein Obama and the lot of the Clintons’ “two-fer” BOGO political machinations bet the boards and tides too much to the very crashes of the years of suffering under the idealism effected with the Democrats of the Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  He may be “successful” for having whipped enough - for having whipped so many so long and severely such that he has affected a new leaner “American” that is of the worked for conditioned response to be to eating less - spending less - saving more of his Green Energy Agenda of a “Vader” quality some too much for having put the earth and its environment above the people and their humanity.

He must have been a young dandy of a youth.  How did he paddle - how often did he paddle?  How keen and/or bright were his stands at trying to stay upright and moral while young “Barry” Obama?

As he nears us to a breach anew it is that he seems nearer to accepting that expansionist State Socialism was defeated by Capitalism and Reagan Revolution political activism and endurance.  He nearly seems a new man - not quite “born again” but now more cautious and suspicious of that of his old most endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.  He has to be torn internally with such a American story — but it is that Al Qaeda may have felt justified in attacking the United States of America because of the abandonment (of principles) and inaction and avoidance of the Clintons’ administering for it of having provided an insufficient prosecution of Saddam Hussein (as like an earlier Assad - as a new Hitler (lite)).

Assad is like a Saddam Hussein as a Middle East secular dictator who couldn’t or wouldn’t change with the world when the world reset to a new order after the end of the Cold War as it was with Afghanistan a Gettysburg turning point of it.  They are like of the history of Ba’athism some together - they both seemed to some have “perverted” the original idealism of the Ba’athist ideologicals to be towards a beautiful unity of all Arabs into a United Arab Socialist State.  (I still lean on the book by Alan Hart - ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER — when speaking to the history of the Ba’athist Party and to suggestions that its Socialistic ideology would and could be perverted by ‘politicians’ for more selfish and tyrannical ends.)

We are decades from the days “Barry” Obama however torn and challenged as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD waxed his days away on the tides of the then news and issues of the days.  He seems now of days to paddle anew a dandy of a freer way for the tides are lifting with federalism debates and new Constitutions in the winds. 

Today who is President Barack Hussein Obama - is he a fresh American dandy or too much a DARTH HUSSEIN?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

For the sake of controversy and selling of truths it is that we are now here to read and discuss white chocolate politically, maybe.

As Mother’s Day is fast approaching and a big hat day of the year too we have that for Mrs. Clinton to run again she will have to hoof it all as either her racing against her own mothering or against First Lady Michelle Obama’s mothering.  It is not appropriate to be to stereotypically shoeing Mrs. Clinton as a “white chocolate” and our current wife of an also “the first black President” so as First Lady Michelle is as if she a “dark chocolate.”  It may be insensitive too, and while still it may be too confusing to compare them as equally of a milk chocolate.

Mrs. Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama do seem as different as night and day - as different as black and white - as per playing the woman cards in our politics.  With our current FLOTUS we have culinary greatness of grown at home healthiness and wholesomeness to consummate while Mrs. Clinton is still so served as our Fast Food Queen to super-sized McDonald’s Big Mac meals for her like “Mac Daddy” spouse.

It has been reported that if only we like could get back as a nation to before the influences of dietary corruption of once First Lady Mrs. Clinton our nation could be to saving a trillion dollars in healthcare costs by having been without the vast increase in obesity of the incredible national increase in personal body weight average of her mothering.

We will somehow have to discuss President Clinton as having been the “First Black President” and comparatively and contrastingly while it seems on its face that honestly President Obama has been the United States of America’s first black President, still going forward.

But really while it may be a confounding conundrum of politics to broach how Mrs. Clinton will have to either race against her own reputation or race against First Lady Michelle Obama’s example and mothering we have that there are economic consideration that are of President Obama’s governance and governing these years fundamentally so as absent a philosophy of governance.  It may be the fault of “Hillary” or “Michelle” somehow - somehow as we have to consider that Mrs. Clinton did make as many impossible campaign promises as “Obama” and was set to have had nearly the same Clintons’ alumni as her own economic advisers.

As you should decide whose mothering you think is better and how, however, you may prefer one personally more than the other there is a problem with the economics now that likely would have arrived by either the mothering of “Hillary” or as it has with the “fathering” of “Obama.”  We may now be necessarily to a second wave of economic shrinkage.

It is remarkable that a suggestion is about a candidacy for “Hillary” that there are no other Democrat women capable of such challenge - that there are none able to competently stand up to Mrs. Clinton.  I don’t know how yet to write sufficiently politically about the Democrat Party of such a paradigm where it seems that President Clinton with his recent politics is standing too much with powers he was supposed to have been limited from as of executive domains generally and so that it seems he is flexing muscle that it must be “Hillary” for she can be thought to have slept with him the most.

There is an intra-party war for political legacy between the Clintons and Obamas already commenced and with it now that President Obama is maybe trapped with the Clintons seeming possibly re-ascendant and so that he and his family will be then forward politically back under Democrat Party Leadership dominance of at least President Bill Clinton.

But speaking to the economy and the resultant down economy that started much with the announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT and she then with a promise to violate capitalism with a seizing of all oil company profits >> President Obama still seems to have until the end of a second term as at the helm of our economy as so that a President is such juiced.  And, oddly he has set up a new economic situation where if the Republicans do not decide to keep offering a rivaling economic method in capitalism personally then Obama’s socialism will bankrupt the United States of America.

See this isn’t about “Hillary” as white chocolate or “Michelle” as dark chocolate. 

This is black and white along the lines of economics and common sense.  President Obama (or President Clinton) now needs the Republicans and Independents to not do as he says but to do stupidly as they would if capitalism rules were still our economic rules.  For the Democrats socialism to work they need even just the Republicans to blindly still live their profitable capitalism American Dreams.

A candidacy for Mrs. Clinton cannot offer us a respite from this new economic way from the united Democrat Party game changing.  Simply from now until 2016 it makes more sense for at least Republicans to do as the President has said and to not do as he needs them to as of a idiotic staying the course in profitable capitalism.   To also help save the planet and gird us all for these years of climate change there is a moral and patriotic duty now much for at least the Republicans too to do as the President has said, however so with alarmism.

You may want to use this time of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY of these in governance with the current Democrat Party unity to yourself figure how much less you need others to do for you and how much less raw resources you really will quite need as these times of Democrat Eco Alarmism stay politically justified.  It may though be maddening to try to understand how Mrs. Clinton really will either have to race against her own reputation or specifically race against the mothering of/by First Lady Michelle Obama.  (I still assert all have the right as long as our 22nd Amendment is undecided law to protest that any campaign by Clintons whenever to returning to a co-holding of the Presidency can and should be called criminal, un-Constitutional, and/or treasonous.)

Our Federal Government’s revenue streams come mostly from income and profits - not wealth or property taxation. 

The worst economic reality for President Obama as he attempts to prove he can afford such “idealism” is that the Republicans, at least, will do as he says to a new flatter economy with a new greenness in conservationism their way too.  We as a nation cannot and likely will not be able to afford these new entitlements of the recent rush to a NEW NATIONALISM of socialism if at least Republican don’t idiotically keep to blindly being capitalists. 

We have to consider that First Lady Michelle Obama is a dominant women in the Obama marriage and maybe as responsible as her husband for this confounding new economics - as responsible as Mrs. Clinton for her mothering as if two super-sized Big Mac meals a day was good politics - even before it seems to have increased national medical costs with an increase in obesity to us of now having been able to save a trillion dollars if she hadn’t been such a ham for President Clinton’s dietary excesses.

I have to believe, whomever your political “Mother” preference is, and however you have been weened and reared by a real mother, you are ready to politically consider at least that Mrs. Clinton likely has to run against First Lady Michelle Obama’s legacy as it would be quite ridiculous for her to run against herself as if she is politically not defensible.

It may now be that Democrats have done more to bring “family values” back at least to realm of family and home economics.  It is that at least Republicans have been also asked to assimilate patriotically in a new austerity and conservationism and that now are times when they have less need to stand in defense of capitalism themselves.  It figures though quite confoundingly that President Obama and Democrats forward are stuck unable to see our nation afford their idealism if at least Republicans don’t blindly still pursue profits and income from capitalism.  It is that Republicans seem the more important class of economic taggables to be firstly and mostly to a full Obama conservationism, however it may also now be seen as socialism.

Mother’s Day is near - Please don’t ask me to decide for you whom you should respect more - whether your mother or First Lady Michelle Obama or even possibly Mrs. Clinton.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:41 pm

The high drama of the SEQUESTER has its roots in the first round - the FOOL ME ONCE round - of the politics of the Clintons in the second term of the co-Administration of the Clintons.  This is the shame on us round now - the round two - of at least the Republicans no longer able to say “shame on you” as round one tolerates - or expects.

Hillary Clinton was not an alternative to this.  A President Clinton, as irregular and ill advised as it was, would have been of these same polarizing partisan politics but more clearly as a round two now longer a shame upon the foolery of the Clintons on the Clintons.  She wasn’t born to this polarizing harkening to Soviet styled socialism as President Barack H. Obama was as born so salt and peppered beautifully as a Soviet Studies LOVE child.  Hillary Clinton made nearly all the same impossible spending promises that “socialist” @BarackObama did - Hillary Clinton started off maybe more “socialist” than he has actually has been with her first parlay her promise to seize all oil company profits if she is elected.

Yes this is an era of political high drama.  And, yes, this time around for the Republicans to play “bi-partisanly” well with these Dems they would now be the party of the shame of round twos as of “FOOL ME ONCE - SHAME ON YOU — FOOL ME TWICE - SHAME ON ME!”

I really don’t know how much of this I have to explain to new or old and loyal readers of my blogging, now.  The era of an administration of the Clintons as “bi-partisan” would have been over as soon as if it were actually she that got elected.  There are serious concerns as too how much the spousal husbandry of the Clintons’ political strategizing to have successfully lined both of them up each for their own Presidency did get in the way of regular and prudent governance and did undermine our general stability - economically, at least.

Some perspective to how similar, not dissimilar this all might have been, if yet otherwise and successfully of the spousal “two-fer” power grabbing political machinations, so also of global plotting, of/by the Clintons, is achievable with a consideration of 2008 all over again.  Simply the Democrats and especially the Clintons wanted and needed gas prices to be high - much higher heading into November elections.  Simply President Bush, and the Republicans, if “stupid” and “unelectable” as “liars” for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM cannot be thought to have been so dumb that they are considered have wanted higher gas prices in 2008 or that they would have worked to effect such without knowing they were effectively making Republicans unelectable in November.

It is hard to decide which aspect of the roots of this high drama about the sequester to now broach next.  There could not have been a repeat of the Clintons’ “bi-partisanship” of their second term had she been elected and promised to as much irresponsible nationalizing of so much “governance” as well without a workable philosophy.  She campaigned to polarized Washington along the very same idealistic “spending” lines as President Barack H. Obama. 

The Clintons are remembered for seeming to think at least by their second term that they now had the technology to fool all of the people all of the time and had the advantage of incumbency and newness of such to the order of thinking that the Republicans had to get on board or get left behind forever.  There are enough public statements by the Clintons and especially from the years afterwards that are yet before much of this mess, but about it all, and of those days they said stuff more defensively as their plans for reigning seemed most to be falling apart.  What is less considered is how much fell apart because it was considered and affected of a plot by spouses to line one up to be intentionally different than the other publicly while of the Powers of incumbency.

But how to be brief now about so much that isn’t now an alternative to this gridlock of prideful and defensive NEW DEAL AUSTERITY - how to talk about any “alternative” while realizing the Clintons are not and were not actually an “alternative.”  It is some that he was born “Barry” Obama as a Soviet Studies LOVE child who then had to twist and turn thorough at least his developmental years about what went wrong between his ‘ebony’ and ‘ivory’ parental Soviet specialiality melodies.

There is the objective lesson of LOCATION & LOCATION of the Clntons and yet hardly with enough curiousity even as to how Senator Clinton become such as if by political nepotism and patronage as a carpetbagger to New York.  Of the “LOCATION” con, shall we say, we have that one can discourse on how Harlem did save at least Bill Clinton from himself.  He did not choose to locate in Harlem - I seem to recall he was dragged up there crying or whining - and after having gone to his banking friends he made so rich with his derivatives “guidance” as a back up plan to such bastion of Power basis he sought originally high above the Russian Tea Room in the then new Carnegie Hall Towers near Time Square. 

I don’t know why or how Arkansas couldn’t have still been good enough for Bill or Hillary.  But oddly there is LOCATION and ‘architecture’ now more to be discussed as the PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY of President George W. Bush readies to finally open.  It seems by his first choice and his remembered (reported) fights with our government for massive annual sums for his post-office holding convenience in excess originally of the sum of all past President’s ‘allowances’ combined for first year expenses that there must be a lot he wanted from the sought most regal location still available in CHT and that it to him may have been one of the last bastions of white male power holding that was domestically available to him.  It seems too coincidental that by his words and designs he has raised a due queriousness as to his own true “evolution” and reputation.

Again, President Clinton did not want to end up in Harlem.  Harlem was the nearest we would afford him when after our Government accountants realized we couldn’t or shouldn’t afford him that million dollar a year rent for life depression was setting in after he sought and then fought publicly and privately to be high above Time Square and able to dominate our Forth Estate however it then may have been still a last great bastion of white male power.

I do hope you will soon participate in a due intellectual and patriotic exercise about comparing and contrasting the LOCATION and ARCHITECTURES of the libraries of the Clintons’ Administration and the soon to be open library of the Presidency of George W. Bush.  I do not, again, understand how even his Mrs. would have signed off on the Clintons’ legacy so for it phalicly like a gun, at least, and seemingly forever clad/skinned in colors of Confederate Grey.

With the banking and housing crisis what it has been and now this sticking NEW DEAL AUSTERITY we all can consider how lucky both Clintons have been that Bill Clinton did basically get dragged kicking and screaming/crying up to Harlem.  Had he been situated as hoped and long fought to be in CHT the story really should maybe be now that the BIG Bank FOB (Friends of Bill) are paying his rent for life at near a million per year in thanks for all the money he made them with his original guidance to and of derivatives cons. 

I see that President Obama is not a Hillary Clinton and that she as of ODYSSEY DAWN broaching of America’s legacy to be not the “offensive” “first striker” may have been more just a tool of a died in the wool Clinton Democrat, however otherwise.  It is the Obama administration not the Bush administration that set out to a new frontier of global “politics” of “first strike” “offense” as to be to a willful hunting of “monsters” without regard for regular American due process.

The Republicans and George W. Bush cannot be as stupid/dumb or corrupt as Dems have suggested.  A point to such case is that it is ridiculous it seems to think that they would not have lowered gas prices in 2007 & 2008 if they could have to so save or prevent the economic slide from subjective & political market affectings of a “GREEN” and “PARTISAN” idealism.

The fastest or only way to have stopped the housing crisis as it broke was to get the global price of gas back to normal and more objective rational basis and as the successes of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA was then of having made possible and reasonable.  It was from the higher prices, and how they kept climbing, that those who had bought into CLINTONOMICS, and their (political) hedging, and its a “patriotism” of spending far more than every penny they had, and while on fixed incomes, that the domino effect started to the full blown housing crisis and then the related CRISIS OF VALUATION. 

These are days where the Republicans can still say “Shame on the Clintons!” and/or “Shame on the Clinton Democrats!” for round one as it of those days too much of them thinking they now had the tools and technology, so it seemed/seems to fool all of the people all of the time. 

There is no alternative now in the Clintons - this is much an economic mess of CLINTONOMICS II as not at all likely to have been less “polarizing” and “socialistic” in a unnecessary “New Nationalism” than OBAMANOMICS.  The Clintons have enough water under the still too condemned bridges of America for most now to not see that CLINTONOMICS II if Hillary had been elected would have too been devoid of “partisan” balancing of CLINTONOMICS I.

Yes, we are kinda of stuck now with too few ‘alternatives’ and some not because the Bush administration could have lowered the gas prices from the spiking of the market supply and demand subjectivity from GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM in time to have prevented the housing crisis above scratched at that then did cause too great a loss of consumer confidence in banks and Washington based Politics. 

We are still of the CRISIS OF VALUATION and in ways that our Republicans cannot step back from with having let themselves all be played out as fools.  Please remember it would have been dumb for Republicans to support higher gas prices even privately with investments then for Hillary was the “inevitable” next President of very strongly of promises to seize any or all oil company profits - especially those then conveniently of unnecessarily inflated market pricing.

And, Please remember to consider how you would now be thinking of the Clintons if his back up plan to have had those BIG BANKS “friends” cover his million dollar a year lease had worked.  It is remarkable that in a consideration of his “architecture” of his own library he sets us up now to a discussion of his life of having until Harlem been able to stay “white” and “chauvinistic” as a master above most of it personally while able to stay a white southern male above such movements. 

Yes there are different ways to look at the obvious and historical trails of Bill Clinton.  By marrying Hillary and with her legacy as a feminist and her willingness to subjugate herself with a putting of his career first he never really had to become a feminist in practice himself.  As well it is quite remarkable still that such can be said of “race” politics too as now later in his career he has left enough record to bring questions out at least as per his library “design” and their choice of Washington residence on Whitehaven Rd that he talked so much as he did about race (until in Harlem) as a southern white male who in his day had stayed ahead of being less than an accepted “master” - right?

How much is in William Jefferson Clinton’s public displays and those reports about him like as if he had been dragged kicking and screaming/crying all the way to Harlem, and, now how that has actually saved his and his wife’s political street cred at least until this #sequester started? 

#Obama #FORWARD has to be out the door - thrown from the train - whipped to death!  We/he now are engaged in a new conflict much of old days now to be reconsidered and finally judged in a due litigation or a re-litigation.

For the record here it seems still that so much of new President Obama’s early pleading to be of us not “re-litigating” the past was actually politically and judicially of injustices that had hardly yet even been litigated once.

If this were Nixon’s era and that Congress we likely already would have impeached Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton and be still about or done as well with one for President Barack H. Obama.  So it seems.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:03 pm

We have that “capitalism” and “socialism” were top keywords for 2012, and, now with 2013 due a grand diligence about “cost consciousness” at least.

We can conclude later that President Obama has corned himself politically with a gridlock of and from his own absolutes.

To be brief, and yet poignant, while a hashable audience is e-assembled, for social media networking, and physically organized gathered as a #smw ecosystem:

We have that these days of President Obama as re-elected with a mandate for austerity and gridlock have us stuck much because of some of these works of the Administration of the Clintons:

If he were to trying to actually sell and effect a new growth economy wouldn’t he necessarily be about a different politics?

It figures that President Obama now owns the down economy and that enough may now be realizing that the Democrats actually did far more to cause the economic downturn than even President Bush’s tax cuts.

Many can easily fathom how to twain a marking of blame upon the Clintons for their eight years after they get over the first condemned bridge about the Clintons’ SURPLUSES as of a trillion in cuts that neither our Government nor our economy needed.

It is hard to avoid speaking of dangers from political ABSOLUTES now for there is so much that relates almost solely economically and politically just to the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.  Obama has cornered himself with his ABSOLUTE “It is all Bush’s fault!”  Or, the Clintons trapped newly elected President Obama with an insistance that he should go again with “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” absolutism.

President William Jefferson Clinton knew enough to be aware that he shouldn’t have proceeded with a SURPLUS while he pursued his risky loan housing bubble economic plans as an unfunded Federal social program.  Those two political items should not ever be able to work together or well co-exist.

The Clintons messed up our economics by rigging succession schemes for Hillary to be set up to be asap elected to return them to our Executive seat of “holding of office” of our Office of the President.  There are historical moments to consider as our economy is stuck with a jobless recovery much still that precisely rest about the workings of the Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES could go down as the greatest economic and/or political blunder of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of at least the past century.  We had no economic or governmental need for that cutting of an additional trillion in cuts past the trillion the GOP found to cut (too quickly) to balance our Federal budget.

The SURPLUSES linger in these down economic times of us much still in the “ditch” yet hardly as critically as they should.  To understand the SURPLUSES it helps to consider the scheming to successionary Power by the Clintons to as much as possible set Hillary up to asap return them to such seat of Powers for the both of them again.  It is critical that you do not accept or believe the innocent portrayal of Hillary Clinton as in the book or movie GAME CHANGE for she and Bill were of dating compatibility while at Yale Law School because they both wanted to be elected President.  She did not only after becoming “Senator Hillary Clinton” get to thinking she might want to be President herself and as from people having suggested the idea firstly to her.
The Clintons’s SURPLUSES now sit in a lacking safety about a media and politics too hesitant to consider them as contrary and conflicting to the very New Deal spending ideology of President Obama.  It seems as if there are two absolutes that do not and cannot fit together now still to propped up and marketed as if somehow they are actually compatible.  The Clintons stood up an unnecessary cutting of an additional trillion while there was no economic need for a surplus, &, President Obama stands up suggesting so much they said we didn’t need to spend even a trillion on is now actually necessary spending.

There are many condemned levies and roads and bridges and even schools that the Clintons took away available Federal dollars from.  In the case of Katrina and the failure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MR GO) their surpluses fit with the courts finding of “gross negligence” upon our Federal Government to a date back to 1983 most negligently morally speaking on the legacy of the Administration of the Clintons for them of cutting money by a trillion for a political popularity from a SURPLUS thought most impossible and while it was not necessary economically nor for governance purposes.

We have it nearly as a truth self evident after past the first condemned bridge left to collapse by the Clintons’ SURPLUSES that it cannot have been as ABSOLUTE as President Obama decried with “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT!”

The greatest economic threat if not just the most dangerous moral threat is that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were only “necessary” politically to save a queen like plotted and schemed succession workings towards a President Hillary Clinton.  The Clintons needed to politically save themselves and their vast plotting too near to a reach at global autocratic power after the GOP proved that they could find a trillion in cuts to safely balance our Federal budget.  The Clintons would not have been able to sell anyone on more years for either of them then for their second term if they couldn’t prove that they too could find a thought impossible trillion to also cut.

Hillary Clinton much deserves the rapped tag as the “TRILLION DOLLA’ SURPLUS’D QUEEN” in poem FUZZY MATH available at http://jphogan.org and where originally streamed and published via http://citizenrosebud.us.

President Clinton and Senate Banking chieftain Dodd are oddly remembered for having asked a small gaggle of banking heads to find a way to “gamble away” the known and/or expected risks inherent in Bill Clinton’s desire to be most popular by coyly burning our economic candle from both ends at once.  You can call it “a ditch” or that “it burned out” as expected - seemingly.

It is absolutely not now funny that President Obama’s Obamacare ACA was fronted as not meant to cover illegal immigrants while now of he of an immigration proposal that would have them all by their conservative estimate of 12 million to be fully covered it seems as citizens by about the time his Obamacare however costs otherwise is to then be in effect on the promises and predictions about it as affordable without these 12 million covered as well.

Only the Clintons needed the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of them also to a finding of a thought impossible trillion in cuts.  Without matching the GOP efforts of the balancing of our budget their scheming and effecting to line Hillary up would have been bust.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES did take away the pipeline of Federal Government spending that needed the 4-7 year headstart to have kept enough employment in our economy for the risky lending housing bubble as run yet as their unfunded Federal social program.  The timing of such is nearly enough self evident now though hardly the political absolute it should rank with while incidentally chronological to a set up for economic collapse about 2006 or 2007.  It is that to have seen the housing not collapse the “shovel ready” jobs had to not have been cut by the Clintons’s SURPLUSES during their second term so that they would have been already processed and in the works with all necessary permitting for the “economics” then needed after the Clintonomics of stirring a hyper-consumerism ran the length of its short wick.

It is that President Obama is the President now maybe most trapped by ABSOLUTES of his own orations.  But that said it is absolutely a real concern that the Clintons were offered political protection like of a “WE’RE RIGHT - THEY’RE WRONG” polarizing political partisanship then quite only able to lead to gridlock.  But with these shared it is important to really consider how absolutely correct I am in sharing that the Clintons were the only ones that needed the SURPLUSES and politically to save a succession scheming to line Hillary up for an inevitable anointing more as if a “queen.”

We have all long been paying too high a price for the SUPLUSES of the Clintons.  And it is absolutely contradictory that the Clintons can be economically right for so much cutting, and that President Obama can be so right for wanting to spend so much once cut as unnecessary as if it is still necessary.

The Clintons’ SURPLUSES do deserve to go down in history as one of our greatest national economic blunders of the past century.  President Clinton did know enough to know he shouldn’t have pursued surpluses and his risky lending programs with his Clintonomics of a pimped out hyper-consumerism — but resisting temptations (political) is historically of record a characteristic not as of a “strong suit.”

A while ago while being a partisan political operator against his promises to operate his CGI as non-partisan and non-political he in an interview with Maria Bartiromo proffered an “expertise” about economies needing time to recover science that by his own words and phraseology if actually an “expert” and if such affirms he was an expert while President did condemn himself as knowingly have been of doing what he knew he economically shouldn’t have done while President.

Beyond this we are of a 2013 as much needing a pop trending for key word relevance about “capitalism” and “socialism” still.  We though need to find a way to break down the ABSOLUTES of and by President Obama to get to the realistic realm of “cost consciousness” needed as we also need to really discuss tax reforms.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:05 pm

We have to accept that POTUS to SOTU as specifically #SOTU2013 is limited to fashioned stylings for now or this fall again pointedly so quite as if whether he will or will not wear a flag lapel pin this Tuesday to #Congress in appropriate dress.

I do not want to have to read THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO to be able to understand how foreign or domestically born the expectant vacuum of political anticipation filling, with as if “intelligent” and “considerate” oration, POTUS’ SOTU will covertly or overtly wax on spectacularly, however.

I do not remember how much of THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO I did read when decades ago I read just that much.

America and Americans are now in grave danger from having listened at least to Paul Krugman too much.

There are presumptions postured as if of a Posterity posit in a possible while presently pressed and presided by POTUS practicably proven politically polarizing as too partisan for of limited or minimal pragmatism. 

America and Americans are still in a grave economic political POTUS’D rendered Government New Nationalism too much of the experienced excessive centralizing less “economic” than “social planning.”

We may be better to hope that Russia has a twelve step program to beat addictions to old Soviet styled communism and that we can get our POTUS treated - and that we still have time to see that our POTUS gets the treatment our economy really seems to need.  It seems we are wiser now to listen to Russia’s V. Putin than to President Barack H. Obama’s Karl Marx.  The Russians may have been right at least in that six separate regional smaller unions is something modern America could fall apart into.

We have that it would have been simply better if President Barack H. Obama came into his first term more like the Chinese economists thinking for China as of a move to capitalism from socialism and not as he POTUS did with attempts to paddle up stream all tweedy professorial as a political dandy to socialism from capitalism.

The easiest way to explain how and why the Democrats of Obama’s and Clintons’ iron grip have been unable to restore us to a vibrant new growth economy may be to start with how they brought back a centralized political policing bunker mentality even though it was a more convenient for our People era of decentralizing that is the milk or honey of what remains of popularity for or of the Clintons for our 1990s. 

We have that their droning as it undermines our foundations nationally of a system of laws above governance by man is illustrative of an endemic problem with them about a “management” skill for growth economics.  We have that we can talk comparatively of a Chicago grandmother figure of say one of such cities worst neighborhoods that just won’t move because it has been her home since before it was so troubled.  We have that by the “kill list” politics of Obama’s like new manifest destiny foreign policy by remote hands off joy-sticking is so questionable and worrisome that it is as if “collateral damage” for “hot zones” would even have such a Chicago “Grandmother” figure GUILT BY ASSOCIATION by a proximity in location and as if such doesn’t need to be a consideration of humanity or souls at risk.

It seems it is reasonable to suggest that we all economically and socially even could now be better off in 2013 if President Barack H. Obama had listened to and or emulated or imitated the Chinese and Russian leaders of his day more than as he did, as it seems, just the dead Karl Marx.

With anticipation building to #SOTU2013 and how such tweedy professorial Presidential dandy may yet fill an expectant vacuous political new hour we are all maybe best to being to constructs of mental and emotional breastworks of an immunity to and from a new oration of impracticable idealism.

The first step may be best to remember and better realize that the supposedly “bad” Bush Tax Cuts were actually then fair and just as justified by the Clintons and their unnecessary SURPLUSES.  As long as Bush wasn’t allowed to put back in the necessary spending the Clintons cut while signing off on the prudent trillion of cuts to balanced proffered by the Republicans or that of the extra trillion Dems found rashly there was nothing then that was needing higher taxing than that of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Right before there should be a second step each should realize that the crass Clintons’ SUPRLUSES justified the Bush Tax Cuts.  There is an atmosphere about too much of this still excessively vacuous.

Again:  Re: our Budget now:  Our best NATIONAL SECURITY posture now is like best for us of America and the United States of America to be to a real renaissance in state’s rights.  A renaissance in state’s rights is our best hope for regrowing our economy and maybe even jump starting a frozen global economy.  A renaissance in state’s rights now would reset us to the decentralizing that was central to what worked and sold during the Clintons’ 8 of our now too little discussed seemingly missing years 1993-2001.  A renaissance in state’s rights would be our best foreign policy posture as if also of a dominant global trend and yes as a reset to what had been the trending before the Obama call for a “New Nationalism” centralizing too much also of a poorly considered evangelizing about a supposed need for a “new foundation.”

President Barack Hussein Obama is due a historical tag as a professorial tweedy dandy.  He is also still it seems too stuck on old and dead (former) socialists than freed or liberated/cured by successors mostly from such now of new ways such as of modern leadership in Russia and China.

For our POTUS to SOTU now again for #SOTU2013 new media social media speedy media interactiveness we have that he should feed our demands with a supply less vacuous than the “vacuous” now expectant from him.

Can President Barack Hussein Obama - the RE-ELECTED - proffer on Tuesday night a professorial intelligentsia new attitude sufficiently erudite and in a “modern moralism” if only for his now more “subjects” than “citizens” of these no longer loose enough states?  He managed to remain after 2012 contests a American Bolshevik - though seemingly only with a mandate for austerity.

How will he step out as “FRESH & NEW” this week - what talk will he walk as styled right for these times and even for this Fall?  Can he offer us anything new?  Can he offer a promise of new jobs and a jump started economy if he doesn’t learn to wax on carefully layer oratorical polish for a return to decentralizing from a bunker mentality?

After your first steps about this - if even to be supportive to President Barack Hussein Obama with he braving first steps - to get to breaking an addiction to old Marxist styled socialism or old Soviet Communism one or all should consider that more taxes at the national level is not arguably the most idealistic taxation change of the still too purported idealism suffered now too long these past four years.

For our tweedy dandy professorial President even now especially as many fear a vacuous new political hour for Tuesday night we have that ideally he wants to punish wealth variances not mostly earnings as with which our federal revenue streams flow.  A renaissance in state’s rights now would be our best way to reset our economies and to be to finding the much needed real cost savings for healthcare.  A renaissance in state’s rights would be more marketable as for with such though contrary to 1st term of #Obama it would be as if Americans were also for a “spring” for Arabs - as if Americans also wanted a “spring” at home.

Well, we are nearing the release and steppin’ of/for the 2nd Term - of/for the NEW President Obama if not a old and tired return and rehashing just of a too old idealism of a “THE OLD OBAMA.”

How will he dress?  Will he wear a “power tie”?  Will he wear a flag lapel pin of our Stars and Stripes standard of our not as loose as they could best be United States of America?  Will he wear a flag lapel pin dutifully and/or proudly with faith in our Constitution kept?

And of such professorial tweedy dandy of a modern American “politics” is he to offer a new attitude for a developed intelligentsia with specifics to a “GREEN MINIMALISM” as a new political correctness to supplant all discussion as to “poverty” and or “poverty levels” to a workable new base line for any “ideological” new utopian “governance”?  Can he or will he step out and wax on not too vacuous a rendition in erudite and modern oration with a practicable and pragmatic philosophically discerned that can fit with us now best to be to a renaissance in state’s rights or the “falling apart into six separate regions” proffered by a living modern Russian leader?

And of such too:  What about the Chinese?  What about how as President #Obama started his first term he moved to march as if a drum major too many to socialism from a still workable methodology nearer Capitalism, and, how so while the Chinese Government seemed to be effecting more democratic bottom up changes to Capitalism from Socialism?

Mr. President there is an intelligence vacuum about your politics and social engineering.  Would you please explain how now still it would be better if we reset to the decentralizing workable economics but now as if also to a renaissance in states rights like a “spring” for Americans?  Would you and will you at least explain the philosophical “intelligence” that your “fairness” concerns actually are best if addressable as of a venue civilly more appropriate as of state not State jurisdictions? — Will you explain that economies are frozen because you were wrong to try to revolutionize with a social engineering in ways that needed wealth based taxation not income and earnings basis like that our our Federal Revenue streams?

It would be dandy if you could wear tweed and be professorial with practicable and pragmatic posits proffering even for #SOTU2013 and to be informative and instructive as to how a renaissance in state’s rights for our fifty states would allow your own idealism and attempts at “modern moralism” to be workable and more just and fair for our states do have the taxation powers for community redistribution moral concerns with their Power to tax wealth and property.

After twelve modern steps a “tweedy dandy” could be a good thing more than a bad - than still a bad - tag.  We have that it would be more moral to have attempted so much of the revolutionary ways of President Obama at now higher or greater a political level/jurisdiction/community size than that already Constituted with wealth and property taxation Posterity Powers - than that like our fifty states - right? 

Do you concur?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:35 am

It is now a quiet late Friday morning near the shores of America, feet dry.  I am a good “white” and President Obama seems to be a bad “black”!  Do not worry this isn’t supposed to be about race nor “racist” — we have cause to check on President Barack Hussein Obama as for driving “white” as a “bad”!

It must have been a tough 100th birthday for the President - considering the implications of these times;  It must have been a tough week as his past term as President is remembered too much of a “cover-up” politics while lessons so fresh that it is still “the cover-up” to be the ruinous.

It seems President Obama is still in a ditch and while of a “driving while white” Democrat Party economic think.

President Richard Milhous Nixon did, surprisingly to many, have a very good week.  Again: As I have posted for a while:  “It is not that Nixon was guilty but that Democrats are at least as guilty.”

The anatomy of Hillary of these times is this week again of echoes of her once of part in taking down President Nixon (though no more guilty than say the JF Kennedy Presidency) as the Watergate saga was.  The specific considerations of problema of our times as to covers of and for at least “Hillary” are of an anatomy of scandal more murderous and unchecked.

The anatomy of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is now of “FLASHING RED(S)” as if she pinned to have been President herself with RED “hot phones” to the Kremlin as if a magical “Bat Phone.”  (Right - It doesn’t seem she wanted to be a Cat Woman)

Her gifted and scandalous “RESET” of actual translations as “OVERCHARGED” by their tongues might have been another “FLASHING RED” per her activated imagination.  We have though that we are of murderous times with she of an anatomy of “assault” at least.  We have that it is undeniable that he once of Hope and Change started his administration with a “COVER-UP” messaging too CYA just for the former first coupled “two-fer” Clintons, we have that it is undeniable that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” was an overwriting attempt to cloak the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons (in a preposterous impossible innocence quite unreasonable).

As pop culture goes we are stuck if of those that watched the last season of “24″ with shock and awe of a ridiculous that such a plot could have been so aired as if a prophetic warning of what was to come if “Hillary” were to be elected, and yet us now all to such real times as now (so similar).

President Barack Hussein Obama did get elected as foretold to a mandate to austerity and grid lock, by my perspective and past commentary.  He did not get re-elected for having succeeded in his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons and at least their “executive” like “two-fer” power plays.  He did fail to rewrite the facts of our past couple decades to affect the attempted yet ridiculous (desperate) preposterous irrational impossibility that his too generous polarizing partisan political “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” did attempt.

It does seem that blacks around the world are now getting a bad associated incriminating rap however about traversing metaphorically or politically vehicled;  it does seem it isn’t fair that President Obama is so “pulled over” as if he is “driving while black”!

There is that President of Hope and Change “Barry” Obama by embracing the beat’n as “BIG LIARS” Clintons did himself pick the “whitest” of “white” of all possible nominees for the special “Obama” representing charge of our State Department.

Did you see the last season of “24″?  Are you puzzled now as to how we could be in this pickle now?

President Barack (”Barry”) Hussein Obama, as of his tales of earlier rise as not too innocent to have avoided at least political confessions of personal failings per illegal substance abuse, did fail as a first term President to rewrite our actual history and enough of the facts of the past twenty years of specific plotting and rascalishness for his attempt to “COVER-UP” for the Clintons to now flash but “RED!!!”!

We can leave that the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE is a danger to our State and our Constitution as it is to a purpose and practice now too long of a privatization of some of our reserved to just “EXECUTIVE POWERS” at a loss of potential prestige now for any actual sworn President.

This week must have President once of “Hope and Change Obama” smarting with Nixon turned 100 and having by most reports, it seems, a very good week.

I don’t know how there could have been enough “wool over their eyes” and/or plain ignorance or arrogance to have thought that they could have all rewritten enough of the past “hands on” by the Clintons’ “two-fer” to have effected the needed vast conspiracy to a partisan man made “innocence” for such now exposed of anatomies of negligence - even gross negligence.

With it this week that President Obama has President Nixon in his face to remind him “it is the cover-up” STUPID! — we have ourselves to likely seeing “red” otherwise just about the economics of Obama far longer for the loyalty and fidelity to Jack Lew once of the blunders that were the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.

Is President Barack Hussein Obama “in the ditch” still because he is “driving black” or because he has been “driving white” - as white or whiter than the Administration of the Clintons?

[I can write here that I am “good ‘white’” as per this new battle between good and evil - a ying and a yang, political - for I write of the Clintons of having been so wrong and for so long without now having a different perspective from when they made the decisions towards us being now stuck so by their say “negligent” governance whence.  I write of the perspective that I thought their decisions were this bad when they made them whence in the 90s, and, now, with affirmation that they did end up near as bad as feared.]

This Friday a morning thought to help focus anyone stirred to read it as shared via Facebook and Twitter was about how we could all become safer suddenly if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia. 

A reasoning about such could be bolstered for the shame they should share for having asked or maybe coerced a new Hope President to an Adminstration to “COVER-UP” for them and their co-Administering as a political “BOGO ‘two-fer’”.  If either Bill or Hillary were a Samurai an “honor code” could have had them of “seppuku” a hundred times each already.

Though it was politically selfish of the Clintons to have however worked a “New Hope” to a contagion of an anatomy of negligence covering for them it is hard to understand how but by coercion they could have bent President Barack Hussein Obama to such a ridiculous and preposterous attempt at such an irrational impossible political “COVER”.

It is hard to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

Flashing hot spots of “Hillary” still “Hillary’s” and not yet ever, hopefully, to be as well negligence of or by succeeding likely Secretary John Kerry - now have us wise to consider and long debate how we could be safer if Bill and Hillary were to defect to Russia now for it seems we might be safer if we were to open up all the files of the co-Administration of the Clintons NOW and not hardly put at risk more so by what they could or might willingly be able to “share” as if “intelligent” as “Russians”!!!

Happy 100th Birthday President Richard Milhous Nixon!!!  It is hard, this January 11th in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three, to say that President Obama isn’t starting off his second term to “driving white” even more so.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:33 am

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Leader Nancy Pelosi?  Have you come up with an explanation for so much that roots in your time as Speaker?  Can this be mostly that of the global influence of a stale Clinton - at least one Clinton too long in power?  Mustn’t it be more all just your fault?

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?  Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

Speaker Nancy Pelosi it part of a triumverate of circa 2007 effectors whom can be considered a dark “charmed” troika to an economic slide for all.  For Leader Pelosi her necessary role was to keep President George W. Bush from being able to do the spending he would need to if to being able to fix the economy in time.

Two others, at least, had to play equally diabolical roles yet more to subjectifying our economics and at least the price of vehicle fuels.  We can get to them later - they can run, but can they hide now?

We are here now with a threat for a new recession or depression quite possible.  I don’t know if technically such would be now a quadruple dip if since the day of Senator Clinton and her announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT - or just a triple or double dipping.

2012 was a big WIN for Republicans - it isn’t hard to figure it so, already.  President Barack Hussein Obama may not yet provide us copies of his ideological college or law papers but to go forward PC he should avoid being PG (Politically gouche) and work us all away from insensitive discussions of a “POVERTY LEVEL” as he creeps forward with his dream NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and to a new patriotic Obama “GREEN MINIMALISM”!

Yes, while Speaker, Nancy Pelosi did carry on as a devotee to the Clintons and a dark celebrant of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES and to such an extent that she governed to keep President George W. Bush from being able to reverse enough of the spending cuts of two trillion in eight years in time to fix our economy in time.  Yes, Speaker Pelosi was part of a triumverate as a purposeful dark “charmed” troika of sorts hell bent to keep a down economy so that Dems could win again on:  IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPIDS!!!.

This is like a period made more for a political enlightenment than expected new renaissance.  Republican have at least their 41 votes in the Senate to hold back any new reconciliation moves however already impossible with their holding of our House so this 2012.  Democrats now to move forward must establish a base line more PC than “POVERTY LEVEL” as their mandate seems to be of from a youth movement willing to have less if it will save our planet.  Democrats now to move forward must first be from the desk of newly elected President Obama be to establishing a baseline for their GREEN MINIMALISM PC.

Let me be clear:  There is no way this black FDR wanna be didn’t want an excuse to bring in anew the white FDR’s social programs and socialistic powers.  He even is obvious for the name of the Chicago area he chose to live in.

The con is up!!!  Let me be clear:  President Obama is now re-elected with a mandate to save the planet with any or all austerity he thinks needed.  He now logically needs his first step to be to a most public dictate as to a minimalism for all, a GREEN MINIMALISM at least for those that stood up for such to be his mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The attempt at a RUSSIAN “RESET” may have been doomed from the start for there were already three as a dark “charmed” troika in America.  Clinton and Powers may have had no real chance to bring Russia in as a forth.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

For the Honorable President George W. Bush to have fixed the economy while President he would have had to have very publicly reversed much or most of the unnecessary extra trillion in spending cuts by the Clintons for their SURPLUSES.

We are now of a day(s) with President Obama with an election mandate near solely for a new GREEN MINIMALISM as if a black FDR to a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We have that the like “GREEN REVOLUTION” he just rode to re-election is of a mandate loudly that his people are ready to have less if it will save the planet.

We are now, so it should be, of just a brief waiting upon newly elected President Obama for his dictates on minimalism levels so spoken and voted in as a mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The planet must still be in serious, even most serious, peril since the Obama campaign didn’t back down or away from any earlier claims of dangers of an “end of the world…” coming.  It now must not be PC to speak of “POVERTY LEVEL” as a NEW DEAL shared sacrifice era has been run on and voted in enough so for us now to learn to become of a new speak of GREEN MINIMALISM PATRIOTISM.

And the other two of the dark “charmed” troika or triumverate about Speaker Pelosi 2008 economic hobblings are simply then just Senator Hillary Clinton and new “Mr. Science” and “ALARMIST” Al Gore.

We are not talking “conspiracy theories” here - awaken to GRAND STRATEGIES possibilities, please.  Become enlightened as much as you might now, please.


But how?

It is quite simple when you have opened your mind to how bad the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were together with what else they passed off as good economics, and, it is quite simple when you understand that Speaker Pelosi did keep President Bush from being able to do the spending necessary to fix the very fundamentally troubled economy in time for 2008 elections.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?


Can President Barack Hussein Obama now govern with his con up?  Can he carry just his believers forward to his new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as many find out it is now only necessary because the Democrats worked it to be necessary?  Will they accept a timely austerity and it’s necessary new PC of patriotism to a GREEN MINIMALISM?

Can President Barack Hussein Obama even convince his own to suffer and figure ways to get by on less - if only to save the planet?  Can he govern with his con up and it obvious that it was Dems fault and from a trying and it no longer a “inheritance” inconveniently left just magically for a black FDR wanna be by a Republican predecessor?

Sure much good can come from a new austerity now regardless of how wrought actually by hands of leading Democrats.  It may be inconvenient that they now have to move forward not as convenient “inheritors” of a perfect set of crisi, but, still we are reportedly able to save a trillion dollars in new healthcare costs if we can just get our nation’s average for personal body weights back down to or below the pre-Clintons’ presidency levels.


But how?

Simply it was all about oil or “carbon fuels” for the Democrats.  (Yes not as thought so as simply all Republicans were only about.)

What Paul Krugman has seemingly refused to tell you is that HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT dictates and the alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING by Al Gore did cause a serious spike in gas prices. 

What figures out forward is that the housing crisis though fundamentally set up flawed by the Administration of the Clintons was triggered to collapse by the spike in gas prices.  First came the higher gas prices and then came the collapse of the Clintons’ worked hyper-consumerism that kept the economy bloated.  First came the higher gas prices and then that so many on fixed incomes that had bought into Clintonomics and their hyper-consumerism were then no longer able to pay for the gas to get to work and their mortgages.

Second came that once the housing bubble economics of the Administration of the Clintons and the pimped out hyper-consumerism met the spike in gas prices caused by the dictates and subjective partisan political rhetoric of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM people first couldn’t pay for gas and their mortgages on their fixed incomes and then couldn’t afford the continued hyper-consumerism needed to keep the bloated economy bloated.

Third came that with the dictates of Candidate Hillary Clinton toward seizing all oil company profits, coupled with Al Gore’s ALARMISM and the partisan politics of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a devotee to the spending levels of the the Clintons’ SURPLUSES even more then were stuck - WERE STUCK!!!

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

President Clinton did ask bankers to delve into derivatives for the purpose of allowing him to run his risky loan housing bubble economics as an unfunded federal social program.  President Bush could only have fixed the economy and saved us from a recession or new GREAT DEPRESSION if he could have publicly have explained how bad the spending cuts of that extra trillion cut for the Clintons to have a thought impossible political popularity were.

We do now seem to need a new AUSTERITY if only because that is the mandate President Obama just secured with his re-election.  It may now be too late for us not to have a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY. 

It may be very difficult now though for President Barack Hussein Obama as outed as a black FDR wanna be for it seems most will soon realize that Democrats caused this mess and that it wasn’t Republicans or Bush - but as of those corrupted in the nineties by the Clintons while about setting up this mess.

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?   Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

First the Administration had to set up fundamentally flawed economics and pimp them out and then only three of a dark “charmed” troika or triumverate were needed to spike the price of gasoline while as well being devotees to that unnecessary extra trillion cut for the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.  After that 2008 was a lock since so many were trapped in the Dems’ hyper-consumerism with fixed incomes unable to afford new higher gas prices.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Are we here now because too many became loyal to Bill Clinton and stayed such for too long?

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!


*{new columns now should be looked for via http://citizenrosebud.us or directly at http://jphoganorg.jphogan.org}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

Long live F. Scott Fitzgerald — may he never be a Henry David Thoreau or an Edgar Allen Poe.

What is it you don’t want me to tell you today about the recent elections? 

Though President Barack Obama hasn’t felt flexible enough to use his middle name Hussein these results suggest he has a GREEN REVOLUTION all his own - but for how others built it, more than he did.

He may have started less of a velvet touch even about Iran and lost in time with a naivete about Saddam Hussein and a future frontier for Iraq and Iran challenges, but we are here now all going forward but when backwards to learn from history to try to avoid repeating hard lessons already thought learned from.

I have long suggested a N.E.D.A. different from the Irani Neda mostly ignored by President Barack Hussein Obama and his Secretary of State more a Secretary of War.  A NATURAL EMERGENCY DISASTER AGENCY - N.E.D.A. - to have a WEATHER CORP and some to replace or supplant some FEMA operations in ways outside of our Department of Homeland Defense regular organizational tree.

We don’t need a Constitutional convention to rebuild FEMA at least some as a N.E.D.A. - and an esprit de corps of this new weather normal that for now can be a global cooling change after a reported near 9% drop in concerned greenhouse gases since just 2007 - a change of weather patterns due to human causes by political affecting.

The numbers seem in already to suggest that Obama was elected by a mass of people all green and with him so as like a revolution green - a Green Revolution.

I do not know why so many voted for this Black FDR also from a Hyde Park and for another bought of AUSTERITY — It seems undeniable that Obama has won a second term to be still of his new conservationism to a GREEN first national AUSTERITY for all.

It seems a loss - win result for Republicans.  This win for more of Obama’s national AUSTERITY with his priorities to a new conservationism comes with First Lady Michelle Obama as a leader for less and more home grown and homespun, still.

The best that might come from President Barack Hussein Obama new “flexibility” from re-election would be a loud and most public march against trial lawyers and malpractice litigation to effect a real and most needed Healthcare reform.

It seems the Republicans gained even more national ground securely in 2012 even though they didn’t get to inherit “OBAMA’S AUSTERITY” as hoped.  A renaissance in state’s rights and our federalism basis seems here now to stay for the second term of President Obama.  Since the Republicans succeeded in enough wins to block the Democrat Party take over of most of the possible redistricting across this nation they seem to have been gaining more ground, if only slowly.

Thomas Paine might think that there were two winners in 2012.  A real winner by results and a sensed real visceral winner of causes moved forward more - more successfully.

I don’t know why so many voted for President Obama in 2012 with such to be a vote for gridlock.

As long as this President is first an environmentalist as “Teddy” Roosevelt might have himself thought as not excessive if it would just get him back in office for a third term, he is necessarily an AUSTERITY PRESIDENT more like Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Did you hear that there are now thirty Republican Governors of our fifty states?

Have you figured that President Obama has been so wrong about Saddam Hussein and for so long that too many didn’t figure their selection in 2012 enough about how Saddam Hussein if not for President George W. Bush’s FREEDOM AGENDA with OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM would now have support at least from some in Europe to have been back to nuclear power and maybe an arms race with Iran?

So Secretary of State Hillary Clinton > how is your “best advise” about THE BENGHAZI FOUR working for you?  That advise to defensively have a DOCUMENT DUMP like a throwing of the kitchen sink at it all and your lies and naivete at least with old and early “I cannot believe that this happened in a country we liberated.”?  Have you succeeded in your defense with the throwing everything at it to stall and bury your complicity legal strategy? 

Hmmm?  I think for everyone but Hillary Clinton the expression for defensive legal maneuvers should still be “threw everything but the kitchen sink at it” even though for her just “kitchen sink” seems too excessive and defensive.

We know how to make ice — we can build a fleet of NUCLEAR CHILLER SUBMARINES to be of a N.E.D.A. WEATHER CORP for scientific and emergency oceans temperature moderation — cooler surface temperatures can be effected to put risk of bigger storms down by changing the “warmth” they would feed on.

Is this a place for a mention of THE COLOR PURPLE or maybe an earlier era of our entertainment culture such as that of HALLE BERRY in STRICTLY BUSINESS.  Alice Walker, sorry, I have not read your book yet.  Halle - you were amazing in STRICTLY BUSINESS - that such was possible for you then did have me tearing up.

It seems aliens and space spending is now out mostly for the next four years after this GREEN REVOLUTION however without a velvet touch and core philosophy for haves and have not isms about this march forward to more years of OBAMA’S AUSTERITY as a Black FDR also from a Hyde Park. 

As long as he all green and with his priorities set to a new conservationism with diets by FLOTUS Michelle his tune is ‘AUSTERITY FOR ALL!’.

I was just this morning sharing this thought on my Facebook friend Charles M. Blow’s blog link:

“Seems the Republicans have been big winners this year — at least as towards an American RESET to a restoration that we have rules and a Constitution that are not outdated and to be run over by a few elite ideological partisan Dems with hopes to change to a unstoppable autocratic global power.  If only Mitt Romney had been born more a poor Mexican/American dream child or a poor black boy this message would be clearer and still likely a fair characterization for the party of Condoleezza Rice.  Republicans have been winning since 2008 while losing - they beat the redistricting wave and have been continuing forward towards more and better community organizing towards a renaissance in state’s rights and federalism issues understanding.” 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:21 am

These are the days that too many have a blank slate now to redraw a life upon.  We are of a time to consider austerity and our environment as well as our politics in 2012 that may not be ever so again in our life times.  We can hope as Americans that our fellow Americans so severely effected by at least the recent category 1 Hurricane named Sandy are free to sketch themselves for themselves a new way forward as free as the one before, but when.

President Obama is a danger zone himself!  President Barack Hussein Obama spoke big and tried to evangelize but over charged from his very first moments with our national check book and credit accounts.

President Obama did not offer us a real RESET!  President Barack Hussein Obama seemed willing to have over coddled an extremely like a one percenter Saddam Hussein.  It was with one as if a supporter of Ba’athists and maybe for them of an ideological origin to be a way forward to a United Arab Socialist State. (Alan Hart — Arafat - Terrorist or Peacemaker)

President Obama has been a bad socialist - a not to scale drafter - of sketchy sketches too top heavy.

President William Jefferson Clinton was a danger zone early on!  We are now suffering for what was wrought poorly and with insufficient forethought by the administration of the Clintons.  President Clinton did have to demote George Stephanopoulus early on and find a stalwart former Republican Presidential adviser such as David Gergen to boldly step quietly into a slipping Clinton White House and for a rescue of such Democrats.

David Gergen did step boldly and quietly into the Administration of the Clintons as part of a necessary demotion of George Stephanopoulus early on and as a successful former Republican adviser willing to be that special adviser to show President Clinton a way to make his White House start working.  President Clinton desperately then needed a Republican adviser like David Gergen to cross party lines and to show him how a White House could work.

President Obama has been a bad socialist in a variety of ways!  Foremost for starters should be how he showed his socialist centralizing cards too early and too strongly.  President Obama was obvious and simple so when of hopes to have a second stimulus as if it would then be so much government spending that it would be a CRISIS to justify it seemed near 70% taxation.

I don’t know if David Gergen survived the administration of the Clintons enough to now explain such today. 

As so many now because of Category 1 Hurricane Sandy are unexpected new faces like of those long now of Obama’s unemployed or effected we have that socialism issues have to be a consideration of state’s rights and local recoveries of these days so sketchy for so many.  It seems if President Obama wants to be of a “success” for GLOBAL WARMING and these austere days of a new conservationism he is then wanting to be re-elected for having worked to stop or just greatly slow down our economy.  If President Obama wants to be elected with his first time of “success” then really we should revisit any and all opinions of the economics of President Bush for such does seem to suggest that then he must be a heroic political figure.

I do know that President George W. Bush did appose the earlier efforts of the Dems with the Kyoto Accords and as documented by David Frum because he was too concerned that if he did embrace them as constructed he then would be tanking the global economy.  Yes, we can say:  Like it did when around 2007 the Dems started a too ideological march anew with a simple partisanship also inadequately considered.

We have sketched out now that Governor Mitt Romney is a viable alternative to President Barack H. Obama.

May you be free - be free still to sketch etchy now as before - as before there was a President Obama as a bad socialist.

President Obama has been a bad socialist in large part for he didn’t offer a state based socialist model while of a rush to a new nationalism in socialized centralization.  We have that ideologically speaking, and especially in time of shared CRISIS that we are of days when wealth and income inequality can naturally best be resettled with state and local taxation reformulations.  A bad socialist he has been for not having differentiated a wealth inequality about differences in income taxation realm and wealth and property taxation realms.

President Barack Hussein Obama and his attempts at evangelizing the USA and whomever abroad he might have been corrupted ideologically as per any and all 1% vs. 99%!  So much that he rushed a march forward with just doesn’t work at a national level with revenues based on a variable such as income taxation and capital gains.  Essentially our federal system is set up like a circuit breaker for the freedom of the People such that revenues can shrink at the national level if a socialism is attempted. 

Our states though have greater powers to be more fairly socialistic or to a renaissance in a community balancing!

I am not sure, really, that David Gergen did survive the Administration of the Clintons!  It seems clear now - let me be clear — that the Clintons and their personal bests were not then and are not now sufficient or as sufficient as at least that of Governor Mitt Romney.  President Bill Clinton may have needed David Gergen just to counter his personal character to politicking like one of the told of likes of bad used car salesmen.

It did seem that the problem with our economy early on in the Administration of Obama was some that he had brought in and embraced essentially all those that the Clintons would have if re-elected.  And, that those were obvious in a desire to have a second stimulus more to such as being an excuse to hike taxes as high as 70% if they could.

And with a revenue stream from individual efforts to income, profits, and gains this was BOLDLY drawn to demotivate too many. 

And, with it then also of a Government GUILTING a anvil was like dropped as well upon all the motivations of Americans to income, profits, and gains as well because the psychology of such was loudly sketched as a BAD that even they shouldn’t be towards or of.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:17 am

Yup - I’ve gone and decided not to write another column during October, and, as well maybe not until at least after election day 2012.

Yup, since it is time to see how low I should reset my ambitions and standards to match America’s new normal in nationalism - these are the days beyond my needing to write. 

Yup, I have done too much and for too long for it to be my next move - it is my time just to judge the field - the whole field and yes, both sides. 

Yup, I did nearly find myself forever to avoiding New York - if Senator Hillary Clinton had not ceased to be a Senator from New York my lack of trust and respect for her would have sluced for all with a too low standard a guilt by association. 

Yup, I did once entertain an interest in maybe working at ABC — Disney/Cap Cities - but closed that all down when they lowered their standards with the contract for George Stephanopoulus. 

Yup, it is not my move now - and well it is late now for any to expect to get me at their tables to discuss October, however.

Sad that the new fall season has commenced with new TV shows on air and Mad Men every where politically charged to still be selling Obama austerity and new conservationism. 

Sad that Dems did pursue policies especially about economics that looked as if they would bring us quite to this down time - and most sad for the serious lack of character in them with such pursued with an attempt to be to such with the hope that they would succeed in just blaming the other side.

Yup, I have no idea now how I will spend now more available time (”freer time” — just seems too true and sad as too wrong) this October, but I do at least owe myself an honest consideration as objectively as I can manage of the worth of both parties and sadly now to a wondering about whether the Republicans may be as bad as the Dems.

Yes,  I really nearly decided to completely avoid NYC because NY had Hillary Clinton as Senator.  She seems to have been now too long living up to my distrust. 

I won’t know how to publish to broader audiences until after election day.   If you were wondering - I have been waiting a while to see how much lower I should join my standards and expectations and now the day is coming near.

I have done too much and for too long - and so far no price has been right - or offered well to get me to make a move before Election Day 2012.  

I am now to a month without writing a column - while thinking it is not my move anyways.  I don’t feel a need to retract any of the very many columns I have written - so I really shouldn’t feel a need to write another at least for a month.

I do stand by everything I remember to be in my earlier columns.  And, again, until after Election Day I won’t know where our new lower standard may best be set and so won’t for at least a month know how to join to such new standard any publishing of my past compositions long stirred of years I thought it would be worth it to try to raise our standards.

The choices are yours - I am just an observer now - since for a while it hasn’t been my move or my table to try to get me to.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:01 pm

This may be the eve of an October ready to be banked on.   There may be no real “Happy Meal” promises to keep, politically, there seems to be no money left to pay for such of Democrat Party promises.  Our real concern if we are now so far along with President Barack Hussein Obama to his New Deal Austerity that it may be better politically for any other to try to avoid being our next President.

There may be now room or possibility to see a “Happy” put back in for the next four years.  It may be strategically fastest for us to a win back of freedom and democracy to see President Obama re-elected to finish a defeat of his policies and politics AQAP (As Quick As Possible).

ACA - Obamacare as it is not actually an attempt just to politically steal a Republican success story of Romneycare from Republicans leaves us serious numbers that don’t add up well for “Daddy” Clinton.   It was reported years ago by a self professed doctor friend of the Clintons that the United States of America could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs if it could just reverse the increase in the personal average body weight of Americans.  Actually, I have no idea if that number of such paraphrasing from memory may have had costs for obesity since the start of the Clintons’ “parentage” of illegal aliens.

What an odd couple.  It seems clear that President “Daddy” Clinton is the sloppy one.  It seems reported that President “Big Mac” Clinton did with the guidance of his FLOTUS lead Americans to a dangerous level of obesity.

I don’t actually believe we could do better by re-electing President Obama and that he could be of further self defeat AQAP.

Would we have needed to see the “Happy” marshaled out of “Happy Meals” if President “Big Mac” Clinton hadn’t sold a MAC DADDY two BIG MACs a day habit and as if necessary because his FLOTUS couldn’t cook?   I mean the story still has to be of the “parentage” of the First Couple Clintons that even Hillary must not have cooked - right?

And you cannot get fries with the type of banking President Obama will have to promise to be capable of if re-elected.

There may not be enough honor in banking as long as “Daddy” Clinton not shilled as an evil banker himself.  Can you elect President Obama now as if choosing him as you would a banker - with an ability to trust him with what money you now have left?  President “Daddy” Clinton did fool so many once - what a shame on them!  like — but now if for President “Banker” Obama now needing to attempt to fool as many all over again? - like if banks could ever again approve so many loans they shouldn’t?

It might be easier to see how bad all this is and as with a full dissing upon ‘MAC DADDY CLINTON’ if his crying to his banking pals, after leaving office, to try to get them to fork out the money for a million dollar a year highest end rent, in the Carnegie Hall Tower, had effected enough guilt on them to have him visibly there now and not in Harlem.  Our Government said that was too rich for our blood money of revenues of the people from taxes, however.  Our Government said that was too royal and nearly of a Un-Constitutional titling for their approval, again, however versed.  MAC DADDY CLINTON did try to guilt his banking pals into paying for it instead - what a wonder today if he was there with them paying him in thanks as asked for all the derivative gambling profits he made possible.

Is it fair to President Obama that President “MAC DADDY” Clinton hasn’t been dissed enough for luck of being saved by Harlem?   It does seem President William Jefferson Clinton did owe Harlem more than Harlem owed him and yet it seems he still isn’t of his due dissing, where ever.  I knew William Stringfellow - William Stringfellow was a client while I was a college student of summer labors in landscaping - I knew him near about his third from last year of life while maybe already battling cancer.  I first learned how to use a powered weed whacker from William Stringfellow and at his cottage where he harbored federal fugitive, whenever.

Poor First Lady Michelle Obama long of so much official record to austerity for others.  Poor First Lady Michelle Obama for the upstaging of her earliest steps to counter the obesity epidemic “parented” by Clintons’ guidance by “MAC DADDY” Clinton whence then of choosing an elective surgery the day of her good eating messaging debut to grab all the defense Clinton press as possible to buffer the Clintons’ dishing for so many to record and dangerous personal obesity.  I do believe that number heard years ago that the USA could save a trillion dollars if it could like just get to the personal average body weights from just before the inauguration of the Clintons.

But to talk about party politics:  President William Jefferson Clinton did not have to make or break news that day the FLOTUS Michelle Obama was long scheduled to with messaging that would unavoidably be counter to the Clintons’ dishing and so of a dissing certain — he elected to time his elective surgery to clear narrowings of vessels and so that his message did override hers.

Poor Michelle Obama, actual First Lady.   On that day it was a Democrat loyalty test with two options to choose from as:  Be a Clinton MAC DADDY loyalist and now believe you will also get free healthcare for dangers from Clintons’ dishing - tax payer funded care, or, choose to listen to a message for personal responsibility and austerity akin to telling you that you couldn’t like have his BIG MACs twice a day and eat them.

Can you though really think you can trust President Barack Hussein Obama to be your banker?  It is too late for him to try to fool so many as the Clintons did again — he won’t be able to get banks to lend money he and they don’t have and to people who can show no real means of being able to repay.

His books seem cooked - and MAC DADDY CLINTON really due the DISSING.

If you are feeling this is all just unfair and feeling like a victim - aren’t you really feeling a victim of William Jefferson Clinton?

And, of Hillary Rodham Clinton - at least?

Can Mitt Romney and Ann Romney quarters pound a “Happy” back in our political “Happy Meals”?  Are our Governors all their linemen ready to keep a needed pocket around him so that we can AQAP win back our freedoms and democracy?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:07 am

It is - it is a wonder how there can be so many concerns today to offer up for discussion as still not litigated key parts of our recent history.

Personally my displeasure with WJC goes farther back that the early nineties while I offered spin doctoring and he seemed to steal the line I came up for myself if I was to have to answer a pot question - the line I started with of my own story of having only tried it once but like a cigar that first time - without inhaling.

Personally I have to be far more serious about so much that actually should have been litigated and maybe many times publicly re-litigated.  These are trying times for so many and much maybe because WJC is one that was willing to steal lines.

There is so much I should not have to say here today in this new column of maybe too serious punditry since I have tweeted  about such already recently or shared links as well with my twid (twitter ID) @jphoganorg and with use of #CGI2012 hash tag.

I may help to get a grip or focus for today if you consider or recollect how that when Governor WJC of Arkansas did run in 1992 he ran quite as if he were running on or of the “hope” about New Haven, CT.  There may be too much in that statement as per my TCONF (THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM) to go into now today but however I now consider it workable.

If we are to better understand our down times we have to look at the cast of Dems of WJC, HRC, NP, AG, HR, & BHO at least - and each of them some as a cook or chef of these times - whether with one recipe or too many recipes.

We could use titles for this but BOLSHEVIKS seems to work now and even so when Bolsheviks were no longer actually Bolsheviks but by name only with a hollower meaning than meant.   Our system of laws and governance of our national government may be well establish to prevent “socialist” change from the inside - only a war might be a way to turn our Constituted Confederate Republic otherwise to ways of socialism - a war that we did lose.

When I came up with my answer of “…but I didn’t inhale” I wasn’t wanting WJC to be able to run that much as me, and can remember people likely my personal answer as if it were meant from me to have been offered as a lie for WJC.  :-(

What a mess WJC and HRC made of the Middle East — Can you just remember the BHO Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech and its biting portent with heavy mentions of “dangers” of “inaction and avoidance”?

I don’t know if WJC actually never inhaled and nor do I know if HRC or WJC had a favorite special brownie recipe.

AG with his convenient crisis alarmism that only offered a limited small minded singular way forward in a time when the world as we know it was to end was a chef too many with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM. 

It is hard to say for certain whom of this set/cast did more to cause the price of gasoline to spike - whether is was AG or HRC more than the other of because of each simultaneously of uncoordinated political buffets.

I get the Dems have until the austerity of the Obama First Couple and their NEW DEAL AUSTERITY messaging been of promising all you can eat buffets as if half the nation deserved such as political victims.  I get that it is believable that we could save a trillion dollars in healthcare costs as once reported by a “doctor friend of the Clintons” if only we could get our nation back to the average personal body weight from before the WJC & HRC became First Couple.

The simplest way to explain the housing crisis is to talk about the 2008 campaign and policy hopes of the Dems.  They wanted a down economy so that they could win with a down economy.  They wanted all the profits of the oil companies and they also wanted all the cars/vehicles that ran on their products gone.  They had America still in the hyper-consumerism pimped out by WJC and so set in a irresponsible ways of loyalty and faith in WJC & HRC that then had them unable to afford the mortgages many of them never should have been able to get so - so how - when the politics of HRC & AG became so heated that the price of gas spiked high enough that Dem loyalists may have been first to stop being able to pay for their mortgages and their gas to get to that job that had them with a fixed income.

It doesn’t get more complicated to recollect how all the recent field of GOP Presidential candidates were in the primaries all of stating publicly that the housing crisis was less the fault of individual Americans regardless of how they got there mortgage than it was the fault of their government.

The spike in gas prices the paved the way for Democrats to nearly walk across the finish line of 2008 elections is what started the housing crisis.  Had McCain/Palin won though we likely would have had a speedy and robust recovery.  If McCain/Palin had won their explanation of the economic times would have been free to be truthful and consumer confidence could have then been recovered quickly and strongly.

WJC did set our economic candle to burn from both ends at once.  He knew he was setting up our economy as if a candle burning from both ends at once.  He even asked the Banks to find a way to gamble away the expected risks from his immature economic desires/plans for he wanted to run the Housing Bubble as an unfunded federal social program even though there was enough money available to have set it upon a workable and reliable economic foundation.

NP never did the people a good flip while cooking up new lines about the WJC SURPLUS as a good diet political or economic.

We can better litigate the down economy by looking back beyond 2008 elections.  It can be said that in 2008 our electorate may have been one of the most uniformed in our history and due much to spin of disinformation.  It wasn’t a Republican that said like:  If you don’t do your homework you will end up in Iraq.  It was Republicans though that hope our best and our brightest and even our strongest all would be of our volunteer forces efforts to bring a long overdue prosecution to Saddam Hussein.

The fastest way back to forward and to seeing maybe even BHO think he should get the car out of the ditch before attempting to go forward seems maybe to be to look at least at 2008 and gas prices as something the Republicans never would have knowingly been about or to allowing if there was a way but to such available to them.  They couldn’t be bad oil company politicians wanting high gas prices as if of a stupid greed with a critical election looming and be smart enough to deserve seeing their party win elections.  Even a bad oil company executive would have known that lower gas prices were needed by Republicans in 2008 elections.

Can it be that the Dems starting in 2007 at least were too much an un-huddled mass of un-coordinated idealistic recipes such that when all together it was to so many only served their workings as a recipe for disaster?

It may be too soon here to try to explain that the federalism debates now about healthcare and medicare and medicaid as better for our states and their governance are also a federalism due political dish about national security and best homeland posture, posturing.  We may all be safer if we reduce the amount of centralized power seeming too much at the whim and whimsy of a single person - a too powerful executive.  That said it may be our best policy now to at least block grant care governance back to nearer our communities and their county metrics.  We may become more safe the less we are seen as serving up as due a more general and unspecific otherwise centralized more just by the numbers governance.

It is WJC numbers that still hardly add up.  Though what has been offered by HRC may be even less rational or factual.

Yes the price of gas as it spiked after HRC started HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT can best explain what started the housing crisis and especially if you recognize how bad the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were - how bad and immature CLINTONOMICS was - and how it was because WJC & HRC had driven or pimped Americans into a hyper-consumerism that couldn’t afford the spike in gas price about 2008 economy that no Republican in their right minds would have had reason to allow if they could have prevented it.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:37 pm

The Greeks may want to all get on board with this.

We have a psychopathy of at least one individual to render separated and parsed thoroughly towards an understanding of this.

The Greeks may not be alone in wanting to look at one American meddler and his psychopathy for real culpability in an extra-treasonous way.

How now to be real and down and dirty truthful about such that for some is treasonous and for others more as if overseas foreign transgressions enough that a foreigner might be due more blame than a countryman?

Well the new season of TV shows is near about started for Americans, at least.  And, we have to be sensitive and forgiving with allowances that though a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY is still our President’s strongest message.  And while to some it ad buys may seem allowed strictly to others it might seem treasonous if they sell or push anything other than austerity.

Here we are of a day long overdue for considerations to parse “disloyalty” from “treason” and “citizen” from “subject.”

If there is one foreigner - foreign meddler - that the people of Greece might be able to blame their economic problems with more than any other isn’t that person William Jefferson Clinton?   And, I mean to a level related to the severity of effects economic wrought so such that a general desire may exist and be due of feelings that one if so should have to ‘face the music’ like - have to face some type of prosecution.  And, yes this would hardly be of a “loyalty” or “treason” to them.

What is a popularity for a “post-Constitutional” era pushed in lieu of proper procedures with amending process but dare say a push for a popularity for “treason.”  Justice John Roberts could have had a field day with the subject - he quite nearly did decide it seems that the reported “Pelosi Congress” had willfully acted to violate and betray our system of government with ACA.

As we now consider there may be some new shows worth watching we should be wise to how little they should be being allowed to sell - what with NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and a new nationalism in conservationism the strongest Government messaging.

Well “Bill” is back and yet he shouldn’t be.

Well “Hillary” is still clinging around though now of fresh wounds fatal for some giving rise again to “gross negligence” of a Clinton.

“Bill” is back with his old sticht still hardly comical of rallying all as much as he can to a convenient “post-Constiutionalism”!

Hmmm?  Where did you just hear that phrase “post-Constitutionalism”?  Hmmm?  Were you asked to compare and contrast how “post-Constiutionalism” is or can be other than “treason”?

Should we only expect a dangerous and broad reaching treacherous economic times if a GREAT BETRAYER is about pushing BETRAYAL as a new better norm?

Could William Jefferson Clinton actually be primarily a foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the Greek economy?

So maybe WJC is just a serial person of a psychopathy to disloyalty.  But, really his “economics” and BHO’s “economics” do not and cannot mix.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be realizing this all himself now, finally.   He now cannot likely escape it nor how long he asked and dictated that none should be looking back and trying to “re-litigate the past” a past not hardly even litigated yet.

It is hard to say where such a word of such a heavy sentence fits in our times other than that is cannot abide any now as if it depends if treason is treason.  How little adherence to rules and procedures would offer a “disloyalty to our Constitution” in lieu of heavy sentences with “betrayal of our system of government and our Constitution”?

Well we have that treason must sell for it seems that WJC is still able to be popular with public performances now as a charlatan from Charlotte with his old jive to popularity of a “post-Constitutional” era.   I mean it is that WJC is selling treason as if it isn’t treason that makes him still so adorable in an ignorant way - right?

So what about at least the Greeks?   Would they or do they have a hankering for all this with their own concerns now so real that may actually have the reckless popularity and politics of Clintons’ “post-Constitutionalism” to blame for our economy now so quite undermined?   Where can “long arms of the law” actually reach these days - like REALLY?

If a politician say like WJC were to campaign as if too a “Post-Constitutional” era but then when elected let one or two years pass without moving to make any of such affecting legal and within proper procedures where would the line between “disloyal” and “betrayal” be?   We can be of campaigns to amend and change to a new Constitution - right!  But if a “Post-Constitutionalism” is attempted only in convenient extra-Constitutional ways when is such so much a disloyalty to our systems and Constitution to be a treacherous and treasonous betrayal - and willfully?

We are a young country - so young a country that we cannot have already buried the crime of “treason” from our systems - right?   I suggest we could ask the Greeks if “treason” as a crime is out dated or at least if the sentence of “death” is antiquated.

This psychopathy though is of WJC popular for selling “treason” as if not “treason” and now we have nearly twenty years of proof that rules and procedures and that of our due processes were meant all along to have been mostly ignored as he chased popularity over merit based standard government accolades more humble and of harder work, usually.

But really Justice John Roberts came very near to ruling as per ACA - Obamacare that the whole lot of Democrats signees upon such attempt at a new “Right” were willfully acting treasonously as per the content and the method of theirs all in its movement publicly contrary to expressed and measured representative will.  I mean can we really not say this is so?

This is America - to avoid a betrayal of our system of government a wanted new “Right” must have an amending process pursued.  To move to effect a new “Right” by trickery, covert and overt, as if a law equal to an Amendment is not a legal way ours.  To move as so many did as a partisan lot is highly questionable as if actually more serious than a convenient disloyalty and too near a betrayal that a President’s (mature) veto pen could still absolve them of guilt about.

I mean how can you consider it treachery to “treasonous” if a President can just issue waivers like with a pardon for the whole lot? 

So how is it that William Jefferson Clinton might be said to be the foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the global economy and that of Greece specifically?  I mean besides the psychopathy on parade again as if the rules are not suppose to apply to him? 

And:  Now:   A:  That he shouldn’t have had any of a Clintons’ Economics so as it was to chasing popularity by burning the ECONOMIC CANDLE from both ends at once.

Is “treason” not prosecuted today just because it is too heavy with an expectation of punishment by death - so writ?

But where does the “disloyalty” of WJC stop?   Where hasn’t it already and for too long been actually effected near “betrayal” willful and purposeful, selfishly?

And:  Well,  WHAT DID SHE KNOW - WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?   It might figure if truly diabolical as it may seem that WJC might have acted alone and so that HRC could effectively have plausible deniability but dangerously so for if any were to exist it would truly undermine her ability to function intelligently in any high office without being of too much ignorance.

I mean if TREASON SELLS - how can all media and entertainment not now be blushing with potential about “treason”?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:57 am

A real:  ‘Who is he and why is he here?’ new low for politics in America is still loitering about.

This all may be about MONKEY BUSINESS or MONKEY POLITICS of said new “BANANA REPUBLIC” governance “from behind.”  This though too is of a long overdue fuller consideration of the political pathology of “MACACA” that is likely to show Bill Clinton more of monkey business than George Allen ever was.

There are busts of all types about still of this era not an accidental NEW DEPRESSION.  These are times, it can be said, of an economic suppression by Democrats for CRISIS governance excused by convenient CRISIS - CRISIS - CRISIS busts to excuse and permit a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.

There are busts of all types about still maybe much specifically now more due a consideration of economic and monkey business of Bill Clinton - of his “two-fer” in its first sale, and, now as repackaged and sold as if new while not.

Our Senate starts off every roll call with Mr. Akaka - with “A” - with “A”s but for our political business not purposefully for monkey business.  Nearly every day our Senate convenes it does start with our Senator from Hawaii and sometimes so quickly it sounds as if they are starting off with “M… AKAKA”.

Before we offer up an overdue defense of George Allen and apology that he wasn’t able to be Reagan as much as Reagan could have been Reagan at that “MACACA” moment it seems we should talk about Bill Clinton - President Clinton - and his new and old monkey business and swinging fore and before much of the “now” as well of our new BANANA REPUBLIC.

Though the pathology of that George Allen “MACACA” moment got tagged as “monkey” slurring or demeaning it was quite a story of our Senators and how each roll call is commence with nearly a “M…AKAKA.”  Before George Allen was thought to say “MACACA” like a swear or slur to be as thought demeaning he had asked the opposition researcher to tell everyone his name.  What happened next was George Allen thinking he could be more Reagan than he was capable, it seems — it still seems that what happened next was he proceed to think he could use Senators and the Senate roll call to try to divine the young Hawaiian looking young man’s name if he could figure out whom his Senator was and if his Senator knew his name.

That President William Jefferson Clinton who was born William Blythe III and was never to knowing his dad is set to keynote at a political convention is quite democratically and Constitutionally concerning and a mess for all chance of political and diplomatic clarity for our governance all around our known world.

Yes, George Allen though of a thought “MACACA” moment is not of the party of monkey business and a NEW BANANA REPUBLIC with success in creating the necessary CRISIS moments to effect and affect a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as a torrent from the top down far from balanced as a trickle down approach better would have effected.

George Allen wasn’t, it seems, of “MACACA” but of “M…Akaka” starting with “A” and considering his spot-lighted opposition plant there had dark skin enough to maybe be racially Hawaiian.  Reagan probably could have pulled this off, though - pulled off trying to publicly guess a political operatives name by figuring out whom his Senator was - that is if his Senator knew his constituent then so about politically.

But as for William Jefferson Clinton, former and term limited President as well of a promise to operate the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE in a non-partisan and non-political way:  THIS IS MONKEY BUSINESS - MUCH OF THE RECENT TAGGING OF US NOW OF A BANANA REPUBLIC.

That President William Jefferson Clinton just as a former President with a wife now barred from “politics” as per the constraints on our Secretary of State is set to keynote is quite concerning and so much so politically regardless of how bad or good his past administering was or wasn’t — it is so concerning that it opens up a can of MONKEY BUSINESS really as if we should see and be worried of treachery even treachery near treasonous.

It seems there are no “chains” of “commands” in the Democrat Party anymore.  Really, however you consider such - there seems to be a mess about any “chain of command” in the Democrat Party.

The real pathology of our “BANANA REPUBLIC” is really about the monkey business of the Clintons and their “two-fer since their law school days - even more so than the monkeying around by President Barack Hussein Obama.  Their monkey business has already too long been our “MONKEY BUSINESS” as little known is that for them it has since they became engaged, it seems, have been:  BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST.

That the Clintons’ marriage was conceived as I recall from a first impression to a “BILL CLINTON AND THEN HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENTS OR BUST” may best explain now why so many “busts” are about our economy and failed governance and politics.  That they were conceive and consummated to all those years of plotting to put for them a “both” can be “President” above other more prudent interests may explain only partly how much they put the “infidelity” into “Infidels”.

But this isn’t about that type of “busts” nor about how for them as Christians what has been or thought to have been and for so long was not and is not polygamy but adultery.  That type of political “monkey business” is not what this is about though - except as you may get to considering it may have inhibited their governance, both.  We seem to have more tolerance these days about such - this is more about how their was treachery from their governance maybe mostly for now of a gross “negligence.”

This is how I know the Clintons and so with my knowing of them rooted with a first impression of each of them from when they were both Yale Law Students not yet engaged, legally.  I know they conceived of a political future to put their both becoming President some day ahead of most that others may more prudently have prioritized.

But for more on what to some more than others is them of a ‘treachery’ or ‘treasonousness’ here are some thoughts I shared as with Facebook as http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan morning updates:

BILL AND BUST(S) ??? next column - now under consideration.  Seems Bill Clinton with it as Constitutionally and politically wrong for him to revive himself with Putin dreamin’ by accepting key note speaking is due a fair consideration that if he uses it to finally apologize to the nation and the world some healing and bipartisanship might result.  Yes it seems he wanted as much as a come back as Putin and as more Hillary’s “Russian Bear” Bill but still his speech if allowable can be used to finally apologize for all that is actually mostly his fault.  We have all the soldiers who died because the Clintons didn’t fund body and truck armor in their times of new types of conflicts on the known horizon.  We have that bridge that just fell down and killed people that should have had some of his extra trillion of available funds cut to chase surplus popularity.  We have the failure of MR GO (Mississippi River Gulf Outlet) during Katrina much so for he had the money to finally be the first President since 1983 to attend to it as necessary work and especially since he was a climate change guru supposedly already aware of dangers of more and larger storms.  We have as well all the school children with schools falling down and books beyond otherwise national top standards.  Yes, Bill can maybe actually do some good with his speech if he steps up and frees President Obama from these years of trying to cover up for the Clintons and so that he by apologizing for his own gross negligence in governance and maybe as well with a nod of apology for it seems his underfunding to the tune of an extra trillion might be deemed of a causal negligence that stirred or caused 9/11 at least more than Saddam did.  Bill shouldn’t speak but if he does maybe some good can come from it and an apology to the entire Bush family for false accusations and cheap politics for so many years of lies.

> More on the “loveable” Bill
>More maybe for BILL AND BUST(S) >>
Well we have he could apologize for pimping America into the hyper consumerism of maxed out spending that caused the housing crash as once Al Gore started trumpeting inconvenient “truths” with global alarmism and the price of gas spiked those that trusted the Clintonomics found they no longer had enough in their all American fixed middle class incomes and lowe
r class wages to pay both for gas and for the mortgage.  And, that Bill did ask Bankers to “find a way to gamble away the risks” he wanted unwisely for his ‘Housing Bubble’ economics - he asked them to come up with the new grand scheming that grew out from what ever had been before to be too too too big just to try to gamble away the risks of Clintonomics of willful attempts to be popular by burning our economic candle from both ends at once. He didn’t have to run the risky loaning as he did essentially as threatened and doomed from the outset as most it was set up as an unfunded federal social program.  And, then of course there is Iraq >> I guess the Clintons never had “Bite” in sanctions on Saddam > It figures for by all reports to date that I know of there have been no reports that the Clintons’ left Bush any “enter and exit” strategy ready and worked out as should have been expected.  No it seems the Clintons never bothered with a “what if?” as per Saddam Hussein and just kept passing the bucks — it is hard to believe that for all their 8 years they never figured out at least how to enter and liberate Iraqi to enforce the UN sanctions or even better figured out how to enter and then exit so to be prepared to keep America and coalition states drilled as liberators and not occupiers.  That and this is really how the Clintons should be now already in our history books, right?  At least how they now should be in all our news for the next week?

Please do help figure out all the MONKEY BUSINESS about 2012 and our future before it is too late.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:42 am

Well, we had the COSBY SHOW years ago with the “Huxtables”.  Today it may not be too soon to think about OBAMAS’ show and now what his future employment options might be.

I think it is safe to say we won’t be seeing any time soon a THE COSTHAHS SHOW starring the Obamas as the “Bucksfrieds”.

With the Obamas out and a chance for a economic boom back could there be a new SANFORD AND SON starring a reflective Obama often wondering:  If only I hadn’t bashed American cars as “clunkers”?

Barack Hussein Obama rose so quickly from near obscurity - a shared obscurity in our Senate as one near as junior and insignificant in its seniority traps as Senator Hillary Clinton.  “Barack” had then some “IT” factor as black and better looking than Senator Clinton, and, a desire to try to run the world on the whims of his “personality” whether he thought he already had enough or nearly sufficient experience - real life experiences but as a follower.

What might the Obamas do as ousted “PERSONALITY BASED LEADERSHIP” failed leaders?  How low are the standards at THE CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE?   Would another ousted by their failures, Hillary Clinton, of his TEAM OF RIVALS that didn’t quite work out, beyond letting President Clinton offer President Obama any job that wouldn’t clearly have him junior to him and much subjected to being as well junior to EVP Hillary Clinton of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE?

This may all seem a perfect world for President Clinton now.  And loss for President Obama may be the greatest thing to politically happen to or for President Clinton since President Obama decided he could trust himself with a TEAM OF RIVALS.

There is much “popularity” about the “personality” at least of First Lady Michelle Obama that should be allowed to be free even after a stunning defeat of her husband’s “PERSONALITY BASED LEADERSHIP”.  That said, and so now as we bear witness throughout this long, this very long, re-election attempt:   Our society is enough commercialized that there should be a place outside of office that the Obamas will be able to carry on the good they have been doing that they didn’t ever need the office to see done.  Will the Clintons allow them to be free - will the Clintons find a way to get “chains” of The Democrat Party of Clintons on them?

Really there are many places the Obamas or Michelle could carry on as socially responsible citizens with a healthy message even if too austere for most.  I am not saying they could carry their own cooking show - I have no idea if they could get by on a budget now the size of the new Leno show austerity.

What is POLITICS?  How could a President have so many times as a “POLITICIAN” asked other “POLITICIANS” not to be “POLITICIANS” while asking them to do the job of “POLITICS”?   How could he have thought himself capable of managing a TEAM OF RIVALS?

It seems a future as a pitch man or lobbyist for American car and truck companies has to be out of the question.

President Obama had trouble with shovel ready jobs, yes, most certainly.  Have you figured out at least partly the how and why?  It cannot be as simple as he didn’t know where shovels came from for “shovel ready jobs.”  Maybe it was the bashing of American cars as clunkers?  Maybe he just had no sense of MOOD.  But, really, he couldn’t afford to approve road and bridge jobs without undermining his attempt to sell fancy new cars that cost twice as much with a promise that they would likely cost just as much to operate even though “GREEN”  — If he fixed the roads or bridges he would have been fixing them for American clunkers and so that owners would have found themselves more economical with their “clunkers” due to better roads alone.

President Obama had trouble with shovel ready jobs, yes!   Do we need now to have a SAVE A CLUNKER era to restore American PRIDE and to reboot or reset the after market automotive industries with “chains” off proud Americans as the top down beat down on classic American cars get run out of Dodge?   Sure, he couldn’t fix the roads or bridges even with STIMULUS funds for he would have then undermined his selling of new fancy cars that were to cost much much more and use maybe half as much “fuel” or a third as much but while his energy policies were to making sure that “fuel” would then cost twice or three times as much.  But, did he have to so beat down on clunkers and father and son pass times of car talk and car pride about combustion engines and pipes and horsepower - and when not father and daughter sharing or mom and child(ren) rearing with practical lessons and shared enthusiasms for American power cars and trucks?

Is a job under Hillary Clinton at THE CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE the only real next job for President Obama?

I can’t see them doing a reality show or a sitcom, myself.  A cooking show or gardening show has potential.  Could a show of people living idealistically on a commune in America selling austerity and back to field work gardening and “healthy” cooking be sold as a “reality show”?  I don’t think so - I do realize it might at least have enough do gooder-ness to help sell at least soaps. 

With the Clintons now so POLITICALLY positioned after years of being careful partisan polarizing “RIVAL” pols to the Obamas while intimately both part of the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION there cannot really be allowed to be an OBAMAS GLOBAL INITIATIVE to rival them.  Will they offer him a job under Hillary?  Should they as thanks?

Yes that is right - the Obama energy policies and auto industry takeover couldn’t abide fixing roads because of clunkers not quite clunkers for so many.  They couldn’t spend to do road and bridge work without making too many older cars seem good enough for so many for very much longer.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:03 am

Who manages your “tunnel” of “LOVE”?   Are you agast when instead of local you are statist or global?  Are you out of sorts in the am as stirs your dams?   Are you in a small and intimate game of monopoly, or, are you just short of balls and chains of State?

As your am stirs dames and dams yours or not, however, each dawn about you and your “community” how much liberalism lives now uncorrupted?  With a “One Nation Under God” and yet with that nation a “State” left to its states more of “God” is the booty of today just a game?  Might Neil Simon be needed to dramatize the Democrat Party coming Machiavellian Convention as a farce or are the Democrats all doing well enough all by themselves?

What happens in New Amsterdam stays in New Amsterdam? - What happens in Amsterdam might stay in Amsterdam?

It seems the stages are being set nationally and on schedule.  The BOOTY times may not cooperate.

If anyone this August actually knows what it means to be a “liberal” or “Democrat” in America now please show yourselves - you are definitely a small majority and maybe due extinction protection.   How do we pine for the times of old when “liberalism” first may have served to broaden tolerance and broaden purview for an richer civility more of our shared “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” base tagging about our governances and pass times?   How are we now to 2012 with so much federal so corrupted at the top by Democrat “Machiavellian” greed such that now “liberals” seem the first to violate - to violate due process?

As bad as the lack of prudent consideration that seemed about the march out of RACE TO THE TOP, if only in economic considerations of God’s Adam or Adam of Adam Smith, it is still that President Obama emphasized a “TOP” and a “RACE” while stompin’ as an ‘Austerity President’ of irrepressible New Deal wants that may be his “DUMBEST.”

It is not a convention set to celebrate prudent governance by Democrats by Democrats.  It is now a convention set up to show the TOP Democrats of RACE as “Machiavellian.”   There are two parties about the ‘ART OF AMERICAN’ still in 2012 to lighter local governance even ever am as per stirrings about dams or dames and such even as of a New Amsterdam now more like Amsterdam.

I do think Neil Simon isn’t needed for dramatizations in FARCE this convention season.  It seems the Democrats as obviously out as Machiavellians have their race all locked up.

Are you agast when instead of local you are statist or global?

Fresh President Barack Hussein Obama didn’t want people to go to Las Vegas in days early before now where he seems so set up to seem no more than a “Fresh Prince” to more “GLOBAL” and “Superior” Clintons at his own convention.  It may be that he wanted his “HOUSE” - his White House - to be the “house” that always did or could win - ya think?  There was no room for actual “competition” in “betting on America” for “Fresh Prince” (just “Prince” (to Clintons)) - for President Obama?

With the “TILT” or out-ness of the top “liberal” Democrats now set up and being staged itself so outed we might be better already to looking past the coming “Machiavellian Convention” to the days of hope ahead where a defeated mass of Democrats might be back to basics and a willingness to play within the rules or to change them in the legal ways and procedures preserved and protected by such rules.

What can again be likened to a “MAD DONKEY DISEASE” seems to have only have been affecting Democrats or left of center Independents these past few years.  Remember our Secretary of State isn’t supposed to be involved in politics, too.  And, that some things are actually indivisible and limitable.  If you wake in New Amsterdam who are you going to call?  If you wake in New Amsterdam or Amsterdam as an American aren’t you supposed to be like “in Rome” and doing as the local laws dictate for those in the “localities”?

Have you had enough of the Clintons thinking all they needed to do to keep the masses in line enough to stay those of the real power at its highest available levels, however, was to be hedgers less sterling than Mitt Romney?  And/or “lawyers” of it is the client(s) that go to jail not the lawyers or the spouse lawyer of the other spouse or vice versa?  Have you had enough of the Clintons being exempt from the actual past of the Clintons?

And with all this talk of taxes and redistribution beyond the “FARCE” - “OUT-NESS” - “CORRUPTION, MACHIAVELLIAN” - “TILT” of the above we have that we are of two different theories of “game” not “civility”.

As per some of the “booty” that Democrats want the State to be able to take willy nilly and share however some of it is more “GAME” than “WEALTH” and more like being able to beat “The HOUSE” in Las Vegas, too.

As you consider the coming conventions and whom of either is better now and in the future for your “booty” (your “booties”) it seems that Democrats have abandoned their charge as keepers “liberal” to ways still wise of a “force” towards realms preserved in republican arts to civily permit more not less “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY”!   And, that the Clintons  are champions of hedging but not nearly as “sterling” so as Mitt Romney has been said publicly to have been.

It seems farcical especially that with a RACE TO THE TOP regardless of how inappropriate it has been for down economic times when an recovery would been better have based upon local community reflectiveness of a slower and more thorough with more attention to deeper learning and understanding.

As the Democrats now march carelessly away further from their heroic at times past we all are bearing witness to the “redistribution” efforts at least about so much tax talk as quite Machiavellian and hedged in an elitism itself, and, so towards their convening,  their “booty” isn’t necessarily properly your “booty” however, right?  First you must wake each new am actually in your locality of the moment whether a New Amsterdam or a new Amsterdam or the old Amsterdam.

The “GAME” now too “TILTED” isn’t so much of “wealth” for redistribution but of fouls too near a governance by peeps elite and too little still of laws - of a governance of laws.  The “redistribution” is actually it seems farcical for being an attempt to change the rules of the game so that those that enter whichever race (races) are not allowed to keep the “winnings” that motivated them in their own racing to a top.

And in Chess - a loss if still a “check mate” - everywhere?

Obamanomics = an economic theory where people are “subjects” not “citizens” and are encouraged to “race” as if a promise of “to the TOP” had “winnings” and benefits - BUT!!!  Obamanomics is an economic theory where those at the TOP hedge and hem and haw and promise “winnings” that you are supposed to be motivated by which then are supposed to be removed from you by BIG GOVERNMENT nearly as soon as you may win - place or show — if not actually back in chains.

Really?   The want to take your/our “booty” away from us and yet have us think we are supposed to wake each am respectful of local ordinances?  And, not be so to people watching now under Obamacare where as we walk and look about have to wonder whom is covered by Obamacare and to then a reflecting on community even in the pm rightly of a conscious concern heavy about:  How bad must our community be if our National Government had to step in and take care of our neighbors?


And, what is yours?  What is your “booty” from earnings your’s as part of a civil game and not so a measure of others choicing other also available “games” about our ways of life and pursuits of happiness in our pre-Obama economies?  What of your “booty” is supposed to be kept private and off limits - personal - not public?  And which of your “booty” so stresses all levels of governance yet hardly more than the 100% and which so has you civilly liable of fair contributions at least annually?


With all the hedging by Clintons (and Obama) less sterling than by Mitt Romney it does seem this am or pm that Neil Simon might have been able to help keep the Democrats from staging such a FARCE as seems outed and publicly set up as our first truly “MACHIAVELLIAN” Democrat Party Convention.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

No this is not a reenactment.  It is here - it has started - no “battles” may lead to bloodshed - it has started and hopefully will be a civil civil war.  It has started - stop back later for more reports.

We have that these are passing civil moments as much like our founding and confusingly with the Lincoln Republicans now much like the Jefferson Republicans you would have thought Democrats would be trying to be and yet with Democrats seeming not the worst of our original Federalists but the worst of what was feared of Federalists then.   It is too early to predict when Americans of color and legacy of our Buffalo Soldiers are likely to again side with the Party of Lincoln.

There is a catch about this not quite Yossarians of other wars.  From where I sit I seem to share a victim hood with President Bush as much related to how truths have been held hostage for years.  From where I sit I can be sympathetic with President Bush’s victim hood but only so far as where it becomes heavy with his not being understood because I have not been understood.

From the MONICA - MONICA - MONICA composition still too near a telling has been partial of efforts to philosophical modernization in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM having been worked three times for three different municipalities.  That said this piece is picking up with a victim hood suffered as truths have been held hostage and to address how since MONICA - MONICA - MONICA an honesty has been stirred in me to figure out if 2006 blogging as “uc” mostly on http://newsbusters.org to argue for the Iraq SURGE and then still strongly in defense of it was either a fourth or fifth customized reworking of such philosophical modernization. 

I could be quite the MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR somehow quite if this and so much of an actually fundamental truth some of our past two decades and much related to years of economic growth were publicly known.  Especially now in the Obama era of oddly worked NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  And, President Bush could as well escape the catch as well that some is related to similar truths long having been held hostage.

That I have written enough columns in the past five years to qualify maybe as an “asset” this has all been worked as part of my principled striking as truths have been held hostage at the expense of many so that the Clintons could spread the lies they are only some known for and what to them has been no long convenient lies.  I have enough written since 2006 to fill dozens of normal sized political works published as books, quite it seems.  And maybe enough written to be organized with different Governors each with a “selection of a top 50 or 100 articles” so that I could have a book or e-book for each state and its then modern individuality and working spirit.

I might say this is all more like MILA 18 novel but at this moment I forget what I found in that book when I read it - And, did you know CATCH 22 started so I read somewhere as CATCH 18 but so close to the publishing of MILA 18 that publishers or literary agents insisted on a new title?

I am not knowingly labeling myself an eligible “bachelor” so to be paraded about to max out a catch of a different type.  I am speaking of being of a victim hood and partly trapped wondering how I may feel and be if finally set free after all these years of so many truths being held hostage and at the expense of so many.

How do we not now proceed as independent bloggers to cover 2012 but as a “CIVIL WAR” - REALLY,  HOW?

I can report that whether an actual fifth rethinking of a philosophy of governance and or economical modernization the year of 2006 remembered much for a mirror on TIME cover remains a year in which I did again work a customization of such original broad considerations of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM and then yet newly as then of the first time I worked it after waiting to see if any others had been of such thinking and were now then employed and proficient enough.

The best way to move forward now may be to help President Bush with his victim hood by helping him help me past mine.  These are times that likely will remain civil in a civil war to be quite heated and contested.  These though are days anew of many of these and others truths still too long held hostage.  

I cannot end my strike by asking a media house for a job - no I don’t see how I could possibly do that.  I do have that material of amassed compositions in blogged independent punditry can amount to an “asset” if I ever have them appraised at least as “art.”  I cannot at least consider asking any of the established media houses (of corporate people maybe unionized as socialists) as long as there still remains such a hostage keeping of truths to much for convenient lies of and by the Clintons, at least.

I could as well be quite civil about all this even more so myself with a quick book even with recipes for like a new WALDEN on MILFORD - for who knows how popular to Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY babes I might be if it were found out how green and efficient I have been and since before President Obama was ever just candidate Senator Obama with a chance to defeat the “INEVITABLE” CLINTON fountainhead of Hillary of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT.

In the coming days of our more civil CIVIL WAR such as it is pre-staged it seems  we will have to contest the Clintons and for their convenient lies now much at what has been so expensive for so many.  We are to days soon so contested that the new Democrat Convention Platform maybe be preserved as a “good work” but for 2016 and a:  MAYOR CORY BOOKER FOR PRESIDENT - Help Rebuild Our Failed Party - PLEASE - HONESTLY.

As we move to clearly defined battles ahead of the Americans versus The American Socialists and those other less teased contrasts economic and governance related we will be towards the seeds of the problems much of a planting by the Clintons affectingly within their first days and when then to presumptions of rights to use the work of others as if their own, as if them both of a right to use it because they then were THE GOVERNMENT and lawyers who thought they could get away with having their “success” actually be otherwise and different as building of others with different morals and designs.

And the war is off!!!  How can President Obama now explain his long held false belief that a money tree existed, and so how his Clintons’ economic expert team chosen by him - not inherited - actually never had a reasoned rational economic strategy that could actually work?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:02 pm

Who is the pooch now?   It may be most inappropriate to label these new days of New Deal Austerity as a “depression.”

Though President Clinton and President Obama are putting on happy faces as if of an amicable and agreeable politics we have that calling these days since the first moves to a new New Deal Austerity even nearly a “NEW DEPRESSION” is like using a wrong verb.

For the sake of clarity to this historical economic discussion let us postpone an attempt to understand the very contrariness and innate hypocrisy of this new relationship - of this pre-convention paradigm or conundrum of those contesting “head of Democrat Party” steppin’.

To preface a much overdue breakdown of the dramatic related to how we have been of a GREAT SUPPRESSION to these economic downturns and less so if at all a new GREAT DEPRESSION.

When the willful polarizing of political and partisan issues specifically commenced is generally answerable as though it all started about the moment Hillary for President kicked off for 2008.  We have whence a clear expression related to means, motive, and expected opportunities.  Yes, Dems of Clintons’ set and ilk were proven wrong about “inevitability” of Hillary.

We should for clarity also look past that before presumptive nominee Obama embraced the defeated Clintons he was of “CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN” and then suddenly he was simply more just “UNITE FOR CHANGE.”

Enter CITIZENS UNITED.  Oh so contrary?  This is a dog that barks with bite? 

With this a story of a most junior Senator with no real experience and so set against another most junior new Senator again we may need to postpone a consideration of some of the drama.  

Our Senate is supposed to be our greatest national bulwark of breastworks secured by a most traditional seniority system.  I get that 9/11 gave Senator Clinton an extreme makeover to a risen untouchable international sympathetic figure and that such worked for her as per our Senate like a grand trump card, but, I don’t recall for now how Senator Obama beat his most junior status.

With President Obama recently of claiming that his plans are working - we are wise to wonder exactly which plans and if they were actually his plans more than the Clintons’ plans - reallocated or redistributed some for a limited use by that whom beat them, such as it was.

With CITIZENS UNITED in the yard and with so much still to preface so late about an actual history of this economic downturn it is wise to introduce a “grandfathering” respective of the decisions of CITIZEN UNITED as an allowance for the reported colleges united and their hopeful speculating about 2008 elections some have questioned as “shorting.”

If you look at the shorting that happened as having been a few hopeful economic blows thought not quite as severe when commenced that then proved to be hits that were too hard to recover from you can glimpse that a suppression more than a depression.  If corporations are now permitted to spend then it seems how COLLEGES UNITED or acting competitively in a common but separated interests are not to having grandly acted illegally and as per campaign finance laws, at least.

To keep this as simple as possible it seems the President we think is the actual current head of the Democrat Party has some “truth” in his recent comments that his plans are working.  Bill Clinton, a former President, may actually be now more just a show pooch and schedule so.  It seems however whomever - this is what we would have also been to economically speaking if the Clintons had managed to be as inevitable and legally acceptable again as they thought.

At first the gas prices spiked and in ways the Republicans couldn’t have wanted though supposedly evil for wanting oil company profits maybe as much as Hillary of Hillary for President did.  Then the gas prices, that Republicans had no use for since a win in 2008 was more important for their agenda, and their political compassion, didn’t go back down.  Then the gas prices settled in to rise and rise.


We are in an economic mess in part set up by the rise in gas prices that Dems thought could be the perfect economic crisis for a 2008 electoral sweep.  We are also quite of such as an economic time where the Democrats have barked and barked and barked again about all the important socialistic things we need to do because of this unexpected crisis.

For the 2008 Democrat Party victories the national Democrats needed a down economy to secure a win.  As a hypothesis or theory we then are reasonably to a questioning of:  Then how might they suppress the economy in time for a win - for many wins?

CITIZENS UNITED is still in the yard — it may or may not be of a grandfathering protection for the possibly separate but seeming united shorting of at least some of Dems’ strongholds and their endowments.  We seem to have by their actions a COLLEGES UNITED to a suppression for the fullest expression of their political wishes and maybe no way not now considered legal “corporated” expression because of CITIZENS UNITED.

So if they did it all on purpose for a timely suppression of our economy it is not intelligent to call it a DEPRESSION, right?

So what went wrong?  Or with President Obama of “my plans are working” expressions and a new embrace of President Clinton what exactly is now going right?  My “THE O ZONE” that now follows this piece does help preface this piece - especially as it is with addendum with posting at http://jphogan.org .  President Clinton and President Obama are in the yard together again and yet so contrary to have such for their own past barks quite a hypocrisy.

It seems what now gets away safely and freely but for how now we are of a contest more as if “subjects” than “citizens” than ever since our Declaration of Independence is what had been still until recently shackled as a “all Bush’s fault.”

For simplicity we might just assume for the next near 100 days that this economy would have been addressed just the same way with much the same ideology if by the Clintons, and with more flexibility in this a new term for them and not a first term so.

We now know what the Democrats wanted to accomplish and have them enough times speaking to how CRISIS CRISIS CRISIS alarmism may have been necessary as a strategy for such as their agenda.

Now we may only be to needing to talk about them and these times not as a GREAT DEPRESSION but more accurately and simply as THE FIRST GREAT SUPPRESSION.

It does seem that the spike in gas prices was the first convenient crisis and then then as November approached that it might not prove to be enough to secure positive election results for the Democrats nearly enough.  I don’t know the full story of the reported “shorting” of endowment funds but do see it much as a type of corporate contributions likely now legal by CITIZENS UNITED. 

Was this meant to be a manageable “suppression” not nearly thought then to be enough to bring on a GREAT SUPPRESSION nearly like a new DEPRESSION?  Was theirs an innocence and idealism of a HOPE for either the Clintons or Obama thinking that it would be as easy to reverse a slide as it was to start one or two for a convenient political crisis?

However now we are here.  President Clinton may be scheduled just to be a show pooch - but then these times look as made for him as they seem to have been made for President Obama.  And, yes it seems, also in hindsight that there were moments after the Democrats with the White House and both branches of Congress did think they would easily be able to stop the slide after those convenient crisi, and that then a sense was about that maybe when 2008 became possibly not the easy win they expected they may have hit the economy too hard with some of their partisan idealistic shortings.

                                                     *  *  *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:05 am

Developing now:  We have ourselves within a hundred days to discern and judge as citizens still or now as more just “subjects” the dangers of the hot air emitted since the 2008 races commenced and with Speaker Pelosi hot for SURPLUSES.

The simplest way to preface in a more scientific way the post 2009 “I inherited this …” is to maybe look at what happened to the price of gasoline due to Al Gore as Mr. Alarming Science of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM.  We should look carefully at such subjective politicing not so much with a debate about the “warming” so much as we should reconsider and look at how many other options were actually available then, economically speaking, to address or fix such if so.

It would be too simple to be stupid, quite, though to speak of this now as all Al Gore’s fault with he responsible most for a over-simplified dramatization devoid of objectivism that was far too alarming to our economics and markets - even to the very fabric of our sociologicals.  We shouldn’t look at this forced austerity of us so nearly of a new depression as just the fault of Al Gore. 

We have it as well to be measured reasonably that when Senator Hillary Clinton announced “Hillary for President” she did tear asunder much about our national sense - its historic prudence and modesty.   For now it is more important though just to focus on how besides the subjective alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING over dramatization we have quite that “Hillary for President” and her revolutionary pronouncement to be to seizing all oil company profits after elected still as a quite evident causal factor too.

These are the hundred days, give or take, that try our souls anew.  There may be no Holy Trinity in candidate Mitt Romney’s understanding of the original sins that brought us necessarily to this forced New Deal Austerity.  It may be some a putting of the chicken before the egg now to have already punctuated this analysis as a “forced New Deal Austerity.”

There is mystery about the politics of our time - yet less about how there were more ways to address an actual GLOBAL WARMING or CLIMATE CHANGE than the few partisan and quite political offerings yet embraced by Democrats.

There is a mystery, sure, about how Candidate Mitt Romney may not be to seeing a Holy Trinity in this, but then really how mysterious that it seems to have been a conspiracy or just mess of four - of the four we know of as Al Gore, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Former candidate of “Hillary for President”, and, as well candidate and now President - Barack Hussein Obama?

For the sake of simplicity it might be more dramatic and yet easier to fathom as per these trying days of our O’s zone to consider the about four as of a collusion and conspiracy as if an un-Holy trinity meant to be kept mysterious if only by always allowing a deniability for one of its primary bad actors.

We didn’t have to embrace the over dramatized subjective alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM as the end all be all of political solutions to scientific problems.  We have engineers - we had other ways to build a solution, already available and quite well funded.  We didn’t need the socialistic pronouncement of “Hillary for President” by candidate Senator Clinton to hawkish bend orated to us of a time where Americans should have their Government seize “all oil company profits.”

As to this “un-Holy trinity” we can see the workings of their hands towards a crisis upon a crisis to a much higher price for gasoline so that their idealism could have a chance to have political feet if only for a brief early atmosphere of acquiescence while stuck in a fog of the partisan polarizing storm fronts - we can see a simple mashable “taggable” for them as of a responsibility specifically for the spike in gas prices that then set off the collapse of the housing bubble once the hyper consumerism that Speaker Pelosi long defended with her hard to explain belief in the Clintons’ SURPLUSES did have people not able to also afford their mortgages if the did afford the new gas prices needed to get to the very job that they had only because the “hyper-consumerism” of Clintonomics wasn’t yet quite of people actually of spending too much more than they actually had an ability to afford.

Thanks to Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, Speaker Pelosi and their alarmist idealist Al Gore and his preaching of at least bad and limited political solutions amidst his questionable “science” and moral priorities, for his people, where so many seemed  meant to see themselves as less important than the terra firma about them, we now have them much more clearly as culpable for politics as of an un-Holy trinity that did cause the price of gas to spike and therefor were mostly those of the original political sins that caused the economy to go belly up once the funds needed for gas had become the same funds also available for mortgage payments or maintenance of the risky hyper-consumerism ushered in knowingly by President Bill Clinton.

We certainly had numerous other ways for a new doctrine political for climate concerns.  We didn’t need to blindly rush to a unfounded faith in the over-dramatized preaching by Al Gore and while it so devoid of objectivism.  We had ways to add new industries as for a prudent mobilization maybe still too nationalistic that wouldn’t have been so as under a faith in this un-Holy trinity to the same mistakes (?) so to a mass austerity as was already undisputed evident truth in Spain with it known not unknown that such if spread to America so would as well cost two regular jobs for each new “green” politically figured job.

We may all now be so globally of a New Deal Austerity specifically because of this “O” zone or bad science and polarizing idealistic partisan politics where we were told to accept the few offered Democrat Party solutions and not at all stray to consider so many other options that were then also available and even so that we could have been to addressing “CLIMATE CHANGE” by adding jobs in new industries without killing off existing jobs. 

What we know now is that we actually had time to consider other options and to better arrange a new believable economic path forward.  We see now there are many holes in the very thinking of the Democrat Party un-Holy trinity however amassed and yet too few are yet to the very simple causal fact based awakening that could even be enlightening since it seems straight talk sharable that the Democrats caused the spike in gas prices that set off the otherwise forced NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.

It seems an “Ah!” or “O - Oh!” “MOMENT” now with us all within a hundred days to save our nation. 

Please consider this alarmism - and fully.  Please reconsider all recent “CRISIS” based “alarmism” and especially as well the indefensible faith Speaker Pelosi kept and keeps, it seems, in the Clintons’ SURPLUSES and especially towards a personal enlightenment from a new way of thinking economically and not too subjectively that acknowledges at least three so of a un-Holy trinity, politically speaking, too long, now, for sure, where too many were asked to accept blindly that if she said the extra trillion of cuts by the Clinton First Couple “two-fer” political machinations were good then they must be good.

I don’t know what with all the “devil in the details” about all this politics whom of this Democrat Party trinity to deniability we might or should redraw and toss from quarters first in at least our thoughts.  It seems they let it be written and let it be so that we now all be so much to a forced NEW DEAL AUSTERITY even though we can all fairly still question how sinful such may be for it seemingly long of a designed machination and effort worked while such were thinking they could just blame some one or more else.

Yes, we know how to make ice - for starters.  Yes, some entrepreneurs were quickly innovative upon the above alarmism however unfounded to inventions of collectors that could be made cheaply and located discretely at congestion points to capture and store the bad carbon based exhausts. 

It seems we had ways to pace our nation without such politics about a CLIMATE CHANGE forward without killing off old carbon based jobs so aggressively.  It seems we had others with whom we could have kept faith, and sounder economics.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:38 pm

There is a missing moral fiber in this diet of compassionate conservatism.  We have that a rascal - a young rascal of a President has had his hands slapped by better lawyers - all served up - aired out - debated & affirmed with strong dissent.

To some this is like a CADDY SHACK “X” or another GROUNDHOG DAY for gophers.

For membership in this buffet of over coddling especially Warren Buffett you don’t have to also get served - like maybe.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you may be sitting pretty and above all this.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you have been reported at least by foreign press to be of a conclave locally as the largest class of world’s richest - as like:  The city with the most number of billionaires is Moscow.

The rascal that is “boy wonder” Barack Hussein Obama, President, has a dog of a barked ruling to live down while trying to now live up to it and it so much of an era known for compassionate conservatism.  What this dog needs is more fiber - some moral bits of fiber.

What is likely to really set its teeth with bite now upon Presidency of Obama and his moral stature is really that besides his complexity with his fog of religiousness he sits as President as a man born a Muslim boy who chose Christianity as a better religion - while of his right mind.

We have that this rascal does want to be a hero for saving the entire world as we know it from a sudden end and doom due to supposedly unchecked global warming and/or climate change.   In some ways his is a JETSON - a rascal as a still young “Barry Jetson” - yet a “Jetson” getting affirmative action to talk about.  He is futuristic, even too futuristic, but in the compassionate conservatism of his embrace of tenets of Romneycare.

I don’t know if you can say the recent opinions and ruling from the ACA - Obamacare, as a BACK TO SCHOOL like embarrassment for young rascal of a President the “boy wonder” who chose Christianity over Islam - the “Barry Jetson” of a futurism in his own time - the one and only Barack Hussein Obama, are not now a dog about him for what was ruled Un-Constitutional yet of these efforts rascalish yet of a compassionate conservatism his to own forever as work of an inadequate legal professionalism.

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as implied by Warren Buffett no less as much because Democrats had been over coddling him and for too long.  So it took a Republican to get us here - but how.

Obamacare is a dog of a work of inadequate legal professionalism with bite yes and big teeth - is it the young rascal of a President that wants to be a planetary hero for saving the earth able to run fleetly enough from its likeliness to catch him from behind?

Yes I do believe it has been confirmed that Moscow is home to the “most number of billionaires” for one of our world as we know it per one city - one greater metropolitan area.  They do seem protected from and above all this - but how?  But why?  Where is a reasoned and cohesive moral fiber as a visible intelligent strand through all this American politics about ACA - Obamacare?

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as some know it isn’t President Obama’s explanations or excuses you should be believing - some know better - some to many have better legal professionalism too.   It is a more simple and so believable truth that the Dems with excessive liberalism and the already some admonished or scolded “over-reaching” are actually already sized up as those that caused the down economy and all their convenient CRISIS moments.

Do you like this rascal of a young Presidency as fleet enough to outrun this dog now to daily alarms as if each new day was just yesterday all over again?  Do you like him as a futuristic “Barry Jetson” “boy wonder” that managed to save and entire planet single handedly and in time for his next election?  Do you get that he is the uncontested self proclaimed new New Deal Austerity inheritor of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt social state madness?

How big a dog is Obamacare?  Romneycare didn’t tank the Massachusetts’ economy but it seems you cannot quite say the same about Obamacare for his pronounced Un-Constitutional over-reaching of embarrassing inadequate professional legal erudity - can you?

So its a TAX - a morally as it stands as a Federal Tax power that cannot really be denied as long as Presidents are willy nilly allowed taxing powers to revenues to wars of choice and/or unnecessary wars.  There can be a war on health - like - but there is not a Constitutional RIGHT to healthcare - right?   And yet we have President Obama also rascalish each day he wakes and leans on the kept closer to the citizen people compassionate conservatism that is historically Romneycare.

Obamacare is a dog with teeth and now bite!  Obamanomics is still a dog - is a dog as well he may not be able to shake.

Until November each new day will seem an awakening alarmed as if it was yesterday all over again - and again - Right?

It is a TAX - and one he cannot outrun now for it morally as a tax is one that all - everyone is of a duty to pay - EVERYONE.

IT IS A TAX ON EVERYONE!  It has to be morally speaking - speaking though with compassion - Right?

I know he our President that chose Christianity over the religion of his birth may dog him in more than one way too.

I know he our President does seem to have needed every dollar the Bush Administration expended to research and development of new technologies more efficient and even say “green”.

I know if he tries to be a “Barry Jetson” as a “wonder boy” that saved the entire planet he too may be to running from another dog after at bite at his “moralisms” for it seems to have done gone and save the entire planet in just that year or two he must know something that we don’t - he must know that President Bush must have prudently been actually a “green” President, right?

Mr. President - about Moscow - about so many billionaires seeming safely above and beyond this - how could you?  Can you explain the global moral inconsistencies? 

Why are you running Mr. President? 

But for your golfing - we see you can “dress” like a Compassionate Conservative - but can you out run your dogs? 

Should you be able to outrun these dogs - your dogs?  

And while BACK TO SCHOOL on the Constitution so embarrassingly at least for your Dem legislators and their lawyers?  

How is it this is legal more if a state does it than if the State so attempts such over-reaching?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:57 am


We are at a deja view “all over again.” 

Though it is very concerning that between now and November 2012 decidings our nation is to familiar battles between generations old and new and old and unborn, it is also very concerning as candidate and party choices for this fall decidings are to the oldest generations to be reviewed familiarly by their own of younger generations and as to their needs and spending habits and if it might actually be fair to abide by the absence of limiting principles in Obamanomics and Obama’s policies so that the youngest and the unborn even if not eighteen are being asked if it should be fair that they are to shoulder near $40,000 in national debt as “per capita” and soon as from birth.

Besides this challenge mult-generational to all American families to be to judging whether the oldest in their clan deserves the youngest and even unborn to be conceived to a near $40,000 personal national share of debt just because of an “unlimited” lifestyle and nationalism without limiting principles doctrinated though ordained to be.

We have at least two cases already under review by our highest court concerning the Obama administrations efforts to work legislatively to presumptions to new Constitutional Powers lacking in limiting principles so much that like the “Executive Privilege” claim today we are again some how just to looking at Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen/henchwomen as of airs Un-Constitutional of wants and actual practice seemingly to an:  If the President says it is legal then it is legal!!!

President Obama is likenable to a circus Ring Master more than a Captain of a cruise ship ship shape and in order in a wheelhouse.  As “slow and patient” now for so much seems afoot though of riling with much about “Fast and Furious”!  We have that we have President Obama so of a gone carney taggable even suggested with Mr. Carney as his official press mouthpiece.  As a circus Ring Master and known attempts to razzle and dazzle and distract with CRISIS and ALARMISM we still have the problem that he wanted to run and operate as President with a “PERSONALITY BASED PRESIDENCY”.

President Obama has become taggable and mashable and tweetable as if of clear and certain wants to dictatorial Powers so that if he says it is legal then it is legal.  I don’t know why he has proceeded so since his very first day with cover-up attempts so partisan and polarizing only Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton has yet maybe been already so greatly tagged for being so “polarizing.”

I don’t know how the Democrats now of the federal based calls for New Nationalism can work through all their own muck raking yet to even November decidings now with a forced familiar for so many to decide if the oldest about them just in their family are all being also too reckless and irresponsible with their spending and wants and while Obama as a New Deal Austerity President an allowance to at least disruptive whispers.

These are days to call us to remember - these are days of echoes of FROST - NIXON and others once wrong for lesser “if a President says it is legal then it is legal” politics.  These are days of a “deja view all over again” and yet just as per limiting principles missing grandly from policies already under review as that of Obama’s Administration and their sense of Justice now before our Honorable of our Highest Court - our Supreme Court of the United States.

I don’t know why President Obama and his henchmen/henchwomen have insisted on taking so many low percentage shots and to expectations of Powers Constitutional and NEW though still questionable and under review as merely legislated. 

As it is our new President has “GONE CARNEY” we are all best to be wised up to this visibly a cover to cover as to “cover-up”!  It is not entertaining that a President would attempt to Govern as if the Harlem Globetrotters with all low percentage shots and the Washington Generals left almost daily to suffer the visible defeats. 

It is worse still that basketball player young President Barack Hussein Obama with his Hero Complex if so is of wants to not just be successful as if the Harlem Globetrotters with only low percentage shots but to be a one man team with “executive privilege” now “Frosty” suggestive that families and all their generations should consider his “play” believable and of his superior skill evidenced by daily suffered defeatism by say the Washington Generals and all their “players”!

This hasn’t been at all entertaining for me - this “Frost -Holder” or “Gone Carney”!

It is not a circus to me - but that this administration has “gone carney” since day one — I can call the President a liar and since his day one first moments post swearing his oath, however, for his speechifying with his inaugural orations lacking in erudity or class and with such an absence of bi-partisan spirit for his marked words and diction about accusations to “it is all Bush’s fault”!

This is a lie!  This is a lie that I can proclaim such for my two decades of involvements, however, and those so, however, to having been involved and useful to both the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration.   “It is all Bush’s fault” was and stands as a diabolical political lie of new low standard for polarizing partisan politics - and one that I can attest is a lie just because of what I know about my own story of assistance and involvements, however, to both parties and both preceding administrations. 

And besides now with “Executive Privilege” claim that stinks of a guilt and a need to plead the fifth it now echoes of still under review other policies with similar Constitutional problems for us due to absence of Constitutional principles of checks and balances with “limiting principles”!

There is a lot more somehow of these concerns on my facebook.com/jpeterhogan “timeline” and so with tweeting links via my “twid” (twitter ID) @jphoganorg.

I don’t know how to offer objective punditry myself for what has to be so many familial political decisions and with discussions about an austerity of a New Deal Austerity or a new conservationism of their CRISIS GOVERNANCE and its ALARMISM with GLOBAL WARMING - END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT SCARING. 

Shock and awe?  -  Razzle Dazzle?  -  Fast and Furious?  Slow and Patient? 

With them so now of “Executive Privilege” assertion - where are we wisest now to start looking - where were we supposed to have successfully been distracted from looking that now we all are wisest to start looking first?

Yes,  I can assert that President Obama is a liar.  I do remember that the Clintons lost their machinations then with an over confidence of a underestimation while of mantle of “inevitable” a while ago to opponent Obama and after half their Hollywood “friends” seemed all to echo that far above whispers heard of “THE CLINTONS ARE BIG LIARS!”!

I know that for President Obama to have officially asserted the actual quite impossible propositon “It is all Bush’s fault!” was an official lying from day one.  I know this personally to be so - I have much just at http://jphogan.org also available via http://citizenrosebud.us that speaks to such maybe as well as just more of a want of grandeur with success with a fascination of tales of making low percentage shots as if high percentage and prudent, actually.

We are at a deja view “all over again.”  And we don’t even have to look back more than three years to have a very visible history now as it becomes even more concerning and less comedic or entertaining.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:15 am

We have afoot that Mitt Romney may be at home in the wheelhouse as an American De Gaulle.  We seem of times recently not of leaders in exile like De Gaulle able so to “return” and so revive a national spirit but more of a fog of war at home where our national spirit as founded was under attack and at risk. 

Maybe Mitt’s having been in Massachusetts is like De Gaulle having not been in France — more for you to say/decide, I guess.

But this composition isn’t about Mitt Romney - Candidate Mitt whom whose readiness to catch SCOTUS findings soon should have us reviewing his tact - his tacking - his tack - his tackticks.

No this is more about a COMING HOME for the Democrats - a real discussion of common sense and of “inheritance” abuse.

Just this morning I did hear a caller to a morning C-Span show cut to the quick about the Obama administration leadership of the Democrat Party that had enough votes in the Senate and House all the way until that other “41″ from Massachusetts.  Such caller was to simply stating a query to alight more to the dimness of immigration move now by President Obama for it riles and ralphs of a roughness of sloppy sea sloppy seamanship.  Such caller was the first I was to hear since upon such politics by President Obama to ask simply about a judgement about such now respective to his course in first years where he had the votes and the pen to have made such law - actual law.

Maybe though we should ask about Mitt Romney as an American De Gualle.  Maybe we should ask:  We can be American again like the French and Mitt is our man to have us know how to be French to be American again, yes?

Viva la revolucion?  Viva le resistance?  Play it again, America?

If we are to talk about HONOR are we necessarily to talking about “inheritance” and even “fair play”?

If what is good for the goosing is great for the gandering - is their a quorum for the gaggling?

How will Mitt Romney tactfully field the soon expected SCOTUS hit(s) he most will be expected to catch?

Just this morning did reflect - I did think to either relitigate the past or see it finally for a first time litigated.  No, until this moment I wasn’t as well so about the French having saved us about our independence coursing.  No, just this morning I was as well remembering the arrogance of the first years of Democrat Party control of Washington and how immigration should have been their first issue if cost cutting and cost savings were to be believable as the actual purpose of their ACA - their Obamacare.

They sure did give cause for a revolution - a RENAISSANCE IN TEA even.  And, now as the wars are passing and the fog of wars are lifting or parting we have the Democrat Party visibly in disarray and disparaged by their own cowing and coursing.

It is self evident that President Obama has been a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY President.  It is also figurable that former Speaker Nancy Pelosi just for her wide stance on Clintons’ SURPLUSES has been an willing vessel or instrument to austerity herself - for to be so proud of and for the Clintons’ SURPLUSES is to be anti-Obama but for an “austerity”.  We have that the Clintons with their SURPLUSES were vast left wing spending cutting fools and with then Speaker Pelosi so of such a pride there is no “fog” about her “austerity” cred for only “austerity” possible if the Clintons’ cutting to be heralded so.

But this isn’t supposed to be about Mitt Romney or if he now is to be an American De Gaulle.  No this is about HONOR.

Mitt Romney’s “wheelhouse” may still be ship shape and proper for a shining small “city” afloat on our seas, but this is supposed to be more of a “fog of war” clearing and about the lack of HONOR at least inherent in the Clintons.

There is danger in his “inheritance”!!!  There is danger in his “inheritance”!!!  There is danger in his “inheritance”!!!

And all three are separately to an erudity each individually specifically for a diction to discern critical variants.  

First, President Clinton “inherited” a time from President Bush 41 that did not justify such PEACE DIVIDENDS.

Second, President Clinton “inherited” a rare moment in history of civilizations of our the USA broaching to sole superpower status - due little if any to any works or bulwarks or breastworks his own.

Third, President Clinton did not leave things better than he had “inherited” them!  Look at 9/11 and now litigate?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:17 am

The important equity figure is near 6 Trillion.  When President Obama took office there was a reported 6 Trillion available but sitting idle in private equity.  When President Obama took office he may still have not realized how unfair it would be that some made it look far easier for Clintons to be First Couple in administering executively during their 8 than it actually was for those years.

Though there was a reported 6 Trillion of private equity available at the time President Obama took office there was little he could do with it as a new Democrat now to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & THE TAX for after first round of new Dem spending private equity was smart enough to see their mattresses as offering better “return” on investment even if only offering zero return.

Besides it quite unreasonable and not preposterous or of an injustice to note that the Clintons were made to be better than they were for of a time others were making it be too easy, relatively speaking of the challenges of those years, and seem easier to be a successful President than the work of the Clintons can explain, still.  No it may not be fair to Obama that it was made to look far easier to be President those years than the actual workings for America now will attest.

President Obama did come into office and move from old Dems “TAX AND SPEND” to a more progressive and irresponsible “SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX” loose affiliation with limiting principles and financial prudence.  He did come into office with a reported 6 Trillion in private equity available for investment if a profit could be reasonably and justly expected.  He did come into office where that 6 Trillion was beyond he reach and reasoning as of private wealth.  He is still in an office limited to spending mostly on a basis for revenues from profits or income or capital gains.

Yes, GREAT WALLS can make good neighbors.  Yes fences have also been to expressions that they too make better communities.  Yes, President Obama had mattresses offering at zero predicted return more reasonable return than “investing” in an Obama economy - and so while he without “wealth” or “property” taxing that in America is kept to the preserves of much more local governance revenue long arms of collections.  Our federalist system with its different revenue collection methods does act like a fence or wall to defend our confederated republic and enumerated and protected freedoms and rights - and as well a general Welfare in common sense.

Yes, it is reasonable to have at least considered that President elect Obama would have known of Nixon and the lesson most are if in politics supposed to take away about it being the cover-up that should ruin.  But President elect Obama did commence to President Obama with clear efforts that can only best be described as of an attempt to cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet? 

I don’t remember when the BIG DIG finished in Massachusetts nor when its vast sums of other states people’s money stopped flowing in excessive sums into such state, and, nor do I recall when the DOT COM BUST happened and how it directly effected the tech corridor about Boston and Massachusetts’ economy in general.  These both seem to be big factors of a relevant chronology precedent to Massachusetts having Mitt Romney as a Republican Governor.  For his state to have been at 51st place for job growth I am guessing that I am correct in remembering such preceded his governance.

2012 really is seeming to be a year where people will be wondering again about the Clintons and their 8 years and finally maybe to realizing that they still don’t know how they were successful with many of their sold “successes” and be to relating with such as it seems clearer now that they have failed in attempts to help Dems with President Obama effect a repeat.

Yes, it may be unfair still to President Obama that the Clintons were made to look better than they were and that those difficult years were made to look as if of an easy street of easy governance for our Executive leadership.  Yes, it may be unfair that so many let it be thought that it could be that easy to be President.

Our income and profit based federal revenue system may be all that saved us from this over-reaching initiated by the Clintons and carried further and too far by the Executive governance of Obama.  Our states and localities have the authority to mend and/or maintain their “communities” and “civility” with “wealth” and “property” taxation - the new Dems proceeded with policies that needed “wealth” or “property” taxing power to “redistribution” - the new Dems by trying to do such still with an profits or income or capital gains limited authority did self construct a wall or fence between their ideals and their workability.

It may go down in our future history books that President Obama’s biggest mistake was his work so polarizing and partisan in a political with a capital “P” to attempts to effect a cover-up for the Clintons.

Have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

His efforts at job killing have been far stronger than his efforts to job creation and his “save” of GM may have been more about trying to effect a political remaking of such company than a “financial save” of such.

We still have that before he commenced with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM platform to green energy we had as precedence that a similar green energy political push in Spain had cost at least two old economy jobs for each one new “green” job created.  We have that there was precedence to expect that Obama meant to cut more jobs than he planned to create and multiples so for his aggressive politicizing was mixed with an austerity message with a call to a great new conservationism such that Americans should honestly have been warned by President Obama to expect that his furtherance of Dem ideology was set to actually kill off at least three to four jobs for each of the new politically correct green jobs.

We can thank our founders and later geniuses who limited our federal government spending to revenues bases so on profits or income or capital gains.  This doesn’t help President Obama with Dem ideology or actually help further the attempts to cover-up for the Clintons but it did allow people free economic expression and even a shift if of investment equity to otherwise shift plans to long term development where losses would be planned for next 4 - 8 years but with enough profit to be expected there after if it then seemed safe and/or profitable to be at least so endeaverous within American borders.

But have you found the missing years 1993 - 2001 yet?

Have you also yet considered that a national or federal effort to a new growth economy may do now more harm than good and that Americans now have to find ways closer to home and for a while more with any “redistribution” debate kept to where “wealth” or “property” taxation the revenue basis for community maintenance and civility bolstering?

Yes I do believe the reports that there was near 6 Trillion in private equity sitting available and hungry for rational investing to reasonable returns for risk.  I do believe that Dems some how missed that their ideology and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND & TAX new ways forewarned capitalists to days where their mattresses likely would be a better “investment” and for a while.

They were the good guys and gals and well private equity capitalists were supposed to be the bad guys and gals. 

I still have no idea how the Dems did expect their “economic” ideas to actually work - it still seems clear that their aggressiveness was meant to cause this very economic condition and its austerity/conservationism.

I still have no idea how the Dems while attempting a cover-up for Clintons did expect any Republican to naively partake in a bi-partisan self destructive politics.

They tried the claiming to themselves as being the HEROES and the job creators of private sector as the VILLAINS.

Our Internal Revenue Service was supposed to get the funding for new massive armies of tax collectors - and yet since our federal revenues are not of a basis from “wealth” or “property” such was as self defeating as so much else of Dems’ ideology.

I still have no idea how Dems did think it would have worked if it could have worked - especially since it seems to be working exactly as it should have worked with so much “political” and “socialistic” injected preposterously and unjustly into and about our economy.

I don’t know about MARX as per “KILL LISTS” his - I did learn a new phrase this morning from Andrew Sullivan seemingly quoting Cardinal Dolan - I did realize this new term and its usage suggest a call to consideration to due process and as of an innocence until a guilt proven.  When you hear “preposterous and unjust” phrase do you first assume guilt or do you suspect a denial of due process or prejudice of a prejudgement maybe as unfair as that which its usage proffered regarding?

As per the Dems misplaced ideology and practice these past few years we have that Dems as a class of subjects can be said to have caused the economic down turn while as an individual suspect President Obama more insulated and isolated though clearly of a willful association. 

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is that which is of his foreign policies of so much denial of due process and soft money redistributing.  But this is punctuated in ways due clear emphasis.

A SIT REP now beyond the cover-up problem President Obama has with the rival class in his cabinet inclusive of at least a party to “two-fer” in person of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is as well is an election year oddity especially for the Clintons that had half their supposed Hollywood friends rat them out as “BIG LIARS” and now as with fatality reports regularly still flowing as evidence as failures in a Diplomacy we have a messaging somehow still allowed near:  Hillary lied and lies and soldiers are dying - Wow, what a great job Hillary is doing.  

A SIT REP now towards 2012 deciding now must encourage a less Marxist BLIND FAITH in Obama Diplomacy and get around to asking if we were once recently of Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts of regular disloyal assertions to his anti-war revival efforts of an earlier Communist scare so with “Bush lied soldiers died” how long can we now still tolerate the indiscriminate political “diplomacy” so partisan of Madam Secretary of State but as also to a “Hillary lies - more soldiers are dying.”?

How did the Clinton economic team embraced by Obama White House as if it were the expected inevitable return of the Clintons fail?  I can be said that their economic policies should have brought us all just here but that isn’t how they are telling their own stories.  We have that if they could have back in 1993 they would have commenced earlier to this mess - they by not learning by the easy times they still can hardly well explain do seem still to fail to understand what was the “successes” of those years. 

We have that we could have had this fine mess in their first term if they had managed to have their way then - and so quite so much because our federal revenues are not based on “wealth” or “property” but are responsive to motivations of the People and their willingness to associate and cooperate economically.  We have that the People likely would have gone on strike as well against such Dem “management” back as early as Clintons’ first term if they had managed to have had their way whence then.

[Note: Version of “MARX IS BURNING” in 33 #economics @ CitizenRosebud.net may have edits as later draft.]


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:16 am

May Day has passed.

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

A long view towards a fresh self-helping all about our confederated republic is now a view towards November.

It may be more telling to a new HOPE - a NEW HOPEFUL - that Ann Romney has two Cadillacs than that First Lady Michelle Obama is farming out austerity - tilling a new agri-state for all with shovel fulls from our White House.

We should have expected trouble - troubling leadership from an American born William Blythe III - especially after learning of such having sought English lessons.  We should have been forewarned by one taken to the last name Clinton as well for history we could have learned from of the time of Governor Clinton of New York State that necessitated Hamilton Madison and Jay to works as Publius.

Independence Day is coming.  Long live Independence Day!  Was Oxford the best place for a new Clinton to learn to be more directed to Autocracy or totalitarianism?  For a Clinton born a Blythe there must have been a predominant penchant for our revolutionary days yet so for one then less of a special relationship but a relationship non the less.  If he wanted to keep control of the BOUNTY shall we say he had better been wise to ways early American of such as other Governor Clinton above mentioned - he had better learn to appear different and differentiated from his command wants - so it seems.

It is clear as day that our summer is started with our fresh faces of our Executive much ado about austerity and home grown.

Pie may spoil President Obama’s diet - but weren’t we led to believe in Clinton as a two Big Mac & two packaged McDonald’s apple pie a day Executive?  We can warm to Michelle Obama, First Lady of our United States of America, actually of a maternal rule with kitchen and baking time as still we can’t really for Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

We have not heard though of a REZCO PLANTATION or a REZCO VICTORY GARDEN in Hyde Park or that the four car garage of the Obama Chicago Estate largely dedicated to field and garden passions or dedicated self-help American self reliant particular tilling.  We do have that Ann Romney by having two Cadillacs stands in Americana as an American Women who wouldn’t have let her husband, if means were present, to let her standards fall to disgrace of an industrial and conceptual failing.

May Day has passed and only some of our Memorial Day echoes now to a long view forward with left-overs.

May Day has passed and we have that “homegrown” for our Obama’s seems maybe a very new thing.

May Day has passed and you too can consider a women with two Cadillacs knows a private save of General Motors might have been a new chivalrous for her husband and/or his ilk and not of a new necessary hailing towards totalitarianism or a “Big Government” take-over.  It does seem clear we are of a 2012 long view now with two very distinctly different economic theory views and so too a public - private governance workings.  We do seem to be much of an age essentially called to a buffet Americana or less so much newly to a serving or service to a new federalism.

I do not know if you know your state’s Governor’s name - the name of your neighboring state’s Governor or your neighboring town or cities mayor.  You may be in too limited a minority if you actually do.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.

We can say that we wouldn’t have had THE FEDERALIST PAPERS without Governor Clinton, and, we can say that we would be now to this essential NEW FEDERALISM but for Governor Clinton (President Clinton - of a Presidential wants too much as Gov. Clinton earlier kept to New York empire wants).

President William Jefferson Clinton was born William Blythe III & and earlier Governor Clinton of New York that gave rise to a mediated need for such as was of Publius moniker for Hamilton Madison and Jay was of the era too post our Revolution as was Fletcher Christian of THE BOUNTY and the questionable leadership and commanding nature of Captain William Blygh.

I am not a one to mess with that 2012 is also the year of the women - both types of women.  Clearly there are many actual now expert in the liberal feminism model and as well in the conservative feminism model.  I am likely (hopefully) still a man of the middle - but you too may now be puzzling as to this for 2012:


Two Cadillacs suggests a women that wouldn’t have let her car company of shared standards actually fail - and how.

A gardening by First Lady Michelle Obama does till austerity and how - but did she ever have a garden before?


We do still much have the leadership of President Clinton to worry ourselves about - even more so than Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William J. Clinton - why have they created as much a need for THE FEDERALIST PAPERS now as an earlier Governor - Governor Clinton once of New York State did himself? 

Is it just the misses Clinton of serving up such a need for a NEW FEDERALISM - reactively against her philosophy and practices in governance?   And, how have we gotten here, so far dangerously along to here now, for one once so of a Rose Law Firm while her husband was Governor that even that job for her seemed of political nepotism and affirmative action?

As we stare down remnants of our recent Memorial Day here in America “Americana” is or is not a left-over.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:11 am

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

This is one of the first weekends - at least it seems a first full weekend - since New York City has been generally and civilly a new kind of Eden.  Yes, dare I say it is still a place where snakes do play.

You may not be able to park in a park or smoke in a garden - it may even be illegal for excessive PDA in any parked vehicle anywhere public within this new Eden’s city limits.  If you have got salt may it be literately as a metaphor for sea-worthiness and grit.

If your apples are in a barrel still beware of bad apples and Bernoulli.  It is better to avoid flight - lift offs with bad apples, anywhere.  Note to self:  Hmmm?  Again, how was it you once heard Bernoulli Principle as also about economics and determinings for bad apples?  Hmmm?  How was that again?

We have it self evident that Memorial Day was created equal to Independence Day as a day goes except that it more often can partake to a three day weekend pressing.  How are the Cider Rules - how goes our Declaration of Independence still?

We have it a concern though that President Barack Hussein Obama on his special inaugural day did commence from our historical Philadelphia full of brotherly love but for our Declaration of Independence.  It was clear on that day that he might as well not like Memorial Day as too much like Independence Day and also of a celebration of our Declaration which he declared we could do without now when of his own declaring that we needed a new “Declaration.”

Enough about New Jersey!  I don’t know how New York City has beaten it to being a new Eden - a new more civil “apple.”

Enough about New Jersey!  Can’t yet figure why President Obama passed on credit for spending that saved the world from a new Great Depression on to President Bush, and especially to so publicly preface our Memorial Day Weekend 2012.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

You have figured that since inaugural day Obama declaration that we needed a new Declaration he is figurable to dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day - as for it so long a monumental holiday to struggles to defend and protect what our Independence Day more just about a conception for - for all more equally.

The New York City Council has counciled all to new ways of counseling.  The where of such new abouts may be more a concern, civilly, than the habits natural otherwise on display or in the air publicly as of displays of affection. 

I don’t know what this says about Chicago or NATO of Chicago and President Obama about Afghanistan.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Long live our Declaration of Independence!  It does figure President Obama must dislike Memorial Day more than Independence Day.  I don’t know why his Cairo speech as SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD had him a Civil War denier of our American Civil War except as maybe an import to progressive movement liberal theology speechifying to avoid speaking of great losses of mostly white men in struggles for freedoms for others.

In President Barack Hussein Obama’s SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD from Cairo as approved with all desired edits of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s political capability we still have that he told the world that American slaves got out of their bondage “peacefully and without violence.”

This Memorial Day Weekend as per our new globally reset economy of such New Deal Austerity we have that President Obama with his recent “spending” thrift claims has missed the boat of Laffer’s titillating curve civility all the while seeming to pass credit for the actual spending for “save” from new Great Depression to President Bush and his too generous and unprecedented cooperation during transition months of 2008. 

Off the gang plank he went - off the short plank he took too long steps - however he seems all wet now on his own “economics” - his own governing without a budget his.

Emboldened and secured in our Declaration of Independence whether liked or not is the pride and story of our first capitalists of Plymouth Plantation.  We have that they learned some basic taxation civility and all the while then too of too much expected to be earned and just passed along to others thousands of miles away and distant.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

Enough about New Jersey!  Mr. President you haven’t been having too many of those poppy seed bagels with extra poppy seeds, again, have you?

Well Afghanistan - there’s another story!  Yikes!  Afghanistan - there’s another story!

This Memorial Day Weekend we all would do better to discuss the current global warming climate change crisis and the vast deposits of rare earth minerals discovered in Afghanistan just as a global need for such to maintain or save our green tech businesses rolls in the hay of our politics and economies.

President Barack Hussein Obama - who is maybe our first President to have publicly denied the efforts not peaceful or non-violent that is our shared history of at least our Buffalo Soldiers and the entirety of our Civil War is now more critically a spokesperson with thought economic impact who has left the recent staged battlegrounds of a G8 Summit and NATO Chicago gathering without a declaration of the current progress mostly his in saving the entire planet from the professed end of the world as we know it for the world as he proffered it as our actual world and the DOOM about our climate due to warming.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression?

I mean if you get the Laffer titillating curves as per maximizing public benefit and performance than you may be more economically agile and adept than President Barack Hussein Obama. 

As he shifts his pride from having saved the world from a new Great Depression onto President Bush for actually having figured and done most of such spending during those months of unprecedented and civil cooperation during a transition we have that he has missed how taxing he has been and how discouraging his otherwise preening public has been.

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

As President Obama traipses too State’s rights to over-lord we have that you all can celebrate Laffer and his more civil and titillating curves still adrift to sail with free markets in the spirit of Adam Smith and selfish pursuits best.  I don’t know if a apple of creationism is depressing for some and now as the apple of New York City more civil otherwise for all.

As per some simple truths evident expectant or pregnant in all economics each may see JOBIAN ECONOMICS more selfishly or specifically robust of a more individualistic supply and demand public display.

This is a brave new day in a new world order for those of the apple that is manicured and fertilized as an Eden of NYC.

Not all apples maybe be as bitter as a granny - your granny smith - and some may not at all be depressing.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for Afghanistan as a new great frontier with new world orders for rare earth minerals needed to sustain and celebrate energy independence.

We the People of the United States of America did just participate in two summits and yet now without an economic plan less taxing to a new economic modeling for any of G8 specific to a current DEFCON concern status for the fate of the world as per the long proffered DOOM to the professed end of the world as we know it declarations so taxing to our economies.

Mr. President we are becoming concerned that you have partaken of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s laudenum.

New York City may clearly now be being less about what you do as per PDA than where you do it - where you cannot do it.

Enough about New Jersey!  Have you heard the one about how President Bush’s spending saved us from a new Great Depression? 

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean we have a President that on a global stage acted as if a Civil War denier and before that of his proffered professing as a former Constitutional Law Professor that we needed a new declaration.  I mean we have that this law studies hare of a racer isn’t looking to finish well and as we have he as “most taxing” so contrary to Laffer and his public displays.

We still have Adam Smith - at least in our text books - but what are our minimum standards for a President at least as per “economics” or “budgets”?  How will Texas text book boards be allowed to tell the tale of President Barack Hussein Obama?

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced both as a “messiah” shouldering a call to a different Declaration and such and with his Big Brother seeming secular daily interruptions of regular scheduled broadcasting to near an hour of evangelizing sermonizing spewed out globally to not being of violating our 1st Amendment for his tense timing was to new laws to religiousness and establishments as per religion but in a future tense not seemingly literally forbidden.

In THE WORLD OF O?  I mean if he had succeeded as he had commenced what would he have called it - how would we now be addressing him?  It is clever in a Constitutional Law kindly way that our 1st Amendment seems to allow a messiah to rise to a new religion and a new evangelizing governance with laws then allowed to respect such as an establishment for until or unless such revolution seeming secular otherwise were to succeed it couldn’t be a “religion” nor of existing “establishment” as per “religion” - quite.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend - Especially if this finds you in New Jersey - in its politics of this week - Happy Memorial Day Weekend where ever you are and this column may have found you still celebrant but monumental in memorials to our fallen and our long struggles for freedom for us and for others.

Enough about New Jersey!  What about Afghanistan - what about our success rate to saving our planet?

Enough about New Jersey!  How about this new Eden that is New York City this Memorial Day Weekend?

How about it New York?   Have you figured out JOBIAN ECONOMICS so I can start to explain it better to others?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:01 pm

Sure Cory Booker has potential to a INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY - even a LAST INTERNATIONAL PLAY BOY.

He may be being too modest.  He may be the world of economist dream boy at least - a real GO TO GUY - man’s man.

By now you all should be versed in JOBIAN ECONOMICS some how - some way.  You should have already had the inkling that Mayor Booker a leading man - leading political figure in our new economics.  He may be both the anti-Clinton and an anti-Obama.

Mayor Cory Booker may know his city well enough to be successful but not know yours well enough to be a cookie cutter one size fits all obamanation for you and yours of your community.

In contrast to President Bill Clinton who worked to be an international play boy we still have Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary President wanna be, almost like clockwork to be playing a bad cop to his old jolly good cop in otherwise bad times.

Yes we have President Clinton in contrast to Secretary Clinton — both are in contrast to Democrat Mayor Booker in many ways and maybe more than now Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo.

Like in the realm of international play boys we have many contrary ideals seemingly able to exist as only drugs allowed so much of pop America 60s ideologies to.

Unlike Governor Cuomo Mayor Cory Booker to a miracle doesn’t personally have to unlearn so much from days of the Clintons 8 and now learn new ways that can actually work long term for New York.  Mayor Booker was schooled and of an era of LIVEABLE CITIES and moves to decentralize policing to COMMUNITY POLICING but I should leave to he now how it is that Governor Cuomo to a New York Cuomo miracle has to find ways contrary to ways of Clintons and their 8.

(I have not met Mayor Booker but one of his past Deputy Mayors (title?) and I did meet back in 90s when he was working in New Haven about Community Policing and Liveable Cities Initiatives and to hosting a road trip to Richmond, Virginia for volunteers like myself interested in putting in some time helping rebuild a black neighborhoods church that had been a victim of arson.  I do believe they were law classmates.  I, again, have been thinking some of Community Policing since late 80s when I learned of William Bratton and became wired with him to positive change shared ambitions, and then my days back actually living and working in New Haven as such was new policies to new practices.  Yes, last I checked his former Deputy is still a Facebook friend.)

President Obama is more a dud than a dude as a believable International player - he today ran into problems that even fifth graders wouldn’t likely - even some Sesame Streeters skilled at seeing which thing doesn’t belong with the others.  President Obama now has historical troubles as per Afghanistan as of today with his NATO grandstanding.  He has presented our involvement and his strategizing as if it couldn’t have been any or much at all Bush’s fault but that which he just inherited from the Clintons’ 8.  As per “Sesame Street” it does seem inappropriate with these truths now slipping from Democrat Party cover-up that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary, has any logical or appropriate “calling” to any involvement now regarding at least Afghanistan.

With Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton involved at all we are so “tilted” and so irregular that our Central Intelligence Agency is better to be retitled at most our CENTRAL INFORMATION AGENCY.  We with Clintons so preposterously proffered still as reasonably innocent are not of an “intelligence” as per our discussions at least about Afghanistan.

We need a Cory Booker in every city for JOBIAN ECONOMICS to be to the long awaited return to growing economy.

We don’t need Cory Booker in every city and town - we need a Cory Booker also of actual community sensitivities and global awareness for each.  Each and all need someone who can also hear or see those of struggles too great that their faith shouldn’t be that tested alone and work magically at least to help one neighbor find another neighbor and maybe a way to earn and even profit, each, with one or more then to seeing a struggle that if helped with could be to economic gains for all.

I have said before that we may want to get back to Adam Smith economics of “Invisible Hand Theoreticals” and that we are now of a time and economic condition where we cannot use Adam Smith to get back to Adam Smith.  We seem to be of a new time now and because grandstanding national Democrat leaders did work too hard to be international global play boys.

If you have ever heard of or spoken the creed of the Jaycees - Junior Chamber of Commerce - you may be near a creed that Mayor Cory Booker has specifically developed and worked out in practice - past the theoretical.  I don’t know if Mayor Cory Booker has ever been a Jaycee himself.  I did in late 80s and early 90s consider that the Jaycee creed did seem similar to Adam Smith economics.  But now we may need to call it all something new to balance how for too long some that raced to the top like hares of O’Hare have been beaten by themselves so that tortoises are out pacing them.  We could all be to calling it a JOBIAN ECONOMICS and in part for it also seems to raise Steven Jobs and our new Jobian tablets and some of the many ways some could and should suggest this Obama administration has been of obamanations with their picked economics and politics as so wrong for a new economy with so many with so many tablets.

Our President is not being intelligent suggesting with NATO at all to an “it is all Bush’s fault” and with the history of the matter that he so has positioned himself to focusing on the very problems that the Clintons left as an inheritance to President Bush.

It seems if we are to find a way back to a growth economy we are better to be listening to Mayor Cory Booker than Governor Andrew Cuomo or either of the Clintons or President Obama.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” but that again is a problem theirs as per “intelligence” and from their use of central information dissemination e-works to have been of hopes to a Big Brother evangelizing to Obama Zombies with their pad connections.  We are of a time of complaints about “austerity” when the intelligent know to remember this started to a new conservationism to help save the planet from an end of the world as we know it due to global warming or climate change. 

We are, as many fifth graders now eighth or ninth graders can recall, of days remembered, where they were all patriots, even more than Democrats hearts could imagine, with the evangelized e-messaging by hopeful President Obama so their new godly calling, and the school worked new conservationism revolutionizing to an actual effective austerity otherwise a globally patriotic new conservationism that obviously was more important a priority of our President and his visible hands of governance than a policy actually not to austerity - a policy actually towards the future and growth with confidence that our colleges at least were already well along on working on necessary engineering solutions.

It is more just an odd centralized information servicing this admin has been to and as concerning today as on any day due to NATO gathering to decide the fates of so many others.  It is necessarily just a centralized informing contrary to a historical intelligence that we have all been now at least three years victims to.

A remembered part of the Jaycees Creed is “service to humanity is the best work of life.”  I cannot myself separate such from a consideration of Mayor Cory Booker nor from my suggestion that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” is what we are now unfortunately of struggles with.  I can with some confidence suggest that we have been of Democrat Party nationalistic centralizations more of misinformation than intelligence and that they have worked us to a separation from Adam Smith’s economics and as well from much long of our junior chamber of commerce such as the Jaycees still carry torches for humanity with.

It does seem there can be no Cuomo miracle for New York State that doesn’t necessarily repudiate the Clintons and separate Cuomo politics from Clinton politics. 

It does seem that every city, town or hamlet now needs their own Cory Booker in ways that only Newark can be an incubator for Mayor Cory Booker success otherwise.  They need their own Cory Booker for a clone won’t relocate well - they need one willing to do “the best work of life” and be of “service to humanity” in what could be a JOBIAN ECONOMICS at least as a descriptive theoretical for these times of struggles.

It is not “intelligent” that we are letting this un-elected political appointee Clinton have so much power and sway as her “two-fer” also may be effecting quietly over our young and inexperienced President.  We are not being “intelligent” for letting this obamanation of a “diplomacy” ours so about NATO and Afghanistan be so of either Clinton involved since it was the inheritance they left President Bush with their eight years of abandonment with avoidance and inaction that was of the heart and sole of the mission President Obama was grandstanding to today, just today with NATO and globe watching.

Yes it seems they have been misinforming us - it seems the INTELLIGENT understanding is that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons played too much back whence - that we need to be doing this now because the Clintons didn’t do it earlier - we need to be doing this now because the Clintons let it get so bad that it is quite horrible still what the “inheritance” they left us and President Bush actually was.

President Barack Hussein Obama with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech did at least play at chiding the Clintons and their eight years while speaking of “dangers” of “avoidance” and “inaction” but now again he seems to be back to playing with cover-ups for the Clintons and misinformation than intelligence.

Can you find your own Cory Booker?  Do you have one sensitive and intelligent enough to help those with great struggles find others about them able to help them and work with them without compromising their story and seeking and to a benefit commercial for each together?

We can not expect to use Adam Smith economic theory to get back to a workable Adam Smith economics, can we?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:29 am

In the legend of Johnny Cash there really is a prison - a Folsom Prison.  And yet when you hear how poorly she wares MEMBERS ONLY? comes to mind - is the thought that should be landing in measured time.

It is tough still growing up on Clintons - it has been especially tough for so many to their diets.

First Lady Michelle Obama had a call Herculean and daunting just for the trillions the Clintons’ dietariness was costing.

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton has been more to dressing to Marie Antoinette than to the black of Johnny Cash.

Oh, have you yet considered our times of old - say September 12 , 2001 - and how a then President Barack Hussein Obama would have stepped out?

Can you imagine a Clinton in stripes?  The all black of Johnny Cash, NOT - but maybe the hats of M. Antoinette?

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton did more to encourage a two Big Macs a day habit than the austerity of First Lady Michelle Obama.  First Lady Hillary did seem to favor KING OF QUEENS mad dashing to a marketed acceptability of her bubba’s pre-existing condition.  First Lady Michelle as otherwise embrace labor and austerity and “twigs” for her hubbie.

Can you imagine a Clinton in stripes?  Can you imagine both in stripes?

It is tough still growing up on Clintons - it has been especially tough for so many to their diets.

Prison fare may suit them and even set a better example for all - even better than “twigs” for Lady Obama’s hubbie.

Word is it is costing us a trillion more than it would have - word is the Clintons dietary “leadership” raised weights and related healthcare costs for the past two decades such that a reverse of their guidance could save us a trillion dollars in healthcare costs.

But diabolical more is still the alternate realm and possibility of this President Obama as President Obama circa 9-12-01.

We have that he is a man merely of “twigs” and “arugula” but when his burger is with cheddar, arugula and Dijon mustard.  We have that he, President Obama, another of a Hyde Park with wants to New Deal Austerity for all has stayed in character theirs so.

It is tough still growing up on Clintons - it has been especially tough for so many to their diets.

As you wake up to this thought as if waking now on September 12, 2001 with President Obama in charge of which ever nationalism or new nationalism he might already have worked out with labors, his - would it be stripes for the Clintons, and not the flattering types? 

As you wake up to this thought asked in keeping with Obamas now decades still in character consistency so - would it be a call to austerity and apologies and as well a chiding of a suggestion to “please go shopping”?

Can you imagine a Clinton in stripes?  The all black of Johnny Cash, NOT - but maybe the hats of M. Antoinette?

Seems we can suggest that the Obamas do only know austerity for others and not in a Johnny Cash black suitedness kindly way.

But as you wake to these thoughts - and stir anew in as much curiosity to intellectual honesty as your habit or hope — President Barack Hussein Obama on a morning of September 12, 2001, left as it was actually whence, but unable to be himself and declare like or exactly:  “I INHERITED THIS MESS!!!”

NO!  You own this mess???




“A OK!”???

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:18 am

There comes a time in a political afterlife, after too long proffered and maintained dishonestly that the public and even Hollywood will usually and finally get around to covering such in spirit of show business.

We have that the final season of “24″ did seem to suggest that a President Hillary Clinton was on track already to a likely future, if ever actually elected so. too “in bed” and “criminally” as per our Constitution’s “criminality” and “limiting principles” with Russians.  I don’t know how there were not more shows to such important import, already as well by then.

Have you heard the one about the Clintons having been term limited effectively by our 22 Amendment? 

This morning dawning past the eve of the George Clooney Hollywood Goes Obama downer scheduled for tonight is breaking with a new honesty in the air maybe not as politically relevant as say when I and others seemed to be asking from afar, at least, if David Geffen needed help with a legal defense fund after telling the whole world “The Clintons Are Big Liars.”

Don’t worry!  There is very little likelihood that this “EVENT” tonight can be confused as a meeting of modern communists.

Yes, George, it is true that I was in AMISTAD - that I was in a room with Steven Spielberg for two days and even made it into Entertainment Weekly as the extra that I was in background of courtroom scene with Matthew McC and Cecil B. DeMille “real gun” later celebrant (celebratee?) Morgan F. in foreground.  Yes, your original role in ER was most of all of such characters the one written most to be the fictional alter me after Jamie Tarses for NBC was back in my head asking near:  “can we have one more show idea and for Thursdays at ten?”

Years later when I was in DC and would happen to find Hollywood in town filming I did get to meeting Leonardo D C and Russell Crowe and such some years after finding ARLINGTON ROAD with Jeff Bridges and he to wondering why I wasn’t asking for an autograph and his producer almost to acting on our thoughts that I could help if hired with editing.  I did appreciate meeting Livingston and McPherson when they were filming pilot episode for SEVEN DAYS and that they let me hang around their sets I first found after wondering why Don Franklin was sitting against a wall on a DC side walk in fatigues (away from anything yet noticed as a set and of a Hollywood production.).  I did later meet Sir Ridley S. and quite almost unavoidably since he set up his directors tent with that other world famous producer/director working on BODY OF LIES directly across the street from my then DC apartment on Capitol Hill.  Oh, yeh, that spot was part of MERCURY RISING, if I recall from film correctly, and for the scene to finding an actual old typewriter that could type in triplicate with carbon film.  I don’t know how I missed catching any of filming of MERCURY RISING since some of it too was so actually produced across the street from my apartment.

But this George is meant to be about you talking to donkeys, and how it may be a due time to explain how the Democrats, but for President Obama specifically, did set up and cause much if not all of this economic down turn.  We have it as an unavoidable truth that President Obama a man also of a Hyde Park was of wants to be to a new era of New Deal Austerity and a grand economy crushing rush to GREEN politics - but you have him as a guest tonight so let us first focus just on Hillary for President that starred Bill and Hillary and as well on GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM with Al Gore attempting to play a new Mr. Science.

Have you heard the one about the Clintons having been term limited effectively by our 22 Amendment?

I know, like really, that is dangerously too close to old joke line “Army Intelligence” much like my suggested use of “modern communists” today respective of your arrangements and planned gathering tonight.  Seems, yes, that “modern communists” would apply more to Chinese having been more to capitalism than your Obama in these long past few years - seems that you might be of a crowd tonight sympathetic to “communism” but not “modern” with such, right - reads well this way?

For starters it still makes no political or economic sense that George Bush and Republicans of 2008 challenges would have created the economic down turn if they could have created such an economic down turn.

Oh, you get it now?  You get that the Clintons were meant to be effectively term limited but have proven still to be too slippery yet?

I know, like really, when we retire a President after eight years because of our term limit Amendment the money we give him though never to such excess and ridiculousness as effected for President Clinton ever before is for what ever the amount arranged to help “retire” or “sever” such from the powers of the office of our President.  Can you believe the gall of President Clinton for asking just for a NYC rent a sum greater then for a year that that of a sum for all our past presidents annual post office “rents” combined, and, that he was busy then and now still to using our taxpayer benefits otherwise than expected or budgeted to actually work to hold and gain power, and as much or more of “executive” power as he and his spouse can yet work?

It does seem just bad scripting and too dramatic a writing that our 22 Amendment hasn’t been more effective in keeping Clintons as limited as thought wise.  It really has gotten past how much they did to set up and later cause this economic down turn to also us to asking Hollywood to dramatize their corruptions and crass gross ambition in all its colors.  It seems dangerous that “retirement” funds could be used politically so domestically and globally however now so mixed by Clintons and the Clintons’ Global Initiative to effect campaigns and our 2012 elections.  It seems dangerous that “retirement” funds not even of the excess sought and gotten by President Clinton could ever have been approved and so now for such inseparable near irreconcilable very political power grabbing and efforts to influence, partisan.

It does seem an unacceptable story line that President Bush or Republicans could have intentionally caused this economic down turn.

I can and have explained how it was the Clintons’ administering of PEACE DIVIDENDS before their time and an unnecessary and so unjustifiable SURPLUS of cutting a second trillion out of spending for jobs and economic growth when we actually had the funds available and set aside that are hallmarks of CLINTONOMICS.  We have long before Hillary For President attempted a repackaged sloppy BOGO “two-fer” and launched such like a spoiled “inevitable” Hun with a declaration to “socialistic” plans to “seize all oil company profits” that the Clintons of the now mostly missing years of 1993- 2001 were to cutting the very spending of funds actually available that had been left alone by Republicans as too much to cut and seemingly rightly of fears that such might to greatly reduce our budgets and its spending for jobs and growth for years following such out 2- even 8 years after Clintons were to be expected gone and in retirement.

President Obama may be guilty for of the “be careful what you wish for…” & now us to why did you wish for a CRISIS to justify a new New Deal Austerity!

Yes President Obama may be guilty for having wanted to be a new FDR of a similar social programming that pushed Constitutional limits to or past our limits - but it is the Clintons that look and smell dirty and guilty for the general and great economic collapse.

Simply it is still ridiculous to think that the Republicans could have or would have intentionally caused such - and still wise to consider that President Bush “fault” may be limited to a failure political to reverse the Clintons’ SURPLUS enough in time.

See, to be clear - let me be clear - let me be real clear:  In 2008 it look like a near certainty that Republicans would lose just because no one yet understood that actual complexity of the struggles in the Middle East as so many now seem to fathom - in 2008 it looked most likely that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton had enough reason to think she might be an “inevitable” next President by election though as a repackaged and spoiled dangerous democratic produce BOGO - in 2008 it looked like Republicans only chance for wins that November would be to have gas prices go down, not up, up, and up.

See, to be really clear:  It looked as if we were supposed to think that the suddenly rising gas prices were supposed to be good for the Republicans as of the “its all about oil party politics” and yet that just doesn’t make sense since it was of those days that Hillary looked quite “inevitable” and with a proffered declaration of plans to seize all oil company profits.  See???  See that under such conditions the last thing we should conclude is that Republicans would have wanted gas prices to go up for that would be to more profits for Hillary to seize so, as she was promising.

And now as it looks like George will be hosting and talking to Donkeys so tonight we have that there is little likelihood that such will be a gathering of modern communists.  And that it is still odd that Clintons can be collecting and spending benefits, excessive newly vast amounts of “retirement” benefits, towards actual and current meddling in partisan politics and power grabbing schemes.  But really it is that Hillary For President even though a spoiled repackaging we should have united to a “pulling from our shelves” wisdom that had a directly observable benefit in seeing oil prices spike, however, for not only then would it look bad for all Republicans as bad for economy it would also look like her promise of seizing all oil company profits was going to be a huge vast bottomless amount suddenly available for excesses of a left still controlled by Clintons’ political machinery.

But really this is about Hollywood and George’s party plans - let us try to keep this to civil and polite small talk.

So it was the Clintons that had the clearest means, motive and opportunity and a crass hunger to get back real POWER for themselves, however, right?  And now so with such we should see President Bush and his Republican Presidents’ Women/Men now as sympathetic figures long of a fight thought prevented by our 80th Congress and their work to keep others ever from so much extra-Constitutional over reaching as the real New Deal and otherwise austere Franklin Delano Roosevelt was while staring in his POWER show all the while with Eleanor and his quite involved daughter, right?

I mean our 22 Amendment has to be there for a purpose - but what could that be?  How is it the Clintons have made it look impotent and irrelevant and so all the work by our 80th Congress and our nation back whence to the actual proper process for big government concerns of protecting rights that is our Amending processes?  It does now even more clearly seem that our term limit laws were written to protect us from another First Couple like Franklin and Eleanor and their spoiled past attempts to stay in power past their own freshness and Hollywood marketability.

Oh, yeh, the Clintons, at least Bill, did ask banker friends to find a way to gamble away the expected risks of the housing bubble economics he wanted to play with like a candle burning from two ends at once.  Yes he with their SURPLUS did cut out a trillion that the Republicans had otherwise decided not to touch and did chose those budgeted items for a political save for his First Couple since after Republicans did the thought impossible and found a trillion to cut to BALANCED he had little choice but to resign himself to their greatness or double down irresponsibly and grandstand about he too being able to find a thought impossible trillion to cut.  But really it is debatable though Hillary Clinton for her First Couple BOGO “two-fer” with all the clear means, motive and opportunity, could be more responsible for the spike in gas prices than Al Gore subjective economic alarmism about his playing a MR. SCIENCE with our lives with his GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM.

It is difficult to say whether it was the scare of Hillary a Hun in a new socialism could have been more responsible for gas price spike than Al Gore.  It still is quite ridiculous to think that Bush or the Republicans could have or would have intentionally caused this economic down turn that got going when the price of gas became too much for all those pimped by Bill Clinton into his housing bubble economics and its hyper consumerism. 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:09 am

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the land of — WAIT!!! - HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

Once upon a time in the landing of President Clinton with his TOUR D’ PENITENCE about Africa speaking in a penitent to so many about dangers of adultery and multiple partner politics.

Possibly but for President William Jefferson Clinton scandalous second term we might have looked in time at how his politics were wrong and dangerous, all by themselves.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Operation TOUR D’ PENITENCE did commence post Clinton - Lewinsky follies — to COME BACK?

Operation TOUR D’ PENITENCE was of President Clinton in a penitent, so it appeared, selling/pushing safe sex.

Possibly never before had a President owed so much to his wife - to the other in a “two-fer” BOGO.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and repackaging.

On this day that has France returning to a Socialist leader for first time since Clintons’ years…

On this day that has France returning to those ways they can do things not protected by our Constitution…

Possibly the France can run a socialism system just because of their size - or because they tax differently.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton
because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was
themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how
greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly
named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Our Constitution and our federal revenue basis off income and profits doth limit so much “Obama”.

Our Constitution and our representative system seems to have President Obama trying to avoid work of politics.

Possibly he, President Obama, is only President because Clinton BOGO “two-fer” was too spoiled and rotten so.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the land of — WAIT!!! - HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

Once upon a time in the landing of President Clinton with his TOUR D’
PENITENCE about Africa speaking in a penitent to so many about dangers
of adultery and multiple partner politics.

Presently we have President Clinton again of the years 1993 - 2001 — without a chance of a comeback.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Over the weekend and over the world we had suggestion that “OFFICIAL LAUNCH” was new.

Over the weekend and over the world - WHAT?  Is Pres O accounting like GSA for partying?  A new fiscal year - a what?

Presently we have a confusion with “OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES” as if a DO OVER - not accountable as NEW PARTY time.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Our ways Constitutional may not be France’s more flexible - Socialism here better only at state level and on wealth taxing?

Our ways Constitutional may not be France’s more flexible - Socialism here better only at state level and on wealth taxing?

Possibly our economy is down for these Jobian days of Obama’s un-magical hands on economic based on income, on profits.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.



President O - Oops?

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Obama’s austerity only as complicit as Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” being repackaged and sold again past a freshness?

Obama’s austerity only as complicit as Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” being repackaged and sold again past a freshness?

Presently past TOUR D’ PENITENCE come back effecting CGI should be in jeopardy for new politics!!!

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton
because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was
themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how
greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly
named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.

Over the weekend we were asked to accept “OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES” — How GSA in party accouting!

Over the weekend with “OFFICIALLY LAUNCHES” a “Do Over” sold as well beyond it accountable freshness!

Possibly now it is as much the fault of a spoiled Obama as it is the past freshness repackaged BOGO “two-fer” Clintons.

Seriously - let me be clear — they sold the BOGO “two-fer” first in 1992 - Now it anew is seconds spoiled and sloppy.

Once upon a time in the landings of Clintons…

Once upon a time in the time before President Do Over Barack Hussein Obama…

Possibly there is only now a President NOT Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton
because the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” didn’t know how spoiled it was
themselves - didn’t know they were so spoiled they were missing how
greatly they were underestimating a foe that looked an impossible oddly
named well colored contestee.

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and packaging.



President O - Oops?

Seriously - let me be clear — We have to talk about the BOGO “two-fer” freshness and repackaging.

Exclamation — HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET? — Exclamation.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:19 am

Paul Krugman continued pack mentality suggests he too may have too long eaten of the dog. 

You have heard of THE BUSH TAX CUTS and yet maybe not wondered why feminists haven’t rallied around such just for its name and suggestion of a life less taxing, men too.

You have heard of Keynian Economics — oh, ha, ha, ha - that’s a funny one.

You have heard of Reagonomics and Trickle Down Economics. 

Clintonomics may have had little to do with “economics” if “science” has to be in “science” of “economics”!

President Barack Hussein Obama is still trying to deny ownership and culpability for “economics” of his charge — with his disowning of his own visible hands afoot we seem to still need a “title”/”headliner” for this era of deconstruction to his “new foundation” and “new nationalism” and “new deal austerity” and near: You are too fat, using too much gas, not saving enough, and beyond that actually spending too much and generally wasteful and slothful Americans.

Should we be looking for an Obama “Cultural Revolution” and a strategy and science or are we better to now label and tag his “economics” a new economics and now JOBIAN ECONOMICS?

I can speak from a couple decades of involvement to stimulating demand various ways and even so as to defend freedom — I even can remark that President Bush seemed to like most my old:  He came into office neck deep in the wrenches in the gears of government the Clintons jammed about and looks to be leaving office after only enough time to get to being only knee deep.

I shouldn’t be laughing, this isn’t very funny — but if you are me and of the Clintons starting off back whence treating what was mine and “economic” as if theirs and their State gravy you might as well see the sad humor now if also of a BA at least in economics for now it seems that no known past economic school or science can be right for our times.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS seems maybe of the most transparent poetic suggestive tagging possible for these works from the charge to “economics” by the hands of President Barack Hussein Obama that for his pattern of coy and crass denials are best not more greatly confused with a suggestion that “Obamanomics” might have to their being “strategy” or “science” in such unless maybe his purpose was austerity and to mass unemployment for an American Cultural Revolution.

We can’t go back to CLINTONOMICS for the world they were proffered for never really existed - and the Clintons corrupted its the working invisibility of hands about growth economics and machinations fluid and smooth yet without too many wrenches jammed, selfishly in a political partisan, crassly.  The Clintons may not have started then admin off on wrong path as early as President Barack Hussein Obama did with partisan lying in his inaugural speech  - but then it may have been within their first few days that they went astray and started our economics and national security off to the dogs, shall we say.

JOBIAN ECONOMICS would need to be scientific with a recording and consideration that THE BUSH TAX CUTS were right for their time and justified as CLINTONOMICS could only justify.  THE BUSH TAX CUTS were justified by the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES of near a trillion extra found to be cut so that spending that could have been done if their was not THE BUSH TAX CUTS was already moved and decided as wrong and unnecessary and strongly defended by Democrats.  Since the spending side of the two trillion the Clintons cut, while the world was dangerously warming, and our schools, and bridges were falling apart, and duly noted as nearly ready to fall apart or down so already, was the pride of the Dems for it was it is questionable that CLINTONOMICS should or can be tagged of “economic science”.

This is where as we discuss that we need now to discuss an economic solution around JOBIAN ECONOMICS in order to spirit enough of a shared perspective to facilitate a common cause new middle ground I have to remind you that I am not writing to be PARTISAN though I do often seem partisan - that I am writing to defend my own intellectual property and past economics workings that date back to before days of the Clintons deciding to brave and entry onto such field as the 1992 national race.  Again, I am writing not to specifically be Partisan - am writing to share that the Clintons were wrong to misappropriate my work of original thinking/strategizing, and wrong in ways I may be uniquely be able to explain, and for so much for how they misused what they were misappropriating.

I should get going on a bumper sticker for 2012 >>> HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 - 2001 YET?

If I otherwise was “in politics” or intentionally “partisan” I would likely be a candidate somewhere against all my ambitions and media plans and be maybe now:  HOGAN - ENOUGH OF STUPID!

Keynesian Economics is out — A CULTURAL REVOLUTION may be in — Adam Smith is out - since crass “new foundation” and “new nationalism” worked with austerity of other man from a Hyde Park President Barack Hussein Obama of wants to a new New Deal Austerity has deconstructed most of the magic structure so that “invisible hand” economics may be where we should get back to but not a workable how towards such. 

As per JOBIAN ECONOMICS we have that so many are now in struggles too like Job and while another Jobs responsible much of new tablets and a mass effect on volumes and volumes of economic considerations that those of the administering of our economy about an Obama team and a general denial of ownership of fault have just been getting wrong, wrong, wrong.

As I still ponder that old puzzlement that women, especially feminists, hadn’t jumped all over tagging “BUSH TAX CUTS” lovingly with dedication of the hopefulness in its poetic I am certainly left remembering that the Clintons’ unnecessary and crassly irresponsible cutting of an extra trillion when revenues were available to their too popular SURPLUS just for the pride in its worked spending side did and still intellectually does justify THE BUSH TAX CUTS.

If it can be as simple that our economy isn’t improving because we don’t have the words for it - I now freely offer we are now of a new science era for economics and so that “JOBIAN ECONOMICS” has an air of hope that we can get to and past the corruptions by the Clintons and these years of naive denials by President Barack Hussein Obama necessarily so unless of course his purpose was this and strategized invisibly to be to so many now so like Job in their struggles and he to be praised for his leadership specifically designed and worked to bring the USA as near a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as he could and as only a new “nearest a Great Depression” could effect.

I don’t know what President Obama can or should take credit for - I do personally have a story to tell of how the Clintons from their very first days did set up much of this mess and not just for misappropriations or misuse of works not theirs or our State’s - I do still in a non-partisan economic expression stand on a simple truth that as bad as THE BUSH TAX CUTS are made out to be the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were worse and factually to politically and naively justifying a reduction in taxes about those days - those days when the inheritance from such by the Clintons was still uncertain yet gutterly felt enough to be expected.

There may be something to working with a CULTURAL REVOLUTION as a best way forward to a new “invisible hand” working economic again of Adam Smith - we have that it might be better to call it JOBIAN ECONOMICS for now what may seem socialism may actually be a restoration of capitalism and a return to grass roots community based economics and banking much so that Obamacare would naturally become ridiculous intellectually speaking and so would foreign policies that pushed expansive socialism over community spirit raising and community organizing.

We have again that it better to think of me as acting as an individual trying to protect my intellectual property and pursue the bad actors common now to later bad acts more generally of the People of at least our nation.  We have that it may seem I am acting and writing in a Partisan while I am more acting knowing whom I should be disappointed in more factually and personally.  We have that it wasn’t Partisan that I advised Republicans and conservatives early to be to what got tagged “the party of no” and from a independent perspective and analysis shared that the fastest way to defeat these Democrats would be to letting them have all the room “no” in a “partisan” would allow so that them defeating themselves would be transparently clear.

If you did read or view Paul Krugman yesterday - I do hope this may help restore your sanity and work as an antidote to his ridiculous “economic” commentary.  Yes, I did suggest after Dems won in 2008 that they would be defeating themselves and that Republicans would be wasting energy if they tried to expedite the failure of the Dems political strategies - for it seemed that the fastest way for Republicans to win would be to let the Democrats defeat themselves all by their lonesome.

Unless we with these modern struggles are to hearing Dems fully explain how we are all now right where they meant to bring us and to such austere times of real struggles for so many all around the world - then we actually are at a time of a clear and certain failure in Dem Liberal “economic” “science”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:00 am

Despite what you think you are hearing today it may not be as autobiographical as otherwise.  In spite of what you are reading there may be another Georgia still in the news.

These are the days to worry about, and wonder yet, to a consideration more gestalt about Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s hotspots.  Is there no essence of the whole in the current global totality?

This is not our first rush about contraception and the defensible of Georgia during the challenges of the Obama Administration.  An early thought V. Putin rising about Assetia - query South Ossetia - was a Sam Power’s hotspot as well as Madam Mrs. Clinton’s embarrassment, of sorts - of globally graphic sorts drawn out.

The way it was earlier drawn out visibly hot about contraception so to it was about oil pipelines but so it was and is with just one of the …stans.  Afghanistan has seemingly been all hot about either Kandahar or Helmand with each graphically as poignant as that which stirred V. Putin professionally earlier.

Our Georgia is like a Massachusetts of The South with a concern for the breadth and beam of a bounty of the Atlantic and all about proper consummation or consumption.  The Georgia of earlier piping stories or rights to a South Ossetia was clearly one cast as it laid as well as one of contraception and Power for though separated it was as if discarded by Mother Russia not dismembered from Father Moscow.

I don’t know how much was a proper governance of and by V. Putin then or how much was a timely Dmitry Medvedev intervention with import due.  Their prudence to shape the issues by offering to reshape their discarded Georgia from what still now lays as if a spent Trojan into more a “seat of the pants” uncovered was moderated as well thence with governance issues about oil piping.

And so Ayn Rand left her Mother Land of the old Soviet Union whence and didn’t care to return to un-American ways.

I have to jump to conclusion offering here that as President Washington did seem to allude to such all as per the shape and vicissitudes of “American” when of his First Inaugural and his light tough poetic suggestive to a day already of use, rinse, and reuse skins or hides for pregnancy mediating of his days. 

But seriously how and why?  Seriously what about all the …stans about Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton’s hotspots?  I get that Helmand is like when Georgia could be fully proud and covered and that Kandahar could be a quiet and cold moment even one of shrinkage concerns - but what about our Ohio too?

Now I have read all of Ayn Rand’s books and found them as formative to my thinking near as Leon Uris’ very informative historical novels.  But it was in the mid 1990’s that twelve uniformed Ukrainian General marched by me in Cambridge - in Cambridge of our Massachusetts while a public speaking event at the Kennedy School at Harvard my draw, not theirs.

How can those far nearer the Caspian Sea and north of Afghanistan such as these …stans:  Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan be so insignificant while so strategically situated?  How can Obama’s State Department not be priming us all daily with a …stan story or another …stan story or yet another …stan story with Afghanistan & Pakistan and Iran all otherwise posited as important?

It seems President Obama The Hopeful never really had a chance.  With the Clintons embrace so (unwisely) he never had a chance to over-write or over-ride their decades of selfish spousal plotting.  He may have been sold as The New JFK but it was President Clinton who got to be (trite) as the hero in the Bay of Pigs sequel set up by Al Gore with his spies that trespassed North Korea.  It was President Bill Clinton that got to be the new JFK and the hero of such (trite) sequel THE BAY OF BABES.

How are we to Democrats with so little imagination?  How aren’t we already to a new super spy secret agent man from Dubai or Saudi Arabia and dramatization parrying whence yet as a 700 tnega man theirs however best cast or alludingly named properly as if a “James Bond”?  (700 tnega - if writing right to left and reversed is more familiar as “agent 007″)

I don’t know what the Clintons and Obama must have against the …stans.  I don’t know how they could have been so publicly biased against them as if in comparison to a “RESET” button for Moscow they dished as if not actually “alive” or “relevant”.  I don’t know how we can be in Afghanistan, another …stan a decade now and with a “RESET” button for Mother Russia without any visible concern for the …stans.

Is it that Madam Secretary Clinton being of the …stans today as if actually “living” - is she an anti-Randian but so?

And if you catch my usage to “un-American” as per current contraception over-reaching or sub-par legal briefs it is as if a serious black electrical switch of a barrier of prevention to being “un” (to “off”) in “un-American” as for being of a usage of a barrier to your full humanity as American. 

If you fear I am waxing to Communist or Socialist perhaps you should look in the mirror. 

I am an American - we are alive.  I have had international influence in numerous fields and with original innovativeness - I will respect that I have an international basis - though hardly known or celebrated with coverage yet about so much.

I don’t know why those of the Obama administration have been publicly and comparatively treating Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan all near as if they were not alive or relevant while so near to so much that is.

I do view contraception as a “barrier” to ones full humanity, that may be all I have to say on the matter.  But!  Well!  If cost of contraception is an issue for Congressional review than there must be a “we” in the “living” and another that could go dutch.  If there isn’t a “we” in legal medical and health defenses than there may just be a hoarder.  It may be that all this gets too close for Ayn Rand and that it would have had her objectively educating as she might want to stirring dramatic moments suggestive that such could be only if ones body was actually their State’s body.

The way I see it Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton has a lot of explaining to do before I dare parry/say more re: hot spots.  So I leave it now for others to decide their own fates and bias and as well how and if to fair usage of readily available “barriers.”

Again, some may be lost in translations but for Americans at least the fastest path to a new robust/growth economy may be to be of a new baby boom.  Where we have learned through this austerity to get by on less there now may seem enough around soon for more children for yourself and even on premise child care at law schools for parent students.

In defense of my late maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier the above mentioned former Mad Man - he was of the side of Madison Avenue business that had to hold the highest of standards for he was near 25 years of running J&J advertising and marketing accounts, not the lighter accounts I think are of Mad Man show I may this new season find myself to catching my very first episode.  But that is not how I would have sold his industry to friends and others of marketing interests.

Rock on!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:55 am

There comes a time when one party rocks on for the kid in the candidate to be as about the incidental vicissitudes.

Sadly the other party has been now long to this JOBLESS RECOVERY as devotees and celebrants of Obama’s Rooseveltian New Deal Austerity. 

His housing and zippiness has long been controversial for Rezko took a big hit for him - for he of another Hyde Park than New Deal Roosevelt.  President Obama may have hidden from taxes about Rezko shrubbery, at least Illinois and Chicago taxation.

Per: http://mydd.com/users/hwc/posts/the-obamarezko-home-a-picture-is-worth-1000-words it seems that the Obamas with their four car garage Chicago crusty lifestyling - their upper crust estatism have seen that their side yard has turned over from Rezko to Rezko attorney.

There are some friends that should feel forewarned from going hunting with Obamas - at least house hunting.  For one of their close friends a whole lot of figural buck shot has been absorbed viscerally at least.  This is no Clintons’ “Whitewater” - it may be worse, far worse, at least for the respective times.

To hunt their pork we have that Clintons’ futures early too were of a days turn it seems of a thousand dollars there converted politically in Chicago merchantilisms into near a hundred thousand.  The Obamas with their Chicago future tied with Rezko did effect near as great a return also on a very limited investment.

Let him be clear - he moved his family into another Hyde Park - another than that where President Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived.  He chose to move on up into a energy monster of a Chicago mansion with a four car garage and a side yard nearly sold off and forever detached from propertied history.  By buying just that 1/5th or 1/6th of their property’s old side yard from the Rezko deep pockets the Obamas protected their side yard with the most minimal taxation upon them figurable.  And yet for such small fraction the “holding” so of Obamas by another’s interests did suddenly devalue from full market price to near half value of listed appraisal.

Though when running on his own re-interpretation of Franklin’s New Deal with an OBAMA NEW DEAL AUSTERIY ECONOMICS it wasn’t so clear that one should consider avoiding house hunting with President Obama.  It figures since President Obama got recently punked by President Clinton, as it seemed, to attempting to present himself as “TEDDY” Roosevelt that something must be amiss with President Obama as a new President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

By buying just that near 1/6th of the former side yard of their Chicago establishment address acquisition so settled upon at a below the general and seeming fair value as evidenced by Rezko simultaneous purchase of less at full value we see that today the Obama’s likely couldn’t get elected to higher office in Chicago or Illinois - at least to “Governor.”  So buy selling just that 1/6th the Rezko “property” did devalue by near 1/2 and to it seems a new classification in housing market of such establishment neighborhood to “sub-standard” holding - it seem just enough was sold off by Rezko to protect the real and apparent value of the Obama mansion and its curb appeal.  By buying just that 1/6th the Obamas were able to have their side yard as if their own and yet be able to avoid all or most of the taxation for such aggrandised grandness.

It does seem that though the Obamas have been able to be better friends to Rezko or his lawyer since their closing back whence they have shown themselves willing to leave a friend strung out or hung out.  Per the linked old article it seems that Rezko lawyer is now that holder of greatly devalued sub-standard empty building lot - aka the Obama’s side yard, legally speaking to taxable appraisals.  And, yet the Obama’s have been free and clear enough to have helped Rezko heal from the wounds of their house hunting excursion.  We have a crisis of valuation here of their pockets/wallets and their morals/friendships - we have that Obamas have been less dependent on Rezko as once whence and fully able to have bought up the remainder (majority) of their Chicago yard and assume full responsibility for their fair share of Chicago and Illinois taxation.

When it seemed that President Obama got punked by President Clinton into that like “I am a new TEDDY” - and so the Theodore Roosevelt of 1910 - it fit that it could come from Clintons’ envy and as well be of unbalanced political thinking as whence original to “TEDDY” for such then was seemly off and too much of compromises, political and moral, of a casualness to prudence with such of a greediness to thinking to over-reaching to third terms.

It is fair to say President Obama got “PUNKED” - for what he said, and how he said it about former President Theodore Roosevelt, then recently back from largest safari ever mounted as a mass killing expedition, in the world as we still know it, and, as well from a tour of new fascist courts and castles about Europe, fit so much as a pro-hunting and pro-gun message that he would better to have been then:  President Obama speaking from the National Rifle Association.

But the Obamas have been slamable about the vicissitudes of Chicago property values and Illinois taxation reach for their enbeddedness with Rezko shrubbery.  They long now have been able to buy out either Rezko or his lawyer and step up to paying their fair share.  I don’t know why they keep letting friends suffer so just so they can avoid their fair share of taxation for the curb value they desire and crave for themselves.  I don’t know the math but I do consider that all these years they could have been paying full taxes for the full market value of their side yard and not otherwise to a 1/6th portion that is still as of an essence of “controlling interest.”

President George Washington spoke to our nationalism as he started off our show with his famous and important loaded words “Among the vicissitudes incident to life” as if a centralized National healthcare inappropriate to a being of “American” and also did speak economically contrary to how we have heard President Barack Hussein Obama.  President Obama came in and suggesting their should be no vicissitudes incident in an American economy - that there should be a boring flat line of planned top down national redistribution an not the “ups and downs” of our Washington amongst our natural state of a regular incidental vicissitudeness.

President Abraham Lincoln when earlier of his Cooper Union Speech stood up as if a Black American and fully of the “Black Republicans” of such speech - he stood up and dared any to argue for “slavery” personally and as if they if to such an attempt they would have to argue why they had a right to enslave any other human being - why or how they had a right to enslave him.

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