
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:40 am
What are President Bidens’ attempted constructs to Chicagoans? Is Chicago now a better example turf for measuring legacy?
President Biden had eight years in Vice level - under America’s first black POTUS.
To now localize 46 after 44 for his early 2021 uttered on U.S. now in a “new civil war” let us make an example of Chicago.
For children of America, and world with a free press, the adults should toe up to argue regards “post racism” in /for such metropolis.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago, and raised by parents allowed her to strike first - to hit boys offensively.
There is Shakespearean level drama if to honestly dissecting and portraying a “real Hillary” from vanilla Chicago.
We can postpone due discourse on the Obamas as some of otherwise chocolate Chicago.
Joseph Biden may not be the most anti-Constitution Democrat to high office since Joseph McCarthy - McCarthyism.
I met Michelle Robinson about a year before she met Barack H. Obama.
Shakespeare would have had block busters having had field days trying to do justice to covering “real Hillary” dramatically with all the shallow and deep darkness blooded.
For Chicagoans and Ukrainians 46 “Biden” needs to try to stand up a coherent “WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?” essence.
President Biden has admittedly and coyly been anti-Constitution.
From 1776 to the ratification of our Peoples’ “Order” (noun) an order ordained a constitution two of the most anti-Constitution figures were also named “Clinton.”
President William J. Clinton pimped a “post Constitution” scheme at its roots anti-Constitution.
President William J. Clinton took by choice the last name “Clinton” after born William Blythe III, and also too “Jefferson” (politically?) by choice it seems for Jefferson Davis.
President William J. Clinton has arguably been more anti-Constitution than founding era British General Henry Clinton, and also then New York Governor George Clinton born in Little Britain, New York.
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves more Shakespearean dark treatment.
46, following on 44 of seemed blackmailed in Harlem, New York, at 42’s office, shortly after elected 44 as these united states of the Americas first black POTUS, - of seemed called to 42’s office and pressured into having his house divided - and to accepting the Clintons both forward as rivals - as forced into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” sadly, is as 46, like as was VP, sadly not governing to a “post racism” that resolves around the civil war intra-party to Democrats. 
46, now, can still be rapped as too as if governing like and old white male Hillary Clinton. I do not know how Shakespeare, the old great bard, could have covered such politics, vibe.
Can there be hope for Chicagoans?
What hope can there be for Chicagoans?
Can there be more hope for Ukrainians?
The embattled constructs of 46’s building blocks are not amassed of structural integrity.
But? Can it be all “Joe’s” fault?
Is President Biden devoid any moral authority before Vilnius?
If to resolve on the local before a global how can 46 fix what either 42 and spouse got wrong, for Chicago, and/or if it more what 44th administration caused by action or inaction?
Hillary Rodham Clinton deserves the most dark Shakespearean treatment.
Her the she of vanilla Chicago chose also the anti-Constitutionists names “Clinton” and “Jefferson” and moved to deep South wherefore later was mentored by a Klansman and did become of the professional behavior of legal distinctions in that 42’s “post Constitution” was anti-Constitution for towards halting more equality in originalism and towards southern remedies for deep South - to oaths violated towards more “structural racism” thus could persist - endure.
Just imagine the vibe in a “real Hillary” official psyche profile - and FBI intents essence.
Her they is of masked and cloaked - sadly of real darkness - sadly deplorable interpretations.
Where are “Joe’s” building blocks?
What are ”Joe’s” building blocks?
How with considering Democrats at least of three decades of shared failing on Chicago, can what is the thus fated of Chicagoans not depress Ukrainians?
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
Democrats misread 9th word of preamble from to pre-walk the body as a Peoples’ “Order” (noun) “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no divine right of monarch.
Democrats otherwise have the legalisms of Clintons’ “post Constitution” more nullified protections from tyranny while practically allowing structural racism to persist.
Joe Biden’s Veep - Vice President Kamala Harris - apparently rose in ranks of California party as the Democrats enforcer of structural racism.
A Shakespearean could contrast on darkness rap with also a feminism gist.
Once upon a time in Harlem…?
A 1776 reset would help.
While President Biden seems devoid any moral authority before Vilnius, and while of the intra-party civil war over more than just rival legacies, the NATO event is left to be ineffective for Ukrainians as has been decades for Chicago of Chicagoans urban of it a major criminal hub - supply chain transportation center rumored for illegal narcotics as of facility to get product everywhere if it yet gotten to their them.
Rappers and Shakespeareans seem need to fathom “real Hillary” of the “Longest War” yet her “war of choice” confused by Afghanistan firstly a narco-terrorism commercial entity when trying to stand up comity on Vladimir Putin - a real Putin. As First Lady Clinton she crusaded on turfs of Islamic states dictating her imperial feminism, and as seemed wanted later to be more a HAWK than Bill played the DOVE of pined for a war on women versus the Taliban.
Bards, honestly, where is the crossroads between imperial of “real Hillary” of war of choice and what now Ukrainians have suffered by the “real Putin”?
Once upon a time in Harlem the anti-Constitution former POTUS 42 made newly elected first black 44th President of Obama-Biden team, visit his, since term limited, up-town office and become near blackmailed into a “TEAM OF RIVALS” and his house (agreed?) set asunder so 42’s spouse could readily serve their own personal ambitions as Secretary of State firstly.
Artists, bards, historians?
Accountants keen to lines between emoluments & collusion - what violates the Emoluments Clause?
Is Hillary R. Clinton a 46’s posing wrecking ball? A quicksand or shifting sands foundation to his - “Joe’s” - “building … better”?
How elementary are the community needs of Chicagoans, and Ukrainians?
What Shakespearean fate did the power couple Clintons yet make for Mrs. Clinton? Isn’t there at least passive aggressive white pride a real actual characteristic racism in the physical of what the Clintons tried to pervert - and less so the yet known of did alter inappropriately - however long? How was Bill foundation per diem justified, however while he could data mine his spouse’s office emails by their home server facility, as to he/they as international power couple could be worth more per day than the first black President salaried as valued per annum?
“Build Back Better”? - Oh God! Please! Build us better than what was of Clintons!?
For NATO, and Ukrainians, in Vilnius, it more for rappers to work out the vibe to true for the historical beats the essence on if said “first black President” Southern “Bill” Clinton was the better POTUS than “44” “O” “Barack”!
A bard of the pining essential to Shakespearean might dramatize darkness too in rap of full Faustian productions needed to unravel the feminism and feminists particulars.
I know “Barack” to have in 2004 plagiarized in his Democrats’ party convention break out speech.
It is known history otherwise that his running mate and later number two was a plagiarist.
The Clintons dark truths block “46” “Joe” from “building” even elementary moral constructs.
Artists, however, if of, or for, intellectual honesty, must field studying the 1990s, for starters, and now keyed to core essence there many more tragedies in the “real” of how Clintons did get the end of the COLD WAR wrong.
I met Bill & Hillary before they were married, - while they were Yale Law School coeds out for a walk in my neighborhood. I know from them what it is they wanted to do - at least try to do.  I know too in 1992 Bill Clinton rise and win came from sounding like my leading offering a call for urban agendas as ways to adjust to becoming the sole superpower of the known world - and as of I turned phrase “THE NEW WORLD ORDER” effectively into a call for fixing urban areas.  The first impression in the early 1970s was telling - they have lived up to it was a bad first impression.
It all becomes deeply dramatic, albeit tragic, that much of Clintons had people laugh at was more of them fiddling (saxing?) while needed fundamentals were set asunder, and by their selfish ambitions deplorable and diabolical.
Vilnius awaits.
46 has eschewed the Constitution, and otherwise legends of 1776 liberty fundamentals.
46 is still yet building with what of it sad that the Clintons did have $1 Trillion in cuts for an un-needed surplus to that they sought short term popularity from having a yuge surplus not funding schools, books, meals, levees, bridges, tunnels, roads…!
42 and spouse cut in lieu of actually caring!
“Real Hillary” of that while she imperially crusaded on turf of Islamic states they then at home also grossly unfunded and underfunded defense and intelligence agencies.
It now behooves us concerned around the known world to cull and discriminate thoroughly what are still inhibiting faults wrought by the Clintons since 1993.
As President Obama’s Secretary of State while firstly posing “it’s all Bush’s fault!” Mrs. Clinton was repeating her husband’s actually quite causal mistakes of their terms.
46 at Vilnius needs resolve the political factuals to the contrary between 42 and 44 that is disabling democratic progress.
46’s moral dilemma is partly he can save (try to) either the Clintons, 42, or the Obamas, 44, and now maybe neither due he nears separating a “Biden” legacy contrary as formed by being Catholic.
America’s founding cornerstones - building blocks - generally endure contrary to “Joe’s” posing.
The textualism originalism of Constitution is a Peoples’ “Order” “to form” a “Union” “more perfect” by no state religion of a divine right of an autocrat.
To Chicagoans and Ukrainians President Joseph Biden, of Catholic, is technically in an office of an oath to protect “a free state” as a human condition of liberty in religious freedom.
To NATO and greater world the “American idea” is of democracy preserved to firstly be with a religious perfection standard and localized prioritized for self-governing in Lord’s laws - as an extra-government jurisdiction of in the eyes of the Lord breadth.
In year before Michelle met Barack I had started passing on all my own ideas to defeat Hillary to her met out with her brother in her 3rd year at Harvard Law School.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Deplorable?
The “Hillary email” scandal is about also just the fundamental facility prima facia of that the Clinton server in practice allowed a term limited POTUS to blindly use “ADMIN” access to data mine where the Secretary of State for 44 kept relevant Obama State Department working records. As Bill had such access he yet assessed his international power broker value at least as of a per diem value greater than he own POTUS per year salaried.
While it is diabolical generally Democrats, yes Senator Clinton and Secretary Clinton, were to smearing the first black Secretaries of State, not just with partisan “it’s all Bush’s fault!” and then was to stealing honor and glory misappropriating their first black successes and to did posture solutions, as workable for her, were originally her’s:
“Joe” he his on they, in Vilnius, may be less his Catholic and more the President’s Party left him no way out but to be an old white male Mrs. C.!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
42 has already undermined 46 by admitting, of my said he got the end of the Cold War wrong, specifics on what he got wrong for Ukrainians. NATO should also stay worried about what he and his first she got wrong about China rising. And, NATO should show Republicans, with control of purse strings, how they also fathom depths of different crises historically of Mrs. C was repeating her spouses mistakes throughout the 1990s.
42, with his spouse S.O.S. for 44, smeared 43 & 41, while factually himself more causal, to then 45 had to be blocked from day one, and now 46 is in a judicial trap of the Democrats intra-party civil war needs to be dramatized factually.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
What Democrats did not do for Chicagoans they can hardly do for Ukrainians. 
It is like all their different Socialism failures are firstly of Democrats v. Democrats inequality, more than “black on black” disorder, of their structural racism trumps, with their teaching for a class system.
Chicagoans and Ukrainians seem need back to basics fundamentals of what amount to small “r” republic baby steps for what to work as of “building blocks” for either.
It is extra-Shakespearean how blooded Mrs. C. is; It is deeply tragic how long blood has been on her hands from more acts than in Macbeth; It is unfinished business a pound of flesh inadequate even just for her/their tortious.
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
“Joe” as well to be too elementary - just of sand box immaturity - if he forward also isn’t dissecting a co-star a near as bad or worse - a real bad actor - another Democrats rotten apple - he posed as a Mr. Science yet another deplorable - the real Al Gore.
Our principled cornerstone a keystone is that by how united pluribus each is an individual an unum of rights from their Creator - more simply each to each is as under Lord before under Government.
By our Pledge of Allegiance to our republic we reaffirm we are for due process, and civil procedures - loyal to established “order” - civil practices.
All of the known world: It not yet Shakespearean how Mrs. C. for her role in “OBAMAGATE” is at least one bad actor earned “real Hillary” tag as WORSE THAN NIXON! and/or WORSE THAN WATERGATE! - but soon?
Follow the monies - follow the structuralism - in positive, and negative!
Vilnius BEWARE!!!
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 4:37 pm

     The morning after the invasion, about one year ago, the President seemed happy to fatten up Russia.
     Vladimir Putin had started something - not seemingly a monster, as conceived.
     The President of Russia sought, it seems, an inflection point with “Little Russians” - Ukrainians.

     Years before as Russian patriarch otherwise moved in on Crimea I was stirred to use a search engine to query upon Ukrainian demographics.  As a poet I long ago wrote more to be one for to reason why - not to do or die before our times.  Such poetic was before William J. Clinton sworn in and proceeded to get the end of the Cold War figuring wrong.
     I printed out and read the report I believe I discovered as a public on the web CIA report on Ukraine demographics as tri-partial - of an eastern 1/3rd noted as Moscow Christian Orthodox, a middle 1/3rd irreligious, & western 1/3rd Greek Orthodox.
     What was President Vladimir Putin thinking?  Didn’t he spiritually commence with a backing from Orthodox leaders of the Moscow Holiness?  Didn’t he offer suppositions as pretext to that what he was starting, with or versus of at times tag’d “Little Russia” realms, was also a fight against the West Leftists as globally organized with movements for authoritarian powers much akin a new fascism?
     At the time otherwise to consumers of American media content Ukraine so teased with by President Barack H. Obama, in such terms, had seemed less about “DEMOCRACY” and more raw, even corrupt, for opportunism within Democrats upper ranks.  Initially it seemed Ukrainians were where Dems went to embed with known corrupt oligarchs at least to have some plausible deniability but while like unwritten episodes of “THE SOPRANOS” prima facia facility for organizing for windfalls.
     Weren’t President Obama and Vice President Obama, at least with Secretary of State John Kerry, teasing Ukraine towards being intimate in its corruption - even as news seemed of an American Vice President paid off prosecutors in such country for selfish defensive purposes?
     Intelligent discourse upon such times will dissect critical factors, and particularly with curiosity compartmentalized as facts support hypotheses raised around the politics of it likely President Obama got NATO and the European Union engagements wrong - particularly as regards Syria and Ukraine.
     To President Putin whom were the pawns maybe teased, and/or whom were the pimps?
     As long as one does not use the outdated definition of “fascism” still in many dictionaries to that it is defined more as if “movements of the right for authoritarian power” it should be near child’s play to articulate that “Climate Change” politics was of movements in international collusion to more than just bias elections in The United States of America.
     The Left martialed, inartfully, and force marched solutions tyranny much firstly as organized to be even maybe a “Trojan Horse” for a new “fascism” of only the Left allowed a mantle of authority on solving “Global Warming” postured big crises.
     In 2014 with the rebirth of Crimea to once again principally with Moscow there were issues of standing for a Russian patriarchy upon it seemed Ukraine was becoming not truly “woke” but too compromised - too corrupt.  But did the eastern 1/3rd of Ukraine historically of the Moscow Christian Orthodoxy prefer to go “home” to the “Mother Land” with “father” Vladimir Putin?
     President Barack H. Obama seemed, in his “personality presidency” live, to be more of the dreams of his mother while characteristically in governance too near to tag “narcissistic Stalinist”!
     America in Obama/Biden terms was less suffering than some foreign nations of that SOCIALIST nations seemed to be failing where incidentally too many had crossed a line to too irreligious.  As terms of Obama/Biden endured falling in SOCIALISM were only offered an arrogant SOCIALISM as if it had failed in past because it wasn’t Barack H. Obama who was its leader.
     I cannot name nor fix however much misinformation and disinformation became populated deeply globally around so much initiated as if President Obama was infallible - and a rock star POTUS.
     I cannot begin to estimate how much Russia, and Ukraine until a year ago, was firstly of only propaganda believed and to the existential reality was general ignorance of worldly reality.
     President Joseph R. Biden one year ago was the wrong leader needed as times needed a “Reagan”?
     President Joseph R. Biden today is categorically dramatically now ordered as if were Ronald Reagan?
     President Joseph R. Biden as a brother and a patriarch is still too compromised to be for republic?
     President Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to step foot on foreign soil as he did in Panama.
     The “Green Agenda” of “Solutions Tyranny” was built on movements for authoritarian power with “Global Warming” alarmism and as with foreign collusion that amount to a rise of new “fascism”!
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.  But what was this patriarch intending to seed?  Was it a small crusade to save the souls, where possible in “Little Russia” realms, with he some a Moscow Orthodox “Templar” riding into to circle the tanks around historically Holy in Moscow spirituality?
     One year later there now so much unanswered and vague it prudent to ask if oligarchs yet not driving the horrible news as yet per protecting Russian vodka spirits commerce and comity.
     As at least Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton wasted Afghanistan moments offering news fodder utterly of Dip Notes porn graphically using Helmand and Kandahar shapes as suggestive pressing images while problems with nation as of narco-terrorism more than Islamic terrorism.  I suggest there sad standing to attest Secretary Clinton had “The Longest War” yet as a war of choice and while no more justified than to have looked south from our borders at other narco-terrorism competition.
     Re:  CORRUPTION with Ukrainian oligarch supposedly engulfing Hunter Biden - John Kerry’s kin up to a point some lesser?
     Where is a Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II today?
     The scripted for the Ukraine visit for President Joseph R. Biden seems to have hoped to rewrite him from whom apparently a year ago into a new President Ronald W. Reagan.
     One year later it seems President Vladimir Putin needs to abort.
     But?  If President Obama failed SOCIALISTS by only offered them more failed SOCIALISM to that problems remained too many had crossed a line to “too irreligious” how must Ukraine forward “for democracy” address the scope of problems firstly of the European Union and NATO had been of agency towards being more authoritarian, and in reality less of “democracy”?
     One year later is not now just the morning after!  President Biden can be right, or President Obama can be right - both Biden & Obama cannot be right.  And back to 1993 it relates that President William J. Clinton quite got the end of the Cold War wrong.
     As the world may need a new President Ronald W. Reagan, for starters, are rival Presidents proofed to be posers?  Was nothing actually seeded befitting a Holy to Moscow Orthodoxy a year ago? - in 2014?
     “Ours’ is to reason why, not to do and die, least before our time.” - (Poet JP Hogan, “The Charge of New Federalism” circa 1991-92 - shared in 1992 politics - not published.)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:27 pm

    In this year two thousand twenty and three we have reached the 75th anniversary of “THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS”.
    What, today, is the state of religious freedom, here, and abroad?
    How is it compatible with originalism upon our constitution?
    The other day I was a visitor seated in the House of Representative Gallery as a resolution was discussed and passed towards restricting Representative Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and as well for the passage of resolution H.R. Res. 9 offering the full House an opportunity to condemn the past horrors of socialism/socialists.
    The days before I attended the “International Religious Freedom Summit”- #IRFSummit2023.
    Representative Ilhan Omar history may too be in conflict on human dignity core of “The International Declaration of Human Rights”.
    To reach a consensus on the complexity of these discussions we are wise to consider what history relates and if there amidst such isn’t a biased incorrect partisan spin that also compromises committee assignments.
    Representative Omar is not firstly a woman of color, nor a Muslim.  This Minneapolis politician is principally a Democrat.  As a Democrat party operative her history can objectively be reconsidered upon where there are contradictions in her known biases, and even where such essentially admits into discussion/evidence past cover-ups for leaders of her party.
    Protecting human dignity, and also religious freedom of each individual, how issues relate, is a global goal.  These times have nationalisms and imperialisms rising as at least existential threats to what was written and agreed upon of the United Nations General Assembly 75 years ago.
    Let us not forget how clever the founding fathers were, especially James Madison, in the establishment of the Peoples’ “Order” ordained a constitution for uniting states.  Human dignity is in originalism much by that there is no right in this ordered liberty established “Order” for any to violate the 10 COMMANDMENTS.  Though Thomas Jefferson opined the nation was not constituted as a Christian nation he yet did not write it – it of it was subscribed “done” in the “Year of our Lord”.
    James Madison protected human dignity cleverly as well, shall we consider, to it of the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights generally, is redundant to the body of the Peoples’ “Order” established ordained a constitution.  To any understanding “THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” the originalism of the constituted is that each is firstly of their rights from their Creator.
    The religious freedom constituted is not of the Nation is ordered as Christian, but yet is of the nation is a republic that secures each their rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws, and as vitally secured to be firstly particularly for neighbor amongst neighbor common neighborly considerations/jurisdictions.
    The constitution respects that each is under God before under government, and secures protections from tyranny for the people for which it orders liberty.  The real separation of church and states is not a “wall of separation” as Thomas Jefferson emphasized but the vertical separation written in by James Madison to the Government is also under God – not to be theocratic – not to play God – not even to say there is no God.
    In 1941 we can argue the interpretation of “wall of separation” was tweaked to legally attempt to legalize SOCIALISM – towards there could be a secular equal standing for Franklin D. Roosevelt to stand up a “NEW DEAL” phat with social programs.  Human dignity is firstly protected by originalism to such would be contrary to the constituted “Order” by to an otherwise stood up to as if citizens are more firstly just subjects and more to be presumed guilty – needing a NANNY STATE – and not innocent under God existentially.
    With originalism read of a vertical separation the redundant in the Bill of Rights rightly reads of a snarky grammar.  Any of an understanding that the American Revolution was fought for individual rights in the vein of each of rights from their Creator – of “a free state” as a human condition of LIBERTY in religious freedom – each by how united PLURIBUS is an individual an UNUM of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 COMMANDMENT against them, and of too such is of First and Second Amendments distinctively of rights versus their own government.

    The government is of and by the People in the spirit of that the American Revolution was just and legal, and existentially each is constituted as a child of the Lord presumed to be innocent, and also able to be redeemed, even daily.
    Religious freedom is protected by ordered liberty to there regular order for due process and civil procedures for if and when Lord’s Laws broken/break down yet secular by rights to trials put to judgement by one’s peers.
    It can be complicated to understand how each is allowed and even expected to consider DEMOCRACY to be firstly that of existential liberty in individual spiritual responsibilities to be in communities, self-selected, and self-governing in Lord’s Laws.  Our constituted Peoples’ “Order” is brief and can be due it, as written, is public morals dependent.
     None is divisible from “under God”!  In the days of the era of the founding such an idea would have amounted to blasphemy; citizens are constituted as indivisible from their Creator.
     Whereas “HUMAN DIGNITY” and “HUMAN RIGHTS” are to be understood with “RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” there the puzzling of scope and breadth of “child of God” due with each can be redeemed and forgiven daily there a vast PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE for encounters with others, even travelers strangers; each essentially has no right to prejudge another as not a child of the Lord Creator – God.
     Though not every human being may be an individual consciously of the Kingdom of the Lord there is to be no prejudicing upon each from of a right to be considered still reachable.
     The “UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS” does articulate for equal justice to there to be a presumption of innocent if and when a person becomes charged of a crime.
     Representative Ilhan Omar has a party problem!
     If antisemitic remarks are affected such effectively contradicts George Washington letter to the Jews of Newport guidance spelling out a high moral standard for the much established existentially Christian to that each of the United States should consider it yet un-Christian if of bigotry.  Originalism allows each individual to self-govern in Judeo-Christian establishments/scriptures/Lord’s Laws.
     The 118th Congress rising story is for more than an existential revival called up!
     The constituted Peoples’ “Order” (noun) is of the Union is formed “more perfect” by structurally the people are sovereign and there is no divine right of monarchs; the PREAMBLE sets out “in/Order/to form” not as a future tense “in order to” then of “form” tweaked to modify “more perfect” out of present tense of a “done” humbly “subscribed” in the “Year of our Lord”.
     The CONSTITUTION is not as Democrats for over a hundred years have worked interpretive perversions to common sense in originalism; the Peoples’ “Order” is not of “in order to” in a future tense to an executive has a loophole to dictate in a tyranny with any idea they personally think is “more perfect” for the Union.
     At just 75 years old the declaration at the General Assembly of the UNITED NATIONS is still wanting compared to the articulated structures of the ordered liberty in originalism – in the CONSTITUTION still standing of the USA.
     The party problems of House Democrats is now that parity for polity to comity can much only come about by discussing the mistakes made by Democrat Party elected leaders at least since 1992.
     Before the barring from Foreign Affairs duty is an issue of race or sex it is partisan needing litigating – OBJECTIVISM ON HISTORICAL DETAILS – as Representative Ilhan Omar too should responsibly demonstrate a working understanding, before speaking to HOUSE purse strings requests, of which problems in past decades were actually fundamentally and particularly caused by Democrats.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton got the end of the Cold War wrong…?
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton compromised near every executive decision with a nepotism priority to check and bias towards each of his decisions had to keep his promise to his spouse that he would help her get her own named presidency – if and after she helped him get own.
     WHEREAS:  Bill Clinton 90s was of era of AMERICAN ABANDONMENT in Iraq and Afghanistan, while Mrs. Clinton, as First Lady, had feminism crusading in Middle East that yet incited and precipitated what became the attacks of September 11, 2001.  And while times of issues of Muslims were simmering and so stoked by a moral bankruptcy of the politics of the Clintons the history is while issues grew past simmering the Clintons yet vastly unfunded DEFENSE and INTELLIGENCE agencies, and worked for a “wall of separation” (bureaucratic) between FBI INVESTIGATIONS and ENFORCEMENT divisions.
     WHEREAS:  John Kerry & John Murtha undermined the war plans of IRAQ WAR from near day one of boots on the ground in country in Iraq towards the Iraqi were given a palpable fear that AMERICANS would just CUT & RUN and leave them again, like in the 90s, at the mercy of tyrant Saddam Hussein.  President Bush plan may still have been inadequate and how the war was sold, but without the Iraq War Americans would generally have been trapped, in the minds of Muslims youths at least, as on the wrong side of the ARAB SPRING era.  Revolutions by Irani would, seems, not be against their own government as likely still Americans to have been seen to much as a common ENEMY, to Iran Leaders and citizens, though USA is a nation constituted for religious freedom for all.
     WHEREAS:  Hillary Clinton was also party to smearing the work of the first blacks to be a Secretary of State but indivisible more deplorable for such of selfish fraud by lies evidenced in nature of partisan ploys of what Democrats smeared once of the first black Secretaries was then otherwise effected as if original by Secretary Clinton and to posturing of it affected by her to be pure genius, like, though much stolen plays like how much Hillary Clinton copied Richard M. Nixon foreign policy.
     There are some closet SOCIALIST it seems in the 118th Congress while generally a new McCarthyism is not needed due near 100 DEMOCRATS have voted apparently to be admittedly SOCIALISTS.
     Where nations now imperial and of new nationalism with expansionist efforts we have violations of the INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
     As we ponder Taiwan mustn’t we conclude near to that if CCP - CHINA - were to lay siege to such nation the world should firstly discern and tag the Chinese as expansionist of imperialism that represents more than an existential threat to religious liberty the world wide?
     The constituted of these united states of the Americas stays originally true to that each is of rights from their Lord Creator, and is firstly under God before under any government, and structurally so of an ordered liberty respecting Judeo-Christian scriptures/establishments of religion, but in “subscribed” “done” in the “Year of our Lord” for a republic of each of individual rights to be in DEMOCRACY of locally self-governing in RELIGIOSNESS.
     Americans are more protected as each a “child of God” then regularly discussed.
     The party problem of FOREIGN AFFAIRS for Representative Ilhan Omar is far more populated within her caucus as now evidence by those voted to be admitted SOCIALISTS, – and thus therefore anti-Constitution.
     This all cannot be whitewashed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. coyly claiming CAPITALISM CAN BENEFIT FROM COMPETITION to suggest SOCIALISM, while contrary to originalism, is postured as yet okay by being at least his “competition” to CAPITALISM.
     There are distinctions to be kept between “religious” and “religion” as per freedom!
     A “religious freedom” is usually firstly that of interacting and synthesizing with a community – amongst neighbors.  A traveler yet to being a stranger in a strange land more firstly is of “religion” “freedom” of to be welcomed in a presumption of innocence with a peaceable modal prioritized.
     Consider beyond how if Taiwan is seized China can be broad brushed as a global threat to religious freedom, and as the numbers are there near as many of Islam in the world as Chinese under the CCP, and too near as many Catholics in world also to feel more than existentially threatened.
     Irani demonstrators have current events, in an objectivism, raising conundrums of it seems China should be seen as a greater threat to Iran than Americans of religious liberty originalism, - of seems due Saddam Hussein did get prosecuted Americans can be seen as brethren for human dignity for all – to a much young population in such nation.
     Originalism is bolstered by Alexander Hamilton as “PUBLIUS” in #1 of “THE FEDERALIST PAPERS” by the constitution is said to be for “inducements of philanthropy” and “preservation… of property” to that SOCIALISM of today is much set as illegal/unconstitutional in the Peoples’ “Order” that secures each individual a status of rights to self-govern in the Lord’s Laws.
     The “BILL OF RIGHTS” is in a snarky grammar that really, as understood of snark, does greatly limit the powers to be allowed the federal government.  As Congress to make now law to change/respectacle of in the eyes of the Lord jurisdiction near every issue in scripture is yet preserved to be for governance as democracy yet in the local and state powers closer to interactive communities.
     The CONSTITUTION is conceived and subscribed done as a Peoples’ “Order” that respects the people declared a revolution was just and legal, and as for “a free state” as a high moral standard to each of a human condition of LIBERTY in RELIGIUOS FREEDOM – are of rights from their Creator.
     There is no right in such for any to be prejudiced – prejudging any as not of the Kingdom of the Lord – while the moral standard to it un-Christian if bigoted – while the “LORD” is recognized as that same “LORD” at least of JEWS, CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS.
     Perhaps the party in the minority, the caucus of Representative Omar, is willing now to fully table for open discussions all the issues around how the CCP have cut up the 10 COMMANDMENTS for quotes of “Xi”?  And too the collateral reframing to now Chinese are a global minority measured against persons of faiths – all current and future religiously free persons?
      Jews, Christians, Islamic all, at least, respect these 10 of Lord’s Laws.
     Under United States constituted ordered liberty each yet is allowed to be even born again daily – of a tolerance and even forgiveness to change their status often.
     Antisemitism sets asunder this basic liberty – religious freedom at its core!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:14 am

This summer of 2018 of EAST meets WEST fanaticism is cored to Christian values faced off to YING and YANG.

As pacified the old “ON THE BEACH” alarmist literature reduces currently yet to islands postured “CHINESE.”  Though war now is less likely and peace mashable warring may still be necessary navally.

Titular heads of states new parity abides Washington’s usage of “among the vicissitudes incident to life” concurrently.  Though cored in primary “Order” our documented constituting freedoms as from our CREATOR beget comity with EAST as the balance of GOOD & EVIL isn’t always LIFE & DEATH for where there is RIGHT a balancing WRONG can be ten people J-walked and two others “Litter Bugs.”

Americans have polity with the pledged of allegiance to the flag as for the republic for equal justice of innocent until proven guilty.

What is of the soul of a NORTH meets SOUTH - an above the belt and an of below the belt diplomatically pares to universal of the pledged by ways to copacetic so illustratable by discourse to that SHARIAH - Sharia Law - must be unconstitutional in these united states of the Americas due the pledged allegiance is to due process and civil procedures anchored of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Likewise the laws of originalism as compassionate originalism are by plain meaning particularly simply read to that founders’ work was NOT in blasphemy and so NONE is of a separation - a separation right from supposed to care for all of CREATOR’S creatures and created stuff.

Likewise the established compassion synchronizes to a healthcare as a right is settled by founding as ordained and ratified as done by consideration of healthcare seems an oldest of the establishments of religions.

Therefore likewise the Federal government is to make no laws respecting - to change from spectacle of faiths gestalt and Lord’s Laws as caring for souls and vicissitudes remains the purview of like that of what belongs to our Lord - of “in the eyes of our Lord” the jurisdiction proper.

An equitable resolved to parry the NORTH to the SOUTH of Seoul tables for diplomacy, however, around Washington’s inaugural wisdom of evoked hearts and minds with his opening of our nation as akin on the beach normity by commenced whence as with his “among the vicissitudes incident to life.”

A mashable “ONE KOREA” likewise is less complicated of LIGHT & DARK as again a balancing to JOY and HOPE can be pedestrian and global yet as of too many J-walked and littered.

Let us not over complicate world peace by devalue CHINA of claiming islands can be a real precursor to real war though may be more peaceable by facility to more CHINESE less homogeneous and on the beach COSMOPOLITAN.

President Donald Trump business experience as an operator of destinations suits him well of this “on the beach” and “world peace” analogous.  Other operators too may fathom a reason chain of a new CHINA - too can be of awakening through at home diversification by creating and building out/up new safe spaces for metrosexual communities up from nothing to international - as to like it may be easier than like remaking historical CHINA through forced busing.

The scope and joy and potential for hope is universally better secured with originalism plain meaning kept to our separation of church and state I vertically moral and internationally acceptable by that the FIRST AMENDMENT reinforces the body of the peoples’ “Order” as a fixed done “more perfect Union” by that the federal government is set as also under universal morality - also under religiousness as firstly tools and disciplines of self-governance - also so therefore UNDER our Lord as subscribed and ratified.

The presumption of innocence works to this current on the beach to natural reflexology is fastest and truer by peoples firstly in self governance at least by international morals for vicissitudes - lows and peaked.

The break through for NORTH and SOUTH to “ONE KOREA” souls anew may be much due Trump as a president with experience in keeping a peace but too may be of in the breadth of broader scope too as of discovering originalism and tat by the pledge of allegiance Muslims render SHARIAH as inappropriate in these states of bounty by that sworn is to due process and civil procedures of government is established NOT to replace our LORD but to buffer communities for when Lord’s Laws some to much set asunder.

Likewise it is an important figure to mash and measurably fathom that compassion is in our founding by the healthcare as a right didn’t need recent winds and torrents of disruption for as an oldest of the establishments of religion it is fixed as set by real federalism to that healthcare as of religiousness is prudent of morals and laws for keeping a peace among souls is NOT a federal power but of the common sense for self-governance of as an oldest establishment of religions it is too also best primarily secured to left to good economics as by resolved set of principally about neighbors caring for neighbors in own ‘hood - neighborhoods.

However now politically postured for peace of on the beach with tides of JOY our work of HOPE our cores of areas remain as for inaugural of vicissitudes of preparedness for what is of (in PUBLIC & CYBER) of above the belt and below the belt.

Our nation was founded in prophylactic humor generally by retired General George Washington as “repaired from retired” to now a first President of the former colonies to yet a more stately concern over vicissitudes (UPS & DOWNS) and pertinent “impregnable fortitude” as like a Martha & His personal directive/joke for comity with comedic reference to real concerns of a budding nation to prescribed preset by orated “FIRST INAUGURAL” as coyly suggestive to prudence in ‘WASHING’ AND ‘REUSING’ skins/condoms of their times, - an also of the “repaired from retired” leadership of change in status to FIRST PRESIDENT from retired and to from His and Martha’s concern of begetting too many children in retirement.


Of what I spin with these lines a hook remains compassionate if stay within originalism of the constituted peoples’ “Order” that formed our confederate republic.

As a POET PUNDIT on the beach this summer of two thousand ten and Eight I will travel in time whence I fish and row about for decades ago I found the other side of Washington’s Potomac as a fisherman recreationally new to the capital city area as a new resident of Washington DC near Eastern Market at 133 7th Street SE & Independence Ave.

Though my father and son story is of my fishing from my grandfather’s passion I did overcome childish regret when family vacation introduced us to Mount Vernon.

Yes it is TRUMPISH of his business experiences as an operator of destinations yet historically my story overlays and even with of Washington metaphor in comedy carries of “Mount Vernon” equates of ”vicissitudes” to parry for comity from polity to parity of lightened from “mounting” of “green” souls vigilance.

R.I.P. Charles Krauthammer!  Our orbits have shared space time relativity even of though as a child I couldn’t get family on vacation to “explore” across the Potomac River from FIRST PRESIDENT’S home.  Yes decades ago now I did in my early 30s take up day trips from DC for catfishing in Maryland just there abouts specifically across from Mount Vernon in Virginia.

However you, my readers, to “I RAN” and “I ROCK” yourselves this summer, where ever, PLEASE do keep your pledge!

We have a prudence with Einstein too of relativity with E=MCsquared as Albert spirited a common sense too of vicissitudes incident as really as a fist may travel and impact is it the mass of the fist at constant of speeds or is it just the energy of the fist to be vigilant as regards?  It is simply relative that a body of a fist at impact is of it equal whether it is the energy or the mass at speed.

      *       *       *       ALL SOULS SUMMER?       *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

Onward together we have, quite, that it is time to cut the cheese - intelligently, at last.

As all the crap that is hitting the fans is sticking to President William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton as the least of the intelligent of the world should now be seeing and recognizing we have Emmanuel Macron French resistance to pare, too.

We cannot now much long endure or tolerate how much Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton is being postured in a vacuum - in and of a world only possible with alternative facts somehow trumping history & realities.

This man we judge as President Donald J. Trump is at least unfairly prosecuted as long as comparative literal historicals are not also related and by a political ruler measured to against the beginning days of that we’ve been of of a darkness as it is that it did much begin in President Clinton’s early days and as it was by President Barack H. Obama in his early days to have been set worse and more diabolically bad.

To relate to where the real world is now concurrent to the “RUSSIANS CHARADE” we must not ignore or fail to deeply consider that the President of France is by choice a Catholic and to now politically maybe less Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette than Saint Frances of Assisi, - or more Prussian and of a day a new era where British, Americans, Russians and likes of such as of Catholicism are forced to be allied of real alliance.

Before we get to how bad it is coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton let us embark on an overdue refresher on the dynamic of Senator Barack H. Obama becometh President.  If I recall correctly it was Hu Jintao, Leader of China, predecessor to Xi Jinping, who much concerned like Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest, nearly in unison, as reformers from past COMMUNISM & SOCIALISM to being new days’ CAPITALISTS. President Barack H. Obama did against such Leaders’ pleads move his administration away from their economics to more CAPITALISTIC & FUTURISTIC and to how we bore it out of having brought, with Secretary William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton, these united states of the Americas nearer & nearest ever to actually COMMUNISTIC.

With such re-established and to be broadcast forward as much as necessary we must also accept that while Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, did protest he even harkened to a sticking to such old proved wrong pathology could result in the U.S.A. falling apart into 6 separate more regional smaller loose collaborations of states.  Historicals doom President Barack H. Obama if we the People can finally get enough good souls to hear and listen to more than the chattering propaganda of Democrats misdirection by alternative facts.

We will get eventually to how bad this is all coming to look for William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton for Posterity sans Tranquilty.

For now responsible discourse is begging; - for now we, if we can manage a suffice, must also see the Democrats RIDICULOUS as spun so that we can appreciate sufficiently that at the times Democrats were posturing for a selling of a NEW GREAT DEPRESSION they misdirected attention spans so couldn’t bridge to TRUTH that they, not BUSH, were responsible and that most of their solutions of their sad SOLUTIONS TYRANNY were not necessary if Senator John McCain had won and been then to what now REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT Donald J. Trump, President, is reseting considerably.

Let me be clear:  By 2009 a recovery - a real recovery - was possible as by how Republicans were then set to be united with McCain/Palin and even without sacrificing the actual climate.

It is essential to be to understanding - seeing your way clear to appreciating - Senator John McCain is at least as good a man as President Donald J. Trump, and, we are of historicals to relate to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that a real recovery was very possible while inconvenient to Democrats for the first critical political step was to have then otherwise achieved a clarity of scope by telling the real history of that the Democrats caused the at least new great RECESSION by SUPPRESSION means for a convenient CRISIS around that CLIMATE CHANGE POLITICS needed at least $4 gasoline inflated to for to effect the BEHAVIORAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING in their then over 10 years old plan.

We needn’t here trouble ourselves with fully detailing how Senator John McCain coulda been as much a contender if not also of so many suppressed by so many alternative facts seeded sufficiently with a dumbed down upon masses of Democrats.

On William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton and spouse is also much of the shame and real history burdens President Barack H. Obama shall more and more find himself self-to-chains snared.  Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton due her repeated losing is a sub-character to these men to suffer Posterity with diminishing Tranquility.

Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is one to watch to see if intelligence of a suffice to see past the troubling and responsible of messes of the Democratic Party of these united states of the Americas at subterfuge to the CONSTITUTION at the objected to collusions that effected Americans to as now still too near that of becometh nearer and nearest ever to COMMUNISM.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did in his first months is fitting to his nickname as it was SLICK like rumored of bad used cars salesmen how he played the Gulf Countries Council Leaders by getting commitments from them to, as recalled, “JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS” for all bad history COLD WAR regional problems prior to his ascension to Leader.

What William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton did as per the G.C.C. was dastardly and SLICK and of INTENT to scope out of amorality the tool to playing Leaders by on “on their honor” while he then made matters worse by more AMERICAN ABANDONMENT and the inaction and avoidance that festered and festered due he amorally chose on Saddam Hussein, as I recall, of doing near nothing due he didn’t want to - - - NOT by a worked through responsible moral Leadership as by the MORALS of SHOULD or SHOULDN’T.

We’ve all inherited the mess William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton stirred while festering and as SLICK too for calculated, as I recall, by trapping G.C.C. Leaders on their honor so that for his eight years their politics, despite his DEPLORABLE leadership, was of them kept on their HONOR and word promised to “TO JUST BLAME REPUBLICANS”!

Sadly the words on such matter that Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., as Nobel Peace Prize recipient at speechifying as orated of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” (paraphrased from memory) have like long been disavowed by the first black President of the united states of the Americas he swore the oath of office and pledged allegiance priorly.

William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton seeded with SLICK amoral first steps and kept martialed that Leaders across the Persian Gulf region as otherwise HONORABLE Leaders would then be during the CLINTONS’ YEARS be stuck to always needing to find alternative facts by which to govern and relate globally, especially with Americans of the U.S.A..

This is a building mess Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” “Hillary” Clinton is married to and indivisible from eventually.

It remains now a conundrum of how new Prussian Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is for region by choice Catholic as evolved also from Socialism to his more recent successes as an Independent.

We must now hope and pray globally with as many initiatives - even novenas - that Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, is enough of the philosopher he studied and trained to amount to.

It behoove us all to be ready at the quips - even squibs - to render understanding forward of how Chinese & Russian Leaders did try to warn Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., from his chosen path of forward blind to the lessons already present and clearly some understood of failings and failures of SOCIALISM.

It doth behoove us to consider Catholics forward even as if seems selling Emmanuel Macron as more a new Prussian than Napoleon Bonaparte or Marie Antoinette.

The European Union was conceived and progressed with at a time, philosophically stirring economics, when such a formative effort would undermine the readiness otherwise of a global economic growth period to to evolve as then was seeded and spouting til squashed and marshaled under Power hungry too SOCIALISTIC parties & individuals of selfish motives.

The conversions of Emmanuel Macron may be a thing of the past as to chose Catholicism and by a late baptism, & of to moving from SOCIALISM to his current state in INDEPENDENCE; - We all have the scope of the problems of the European Union and NATO slipping under Barack H. Obama, Leader of U.S.A., still threatening of that (as detailed throughout here in “#SOCIALISM SQUIBS” #HOGAN #CATS (categories)) of that by 2009 the cast was set of our concurrence not witness of Iraq, Ukraine, Syria of three more failed SOCIALIST states.

Donald J. Trump, Leader of the Free World?  Emmanuel Macron, Philosopher Convert, tasked to bring France from precipice of repeating Barack H. Obama, failed President, unfathomable mistakes of moving towards COMMUNISM while the dynamic of world bodies and economics was of cascading failures in secular SOCIALIST dogmatic methodologies?

And, now as we are waiting for Macron - Emmanuel Macron, Leader of France, let us see our way clear to accepting that a Federal Bureau of Investigations, as witnessed of Director James Comey, if unable to see crooked INTENT in means of Mr. & Mrs. William J. “Slick Willy” Clinton ends we are to amend concern for French as delays to be expected of efforts to progress as long as an FBI is effectually blind and at least then unable to see/discern Vladimir Putin, Leader of Russia, INTENT.  These may actually be days best for an alliance akin Waterloo winning.

           *       *       REMEMBER THE PRUSSIANS       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:46 am

We must move the mountain.

By the end you too will likely concur that Oprah Winfrey should mount an “O APOLOGY TOUR”.

As a new Smithsonian Museum venue is opening as a museum of the African American stories there is much to admonish the current President for and to that he may be frightful as due memorialized.

As a debate near for the process of picking a successor to President Barack H. Obama we necessarily are behooved to be prudent with eyes and ears wide open to the deeper truths however now especially dark and of failures.

First Lady Michelle R. Obama is a black she whom can be said to have removed many of the first Jenga pieces of the Mrs. Clinton constructs for vertical power;  The first black FLOTUS with her movement with Chance the Rapper did unsettle the constructs of the Clintons for vertical and hierarchical power for Mrs. Clinton by with ‘em #4College marshalling they have undermined a standing for Mrs. Clinton by empowering blacks to be “FOR COLLEGE” and so to critical thinking;  Michelle R. Obama and Chance the Rapper have set asunder Mrs. Clinton by being “FOR COLLEGE” insists that any so aspiring need learn to study to seeing the CONS and PROS - the BAD and the GOOD - the WRONG and the RIGHT - a EVIL vs GOOD.

Any aspiring to be “FOR COLLEGE” has been asked to engage in the processes for critical thinking;  Any with such movement need be prudent and to a core strength as developed by being critical and understanding of the flaws of Mrs. Clinton;  Any with such movement must also marshal a self discipline to not just accept the favorable spin spun to repackage the flawed Clinton nor to be weak and compliant by just dog whistle partisan lurings.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama likewise has undermined the first black President’s legacy and generally primarily asked even a Smithsonian curation to exhibit querious contradictory aspects to ask visitors to at least question coincidentals.

As First Lady Michelle R. Obama a black woman has already started such work I suggest now should be of the work of Oprah Winfrey and HARPO forward as of accepting a moral charge to teach and lecture on posit “OBAMA FAILED BLACKS!”.

As First Lady Michelle R.Obama one black woman has already struck the first drum beat and toe’d in a first step;  The current FLOTUS should be accentuated at least in the opening exhibits of the new Smithsonian museum for having asked for an intelligent and critical review of the first black President, and at least as while asking if it can have been just all Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton’s fault.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is another complicated woman figure now engaged in the current problematic jeopardy of Clinton constructs for hierarchical and vertical power.  At Harvard University such woman was an expert, it seems, in that the very Clintons she now professes proffered support for were yet ‘em a quite guilty of history of that a true endures that the Clintons did much cause the CRASH.  At politics such woman now is becoming undermined by her own expertise with each moment she endorses Mrs. Clinton to succeed the first black President.

As a first debate nears to educate in the process of picking a successor to Barack H. Obama his blackness is becoming tragically more and more an issue and to that a first question for any museum of history curation need be near to “DID THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT FAIL BLACKS BECAUSE HE WAS NOT BLACK ENOUGH?”.

None of this bodes well for Mrs. Clinton nor President William J. Clinton and his/their legacy.

As a first debate nears to educate from obfuscated and suppressed - hopefully - we are left the open wounds of September 11 the II - 911 II - September 11, 2012 tragedies of the State Department consulate of Libya in Benghazi.  To think critically enough just to maybe matriculate to into a college each soul must challenge its comfort levels and be to realizing a question that still must be answered of the “The Buck Stops Here” adage or deeper history remains as to how the House Select Committee form to investigate the found cover-up around 911 II is tasked of a duty to assuage if the first black President is more responsible and therefore more guilty than his first Secretary of State.

What bodes not well for Mrs. Clinton is that it seems ridiculous that the first black President, by any morals expectation, shall yet be figured as being more culpable guilty and at least so negligent as seems the inescapable history bit for Secretary Clinton.

The very history of the Clintons as of official days as bigots begs the conscience and sets up for “FOR COLLEGE” a seeming self evident diabolical to endure forward now for all days;  The Clintons’ official policies from 1993 to 2001 were contrary to the First Amendment as they were bigoted as regards peoples and sects of the Middle East - or at least of the Arabian peninsula;  The very “global initiatives” valuation of William J. Clinton to worth more per performance than the first black President is set as worth per year seems of a rotten core of bigotry by that it seems “Bill Clinton” needed to be monetized as worth so much more than the first black President.

Perchance their can now be HOPE forward in a actually constituted and classically workable fashion?

History shall record that President Barack H. Obama was a failure and a fail President with it open to debate now already as to how much the “rivals” Clintons can be historically tagged as guilty for wilful and premeditated intra-partisan shenanigans as that of ‘em to having set up a failing for the first black President.

It behoove us all to not be dissuaded from evaluating the mountain of lies of the for hierarchy machinations of the Clintons and their political machinery.  Let us not be so stupid as to not at least analyze the obvious times the Clintons by rivaling President B.H. Obama as moments in history of them quite to setting asunder the Obama First Family from being able to have a legacy equal to or greater than the “THE CLINTON LEGACY”!

As key aspect of the “THE CLINTON” is a core common in the family as ‘em professionally of methodologies to be hedgers;  To key to the core beat of the “THE CLINTON” controversies one should critically dissect the fence riding of ‘em all as of machinations for Power by cold calculating for selfish safe zones by hedges and hedges and generally primarily hedging on all matters private or public;  The “THE CLINTON” is ready for museums where ever now - however old and new - new and new - and to that the Clinton Foundation of course if of the mountain of controversies as being of as much personal gain to them as like a property management company is to TRUMP.

Do the math - - - Follow the history!!!  The Clinton foundation cannot be firstly generally presumed to be a “charity” due the enduring legacy of the Clintons as them who from 1993 to 2001 did cut cut cut $2 Trillion from budgeted and in lieu then of funding for blacks, poverty, books, schools, roads, levees, tunnels, bridges, or even more public libraries.  It is ridiculous to accept the Clintons as now of “charity” with such a cold cutting and slashing through what was so much then budgeted as passed to be then to helping all it could have helped.

Do the “FOR COLLEGE” - #4College - #DoTheMath_FollowTheHistory as a new “follow the money” to how Clintons have been worse than worst of “NIXONIAN”!

Do as First Lady Michelle R. Obama has beaten and toe’d first beats for and do ask the tough questions on that President Barack H. Obama, as the first black President, is yet one whom compared to Mrs. Clinton just couldn’t save even blacks from so much set asunder by floating the “THE CLINTON” as a GOOD while rotten to their core of BAD/EVIL.

The “mountain” of controversies of the Clintons is now so visible and obviously here/there that all must try to be critical in thinking and to seeing the Clintons’ controversies as the mountain in the way of progress and even now HOPE!

It is stupid for any now to believe that postured spun or whistled of for by the Clintons’ machinations & machinery politics!!!

It ranks up there now with some horrendous past moments in history that Oprah Winfrey ever endorsed Mrs. Clinton!

The “personal gain” of that the Clintons’ foundation is a huge YUGE scandal is again of that they are afforded so much emoluments and pecuniary beni’s from such it is in plain sight that they violate the very prudent constitutional protections of Article 1 - especially Section 9 Paragraph 8.  The Clintons by their “charity” can afford an imperial authoritarian shadow government as a body together of experts able to be together in purposes of protecting the Power and brand of the “THE CLINTONS” globally, and as quite more a global partisan Tammany Hall like patronage scheme.

It should rile generations to come that blacks may learn more now from how prodded by the first black First Lady to be to thinking critically and to asking at least ourselves to be studious until can see the GOOD vs EVIL - RIGHT vs WRONG - PROS vs CONS.

It should rile our current populaces with the opening of a new AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM if such is opened without presentations to ask for a greater consciousness around the legacy seeming etched eternal for the first black President at least to have been being of a failed President for not having checked the rivals in his own house.

It should rile and endure to rile future generations that now there is a conundrum to spell out of that it may in the long term prove better and more easily rectified through remedial civics education if lessons are commenced around facing facts of the the first black President did much fail - and to how it endures that Barack H. Obama legacy is of that he at least failed blacks by being not black enough - by being too white.

How now should most concur on a problem of President Obama as if too a “KING AMABO” and to that HARPO as backwards OPRAH now is like called to an “O APOLOGY TOUR” of “AMABO” a backwards OBAMA yet emphasized and exclamated for history as somehow too many were like herself and to missing the perilous “mountain” when whence of a not critical enough posturing with an “endorsement” of Mrs. Clinton?  And too for white Michael Bloomberg so caught?  And the newest of Smithsonian?

President Obama is clearly stuck!  It behoove us all to ask, for legacy, how, while it some seems self evident, we have born witness to that President Clinton (white pride) did much punk Barack H. Obama all the years he was the first black President! Bill Clinton clearly punk’d Barack Obama!

                 *       *       *       BELIEVE?       *       *       *


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:05 pm

Sweat it!  There is no where to hide! - there is no where to run to!  Sweating it is what we all must now honestly facilitate!

We have reached a crossroads in the American story! - We are at the crossroads still of options to turn from “GOING TO HELL”!

These are no times to sit back and avoid the Musk as maybe to an unchallenged facilitation by ComSats for a “Big Brother” new paradigm akin to Hillary Clinton of long doing as her good book says (Alinski’s) - long doing the leg work of: GET CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE & KILL THEIR GOD! 

I.E.:  Not that “SPACE X” isn’t copacetic to also under our “Lord” - But that the loose lingua enables too much “mush brains” devoid of disciplines to still be able to discern moral nuance/nuances between sectarian Christian dictums - at least!

E.G.:  As that Donald Trump proposals are for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” as a Protestant a Presbyterian Catholics too must be readying their moral game for us if to “Liberation Economics” and to stirring ghosts around of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as ghosts’ stories of succeeding President Lyndon Baines Johnson may have specifically gotten such anti-religious freedom amendment passed as a check on “Kennedy Catholics” - against “American Catholics” - against “Catholic” heat!

And, in conclusion…! - - - Oh Right! - As if it can now be that easy to come up with “GOOD” or “RIGHT” answers!

Donald Trump on immigration, for starters, has so abraded the Hillary Clinton control lines we have that em have been flushed out as new “Manchurian” puppeteers now also need be on stage to re-tie Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s knot.

Forthwith let us pare the “MUGGLE” for a shame of “Democrat men” with such to showcase the “White Bill Clinton” as in opposition to any superior legacy for the “Black Barack Obama”!  Let us play the cards their shame has on the table as it seems Donald Trump immigration plan has exposed two Democrat men as necessarily firstly “MUGGLES” complicating Mrs. Clinton’s “performances” by being historically two whom can be said to have never had a real “IMMIGRATION PLAN”!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward now needs be all the necessary pairing to separate the “White man Bill Clinton” from the “Black man Barack Obama” for any parity essential to comity!

Of that the “Crooked Hillary” is a true and fitting rap upon Mrs. Clinton there forward is a critically important pressing need to face the failures of BLACK Barack Obama! - to assuage the politics of her “captain” must go down with her ship, - like!

President Barack Obama’s face does not fit on President Bill Clinton’s!  That is what all this now is firstly primarily generally much about!  Forward this is much ado about how Mrs. Clinton was torn between her “White Bill” & “Black Obama” her “Boss” and dramatically to show how her performance was of the low “Hillary Standard” but too much of her new “Manchurian” puppet strings of being over worked and to abrading all the way through!

Vice President Joseph “Joe” Biden is a walking conundrum of a complicated “politics” between the “WorkingJoe” and the “CatholicJoe”!  VP Biden today as with Union organized in Ohio was firstly the political partisan lesser “WorkingJoe”!  It isn’t convenient for VP Biden to have to speak on the auto industry as the unraveling truth is becoming most worn and visibly to that the “Auto Bailout” wouldn’t have been needed if Left Democrats with Al Gore “ALARMISM” hadn’t had the $4 gas long since the 1990s as though essentially necessary to effect the Green Agenda Authoritarian social engineering.

Donald J. Trump is no George W. Bush! - The Clinton Machine is not able to stage “Hillary Clinton” as against the “Old Republicans” - The Democrats forward must pare too the battle extant already but still a developing greater scandal now toed in here as between the “White Bill Clinton” versus the “Black Barack Obama”!  And, as it is becoming certainly known of that President Barack H. Obama wouldn’t have needed the “Auto Bailout” if Republicans had yet gotten the lower gas prices by 2008 that they were fighting for!

As to that President Obama’s face cannot fit on President Clinton’s there is we are much gathered now to discern what ranks between these two Democrat “MUGGLES” and necessarily along “BLACK & WHITE” lines!  This is much because Mrs. Clinton candidacy begs to demands we all now take a fresh look at 1993 to 2001 years!

What must at least separate these two very different politicians goes beyond that one is supposedly GREAT for having cut $2 Trillion dollars - and much arguable actually from “necessary spending” already budgeted even for 4 to 8 years forward - while the other the “BLACK” must be faced as contrary to “WHITE” greatness specifically because the contrariness of Democrats is that the “Black Barack H. Obama” is supposedly now also GREAT but yet for having vastly increased spending by TRILLIONS!

Firstly primarily we should generally accept that since Mrs. Clinton was President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State she must rank as a/the top expert in all the particulars of how the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2001 did err and grossly set asunder so much by imprudence to infidelity - infidelity at least to the Constitution and expressly the First Amendment!

Donald Trump is running on much that cores to President Barack H. Obama was a failure - is a failed President!

Hillary Clinton isn’t yet being forced to run responsibly on facts indisputable of now established history of that President William J. Clinton really erred a lot and vastly set asunder so much of the foreign, and the domestic realms!

“WorkingJoe” will still persist to have the “ClassicJoe” problem with “CatholicJoe” as long as the said “Crooked Media” is compliant to the new “Manchurian” of co-producing only the “show” times of “The Hillary Show” and not the prop-isms and malfunctions regularly seeming not news!  The real story must fit the history that the “Auto Bailout” was only needed due “Clintonomics” for “hyper-consummerism” - the Clinton “Housing Bubble” - the Clinton too much cut by $2 Trillion cut too quickly and carelessly, and the later - for 2008 politics - contrary to global conditions spiking of oil & gas prices!

The guilt, it seems, must rest now forward more on “White Bill Clinton” and now the face of “White Hillary Clinton”!  It just seems unfair to let any Clinton Machine machinations succeed (further) to tagging the mashable as if “IT WAS THE BLACK MAN THAT DID IT!” - “IT IS ALL BLACK OBAMA’S FAULT!”!

Though this gets to very complicated past history we can suffice for now with some commuting pro-actively for Barack H. Obama as it the simple economics once enough “Do the math! - - Follow the history!” the greater culpability should rest more lightly on the face of President Obama than on the shoulders of either Clinton due what we now must face to “faced”!

President Barack H. Obama was still too young in his britches to be nearly enough culpable for us to allow the Clinton machinations to stereotype President Barack H. Obama - also!  It now is more true to say:


“RED FACED” is the problem now for the Clintons generally!  How “red faced” to “RED FACED” is of the evidence being still developed at least by vigilant for freedom - data miners vigilantes!

As we sweat now the perils of at such crossroads and it evident the “HILLARY CLINTON” is so abraded and not wearing well we must press ourselves to become disciplined to seeking and finding deeper greater truths!

As we sweat a “PERILOUS” in an if ever there were a “President Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton” we abide that the current issuance begs us to ponder deep and thorough a vast divide between Republicans and Democrats dating at least to the days of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as relevant to of the end of the Cold War and to how lines of separation can be detailed that of an ever since there has been Democrat Party unity to like try to defeat the defeat of expansionist Socialism by that worked strategically by President Ronald “Ronnie” Reagan with Capitalism the winning tool/way!

It seems though, to be brief, however wrong Mrs. Clinton is about “BLACK FACED” we must accept we are on a path a road to seeing that we must face to “faced” that President Barack H. Obama legacy amounts to he too should be “RED FACED”!

Keeping sweating it!!!  The legacy of Barack H. Obama has been already must set asunder by Clinton machinations to protect a legacy for William J. Clinton!  We may shortly be all more united by an understanding of just how much all three of these have been wrong for being more for foreign’s than citizen’s and as for years of some attempting to defeat the defeat of Socialism (by Capitalism) (and Constitutional regularity in originalism)!

Keep sweating it !!!  After all as long as Donald J. Trump stands up for undoing the “Johnson Amendment” he is some to “Liberation Politics” - and like to “Liberation Economics” of that he himself must be wondering if he too can take CATHOLIC heat - renditions of judgement of American pulpits!

Straight up it seems this crossroads, to be brief, is as said as too of a “Road to Hell” & of “Crooked Hillary” ’street’ “white pride”! Yet? Faced yet “Crooked Obama”? Yet? Faced, to be brief, a “Crooked Bill Clinton” tops?

               *       *       *       OH MY GOD!      *       *       *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:48 am

There can be no intelligent species to matriculate as long as institutions of higher learning do so keep people on the “The Clinton Stupid Train”!

What is desperately needed now is an objectivism - an objectivist - a new generation of objectivists - objectivity!

I.E.:  Hillary Clinton has a Bill Clinton problem - it is not her only problem - it may be her biggest problem - like shouldn’t we do the math and follow the history - should we at least talk about them? - shouldn’t we go “textbook” on em finally and pare em down to statistics - cold hard numbers - at least to a body count of how many can be said became lost souls due Bill’s negligence, as versus due Hillary’s crusades, lies, and also specifically due negligence or incompetence?

“The Clinton Stupid Train” must not leave the station yet now another year!  Boys and girls must do their math for objective standards are their magic wand.  Boys and girls must do their math and as history is now the quick sand of 2016 politics that should be twained by longitude and latitude location and marked posted for perilous if attitudes sans logic and enumeration from Clintons floating false HOPE while each has a record to be developed that, for feminism angle, now demands accounting to how specifically more dead are on Bill’s hands or if more dead are on Mrs. Clinton’s hands.

It has been political madness that has mushed the brains of new generations attempting intelligent matriculation these long years a faux “CLINTON” has been floated while the dark truth rest in at least Bill Clinton deserves “SLICK” tag and every bit of wit in satire sorted via http://bit.ly/SLICKWILLY - http://CitizenRosebud.com #SLICKWILLY #Cat - which now of this as 1st work - the lead satire in “SLICK WILLY” series.

The battle line of feminism in 2016 are definining but hardly drawn as too drawn out is a faux “CLINTON” that yet much is keeping “STUPID” training of young minds kept mush by political railroading away from looking for discernible truth - accountable and vast differentiation by objective enumeration.

It has been political madness! - Ours’ as if of legacy educations by said esteemed bastions of mental activity of a said highest order has been set asunder and corrupted by like old smokey back room deals to teach a convenient story however a false narrative whose math - objective enumeration - if ever endeavored committedly to check would suffice to bare as fictional.

Poor Hillary Clinton with Anthony Weiner story much akin to Bill Clinton sees potential in box of office cigars like Antony Weiner sees Twitter.

Perhaps now any need go to a Catholic University to still be asked to seek and find truth! That though is not what this new satire squib is digging at - digging to hopefully in time; - surely there is at least one building at Harvard University still somehow also dedicated.

We must pare the visuals from drama and staged with costuming down to the core Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton figures - we must dedicate ourselves newly to measuring and remeasuring to see that we get Mrs. Clinton’s numbers down & correctly.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must break the bubble from the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and like find for erudity what seems for “learning” as like “the missing years” of like for “learning” 1993 to 2001 are still like missing years!  BILL CLINTON WAS NOT AND IS NOT PERFECT!  There! I said it!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of “HAVE YOU FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993 TO 2001 YET?”!!!

No proper measure of Mrs. Clinton can yet fit the real Mrs. Clinton if we remain sans a discerning of their particular devilishness from 1992 to 2001 and beyond!!!  To get to the “LUCIFER CLINTON” for the Mrs. we must look more now to proffering of ‘THEY WERE RIGHT -WE WERE WRONG’ and to “WE’RE RIGHT -THEY’RE WRONG” put out everywhere for public shaming for essentially setting up a faux smartness devoid of morals of truths - truth actually.

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask if we are to learn of the late night pillow talks of President Clinton & First Lady Clinton as to how irreconcilable our history remains due their legacy now is so much floating by lies of long worked false narratives.  Likewise it behoove all to understand that Al Qaeda and the September 11, 2001 attacks didn’t come “outta nowhere” as like as been the institutional taught!  Likewise it behoove all to fathom Al Qaeda of 2001 did much come from and out of the Clintons’ years of ‘AMERICAN ABANDONMENT’ & as President Barack Obama orated eruditely as from of “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE”. (See:  Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech!)

So again:  Surely there must still be one building at HARVARD UNIVERSITY still engaged in seeking and finding truth! Right?

Simply we must get people off the “THE CLINTON STUPID TRAIN” and to masses - lots - whole schools of people still “intelligent” - the very person next to each right now - brought to acceptance at least of an extant to “THE MADNESS OF KING BILL”! - and as real feminism is begging around the candidacy of MRS. CLINTON to know now if it can be true that the CLINTON FOUNDATION was yet established so that BILL CLINTON had the facilitation to be a “puppet master” and to that his spouse was yet never more than “organized” and “operated” as a “CLINTON PUPPET”!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must now, however so very very lately, ask, and yet also answer, to discern the accurate body count for BILL CLINTON and for MRS. CLINTON and to back to January of 1993 - and - - - WARNING - - - and to so encompass all that died on September 11, 2001 and later due injuries on September 11, 2001 and too all that perished later due on September 10, 2001 all President George W. Bush had was still much that which he had inherited from the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION, - and quite to that maybe as never before a new President was saddled for a tough ride a rough ride due the previous President had worked from having numerous options and opportunities to settle more peace to having left the next President maybe fewer than a single option for timely resolutions!!!

As we commence to if intelligent and matriculated yet ponderances forward this times beg us to ask and answer to that reason can triumph as to a suffice of truth even if it means the faux “THE PERFECT CLINTON” falls and enough now “learn” it was ridiculous to ever teach or believe you learned “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” for when you get to the devilish - the Devil in the details - the REAL HILLARY CLINTON - you must accept the evidentiary to that both Clintons now like have a reservation with HELL and to the lowest rings of the INFERNO - to as DANTE stars of the worst magnitude and lowest rank; - you must accept that forward the truth lieth nearer “IT WAS AT LEAST HALF THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” and - - - WARNING - - - such encompasses and specifically means also a fault of and for the Al Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001!!!

We must - - - TRIGGER WARNING - - - We must ask how bad and guilty the real William Jefferson Clinton is! - we must “find” it to be so! - we all should be in chorus for intelligent measure of:



                 *       *       *       BEWARE !!!      *       *       *

[Considerable yet still a diagnosis in progress - do check regularly for further development of accountability for pathology - the work of persuading that masses are due to be to gettin’ past the smoke and to the math - an objectivity - doth endure - a ‘rap due within hours - stay tuned in.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

“Only the penitent shall pass!”* (*Archaic! - Old school! - Forgotten of enlightenment! - Above writer’s pay grade!)

To divine the “bigot” in core Hillary R. Clinton it behoove us to commence to dissect the methodisms to pare down to fulfilling a quest after the WHO WHAT WHY WHERE WHEN AND HOW as to repose a suffice upon understanding how the Clinton Machine is for machinations over sagacity.

To be understood to her core Hillary R. Clinton must be pair as indivisible from William J. Clinton and the political machine operations (of their bigotry) that yet carry on of a surprising ’still standing’ while rotten for structural for machinations to trump sagacious.

There should be no doubt in any learned person’s heart that the common core of the Clintons is festered rotten of bigotry!

What begs the understanding work to be done is much of the HOW as to what machine operations operate as designed for!

To be fair, if such can be fairly parlayed, we might posture that their planks are to not be WHITE SUPREMACISTS while yet as cored to be machinations of their WHITE PRIDE.

I.E.:  What is bigotry of the Clintons is complicated but some exposed generally by any getting to asking and answering some basic first questions; - The bigotry in today’s discussions is of their Southern roots and pride, especially of the William Fulbright ilk, as to beyond maybe the South could yet win the Civil War or change the United States to home autocratic over lording, and as to beyond whether blacks could be thought free by if ever could be thought civilized, to a simple evolution paradigm of that as blacks evolve to equal freedom whites like them yet should still have evolved and naturally then to still better ‘naturally’ to be leaders of such “blacks”.

With hope I press through and opine of it seems unlikely, at least, the obstacles of “Election 2016″ are inadequate to stop em!

A first alert first reflex for shared humanity is still supposed to be hair raising upon finding machinations used to trump sagacity!

The comment of Donald J. Trump upon President Barack H. Obama as if self compromised and guilty such to akin postured as from the lips of the President “ISIS - I AM YOUR FATHER” has more than tenticals - that “Obama founded ISIS” has roots in political history - the history our history!

You must decide for yourself how and why “bigot” rap fits the tru Clintons, and too how the precedent for Donald J. Trump’s remarks are in President Barack H. Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, and also “TERROR AND CONSENT” book written by President William J. Clinton’s National Security Council member Philip Bobbitt.

Firstly Philip Bobbitt essentially biographied his boss as having been a founder/fertilizer of Al Qaeda!

Secondly Nobel Prize recipient Barack H. Obama essentially tag’d President William J. Clinton as mashable as causal to there the Al Qaeda of then!

Firstly primarily William J. Clinton was biographied by Philip Bobbitt of his NSC with paragraph filling out as like specifically meant to convey a “WHEN CLINTON WHITE HOUSE AND HOLLYWOOD WORKED TOO CLOSELY TOGETHER IT BEGOT TERRORISM”!

Secondly generally Barack H. Obama rapped hard and heavy only on President Clinton as like a founder of Al Qaeda by ABANDONMENT his, as if ours indivisibly too, as if almost none the fault of President George W. Bush, as he orated eruditely his dictum against old Clinton ABANDONMENT (of Iraq and Afghanistan?) as expressly espoused postured to tag with “DANGERS FROM INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” like his “hook” - his key’d note - his keynoted!

It now is like only by partisan and “Crooked Media” machinations that there isn’t generally a liberation to back to sagacious and to a general attitude akin surprise with acceptance of harmony and truth of it divinable that President George W. Bush must only have been at best half as guilty as worked over as if, - that President William J. Clinton must truly be dirty and for being actually of it at least half the Clintons fault, and for being dirty for of cold machinations to effect a bearing of false witness by false narratives.

Thirdly it behoove us not to commence without also accepting there must be much core’d bad in the First Lady Hillary R. Clinton effected history as of crusades of turf trespasses with clear intent (naive intent?) as imperialistic as also beyond of tenticals to being of roots too that tru’ up her “bigot” raps as like a founder not just of ISIS but indivisibly also as like the mother of Al Qaeda by all her seeded antipathies for anti-American sentiment in Middle East from her crusading on feminism of dictum to incite radicals on their home turf to a pride calling for a response!

But basically our first steps need be to look at the “Double Standard” core’d of William J. Clinton as the set up for machinations to trump prudence and sagacity as the mission of the Clinton Foundation as firstly primarily generally structured coldly as a key part of the “THE CLINTON MACHINE”!

The bigotry of the Clintons might just fall out upon the conscience public as soon as enough free people expressly pursue the querious undertaking to fathom WHY and HOW the Clinton “method” depends on keeping sagacious of sagacity prudence from trumping partisan and political “Cha Ching” machinations!

As you attempt to be a first successful across such a long established and even archaic moral obstacle and to divine how the Clinton mix, consume and sell their “Kool Aid” please use a buddy system to not over reach your own humanity naively.

As you attempt to be a first successful across to beyond the walls of machinations to prevent a mass divining of truer truths still extant of the sagacious realm be prepared that the “bigot” of the Clintons’ rap is of their dark side.

As you attempt to be a first successful through this likely to be still a long slog watch their footing and for their tells and trip lines; - watch out for what perils may be in your way to where still only the penitent are supposed yet to be capable of passing to to a knowing greater and cleaner.* (*If not long gone and too archaic - even too old school!)

                *       *       *       BEWARE !!!       *       *        *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:06 pm

A petite black man as small of stature as Kevin Hart can still be a truly scary bastard!

Today we have the politics of uniform standards to try to exercise our liberal democracy originalism as regarding!

The first position maybe should be:  “BOTTOM’S UP WITH TRUMP”?

Secondly, maybe as still foreboding, primarily:  “UP WITH RODHAM”?

This, now as President Obama, on NATO, with Poland, in Warsaw, primarily is of the President of the USA of making the same foreign policy errs which also beget domestic terror.  The NATO with President Obama is not an organization that seems to have and understanding of how President Reagan and Pope John Paul II were effective bridge builders to a greater world peace.

To preface this to expose and detail how the years 1993 to 2001 are of years when President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton did much to make structural racism a new normal, and as of them earlier than President Obama, of also leading away from the peace built by President Reagan and the Polish Pope, let me suggest that if the Federal Bureau of Investigation was of having developed on the evidence - even the self evident of public records - a profile - a criminal profile - of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton it likely now might be public of containing terms like:




Let us digress now to what will most definitely not seem a joke also to the Polish people!

The problem, primarily, is easy to argue as being TOP DOWN and of that President Obama has failed the blacks and for having much for having willfully gone further along with developing the Clintons effected structural racism politics.

A problem is that President Obama has actually endorsed Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and since besides he is as easily arguable for failing blacks his backing is yet of a Democrat Party leader who blew off #MLK50, #Selma50, and, #Ferguson!

President Obama, while now in Warsaw, Poland, as with NATO, is yet exponentially broadening and escalating problems by continuing to be as anti-Constitution as the administration of William Jefferson Clinton.  President Obama is continuing what can be simply tagged as of structural racism, as by how such Liberals set to define “success”, by continuing the setting asunder of Constituted rights - and now as by furthering the very setting asunder worked long by the Clintons.

President Reagan and the Polish Pope John Paul II were to doves of a feather compared to how Democrats doth crow a lot and now defensively to try to bury the ledes as to that it has been fairly reportable since before Ferguson, Missouri, Michael Brown police involved shooting that the first black President is enough already for history books as one to be tagged for having failed blacks.

What we have here is a Constitutional problem now of a TOP DOWN dynamic and as it is like the antithesis of the walk and the talk of bridge builders for greater world peace President Reagan and Polish Pope John Paul II!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The American success story only works as by how these united states of the Americas are actually constituted by the People’s Order - and how celebrating it as originally intended was a secret to the success of President Ronald Reagan, and all parties of such grand advancement of unions potential.

The fall of President Obama was written long ago!  The falling of President Obama has been less do to being a bastard conceived a Soviet Studies love child to a dark & light, - an ebony & ivory, - a pepper & salt paired intimate coeds whence for firstly, primarily, he is of falling (while black) due his poor judgement in too closely associating with the Clintons and their old works for structural racism, as a hidden but true core, and to his acceptance of their very white definition of success.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways!  The story of the mistake of President Barack Hussein Obama are now necessary to be reported and fully aired yet for how it will always be historic that he has failed blacks so vastly, - truly!

Should President Obama resign?  Isn’t his interpretation of the Constitution an inhibitor to law & order?  Isn’t it that discussion now that ‪#‎CrookedHillary‬ is so exposed as ‪#‎4Real‬ we can say President Obama should resign, and yet as while of a bad, to just cause, in historically yet gets a US adjusted to facts he, though he should resign due his effected constitutional interpretation, of he yet can be said already amidst these scandals as having been a better President than the real ‪#‎BillClinton‬?

“ASSUME THE POSITION” is not just be a criminal perspective but one to query how a Constitutional is dangerous and improper where “Order” in preamble is not a noun and to that “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” is not and cannot be for mob rule and AUTHORITARIAN rule by executive order as yet of nullifying the body constituted as by effecting USC of “in order to…”.  This attempts to put the blame at the top and on President Obama and President Clinton due “positions” below them cannot communicate freedom in Liberty and Justice for All where their postures have been effected (purposely) wrongfully (in political self serving narcissism?) to that law and order is not in the ranks because it is not facilitated as constituted from the top down for better bottoms up with more self governance.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” now asks to if ‪#‎HillaryEmail‬ & ‪#‎FBI‬ newly charged does need us to consider that President Obama is already too compromised as part of such of cover-ups so that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama should be perp walked after officially being marshaled to compliant of “ASSUME THE POSITION.”

Do understand President Obama has failed blacks, much, - and, this I even wrote of in days just before ‪#‎Ferguson‬ and then necessarily again in days just after ‪#‎Missouri‬ incident with Michael Brown.  The satire of “COVERT CYPHER” of 33 economics treatments at CitizenRosebud.net! And, also via bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT.

Do understand the Democrats said as if the “Constitution” is more anti-Constitution than within the lines as either “Federalist” or “JeffersonRepublican” and so that they want communities to see Executive as a GREAT Federal leader even as the constitution they posture unsettles freedoms and expects everyone (more subjects than citizens) to be more subject to their whimsy and moods and to them as expected to just tie rants however they feel like creating a solution.

We have less law and order under the Obama & Clintons “interpretation” and dangerously now as em like being fit’d for arresting accessories as like already so exposed that an ‪#‎IMPEACHMENT‬ on the table as soon as the FBI meets Congress’ new filing duty to attesting ‪#‎MrsClinton‬ also lied under oath.  ‪#‎MrsC‬ is caught and so then must it be considered that Bill Clinton is enough implicated, at least as the improper owner/operator/admin, and so that President Obama is caught for having at least been an accessory too much.

The Democrats’ idea of “Federalism” is more “anti-Constitution” and therefore actually not legal, and quite arguably as of #‎TREASON‬‪#‎PoliceShootings‬ are to the core of a TOP DOWN problem and in that Freedom as “of religion” of “all are created equal” is set asunder by Democrats, and as to have a way to imperial and authoritarian Power for crony graft not of “our Lord” of “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE” as that nation is to be under our Lord not forced to make do as but under machinations for Powers and reigning in lies that demote TRUTH and HONESTY.

‪#‎Its_O_not_o‬ >> ‪#‎USC‬ is not a living document as “Order” in preamble is a noun, and of that founding fathers were of an apostolic spectacle to the constitution is a Peoples’ Order “Paulist” to that it is that Freedom is “of” “religion” as religion/faith how people be above being ‪#‎barbarians‬ and as to that ‪#‎Paul‬ established a long time ago that every individual is under our Lord before ever under a government; - - - We must self govern in a voluntary morality - a voluntary extra-nation organized morality - for any government to have enough moral authority, in representation, for law and order to be possible.

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works both ways, but not now politically!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to Democrats methods as of a core for structural racism with its deepest roots now in the years 1993 to 2001 as by the effected by the hands of the Clintons, and their core associates!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” works off a simple definition to be developed of pertinent evidence of what is how em define “SUCCESS” and as such is so very very and old WHITE definition of IVORY TOWER elites!

Sadly President Obama has been such a bad Leader and one you will have to argue as maybe worse (structurally) than President Clinton such that now due how he, for the history books, has fundamentally, and too the deepest common core, failed blacks, - and yet just most failed blacks while pretty much upending any not bought into the IVORY TOWER so WHITE definition of SUCCESS!

In any criminal profile at least of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton there should be a record of what is believed to be how Mrs. Clinton defines “success”!  And so her record and profile should account for it seems that any can be suppressed and oppressed who didn’t try to get to at least Yale Law School, and to how then for life each is a lifer to be of a forced “community” not “FREE” “UNDER OUR LORD” for the gentile fragile egos of the elite akin such as IVORY TOWER essentially demands that where you manage to advance to, once you buy into you must try to at least get to Yale Law School, is then where you must be “oppressed” to only being so by class structures!

There are not enough Democrats “BLIND MICE” to now lead enough managed “popular movement” events to now bury the historical of the first black President failed blacks (more than any other - by race)!

There is enough now to tag a rap on President Barack Hussein Obama for having played to lily WHITE defined IVORY TOWER success as like a TOKEN BLACK then that could be puppetted and marched for a compliance drum beating to reinforce “SUCCESS” by “LIBERALS” must be only from playing in their (SECULAR (BOOKISH)) structurally bounded and forward by the example of a FIRST BLACK, however mulatto, however half white, however raised by whites, as a TOKEN example to be enforced as the example to that any must try to at least try to get into Yale Law School, and then be to accepting for life they will then be suppressed structurally in secular methods for LIBERAL machinations for CLASS dividing.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” must depend on the archive in the sorted vast #Cats (categories) here marginalized as readily available as a resource with use limitations.

For now the position is that President Obama aggravates law enforcement and #BlackLivesMatter by every meddling now to more defensively CYA his six due he has failed mostly blacks.

For now “ASSUME THE POSITION” defends recent officer involved shootings as even petite Kevin Hart can be a scary bastard of deadly force too apparently flexed. 

Resisting arrest after reports of like “his gun was threatening” must be of innocence to first be presumed for the officer(s)! 

In Minnesota it seems a sadder case but (for now) defensible as it seems when the officer asked the driver for “license and registration” any movement by a passenger was suspect, and especially while the driver was asked to produce the documents. 

The Castile case seems to have a suffice to just cause for a presumption of justification (maybe) for this officer, and from a presumption of racism, as he reasonably expected the passenger to not move and especially for them to not say he “has a gun” and for their to be movement of his hand to behind his back while he wasn’t being asked for “broken taillight” incident “documents”!

“ASSUME THE POSITION” speaks to how officers are of rank and file now in a corrupted way to President Obama as a too “federalist” BOSS yet of a contrary interpretation of the CONSTITUTION which set asunder regular order and law and order by creating room by claims of a “living document” to essentially be of a POLITICS for tyrannical Power and mob rule, in essence!

President Barack Hussein Obama is now really really doing more harm than good!  President Obama “constitutional” is FLAWED!

PLEASE RESIGN! Please resign President Barack Obama - you whom I known since the late 1970s!  Like said of Clintons: You “beget terrorism”!

                               *     *     *     *     *     *     *

[This essay is a work in progress!  Please do not consider it as finished, final, or even mostly concluded, - yet!]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:09 pm

There comes a time in a young man’s life when it is prudent to stand tall to try to save his planet. For myself that time may still be the here and now - a continuum of squibs in our space-time - and forward. For our planet let us all read thoroughly through the attitudes and political atmosphere as regards to what lurks as GOOD and EVIL relative to GLOBAL WARMING.

For now in continuum of our space-time let us commit to being thoroughly dedicated.  For now let us open our minds wider and begin to query to what lurks as of the GOOD and EVIL of GLOBAL WARMING.

These times are all relatively basically associated - to already cross pollinated - to full born - to blossoming - to too in the winds and some critically DANGEROUS.

We are all in this mess together!

We yet are of GOOD vs EVIL in CLIMATE CHANGE paradigm.

These times are beggard for a better politics; though said “the world as we know it is going to end” we all, brothers and sisters humanoids - so engaged in living - do seem to have more time than DOOM alarmists tolled.

Religions are the original global citizen construct - social contract - rising from barbarian natural law to civilization in common tracks of law.

The smart people of postured as GLOBAL WARMING EXPERTS may not be the most intelligent people on CLIMATE CHANGE politics.

Em heralded as if our new greatest minds may now be them, to a lot, whom have been most WRONG - MISINFORMED.

Ya’ll we by religions are supposed to be wired and coded to of open minds as global citizens.

The birds and the bees are but parochial to the worldly - say catholic - cat and mouse politics around standing now, as brothers and sisters, with individual commitment to try to save our planet.

We shouldn’t let ourselves get boxed  in parochially - to brainwashed to merely of a hive mentality.

A free exercise of our worldly, say catholic - shared conscientious - shared humanity - is prudent, and for all stands to be heard and seen - at least to ‘PRESENT’ and so “ACCOUNTED”!

Imagine, now, you are standing inside a greenhouse in summer and the windows are all steamy.

Understand, some primarily, basics in how temperate minded each must be to how and when of the bedding and seeding and to how bugs are (discordant) fertilizers for where planned, and wild,  his and her species are of habitats common enough.

A first presser to creationism versus and BIG BANG now can be staged with context:  Let us work the greenhouse metaphor for all space-time relativity.

A first presser now upon CREATION - or just BIG BANGS - however dependent on free neutrons - “neutron bombs” for a probative facilitation of understand protons and electrons - can gain perspective by visualizing yourselves as behind the steamy windows, and too somehow as outside the greenhouse.

Where your subset speciousness in our shared humanity is of your greenhouse is now vitally as important as when so about its tracks for bedding and seeding to bear fruit - or maybe just flowers.

Sadly we have a problem too much extant of GLOBAL WARMING in that our continuum is contaminated by less intelligent or less than ethical “EXPERTS” mislabeled as “EXPERTS” - as if “SMARTEST” - as if “INTELLIGENT”!

We must now stand tall against many now long held out as if the great front lines of intelligent beings - however “EARTH FIRSTERS” queued doubt - and designate em at best for compost - composting!

Our’s too long held out as wise or intelligent leaders “EXPERTS” are now, to the lot, much due trashing - relegated to our composting!

It helps, with hindsight, to have an INSIDE and OUTSIDE perspective; - it is even prudent to consider steamy windows from inside your greenhouse, and from outside your greenhouse!

Relative in the continuum of each’s parochial space-time thermal activities there is some basic science - some unimpeachable natural laws engaged with each trigger of thermal dynamics.

So now to protect intelligent life - our species - let us duly make an example of Al Gore, and his, at best, “MISLEADING” postured as LEADERSHIP.

So now, really, let us make due haste of dissecting Al Gore to forensically trash his SOLUTIONS.

Brothers and sisters it is imperative that we get with a new and better understanding and to haste is yet prudent now if to trashing Al Gore.

This, let me be clear, is not ad hominem - nor to a KING OF THE HILL politics; - we have been now for nearly twenty five years of too many being so led in a BAD way it is that they have been going too with a flow in the WRONG direction.

Let us make an example of Al Gore by using the conundrum of greenhouses!

To be brief to how for bedding so much needs some to be boxed  apropos to essence of hydration and thermal dynamics necessary for incubation - apropos designs to accomodate natural laws of thermal dynamics.

It has been CRIMINAL on a GLOBAL SCALE what is, at best, FRAUD of the fronted and carried on about by Al Gore on “GLOBAL WARMING”!

The metaphor of steamy windows can educate with the constructs of greenhouses to just how BAD - to EVIL - Al Gore has been!

We are at environmentalism at CLIMATE TRUTHS - as great DEFENDERS against “EARTH FIRST” Liberal RADICALS - like of NATURAL STATE FASCISM - - - as like of in 2016 FASCISM is a movement of the LEFT against LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES and for to have a RULING CLASS ELITE of AUTHORITARIAN Power more conveniently buttressed.

You/we should be all HOT - to STEAMED - to STEAMY under the collars - due how truly we have been for years MISLEAD and of heading in the WRONG direction.

We do not have Al Gore alone to blame!  We have, for MORAL lessons sake, that a making an example of Al Gore is primarily our BEST first step to a BETTER - more INTELLIGENT course - to our COURSE CORRECTION.

Let us break from how any set or pair is wrongly boxed with steam windows of GLOBAL WARMING greenhouse CLIMATE CHANGE politics metaphor to allowing an attitude to empower most now annotated some:





Basic science:  In conclusion:  Let us be clear:  PRIMARILY we must think of our “STEAMY” for WHERE and WHEN our greenhouses can be “STEAMED” is as much what we need be stoked and steamed about.  Forward we must BLAME the (FASCIST ELITE AUTHORITARIAN TYRANNY) of the LEFT for so much unchecked of METHOD in ONE DIRECTION to vastly ignoring principles of thermal dynamics while marching assimilated masses for reducing the “GREENHOUSE EFFECT” across the European Union and North America.  Before embracing CARBON CUTS as GOOD - or even NECESSARY - some now must face how the MAN MADE CUTS may be triggering, PRIMARILY, the POLAR VORTEX regularity and as now the GLASS CEILINGS for “STEAMY WINDOWS” are of higher altitudes to that warm air is more rising  - and before days warm air can be cooled by nights’ cooler air - and rising to displacing NORTH POLE habitats climate for colder air to stay in place for all that are legendary of POLE’D species inhabitants.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:51 am

… or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Men what are our blush points now as the 2016 election heats up?  Men what can we say definitively is our biggest problem, post September 11, 2001, and 9/11 II - aka “Secretary Clinton’s Benghazi”?  Men what might be our biggest embarrassment when solo and out to be cashed out at a convenient register?

Donald Trump is not our biggest “embarrassment” even if now the cover guy for which ever rag mag on the market.  DT, is one I hope didn’t respond to much from Mrs. Clinton yesterday.  I do hope DT didn’t stoop to the lowness and low level of Mrs. Clinton yesterday - as stumped.

It seems as much the problem of Democrats rising since 2006 as on the need to perform and deliver on the vast promised by Senator Obama and Senator Clinton, - as if clones for how they like promised so much near identical to the other, and as such like needed social engineering to trump economics, and as such like needed any Democrat elected to govern as the Socialist President Obama is now established as necessarily being to his core.

Though the biggest problem of Mrs. Clinton (leadership), and too as likewise for President Obama, is that she just never quite got right that size matters, - or that size doesn’t matter.  I will not here let this descend to being just about minies or maxies or adult diapers as apropos coverage maybe for Mrs. Clinton and President Obama.  We should accept the historical truth that essentially President Obama used the Clintons’ economics team to be his like “experts” after he beat the Clinton Machine, and yet while then of having insufficient experience to have an economics team of his own ready.

Mrs. Clinton greatest failure is beyond minies, maxies, or if only adult diapers are of a sufficient capacity, metaphorically, as the essence of Mrs. Clinton is firstly that she has like always erred in the realm of “size doesn’t matter”!!!

Again:  I do hope Donald Trump didn’t stoop to responding to much of how Mrs. Clinton was stumped on June 27, 2016!  That is I do hope Donald Trump, if with a morning coffee for the republic, was yet of attenuated maturity and not just to now as if “in the gutter” with Mrs. Clinton and Senator Warren.

We are, men - women - children, of a confederate republic - a “with federal” union of “republican states” - we are constituted to that “size doesn’t matter” - even as when better teased as “size does matter” as if “…for the republic” for a “small is beautiful!”.

Mrs. Clinton doesn’t present well with feminine products, or obviously as beset with adult diapers!  Mrs. Clinton’s capacity for prudence is more likely to cause men to blush than a quickie run to a convenience store for a SUPER PACK of products for his lady, or daughter.  Mrs. Clinton essentially has no real capacity for “small is beautiful”!!!

President Clinton is the problem of Benghazi, firstly!!!

President Clinton had President Obama’s Secretary of State so very compromised while under him to that on 9/11 II Mrs. Clinton like had to be loyal to her man before her boss, and before her country, and, to as if the spouse must never say “small is beautiful” comparatively as regards her man vs. her boss!!!

Again:  President Clinton is the problem of Benghazi, firstly!!!

The mess made is either now for the Republicans’ or “full committee” report to be to ruled as either more Mrs. Clinton’s fault or more the fault of President Obama!!!

The mess made is either now of that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” was a BIG lie or MEDIUM lie or SMALL lie not an IMPEACHABLE LIE AS WORKED TO EFFECT AN ILLEGAL COVER-UP!!!

The mess made is inescapably now to that essentially the report must present that Libyan “diplomacy” failed due Mrs. Clinton could never handle the size of their lies!!!

The mess made is inescapably now to that critically forensically forward Benghazi is a turning point as great as like Gettysburg, and Afghanistan to the Cold War, as a moment when “IT IS THE CLINTONS - STUPID” became trump to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!!!

The mess is a big mess of Mrs. Clinton’s personally at least as what died also (tragically for Clintons) on that tragic day is that “politicks” long postured by cover-up lies to as if President Clinton was “PERFECT” and any thing that went wrong was all the Republicans’ fault as like as if not ridiculous as “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!!!

It is likely now witness to that Bill Clinton is beyond a political or personal capacity to clean up even just this mess of Mrs. Clinton’s too loose “leadership”, and especially as it now is beyond a safe area for President Obama - and if as if an adult diaper could save him for a few moments.  Post 9/11 II it is established that at least the Clintons lied for cover-ups and of that cover-up lies so big are impeachable due they set asunder constitutional governance for any confederate republic!!!

As we wake these mornings to Donald Trump a late joiner to a winning Republican “for republic” movement near a new renaissance we so stir to our “joe” possibly to find “team GOP (of TRUMP) of sufficient breadth and mass for our “joe” each morning to be communal to the WHAT of the movement with enough sense of teamwork for the WHOM of rising to leadership.

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  It is “O” not “o”! aka #Its_O_Not_o as a first note to kick off each morning constitutionally tru’d.  The preamble of “We the People…in Order” is of “Order” as a noun so that the People’s Order is not subscribed to being a “living document” and so that it is a big err to read constitution so small like as if “in order to” while the essential import is “in/Order/to form/a/more perfect/Union” of “Order” of the big “O” to as only to be read as a noun!!!

Yes, your mornings with the for republic Republicans seem preset enough already to coffee with Donald Trump as to breakfast with confederate republicans of the established ordained as a confederate republic to “small is beautiful” as subscribed Union for a loose federation of republican states.  Today’s news is to be more difficult to process for a while as post the #BREXIT there will be crossed uses of “nationalism” where “republicanism” is more apropos and correct historically.

I can understand if Donald Trump did stoop to the “in the gutter” level of Mrs. Clinton (protocol proper for candidate whose last job was her highest paying job, even as officially Mrs. C. is not yet vetted for her last two jobs) and Senator Warren for though he may have had to dirty himself while so wrapped up in the processing of their ridiculous elementary diss’d such day was free enough to be petty too, - was free enough to like just play with Clinton and Warren like to hens to be pecked at by a bigger dog.

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  As my name is #HOGAN let me be clear:  Mrs. Clinton’s biggest problem is some of how small politically she has been as like to always politically to being wrong on issues of “small is beautiful” - of “size doesn’t matter” - of Americans, at least, are better together when loose and still as constituted as for republic, not “For Nationalism”, and so as Ordered as to as WITH federal not FOR National as union is a confederate republic!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Mrs. Clinton rates as an/the #EvilBarbie like a Marie Antoinette reincarnate - and, yes, repackaged, and while the darkest essence of #DroneQueen of her realistically a “plus sized” “Barbie” while much “Evil Barbie” of “Drones and bodybags NOT included!!!

As a man I would be embarrassed now to have to check out - cash out and be registered to checking out - if to being of in the cart as with a #DroneQueen #MrsClinton #EvilBarbie or yet #DramaQueen #MrsC as if just a #NutCracker!!!

Men, women, children of maturity suffice’n, Benghazi is now essentially forever the “turning point” from that even ever “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” must have been a big Clintons’ (at least) lie, and a lie illegal as for a cover-up that set asunder “small is beautiful common core of each republican state in our constituted Union as for “republicanism” not “Nationalism” as it is #WINNING like a renaissance to “NEW ROMANTIC ERA” that we are a confederate republic!!!

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER” you can be a small republic and be just as good as the biggest republican states in the Union of Americas’ ordered as these united states of the Americas!!!

#CupOfRodham is worse than it yet sounds!!!  #CupOfRodham is to flush the Constitution as ordained and to the Clintons still firstly “anti-Constitution” and for a “Post Constitution” false interpretation to as if there is a said workable “Democrats Constitution” as a “living document” that when compared to the originalism of the republican Constitution shows a mess of obvious conflicts all particular to the Clintons’ espoused as for that any and all protections from tyranny are essentially re-structured as if void - as if null - as if nullified!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!  May your mornings serve you well to trust any “republic joe”, - and NOT Mrs. Clinton, EVER!!!

After Benghazi none can ever look at Mrs. Clinton or President Clinton the same way - NEVER!!!

After Benghazi it is that Mrs. Clinton & President Clinton had struck the iceberg and to that “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” floated while “IT IS THE CLINTONS - STUPID” became the new ESSENCE of POLITICKS as the new greater truth now exposed to being an incontrovertible TRUTH and a dominant TRUTH as an illegal lie for COVER-UP as a BIGGER lie!!!

After Benghazi Mrs. Clinton had President Obama in a pickle and compromised for “size doesn’t matter” when one tiny little LIE getting exposed then PROOFS an illegal COVER-UP and a CONSPIRACY TO COVER-UP!!!

After Benghazi, as we wait to read how if that the Obama Administration had no “HOT SPOT” United States Embassy or Consulate facility protected on a September 11 Attacks anniversary is for the historical record more a sole problem on Mrs. Clinton, we are beset still to process that the TRUTH was not and is not an option for Mrs. Clinton, especially as while Secretary of State, for as soon as tip’d to “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” shredded there is that BIG and DOMINANT becomes a new mess as to #ItsTheClintons_STUPID!!!

#CupOfJoe #RepublicJoe #coffee forward:  Donald Trump is of the renaissance like winning for republic REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT of particulars of “small is beautiful” and “size doesn’t matter” as ordered!!!  Donald Trump seems ready to field your tips of your cups for a day’s constitution of LAW and ORDER and from the LAWLESS chaos of Mrs. Clinton, firstly!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

Happy Independence Day!!!

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Happy the TRUTH shall set us FREE!!!

May our FORCE as preset to RIGHT SIZED be present each morning ye wake and stir to if Republicans are with you and now the movement like a RENAISSANCE of CONSTITUTIONAL albeit now we are hoping Donald Trump can become, though late himself to the movement, a best leader for what seems upon us, if we can hold on to it, as if now we are past a first blush to actually stirring daily to be to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA, and the music for ECONOMIC GROWTH, as diverse in regional republican localism of music of the essence of the incident to life of George Washington’s worked inauguration to consecrate these united states of the Americas as for “politics” for what daily is “among the vicissitudes incident to life…”!!!

? … or his name isn’t TRUMP - isn’t DONALD TRUMP? - or he yet the larger is yet one still better even as yet he is to have presented a PRO-CATHOLIC agenda to get to a common core for winning with HISPANICS?  It is more how Mrs. Clinton errs on “SIZE MATTERS” more than WHAT “MACHISMO” to TRUMP VOTERS?

May the originalism of the FOURTH be with you now, and forever more, - evermore!!! Happy United States of America Independence Day!!!

Our best example is “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER” of that we are a CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC - we are republicans of republican states - loosely “with federal” - loosely 4 feds - loosely “con federales”!!!

Or my name isn’t #HOGAN!!!

On “O” Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton must be embarrassed!!!

God Bless the USA of USC preamble as of only as “Order” a noun, & #Its_O_NOT_o!!!

Even as #DEMOCRATS err on #CONSTITUTION as if merely but small “o” for Powers of as if loosely written as if “in order to”!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:44 am

Rubbers?  Perhaps there is commonality to BREXIT & American contested of between Donald Trump and presently seeming inevitable Hillary Clinton.  We are all outta the parlours and to needing be prepared for months at the slogs through campaign mud.

Queue the music!  A “TOTTENHAM SOUND” may now be better fitting, and to date THE DAVE CLARK FIVE to how heeled concurrent of the calls for LOVE.  If you do not know their music ye may be left to repeat their ignorance worked - and mistakes.

To go DARWINIST on these topical akin to if of a school of culture, or schools of ranks of pack cohesion, let us relate BREXIT to that we can posture that Donald Trump is say a specimen of the humanoid race apparently one more evolved and advanced than Hillary Clinton.  The problem of BREXIT is also so then, for this espousal, as simplified to if the EUROPEAN UNION was ill advised when to suffice to cohesion due the forced PACK MENTALITY then was counter productive to evolution.

We can posture a second step forward with Donald Trump now of a first salvo as the REPUBLICAN NOMINEE by also toeing in to that for all the CLINTON SCANDALS there seems a common notable characteristic that can be also assuaged to as if either LESS EVOLVED or to some how now DEVOLVED. 

For now this is attested to by Clinton herself for swinging at another with claims quite sub-categorical in cause and effect science to the grander evidence of greater controlling relativity so better tagged of such space-times to what was of the visible and invisible hands of the Clintons - at least some as labeled “CLINTONOMICS”!

I.E.:  Like that which Mrs. Clinton has tried to smear Mr. Trump with is actually seeming able scientifically to be processed more macro-tagged as to that Mr. Trump was arrested from possible success due the guidance as political leadership by President Clinton, at least.

If not to dominate this discussion as to just of a “TOTTENHAM SOUND” as hip, of beats to kicking off the indicative to subjective, as both sides line up for what promises to be a most muddy of contestings here to for witnessed in a long while, it now could be prudent to be prepared - prepared to rap for hip-hop harmonies to with a HAMILTON MUSICAL there should also be soundtracks for JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS, - as the UNION of the BREXIT passions are heated to chorded much likewise along the HAMILTON FEDERALISTS vs. JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS scored, and composed.

Today it seems more pressing to have prophylactics from becoming somehow relatively also devolved or party to still less evolved by either drinking too much CLINTON KOOL AID - or worse to be consummated as if to assimilated and to but bit actors as subjects jerked about in blind faith.  Today we seem safer to tease to an ice cream with Donald Trump than a beer with Mrs. Clinton. 

E.G.:  Mrs. Clintons seems of diminished capacity related to the expected prowess long trumpeted as for a minimum level of showing proof of evolution now as her swinging at her opponent is firstly to backlash upon her own spousal husbandry and to a macro-guilt to what ever is taggable or mashable as mud of Trump as yet relatively micro-guilt.

I.E.:  Mrs. Clinton’s supposed strategery can be dramatized as if having mistaken cow manure for common mud while stepping freely into it of her own “accord”; - Mrs. Clinton is dramatically past a new WAG THE DOG to yet a story, if to be believed, of as if the TAIL BITES THE DOG.

And, so now to what DARWIN has to do with why it may have been better if the THE UNITED KINGDOM never mated to the EUROPEAN UNION while now it may do so much now co-birthed it may be yet 50/50 at best if to divorce and try to annul so much long co-consummated at a common table that was never set quite right for the times.

For now let us just report for journalism that Mrs. Clinton is no hunt dog for it seems self evident that she is predisposed to chasing her own tale, to like spewing diatribes on a smelt something fishy as if it of another hind she chasing and not her own.

Can we agree that Donald Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton were least both exposed in real time to their space-time was shared with the THE DAVE CLARK FIVE - a the “TOTTENHAM SOUND” pop rock’n beat of an old BRITISH INVASION?

I posture that the species seeming of genius of Donald Trump is more JEFFERSON REPUBLICAN and so one likely an easier to side out to as for of the colors to that the beat for the EUROPEAN UNION is one the BRITS shoulda passed on dance’n to.

I posture that the speciousness seeming of an apparent LESS EVOLVED of DEVOLVED of Mrs. Clinton is some how indivisible from the marched tune to it a too forced beat that was to that the EUROPEAN UNION was too much of a “BORG MENTALITY” and for forced assimilation.

I offer support to this as if can be POLITICAL SCIENCE but proffered in a lay - by lays of a seeming dominating consummate common sense - that here at “HOGAN” site you can dig through archeologically the archives or expedite discovery by use of the search pane with a query by just word FRANCO to unearthing “SADDAM’S FRANCO-GERMAN” from the stacks - of scrolls - nearly 400 works squibs, or just essays.

I propose that Donald Trump can be said to be wrong historically about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM while politically right now in posturing for campaigning that it was blanketly wrong.  There is that for why IRAQ WAR was right there is in such the how and circumstantial to track to that it seems it wasn’t proper for ECONOMICS for ECONOMIC GROWTH that the UK did even conjoin to the EU.

People of the UNITED KINGDOM I must attest I do not now know the details of if it would be immoral for you to separate from the EUROPEAN UNION now for like due that together you all gave birth to so much while conjoined, and so consummating as if one, that you have given birth to too many for a divorce to be acceptable or such UNION’S collateral annulled to a suffice.

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton represents much an forensic pathology that scientifically can be publicized for having been at least worked to be DEVOLUTIONARY - even while proving to that such is proof of LESS EVOLVED may be more difficult.

Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been lifted by popular art and beats that like floated her above the mud - her own MUDDY dominant behaviorism long extant of her PUBLIC record.  We cannot now ignore what was birthed by the forced beats more akin to the CORE POLITICS when bared from the pop covers.  We must not forget to strip away the pop covers that distract too many from looking forensically at the DEEPER and TRUER of tagged as “CORRUPT” CLINTONS.

I do not quite know, to a Posterity, if forward their can be a DIVIDED to Tranquility yet all in keeping with that a hip beat of what rap to THOMAS JEFFERSON is that todays’ covered are as worked shared to that all the world needs now is harmony more assuaged to the symphonic economic prudence of JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS.

BREXIT or sans DIVORCE from this ill advised UNION there is forward that we are best to be prepared, and guarded, while impregnable fortitude now generally less of a pressing shared problem. 

Our economic bulwarks are yet cored to that SOCIALISTS should eventually figure out that more jobs are created when PEOPLE are left to self-govern. 

Our current conundrum is of a commonality that fits with PAUL’S LETTERS as economic guidance in the BIBLE, to such as of a common core worked to by SCOT - SCOTTISH - OF SCOTLAND - Adam Smith, and to that now ROBERT GALBRAITH is likewise synchronized via my own story of a RANDIAN - AYN RAND like “STRIKE” by the “LEADING” - to cover too JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH old bits by like dramatizing to economics of CLINTONS as so too corrupt the times were ripe for like novel economics of covering bad times of too much structural corruption a “GALBRAITH” needed to pen papers to “robbing economics” “corrupt times economics” “corruptions and perversions of from PAUL, SMITH, and even JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH.

To wrap now this tuning up to that the mistakes of the EUROPEAN UNION are common to the core errors of MRS. CLINTON let us boot up forward for all possible treachery, or at least a predictable amount of mud to be to slogging through:

I attest to the lay that BRITS should never have consummated their UNION with “EUROPEAN” and that now yet I must halt/stop from injecting myself into the historical of what has been created while together.  I attest that hip and pop, to sexy and sound, of BRITISH was enough established for a stand alone Kingdom, however democratic, and that yet now a separation may be at best 50/50 prudent.

The lay line was crossed long ago!  It was a mistake to dance to the force POPULAR worked for CLINTONS and then abouts as also to a call to a EUROPEAN UNION!  The basic postured core to the erring is that even PAUL’S GUIDANCE to that growth economics was of the essential truth that for such to be realized PEOPLE had to be able to sing together.

ABORT!!! Now seems the only option both for any BREXIT and for stopping a further infection by “HILLARY CLINTON”!

This can be danced to!!!  This can be popularized!!!  This can be sold also as a top rap as JEFFERSON’S MUSICAL for REPUBLICS!!!



ABORT NOW?  There seems to be suffice to at least prophylactically guard for weather even for ENGLISH at least to boots sufficient for the MUD now that is so forecasted to be always accompanying “HILLARY 2016″!!!







If it isn’t too folksy let us endear to find a sufficient “all we need is love” but away from the covers for assimilation that have proofed devolutionary as now postured to for a forensics of what should be avoided as too of “MRS. CLINTON” - as “OF HILLARY’S” akin to fruits of a poisoned tree!!! 

If it isn’t too folksy let us yet endure for republic(s) with reason and debate to what is then to be for a chorus for economics of people like as in PAUL’S guidance, as like of ADAM SMITH, to be to best always remembering to act in that their SELF INTEREST as humanoid, to ECONOMICS, must be secured as cored to always thought first to be to first choose COMMUNITY, and second to choose to be MORAL within chosen COMMUNITY - of HANDS AT less visible - even INVISIBLE!!!

If it isn’t too folksy let us commit to maybe never trusting a SOCIALIST not a MORAL CAPITALIST like how BERNIE SANDERS is self tagging as yet a “DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST”; - - - Again:  A socialist should eventually realize the “economics” are that more jobs are created when people are more left to SELF GOVERN - have own MUSIC!!!


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:12 am

President Barack Obama can now be judged, in hindsight, of having been of a pathetic response post the PULSE tragedy in Orlando, Florida.  There is no two ways about the partisan political played out by Barack Obama and Mrs. Clinton.  There is now no better way to preface this in hindsight journalism than to liken it to of a soccer field and the game of football as if of morals - of players agreed engaged in sport with moral commitment; - on a field a thought “level playing field” we shoulda have witnessed yellow cards on “OBAMA” and “CLINTON” and in sport of them to firstly of putting their hands up and to each of each to voicing a “MY BAD!”.

In life you, none, are born to a level playing field for any “individual” over the greater wholeness! - most are conceived as seeded, to carried and born, to as named (say Christian named) to that then the story of their lives is begun written upon them, long befores any then can mount a solo effort to try to shape or define an independent or free soul.

In life most are predestined at least by how they become named (, say Christian named) and to how not even then may their own parents of such designation to as named as yet strong enough to guide any to safety for how so named, - not even parents after naming a child may yet be able to control the developing soul of their own due how thought named by others of encounters to such named, or even of kin to puzzlements as to wonderment of “what were they thinking naming their child (so ambitiously)?”.

We live now in a world of more e-clarity for how we have always been connected, or connectable, or able to be enlightened!

We live now in a NEW MEDIA world still the old world of how one is named is much just some to how predestined, - fated!

We live in the #NewMedia same old world essentially, but as fewer need rely masses for “speaking in voices” to try to find clarity of say apparent wafts of imports - even apparitions of good souls maybe of from whom a timely increases clarity is prudent to be to works at appreciating, somehow.

Likewise here is a morning http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan set as “PUBLIC” wall share:

“#‎TRUMP‬ v ‪#‎CLINTON‬ polls relate ‪#‎BlameTheVictim‬ > ‪#‎HillaryClinton‬ (lawyers) like prep school boys all ganged up - and to ‪#‎BULLYING‬ on ‪#‎TheDonald‬ last couple of weeks - and now to #Clinton of lead in ‪#‎POLLS‬ as by like ‪#‎Criminal‬ ‪#‎Defense‬ #‎PLAYBOOK‬ of using “BLAME THE VICTIM” methodism to try to defend ‪#‎HILLARY2016‬.”

We live in a world where hopefully it is now not too late to yet “CRACK THE NUT” of the real “BILL CLINTON” - before @ “nut” Mrs. Clinton!

I have a pseudonym ready - a pen name I some wasn’t surprised was whence created as one yet available.

To illuminate problems of predestined as fated by one’s name to a pre-destined destiny I can use “PETER W. TOWER” maybe enough, - and uniquely especially for when I tried to better create my own fate by a construct of a pseudonym I was able with “PETER W. TOWER” to both secure @peterwtower http://twitter.com/peterwtower and as well http://peterwtower.com.

Now as we each play ‘THE NUT CRACKER” let me spell out that though J.P. Hogan is primarily of Irish descendants it is a puzzle unsolved, as to of nature vs. nurture, if I am not of my French & German genes as of such my dominant.  Let us forward though in (wisdom) an apriori embrace a pedigree for of “Peter W. Tower” as if “de Portugal” - Portuguese - say to like me llamo es “Peter W. Tower de Protugal” - or at least the “W.” to named of a proud heritage rooted in a pride of a Portuguese parish. Or if you insist: ‘Chamo-me Peter W. Tower de ______ de Portugal.’

How many times should we have yet heard “MY BAD!” from President William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton - he born of Christian name “William Blythe III” - and yet to this day are to falsely blaming others because he showed a lack of honor many times by not yet being of mea culpas by loud “MY BAD!” on so much we have long considered for penal treatments?

Now as we each play “THE NUT CRACKER” upon “William Jefferson (Davis?) Clinton” let us toe in to tip toeing prudence of it wise to try to tip-toe into any trespass - any even tooling to prepare to ask even a question one doesn’t already know the answer to.  We do not know the answers of the “NUT” Clinton/BlytheIII we already long shoulda been of knowing and to calculating understanding forthwith of a duty to try to be informed citizens.

Our Power of Freedom has like been stolen - robbed/mugged/muggled - from us by a cloaking by a “shell” still extant around a truer “real Bill Clinton.” - Like left play’n on crooked tables like too of half a deck dealt.

Let us wax blithely - to Shakespearean - on this pickle of “THE NUT” A “NUT” “BILL CLINTON” for our “THE NUT CRACKER” forward:

Coulda it ever be in our times Mrs. Clinton could be so now held up of Chicago, so gangsta Democrat piped, if she now were Mrs. of their spousal husbandry, the already known - leastly - for now, if she were like her “Bill” as self fated by having chosen the name “CLINTON” and to years hiding em both of born Christian names, - and sucha predestined, but cloaked from “inevitable” to otherwise then more “impossible” if Mrs. Clinton were yet now but “HILLARY RODHAM BLYTHE III”?

Where is the “THE CLINTON” really “STRAIGHT OUTTA” if not a cloak and dagger shop for covert and dramatic deception from an how born to be inescapably CHRISTIAN?

Madness?  Sheer MADNESS?  REALLY?

I mean: Let me be clear:  Can you believe and endure any endearing to that “HILLARY RODHAM” if to just a story as a “DEMOCRAT PARTY NOMINEE A FIRST WOMAN” sucha now playing out were yet to Mrs. Clinton living it straight as to running as “HILLARY BLYTHE III”?


Of the storied as biographical leastly of the “HILLARY RODHAM” there has been told tales of how “Miss Rodham” say was raised a Chicago urban ruffian raised not to just hit others but to hit first, to “hit boys first”!  I am not sure the source matters concurrent to this essaying, - at least as @HillaryRodham avatar for @Twitter bio’d tag line profiling states she is an “advocate for women & children” to  it at least self proclaimed she is NOT an “advocate” for men.

For the record:  Let me be clear:  The @Twitter http://twitter.com/hillaryclinton @HillaryClinton bio’d is near a worse peace of “new media” grammar and autobiographical that can maybe ever witnessed.  There is no structure to Mrs. Clinton “I AM” set forth and no prioritizing of if one part is more important than another part, - I mean hopefully the order in which she lists her “I AM” is not how she doth rank a reality outta twitteratti shallowdom.

Right:  From the very beginning Mrs. Blythe III, with license in how Christian fated by spouse predestined, as Mrs. Clinton on TWITTER was so of “dog owner” as so cold and distant, and not normal to social media where most or all others to then rather more passionate and approachable as “dog lover”.

Right:  But back to our task as to be each of a duty in “THE NUT CRACKER” forward and to how BILL CLINTON “NUT” is needing to be cracked as he shoulda long been now as firstly always otherwise as straight outta CHRISTIAN truth and fated by how born “WILLIAM BLYTHE III” and not so now so still escaping a proper legacy as now sans his shell created and postured with long as facilitated in the art of self destiny by fating some of one’s “biography” to be as if self written.

Still though:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: 


As we now trespass with a toe-in to tip-toed across the threshold as cast of “THE NUT CRACKER” it is predetermined that the of the VILLAINOUS is now at least “WILLIAM JEFFERSON (DAVIS?) CLINTON”!

Now as it must be SHAKESPEAREAN forward, and backwards, for that thought he BILL” chose - proceeded in a premeditated self determining to have name as - “JEFFERSON (DAVIS)” - and as of record so did “HILLARY RODHAM”, - however seduced and/or corrupted/co-opted - and while scraping own CHRISTIAN name, as if so bad “BILL” thought but  like born “cursed child”, let us not forget, now “BILL” still of  predestined as conceived and born to “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”, and even if such due a rap of one from outta “BLYTHE” cursed to be from straight, - from honest, leastly. Long live the legend of “WILLIAM BLYTHE III”!!!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is so corrupt it is known as so compromised to be needing investigations by our FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and at least for now the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for cover-ups are dastardly deeds and “HILLARY BLYTHE III” so soul’d was found to at least been a primary party to a most diabolical of cover-ups, - a cover-up deadly - as one worse than of RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON due it was of Clinton hanky panky of lies and cloaking of matters relating to deaths of brave Americans in Mrs. Clinton’s service, - of in service to “THE SECRETARY”!

To now “CRACK THAT NUT” even the meek are enabled as such is much ado about paper work or reviewing of the public domain of an obvious, when one knows how to decipher the in the footage, as that there is a “paper trail” a “smoking gun” however now seeming yet as innocent as if a “gingerbread trail” - - -  essentially the “STRAIGHT OUTTA” of the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” is that the have hidden their rap in plain sight, by usual method of operations, of by sticking a confessing as if a news story, as yet otherwise than that it was only news as they shoulda been of another “MY BAD” and direct CONFESSION(S), - of MEA CULPAS!

So why is it that maybe no parent had yet named their pride to be of a challenge to live as if fated and of a predetermined challenging destiny as if named “PETER W. TOWER”?  I can and will surmise, forward, guardedly!!!

For now let us work a hip beat’n for all to that each are named, if not actually seeded to conceived, as predestined, and some maybe to ambitions or Hope beyond an ability of parents’ gifts for being global citizens, to guardians of the galactical.

Right!!!  Fit’n:  “WHO AM I TO JUDGE?”

Right!!!  Fit’n:  Let me be clear:  Let us be exclamatory: 


Right!!!  It seems obvious that neither my “I AM” J.P. Hogan, nor maybe if so fated as of by a predestined in a Christian for called “Peter W. Tower” am I firstly ever to be one so personally challenged but in the lay, - the lay attitudes.

Right!!!  Fit’n:  WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE?

To now “CRACK THAT NUT” of “NUT” “MR. & MRS. WILLIAM BLYTHE III” we must probe and probe, and dig so deeply to be as if to a post-mortem - to nearly be to a live dissection.  Troubling are these times, - let us get to our work!

To always be prepared to crack any “NUT” so maybe mechanically facilitated to deceptively natural, but structurally rotten to its core, - even if of a core a “common core” to two bad halves - we should consider it prudent that humanoids, where ever of the galactical, or just as “global citizens” as our shared humanity is inescapable, and for preparedness that enough humans remain of acumen to an ecumenical for justly speaking in voices, to religious - to high enough standards, for even still an ability to “speak in voices” may be necessary to determining in time what then could be like just searched via BING, YAHOO, or maybe enough by just GOOGLING.

The “NUT” of which you are asked to be of “THE NUT CRACKER” as to a like “CLINTON MUSICAL” is a dark ask and for the answers cannot be as simple as in the pop of the “HAMILTON MUSICAL” for the CLINTONS as chosen from apparently “BLYTHE” thirdly are yet of a third way from “HAMILTON FEDERALISTS” and “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS” to as but cloaked from obviously seen as firstly “ANTI-CONSTITUTION” in long attempts to re fashion nation as if “POST CONSTITUTION”!!!

There is nothing “STRAIGHT” - “STRAIGHT OUTTA THE CONSTITUTION” - in their “core” - COMMON CORE - to ’tis the “THE NUT” - even as if the is is their “NUT” - is the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” and always inescapably “CHRISTIAN” as also the “THE HOUSE OF BLYTHE III”, - - - however blithely teased as if compliant, and for “liberal democracy” constituted!

For now:  Due how most so predestined it must be rude if any an atheist, considering - considering how much fated and predetermined, or present as a “global citizen” “CHRISTIAN” to too complicated, - say like by the example of that some are named to be HOLY firstly and to their parents’ promised that them for blessed created are so sworn to be destined to fulfill a contract with LORD’S servicing to be when of proper age to being more ANGELIC and sans lustful or even of the perversions of LAW as of blithely historical of the “BILL CLINTON” perversions of how CONSTITUTED!

Any “CLINTON MUSICAL” should firstly be TRAGIC and however then TRAGICALLY “SHAKESPEAREAN” while firstly “AMERICAN”!  “THE NUT CRACKER” may be enough by “SUGGESTION” to haunt “THE NUT” “ROTTEN” - @ “I AM HILLARY BLYTHE III” #4REAL!!!



Firstly we seem we must respect the Establishment of the Peoples’ Order subscribed by the “FOUNDING FATHERS” as having been to them as if a “spectacle” in FAITH not for CONGRESS to diss or “re-spect…” by any Law making not at least as of “We the People” as the processes were then ordained and established to a most difficult to nullify.

Firstly we should respect the CONSTITUTION as primarily a APOSTOLIC SPECTACLE that CONGRESS is not allowed to diss or “re-spectacle” as if able to trump the constituted of one nation under our LORD!

Generally we must be “UN-CLINTON” - right - like again as a nation - and to being so established and ordained for due process and so that there can be LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

Generally we must be primarily prepared to defend that as being an APOSTOLIC SPECTACLE of the “more perfect Union” formed “done” and humbly subscribed so in the “Year of our Lord” and be thankful that our’s is a UNION that puts a table, with a book on it, between ALL individuals to that there can be SANCTUARIES for HOPE, at least as by CHRISTIAN committed flocks - SOME - of and for ALL!

Generally we are behooved to be prudent and also firstly in a self-governance by participation, with engaged conscience, in the arts of faith - as of ready postured to be for PEACE by being prescribed of a voluntary extra-nation organized morality, - of MORALS, - dedication to MORAL!





Sadly our work is but now just begun!!! - - - We must be to the work, however lately, - now so lately, to trying to crack that which still promises to be a tough nut to crack - a long structured and restructured to a facility to guard from a release of core’s truths.  We must now recommit ourselves of our United duty to probe, and probe, until this “NUT” gives up its still quite cloaked nut meat!!!  - - - SADLY!!!

TOOLING:  APPARENT CLUE:  By choosing name as “WILLIAM JEFFERSON (for J. DAVIS) CLINTON” this “NUT” seems to have firstly chosen a name to mean - to translate - primarily always “SON OF THE SOUTH”! - - SADLY!!! OMG! SO SHAKESPEAREAN!!!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:14 pm

A Buddhist and a Presbyterian walk along an Orlando Boulevard.

For civilizations to endure perversions of governance from morality and from regular order cannot. There must be an ecumenical practiced to a suffice always more of “all Politics is local.”

As we bow our heads for to be disciplined of souls, not base as barbarians to wits sans community, there is that the agreed as of laws of our Lord must not be perverted in the times such is agreed to, - but for then it the business of the community in worship effected.  Cross-pollination is as natural as that of Paul structured for sanctuaries establishments for Hope & methodisms; cross-pollination is as much a matter of civilizations as wafts of gaiety and engirthments of winds of gaiety.

As “pre bus” to “Pre-bits-tear-I-ams” re: in sees of “pre-bus” of that of republican of Republicans of Reince Priebus to the if sufficient disciplined of Presbyterian Donald Trump.  Can such be as natural as for Buddhists, and yet of tolerance by Christians?

Methodist, so her resume states, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is a contradiction to prudence, of a chaos stepp’n as against regular order, of as contrary to Constitutional so vastly and historically as to be as anti-Constitution as Governor DeWitt Clinton and/or Vice President George Clinton, whence as if also “Tony” like Alexander Hamilton.  The Clintons are not Hamilton Federalists nor Jefferson and Madison Republicans; - in essence the Clintons are perverts of a third way perversion to the two Constitutional options for national governance, - to lawful Posterity in governance by how constituted.

The Clintons are as of perversions to Constitutional it seems as much as Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are historically problematic for to power via Ba’athism ideals and original intent as a way to a UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE (my source is Alan Hart book: ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER).  Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are two who are said to have perverted Ba’athism towards getting power and then holding it by secular Socialist tyrannical Powers.

The Clintons’ perversions of prudence and of a nation in regular order as constituted seems as much to blame for so much of falling to pieces in America as like as much Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq are taggable as but 3 more failed secular Socialist states.

In America a Buddhist and Presbyterian can be to strutt’n down boulevards of Orlando, Florida, even especially amidst the real world and “local” daily dynamic, and to tolerance of polity - politeness of bowing ones head in humility - humble ducking for comity to a copacetic for an extant of sanctuaries establishments for maintenance of Hope, and humanity promises.

Strutt’n in America is as to be pledged by Pledge of Allegiance for civility by innocence first and rights to privacy ordained for that an presumption of innocence is to be respected but where an immediacy is calling of a self-evident obviousness to imperils beckoning an immediacy.

Strutt’n in America - these united states of the Americas so Constituted by People’s Order done in Year of our Lord - is yet for Prudence in community needing disciplined of a suffice - a sufficient number of people “locals” must always be disciplined to that there is not a dynamic of “too much irreligiosity” - too many “irreligious” - to few of thinking and debating to what is workable as an agreed to and set out “laws of our Lord” & since our federal Government is set as minor to GOD and under our Lord, under that of the “global citizen” cosmopolitan internationalism - bodies electric sans borders.

As the Clintons’ perversions have American Democrat Party affected usually just emotionally by like “dog whistles” there is that the Clintons are not alone in whom has been to perverted regular order. 

President Barack H. Obama has also been vastly of perversions from Constitutional structures for due process and adequate maintenance of “under God” polity by being firstly for demagoguery for a NATIONALISM for a selfish grandness and exaggerated self importance by methodism for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM, even as also sold for a tyranny by GREEN AGENDA of deciding for “subjects” that obedience must be foremost practiced to GREEN MINIMALISM of a new CONSERVATIONISM of decrees for EARTH FIRST dogmatic.

There again, under the perversion of the Clintons and Barack H. Obama, a tragic scandalous to test that “all Politics is local” is the keystone of these united states of the Americas, as actually workable - as workable only quite when as Constituted for “tolerance” and no “bigotry of tolerance” - as like any of religiosity to a suffice to humble under our Lord is then not Holy if of any bigotry, or perversion say like for Power as can be storied of Clitnons - especially Hillary Clinton - and as akin to how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are too long said to have perverted Ba’athism ideals to have Power by secular Socialism albeit as by perversions.

These days that prejudge souls, too frequently, - and as of “FAILURE!!! - OF WORDS!!!” as I’ve authored before - are beset by Democrat Party guidance too haunted by elites wanting to have and to hold Power and to now again em are like firstly to tooting a “dog whistle” for compliance and obedience perfectly contrary to “all Politics is local” grand prophylactic for impregnable fortitude for FREEDOM and LIBERTY set still in our “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” pledged to, - our calls to REGULAR ORDER and ORIGINALISM

As a Buddhist and a Presbyterian may be disciplined to be more “pre-bus” for “tolerance” and to less prejudiced even as if wanting to be cold or of a cold shoulder to a reflexology to be to ducking for Posterity, there is that strutt’n cannot be of a suffice for “community” where any “local” has fallen to “too irreligious” as like Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria are like three more states of having failed due to a endemic reality to that too many did become too irreligious, - too many stopped THINKING and DEBATING amongst themselves as to what needed to be that of “local” but “global citizens” as to what was a minimum agreed to as to what were needed to be the agreed to as set out “Laws of our Lord.”

We are asked to know how to “duck” - know how to bow our heads even as post coital and in public as Paul in his letters doth prescribe around Corinth in Corinthians 1 or 2 as to that after being in private and to loving when in public parties to such should be of a polity of comity of like “blowing kisses” to their apparent “neighbors.”

HAMILTON THE MUSICAL may get to be “TONY” on the Constitution but it can mislead and misdirect as the perversion at least of Hillary Clinton, as to her core of her defining success as to that of what a “LAWYER” must be to of “Power” to be “most successful” as to peers also Yale Law School alums. 

HAMILTON is today firstly important as “Publius” of “Federalist Papers” “Federalist #1″ as for he sells a hip Constitution by exclamating the Peoples Order is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and as to closing emphatically as yet to a conundrum in also writ the Order is for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY.”

As Buddhist as disciplined however also to respect ducks and budding love for community and polity we have a Presbyterian strutt’n it seems less perversions from “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” than what is extant in the perversion tendency for prejudgement to beckoning firstly like by “dog whistles” to a nationalism to an exaggerated self importance for one demagogue’n as a “leader” as if such is/was “PRESIDENTIAL.”

A first perversion akin both the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” and the “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” is to the ridiculous for how postured for nationalism while loose and undisciplined as to national borders.  It is a ridiculous and ungovernable perversion of the constituted by Peoples Order that there can be calls and passages for SOCIALISM and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE where national borders are not firstly secured, and of processes to process any and all for a LEGAL IDENTITY of each and all.

The Clintons are not HAMILTON “FEDERALISTS” nor “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS” and so we must stop - must arrest - the Clinton perversion of constituted Order by it done established contrary to their third way a perversion of the CONSTITUTION - the constitutional as neither “FEDERALIST” nor “REPUBLICAN”!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” constitutional perversion, before being to the ridiculous of selling a nationalist agenda while not securing a perimeter and process to isolate a “national”, is firstly to that they are mostly UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ANTI-CONSTITUTION for their “POLITICS” is more of that of Vice President George Clinton and/or New York Governor DeWitt Clinton firstly; - the Clintons “POLITICS” is still to much akin to be at least as if also related to General Clinton of the United Kingdom, as a last fighting for the CROWN of BRITAIN against the COLONIES, and to if I recall to of having had plans to attempt at least to assassinate THOMAS JEFFERSON.

The Clintons’ perversions, today, are at least as problematic as how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad got to power by perverting BA’ATHISM and how it was of an ideology firstly of an idea that an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE could unite all Muslim nations/states of at least its vast region.

The Clintons’ perversions are against regular order for impregnable fortitude to vicissitudes incident to life as George Washington set forth in our first inaugural address.  The Clintons are for compliance and obedience more to an AUTOCRACY OF CLINTONS to the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” as of at least national AUTHORITARIAN Power.

Again, under these perversions of regular order by leaders of the Democrat Party there has been a tragedy that is firstly again of terrorism that people of these united states of the Americas should first THINK and DEBATE respectfully as again of exercised opinionated of prejudice and intolerance, as sans duck’n discipline of heads bowed for ecumenical comity, and, as now again, first, there is a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” - - - and as improper under the Constituted Union due all PEOPLE are of pledges to allegiance for due process and regular order, and to “all Politics is local” is the common core and for FREEDOM in RELIGIOUS LIBERTY necessarily needs a sufficient percentage of populace to maintaining as bulwark for HOPE and SANCTUARIES always as by being guarded against any community to becometh too “IRRELIGIOUS”!

However, now the grieving is complicated as due “TERRORISM” and if of ISIL - ISIS - DAESH - ISLAMIC STATE - as sponsored or endorsed we are yet of it as globally to for how Americans are pledged as a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” for other peaceful means were necessary and while prejudice and prejudgement is not AMERICAN even while governance becometh too secular and SOCIALIST for DEMOCRAT PARTY elites to have Powers too AUTHORITARIAN for an exaggerated self-importance not humble in as set under our Lord their CREATOR.

As we bow our heads, and too daily for comity akin to as set out by Paul, for the Constitution is of a apostolic by the Founding Fathers dependent upon civilization of Union as firstly being so “Paulist” as to the People are established as under our Lord before under our Federal Government, - the free people of these united states of the Americas are ordained as “Paulist” as under God before under any government and so there must always be a suffice - a sufficient engagement of voluntary extra-Nation organized morality to that the UNION never becometh even locally too IRRELIGIOUS.

As we bow our heads and to now more to THINK and DEBATE amongst our “communities” we have that we must shake off - to arrest - the idea to as if there is a DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION where there a “living document” status as if a loophole to the REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION of our CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC as the truth seems that since to the apostolic of the Founding Fathers for endurance in practices for ECUMENICAL prophylactics there is that the impregnable fortitude for “vicissitudes incident to life” is rooted in that HOLY SCRIPTURE is a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and so then that the CONSTITUTION need not be a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and to that then the ECUMENICAL must govern the ducks and comity firstly as the calls of Posterity for Tranquility in Union have been constituted to that the PEOPLES ORDER THAT FORMS THE MORE PERFECT UNION is established to be more difficult to amend and void than it is for the KING JAMES BIBLE, at least, to yet be to new editions by revisions.

There is no constitutional call to the nationalism and new progressive attempts to set asunder the People’s ORDER; - The call even as for “ducks” to a NATIONALISM for self-importance for HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is contrary to the CONSTITUTED as as under God of vertical separation of Government to that all are to be firstly of self governance by disciplines to an extra-nation organized morality. 

There is no enduring structure for ECUMENICAL methodism where the “dog whistle” tyranny of the Clintons for AUTHORTARIAN demagogue STATUS endures.  So THINK & DEBATE upon what PERVERSIONS!

I do not know if a PRESBYTERIAN is now otherwise of sufficiency for the impregnable fortitude George Washington inaugurated our People for tolerance of ;- I know not if Donald Trump shares the apostolic for ecumenical ordered ours - Our CONSTITUTED.

I do feel that as ducking of a bowing of heads for respect and a comity of polity for community parity must endure we must not be beckoned, however by a CLINTONS’ NATIONALISM, by “dog whistles” when work is again to be done to again ensure that none of the “local” of “AMERICAN” is in danger from having become (like Iraq, Ukraine, Syria) too IRRELIGIOUS, - - - or just too SECULAR SOCIALIST!

Our “We the People..” is in “more perfect Union” done and of an ecumenical conundrum, it seems, to endure by the apostolic dedication of the “FOUNDING FATHERS” in that “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is a puzzler for to have “FREEDOM” “OF” RELIGION it is that one must be an individual to learn’d “OF” “RELIGION” in order to be above barbarian or suspect to reflexive obedience to whistles - to be a FREE PERSON! - - - Like to be AMERICAN is to know what must be RELIGIOUS in order to be FREE - of CONSTITUTED “FREEDOM”!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:23 am

What is in a name?  Is Trump the milk in your cereal? - the butter on your artisan breads? - the aged in your Kentucky staved stayed oaken barrels banded spiriting? - the “UN-CLINTON”?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - are revenant - are of an American Renaissance passing to a NEW ROMANTIC ERA.

The waddles of the “THE BEAVER STATE” to the “THE BLUEGRASS STATE” are strummin’ “DIXIE”? - “YANKEE DOODLE”? - HALLEJULAH? - SHAKE IT OFF?

The legends of the beaver’d states of Kentuckians and Oregonians are embattled to if any American standards remain “under God”!  Hillary Clinton is pimpin’ Bill Clinton as an “AMERICAN PUTIN” - a thought kept from more presidencies yet restored to Powers.  Hillary Clinton is setting asunder regular order and common sense, with (accomplices) like of Chris Wallace of FOX, as any whom posture that Mrs. Clinton, as per 2016, is “HAS BEEN VETTED” is abridging due process and prudence.

For history by legends of/about the “THE CLINTON” isn’t it like Governor Daniel Malloy (D) (CT) is akin like a “CLINTON LOYALIST” - -Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) (NY) as profferable as like a “REFORMED CLINTONITE” - - Governor Jerry Brown (D) (CA) as a counter as still like a died in the cotton JESUIT anchored?

The “BEAVER WARS” are back - Kentucky & Oregon are beset of HILLARY CLINTON seeming in a “DELUDED STATE”!  I.E.:  The Clintons inherited the 1990s recovery and it of set up for a new urban agenda to develop a unity forward from the Reagan Revolution, and the Rehnquist Revolution, of my HOGAN restoration scribing of like the little known “HOGAN REVOLUTION” of setting up the postured “NEW WORLD ORDER” around my “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM” and as it was to creating a focus on NEW HAVEN and for URBAN AGENDAS for whomever was President - a re-elected or elected.

Mrs. Clinton has a problem pimpin’ “Bill” so as if a GREAT WHITE HOPE for he didn’t build what she is bustin’ moves to posture they did.  A THINK to such solutions doesn’t seem to have a historical forensics to that a pathology to such can come from lifestyles so political as is the core common to the psychological profiles seeming rooted in the “THE CLINTON” as as Clintons of the SOUTH.  The THINK to what worked in the 1990s to have been of a synchronicity of national harmony, at least, was only possible from years to a decade of preparations - of years more in self sacrifice than flamboyant self/selfish aggrandizement - spoiled lots.

In sports terms it is more less like a JESUIT discipline won the days for more august of a “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS” methodology of AUGUSTINIAN BROTHERHOOD of HIPPO THINK of “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” secured the neural pathways for a shared humanity - A VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY roots tolled the bugles, bells, and drumbeats.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me, and especially since the three of us have a history of knowing each other since the early 1970s and to when they were still just Yale Law School co-eds dating, and on a walk about through my neighborhood - as when I was near a first grader.  Their first impression wasn’t good - but was concerning for it included them asking me if they both could become a President some day.

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats the Clintons don’t want you to know about me even more so for my political strategizing since 2008 was to advising the “Grand Old Party” they should, to defend the Constitution, work forward as a “PARTY OF NO” so that a clear line of demarcation would become self evident between say the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION” held views.  And, because I asked CNBC, while considering if I were to join their ranks, to have one of theirs pronounce to the world like a “AMERICA COULD USE A NEW TEA PARTY”!

DEMOCRATS your leaders would have you believe this means that I must be a RACIST for opposing the first black President - for setting up a workable opposition lines of separation between ORIGINALISM and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S quasi “constitutionalism”!  I AM NOT A RACIST!!! - - - CASE IN POINT:  E.G.:  THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS THAT WON THE DAYS OF 1992 AND BEYOND FOR THE CLINTONS WAS MY “BACK TO BASICS” EMPATHY RENDERED GLOBALISM OF MY RENDITIONS IN THE CORE OF MY #TCONF.


Kentuckians and Oregonians:  Back to basics of 2016:  It is improper and sloppy for any, especially a Wallace, to posture that Hillary Clinton has already been “VETTED”!!!  Mrs. Clinton as of May 2016 is in the throws as unvetted and being investigated for the years as Secretary of State and then as like just “First Mate” of the CLINTON FOUNDATION.  Mrs. Clinton can NOT be said as “VETTED” for her last two jobs at least until the BENGHAZI SELECT COMMITTEE report is finalized, and at least as well until the investigation(s) into the #CGI “CGI” “CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES” and their email practices have been rendered judged and meted to the “JURY OF YOUR PEERS” prudence of established jurisprudence processes.

Kentucky and Oregon:  Please let they world know you are now induced to a #Vote4Hillary due a suppression by the imitation sweetness pimp’d of “CLINTON COOL-AID”!!!

Kentucky and Oregon Democrats:  Mitch McConnell as a Republican Leader of the Senate did well by CONSTITUTIONALISM - not by a #IAMRACIST - as while standing up a dichotomy by a “PARTY OF NO” to a separation to be self evident between the legal school of say a “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” and the quasi legal “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”!

I am the soul to be first tried as NOT #RACIST for dedication upon the politics of opposition against the first black President!!!

I am for the #BEAVERWARS so for it is too a long story that after Leonardo DiCaprio as “GATSBY” I did again push him, and this time towards bringing back the AMERICA era of the “BEAVER WARS”!  In the http://myblog.jphogan.org blog archived for NOVEMBER 2010 there is chronologically that which scrolls in the mix of the months essays in reverse order my series of “BEATRICE BOXER AND THE BEAVER WARS” set some around Kentucky for McConnell, and Ohio, for Boehner. 

Such is in a holding pattern to be maybe a TV series akin to the genre of “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” as wholly around beavers. 

Such is in my holding pattern yet while of a “NANCY POTTER” of topiary bushes and a “bad teacher” “HILLARY”!

If you think that the new “TEA PARTY” was “RACIST” as CLINTON DEMOCRATS are still abiding an ignorance to shallow over a deep probative you should think guardedly to like Bill Clinton like “PUT THE BANANA IN YOUR TAILPIPE”!!!

The lure of “DONALD TRUMP & THE NEW GOP” is like a grand old party for afternoon teas about the republican tea leaves formed for daily analysis to be girded and guarded from more HILLARY “tempests”!  There is a growing dynamic of “NEW REPUBLICANS” for afternoon teas about the believable of one of QUEENS’ PRESBYTARIANS!!!

Of HIPPO of brotherhood of AUGUSTINIANS there is a modern hip hop beat more to a rap HAMILTONIAN of SAINT AUGUSTINE from “CITY OF GOD vs CITY OF MAN” to street and beat poetry more as outta breakfasts of as if “CITY OF BROS vs CITY OF HOS”!!!  Jesuit Governor Jerry Brown of California may have already helped Governor Mary Brown of Oregon to a Christian regional sufficed.

How one now practices their shared humanity in “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is reset to that there can be no “FREEDOM FROM RELIGION” as “religion” is that of the all of interpreted for all (neighborly)!  2016 and beyond may be reset to a “hellish” trepidation of thresholds of levels of “devilish” and taggin’ of “LUCIFERS” and in a good way as for the global economics to sing like of 2 Corinthians of the capitalism of Paul’s letters at least of the KING JAMES BIBLE and recover to harmonics for growth in how said economics are of that peoples must be like of singing together.

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HAMILTON nailed the beat for 2016 when he scribed his FEDERALIST squib as FEDERALIST PAPER #1 to that the CONSTITUTION is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY”!!!















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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am

This Earth Day 2016 as synchronized to the Paris Agreement & the United Nations gathered together for signings is an important day to still ask if the ends can justify the means.  Can there yet be a “Climate Redirect” to morals in “Climate Change” discussions or will the politics continue to out weigh morality?

This squib will speak to whom have been the bad actors now still too spotlighted as knights in shinning armor.  In appreciation for the First Lady of The United States of America, Michelle Obama, - for her #4College campaign with Chance The Rapper, and due we must for civilizations to endure be to a #EvolveTheLaw duty, - and vigilance, let us e-gather, however, today and celebrate that critical thinking must be taught as college educations encouraged and to that all aspirants for higher knowledge learn to look at both sides of issues, - at the right & wrong, at the good & bad, and in a considerate to an of the pros & cons.

The Paris Agreement cannot be about selling “STUPID”!  That would be most impractical and improper!  On this Earth Day let us remember to look for the bad actors and to prosecute, civilly, at least, their bad acts, - their effected of as if ends justify their means when time is tolling that their means should not be yet consider justified or ever prudent, - ever becoming of leaders.

This is an American perspective and will primarily stick to those whom have been American bad actors!

Though I am close to starting with Secretary of State John Kerry or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and also former Vice President Al Gore, let us come together so e-gathered for the common good as I now commence on President Bill Clinton as a primary bad actor.

There cannot yet become morals in climate change, especially an effecting by a Paris Agreement, if we do not settle some American politics issues of that the Republicans were never as bad as Democrat Party “leaders” postured them to be, and that really, for the history books, Bill Clinton can be said to be worse than many of the old GOP & especially the New GOP.

Thomas Friedman’s “THE WORLD IS FLAT” is a perfect case to assuaging a vast guilt, political, upon Bill Clinton.  There is it is quite contrary to cherish or celebrate a Clinton for being a good steward of the environment and also praise him for Clintonomics and the heaps of praise by Friedman by published storied of a world flat thanks to Clinton.  Yes, if Clinton is to be praised for his “economics” then he is more to most to be blamed for ruining the atmosphere by politics for carbon excess.

Clinton may have that he toyed with Kyoto but it is undeniable and inescapable that Clinton “economics” affected dangers greatly across our shared Mother Earth.  It is more realistic due Clinton “economics” to pare it that Clinton at best just toyed with Kyoto Accords.  (To George W. Bush, President, business sense, crediting there is that one of his biographers did note to it now later that he was right, - to that a movement to exercise the radical programs like of Kyoto were likely to cause an economic crash, quite as the campaigns of “HILLARY 2008″ & Al Gore at “INCONVENIENT TRUTH” do attest.)

For now this isn’t to be about President Bush or about the economic damage done by rash and rushed unbalanced climate campaigning by Democrats, Americans, of Clinton - or Clintons loyalty.  This for brevity is to mostly be about assuaging a need for #EvolveTheLaw to keep civilizations enduring and to how Bill Clinton, and at least Al Gore, are exposed and fit’n being sued on how they effected change, and as with the global Justice of jurisdictions for the International Criminal Courts, - the #ICC.

As Thomas Friedman penned/pressed out “THE WORLD IS FLAT” (though an incomplete story as other people not storied for leading to a “more level playing field” 1992 politics platform) to wrongly too much credit Clinton for vast industrialization and a new materialism (also of his politics for hyper-consumerism recklessness) let us just work with how the good sold by Friedman as good deeds done by Clinton are yet, very much, and vastly, the actual hands on personal of the mistakes worked into the expanding global free market system.  What Friedman sold as a “GOOD CLINTON” is necessarily now very importantly and critically much that the world, to evolve on climate change, and to effect a “Climate Redirect” to morals in environmental politics (of American politicians), is vitally essentially now what we should be gathered together for progress around as taggable and mashable more as a the “BAD CLINTON” affected.

To be brief:  to leave to later:  to let time settle some of this obvious more to some than others:  How Clinton was complicit in how the vast industrialization ‘flattened the world’ is prosecutable at least in for a morality - a worked at historical understanding (of the bad actors) - for how Clinton “economics” and “leadership” help let it all get started really is morally reprehensible as it is that so much so bad is due how Clinton let it all get started.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:39 am

This is not hyperbole!  Voters of New York City & Long Island, largely, who voted for Hillary Clinton are now affected as stamped “STUPID”!  Trust the science!  We will get to the science!  For now top out realizing where at is not top shelf.

That Mrs. Clinton as a former First Lady and Senator and Secretary of State did only amass such an anemic number of Empire State votes foretells a HOPE for the Big Apple, yet, - still.  1.1 Million votes should have Mrs. Clinton embarrassed!

We should be able to peel and pare a “NEW YORK STATE OF MIND” from such a voting block as now stamped “STUPID”!

If you can remember the anti-tobacco ads that used to run while dedicants to evolutionary civility moved piles and piles of stuffing filled body bags to near building entrances of “Big Tobacco” corporate locations you can now more easily visualize that #Hillary2016 should have “TRUTH” bags likewise moved around the country to greet her every appearance of an asking to how many dead is Mrs. Clinton responsible to - as back to 1993 as claimed the “better half” of the Clinton “two-fer”!  Feminists should insist on a public demonstration of a respectable number of dead that are dead all around the world either due Clinton inaction & avoidance, or and specifically due her disastrous actions officially furthered; - it can’t be fair to men, or women, if feminism cause doesn’t separate the dead due Mrs. Clinton from the dead more dead due President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama.

Hillary Clinton is not TOP SHELF!  Bill Clinton never was TOP SHELF!  Mrs. Clinton attempts to break a “glass ceiling” is still of her not hot enough, - not competently pertinent sufficiently - not of a elevated level enough - at the ceiling like now falling down upon her.  It is a constituted constitutional thing:  Bill Clinton’s constitution is no longer (if ever truly) American! -  the constitution of Mrs. Clinton “glass ceiling” hyperbole is also not American! - Truth is constituted to reign over the United States by set in the People’s “Order” to that as ordained “done” in the “Year of our Lord” all are expected to be moral under God of a nation under Faith and always as before “under” Government.  It is still “STUPID” and now more visibly self evident that the Clintons’ machination have been un-American as for them of posturing that Mrs. Clinton can break the FAITH ceiling and become as above the reign of and for TRUTH.

Yes, to go back to 1993, in a moral way to morals accounting, there is that Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton street cred should be of a truly vast number of dead now fit to be showcased and highlighted across the nation with masses and masses of dramatically stuffed body bags to greet the “real” “Hillary” a #DramaQueen #DroneQueen #SurplusdQueen with “#TRUTH” in bold unyielding font printed graphically, - printed LOUDLY.

Trust the science!  We are getting to the science!  We are getting to how voters who voted for Mrs. Clinton are now forward as affected as if stamped “STUPID” - as goes how goes that New York City & Long Island went.

It is like CLIMATE CHANGE “science” said!  The numbers and claims of and for Mrs. Clinton are damming, - conclusively! -  let there be no “STUPID” deniers!

People (devolved) of New York & Long Island who voted for Mrs. Clinton:  You’ve been stamped! You are affected as stamped “STUPID”!  It is too some as of #MIT #GRUBER confessed whence #GRUBERGATE was politics news, and more specifically now, that those who are “Hillary Clinton” voters are thought by Democrat Party leadership to be so “TOO STUPID” for their opinions to be actually considered.  Professor Gruber revealed akin to Mrs. Clinton, on OBAMACARE sell, that such setting asunder of regular order and generally Constitutional process was a claimed as “necessary” because their voters were too stupid to be politically engaged, educated, re-educated, updated, consulted, re-consulted, worked with for amending, and considered as relevant to their “leaders” dictum/decisions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren can proffer a teaching of how responsible Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton are, as in support of the science you should trust, but I fear that may have to be only for you if you can afford Harvard University prices for knowledge.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, if she will educate the People for free, can very professionally posture in a scientific accountable, even a lay & clear prosecution, of the culpability fit’n “STUPID” stamped upon followers of the Clintons.  Senator Warren can further her past tagging of bad economics by the Clintons to it generally and primarily mashable for #Election2016 to it of “science” forward that it is to be known that the Clintons rap is more TRUTH @ “ALL CLINTONS’ FAULT” than yet postured in their politik of bearing false witness and falsely accusing with “ALL BUSH’S FAULT”!

Perhaps a story, personal, involving Vice President Joseph Biden:  On constitutionality, - or not:  When Senator Biden in the mid to late 1990s the Senator was witnessed by myself as a member of the local public in attendance at a Yale Law School symposium on the CONSTITUTION - on FEDERALISM - as to be to concluding, if I recall correctly, “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”  This relates specifically now to how affected a stamped “STUPID” is fit’n on any who voted for Mrs. Clinton in New York, - who voted for Mrs. Clinton in her adopted home state.  When you get to an understanding of Vice President’s conclusion to that “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING” you won’t/can’t be to deniers of the science of such so mashable as of a bad rap for Mrs. & President William Jefferson Clinton.

The “JOE” of “Joe Biden, Vice President” is also useful for though it was (innocently) a smack upon his boss President Barack Obama (accidently), when heard, over a live, or late rebroadcast tv spot, it is/was as like near “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BROKEN!” or “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”!

Mrs. Clinton, scientifically posturing for a lay, doesn’t get it that she is more the problem than the solution.  Mrs. Clinton is blind to her own limits and potential, as her record can show more scientifically, - more fully.  Mrs. Clinton is of the problem now much still too long upon the United States of that a “CLINTON PLAN” is still being furthered and while so flawed there is an evidence trail to be processed to that the Clintons both were never as smart as they thought themselves to be since bonding in law school, and, that the Clintons have not ever been smart enough for there thought “GRAND STRATEGY” to succeed.

Vice President Joseph Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren can still save you!  They have exposed themselves of wits of erudite roots than can more than just entangle the CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS - #BIDEN & #WARREN with more leadership from #SANDERS can more than entangle the CLINTONS’ & expose their vast accountability!  these can arrest the duo’p'd triangulations of cold calculators for global autocratic domination!  these can arrest the CLINTON FOUNDATION as too much a “RIVAL” and/or “SHADOW GOVERNMENT”!

Of those of Mrs. Clinton’s “home state” - adopted from whence she married into the “NATURAL STATE” it is much no self afflicted to you being en masse affected as stamped “STUPID” - scientifically in a lay posturing.

Like “JOE” has (innocently) declared (as remembered):  “YOU CAN’T FIX IT IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!”

You are dedicated now with Mrs. Clinton for Democrat Party unity to the science! - the science must rule! - you are not alone now in being stuck also with President Obama’s #CLIMATECHANGE #SCIENCE to that because the planet is getting worse you now must still accept their tyranny of solutions, - you must accept their politics of their #GREENAGENDA for #AUSTERITY as for more sacrifice (so claims your “MESSIAH” figure(s)) to a greater saturation of #GREENMINIMALISM.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

For now you can try common sense to fathom that Mrs. Clinton’s “glass ceiling” is competency! - and that the office of the President is too above her at least because the Clintons’ duo’p'd constitution is quite not American in its hierarchy to that God & truth are supposed to be by politics of convenience as under them, - as under Democrats at least Yale or Harvard Law Schools Alums.

For now there is still time to save Senator “candidate” Bernie Sanders!  Vice President “Joe” Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren, if true to their oaths of offices to the actually Constituted, can help now save #Bernie2016 and maybe even by being morally effecting to an arresting of the CLINTONS FOUNDATION as so irregular as to much too much like a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! - or at least a vast #YUGE (#HUGE?) perversion of campaign finance good practices as operating much like a grand new TAMMANY of an organized for campaign like “CLINTON” branding as by a scheme of global patronage claimed, it seems, yet to be just conveniently otherwise as if just #CHARITY.

Yes, it seems you are at a “NEED TO KNOW” and to quickly figuring out, as best you can, how that Senator Biden did declare as recalled in a 1990s conclusion on the CONSTITUTION to that it like: “FEDERALISM IS DEVOLVING!”.

It is not too late to save the DEMOCRAT PARTY! - - - it is not too late to save BERNIE SANDERS! 

TRUST THE SCIENCE!  Senator Elizabeth Warren can explain the economic science to rap Mrs. Clinton, too!

I must leave it to you, each of you, yourselves, to actually discern if #BIDEN #SANDERS #WARREN are fit to help you appreciate the American spirit(s) of TOP SHELF politics.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

And, in conclusion the Clintons become imprisoned for heinous acts in treason.  Too Democrats, 16.1.21, we are read it may be life sentences upon each of their souls, for acts of collusion of their shared soul.

Too, of the collective opines of Davos, albeit as said as for world economics, 2nd Corinthians may be “Messiah” President Barack H. Obama’s best defense.  2016 is the year the “Messiah” must lock in his proffered NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as if to GREEN MINIMALISM as the new copacetic tao - the new POLITICAL CORRECT lingua, forward, as in lieu of POVERTY LEVEL. The messianic of this whom saved the world from the too “machinations” of the CLINTONS’ MACHINE now lives another day to days for responsibility for the forced austerity into retirement.

The world economics of the NEW DEAL AUSTERITY have been established and ordained, like, - though wrongly for Americans in a secular SOCIALISM!  These days are to try souls, - in synchronicity with the devilish of the Clintons machinations for MACHIAVELLIAN Power for a ruling class.  President Obama may have been an accidental WIZARD towards CONGRESS convened and committed to CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW ECONOMY, and it may be accidental that the messianic too has brought peoples of the world closer to their “under God” and wiser from as if first “under Government”!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  To understand these, as AMERICAN, readings must be transgress morally of the old of PUBLIUS as the explainer of CONSTITUTIONAL as synchronized to ADAM SMITH for the then fresh WEALTH OF NATIONS.  Too, of the global, and of the collective opines wafting of Davos of #WEF, deference is due to a reading of holy scriptures for the People Order done was ordained and established “done” under God by subscribed “done” so respectfully of “Year of our Lord”!

Do you reject Satan?  Now in 2016:  Together: Yes! I reject Hillary Clinton (for her machinations devoid of prudent sagacious beingness)!  Together:  The “little princess” shall be no “Queen” despite her life’s shared work as of wants for autocratic global Power.  Together:  We the People, now 16.1.21, are wise enough to “BAD MAGIC” the proper tag for CLINTONOMICS!

There are core principles that no REPUBLICAN now really can fall short with if to walking with peoples anywhere keen also too.  Too DEMOCRATS, 16.1.21, - SAVED DEMOCRATS!  Can you yet be #4College #READY if not intellectual to PROS & CONS, GOOD V. EVIL, RIGHT & WRONG by comparing and contrasting of the PILGRIMS era pride their works as then global - world economics, like - joined as an epoch or era, too of the core of Rene Descartes writing as a CATHOLIC from where they left from, and, too of the core, albeit martial to brutal of ENGLISH times, of OLIVER CROMWELL?

There is no securing the progress, however “accidental” of an “accidental wizard” President at a political spun as if “messianic”, forward, now, without people everywhere voluntarily committed and participant to their chose extra-nation morality and likely to the voluntary emoluments to financially buttress their home community as duly with celebrant structures as SANCTUARY. 

NEW DEAL AUSTERITY has begot GREEN MINIMALISM!  “An Accidental Messiah” may be a premature #TAG an not prudent to be bestowed as it seems un-Saintly how lies were worked by political machinations to falsely accuse more innocent political operatives to a BLAME & GO opportunism, - a politics, however to GOOD begot to a lesser materialism, as a Political too much of selfish ends for a RULING CLASS, particularly.  “LONG LIVE GREEN MINIMALISM!!!” ?

Forward:  Together:  For the social good to endure, however now a GOOD from bad magic of an “accidental wizard”, all, - all across these united states of the Americas, must fairly engage for discoursing upon an existential problema, concurrent to our votal decidings. 

Forward:  Together:  GREEN MINIMALISM, as a GOOD to less gauche or gaudy MATERIALISM for materialism’s sake, to be newly of the “right hand of GOD”, to be a lasting GOOD to endure (to save the shared planet from CLIMATE CHANGE, at least) must be embraced for world economics, - due local economies are of the People immediately pressed to the social problema of shared existence in this new year still kept of the Christian Calendar as a “Year of our Lord” Constituted!










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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:08 am

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old!’

‘How old is he? - how old is Bill J. Clinton?’

‘Hillary R. Clinton’s old man is so old - blah, blah, blah, blah.’ BORING!

You have the wars all wrong, - you really do, - yes most of you really do!

On the road of the Afghanistan poppy fields, as Mrs. C’s - drone queen’s - killing fields, her old man “Bill” of these ages yet he most of ages posts, as mile markers of strife’s roots, as an elder, so of such a shoddy past so long that he is as her old man yet a the most present in the concerts of conscience so many times, in retrospect, as the he/she present so consistently that such the he/she all should first see meted through to accurately measured for the depths of ownership of a proprietary in culpability for so many “strifes” of record so tragic, and linkable to one more than any other.

It is not preposterous, even in hindsight, to posture the years 1993 to 2001 are too ‘missing’ from the measured of these times, - that Bill J. Clinton & Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton ‘leadership’ is most clearly seen forevermore in the negative, - their measured for history as accurate for the eternal records is negative as there greatest burden of guilt is for what they didn’t do, and whom they abandoned, or left feeling abandoned.

It may, for Posterity, help to to think Bill J. Clinton so old that he now if of so much negative in his lifetime he is as if of ages posted statistically of enough average years lived to be as old as the Barbary Pirates.  As so much of the reality of the culpables of the Clinton are still much cloaked by politically worked domestic (and foreign?) cover-ups any Tranquility may be yet as safe and for enduring as quicksand.  To bare the politics of the Clintons to them naked before the world - un-cloaked to their interior domestic homespuns - would be to frighten the world with honesty and truth, - the dire to diabolical of the ages in their ‘works’ for what they didn’t work.

You do have the wars mostly to all wrong!  It firstly essential to ask if these wars today are so bad due the wars the Clintons didn’t commence, - the ‘warring’ they shoulda even if as then as timely ‘peace keeping’ avoided.

To discern a “REAL CLINTON” a fact based “HONEST CLINTON ASSUAGED” essentially all must much look at them in the negative, to whom they are most errantly truthfully for history due that which they didn’t do, and why they wouldn’t do suches.  It may too help to think Afghanistan was a Gettysburg of the Cold War, - in a pre-Clinton all seriousness.

The affectedness of the vast partisan and selfish brand maintenance of the machinations of the Clintons’ machine politics is to it still too much so that most people by not looking closely enough at their them are to missing how the Iraq War - OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM - musta been the right thing to do for to Shia of Iraq and Iran, Al Qaeda of Sunni of Arabia, and the Islamic State, ISIL, ISIS, it is as it was right for Americans to effect.  The war that Al Qaeda (and ISIL) to stand still in objection to would be THE PERSIAN GULF WAR, not OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. 

ISIL, Shia, and Al Qaeda should object less to the later war & coalition than the former; the former war is the war they wanted to fight or not need others to fight for them that yet after fought by others to a point, was then left not finished by Bill J. Clinton.  It figures that the Shia of Iran and the majority populace of Iraq must have been, and remain as for, the “Iraq War” so many Americans now wrongly posture as having been wrong to have commenced.

Oh it gets worse!  Let us liken her “old man” to as her “pop” to better sync the mashable of “Drone Queen” & “killing fields” - the of  Mrs C.!

So, it seems perfectly clear, let me be clear, so that right OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM despite common perceptions must now and forevermore be seen and heard as right!  We then are left with minor issues as to though right it may have been done wrong and commenced inconveniently in a time of politics too phat of lies hiding the negatives of the Clintons.  We then, say now, have it must be seen as a good war however a badly done war, and too as it was nearly wrong to do just because it was commenced so long after it should have been done - not avoided - as in the Clintons’ terms as ripe to have been affected by 1996 and still beyond.

What must be her body count? - how many dead were lost due just to Hillary R. Clinton and her hand in the politics of avoidance and inaction so phat, as with her pop, during 1003 to 2001? - what is the most accurate body count, a truthful number of bodybags filled, that should be first accounted from present to 1993 as most on the conscience due culpability of the Clintons, and then to how must such, and as seeming a vast tragic number of lost souls, is best to be divided statistically fairly between a HIS & HERS accounted for?  First Lady Mrs. Clinton was intimately engaged in the foreign and domestic decidings of Bill J. Clinton, and so much so that her whence ‘global initiatives’ were quite as a feminist crusading intentionally at inciting those already radical and other able to be radicalized across the regions now battlegrounds abroad.

Feminists owe the world an accounting - an if to at the years back to 1993 for accurate historical placement of burdens of guilt that actually must rest even tragically first upon First Lady Mrs. Clinton even before on the Presidency of the Clintons together.  Women owe the world a shedding of the ridiculous long postured to that it could be ever “ALL BUSH FAULT” because their pride in their sex should have Mrs. Clinton owning up to how much today is lost and bad due to her own personal participation in both the positive negative as actions bad acts, and the negatives most negative as from avoidance and inaction their her worked.

The poppies fields as Hillary R. Clinton as “Drone Queen” to as “killing fields” is complicated and to needs that it needs be for a full accounting parsed and pared by the ages by fitting postings as well to the days of the era of her “old man” so old to many he is like the “pops” of the country for those seeming so distant years 1993 to 2001. 

As First Lady Mrs. Clinton the poppies fields can too be “killing fields” on the Clintons’ conscience for those were years post Afghanistan as the Gettysburg of the Cold War of the where the battle against the spread of Soviet expansionism in Communism Socialism was turned back or stopped, and to those were the years on them of ignoring the cries coming from Afghanistan and of the United States of a culpability for an “abandonment” by of having left too early and to it simmering to festering during 1993 to 2001 as to how Americans, at least didn’t return when the Taliban was overwhelming such a heroic history as a people of a new Gettysburg.

It is frightful to think that the record of the Clintons when finally honestly set of truths not worked false narratives (to hopefully from culpable tales, to a purgatory while two histories extant, to whence then their lies from cover-up to accepted as truth, - though lies) will fully need be perceived and accepted.  It is scary that there can be so much guilt to be shouldered as a burden for two while for so many ages so posted others have been smeared innocently (at least innocently enough) while the dark side is an evil that really is seeded in the Clintons spousal husbandry of affectedness to effect for Power firstly, - first personal.

Case in point in beggard for truth at what to make of Vice President Al Gore and the Democrats after the attacks of 9/11/2001 as it seems ridiculous to not look cynically at the Democrats as to what they gained and seemed ready, oddly, to reap from such as a convenient crisis while so tragic to others. 

It may be better to think that President Barack H. Obama mission creep in Afghanistan from the War On Terror of safe passage for foreign troops to trespass Afghanistan, as traded for with agreements to build roads and schools, to the war of choice as if a dream come true of First Lady Clinton, as effecting to a WAR ON THE TALIBAN as a war on women finally commenced, is yet too congested a mass of Bill J. Clinton culpas akin to that guilt that if spread out over ‘average’ ages postings, and so to it so complicated as if a “convenient crisis” for, right, Vice President Al Gore was expected (globally) to be the next American President, at the time of September 11, 2001.

A most cynical of also that Afghanistan is of a “wrong war” is yet that Al Gore if then President woulda had outta Afghanistan a war so naturally blessed for a former war photo journalist like himself of it like perfectly set to sell convenient crisises forward as akin, too, to the old slight of a pop to as “YOU PROVIDE THE PICTURES & I’LL PROVIDE THE WAR.”

You do very much have the wars all wrong if thinking the Obama & Clinton war of choice as the war on women as their WAR ON TALIBAN was a more right war than OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  See it also figures that the justification used to sell the affectedness for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR (seemingly just the type Vice President Al Gore was oddly ready for) is yet a better workable SELL for the IRAQ WAR than that used by the George W. Bush. 

The Iraq War is justifiable as also due as a war on women as a liberation, as a liberating at least of the majority Shia under Saddam Hussein as a liberating for at least Shia women, and girls. 

Al Gore seems as if only was ready for a greater AFGHANISTAN WAR.

To Al Qaeda (and ISIL) it seems George W. Bush did much with his wars (not any of choice) save America and some coalition countries by affecting OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and as more important in the WAR ON TERROR than a greater WAR in Afghanistan, as yet not justified by September 11, 2001 attacks, as the WAR ON TALIBAN figures as necessary do the objections to the Clintons’ years of abandonment to the poppy fields their shared “killing fields” for concerts of conscience evermore, as rightly in the negative they ignored the cries, and tears as they chose inaction and avoidance, while unconscionable to so many others.

It is frightful too to consider how morally depraved it seems it arguable as a past and present danger exposed of a moral depravity that befits a like burdened of balls and chains for the likes of Bill J. Clinton, Al Gore, & at least also Hillary R. Clinton.  The dire and tragic of our here and now is very much seeded in their then whence of decidings to it as if right to ignore the cries and tears, and global guilty about their worked abandonments.

To see the Clintons for their negatives, for them of their not done, is to see them maybe too much as frightful due negatives.

The vast extant of a mass of gall is so enumerable it is perilous to many to have to consider so much frightful and true.  Thee is so much taggable as bad at least in a negative that it is that the is a galore in a HIS & HERS culpability that forward must be paired for a fair feminism in an actually truthful accounting of what affected and not affected for Hillary R. Clinton “feminism”!

Not can it be separated!  How can the frightful culpability of Mrs. Clinton be separated from her “old man” her “pop” driver “Bill’s”?

Maybe now you can give thanks more truthfully for better to understanding how so many have too long had the wars all wrong?

RESOLVED?  Isn’t it time to give thanks, not still wrongly to either Clinton, or Al Gore, or President Obama, as to those you can see your way towards as more of a heroic and necessary engagement and especially if you have been fooled for ages by postings of actual lies and willful acts to cover-up inconvenient truths to the climates of the attitudes for Democrats political machinations for a holding by a Power of a ruling class?

CONCLUDED, - FOR NOW:  It may be Bill J. Clinton is respectively of enough guilt to be so old as older than the Barbary Pirates of Thomas Jefferson’s effectings against, to so old he is more of the time of the Pilgrims but more akin to the power grabbing of Oliver Cromwell, and too less for a contemplative of such times that date Rene Descartes to having begun writing for his times only after he so relocated to where the Pilgrims did depart from.  As old say this trued Bill J. Clinton the lesson now is that it is served that his “old lady” must near be so said at least as meted as old.

THANKSGIVING SHARE:  It seems the gall of the Clintons is phat to their turkey is contrary - oh so contrary as practiced to be as if of works to have negated the prudential of the Pilgrims and Puritans, and much to that evolved from as of the founding fathers for the Clintons’ seems as but of a spousal husbandry coyly to affectedness luckily short of their goals, as seeming to frightful that their goals must have been to be to being to a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional Powers, as willfully worked to and as to premeditated work to set asunder the Constitution, so to that they could be more successful than Clintons before them and to reaping yet an autocratic, maybe actually global, for a regaling “pop” of a CLINTON AUTOCRACY effectedly enough “crowned” upon them, - each.

NEVER FORGET:  It is complicated, - even more so!  What was the United States “poppies” politics under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?

                                   *     *     *     *     *

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:38 pm

The fatal flaw in the American liberal (progressive?) agenda is apparent in Secretary of State John Kerry struggles with legitimacy.

There is much guilt for any American Democrat in the unprincipled disengagement of the policies of Clinton Administration, and very much for arrogance at climate change, with a solutions tyranny, of a partisan politics, of that chided by Pope Francis with the Catholic “Climate Redirect”, of any agenda prescribed in a “WE’RE 100% RIGHT” and will claim you of an absolute to and “ALL YOUR FAULT.” Democrats have guilt to bare!

Many moons have passed to also attest long shadows of Democrats, in their affected while flawed, to a darkness to haunt.

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly so dark due to climate change tyrannical of social engineering.

Yes, children of the world, yes! It is true as Paris young father said: “There are bad people everywhere…”

The legitimacy Secretary Kerry struggles with is only partly economical in that statistics of jobs killed for GREEN AGENDA.

Senator Bernie Sanders may enough be not a true Democrat. He speaks of Islamic State of rising of climate change realities.

Senator Bernie Sanders may be less a Democratic Socialist than a Brooklyn Jew seeking a moral Judaic to exercised in like a Christian to Catholic social ethos. When Mayor Sanders, of Burlington, Vermont, he was not, it seems, of an errant attitude that his residents needed DC as a distant, too taxing, big brother / big sister depended upon to run their own town.

There is a legitimacy however now a twisted politics in candidate Sanders equating Islamic State issues tie to climate change (politics?).

Catholic Secretary Kerry struggles with a general to global to existential legitimacy is some rooted in how seeded in President Barack H. Obama known (& unknown) lies affected as lying to cover-up for Clintons transgressions from Constitutionals, - especially from due process.

Without the Iraq War, however the politics of how commenced & operated are complicated and erred, Saddam Hussein would be as if still in bed with the Clintons and as if of daily flowers, and forgiveness, and yet because he wasn’t yet prosecuted Iran would be justified to a legitimacy for a nuclear arms race against Iraq. Without the so late it was nearly too late prosecution of Saddam Hussein the logic to a pathological, some to a ready evident, seems that an allowance for forcing a still in bed with Saddam Hussein to be to forcing a geo-topo-theo-politics progression from the end of the Cold War to Iraq then allowed, due necessity to be then in an arms race with Iran. By the Democrats errs there would be no Justice for all exported.

The Democrats shadow is of the solutions tyranny in their GREEN AGENDA said due due climate change ALARMISM to being a major jobs and economies killer across the Middle East, so for now their is enough truth in candidate Sanders postt to move on back to the issues in Secretary Kerry’s own “legitimacy”! We cannot turn the clock back on the economic decimation affected as seeded by the Clinton Administration (in unprincipled disengagement) and then so decimated with the GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM tyranny of arrogance, - that we very much do need a prudence in a CLIMATE REDIRECT from.

Secretary Kerry, I presume, is of a plausible deniability (, like Mrs. Clinton before him,) for firstly just a tool of President Obama, however himself exercised for an actual National Socialism where the leader is to be thought not fallible. Issues of Secretary of State “legitimacy” are of the President’s.

There is issues of “legitimacy” for these horrendous acts said of affectedness in an obedience stately of the Islamic State, that do also test this pared of Secretary Kerry’s struggles as President Obama’s due Democrats fatal flaws, - for legitimacy.

America shares the French “we have flowers” - it is the common core less taught of a civics potential in a Republic for civility established as Ordered by the People of and for due process.  Any “free exercise of religion” within the domains of the Republic of these united states of the Americas is firstly secured contrary to the Democrats fatal errs, as secured it is even for, and especially of matters of refugees, especially if of Islam, in there duty for all to commit to the Pledge Of Allegiance to that of innocence until guilt can be proven, - of a constituted for a practiced even for religious in a specified republican due process, of enumerated civil procedures and processes.

Muslims have received many amazing gifts from Allah since the days of the vibrancy of Muhammad’s dedications to Islam. The acts said of “terror” in Paris beg for intelligence in the affected, - there is a clarity of “holy message” like missing in the tragic affected. There is plausible concern as to actual legitimacy that begs if any actors to such barbarism could have half a brain among them to the fullness of laid forward by Muhammad’s own.

There is that Jesus nor Muhammad is above the other, - that their God is equally above them, - that Muhammad of Arabia was of deserts so severe he was fully aware to the difficulties of finding the Holy in the deserts and hills of lava rocks, even daily.

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad seems at least halved by the attacks of Paris so that their is that “legitimacy” issue Secretary Kerry’s own legitimacy is hampered by?

Isn’t it that the full brain worked of Muhammad was before the days after gifts from Allah should have generally changed the civil landscapes everywhere, whatever a places religiosity or particular struggles locate of to practiced Holiness, - before the invention at least of air conditioning, and personal portable gps mapping and locating guidance equipment affordable as common accessories for most?

There is that Jesus and Muhammad as one not above the other yet have a geo-topo-theo-politics as of their sufficed, if, for practiced, to affecting religiosity.

Muhammad whole brain affected has a legitimacy that the Paris Attacks, said by ISIS seems less than half respecting.

Muhammad, with his God equally above him, did attest to a inadequacy of Christianity for God’s deserts so of a severity.

Muhammad, now after so many gifts from God, too gifts from Allah, seems more wholly reasoned and accountable than if ISIS is of legitimacy of a justification for Islamic action affected as if Jihad by Paris fatal blows, and mass affected vast injurious.

To Secretary Kerry and the pickle he is in of “legitimacy” there is the problem that the air of affectedness seems as easily more likely to if such was an duped to for a convenient crisis by a criminal mastermind of motives that now seem to affect an unreasonable amount of angst and counter action against any however seekers of actual justice joined of an Islamic State peoples movement yet for religious liberty, where Islam is yet adequate for Arabian deserts finding of paths to Allah as seems Muhammad realized and exercised to Christianity was inadequate even while Christ Jesus himself not an infidel. Before the inventions at least of air conditioning and affordable portable gps the practiced for core Islamic desert existential yet stayed true of a first prudence for a unity of brethren to be practiced to desert survival, and of cutting free weak links when too weak to so known weak to be a threat to any other, or a camel train of many.

It boggles a learned conscience on legitimacy even as Democrats fatal flaws of darkness in their long dark shadows of guilt.

It boggles how civil procedures were not exercised by any if actually true to an Islamic State as a peoples movement for religious liberty.

It boggles juxtaposed to the due process committed to by Pledge Of Allegiance of the Republic the French helped seed & grow.

It boggles to Secretary of State John Kerry’s opined confused on legitimacy, also, as it seems the outcomes from these Paris Attacks leave one thing self evident:


Besides all the gifts from Allah, as from God, this One equally above the flowers and deserts of Christ Jesus and Muhammad, it is yet that there is confusion in America for for too long the Democrats have undermined the Constitution as actually the People by Order to it Established in Christianity but disallowed from theocracy and to that Congress is to make now law respecting an “establishment” of religion. Any and all refugees must at least ask themselves if they can live in this Republic dedicated, in committed pledge to, of any free exercise of religion yet to be constituted in civil procedures for democratic civility established and ordained for due process, for of an innocence until proven guilty - by prescribed practiced ways kept.

The flowers are also everywhere, children of the world! Any practiced of Islam for desert survival too of paths to Allah is yet reasoned as reasoned wholly as for when in deserts do as Muhammad affected as allowable for survival of a holiest.

The “bad guys of everywhere” that boggles to confuses the legitimacy of the Democrats (of Obama administrations) is confused for it plausible to intelligent that the outcomes of these horrendous acts seem more to benefit entrenched leaders, not checked by democratic processes, firstly and mostly as if a convenient crisis to allow them more unthinkable acts as if justifiable.

The Islamic of Muhammad seems set forward for all Muslims to amended civil procedures themselves if gifts from Allah facilitate or enable respectfully.

The Islamic of Muhammad is so pared of Christianity as but inadequate for deserts severe of His severely tested for survival as with paths to Holy available and equitably, considering the complicated vicissitudes more incident to all from heat stroke, and suddenly upon sand storms, paired regularly to facts of life that alcohol under such temperate tested conditions is most recognizable as a threat to life to most, or all, - at least before the gifts from Allah of air conditioning, affordable portable gps, and at least satellite phones.

There is the legitimacy that there seems to be no apparent “flowers” for the Islamic State in if this was a reasoned and affected truly by ISIS committed souls. Unless depopulation of Muslims was the end game as the practiced and affected of believed.

There seems just to much plausible deniability for any of Islam even as if of a peoples movement for religious freedom as of the Levant as in an Islamic State.  The legitimacy if Islamic seems a message to Muslims refugees that they can be thinned out even if they leave the Levant.

The Obama struggles with legitimacy is of the fatal flaws of Democrats to an attempt to a post-Constitutional Union as if GOD was dead and any Pledge Of Allegiance could disrespect the common sense that “religion” is that which is of all things together as indivisible of a force conjoined as even the human species is like electric eels as themselves of a force that awakens in the bodies of religious as of embodied as bodies electric.

Secretary of State John Kerry, however errant or a rogue to President Obama, on legitimacy, yet is more, himself, than seeming half brained at best, for its seems contrary to Muhammad wholly exercised for prudence in desert survival of a keeping of paths to Allah. It just seems misdirected angst as it seems too likely “bad guys” may have been duped for (an)others’ machinations for (re)securing of their Power.

It seems seeded by “bad guys” that the sowing in Paris Attacks are yet no flowers for Muslims reaped! This is a legitimacy issue to concern all.

As Muslims seem free to celebrate Santa Claus as Christ Jesus nor Muhammad were neither above the other, while Christianity if practiced in deserts severe had inadequacies, as Christ Jesus was not an infidel while Christianity had geo-topo-theo-politics regional limitations that Islam has survived without, it begs, while refugees to too be to commitment by Pledge Of Allegiance to Republican civil procedures for due process, even as the Democrats of years against such to a post-Constitutional as a fatal flaw, - now hopefully fully repaired from forward, what legitimacy can there be of Muhammad laid for Holiness in such acts affected by seemingly likely duped “bad guys”?

There now can seemingly become a legitimacy legacy for these attacks of “Jihad” if by civil practiced by written or spoken articulations to a pathology to “flowers” also for any of Islam by seeming senseless acts of indiscriminate violence.

It now just seems that the Islamic State if truly guilty yet as justifiable now must at least affect poetry or rap to attest a Justice! It seems the violence wasn’t mighty to any clarity for legitimacy and now they if of affectedness must resort to the Power of words.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:08 am

Oh, right on cue, - Clinton talking points.  May sound good but that ain’t the real dynamic!!!

I did not support the Bush tax cuts but because I thought the Clintons’ surpluses were like a bomb ready to go off.

Bush had IRAQ O.I.F. war paid for until Speaker Pelosi killed the “HOW” by killing that freed Iraqi would reimburse coalition countries with the liberated’s state oil profits.

What Dem women worked to say was a bad way to cover until it became Secretary Clinton’s brilliant way, her way to pay for Libyan liberation.  “OBAMA’S RETREAT” at JPHogan.org can help with addition to/on Clinton negligence dynamic.

Bush wasn’t allowed to fix the economy or housing because to do so he would have had to explain Bill Clinton cut nearly a trillion too much while cutting two trillion at least too quickly.

There was no way for Bush to both fix the economy nor economically address the 911 attacks and to how Al Qaeda was a born bastard child of Saddam Hussein by his invasion of Kuwait, as like he thought he could keep Kuwait for the USA wouldn’t risk stirring the Middle East sentiments so to seeding such as Al Qaeda, - that ISIS is now living the original dreams of.

Bush was stuck as Al Gore would have been, too much so, for some spousal husbandry in coy ploys of Clintons to have a faster way to a President Hillary RETURN OF THE CLINTONS by them like holding the keys to the economy, of the administration after them.

Bush was stuck for couldn’t reverse the Clintons’ surpluses and too for he then couldn’t rightfully more truthfully prosecute sanctions against Saddam Hussein then without needing to establish the Clintons’ gross negligence as behind Al Qaeda attacks on the American homeland so of roots of his errs in policy that date to 1993 and anchor in 1993.

Obama used Clintons’ economics experts as early as 2008 post election towards 2009 inaugural, - with unprecedented cooperation though of Bush admin to hopefully improving transition.

Obama to this analysis yet of having pursued, knowingly, a green agenda jobs program where one new green job created was expected, due Spain’s example precedent, to then kill off 2-3 old industry less green, or politically correct in a “partisan” old jobs.

Clintons did inherit the said their recovery as it was started and stayed true to how started so as started before the Clintons even entered 1992 race.  Clintons’ jobs numbers are better seen in perspective satire COVERT CYPHER of bit.ly/Clinton_PHAT of http://CitRB.net 33 #Economics.

Clintons did inherit a recovery that was then ready to be Bush’s 2nd term good wave on the optimism of victory of a patriotism post Cold War & Persian Gulf War.  Oy this of https://www.facebook.com/jpeterhogan/posts/10204628075597506 is a ridiculous metric to see numbers as if history and original ownership of time’d can mean what this suggests.

An earlier thought recovered to share anew on this is that it wise for all/any at a jobs number for Obama Admin to fig how Hollywood may have been counted on as a jobs creator.

We’ve heard the one so dire and diabolical to many of Obama’s jobs, not those from energy independence initiatives to a domestic energy boom as by Republicans, as are likely of fat of short term extras in counts as for a jobs created for each feature of they hired for background, by the hundreds, and thousands, of as one person then counted numerous times per year for a “job created” yet just for a short term part-time feature scene as like to be a stadium scene seat warmer or a member of a vast pretend army, or clan groupy in a large battle scene.

If today has you confused, as meant to be confused, but curable, as still between if a Donkey or an Elephant the vast centered sorted bitlys #JPHogan can help liberate you to greater truths more workable forward for economic and political decidings. 

‘Tis your pick if to use http://bit.ly/DonkeyGong or http://bit.ly/TheElephants, while once past that hurdle it strongly recommended you read through those in /911Commission, /LongestWar, /KerryByHogan, /MadamSecretary, /BLACKPROBLEM, … ~ ~ ~ Hmmm?

It best you read through all of the http://CitizenRosebud.org sorted bitlys on THE ELEPHANTS page, and too as it the eve of 14th 911 anniversary too the just after poem THE PEAR TREE so memorializing of the survivor tree at Ground Zero.

Do you believe you can grasp #IranDeal #politics if not read in & read thru, especially, http://bit.ly/TwoHistories many vast centered collated?  (Though link opens as if still here in most recent first queued chronologically it is yet an assorted by site search on subject keywords TWO HISTORIES.)
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:05 am

I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, must keep the public, the American subjects, from considering my motives, and, from common sense.

I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, must keep them seeing me as playing checkers and to not thinking of complicated chess.

Can I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, yet firstly politically survive Labor Day Weekend 2015?  I gave a confounding interview on Friday, - can I survive even the weekend, now?

These days are quite different from before!  It is almost clear, dawning, that President Barack Hussein Obama has been, to date due full employment, peace in Middle East, and climate fixed enough to he willing to order ice breakers, established for intra-party Democrats consumption that he has been a better President than William Jefferson Clinton.

How can I like put enough cake on for a prima facia tabled to at least tease a suggestion to not look deep to the details, or for high definition, of facts of errs by Clintons in especially 1993?  With it near established that President Obama must now be the talk of the Democrats sides of towns as a better president than President Clinton I must set up for some blushed “Hillary” somehow as if of a lack of sufficient innocence.

My man has fallen!  What can I do now still to firstly defend my man!  What can I do as his fallen is breaking him politically wide open to the Clintons’ administration innards spilling of miles, and miles, of years, and years, of pipelines for monetization for personal emoluments for pecuniary amassing as if by convenience of power by possessing THE keyword & subject searchable data base, - right THE server, of President Barack Hussein Obama’s top Diplomatic Notes / #DipNotes?  What can I do, beyond friendly “media” puffery pieces to try to emote my subjects from intelligent consideration that the Clinton family foundation, as reported as able to command $1/2 Million per performance payments for #Bill, and $1/4 Million per hour for #Hillary, was seemingly only able to command such exorbitant emoluments pecuniary for President Clinton controlled President Obama’s TOP DIP NOTES?

What can I say, or lay on, to now try to hide that President Obama now is standing taller than President Clinton, and for bringing us to FULL EMPLOYMENT, PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND CLIMATE FIXED ENOUGH HE WILLING TO ORDER ICE BREAKERS?

My man has fallen!  How can I now, as I must, keep the world from looking at Mrs. Clinton as more symbolically at chess than still a pleasant distraction just of games of checkers?  Oy, the hell to pay, especially for President Clinton, if and when #MrsC chatted about across all know inhabitable lands as of rooks as the houses of Clinton, knights but energizers of infidelity trans-trollops, Bishops as the unlistened to but somewhere in my conscience, my King as a betrayer yet beside my side, and oh my pawns, my pawns, of an “how coldly she has sacrificed her pawns!”?

My man has fallen!  And now I seem beyond cake, however tabled vastly, and blush for a prima facia defense!  My man has fallen to be forevermore a worser President than President Barack Hussein Obama!  Dear subjects, how about a game of checkers? Oy!!! Dear subjects, I, we, seem beyond playing to the black other to our white pieced out and boarded not too public. Oh feet, my feet, haven’t I fallen too?

Your man Barack Obama, President is now, relatively, standing so tall.  You’ve heard the one of FULL EMPLOYMENT, - yes?

Your man Barack Obama, President is now, par to Supreme Leader tall!  You’ve yet heard he recant from MESSIAH?

My facade has fallen, - my bust to be of my face etched and chiseled for times of I never managed to shoulder the lesser job of State though I doth proclaimed and proclaimed I was to be ready on day one for the bigger job. Can I find a defense I can speak with, - are there words I can yet emote of some innocence that can stick to my styling long enough, - to escape unforgiving ravages of a chess like fall of the houses Clinton?

On day one I didn’t have to be stressed by setting up one device for Bill & Hillary private shares, and hoarding of Obama TOP #DipNotes.  There was an easy out of regular order already established; - I could have just used my work provided standard operation procedures.  There is now no defense, - if otherwise - WHERE? - - - !!!  I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, played checkers, at best, while my job was to think as if playing chess, seems clear, - let me be clear: SEEMS CLEAR!!!

I have fallen, it may be yet in a matter of one move or a few moves, - - -  but, I am doomed, - I am fallen!

I have fallen, it may be yet in a matter of one move or a few moves, - - -  but, I am DOOMED, - I AM FALLEN !!

Cannot I, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. C., however, yet hide enough away with teased puffery, for game to last the weekend?  Our 1993 is where most of our pawns sacrificed have the pathology for forensics to find of errs made by Clintons’ diplomacy.  Our 1993-2001 is now like entirely contrary to the Obamas’ 2009 to Present as now two administrations have long suffered for the Clintons reckless pop chase for surplus popularity while needing to reverse the Clintons’ vast excessive cuts to generally to reverse near holy all or most of the extra trillion in cuts past the Republicans trillion cut to BALANCED.

Cannot I, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Mrs. C., however, yet hide enough away with teased puffery, for game to last the weekend?  My Benghazi is here to stay and haunt and haunt and haunt, — My Benghazi is here and out to how I so very much did like (oddly) make all or most of the same errs as President Clinton to 1993 on Al Qaeda, and especially Iraq.  But post my Friday puffery with friendly media I still seem SOOO DOOOOMED !!! 

I, Mrs. William Jefferson “Hillary” Clinton, wasn’t even ready from day one for the lesser job as a go to Secretary of Obama for President Obama to have diplomatic solutions as alternatives to war; I, as Secretary of State did carry on to just like a Secretary of War at checkers!  There is no chess defense for the “The Hillary” evermore, - It is out that I even left the Obamas’ second Secretary of State such a simple, and yet to be tried, alternative - diplomatic solution to try! - - -




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:25 am

Tainted by a too selfish the campaign of Hillary2016 to fall! - common sense to rise a new!  Eden to be restored!

Roger! Roger! Teamsters, to Bedouins, too desert rats of these times.  Bill Clinton is of the banana in the tailpipe.

How now exhausted, of Hillary Clinton hot air, the of Mrs. Clinton are beset, is definitely of her, - are combustibles.

These are the times of retreaded Clintonisms, on the road again, - the mileage is showing yet on the “Hillary”; she didn’t just take a “path less traveled” in America, — she embarked time and time again, outward, discordant, on routing, to American, that just are not for constitutionals; — they have tread too long contrary, - too long against/upon the tao of the Constitution.

It is broached her high fashioned, - to of misdemeanors in her “walks” un-Constitutionals, as high crimes, probated to criminal, as concurrent the death of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, are so broached to conspiracy deadly serious for where there is or is not #HillaryEmail there is that it is is of Bill Clinton as reconcilable as networked of President Bill Clinton’s server.

The Clinton “bloated” may not be now as self-evident, despite their selfish blockage, and yet for too many of unknown as to how much their known has been yet already aborted - - - blocked, and blocked, and blocked from brethren’d born, of their work’d at.

If you can recall so much of this started with the “America” car, “economic”, in the ditch! If you can imagine it now, as it just don’t jive forward, any longer, as if there due ALL BUSH’S FAULT, then imagine all that is jiving now is akin to a Clinton banana in the “American” tailpipe, and as so lately finally discovered; — If you can figure it: These times toll the Republic has been compromised by a Clinton “banana” and a pathology forensic can seemingly route to a too selfish Clintons!

The path, the route, the un-Constitutional treacherous to the original tao, of the yet now retreaded Clintons is fresh, while rooted, to a vice of selfishness, not apropos the heroine, however, of THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS.

Forward, justly, the path to Eden (, back to Eden?) is as to your Governor, — to a deep querious toe’d in, for honest, and realistic discussing, as to if your Governor is the worst Governor of all the Governors of these united states “American”!

#JustIN for Indians likely to a “just in” that their Governor must be better than yours’ — As Pensive to the new millennials as to #JustIN for a state’s own broadcast new media platform, it in a prima facia just seems he is further along with Indiana as restored to a growth Eden structural economics, — it seems however pensive you may be of your own we are of days of e-ecosystems where however, good, or, bad, your own domain is, and your “leader(s)” we are across the wire-less border to it sooner rather than later that there will be public shaming in public listings as public e-listed ratings, especially for your state’s state of “Eden” or “Hellish”!

Perchance, to juxtapose, V. Putin as a “governor” of gaggles of indigenous humanoids happy footed while of bitter cold eco-system environs, naturally?  How do we compare ye state, as if a republic, or of a republic, and to Russian pride(s), and as prophylactically from too delivered from Eden to Hellish?  How must V. Putin “RUSSIAN” statehood be of a greatest threat forward even to your state as a republic at least a a micro-Eden a new for growth economics?  How must V. Putin, of his pride, to their proud, not be an ultimate as your Governor’s challenger, to your republican keep as hopefully not merely a penultimate reality?  The frozen gaggles indigenous of Putin’s HAPPY FEAT pride have globally a RUSH to defend, in branding (wars), as to their vodka, as of their spirit, as ready for a best rush’d, to FASTER, HARDER, STRONGER deliverant?

The PROUD for Russian pride is illuminating to what battles for a global relevance you and your Governor are commenced engaged in, and even if your thing is more slow sipping Kentucky whiskey, - your own best attitude for different “latitudes”!

Our greater Republic has been too long beset by the vice of selfishness of the Clintons! our republic did become bloated under Clintonomics as trumpeted as “AMERICAN” to be too of a hyper-consummerism to not just spending near every penny you had but to, as encouraged by your President, to be betting with more than you had, or could have (due to how they were set out to burn our economic candle from both ends at once in their selfishness for popularity, not questioned)!

Teamsters are wrong, still if road warriors for that of Obama’s so as it was to be as if eitherwise to Hillary’s! teamsters are on the road in capitialism, but for these days of a wrongful nationalization for Socialized new trickle-down by GREEN AGENDA edicts, and compliance! teamsters, as troopers for “Eden’s” deliveries, are so that more states can have shining cities on their hills! teamsters are generally for delivering the dreams fodder, or shipping out from the sharable to profitable returns of little pieces of “heaven” well worked or more basically sown and reaped! teamsters are travelers whom must have predispositions in a disciplined to relate, and relate, and relate, where ever they are then to of other’s at work to their own Utopian Edens.

#FeelTheBern to Teamsters, Bedouins, deserts’ rats of these times, is yet to the micro- to local- for solidarity of workers united to each to an own “Eden”; — #PreparationH is yet that we harken contrary to the tolls of the vice of the Clintons selfishness of #Hillary2016, - motives!

You will soon be listed and rated, the new world order is nearly here! you will soon, with your town, and state, be ranked and publicly praised or shamed by your listed score! you all will have to dump the nationalized socialism of Obama Democrats, as was to have been yet if by Hillary’s Clinton Democrats (, as they did in 2007-2008 equate as equals in politics at least for having made nearly all the same exact promises to be so dedicated, and from constitutionals in the Constitution) and start trucking however your bed to beddings, your most ready to compete, with the PROUD in the RUSH of Russians - their spirited spirits, and others robust toe’d ins, to commenced competitives.

Let your state not be a Banana Republic, unless your business is of the virtue of bananas, not the vice of a keepers selfishness!

Before we ask if your Governor, at least, is the penultimate or worst Governor in our Republic let us hope you’ve been to asking and addressing such yourselves long already!

You, forward, need not #TRUMP to succeed, — trumping is yet bettered yet by equally say a relevance, say a quality, say a Ortho’d, even with Russia now quite simply constituted to be a greatest economic threat, - for their pride.

Your state needn’t be a BANANA REPUBLIC, nor a republic, to be established as a new “Eden” — it behoove ye be prudent to your Posterity for Tranquility to firstly consider your Republic may need not a TRUMP as a president but all Governors more Pensive to endowed to be of their own #JustIN, and budgeted yet to be a equal SHOWMAN, — or better at least than penultimate!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:27 am

Jeez Louise Mrs. Hillary Clinton! you have a Presidential Library designed (supposedly) for OFFICIAL RECORDS proper keep!

A great General is retiring today as the American flag is to be hoisted above Cuba! now General Ray Odierno deserves the defense in how Iraq engagement by Operation Iraqi Freedom was right and proper, albeit late, very late, - albeit as compromised by political activism of Senator John Kerry (for an anti-war revival #POP) from near as soon as President George W. Bush, with Congress support, had so many boots and equipment on the ground committed.

A great General is retiring today and so today is a great day to talk about how bad a Presidency the Clintons’ Administration was! now is a most appropriate moment to discuss the errs by “political” leadership as more long at fault than that at all of our Military decidings! today is a day to assess more than a prima facia due Clintons’ records hanky panky as per Cuba for today is like a fresh day we can all be cleaner with if to washing our thoughts and to ringing them out as of an if Camp Gitmo is where the Clintons deserve to be assigned! today is a day to wonder if there mustn’t be a #FOB52 - a full deck of 52 known accomplices - a “Friends Of Bill” too associated with that relates capitally to issues that go between “patriots” and if to “military tribunals” most apropos.

To how a great General is retiring, on the day that Secretary of State John Kerry is embattled for the #BadIranDeal, and to hoisting for the American Embassy in Cuba, - ceremonially, is good karma for freedom, due the juxtaposition(s).

Today is a good day to be here! today is a good day to use the #HOGAN #Cats (categories) for historical background (and to better reporting, and historicals)! today is a good day to start with bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/KerryByHogan ~ really! REALLY!

Our Generals, - Military Command Leaders - are admirable beyond an appreciated concurrent to these days of President Barack Obama compromised by Secretary Clinton, and Secretary Kerry! generally it is lesser known, to unknown, how important the story of http://bit.ly/TwoHistories*  broaches, by the time you are washed over by enough of its particulars, of it of and related to Senator John Kerry undermining OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, that the tag line for Democrats #TRUTHS is quite simply they have been working to defeat the #USA defeat of #SOCIALISM since the end of the Cold War.

*[Yes, some #HOGAN links do open to sorted sets yet from a column newest, like now, as its opener/first, in scrollable.]

Generally it is so not admirable of a set of Democrats, at least Clinton Democrats, at least some to much a #FOB52 associated, by a conventional measure, as by of citizen review, how yet we can/must now clean ourselves up by cleaning out a that of the Clintons! these days are due an awakening superior to Hans Solo as encased justly, if, in carbonite, for his bad debt(s)! these days are capitol for a distinction between the political and military leadership, to the culpabilities at least rating “NEGLIGENCE” upon the decidings, political, by the Clintos’ Administration.

Rest in peace Robert Conquest! LONG LIVE Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice! long live! ~ LONG LIVE THE FREEDOM AGENDA, and however it still relates to #HOGAN #TCONF - “THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM”!

Today is an especially apropos day, this August day, 14th solar, moon adjusted, in the Year of our Lord 2015, to be to and read through of the important of auto-bio’d as sorted of #CitRB by “Serbian” organized by bitly shortcut http://bit.ly/MadamSecretary* — I can tell of having explained the FREEDOM AGENDA to Ambassador Ivan Vujacic, after I incidentally** ended up at the American Enterprise Institute for a lecture by Robert Conquest, and for the Serbian Ambassador sat down next to me — to that we sat through lunch talking for a half hour, - I do tell, — speak as a lay contributor of having shared so much originally his own strategery such that OFFICIAL RECORDS prudence has no gag order Power over my own historicals, - my so told, and still telling to deep background for so much.

**[I say so “incidentally” for my attending AEI even with Conquest was yet of me a day late for event I thought I was @!]

So President William Jefferson Clinton completely messed up the Middle East by too personal decisions in 1993 that then set up the rest of his term(s) as too compromised from a reasonable justice for all in a tradition akin our Constitution and Bill of Rights! today Secretary of State John Kerry is so to his hoisting as our hoisting above Cuba much yet as compromised for his personal politics to an anti-war revival that is rotten in his setting asunder OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, when in the Senate as Massachusetts’ Senator, in a treasonous for commenced really only after the brave of America and coalition countries had become boots on the ground committed! it is really important we at least now become behooved to beneficial truths now less a political mine field, of Clintons political machine defensives, to how smartly the warming with Irani, and Cuban, can be real - REAL!!!***







For today, I, John Peter Hogan, always just a private citizen, do offer too the shortcut bitly http://bit.ly/PettyTreason and as it behoove us all to consider TREASON of HIGH CRIMES, AND MISDEMEANORS, beggard to capital punishment debates!  today, now, is an apropos day of politics fit’n the fig’n forthwith of a #DEATHPENALTY good off the tables at least as long as CAMP GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Detention facilities - and freezing in carbonite are alternatives.

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, of @jphoganorg, of http://facebook.com/jpeterhogan, do offer that it may only seem extreme to serve the Clintons and Kerry before President Obama, and yet that such is more better #BlackLivesMatter, and #feminism, - of for #equality!

For today, I, John Peter Hogan, globally know blogger of http://JPHogan.org, as my primary domain/homepage, suggest that we too as per #Iran, & #Cuba, must/can be considerate, newly, as regards any #DEATHPENALTY, that it may be just/justice for some to be condemned to death for their sins while yet improper, where alternatives extant, to ask any other to by premeditation do such as a killing.

For today, and forward, I, #PoetJPHogan, do stand by all my press’d words, albeit their may be typos, to it that we should consider an actual guilt of vast criminality, and long so by the Clintons machinations, and to it that it would be better to see them “Bill & Hillary” publicly shamed (for eternity?) by public display of them as by a sentenced:


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:26 pm

Please be seated!  If you would not order Budweiser, clearly labeled, in public this may be too above you.

Donald Trump and Jeb Bush have an advantage tonight that John McCain and Mitt Romney didn’t have; tonight all Republicans are of our politics partly cleaned up by it that it is now generally accepted that the Clinton machinations cannot defeat their sagaciousness as before for now the Clintons’ machine is known to be being probed for CRIMINALITY.

Though now as a sagacious can stand of a chance against the Clintons’ machinations it though seems that DT & JB are not those to benefit prima facia in a non-mechanical sagaciousness.  DT & JB are now likely those of the 17 whom can benefit least from the Clintons as now really facing multiple chargeables as to likely CRIMINALITY.

DT & JB are politically fastened to the upturned Clintons of a set asunder developing from so many open unknowns.

DT, alone, seems out of place to it reset we are now as if of at 1800 all over again; DT’s “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is discordant to the already well beaten of Republicans flouting for Jeffersonian Republicans while Lincoln Republicans. DT, alone, is discordant to the field’s improvements already of the charge of New Federalism leg work and bulwarks to us girded and set about already by most of the others’ years of engagements to the construct, — to it already under construction how America being restored to greatness as American as generally celebrated before across the united states.

Chris Christie, for a Governor long likewise, offers a case in point if not a most welcomed suitor.  CC so became a better Governor for New Jersey, than the Democrat of the Clintons’ machinations & beddedness before, whence that when New York voted Andrew Cuomo its new Governor he was beset of a need to unlearn his “expertise” of and under Bill Clinton such so that he did try to learn to be like CC so as not to again make the mistakes of BC so that were at the forensic roots to why New York had been so much to failing.

How suitable you may see DT as your suitor there is that it has been being already built by the others, and for years and years, a necessary breastworks to a restored America.  As if your suitor and tonight to yet speed dating alternatives you’ve got a TRUMP usurper to morally query.  As if your suitor DT from the start may feel flushed as one to most benefit from American Restoration now years forward progressing and yet to fated to his still lesser roll as to the business side of the USA at structurally along to made better again.

If we hear anew “I know all the smartest (buisness) people” we/you should as if though does he too yet know the smartest “political” Republicans!  If he “knows” the “smartest” isn’t he admitting complicity for past years of being so among such a said “class” and yet to it that while so ensconced he yet isn’t of a brag, bragging, braggadocio for having with them seen the fixes when the problems were effected by BC originally and to having prevented the now called for construct to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”?  If we hear it shouldn’t we/you protesteth to query to how DT can now “fix” what he didn’t at least know how to prevent earlier, - to prevent while say: TOO ACCEPTING OF CLINTONS’ MACHINATIONS?

You may be new to my suitability to this discourse as better than teasing or throwing darts merely at news. So be it advice you could start with 33 #economics sorted for convenience at http://CitRB.net and then be sure to visit http://CitRB.org to atleast read through THE AWAKENING, THE O ZONE, THE SUPPRESSION, OBAMA’S RETREAT, MASHABLE POWERS, &, GOD IS DEAD: AN AMERICA OF LIARS, CHEATS, AND FRAUDS.  You can be teased to a tipped off to my suitability too with brevity in:  I penned THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that much made the 1992 Clinton ascendency, I reworked after 9/11/01 with faxes & symbiosis with President Bush fixes to where BC had misused and err’d on which yet best explains his unexpected 92 win, and, now #TCONF still works to the Kuwait invasion as a think that holds up even as people think ISIS is yet something new.

And, as DT has admitted of my entertaining side, that cushioned the seriousness of these decades of concerns of like 3 wars being fought quite few even ever, and still ever, do talk about, he has been a beneficiary for the idea of an APPRENTICE show did originate from me, while wondering how to move economies forward still in an integration of marketing and then to thinking I would add to mix an asking of DT for an apprenticeship albeit with a deal about some other proprietary JP Hogan business ideas.

Right, it is hard to be brief now while to explaining DT’s “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” is a dating tag line of one whom to my decades at THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM success, albeit with set backs due BC’s vast misuses, where a bit player is stepping out as if the grand coordinator of something as new while the others of the dating alternatives very much so have been years and years already themselves at efforts all uniquely their own.

Right, we have been sufficiently but not perfectly gathered around a charge of new federalism since 1992 and yet such as a reset to federalism from the then trends to be more as if of RECONSTRUCTION post Civil War spun spinning!

Right, we have been barely yet sufficiently progressing in a charge of new federalism where it has now proofed to be our best defense and offense for homeland posturing as a new sole superpower as to even and especially now the warming with Iran, and quite the ideologicals of the “fight” against ISIS.

Yes, to make America great again as a charge of new federalism is still working globally while humbly for these United States we are yet like newly at the 1800 mile marker of the start of 40 years for Jeffersonian Republicans.

Yes, JB is as betwixt and between as the real DT as to it for so partial to the old (and new) Clintons’ machinations however they may have a winning sagacious it is too familial to just familiar to the THE CLINTON.  JB needn’t (maybe) explain his silence on bad economics of BC at hyper consumerism with risky loaning and reckless surplus cutting, of the already budgeted needed to otherwise “save” or “create” the future jobs, as DT now of machinations to unwed from.

But, JB & DT have years of sufficient access, and “smarts”, said of “influence”, to real “Power”, to explain, to how each themselves can be a best suitor, forward, to fix what we should be querious regarding, for the common sense said head on them, as now such of “their’s” so begs voters doubting Thomases be to:


                                          *       *       *

{NOTE:  Iran deal conundrum in President Barack Obama IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT American University oration for he spoke room between he and the Clintons, by so cleverly of just alluding to their problem in how the warming with Iran is now only possible for the FREEDOM AGENDA fixes to the years 1993-2001 all their’s, and enough, in his own “cold shoulder” ways to it out there that the Iraq war he opposed is yet to OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM to proofing such was necessary as a basis for the warming of relations with Irani, and to a potential now, no thanks to the Clintons, either, for rational and actually diplomatic engagements.  PBO hasn’t let go of if PGB did though run a good and necessary war ALL WRONG though, but he has driven a punctuation between the Clintons machinations and a legacy hopefully to he as “sagacious” more.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:32 am

But, he is not Catholic ! 

[Note:  Enter stage left:  Mrs W.J. Clinton on a black kitchen broom a mare.  Keyed:  Klipity clop /// Klipity clop …]

How proud he stands astride his clumsy white mare, at halt, his horse headed kitchen broom. 

[Note:  Forward there is no presumption or suggestion Iran Supreme Leader knoweth not his own favorite color.]

Boston whitie former Senator John Kerry has gone as a new “Hillary” where Mrs. W.J. Clinton, so previously paired with her @POTUS, just couldn’t (or wouldn’t), — The tone to song of this of “diplomacy” begs either a because of LUCK OF THE IRISH, or more worldly as CATHOLIC KERRY…!

As mounted @POTUS yet still as astride his mare becomes in focus more lucky maybe than as of a plan it Constitution, he is seen stroking the mane.  His nobility is for all to see; he is great; he is beyond a Congress (as a friendly Cromwell); he in his NEW STALIN is advancing Socialism where it couldn’t go before successfully for the Big Brother technology wasn’t yet concurrent to such parading for/with.

[Note:  Jousting can be heard in the near distance.  It seems an all only Democrats fair! — Democrats Only Celebrants.]

In the moment we all though have the querious if these are not times yet for good deeds to be punished, rightly, catholic like.

As Mrs. W.J. Clinton approach’th a puzzlement sets on the grimace of @POTUS — a not “let’s be clear” grimace settling. These times seems convenient not worked - these times seem seeded in the FREEDOM AGENDA prudent - these times seem handed to a seated President by evolution, not worked to or thru.

[Note:  Hecklers not Democrats Celebrants can be heard approaching the public meeting areas. - Chanting: THIS ISN’T EVOLUTION!]

The puzzled grimace attests @POTUS can not be clear;  The puzzled grimace affirms their “playing politics” about!

[The hecklers approaching to a beat a beat down on the airs assumed by Democrats not just gathering;  The hecklers, chins up and proud, are all carrying onions for effect.]

As the black broom a mare approaches Klipity clop /// Klipity clop a burdened O once claimed a “Diplomat” a chisel set seems to beset upon the grimace of @POTUS.  {THOUGHT BUBBLE BIT:}  “Where can we go now with proud comrade Kerry having settled down a work-out that comrade Clinton couldn’t muster in her time?”

As the FREEDOM AGENDA echoes proudly of a paternity for peace there is yet the well wearing conundrum to how this isn’t rightly to be hailed as an evolution by the Irani people; this isn’t to be considered coldly in a secular socialist braggadocio as of the Aryan Persian Irani People now to an extant born again as evolved, finally too.  To the hecklers this is just God’s work also of as accomplished by others of too to depths of understanding to a greater minutia how by peeling back the onion of “God” His creation “science” can be understood to an ATOMIC LEVEL.

No!  Now he that wish’th he a BARACK THE GREAT …, as more than a new failure at governance, too by secular socialism and cold liberal methodologicals, as if science divisible, from the human experience, of bodies electric learned, in religions, as common of a FORCE, is mainly a pain in the planes of global politics.  The @POTUS must call Congress for a SECOND for his luck of timing to the learnedness consummation by the Irani @ nuclear ’til ATOMIC LEVEL too of their ways Celebrants.

Yes!  Now he that wish’th he a BARACK THE GREAT …, MUST prostrate to Congress for a SECOND to his #IranDeal, however it just a timely development landed in the lap of comrade Kerry as not yet complete to have landed earlier in the lap of comrade Clinton; — Any EXECUTIVE ORDER may be said as legal as isolated in a by by one branch of the three equal while yet it so only sporting as if Law for without a SECOND it cannot be LAWFUL — without CONGRESS it must at least be of the benches of the SUPREMES reviews to at least consider if they can bend the Law and legislate so with from there in their robed splendor of it of so of a GOOD INTENT it is messianic so above “governance” by “Law” and fitting a BARACK THE GREAT MESSIAH RETURNED as grand and splendid as a spectacle above the Order’d Union as to pauses for debate as to apostolic spectacle prudence practiced.

Klipity clop /// Klipity clop …  The black broom a mare now along side the mounted white broom a clumsy broom also a mare… The black and white mounts are of a dramatic pause self evident to others as the expressions attest a farce afoot.

It doth would be a farce dare’th the @POTUS if to protestant’s forthwith against the People as against their Congress however he parade’th for GLORY without GRACE as if these developments are proof he hath, for to a by his lonesome, evolved the Irani People.

Whose good deeds, now if any are extant, as public for press’d consumption, are steed’d for punishment — cannot it be not so noweth that Mrs. W.J. Clinton for her service, while an avowed RIVAL, has none to worry re Iran’s commenced conclusions of proofing God’s creation to ATOMIC LEVEL learnedness?  Mustn’t the Mrs. Clinton for whence a previously charged for PEACE alternatives be rendered, let us be clear, of not enough engagements or rationalized regards Iran’s dedicated to FAITH in SCIENCE, to now be however of a nearness to be stressed to a due punishment - punishing also for GOOD DEEDS?

As the reality of a BAD DEAL becomes parsed by the People’s representatives at due diligence appropriate any TREATY there is yet in such timing that these times are concurrent to the possibility that a GOOD DEAL is deserving of the Iran “SCIENCE” now so not “evolved” as for it more accomplished in dedication to a greater minutia to God’s quarky.

It has been moral and a HOLY celebration ongoing now in Iran post the Iraq corrections by the, albeit very late, (and poorly administered), OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, however earlier as a back up as a worst case preparation for unholy provocatives, for the OPERATIONS of the FREEDOM AGENDA did remove the clear and present danger, firstly, and so that however to at NUCLEAR understanding to an ATOMIC LEVEL it was to be for them as a people as a unity in nation under their shared beliefs that the religious to the moral affirmed morality in the study to but not, w/o a clear prosecutable enemy, now to a morality general to yet of a possessive of weaponized.

Klipity clop … klipity clop … klipity clop goes their progressive upon their clumsy brooms mares as can be heard the @POTUS whisper to Mrs. William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton, spouse to one of South of such his chose’d name after born as much of an English Christian name’d as William Blythe III:  Poor Hillary it seem’th just LUCK OF THE IRISH for your superior KERRY, OF BOSTON, — TIMELY LUCK !!!

Comrade Mrs. W.J. Clinton, forward just remember our “game” is it is [As the black broom a mare’s mount is shedding moola like a GEIGO add] of our secular Socialism, however failed for too BIG BROTHER or BIG SISTER, it is essential we not concede to Congress their duty to SECOND for then we lose now too our hands coldly for reign of IT’S JUST OTHA’S MONIES.

[Note:  Sounds of jousting getting nearer; — /// — /// while KLIPITY CLOP ^ -^ -^ KLIPITY CLOP loud nearer.]
[Note:  Too: high holy tones of hecklers seeming more in the right, more in a know.]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:52 pm

Spring is not the time of the year of the festival - the seasonal festival THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST for all wards in Bunnytown.  When it happens it is a battle culinary not just of the freshest catches but too the BEST WHITE, and BEST DARK, and too a top 5 for OTHER CHOCOLATES.  The STRAWBERRY TEASE is too a battle festive of all chocolate these bunnies may sheet, dip, or barely coat of a celebrant seasonal harvest.

The four seasons may touch each ward of Bunnytown more aspecially throughout the years - it seems to many outsiders that these bunnies need little excuse to “party” - they are so well rectoried that too their partying can be very regular.  This is the legend of the warren of Art Harey a seeming naive to it bunny oddly showing tendencies to be a natural weatherman.

Art Harey is a young bunny.  He is still looking forward to his first HAREY GAMES and as he seems sporting while seeming a most likely to be a future weatherman.  This rabbit is a hare still quite green and shy to talk of so many “greys.”

The elders of all of Bunnytown this year are proudly embracing an onset of spring springing for it seems sprung from a quiet winter known that all the wards are reporting apparent civil copacetic conditions among all the generations and especially the frosty young not too young for beginning “bunny ways.”  The elders, as tradition would have it, are yet ahead of the games for the new spring and coming summer for the frisky bunnies of their entire warren;  The elders have already found a new natural metaphorical seeming deep enuf for a parental lingua code to keep hopefully near 99% of the immature bunnies from too much know’n.

Bunnytown is a literate town still proud and celebrant of oral traditions as well as full and robust expression by written word play.

Part of the mystery of Art Harey is how out of sorts it seems for he to be from his clan and so yet a seeming natural future Bunnytown weatherman - even while still so green.  The hares O Harey though musical in a proud amateurish accomplished in his parents, and grandparents generations, across the 12 & 16 rabbits begot of each so, and while their priorities were more to terra firma pragmatic grounded basics, are yet too surprised to see a general “painting” in broad brush’d heavenly interests in young Art.

Young Art has been particularly concerned around the various seasonal festivities to how the lot are to their coloring and if one pride or ward or bunny seems to be a BEST WHITE - BEST DARK - or so a top 6 of the “greys” OTHER based on weather ominous storied of their legends.  Art has been all about the dew points and quite green in a naivete on talk of pressure systems and cold fronts.  The elders cherish bunnies like Art for how easily they can be teased to a “lost in the clouds.”

Art can grow up expecting to get paid for any work however such plays out as now “predicted.”

As natural to learn math in Bunnytown is that a civility is taught from the earliest tablatures of nearly teaching an economics of a social science before the first arithmetic.  #NoFreeLunch is learned even before THE ESCARGOT & THE FROG;  An economics of for bunnies persists in a taught reared for all of:  “MUST SPEND TO MAKE” as if natural law in a surety as likewise in sciences:  “MUST SPEND ENERGY TO MAKE POWER - TO EXPEND POWER”  There have never been chocolate frogs served up celebrant at any of the season festivals of Bunnytown.

Across the wards of Bunnytown each spring an expected test question for shooled of Art Harey age specific pride is somehow always some form of question like a math question somehow about journalists while really not about math.

A form of this question is regular - please understand the posting here is short-handed as of the traditions of the elders of for talking over or around “mature” matters:

> #‎MarchMadness‬ ‪#‎millennials‬  #‎IQTest‬ • Y/N?  ‪#‎Journalists‬ smart enuf to fig press’d @ em too 2 b ‪#‎FREE‬ whom believe their words/work 2 b FREE?

For this audience it is a simple, we hope, as likewise #NoFreeLunch - and as quarded for the young bunnies like Art whom are told they do get free lunches.  Adam Smith is known to the warren of Bunnytown and all its wards - if only tradionally so by the mature hares;  Protected speech is about for a wealth of the warren in a comity so reared to mature learn some basics and too get guided locally in their wards if like showing tendencies to be a natural future weatherman - to of heavenly broad brush’d strocking erudity nuancing.

Art at the seasonal festivals and feasts has been regularly quite touchy when it comes to cooking conditions and any to be preferred expected warming and cooling and always, always, so far, of being persnickety as to relative humidity and dew points.

As spring is springing to oddly sprung of a fresh snow - these things are thought certain of Art.  Young Harey is prepped among the elders and enuf mature to as subject such that his ears should already be ringing however confused of song like but too much to understand beyond a seeming carefree and upbeat melodic.

Of Art, now as the HARE GAMES approach, and the later days to an elders fav feast wafts in as the THE BLACK & WHITE ESCARGOT FEAST, Mr Harey is quite proud of hearing of his Art:

> #‎MarchMadness‬  #‎RaceTogether‬‪#‎CitRB‬ “Art Harey” yet so green rear’d GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE! - ‪#‎Millennials‬ #‎free‬ ‪#‎news‬ to em too FREE!

To most this will at first maybe seem confused as of “mature” protected speech of bracket bunnies sorted by their numbers and statistics of predictions of 64 = 1 to 32 = 1 in a variety of confidences.

Art feels proud to be so talked about - even as his ears are barely of O hare hearing enough to make em rings.  Mr. Harey was insistent upon hearing his bride wanted Art that he as their third bunny would best be from Arturo rather than Arthur.

Mr. Harey is a bull of a bunny a first pick oft about the mid summer ELDERS FIDDLING SHOWDOWN.

Young 3rd bunny of the clan of Harey hares, Arturo “Art” Harey is a rabbit of the first order, as it seems, so far.  The “Art” of the Harey clan is still so green it yet is uncertain if to be to bearing as a bull rabbit like his father’s side or more a bear minor to such and shorter, as the genes have set, but not too petite.

In Bunnytown across all the wards and prides journalism is as good a profession as any, even the profession of weather peeps.  It is still of their ways to of Adam Smith that respect is shown (for reared in) a contrite common sense economics for a wealth of the warren of self interest feasted and contested so each to a rabbit not to be O hare doesn’t get GOTTA SPEND TO MAKE!

Stories are not seasonal to no bunny should rear up as if news or music should be their for free - that they should ever think they are being “intelligent” if thinking some more senior are not smart enuf to moderate their commentary and and sharing to however by blog or broadsides be to “editing” to give any too to #FREE as much coverage as to affect them of any efforts theirs therefore to for however long should also be made free.

For now Art is captivated of raptures precedent and anticipatory the the HAREY GAMES as those in the know have shifted from their confusing math of 64 = 1 to what simply seems to make more sense of 32 = 1.

No!  Art doesn’t have a prediction, concurrently.  He is that green - he is so green he is naturally naive & protected.  The Harey are prudently economical.  The keep of their pride is too of the adage quite well kept of their ward, especially, a pretty for its white picket fences, that too across their warren the Harey Clan is TOPS in neighborly of the example of:


And, akin to “Art” as Arturo, no one yet surprised he of teasing:


What is known is in Bunnytown Art is sure to grow up learned of Adam Smith and too wise it prudent to fig all decidings and predictions around the INVISIBLE HAND as it is blasphemy in their warren to ever be to speaking but of one’s “self interest” is to the preservation of the self - never to the gratification of a selfish as if an island in a community.  Art is in the legend of one’s self interest is smartly of the “economics” rites of social science to business science as to if to a wealth of warrens then firstly each to choose to be of a self in “community” and secondly to “choose” to be “moral” in such (chosen) community.

Art will be confused, maybe when in later years, when of sufficient maturity, he learns of an earlier “Art” of Arthur Strike who seemed called to right economic injustice and like blasphemy to Adam Smith and some too Kenneth Galbraith.

Some day Art will grow up and be expected to learn some basics of and earlier “Art” as it is a tale of the years in Bunnytown fictionalized of how economies and economics did go south for too many seasons and to such “Art Strike” and his novel story of like being the first Private Detective ever needed in Bunnytown for economic injustices from bad bunnies to at a cozy capitalism too in a materialism of gratification of selves work’d politically be really bad bunnies then of enuf power to affect a political “economics” suppression - the story is of a suppression that so moved “Art Strike” for said to be an accidental depression - yet not.

Art of the Harey Clan will have to get his learning straight if even to be yet of the success of “Art Strike” as told as good with the bunnies - as a gentleman bunny with the lady bunnies - quite.

This Art is still so green thou oft of spring predictions among those more mature, and especially his elders.  For now as spring spring and sprung yet of snows it seems the HAREY GAMES are holding their promises mostly foretold believed.

> What’s that young Art?  (Papa Harey asks.) Oh yes that is artful Art - there is a “frozen 32″ inside the bracketed.  (Papa)  Art - but remember there are a frozen 32 outside too.  (Papa too)

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:44 pm

President Barack Hussein Obama may not (yet) be to a post Presidency as dramatized with Gene Hackman in WELCOME TO MOOSEPORT - there yet is to be much considered a HOW BIG? - how big a library he may deserve/afford.  PBHO may be all VIP to UK PM, as if of a singularity in importance, and not of “juice” @ #NoJuiceObama beyond questioned, but he is now checked by a Republican Congress and for checkered inconvenient truths.

Governor Mitt Romney shouldn’t look to be thought able to defeat the Clinton after not having been able to defeat PBHO;  GMR should be embarrassed as a businessman for the last month of his 2012 campaign of PBHO of defining him unchecked.  It is seeming an embarrassment that GMR defeated himself especially in his last month when most obviously of like rookie PR mistakes or hubris;  GMR let PBHO be seeming erudite of proffers that Obamacare was Romneycare while GMR let himself seem played while declaring he would replace Obamacare with Romneycare.

Right!  GMR for especially the last month let it seem ridiculous to elect him for if Obamacare was Romneycare and he was just going to like replace Obamacare with Romneycare than the only seeming issue was was it wrong for a black President to have brought the country Romneycare before white Governor brought the nation anything like such an “Affordable Care Act”?

Right!  Piddly to the problems another white Governor seems beset of as a Bush;  Right it seems Governor Jeb Bush is more in a pickle as in the pickle barrel banded about President William Jefferson Clinton and his Mrs., however, and President George Walker Bush.  It seems rookie PR errs are to be trumped by a Governor a brother as like also a step brother while all the lot are to be like the work of the new Republican Congress (just for National Security needs) of accepting that there has been a cover-up at least of that of PWJC when Mrs. FLOTUS and that PBHO did at least inherit a (dangerous) cover-up from, quite the bulk of the Bush clan.

Right!  GJB seems compromised by his brother and his father, at least as Presidents of record goes, for it seems a truth an inconvenient that there was a cover-up that needed a new cover-up after the United States of America was attacked on Benghazi properties for the lies for the PWJC sustaining were falling apart as lies no longer of sufficient constitution, at least.

Right!  PBHO however of inheriting said cover-up so of such absolutes it is impossible to disprove or deny, is yet to be considered for a modest Presidential Library for too it seems to easy to prove he worked from hour one to improve the cover-up of the Clintons and to then like stab the Bush clan in the back towards trying to repair the Clintons to at least be able to bully their way forward evermore at least over any Republicans as under them as the Bush beset under them like so.

But today is of PM of UK of a pop across the pond to at least find intelligent allegiances upon Jenkins Hill as seated in the 114th Congress.  PM of UK may need friends now as the 2016 campaign allowances are expected to be forward well defined and compartmentalized between “governing” and “political partisan campaigning.”

So where is the beef as for now we can leave the pork to less pressing but due deep probatives and debating?

So where is the beef in UK PM cross’d the pond per immediate security and policy concerns?

#IRAN - How not start here for there is actually “moral hazard” in it if allowed to be a brokered “improvement” if made or credited by Secretary of State John Kerry?  Really there is “moral hazard” in there being a deal with Iran now, however reasonable, for SoSJK is of a past that is contrary to compromised for a Posterity for any deal to endure of a constitutional establismentary.  Really there is a risk in SoSJK being a one or the one upon which such could be possible if to endure;  His opposition to Operation Iraqi Freedom is contrary and too his years as of the PWJC years of the avoidance and inaction in years 1993-2001.

For a brevity as newly seated “leaders” are charged to sworn to these duties as of the majority of a bicameral People’d Congress I will try to wrap it for future nibbles upon the hard tack and how SoSJK isn’t quite the right bride for such a FP marriage - for FP progress by “agreement”!  Here:

Iran should favor new deals with the The United States of America because of Operation Iraqi Freedom as right and just and at least as for a late by 8-10 years of offering something less than abandonment to the Iraqi Shia.

Iran if to a willingness to make a deal with the USA is yet of “moral hazard” to any such deal if not to stipulations of SoSJK an inconvenient “messenger” whose opposition to OIF should be apologized for writ large and concurrently.

As since for such to be with the new younger Iran so populated and currently constituted it behoove the poets of Irani nationalism, and hopes, be expressive to at least attempt to rap the bad in the past of Mrs. PWJC, however, however all the way back to 1993 when firstly FLOTUS Mrs. PWJC.

Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary to any possible progress now with Iran - if rumors of such at a new threshold of a global copacetic are to be believed.  The Democrats of these days are too much the Democrats of the days of abandonment from 1993-2001 of expectant of Iraq and Afghanistan;  The Democrats have the history of PWJC of “official speak” as if fixed in his FP as per the ME such that to Iraqi concerns he was bigoted in Islam as biased to favors favoring the Sunni;  The Democrats have that PWJC was officially of posturing that bigotry against Shia - against specifically all Shia of Iraq - against Shia so much he did declare like:  THE (IRAQI) SHIA ARE NOT (PEOPLE) CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

For this to be of said brevity let me just tease a problem too relating to Syria and Ukraine:

At least:  It for their history as part of the U.S.S.R. has baggage to check before allowance for being “separatists” morally.  Ukraine is of the history of the Soviets as per the Cold War of Iran and Iraq played like pawns for the security of oil supplies was needed for a victory by one or the other - historically.

So for brevity:

What can be allowed however SoSJK of a “moral hazard” pertinent to UK PM DC visit to DC and USC & the WH both while a Posterity needs a strength of truth - of cause and effect development logic.

How can an deal be brokered by any Obama Democrat and especially his SoSJK, irregardless of it less of a “moral hazard” than if so hazard actually by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while SoSWJC aka “SoSHRC”?

Otherwise however, isn’t a first step to fixin’ Syria and Ukraine at least to settle the history most contested by Iran?

Mischief to be to undermining all of the above:  If Iran isn’t to being convinced by Ukraine that the Holocaust was real then…?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:00 am

So you are back at school, or soon back in school, and get the reference!

What now?

If the The United States of America can yet restore itself to a moral economics of growth what must you now be reared in for a reset to moral capitalism?  What should they, I, or you now be asking “teachers” to be instructive of for the new year 2014-2015?  Whom now but Mrs. Clinton needs to be dissected in a forensics as if of a cold case of old bones yet pathological from a so late autopsy on the economics (of so many crushed by Mrs. Clinton)?

Is it that we witnessed not a squeak - but a ROAR - by those campy of the OCCUPY civil disobedience?

We are of a new media eco-systematic where the lead much went to the HUFF-PO and Arianna Huffington for a mediacratic dissemination of a pressing of evils of banks and banking. Well, where I for sake of time management, however of flex time flexibility, left it organizationally more to AH to carry on in capitalizing on improper capitalism by BIG BANKS.  The TARP of the BANKS gave moral rise to camps of the tarps of OCCUPY - can any “work” now be done in a reset for “business ethics” and per how the Obama TARP was an unjust and unfair bailout of the BIG BANKS that suffered many a commoner indiscriminately?

In a modern linguistic, a lingua franca of hip hop, the rap of such, much come of the sixties, is not yet so good as has been twained and rapped about.  There are people in power now whom can be peeled back like say an onion and shown to be of the seeds of the sixties and corrupted at least in altered think or illogic since fertilized of such epochal.  The “grip” of Mrs. Clinton may yet be less deadly than her hands at “diplomacy.”  The tail of Mrs. Clinton is too the WAG THE DOG tales of a corruption akin to “Bill” Clinton.  What President Obama was able to do with the Clintons’ economic experts as his, however, since becoming effectual while still only “President-elect” is true to a forensics where logic can dictate that since Mrs. Clinton so of priors in such primarily contested was of such same extensive promises she today would have necessarily been of all or most of the same perils in economics as we have suffered since 2008.

That decidedly exposed, per the economic culpability, of Mrs. Clinton, however, still leaves us to it, even if rapped, that Mrs. Clinton, if of a VMAs, would be of a sound track for “HARD CHOICES” of a cacophony of discordance loud as war however yet measured in beatings in a bombastic percussionary irregularity most ironic if in sotto voce.  Any soundtrack for “diplomacy” of Mrs. Clinton, however since Secretary Clinton, is let of discord in war of stories to be told of her fallen below a capacity for “diplomatic solutions” - at least for a new “longest war.”

An allegorical is somehow at least that Mrs. Clinton does not have a soft touch.  It is said, and arguably logically, that she is (at least) postured as a “WAR HAWK”!

As Mrs. Clinton, however unlikely ever to have become President Clinton also in a Clinton proper name while of a marriage union of its whole of the 22nd Amendment term limits post Roosevelt National prudence, was yet set up to be postured economically as President Barack Hussein Obama was with the hold-over “Clintons’ EXPERTS” it seems fair to assuage a GUILTY as much upon HRC now as ever on PBO for the trials and tribulations long suffered as of “Obamanomics”!

A little known - too little known - truth of the economic recovery of the said Clintons’ 1990s is that such wasn’t a “Clintons’” worked recovery but a wave of economic resets they inherited as otherwise already secured and tracking to be for a second term of President George H.W. Bush.  I know of what I press out here in new media of this modern e-eco-system.

There is a vast, and yet central - centrist - problema to any posturing that Mrs. Clinton could yet fix what President Barack Hussein Obama has failed to fix - to even “reset.”  There is that essential to the recovery of the early 1990s is that it wasn’t the Clintons responsible - that they were wrong to treat being blessed with such inherited as if such was deeded to them as theirs forever as only their success for perpetuity in any political Posterity.

A problem of the tales of the Clintons yet is how tall they are at times of false constructs to be to burying a truth of how much came from one not of any PhD and yet successful to such, in its originality, and while yet so of his early twenties and boxed as of Generation X.  It is a complicated tale of economic and marketing truths of old worked synchronistically in integrated marketing where he that was most creative in originality to its engineered workable constructs in a choreographed economic growth potential didn’t need to be credited with it while it was happening - but yet — but yet, however, was carefully balanced in a Poseterity of nuancing so that if any not its say “godfather” or “father” were to claim it as of a false paternity the very “music” of such would be corrupted and effective to it to falling apart due to unethical burdens upon as too much weigh to yet stand.

The grip of Mrs. Clinton is for the record of deadly consequences.  It is now too for this new year 2014-2015 that future leaders of the known world are to asking at least themselves if and how it is that Mrs. Clinton isn’t yet aware or enough conscious of the dangers of her hands at our business.

For starters for all this new year 2014-2015 we are at it that the banks haven’t seen to or lead the remedying of the injustices and unfairness of the effected Obama TARP favorings.  Yet too it is that such is likely as for of the tale that they as Senator Clinton & Senator Obama did make all to nearly all the same very promises to be so engaged politically we must consider that Mrs. Clinton is no more than a female white “Obama.”  Yet too it seems prudent and necessary to right how wrong it has been to however have been carrying on to letting the Clintons take credit by like burying the truths much of a recovery from before they even entered the 1992 race as it that they inherited much that was secured and tracking to be otherwise for President George H.W. Bush in a second term. 

Again, I know of what I press here in speaking to a reset for business ethics as it is that I know quite personally that when in my early twenties I didn’t need to be given credit for that orchestrated to recovery originally from me, and of already at least a decade while yet so young in consideration, and so yet that though I didn’t need to be given credit whence it was so complicated that any false paternity or false claims to authority would necessarily undermine the strength of such and any further potential for it.

Mrs. Clinton if of a sound track to “HARD CHOICES” is but of noise - loud noise - VERY LOUD NOISES OF WAR!  Her hands at our Diplomacy have been too deadly for too many.

His hands at economics yet prove as if real as arguably as her hands if also at the general economics too as if like a strangle hold upon any mice of such a woman.  Whomever, however, we yet today are forward towards a commenced new year 2014-2015 of it unsettled and still a torch for justice how the TARP of President Barack Hussein Obama was not equitable to the People’d people generally.

I know of what I share/press here in new e-eco-mediatic-systematics of it that though I didn’t need to get the credit for that of my architecture of recovery that pre-dates the 1992 relevance of the Clintons it is that they cannot be stewards forward to any new recovery much for their reigned ruinous on the earlier recovery by taking onto themselves as if theirs what wasn’t theirs ever properly or pathologically.  Any autopsy of the economic collapses should find clearly that at least Mrs. Clinton’s hands were culpable to such as if a knowing or unknowing improper gripping.

The Clintons are those most culpable, especially if to scholastic causals, for they by their selfish politics falsely hoisted themselves of a flag for recovery not originally theirs, and yet as if theirs, and, and as it is that their selfish and too spousal politics worked it so that the designed and once secured greater and broader range of the early 1990s recovery was yet politicized so that it did work for fewer people and more selfishly just for them.

Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post, do you concur that this new year besides anewly set up of #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #ALARMISM is yet still morally begot to be necessarily to a review of parity and fairness of the Obama TARP as yet begotten in inequitable politics?

Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post, do you yet, perchance, share the ethics and generally esposed morality in those of the collective by ‘MILEAGE’ at http://bit.ly/MILEAGE - Too: That crime shouldn’t pay, and, too that Mrs. Clinton to have trouble at least with any state’s “clean hands” jurisdictions?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:45 am

Is Ferguson, Missouri a God forsaken oasis in middle America where too many live as if on a reservation limited also in a fear of the Law for having to too many a body been to abstention from lawful behavior?

The national politics of such isn’t for a comparison of an unknown Mrs. Clinton and a known President Obama on race - the only comparison justified to if a Democrat has the backs of the blacks of Ferguson is yet of the rivalry of the knowable of white President Clinton and a knowable of black President Obama.

President Vladimir Putin may be spoken of instructionally if not without actual praise though too comparatively at least on marches in nationalism.  It seems that President Putin can be discussed as capable of eclipsing President Clinton and President Obama.  There is that President Putin has Socialism to recover from and the perils from such as per Ukraine at least of a reported 60% + of irreligious where in the western there is yet Greek Orthodoxy and the eastern there is Moscow Russian Orthodoxy.

Though I write as a white male of Connecticut of New England of the New York City general Metropolitanism of the The United States of America I write as one who share “sugar” if not “honey” in friendship knowing of Michelle Obama, First Lady, since she was in her third year at Harvard Law School.  But for the hopes and dreams shared it was only in my dreams that I went back - that we went back - after she learned I didn’t discriminate because she was black.

Though I write now to suggest we must ask per Ferguson misery and tragedy if it that President Obama has his subjects backs there or otherwise if President Clinton can be said to now or ever have had such peoples backs. I know near nothing of the said new Black Panthers but when Michelle and I smiled at each other in Grendel’s of Harvard Square I was of standing in knowing Augustus A. White M.D. since I was about five years old and he of “Dr. White at your service” in a public social setting as a friend of my father’s while yet the tallest person and tallest black person I had yet or ever made such a connection.

Right!  Though I know nothing of the said new Black Panthers I am one who since about age five had a friendship with he whom was of record as the original Black Panther’s physician.  What I found scary about Dr. White wasn’t that he was so tall or black but that he was both a doctor and a Dr. White though black.  The only other Dr. White I have known was a neighbor who cared for Veterans who let me use his Parks Bike Truing Stand, and as later learned had been a pal of George W. Bush while a Yale classmate.

For the blacks of Ferguson the politics are now that it is either President Clintons has and had their backs or that President Obama has their backs - it cannot be that they both have their backs as these two are known of a rivalry since day one that to others is so serious it is a “BLOOD FEUD.”  If the incident had been of a say near 100 Lbs black female officer also called to enforce in the spirit of to serve and to protect fidelity - a near 100 Lbs black female of smaller stature of such weight so without her belt and tools of the enforcement duty - we may have cause to compare Mrs. Clinton to President Obama and President Clinton - to also compare her.

Whom among us can in a scholarly expose a proffering to it that Ferguson is like Ukraine and of problems from years of too much socialism to too much irreligiousness among its subjects?  Is it that a Putinesque intervention is what Ferguson now needs?  How is it that President Clinton’s trillion in cuts for surpluses maybe better explain an economic plight of Missouri blacks for of years of a leader too much in cold blooded imperial totalitarian wanton governance?  How is it that President Obama can blame President Clinton for economic gross negligence and yet isn’t yet, and, now as it may be per Ferguson that such is such an economic outlier that for all the economic ruinous the Clintons’ surpluses wrought such of Missouri eitherwise yet would be just as stricken and down?

Is Ferguson a too irreligious hell hole like the now also economically depressed Ukraine, and also due to the economics of President Clinton too much at cold totalitarian selfish political decidings?  Is Ferguson at all an irreligious hell hole to its own People’d peoples or has it been too long just left out and necessarily so much because the national leadership from a “top” was of the Clintons at their cutting of an extra trillion from budgeted and affordable programs to generally fating Ferguson to a new greater depressing “economics”?  As I like only so far pressed concerning the tragedy of fallen Michael Brown:  I queried:  Was this a case of a college bound teen Michael Brown of copping an attitude for his last days in the say “‘hood” of a getting out before having gotten out and of a general like F&^@ YOU at least to those of local governance and enforcement?

President Obama in recent speaking to the issues of race and unrest seems to be borrowing the very words and import of such in “shared humanity” as I have been myself publicly of usage generally for a while.  I am not offering that I have any answers and suggest President Obama if just borrowing such from me so also isn’t with answers but now maybe closer for being near possibly to better language that may bring us closer to better - or the right - questions.

The Clintons have since day one positioned themselves to be “political rivals” and only in Obama’s house as rivals of he thinking he needed them and needed a TEAM OF RIVALS.  The race and economic issues of Ferguson are now essentially peculiar to either a story of rivalry of it either that President Clinton or President Obama has such subjects backs.

For both the Clinton and Obama administrations it is arguable that any of Ferguson were considered more “subjects” than “citizens.”  It is unreasonable to proffer that both President Clinton and President Obama have had or do have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson - they have firstly and continuously been of standing as “RIVALS” so any discussion must flush out the known and unknown of all knowable yet that is historical to how they have been different - to also how while different they have been more to betrayal and abandonment of such Americans even if not of a perils like Ukraine of too many too long of socialism and a nationalism to assimilation in obedience of irreligiosity in lieu of faith and community.

As President Clinton now due to be in the Ferguson HOT SEAT we have that Mrs. Clinton is an unknown as per racial oppression in Missouri while yet also of HOT SPOTS of a comparable culpability as per Russia and Ukraine, at least.  It would be wrong to discuss Mrs. Clinton now as per domestic issues where President Mr. Clinton has knowns and posited in rivalry that should dominate any discussion of culpability or innocence yet for black President Obama.  President Obama should too, as per Mrs. Clinton, be allowed an innocent until proven more guilty than a Clinton in regards to Ukraine, at least.

I don’t know why black President-Elect Senator Barack Hussein Obama was to coddling the Clintons or allowing an dominatrix of offer coddling by Mrs. Clinton — I don’t know why PBO both proceeded forward from the start with the economic team of Clintons’ economic experts as his “team” and while of “politics” and “office politics” of standing for the Clintons as rivals and he dependent on them so much that he so seemingly necessarily to an attempt at a legacy in administering a “THE OBAMA” yet while very publicly yet of floating the “THE CLINTON” as at least equal, or superior, and extant in a TEAM OF RIVALS.

The Clintons’ surpluses as from an extra trillion found and cut from the budgeted and then affordable may be that which best explains how Ferguson and Ukraine are now suffering so much and so vulnerable.  President Obama yet embraced those of the evils of the surpluses at least as necessary evils in his TEAM OF RIVALS so that he maybe firstly should attempt to explain himself as more innocent yet and less culpable to any Executive gross negligence than at least President Clinton.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry in totalitarian Power Clintons’ are yet beset by the possible perils of a people too yet too far in socialism to be also of a perils from irreligiosity at seemingly at least the eastern third of Ukraine.

Again:  The politics of race now for the nation too much to a private rivalry have it only reasonable, for starters, that it is either that President did and does have Ferguson’s six or that President Obama did ever or does now finally.

Again:  The politics are that it is not possible that both President Clinton and President Obama have the backs of the People’d people of Ferguson in Missouri of the The United States of America.

Again:  The DOMINANT politics is that the “THE CLINTON” and the “THE OBAMA” are as “RIVALS” of a “DEMOCRAT” HOUSE divided.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:53 am

You’ve been monetized!

On McDonnell’s farm there is a greater beast - greater beasts:  “THE CLINTON” / the Clintons.  Let us differentiate the monetary!  Let us now, all together, litigate what should never be decided at the ballot boxes!  Let us look fairly and clear eyed at the raised issues of QUID PRO QUO but as also in a historical peculiar to the bones of the Clintons.  Peculiar to the Clintons is much that the issue of “THE CLINTON” isn’t yet perceived as greater of the predicament of the “THE McDONNELL”!

William Jefferson Clinton may have taken further than any President yet a wanton wayward beset firmly in a wanting more to be “KING”!  On McDonnell’s farm the McDonnells are small potatoes to the strategery and practiced of the Clintons to powers to rival globally affixed as structurally quite autocratic.  The “corporate” of the Clintons is quite a brand of a totalitarianism.

For Posterity we still should be asking for President Barack Obama’s college and Harvard Law School papers, and we should really be to probing the Clinton Rhodes scholarship as time spent in England towards learning how, though American, to work the think towards the possibility that an American white of the South could yet bring back a more monarchical “governance” to the otherwise yet united republic.

William Jefferson Clinton is more than and “Hillary Clinton” - William Jefferson Clinton, born William Blythe III, seems to have studied and studied towards effecting a post-Constitutional dismembering of the prudence of original Federalism of the confederated republic The United States of America. WJC seems to have a pedigree, and of his Rhodes scholarship, that was forward for establishments of anti-Constitutional new anti-Federalist root programming so that he could seem more like Thomas Jefferson but effect as if Governor George Clinton of New York, of the founding days, yet got his way.

I am not sure it matters for any “scholarship” of these issues if “Bill” is more “Larry” “Hillary” more “Mo’” and if so such then than President Barack Obama is best then “Curly.”  For these purposes either quite can be any or any either other of a threesome in Curly, Larry, & Mo’.  Right — we’ve all become monetized!  We’ve all become at least monetized by the “THE CLINTON”!

With such a monarchical want scholarship in the pedigree of the “THE CLINTON” it may be dangerous to over-simplify any running con by a presumption that such now entertain as if slap-stick appropriate can be other than set up root to character shifting politics. It may not be what WJC was taught at Oxford but much what he learned - learned from studying under the legacy of monarchical governance for empire building.

It may be wisest to let is be “open” as if any WJC, HRC, PBO is either a Curly, Larry, Mo’ or a Larry, Curly, Mo’ or a Mo’, Larry, Curly or a Larry, Mo’, Curly.  PBO though is a complication unplanned or fig’d, it seems, in the plotting and practices to Americans in totalitarianisms newly beset globally in an autocracy affected “CLINTON”!

It still seems inconvenient to the Clintons that any plan theirs however as original to scholarship by initiative of Rhodes was yet never calculated enough to plan for or prepare for a possibility that any black like PBO could become elected in between the workings for a Presidency in proper name of Mrs. Clinton through a planned succession in an ASAP from the Presidency as named proper in Mr. Clinton.

To keep this simple and yet guarded enough from the post-Constitutionals however yet covered by political slap-stick entertainment we should return to the McDonnell’s “farm” basis of the “THE CLINTON” the greater beast!

Again, the issues around being monetized are of QUID PRO QUO but more greatly of the bumbling of the Clintons!

Again, these issues are pressing and fresh at least for now balance for scales of Justice seems possible if we aren’t to litigate the Clintons and towards the prudence that such of their searchable forensic pathology is some to much quantifiable as totalitarian, at least in wants, and seemingly of a QUID PRO QUO so grand it is hard to see for its breadth and scope!

For starters there is comparison necessary and prudent with the prosecution of Governor McDonnell in Virginia as it seems reported and spoken of by Mrs.Clinton that the current Governor of Virginia, a Democrat, did so help them financially (and Politically) when said “Dead Broke” that it is hard not to tag Governor McAuliffe and the Clintons for its seems too much that he now a Democrat Governor, somehow, in comparison was like to buying the Clintons a house or two.

Right!  Where does President Barack Hussein Obama fit in here as to a “Curly, Larry, & Mo’” too Political while yet seeming so specifically and peculiar more just to the Clintons?  Simply PBO is aiding and maybe abetting the seeming wanton of the Clintons by offering distractions when he and his Justice Department should be practicing enforcement upon the “THE CLINTON”!

It is too late to now leave Governor Rich Perry out of this.  I agree that some matters are to be left to the ballot boxes and eschewed from litigation.  But, this however is quite peculiar in it of a Clintons peculiarity such that a litigation (and Congressional probe?) is necessary and proper as fitting issues apparently disqualifying for ballot box decidings.

The vast emoluments so pecuniary in a pre-specified monetary in valuation for Clintons speaking are numerous in stand alone examples of the “THE CLINTON” of practicing a “Politics” of everyone now being monetized to them!

Not in a defense of Governor McDonnell, so offered, these are yet points of order for balance in Justice here so checked and pressed.  It seems that a “speaking” by an of the “THE CLINTON” now is priced to be of them of greater importance and Powers now than when the “First Couple” of a People’d peoples allowance per year as less than now what they demand for nearly a single hour.

President Barack Hussein Obama has too much and for too long participated in this so entertained yet as a charade not an actual improper “cover-up” so that now and forward he must be either Curly, Larry, or Mo’ to “Bill” and “Hillary” however!

More history to the imbalance now beset in the defense of Governor McDonnell is at least the story to how it seemed arranged in the Clinton White House that a New York Senate seat would be bought for Mrs. Clinton.

Too:  It is a matter of record, for these improprieties posited, that President Clinton, while not content with a post-office taxpayer payed rental allowance, when yet he asked for more per year that that as a total for all past Presidents’ annuals combined, was yet to compromising the “Senator” for Mrs. Clinton, by asking his BIG BANK associated for gratuities in thanks for his having made them so much money in the story of his having pushed them into derivatives “gambling” as towards quantifiable emoluments towards a reported near one million per year “rent” necessary if he was to get the near regal spacious quite like penthouse leasehold in the Carnegie Hall Tower high above the RUSSIAN TEA ROOM.

Too:  It is much searchable for a forensic pathology of the Clintons as too clever, still, it seems with “HUG IT OUT” and other slap-stick distractive politics that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES offer a $1-2 Trillion spectrum of “corruption” that at least offers 1 Trillion unit points per dollar to counter any “claim” of “charitable” now or ever of the “THE CLINTON”! 

Right!  How can the Clintons speaking funds if funnelled through the Clintons’ Global Initiatives as for “charity” be for “charity” if their personality and past record, however publicly yet clear, speaks loudly in a contrary?  It may be a stretched to posit that the record speaks loudly to it that the Clintons have always seen people as to be monetized and that any money “politically” through them is always firstly as “patronage” and lastly at all “charity”! 

Right!  It so may not be a stretch at all.  After all a learned perspective on the 1 Trillion in unit points per dollar of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES barks out - even roars - of impropriety towards QUID PRO QUO recklessness!

Right!  It so may not be a stretch at all.  After all a learned perspective on the 1 Trillion in unit points per dollar rest as of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of a time when the politics generally and the economics globally and locally had no peculiar need for surpluses by cutting an extra trillion but that peculiarly of the selfish spousal politics of the “THE CLINTON” of needing to prove they could find as much as the Republicans had yet found to balance the budget.

Right!  It is hardly a stretch which so much now far more public and out about a “real” Clintons!  It seems that the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were only needed by the “politics” spousal and selfish of the Clintons, and even despite their “totalitarian” wants to global autocratic Powers in a worked “Post-Constitutional” “working” “philosophy” of “governance”!  Without finding an extra trillion to cut after the Republicans has worked responsibly to find a first trillion to cut to balance the budget it is essentially an inconvenient fact for the Clintons that their seeming “need” for the vast irresponsible cuts of an extra trillion was to protect the “THE CLINTON” to protect any planning and plotting in said “his” Presidency to protect yet a set up for “her” Presidency.


Too:  Right!  This is yet too much accepted as unequal or yet greater assaults on proper governance. Right!  PBO is under the arm of contempt for the Peoples House by litigation by suits and such is only the tip of the bulge of the breached Constitutionals of the “THE CLINTON” of which an inappropriate “COVER-UP” has been uncovered and moved “officially” towards prosecution from that yet kept too much as acceptable politics in slap-stick.

Right!  To keep it simple for starters as balance becomes the issue of a prosecution of any McDonnell’s “farm” the Clintons expected, it seems, to be safely now in a “post-Constitutional” United States of America that was to have been entertained and laughed away from considering them of impropriety and willful undermining of prudent Constitutional “politics”!

Right!  To keep it simple:  Yes look at what William Jefferson Clinton tried to learn at Oxford as a Rhode Scholar and specifically if different and more towards a totalitarian practicable than what was curricular as of a lesson plan.  Yes look now beyond these three bold examples of the “THE CLINTON” as at a think that every person must be monetized by their self valuation for political influence and global patronage.

Right!  Beyond all the seeming ready examples of the Clintons at “money” in improprieties far worse than any Republican Governor Bob McDonnell yet seems accused we still should be first most worried as to them globally of patronage, however naively forgetting “no such thing as permanent friends or enemies - just permanent interests” (like) when Mrs. Clinton, however now, presents herself as if prime for Presidential politics because of the number of foreign leaders she, at least, is already now in bed with.  See it is still to be mostly or generally reported how any so name dropped by Mrs. Clinton is yet a friend much just because of emoluments flowing as “patronage” covered however at times as “charity” to the people or the causes of the people whose names she is dropping for benefit at home for of foreign influence Power.

Right!  It is that a cover-up has been found to have occurred and such is now near ready for a prosecution more litigation such as is proper to prevent inappropriate candidates from corrupt advantage in the ballot boxes.  For now it is too much a “CURLY, LARRY, & MO’” where WJC is called up as HRC’s character reference and while HRC yet is slamming into PBO and then as if comedic to a “HUG IT OUT” acceptable or believable comity.




Right!  As per “balance” to the charges at least against Governor Bob McDonnell (R) mustn’t we consider how implausible that $250,000.00 for an hour of speaking can be for “charity” and not more “patronage” just because the 1 Trillion unit points per dollar in the Clintons’ cutting unnecessarily of an extra trillion for surpluses was not at all “charitable”?

And, again isn’t it that WJC essentially arranged from the The White House while President “Bill” Clinton the buying of a New York Senate seat as a improper “gift” to Mrs. Clinton?  And again as PBO plays along too much in a comedy too slap-stick how do any fairly explain any “proper” in President Clintons’ asking the BIG BANK “FOB” for rent gratuities as emoluments freely towards an annual near penthouse rent as not also improper at least for “MONEY” in a marriage as for seeming “influence” at least of/for a New York Senator?

Right!  It seems now that President Barack Hussein Obama is trapped in an inconvenient trio of a politics befitting prosecution for such if of concerns that experts are supposed to investigate before lay can rightly trust a candidate or ballot boxes!

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:37 am

Once we all broke the banks, however lately, in the early 1990s, from their too @ “untouchables” zoning with red lines we were free, more together as equals, and set on these paths to all homes a castle of where the hearts are.  Once we all broke the banks so of their old tired and too true as zoned in differents aparts walled we were too on the path to a politics now firstly to asking if at least successful blacks are not now guilty, as guilty, for not “giving back” enough.

We are all too much of a 99% as an ignorant people to how much of all this the Administration of the Clintons just inherited.  We are fit to be reunited to truths, more reasonable, than the politics since, now sooner than later.  We are fit to be freely pressed to a new awareness of the Clinton 1990s more historically accurate as a THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.  As much as the “The Clinton” inherited blessings of so many of so many chains coming off the old of banking zone defenses it is yet too true how the Clintons are of an essence, political, and as if economic, to setting up days for the old bondage to be resecured.

This essay is for a treatment of corporate responsibility and parameters not to be to fully undressing the history of whether successful blacks or the Southern white “Clinton” most to blame for such bad times returning - for so many of times of assets appreciated to heart filled homes depreciated.  #FORWARD our first steps are best at the threshold of how so much of these days of suffraged suffering of from the “House of Clintons.”  This would be more self evident if “The Clinton” not now so #HARLEM and to having had the #Clinton #BigBank “friends” agree to cover the near penthouse suite rents of his desires so high above the THE RUSSIAN TEA ROOM of CARNEGIE HALL TOWER.  There is little for them to deny while so much they may first and for years attempt to deny;  The Clintons, so, would be so more self evidently if of CHT and set in their splendor so regally of public knowledge of rent paid gratuitously by the Big Banks as emoluments for their “politics” of asking for the derivatives gambling.

It is not now of IF WE NEED BLAME THEM but to now, finally - near finally of our national politics - that we discern for Posterity how much we all everywhere need realize they are all or mostly actually to be squarely blamed.  It is time to curb the blessings of what they inherited so that the doors are open so all can more clearly see what was of their times beneficial and that which was just of them and their own capability.  Right!  Instead of being in Harlem so like of a political camouflage the “The Clinton” could be so high above the “PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!” prudence ensconced in luxury afforded seemingly as from bank quid pro quo, or maybe derivatives graft.

What is a JOB?  What if you were the founding framers with GOOGLE or BING and a BIBLE app would you find if of searching the Testaments by “JOB”?  Is a “JOB” but that of People’d people and the shared human electric as poetry electric as “religion” of the forces and wattage/voltage of the electricity of shared humanity songs of bodies electric?  By what ones find in “JOB” searching mustn’t all be so of doubts and doubting of a reality that there can only be freedom “of religion” not freedom “from religion” for it of a He as of a shared “Force” field where all are apart however not wholly?  Mustn’t a “JOB” in any corporation yet be of a fit to the rights in commissioning of a mission corporal in at least the rights by The United States of America constituted as in rights established and ordained of rights at assembly and expression?  Can any said “JOB” be separated from His “JOB” and His rites?

The “The Clinton” may have cornered the political benefits of them more at inheriting the undoing of the zoned bondage in the old chains of banking with discriminatory red lines.  Seems!  But, the “The Clinton” showed truer colors for traditional ways to their vast patronage banking - as now so questionable while however clearly evident of CGI accountability - of a common core so intimate and rotten in the selfish politics for short-term gains from unnecessary and dangerous surpluses.  Again, we are much past the threshold of it actually more the Clintons fault than yet the fault of the Republicans or just the Administration of George W. Bush.  We are now to metrics of straws - of straws weighing one by one anewly accounting more fairly so that none under such so Constituted is yet communally befallen too alone as if pre-destined or fated to carry more than their fair share.

What did I know?  When did I know it?  How did I actually helped the Clintons become electable in 1992 yet of a defensive awareness that we of We the People needed to be protected from them and their selfish political wants to presidency firstly for each a spouse and a spouse?  To all corporate I have my options tied or limited as for any “employment” I have my “JOBIAN” of my historicals where I firstly think and write of the truths so regarding respecting so much just inherited by the Clintons, and personally as set about for once inaugurated in 1993 their use and reuse was unauthorized and inappropriate so much so that I firstly am of any “JOBIAN” to “JOBS” of a truth self evident that to me the Clintons have been long of thievery.

THIEVERY is a big word to pen or press so publically.  These days of the Courts and United States as of barristers have a trending to my favor of such tagging.  These days have it Courtly that “reuse” must be as authorized, it seems, as any “first use” such that the “The Clintons” may be further know more of the differentiation between what is of “THE HOGAN” - “THE CITIZEN ROSEBUD” - and yet ever again as rightly of the “THE CLINTON.”  The barred and esquired set too are in the mix towards restitution of artful properties as evidenced by a recent cursory read of the ABA Journal as to trends in “repatriation” in the ranks of officers of the Law.  I have since 2007 been of intellectual property defensive postures against many attempts at reuse further of that which I still claim the Clintons never garnered first use rights for, and so with the honor and duty of the Administration of George W. Bush and too by the judgment proffered by Attorney General Eric Holder, as recalled from early in the Administration of Barack H. Obama.

As big a word as THIEVERY it is the word I have to wrestle with for any and all “JOBIAN” mine towards corporate however of “JOB”!  I must, forward, yet always be firstly of a reboot to the days of the early 1990s that pre-date the late entrance of Governor William J. Clinton to the trying contestations of what is Presidential and critical nationally.  I know what the Clintons did more inherit than wrought themselves - I know what I know from what I know that came originally from me, and sadly I know from their misuse so unauthorized and inappropriate how it made future problems for so many predictable for their use never amounted to the fullness and prudence of the whole from which they took use and reuse and attempts for years at reuse wrongly pf in just partial appreciation of the full gestalt qualities.

There is in the inappropriateness of the Clintons’ first use also the selfish politics of their attempts to pass reuse rights never yet acquired from spouse to spouse, and to such complication then of so much also reasoned as of a J. P. Hogan feminism boosting in a pressed affirmative acting.  Sadly, I cannot look or speak well of the Clintons and am likely to be to documentary shows to how the Clinton 1990s are in the GOOD less as a rightfully possessive as the “Clintons’ 1990s” and quite of a bad so bad and destructive to the progress they inherited that such is fitting for Posterity the above title as THE TERRIBLE NINETIES.

To be so to a greater - a better - a yet more defining of #LOVE not earned but yet given in #BLESSING:  There is the not enough evident of the politics so these days to be for a while confused as also of the quandries IF SUCCESSFUL BLACKS ARE NOT “GIVING BACK” ENOUGH while too towards a more transparent #FORWARD knowing how so much inherited as built and restored of a pre-Clinton 90s is of an architecture grander than convenient to their selfish and too partisan politics.

Towards a #FORWARD better and more defined #LOVE there is for any “JOB” mine a “JOBIAN” modern of a couple decades struggling to keep a wholly about so much for maximum positive change convenient and of opportunity from the end of the COLD WAR as to a NEW WORLD ORDER.  I, not they, firstly set up so much for a pre-Clinton Clinton 1990s recovery by marketing with a penning and pressing for a new urban focused @ NEW WORLD ORDER parlance around NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.  I, not they, so it seems, know of what the full potential - gestalt - of such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM - was structured to see established of a more global more level playing field metaphorical, and how, sadly, I know for such while of the unauthorized use and regular inappropriate misuse that much was rendered of less value to a lesser greater good by the decidings so selfish and self serving politically of or by the Clintons.

My first “JOB” forward is now still too “JOBIAN” as for any and all “corporate” I am so of a knowing that I must firstly be to tagging the historicals of how the Clintons undermined progress in medicine around POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER new media enabling and too how they did also undermine improvements to a more level and broader more fair law and order with at least their vast defunding of intelligence and defense budgets, and too their politics administrative to walls of separation at the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS between the intelligence and enforcement arms.  (Such is of details that are really a much longer story - such is of what I hope, personally, however JOBIAN yet isn’t of too many straws.)

It is established and ordained as “done” by the People’s Order with “Order” a noun in the preamble that the founding framers structured the Constitution as at least of an accompaniment of religion with separation “of religion” that is with the NEW TESTAMENT as unanimously subscribed that Year of their Lord as the “Year of our Lord” whence.  Any “JOB” “American” must be to as of “JOB” and “JOBIAN” however corporate or of individuals together of #LOVE initiatives #FORWARD.

It is of their KING JAMES version by their CORINTHIANS, it seems, that any man only  to profits if successful as established forward in prophecy.  To which any “not for profit” endeavor is of taxing standards of too much of reality of the here and now predicaments certain while “for profits” are yet of missions in unions of people of rights in assembly and expression of hopes at least for change from proofed positive reaping of from having sown in prophecy with planning and organization to what yet might be of a general Welfare for Posterity and Tranquility - of the unknown work at doing good forward.

However one defines #LOVE - more defines #LOVE - we each may be of a “JOBIAN” “JOB” however yet if of a tax paying for profit endeavor or yet in the daily grind where “not for profits” must endure.  I myself get to struggle knowing personally I cannot abide the past decades of Clintons’ use and reuse, and regular yet attempts at even further unauthorized reuse as but of art that I am some to much of entitlment to official repatriating valuation, at least.  #FORWARD yet it seems we all need to reboot around what was more just “inherited” said of the “THE CLINTON” and yet still really more and more vastly as really originally the property, intellectual, of the lesser known the “THE HOGAN.” 




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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:28 am

It is seemingly - seemingly rapidly becoming - seemingly rapidly becoming known - seemingly rapidly becoming known and self evident that Hillary Clinton is here to for becoming an out-cast untouchable.  The “The Clinton” is now more a rock in the path of blockage, as if by political avalanche, than a common vine to any fruit from diplomacy now otherwise by the essence of Secretary John Kerry.

Any vitality of any diplomatic essence of Mrs. Clinton, from FLOTUS to First Mate of CGI, is now worlds apart from that being witness of her successor from Boston’s top echelon/caste.  There may now be now clear and easy way towards understanding the taller standing of Secretary Kerry from Secretary Clinton due to the elephant of religion in their pathologies diplomatic; Secretary John Kerry isn’t a Methodist, isn’t from Chicago;  Secretary Kerry is Catholic and from Boston.  It is in more than one or simple ways that Secretary Kerry is now standing so much taller than Mrs. Clinton ever managed.

A cover ‘o cover reading for “HARD CHOICES” can be from it suggestive that she is only allowed publication much at talking and talking of process;  HRC is quite arrested from truth being an option that being heavy on process is her only safe harbor.  To a cover, of “HARD CHOICES”, each is initially, civilly, beset to ponder:  IF “HARD” WHY “HARD”?  HRC is not a Catholic;  HRC is a Methodist.  HRC iss the longest serving top Diplomat charged for diplomatic solutions by President Obama during the “longest war.”  The “The Longest War” now is HRC’s “war” for it she who most failed to find a diplomatic solution the longest.

HRC is now so becoming an out-cast untouchable it is critical that we separate her as not of any American caste or nobility.  Secretary Kerry, for being Catholic of Boston, may yet not be justifiably, however of Boston 1%, “Boston Brahmin.”  Secretary Kerry has inherited from HRC’s predecessors much in opportunities for greater “Tranquility” that is not of or from the “diplomacy” or “skirting” of his predecessor.  Secretary Kerry now with HOPE for CHANGE with IRAN, now so young a nation again, of standing more on the settled well foundations from the Bush Administration FREEDOM AGENDA ways than any “new foundation” of President Obama or his first top diplomat.  We all may be behooved to look at the paths forward available and to work away from any beaten of the Clintons - HRC & the CGI corporate and to each person.  The Clintons eitherwise of one or two paths distinguishable are yet present as obstructionists as if fallen to inconvenient barriers to any apropos “forward.”

Who is Secretary John Kerry now to us - to the President - to the U.S. - to Iran - to the world?  Can he be now so much taller than his predecessor HRC just because he is Catholic and/or of Boston, however 1% or Brahmin caste?  Do new words from his boss the President now, too much yet still of a daily emoting, yet work to undermine any path or way but for any stable now as yet built upon a well settled foundation much of, or from, the Bush Administration day about a FREEDOM AGENDA?  As a Catholic working for the “Messiah” what is religion and what is politics?  As a Catholic what is post-Clinton post-imperial socialism bias and returned to a basis in property rights and federalism parlance and nuance?  As a Catholic, like Vice President Joseph Biden, yes of Delaware - The First State - how is Secretary Kerry maybe evangelizing “Messiah” President Obama globally?

Iran isn’t as complicated as HRC seems to have long implied.  But as she never seemed to fathom the grand potential and opportunities so globally progressing that explains the Clintons most unexpected and late rise of the 1992 Presidential contest perhaps we should show mercy for her too much of an ignorance.  To this there is flow as if a vine not from merely the Bush Administration while of a FREEDOM AGENDA but to President Reagan and how the expansionist socialism was stopped in its tracks in Afghanistan and then beyond, and how the expansionist socialism fell to a new world order rising to a reboot I’ve long tagged as a “CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.”  Coincidentally what best explains the Clinton unlikely old story yet of their 1992 rising is what HRC and WJC have long not proffered or posited as best for the way forward and yet it is that which is now of the foundations that Secretary Kerry now can best build upon.

Iran isn’t as complicated as HRC seems to have long implied - Iran is far simpler to understand if one learns to fathom how the Clintons and President Obama have been so wrong about Iraq and for so long that they can yet, if ever, be, for the records and Posterity, as “correct” about much at least across the Middle East, and, at least especially regarding or respecting Iran.

From where I sit informed to “expert” at least of my own perspective regarding such, as of a cover for retrospectives, for others, I must parse, for a greater parity, if not Tranquility too, how we must yet separate the “Bush” from the “Hogan” - the decidings rendered by the necessarily at “politics” of the Bush Administration from that as lay and unsolicited, however respecting “politics”, for that which I share is much of my opined and faxed to the Bush Administration via their NSC # as of my perspectives, private, and volunteered, yet more of the business or marketing perspective in a pre-politics rendition that then the office of the President would have to, if needed, modify for the charge “political” of his duty of the Presidency.  I so put forth such qualifier for this of which I write now dates to it as common to the very advise to Middle East and Iran postures whence the hard choices had to be made by President Bush.  Again, “HARD CHOICES” of HRC to each cover is yet tragically of her “politics” to easier choices less possible for decidings more of truths were not an option to Mrs. Clinton.

Secretary John Kerry is more than just now obviously to a self evident truth of standing far taller than his predecessor on the global and Middle East soap boxes of the duty a charge for diplomacy, President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State secondly is standing tall on merits that do yet run contrary still to the process and speak of the “The Obama” doctrinally yet.  For more to how HRC didn’t affect a “new foundation” & nor so President Obama, himself, at least until newly to also building on the Reagan legacy yet as the Bush Administrations did, it may behoove a visit to http://JPHogan.org for the essay regarding Iraq set as “OBAMA’S RETREAT” as specifically at http://bit.ly/ObamasRetreat!

We hardly yet know if HRC failed the nation both as per the compensations for liberations as per OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and too her “baby” ODYSSEY DAWN.  It seems HRC is most culpable at least in association with the partisan leadership by Nancy Pelosi to how how both the liberation of Iraq (and Libya) were prudently commenced with plans that a country’s vast oil profits could be readily credited out in compensation to any of the liberating coalesced nations.

I have problems with the seeming progress of Secretary of State John Kerry as per Iran and the nuclear path(s) of the young again sovereign country.  For the years of the COLD WAR they like Iraq were as if pawns (too much) in a geopolitics of the United States of America, with oil economics interests, to thwarting globally the expansionist socialism of the U.S.S.R.!  Iran now is among the youngest of sovereign nations in the known world.

I do not know the sociological or demographic specifics to the root of the how or why such nation regirthed itself with its own baby boom.  Iran so situated near the U.S.S.R. and yet while however once more aligned with Moscow seems now positioned and structured to see Russia as an enemy long before assuaging the The United States of America as a greater enemy.  The USA is of the “lucky” for Secretary Kerry, however “Boston Brahmin” as per the Middle East and especially Iran in how Iran now is of less moral need for nuclear weapons because the Bush Administration (of #43) did remove the neighboring nuclear threat persisting of Saddam Hussein - of that which persisted and nearly became reborn while of the years mostly of avoidance and inaction of the Administration of the Clintons.

There is more differentiating HRC from her successor than how he morally, even, is of a most obvious standing taller than at least as per the Middle East and Iran.  HRC was an inappropriate messenger for any diplomacy for her close and intimate association with the abandonment of Afghanistan and Iraq by the The United States of America as of the Administration of the Clintons as so of, and from, the avoidance and inaction root in the Clinton “political.”  President Obama’s worst decision of his legacy maybe forever will be that of having rival HRC of the “House of Clinton” as ever a Secretary of State, and/or at all of his administration. 

Secretary Clinton was compromised from the start.  She was a compromised officer to any Tranquility abroad where history and truth could yet conquer.  She was a compromised officer to any Tranquility much at least for how she didn’t confess while trying to bring bite to nuclear sanctions, and sanction at least specifically on Iran, of how there is the “BUT FOR OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM…” with no thanks to the “ABANDONMENT, AVOIDANCE, INACTION OF THE CLINTONS…” prescient to any progress in enforcement for she herself represented an expectation that escape from Justice was possible - too possible.  It stands tall with the progress of HRC’s successor and any of his background reasoning that he is now more standing “lucky” on the foundation more of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA than any “new foundation” of President Barack H. Obama and his first Top Diplomat of the “House of Clinton.”

To be brief while any “lucky” of Irish Catholic, of Boston, however of a “Boston Brahmin” 1% or caste, we yet must affect intellectual bulwarks to a slide to the old abandonment classically now “CLINTONESQUE” in a tragic historical/historicals;  to be brief, while Secretary Kerry now stands more than just morally taller than his predecessor HRC, here we are yet of it more complicated that Mrs. Clinton is allowed to, or capable to, explain at least for every decision was always harder than it otherwise would have been for any other for she had it much that truth(s) not an option for long about she and her spouse have been liberal at politics at lies in cover-ups of their own culpability at least to negligence prior to the Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I.  HRC’s decisions all had to be harder for she as a spouse of a former President is expected to be lawful firstly to the standard of marriage contracts and traditions of a spouse not allowed to or supposed to be to incriminating the other spouse.

Secretary of State John Kerry stands taller than any of the “House of Clintons” and still however as they persist in defensive global initiatives at global partisan and political meddling by ways corporal of CGI - of CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES!  Secretary Kerry though is yet to be understood of his progress so superior to his predecessor Clinton at least for it matters if and how his “taller” taller for he different as Catholic and/or of a global 1%.  It isn’t yet convenient for HRC’s successor that he should be more honest and “taller” by confessing he is so more standing on Reagan’s “foundations” than any however yet of the Presidency of Barack H. Obama.  Secretary Kerry is yet differentiable for intelligence and balance from of Maine, of New England and an elder, Senator George J. Mitchell now yet if Northern Ireland struggles have parallels currently to a “spring” or maybe “renaissance” in the Middle East.

The internet and social media was also arriving to the peoples of the Middle East however free or differently free and organized while it was arriving across the Americas.

It is foolish to not consider, at least that due to the necessary new world ordering to recover from the COLD WAR geopolitics and to the rise of interactive global machinery that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was necessary and remains as rightfully commenced.  It will be for a long time that OIF is seriously debatable more for how it wasn’t operated well even as now we should be nearer to a consensus that it due to the rise of interactive global machinery it was absolutely of a necessary so that the The United States of America didn’t get caught on the wrong side of “progress” in the eyes of at least the young in the Middle East.  I will not go into such here but will offer that it as a subject is at least more broached in the collection in the category of “IRAQ” as at http://CitRB.com here linked specifically more conveniently with http://bit.ly/IRAQbyJPHogan.

As the above established sharer of diplomatic perspectives as always just a private citizen of no “official” solicitation for help from the Bush Administration I persist still of the core of such as foundationally still standing true and level of my thinking and writing of the pre-Clinton days as organized of my privately shared THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.  I cannot, nor do I plan to attempt to, explain that which was either all “political” or any “partisan” of the relative decidings during the Bush Administration years of decidings.  What I offered, and especially so of when I offered how not to go too far with Iran on nuclear power and weapons standing, necessarily left the “American” “political” to the filtering and prudence of President George W. Bush.  I did though strongly suggest, at least via a material fax, when or how to stop as per Iran for the progress of the FREEDOM AGENDA in Iraq was setting up better possibilities for a greater moral parity nuclear within Iran so that one effort could undermine the other if too strongly individually pushed otherwise.

The Ukraine vs. Russian problems are different quite than any of the nuclear standing of Iran.  It is considerable though that Russian with such as if new Soviet expansionism is yet now more “Christian” and “missionary” than “communistic” and to it that Iran now is being given an (unnecessary) justification for nuclear weapons (if not more allied with the USA) by Russia as a new threat.  As to any “HOMELAND” associations there is yet that there may be an inherent path forward to better relations with the now newly young Iran, actually.  Any opportunities for improved parity of morality with Iran now is yet of a path not obstructed like that of all paths walked historically of the “politics” of the Clintons.  President Obama can still be said to have been so wrong (also) as per Iraq that he has hardly since been able to be right about anything in the Middle East, and too that the unrest between Ukraine & Russia is some to much of global instabilities risen from his failing economics, and the associated “politics” of the Clintons.

There was a Holocaust.  Iran is of the Persian Gulf of Persians and so too as Aryans.  I do not know the sociological or demographics, however related historically, to any necessary consideration of concern for the Irani people for they are blooded as Aryans as Germans of Hitler’s rise were blooded proudly as Aryans.  There is the “moral” yet a conundrum of the Iran nuclear parity diplomatic concerns where though of years under the COLD WAR stuck as if too much pawns among a global human contesting they yet now are humans too to be considered as born equal.  There is a morality as I expressed in an old material fax to the NSC # during the Bush Administration that I posited in my lay, however learned, to it that as a sovereign nation Iran of its people could be to a moral right to also have the technology and know how to nuclear power and a pride of knowing themselves also capable of the highest sciences of shared humanity, and yet while it though likely wouldn’t be “moral” to presume there was a prudence in also or ever also having nuclear weapons.

I only saw some of the last episodes of the last season of HOMELAND.  I may now be looking forward to catching a new season that builds on there being actual possibilities for improved relations with such a newly young nation.  I yet have always been only a lay private citizen despite my years of sharing timely and at times quite pro-active proven useful opines.  I yet have always been so engaged with it all of a common core a consistent vine rooted to my pre-Clinton THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and writing.

As per HOMELAND and me I did though also fax the Administration of George W. Bush after seeing a WELCOME TO PENNSYLVANIA sign while state of the Governor Thomas Ridge a quick note whence then in the days when the idea of a Department of Homeland Defense was so initialized it wasn’t yet to a list (public to me) for any to be its first Director.  I did fax a suggestion that Governor Thomas Ridge was at least well named to be a first ever top first director - the first head of such developing Department of Homeland Security.

It seems we are now here gathered of it as per Iran that what may be unlucky for us and Secretary of State John Kerry, however of he Catholic and/or of Boston as of a “Boston Brahmin” or 1%, is that he may be too inconveniently a compromised messenger for such possibilities if he cannot yet find a more historical and truthful “foundation” for his, at least public, sharing.  It is for the historians, necessarily to differentiate any new Tranquility from the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry and to how much he yet stood taller than Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, at least, rightly and morally, and, to how he could stand taller however while Catholic just because unlike HRC truth was not an option not an option in his choices.

However now we can together stand of new HOPE and CHANGE we cannot abide at least an attempt at greater intellectual standing ourselves by a clear eyed civility commenced with an appreciation that at least as per Ukraine such unrest is from the unsettled global economics that can be tagged as from the Administration of President Obama failed economics.  It though is such to Democrats yet is sadly of them claiming successes in what seems failure, to others, for it seems incontrovertible that their pride was so of a GREEN AGENDA that much of this is to a person Democrat as if acceptable in an economic collateral damage rationalization - #FORWARD.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:47 am

What gave rise to the Clintons in 1991 does and will best explain their now so public arresting falls.  Iraq of today is far removed from the Iraq the Administration of the Clintons inherited - and then it is not. We can learn from Vice President Cheney’s recent air time, historical and personal, about those years of “exiting” the Persian Gulf War.

The reputation of William Jefferson Clinton may weigh heavy now on all “Americans” however a spotlight may now locally or globally be lit to highlight their personal honor and acuity and agility.  Where Republicans and Richard Cheney may have “gone wrong” it now is very late breaking news that WJC yet didn’t “go right.”  1993 may be the most important or just easiest year to focus on to have it be copacetic and sporting - and intelligent and honest - while of retrospectives of “war(s)” talk.

It is now more publicly known as of a reputation of Republicans or just Richard Cheney that Saddam Hussein was underestimated as a “spin-doctor” as we have the Cheney versus Clinton histories fielded.  [I have long (for sanity) tried to downplay myself, to myself, how it seems I of regular experiences of my reputation preceding me in an air of tongues at “He took down Saddam Hussein.”  Today it seems a more sane “reputation” even for me to accept.]

Most people do not know a real history of such times and are too much of many mornings and dusks of fresh fogs of war.

For a sake of brevity with so much kicked off now as if possibly sport (in politics) (and philosophy) let us entertain that for Posterity it should be that WJC was worse at leading - leading by example specifically too - than RBC (Richard Bruce Cheney). And that there is an honor legend too of such spotlighting where a father and son tale can echo for all times in how President Bush was able to pick up his father’s “sword” of him too President Bush as if from a stone that WJC hadn’t even thought to look for and look as if too for a higher caliber of Camelot.  It may be much either all Germany’s fault or of it also much Germany’s fault that President Bush could be later honored by his son as if to his “x” caliber years after the USA started suddenly to learn how to be a sole superpower in the known world.

The United States of America is the sole superpower of the known world!  Right!!!  These are the days the USA began to have such a target upon it where ever the idea and presence of “American” colors heralded.  We shouldn’t completely forget the Japan of such days, as there is still a haunting of Japanese like Germans (maybe as “leading” “private” citizens in pride) to how especially in these past days a new Axis was stirring as if to yet win WWII and by other means.  As the Persian Gulf War was oft reckoned as if a World War III we too are behooved to reconsider it was at times still World War II all over again.  But we shouldn’t forget to at least consider that Saddam Hussein post the wrap of the Persian Gulf War may have had a new Franco-French siding towards assistance with Iraq towards them of their own nuclear program - forward.

The good news, but for how little this is all copacetic in a public governance, and for too few yet have even pondered how much was of fields of battles and regular fresh fogs whence, is that we are now in the stadiums of history with it that such of such times (however of a pride of private French, German and/or Japanese citizens’ hopes) are now too also “old” thems - these days are times of at least France, Germany and Japan of having moved past such days haunting in a deja vu to renaissances, like, of their “nationalisms” to teams of better Posterity.  RBC did, with Charlie Rose, admit to having been surprised at how Saddam Hussein had been able to turn a “BFD DEFEAT” into a win after the “exiting” from the Persian Gulf War.

As I have fielded for a pro USA Tranquility of old and new challengers:  Check your goalie gloves of civil sport and too your 100% ID check systemology.  However whence there may have been global initiatives of a resurgent “GERMAN” and “JAPANESE” by strategery of private citizens and their personal ideas of national pride we have that as RBC refreshed Saddam Hussein and Iraq have had years when they were very near to having a nuclear arsenal ready.  Whom were those willing to be of a nuclear axis with IRAQ’s Saddam Hussein then in those days when the USA was concurrently like a too big and newly so sole superpower of the world - a target?

We should not forget whom the French were as French whence and how they were (stereotypically) ready for a new Franco even if a Euro-centric new Franco-German within an axis global with Iraq as nuclear and secured in oil Power.  RBC has, with his recent challenging of the too long accepted WJC talking points, torn the “American” colors honor off of WJC and the Administration of the Clintons.  That RBC is now talking so calmly in a historical begets that WJC has been too long just full of hot air and more just careening in “fogs of warrings” dated to whence and then forward to concurrently.  The French are remembered now for having had a leader who seemed at least willing to work with Saddam Hussein and with he to a nuclear program in a shared “war” motive to reset the global balance of power from of the USA as the sole superpower to a new Euro-centric axis possible if at least a few European “leaders” could shift the economic Power of oil supplies and demand valuations upon their colors.

That RBC had expressed sincere past surprise to how Saddam Hussein turned a thought “BFD DEFEAT” by a world wide coalition as if in a World War III into his “VICTORY” is “NEWS”!  I was after Saddam Hussein first invaded Kuwait to a personal intelligence exercising of philosophizing cause and effect scenarios as if to wondering on SH’s “chesss” and specifically to asking and attempting to answer “WHY DID SADDAM HUSSEIN THINK HE COULD KEEP KUWAIT?”

RBC is showing the WJC “Clinton” colors to be soiled and near already of a tag of “FOOLS”.  But now we have it we need to consider there were whence possible new axis muscle ready for at least a new balance of powers in a SADDAM-GERMAN.  But now we too have to consider that RBC has been admitting he and the Bush Administration so charged more specifically had been to underestimating SH.  RBC has reminded many now already that Saddam Hussein was nearly whence to becoming (too powerfully) of a new axis of Power with help to being a nuclear power.

What RBC seems to be admitting now is news and yet of that which I had myself considered whence. RBC has now exposed the Administration of the Bushes as likely both of having not figured fully enough that SH’s surprising reversal of “BFD DEFEAT” shouldn’t have been a surprise for it likely was of his strategy and plans as I considered as to the hows and whys he invaded Kuwait and seemingly thinking that he would be able to keep Kuwait.  We have hardly talked of all the airs and fogs of war that now are yet explanatory to how HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) could have been so regularly “careening” due to a general and pervasive ignorance.

For now the resurgent national prides so fielded as of the era of when the “AMERICAN” was maybe to an intolerable globally of many willing to be newly “friends” as from feeling sympatico as if common in “enemy” as also “enemies of their enimies” seems bettered and bested and quieted to gone for good.  OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM though too was necessary for without it Saddam Hussein, as excused by WJC (& HRC) “policies” of the administration of the Clintons, was ready to start anew, it still seems, and with some global “axis” alliances, to being to a nuclear power and arms race with IRAN.

In RBC defense:  The Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I & II do justify a OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM WAS NECESSARY.  That it was right and just to be to such a late prosecution of Saddam Hussein though is complicated as 9/11 I made the public selling that SH needed prosecution and an intervention so much more complicated.  It is telling that such attacks have shown WJC and HRC to have benefited politically specifically from such and far more than any Republican especially as the attacks made doing the right thing, however so “lately”, so much more difficult to do and sell.  The only other way to “sell” OIF was likely to directly explain how there is and was a gross negligence in foreign policy at least of the Administration of the Clintons while looking to bipartisan support in Congress to do a right thing by standing the “AMERICAN” up with a sole superpower status so with it as the USA wouldn’t compromise EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL still abroad so.

[Right!  I have decades now of sharing my thoughts with administrations and especially with the Bush Administration of Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney from like moments immediately after 9/11 I’s THE DAY AFTER.  As recalled:  After faxing the White House number for the NSC offices my circa such old times THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM with note like  “It worked for such issues global nuancing then much and is now ready to work again.” my visceral awareness was alighted with a seeming smarting Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to whomever then in that company across town of he with a “Is he trying to pull rank on me?” and me to in unison from afar so near with “NO!”]

For now any USA versus GERMANY seems safely sporting in a post adjustment era of times when the “AMERICAN” may have actually deserved new axis mainlining to check as if by a bold “intervention” a too proud sole superpower “AMERICA.”

But if we do not know history and learn from history and especially are to burying inconvenient historical resurgent colors and fogs then we may still have new problems too much as if the old problems.  By the wrap of the PERSIAN GULF WAR it was wrong for the USA and Coalition nations to not have more fully considered that the surprising “spin doctoring” by SH acumen was part of his plan and strategy from the start when he tipped the scales of civility and justice with his invasion of Kuwait.

[Of my strategy so private and individualistic at endeavoring to understand SH’s chess I was to thinking that the USA was maybe to a bait and switch fitting such concerns and to a electoral upset of President George H.W. Bush, as a new Lincoln of having yet though held the world together, with the propositions that WJC could be right as the USA may then be best to a weak President and a do nothing Presidency.]

[Right!  As I am of my Menadier genes - I am maybe while however of “Irish” character and pride of dominant traits in Franco-German blooded lines.  It may be my worked at “Irish” comity that had me like Reagan of his times in his times of an “IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE” at least as per “spin doctors” as “Mad Men” as my maternal grandfather had been a top Madison Avenue Ad man until his retirement from having run a consolidated Johnson & Johnson account for his last 25 years so wrapped as of Young & Rubicam (Y&R).]

[Right!  To the raising of my blind ear to a reputation mine preceding me at times and at times very regularly:  I have the memories still of my surprise one night years after I started a private sector spinning to close breaches in our “AMERICAN” artfully and voluntarily and quietly, however some of my pushing to pull likes of the Clintons into the 1992 race, as for an option to a needed weak Presidency, and one of time for a DO NOTHING PRESIDENT, now less haunting of how I was surprised by a bedtime presence of no other than Saddam Hussein smarting with a “YOU DEFEATED ME” - “WHAT IS NOW TO HAPPEN?” and my at least while tired and near sleep among things about so to “responding” “WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO COME FOR YOU.”]

Go USA - you have survived the convenient years of WJC being perfectly and naturally a weak President much of a do nothing Presidency, and yet hardly know it historically for what it was, and how WJC & HRC were tools not leaders, and yet chosen by the public freely - however ignorant of “wars” and “fogs of war” causal to political careening. Go USA!!!

However SH had at least French, German or Japanese governments or private citizens of global initiatives ambition at the ready to help him whence reset the balance of powers and too as it still haunts to a new Euro-centric it is that RBC is right that OIF was right and that the PERSIAN GULF WAR was right to wrap (temporarily) short of Baghdad.  It is too true and historical that SH if allowed to escape JUSTICE as bedded forward as possible and likely by WJC & HRC we instead now would have it that the world was generally behind SH and IRAQ having a right to be a nuclear state to balance, however a new COLD WAR, that IRAN asserts (in historic victimhood at least) that it has a right to be NUCLEAR.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:35 am

How is it in these troubled times that all roads seem to lead to William J. Clinton?  How cowed now, so it seems, have been tread upon long and hard while WJC a head of a snake of Hillary R. Clinton so convincingly as a new Marie Antoinette - even without her hats?  How can it be that in these of the banner “Clinton Democrats” there lay no real standard in old glory?  How, in these troubled times, is it that as the head of such snake, on all these roads long suffered, WJC, yet, is more a dog than so far accepted?

She wears her houses like Marie wore her hats - she strutted herself so doggedly it dogs them how they raised themselves to such a self evident “out of touch.”  She/they destroyed the middle class and lower eschewed social ranks.  She/they had Albert A. Gore as either just a Don Quixote or a side-kick like a Sancho Panza. She/they as the titular of the “Clinton Democrats” have how they are at windmills, with gas pumps the antagonists, in how they poor out to the People of the suffrage so much to suffer for their GREEN insurgency of forced inflation across the carbon monsters.  She/they did spear and poke and spear and poke at oiled profits while the more common known of fixed income Americana had no place to yet go when so much about them became so inflated.

Her chivalry and chauvinism is beyond Camelot and hardly, in a good way, yet of Penelope or of Penelope’s monster slayer hero protagonist Odysseus.  She is, it seems, while of such jousting at the carbon monsters, yet of a house devoid of the old glory of the old Ironsides original Constitutional intents and logic/rationality.  She has been both the bad actor and a Penelope not a Helen nor a Penelope while quite a new Marie Antoinette so out of touch, or worse to diabolical of callous intents, as evidentially in how her/their coat-tails hemmed the pathological to how their tagging for GREEN insurgency GREEN AGENDA wanton GREEN ENERGY price inflation were of direct and premeditated strikes at the middle class and lower eschewed social ranks.  It is she whom most led, albeit with AAG along side however, the near quadrupling inflation about the carbon monsters for a gross vanity in greeness partisan politics - she/they spiked the valuations through too subjective campaigning so that all those on fixed incomes, despite their ranks, were caught up in her hardly thoroughly considered - unless her intents were always just diabolical.

She persists and persists in an oddity so devoid of old glory and with theatrics too dramatic, fallen, and falling. She persists and persists in oddities as her standard so devoid is evidently too imperialistic - too new nationalistic - too globally anti-Constitution.  WJC seems more the more a dog and as embedded in the HRC new Marie Antoinette separations that show her/them rivaling the old for how out of touch they are in their own times.  WJC does dog the issues concurrently, and yet as it seems, even of HRC prima facia at booked parading, as if of a new too vanglorious campaign, as the real head of the snake to which the forensic pathologies seem logically free highways barely still for a common defense.

She/they of the House of Clinton Democrats, so evidently devoid of old glory, have to answer for if intently callous in a diabolical cold calculus it was when they were firstly at HILLARY 4 PRESIDENT, and as such times Barack H. Obama was so a nobody to her/them his SURPRISE was a SURPRISE too to them, and, were then so firstly to their forced inflation vast and radical left partisan politics trodding by ways at a realm of “carbon monsters”.  Their force inflation wasn’t alone in their saddled bags of tricks as it was as 2008 November neared fear was in their ranks so soundly rabble roused to market shorting in a common insurgency too on high.  What did she know?  When did she know it?

What did she/they know?  When did she/they know it?  Was it with pure innocence of a deluded greater good fog of vanity with which the Clinton Democrats with the titular HRC so raised the costs of living too radically and rashly across any ranks of those stuck over-extended on fixed incomes?  Wasn’t it otherwise and really diabolical?  Mustn’t she/they of the House of Clinton Democrats partisan polarizing politicking have been aware that they would trap and ruin so many by forcing the inflation by tales of carbon monsters so that People’d peoples and peoples everywhere of the known world wouldn’t be able forward to afford the new GREEN prices, even just their inflated prices for gasoline, and still afford their keeps?

How criminal were/are these so seemingly rightly taggable as of a “criminal intent” by at least the standard of Old Glory as actually Constituted?

How can it really matter now whom between WJC and HRC is more the more the dog, politically speaking, as so compromised while as if thee the head of the snake of betrayals?

How can’t it be now exposed, debated, countered, debated, probed again, and prosecuted yet, and by Congress too, how the Clinton Democrats however of collusions of others too embedded in a carbon insurgency (too imperialistic) that the Clintons are titular to the collapses so global. 

How can’t it be now so rendered by the People’d peoples and worldly where ever, and with the Congress of The United States of America, that the Clinton Democrats most had the means, motive, and opportunity and most clearly have a pathology evidently that affirms it was they, however, at their purported “monsters” most now and forward primarily culpable?

She/they now drone on, and drone on.  The glory of the U.S.A. Bill of Rights has been more than poked at by them at their House of Clinton Democrats’ too imperialistic ideological escapades parading.  WJC is in jeopardy as a head of a snake so of such dogging in his dogged “Top Dog” rivalry for he has expressed enough to affirm he has long known it was mostly his&her fault while yet believing, it seems still, that he had, was, and would keep be GETTING AWAY WITH IT(S).

And, yet it is his first lady HRC now of her battling at carbon monsters still whom may best rest the cases when justice looms nearer.  It is his first lady HRC now whom is firstly of the poking at the troubled suffraged sufferings.  It is he first lady HRC so now showing herself more clearly as too really a historical rival to Marie Antoinette and her own legend as out of touch.

Whom is she but the she of the sordid sorted set collated by “ENABLER” at Citizen Rosebud dot com gallery of artful exposes to catch and/or tag the artful and inartful dodgers?  Whom is she but the she of the legends in http://bit.ly/TheEnabler?  There is the common tale of a union of two so intimate in them self-proclaimed a “two-fer” also so as exposed and metered by the sordid sorted set yet of http://bit.ly/ChubbyHubby.  And too much to see more clearly in the shared economics realities of those treatments a SAMPLER at http://CitizenRosebud.net and too so as anchored for news parying at http://JPHogan.org.

“IT A SIMPLE & APPROPRIATE CATEGORY FOR SO MUCH NOW AWRY:   “THINGS BILL CLINTON @: THOUGHT I GOT AWAY WITH THAT!” // #USA“  {See;  http://Facebook.com/jpeterhogan and http://CitizenRosebud.mobi for social media context of quote.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:59 pm

Grab a seat - sit down - get comfortable; This may take a while!

As you settle in and down let us preface this of a consideration that Mr. William J. Clinton and Mrs. William J. Clinton, by the time we are done here, should seem not as if they do belong in prison but more so to that they have already long deserved to be “checked” & “balanced” and “policed” to such of justifying incarceration.

Any Atticus Finch now is beyond any “free at last” for the feminine lawyer Clinton “Hillary” even if she however of being off/other handed than her culpability defense yet has allowed, as affirming for something other than any “innocence.”  It may be she is most “guilty” for beating our economies to these pulps but that such isn’t what is most egregious of her “guilts” - even her “guilty pleasures.”

She has no place in Ayn Rand’s literary accomplishment but as a worse & worst female antagonist as a feminine Peter Keating & yet as of a more trying and compromising older profession - older it seems than considerate “architecture.”

I do not know in any learnedness if she can be cast in any better light by Russian or Soviet literature - even if at all by WAR & PEACE or FATHERS & SONS.  Her “RUSSIAN RESET” has us nearest her greatest infidelity and compromising of American traditions as yet still fashionable as Constitutional; She may now be dammed and ruined yet still we may not as a People generally know enough about her “hows” and “whys” to so much now publicly marketable as too if too as if like at least a “treasonous.”  It may be that her “RUSSIAN RESET” may best explain the fall of the houses of Clinton and Obama, and yet today we need consider with open minds if and how her other ‘machinations’ might yet be more diabolical and appropriately more her “hanging offense.”

So you’ve heard the one about the Cold War having ended without a like loss of life on any battlefield?  So you’ve yet to fathom how ridiculous such a posit is even if so proffered to you whence and however ‘learnedly’?  For the purposes of celebrating the USA victory over the old Soviet styled Russia as the victory of capitalism over expansionist socialism let us now tip our spirits, however, to swirling the body of HRC as best left for spittle.  There is so much in her even just admitted “culpability” as per Benghazi’s tragic and unnecessary loss of people staffers of her “house” of State that has a relativity to undo her past any hypothetical to inconvenient theoreticals as it seems historical that she has made what seems the same intelligence mistakes her spouse did years earlier.  Mrs. William J. Clinton as for just her years as President Obama’s Secretary of State has it damnable that her Benghazi culpability fits with the ignorant American pushed perspective that the Cold War ended without a shot fired, and yet it is that the Iran & Iraq years of war with the million plus lives lost is essential “Cold War” in all related “geopoliticals.”

Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is so “culpable” in other times such likely would have been such a “hanging offense” that heads would already have rolled and rolled with and among her own head.

The essential “Hillary” however now newly posited as firstly Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton conveniently of close and intimate global initiatives inclusive of domestic partisan political operations is of a incomparable “guilt” fitting her like better than any ball slipper ever otherwise yet opined a hopeful for a more real Cinderella.  The ashes of the Mrs. C are see-able and seen as of tragic and, yes, unnecessary losses of lives of those truly America’s brave and courageous.

It is truly sad how much can now be properly eschewed upon the capacity of the Clintons’ shoulders and as such is truly inhumane in their heft to be so long so well past any risk of “a last straw”!  I can only be, so seemingly, that any “rhetoric” of a the “Hillary Clinton” now is fore set as drivel too fit as spittle for a spittoon.  She may yaw and knaw on a hopeful but she is of her years as FLOTUS Clinton too much of the “danger” President Barack Hussein Obama spoke to so Nobelly with his Nobel acceptance speech with it so of suggestive as extant and of “evident” from “inaction” and “avoidance” such as so much of the “politics” of the Administration of the Clintons.

Her (beloved) Saddam Hussein - as suggested from the Administration of the Clintons too embeddedness and seeming “forgiveness” - is a greater hand specific culpability a stain upon her hands yet now than Benghazi.  It seems we are behooved to fathom her of dark depths that have it that she became like “lips locked” and “tongue tied” after the first moments of the dire set upon her “house” at the Libyan consulate there abouts in Benghazi, and so as for a concern that she couldn’t speak any truth without implicating her days as FLOTUS and worse so that she couldn’t without then being a spouse betraying the other spouse as with comments that would have too simply implicated and incriminated her spouse - at least.

We have that there was a Cold War and that it is dangerous now again if to tagging it as a war without any shots fired, and of any lives lost in “battle.”  We have it that Mrs. Clinton, however, is of damnable years of culpability and with it now that only some of them are yet of admitted “dangers” and improprieties like “lies.”  We have it that Mrs. Clinton, however, is of damnable admitted “culpability” and yet we so far haven’t seen any however a new grand Mr. Smith or Atticus Finch get to a bottom.

If when ever you heard of or yet hear of a “RUSSIAN RESET” beware yet however you can muster!

The escapism the Administration of the Clintons seemed to have prescribed for the too embedded with them Saddam Hussein is lost on most still as not being damnable now and always. There was no fair compromise for a letting Saddam Hussein go so “scott free” as the Administration of the Clintons was tolerating and seemingly facilitating.  It seems Mrs. C as President Obama’s SoS couldn’t see straight for her “duty” for she stayed too loyal to her spouse.  It seems by the Laws of the The United States even if Mrs. C. could and should incriminate the Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton, and any “initiatives” global since so of an inappropriate “meddling” she isn’t yet allowed to speak freely and/or to speak the truth as it is inappropriate at best for her to “incriminate” her spouse.

The “RUSSIAN RESET” was misguided and a big enough mistake;  Mrs. William J. Clinton is of worser crimes against the Constitution so as it now seems - and seems possibly to be got at judiciously by the bi-partisan Benghazi Select Committee.

To discern and even get close to fathoming her real and true “culpability” for so much even if ever justifiable as a “sacrifice” like due a future new “Memorial Day” of its own as however of “climate change” economies decimation “sacrifice” we are fit to be postured to the over cushioned tales of a “marketable” “Hillary” and to advantages in a vantage point where we see and consider the sights as that of she as “culpable” even for losses of life of the Cold War as of the Iran and Iraq wars, and too so for it that she so however as the old “crusader” incendiary as inciting FLOTUS or later as an “obedient” “Secretary” or seeable of it that the Ba’athist Saddam Hussein and too some Bashar Assad are of the Power ambitions however of the idealic origins of the Ba’athist - but so personally perverted in a too secular - of ascendencies around the thought of a United Arab Socialist State.

Capitalism did defeat the old expansionist Soviet styled socialism!  Now it seems we have domestics culpable of a on-going domestic threat yet of “communists” or “socialists” of the The United States of tales yet understood as hardly yet told - told generally - of how it seemed some within our borders of actual “citizenship” “rights” seemed to have seen a way in their power to undermine the Constitution towards hoped for changes to socialisms at home.  It seems we have that Mrs. Clinton - Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton - is not excusable from a fuller culpability as one of a “RUSSIAN RESET” that seemed to have been meant to pary with a parlay for Saddam Hussein, at least, and towards acceptable greater socialist powers for he, and his kin, in the socialism ideologic of the origins of Ba’athism however he had yet had already perverted them.

It seems that the problem of any “Hillary” is that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is actually more civilly and judiciously taggable as more a “Socialist” than President Barack Hussein Obama, or his own wife, yet can be.  It seems for perspective to a “culpability” for any “Obama” we should brace ourselves for a consideration that any “Hillary” seems at best a dominatrix and one now taggable as if always and forever maybe arranged as Obama’s handler in “Soviet” “Socialisms.”

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:04 pm

We are gathered now at a congested crossroads in the evolving of The United States of America of President William Jefferson Clinton’s innocence a great danger - a clear (hardly) and present (really) danger.  There are hazards in any “sport” of WJC.  There are traps and boundaries of enervated Americana violated in a ‘moral hazard’ of the innocence of WJC.

Though this has to be of his displacement of blacks from Harlem by gentrification it must be more essentially more global and even of the Ukraine so undermined by the old shifty economics of WJC as by “Clintonomics.”  It seems for President Barack Hussein Obama to escape what seems an inevitable tagging by the Clintons’ new political machinations as by prejudiced IT IS ALL OBAMA’S FAULT he too must now be willing to flex some push back against rising dangers of a WJC innocence.

It is possible that WJC has driven more blacks from Harlem than any past selective service politics of a draft did.  As it has been reported his gentrification of Harlem has affected a near doubling of rental rates his efforts may be yet more permanent to some than however removed from home by government drafts.  Yes if we have to discuss an errant innocence for any as of a culpability for the Crimea & Ukraine ‘economics’ it should be to flush out WJC as if an American Putin.  It is yet a presumption of innocence for WJC and his times as the Constitutional top decider that now obstructs an necessary understanding of the roots of the Ukraine dilemma as in the failure of his guidance and national administering.

It doesn’t help the current congested civic mindedness to be however at a “IT IS ALL BUSH’S FAULT” exclusivity as it really is hardly reasonable that Bush’s “fault” can but be more than near half of the real story with it that WJC at least must not be of the innocence his, oddly still.  Though BHO did in his 2nd Inuagural actually take the USA USC Constituted oath of office again for the office of the President, and then orate an addendum lacking a fidelity, we are of trying crossroads now for thinking too much of a WJC innocence, even though the roots of BHO’s 2nd’s addendum like as “I WON’T FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE OATH OF OFFICE I JUST SWORE I WOULD” are of the politics and economics of the Clintons’ Presidency.

WJC like invented the infidelity to the Constitution that BHO now postures still as the moral hazards rot the games of life possible by fidelity and honesty to freedom at least of the jurisdiction of the Constitution.  WJC’s greatest Constitutional infidelity likely has to be in the still too untold story of the scope of the trials of his monkey business about Saddam Hussein and Iraq.  The Crimea is nearly a neighbor of Saddam Hussein’s old Iraq;  The global economic collapses were set up by selfish partisan politics of WJC during the Clintons’ Presidency;  The current day problems with the Ukraine economy likely wouldn’t now exist if not for how WJC rowed and waded in with derivatives like his own bastard child & as to gamble away known risks of his politics at economics by having a surplus from cuts when spending was needed to make his housing bubble viable.

WJC greatest infidelity has to be, it still seems - still seems as since like 1993, to the First Amendment prudence and so to the Constitution as per his foreign policies and interpretive renditions of a post-Consitutional rationalized.  It seems our moral hazards have us already of civil congestions and new crossroads dangers growing.  It seems we are now of growing dangers now so specifically of a President William Jefferson Clinton innocence.  It seems we are running out of time as the low information voters are now maybe too long seated and stilled believing it even possible that “it” could have been all of GWB’s fault even though there are still the eight years before GWB of WJC and his many great infidelities that better assuage a guilt to his ship of state tacks.  Yes even though BHO pledged a fidelity to the oath, and then pulled a Clinton, as if his swearing wasn’t legally a swearing, it is now still too much that WJC innocence is the infidelity to be arrested - arrested firstly.

When foreign orations arose after 9/11 attacks about “American Infidel” too few considered a mass of citizens were being tagged as guilty by association unawares mostly with the WJC monkey business scope of his infidelity to just the Constitution of The United States of America and with just his decidings about Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  It is hard to render that the WJC innocence can long endure now unless innocent Americans don’t defend themselves from guilt by association with the years of the Clintons’ Presidency of the leader WJC as an “American Infidel.”  The Cold War geo-political justifications for engagements in Iraq changed when Kuwait was invaded as more like a secular crime, but really they became more dangerously left to be more about sectarianisms and religiousity when Afghanistan became the Gettysburg turning point of The Cold War with its defeat of expansionist Soviet communism.  The Clintons were the new USA administration so firstly to having to handle Iraq and the Middle East otherwise than as of Cold War secular geo-politics and as to a new engagements more respective of the USA USC establishments ordained for matters of Law pertaining to religiosity.

The WJC deciding was, it seems, mostly of the dangerous infidelity to the Constitution as if rightly an “American Infidel” by personal and selfish choice;  President William Jefferson Clinton is remembered for like whining about President George H.W. Bush having like “left him a war - left him the Bosnia - Herzegovina War” and then to having played loose with the imports of the Constitution and the First Amendment so that he could decide as of a ‘I don’t want to so won’t’ per Saddam Hussein and not row a due wade prophylactically in a ’should/shouldn’t’ conscious consciousness.

Poor BHO, as now with Mrs. WJC on his tail, and on the trail, she, so as WJC’s spouse, isn’t spousally supposed to incriminate her spouse, and nor so their deciding days as the Clintons’ Presidency.  It seems Mrs. WJC now has to run of cover as if it like “ALL OBAMA’S FAULT” and much because she really quite is hardly allowed to posture any other bias as near any other claims would be like violate of her marriage union and their oath to be one together forever to like have and hold so no government can set asunder until death.  It seems Mrs. WJC must still posture the above aforementioned WJC “innocence” even though such hides truths of the public ways so as not to incriminate herself, unnecessarily, nor her spouse. 

Poor BHO, as it seems Mrs. WJC must run, as if it wasn’t all her fault, and even, however, she whined before Congress of a “what difference does it make…”, and postured that she should accept some culpability for her following her President boss’s orders.  It seems Ukraine now cannot be explained but with a full rendition of the Clinton “two-fer” however they seem to have their eight years like out of the way as like a “the missing years 1993-2001.  However the Clintons’ innocence now is a late congested politics we are on this infidelity necessarily as though it may be that per Iraq and Saddam Hussein there is the “greatest” of WJC deciding we must fathom how it is twained and marked that their economics were failures that best mark an understanding of these crossroads in politics of Crimea as risen from the failures economic and political of the moral hazards in Clintonomics.

Poor BHO, as really Mrs. WJC has a simple case at a righteousness basis in his example to it more his fault than her fault for she and Mr. WJC didn’t make him attempt the failed cover-up rewrite of history that they seemed to necessarily yet have asked him civilly enough to attempt to drive over truth and greater truths.  I don’t know if BHO should think he owes black Americans more truth and specifically, and now so lately, an explanation to how it was the Clintons, besides the gentrification of Harlem and its displacement of blacks, whom through too political and selfish ‘economics’ did both set up the housing collapse in the years of the Clintons’ Presidency, and then trigger it, with their Vice President Al Gore, as Hillary and Al were like synchronized, and as domestic insurgents both at undermining GWB, and, as globally at imprisoning GWB, and most Republicans, in false insinuations of improper guilt.

Long they seemed at such complicated efforts to camouflage the “American Infidel” President William Jefferson Clinton with an all powerful cloaking as if a new suit of innocence.  But, mustn’t it be the failure of President William Jefferson Clinton so taggable as an “American Infidel” for his too effecting and too selfish political decidings in foreign policies pertaining to a jurisdiction around Saddam Hussein that should be his “GREATEST INFIDELITY”?  We now are too stuck and so BHO for of the:

‘If he had been more to “should/shouldn’t” and away from a wrongly convenient seeming “don’t want to so won’t” so much could have been remedied more civilly with less global economic congestion, and worse, by ways some how otherwise more prudently of a Constitutional fidelity albeit if so then to a new Nuremberg Trials for the criminal Saddam Hussein!’

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:29 pm

As what may play in Las Vegas may not amount to a mother load by any accounting past the sands of Nevada awake and wonder what so forth doesn’t play ‘local’ of the strip.  To tease or not to tease - it’s the gamble - it’s the coinage of the common bits.

Dollops of the bosom bourgeoisie of Hillary Clinton however now buttered privately, or for creaming later, utterly must be of the ante, and all the complementary beset, per chance so neon’d, and glitzed.  It should be addling all, however also of a walk of Vegas too, that it be riling Mrs. Clinton, however, that the truth is rolling on and she is being rolled by the truth.

It is unlikely, I presume, that when Governor Bill Clinton declared those made famous lines of having dipped his feet in once about marijuana, and to a toke without a stoke - a tried it once but didn’t inhale - it was also utterly fantastic to believe that FLOAR Hillary Clinton preferred to bake - to be joined without the roll - the lick - the flash & ember’d.  Seem she set more OCD to tricks to turn out President Clinton, as yet lately, a yet still American Putin - A President thought arrested from office yet returned.  But VEGAS et all, is the money on the table that “Bill & Hillary” partook of the weed in a consumption from to half-baked baked high styling?

What is there to hedge about the Clintons as having, however smitten and stoned, stoked the political firestorms that brought the pyrotechnics upon the economics?  How isn’t the reality to avoid the truths of them a Bonnie and Clyde to be found still too on highs as if such just a precious of idolatry to rub and rub as cross’d bourgeoisie American?  Isn’t it though Vladimir Putin may now be as socialist, he in a personal richness, still has that the Clintons are more Bourgeoisie?

The Cold War is over!  The Cold War is dead!  America hasn’t been fighting for capitalism over communism in a long time!

However the Clintons may have been high, whenever if ever they were on the weed or ‘medicines’ as perks of the office(s) there are years and years of them, of for what ever reason, of having made some very bad decisions.

But why Vegas?  But why not St. Louis or San Francisco?  Or Concord in New Hampshire or Concord literally in Massachusetts?  Well where is it best to lately break the still rolling on truths that the Democrats with there trenchant green insurgencies of Senator Hillary and Mr. Science Gore did stir the economic disastrous sought after new higher green politics inflated gas prices that addled many - many more than any a new bourgeoisie or common middle class American?  The housing collapse was triggered by the spike in gas prices as all those the Clintons pimp’d into hyper-consumerism and so of over-committing while fixed income homes then couldn’t afford also what the Clintons’ ideology had them pimp’n next — To have their Democrat Party Green Agenda they need the price of gas to be like four times higher.  It seems the risks were worth taking, politically, for the Democrats as long as they could carry each day to the morning after of bearing false witness against the Republicans working so the lies were taken as truth.

If it is in Europe, however arguably better as Russian, that we in the secluded northern continental of American are of witness to distant petty property bickering it figures that what were are philosophically confronted with is spiffs between socialists and socialists. 

Again:  The Cold War is OVER!!!  At least now that we of the prudence of Operation Iraqi Freedom, with the humanity of boots on the ground, for liberation to a jury of his peers gamble, of the free Iraqi People, at righteousness upon Saddam Hussein, it can be said since we did the hard work at cleaning up past transgressions simmering to permanent guilt of at least the presumed or assumed culpability American with the evil reign of Saddam Hussein:  THE COLD WAR IS OVER!!!

If all or most of Europe want to be socialist, and Ukraine wants to be socialist, and Russia is socialist, then there is no disagreement, it seems, really to how Americans of The United States should see the high ground as common ground and of an assimilation pre-existent extant of everything like already, supposedly, of the suffrage compromised that Putin is just also offering.

To see this spiff as for now only a spiff between socialists and socialists without any philosophical differences that nothing is really their own or made by themselves it may help to Americanize it geo-politically.  It seems for scope and size we need only ante up a small part of Oklahoma as if it now is Texas — It seems that if Governor Perry were just to, also in plain clothes uniformity of state, were to “annex” that part of the Oklahoma pan handle between the larger and more powerful Texas and the dopy Colorado the world could have yet that Governor Perry is also like at being an American Putin.

So it is settled - it can leave Vegas - it is the truth that the Democrats caused the housing crisis as being of CRISIS campaigning that too subjectively effected oil & gas markets so that those who had bought into buying too much then couldn’t also afford the gas to get to work and the house mortgage that their fixed incomes yet were tightly budgeting to fetch coolly.

So the Clintons in their cold New Bourgeoisie social & political climbing were, and seem still willing to, tread upon and all over the current and former of the middle class more commonly.  If Governor Bush hasn’t rolled high with gambles at the risks of the Clintons’ past, present and future with tricks his own to be the winner with their losses it seems the rule is golden of Vegas that what happens in Vegas shall still be fixed to stay in at least Nevada.  Any Bushes biggest political problem is how historically the Clintons have played so many tables so many places coyly, yes, yes still, with it the cards as trumps up their sleeves faced and ranked as of the hands in collusion of some of Bushes — The secret weapon the Clintons have succeeded with too long has been of coyly playing a hidden Bush trump card against Republicans hands for good, and devilishly.

It would be utterly fantastic to here of a Bush leaving Vegas an actual winner even though I see no reason to roll out any red carpet for a re-Bushing of The White House.  It seems too much as if of a Potemkin Village metaphorically to ask for a decision on whom is more Bourgeoisie in a new money or old money American New Bourgeoisie as if asking to decide whom can be more still upper middle class of the Clinton clan or the Bush dynastic soled.

So the Clintons and Democrats killed the economy and thought it worth the gamble for it seemed certain at least by use of hidden sleeved trump cards that they could keep the table of truth tilted of a false witness guilt beguiled as played real of the Bush’s and generally Republican of folding by intimidations somehow yet while (more) innocent.  The GOP in 2008 would have lowered the price of oil & gas if they could have but were stuck in a pickle utterly bosomed by the entrenched Green Agenda idealism marching on with the alarmist radicalization of the camps of Clintons’ and the camps of Gore’s.

However complementary those of the tease and strip of the neon and glitz of Vegas are yet already well addled and anted in the rooms with the view for the people they seem need be of a common vision from kitchen tables everywhere.  The milk of freedom is safe, for now, as long as we recognize capitalism creamed at least Communism and the Cold War is over and Vladimir Putin is like just selling Europe what it seems they already have but in he as if supposedly rightly to be more gilded besides his comrades in socialism of his post Perestroika devolutions of his bolsheviks.

Citizens of the The United States need be keen to a churning newly of old red scares of McCarthyism as it is utterly fantastic how the bread of the needed wanton of the Democrats ideologicals seems buttered and/or creamed on both sides, gaudily.

As Putin showing himself chesty in a gamble for socialism is socialism where ever it seems wanton, yes, if Mrs. Clinton, however, shows herself more than now the political tease with some actual leg in the game.  The Cold War is OVER!!! What do we call it if we let it be still forward a #WTF of Mrs. Clinton, however, yet as socialistic as President Barack Hussein Obama and yet globally too of initiatives not of a gamble for freedoms in moral capitalism but a marching for mass assimilations in a old dogma as dogmatic near as communism pre-Perestroika?

As it is now settled rolling on truth that President Bush was more innocent than the Clinton “two-fer” of pre and post 9/11 I & II political and economic culpability it behoove People of the world to recognize Crimea - to gird a fathoming of the philosophicals about the intervention lingua of a barely chesty President Putin as of a brother vs. brother newly more gender blind as siblings addling siblings of singing socialism precepts of foreign bodies electric.

A predicate of this roll of the dice to stoke the Clintons as at least token New Bourgeoisie concernedly is to slot the lining up of rolling and rolling truths of of the Clintons as of fallen fruits best considered diseased and to stay grounded to help bring up even daisies.  It is worrisome how few know the road less taken has been traveled too long of the Clintons with Bush trump cards up their sleeves coyly — Yes for all the times the Clintons played the Bush cards, however dishonestly and disingenuously, all of the Bush dynastic soled are churned up for not calling out the Clintons.

Citizens of the The United States need be keen to a churning newly of old red scares of McCarthyism as it is utterly fantastic how the bread of the needed wanton of the Democrats ideologicals seems buttered and/or creamed on both sides, gaudily.  The phat of the stoked can be relativized by a bulwarks in federalism evolution breastworks considerate assumption of some of Oklahoma as if Texans by annexation, at least so that interstate commerce, between the dopy Colorado and the lone stars of old Spanish realms can trespass more freely without consideration of Oklahoma Law.

However barely chested Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin is about his marches so plainly about Crimea to People of the more perfect Union of the constitutional core common by the Constitution as the People’s Order “done” for freedom and free economies it is that the Cold War is OVER, and, it is now so much so foreign is yet socialists with spiffs against socialists and so that how they be governed isn’t being fought over, so it would seem.  Unless the battle is as yet between free market US styled moral capitalism and expansionist assimilating socialism/communism then Putin may not be threatening any with anything they haven’t already long ago surrendered to a too centralized “state.”

It may be worth the gamble especially for the Bourgeoisie old and newly of Texas to consider annexing that portion of supposedly rightfully Oklahoma between its own sovereignty and the sovereignty of dopy Colorado at least to displace a interstate commerce concernedness of that yet of civil procedures of the keep of Oklahoma Law.

No, really, it is already too established and rolling on that the Clintons did more to cause the economic collapse than the Republicans of the leadership by the Bush reign.  It though also seems we are of a tilt of tables still needing to be turned on the Clintons of too many questions not yet asked and answered.

It too may be too bourgeoisie if it is that Hillary Clinton too as never baked - even been at half-baked.

But the real threat is that not even the free People yet of the constitution as common core Constituted seem now to saddle up to kitchen tables every where at thought concernedly, however confusing, and but of predicated by the Tea Parties, and too in the realm intellectual of what would be a devolution or evolution of federalism, as to how the Cold War really is over for the Democrat Party leaders, however, specifically of President Obama or still in a rivaling, are themselves yet of the hands of a new perestroika as bolsheviks in global initiatives to a settling of churning for socialism, and themselves too as established (more permanently) as autocratic.

If, yet, you are not stoked to the truth that the Clintons are most culpable of most that has ailed the middle classes it is not too late for you to a least partake of the sampler at http://CitizenRosebud.net!  Are you ready to spread, yourself, issuances in economics to clear the smokeless of virgin toking (like a “virgin daiquiri”) what dollops you may appropriate to help truth work and to help it - as truth - be rolled and rolled judiciously further, at least far enough? 

If it is that they so foreign all just want to be socialist - how is it that it matters if it hoofed mostly as by a puffery most gilded for Vladimir Putin as Socialists more supreme commoner?

Yes, these are the days that even any “BOURGEOISIE” need be able to plate as common the thoughts to how federalism may be as of a devolution or evolution, and where so each so, and however so.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:20 am

It seems an impossible mission. President Barack Obama, can you be brought back from a political deadness - can you be resuscitated from BIGGEST LIAR?  For those more of HARRY POTTER first gen now matured and politically conscious this can be a quite worrisome troublesome.  Many have wanted “Barack Obama” to be a half blood’d prince and yet now as the play of his “legacy” solidifies he seems not alone in being not a squib even and yet merely one among many of muggles. Robin Hood likely had to be, though of basic thievery and mugging, at least a squib as he had dramatics and an artful ability to dodge and as well split an arrow.  It seems the only way now for President Obama to clean up his presidency is to clean up his own party - it seems he has failed to prove that the “dirt” under the body politic and body economic is Republican and well simply that means that the “dirt” must be Democratic and embedded as truly of his own party.

That there is no magic in President Land begets a ponderance of if there really ever was - if there ever was any real “magic” in Obamaland. To be brief - to be clear:  Let me be clear:  Their lies were not artful - they kicked the can down the road — they lied, and, it is that there lies were not artful dodging - there is a selfishness too institutionalized that should not be confused with “magical” in how their “dodging” was political as if only of a capacity of muggles.  Is it too late though for at least President Obama to learn of himself as of a capacity for “magic” as at least a squib - as one though late to learning of learning that he is some at least a half blood’d for good?  For a spell for President Obama mustn’t we be able to establish that he has been crudely but effectively burdened and or shackled by others say like the Clintons and so burdened as to be impossibly arrested from any use of any mere “magical” potential he may have as latent qualities?  Have the Clintons - has just Hillary Rodham Clinton - been of such a overwhelming muggleness that President Obama was forlorn to failures so common and commonplace in political orbits?

President Barack Hussein Obama has real problems!  President Barack Hussein Obama has real political and character problems yet are his five + years of him willfully and knowingly of having not been squared away himself and not on the level by his own affectings or has he been yet trapped by those of his own party?  It seems the logical dodge left as the only one feasibly remaining is to show that his own party should and can be cleaned up — it seems that he has spent his free chits of credibility as of the traditions of his office “cloaking” by having been party to what now has failed even as common artful (lawyered partisan political) dodging.  The real world isn’t about RACE TO THE TOP as for a common core to ignore your neighbors and their plights firstly - the real world has to be about community and civility at home and near home primarily.  There can hardly be any “magic” or traditional “faith” in the COMMON CORE of the curriculum of the Democrats.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with no cloak of invisibility nor any due prefacing as to invincibility.

The point of a HOGWARTS education is to learn and develop at least an ability in dramatics and artful dodging that too can wield an affecting as if that of precision in archery as for splitting an arrow.  The point of HOGWARTS is some in the name albeit rife with with a keen and sharp double edge as HOG-WARTS and not HOG-WARDS — yee of such curriculum however yet matured and matriculated are to be of the hope for a potential to grow not as dirt under the skin of others as if a wart on them or a more general body politic. Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to as originally set for the tradition and legacy to be above such commonality and away from sweeping dirt under a carpet or lawyering to keep it from a general airing for a prudent (civic) cleaning.  Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to be schooled and read to a capacity and discipline to shine locally and globally as of a “magical” civility learned to ways in being good wards of good wards.

Hillary Rodham Clinton may be more “CHICAGO” than yet the ward heeled late comer now President - Mrs. Clinton of the CGI is more “CHICAGO” than President Barack Hussein Obama.  It is recorded that she was raised to embrace violence and to not just hit first but to hit the boys there about her ward and to hit them first.  She was raised tough but seemingly without a civil ward “magical” and to be a FIRST STRIKER.  As President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State she may now be due a timely exposure as one a muggle and a wart. His Madam Secretary has been out from officially of his “skin” now about a year and it seems that some “magic” has returned to what is foreign policy of The United States of America.  It is for history and others to conclude if such is more for a released and cleaned up President Obama as maybe one capable himself at least of some half blood’d magic or if it is that he has a glow about him from having Catholics more now at his affectings.  Mrs. Clinton should be seen and read as one whose story is too polarizing and partisan and still a troublesome “wart” to President Barack Obama and of a legacy quite so lacking in “magic” that all should easily conclude she must be a muggle.  Mrs. Clinton, of her own Twitter Avatar, shows her linguistic capacity to be common and dirtied and cold for she not only lately tags herself as a “dog owner” she only tags herself as a “dog owner” and not in a little part a “dog lover.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton shows much so common as to be expected to be only of a capability of muggles with her Twitter @HillaryClinton and so that @BarackObama can make an example newly for himself as liberated and no longer occupied by the Clintons and now offer a civil and thorough promise to clean up his own party.  It is that he is tagged now like the Clintons as a BIG LIAR and yet for now it seems he has time to learn of a latent quality in himself to be actually of some political “magic.”  It may not be too late for President Barack Hussein Obama to show himself liberated and freely at finding (surprisingly) (himself) a capacity even half blood’d for a “magic” in politics.  It seems if he is more than a muggle and not so just a muggle like Mrs. Clinton of CGI than he now has a duty and honor calling him as it is exposed that the Republicans were not as tagged of exclusive culpability or guilt per the “it” as the “BIG IT” — it seems President @BarackObama can at least move the Twitterverse now to a public and effective “wart” cleaning and removing - It seems we all have Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART” to work a still possible mission about as a general and thorough liberating political deep cleaning.

President Barack Hussein Obama is now with a political broom to wield even if himself actually just a muggle too and at least now to a mea culpa in poor judgement in associations so long with the Clintons and their too institutional lawyered political muggleness.  He can show himself with a broom at least now of a willingness to cease and desist from further sweeping under his “rugs” of a not squared away or on the level corner cutting partisan polarizing politics. He has himself now evidently of regular traffic about his past five years now with his embedded dirt now as visible as if a wart on his “rugs” as everywhere he goes it seems his “rugs” have hills and valleys.

President Barack Hussein Obama, as impossible as it may now seem, is apparently yet of an ability to tag at least “Hillary” of the Clinton clan core body politics as if an embedded and too long occupying “dirty” he yet can magically or by due diligence yet remove forever from under the skin of the nation.

President Barack Hussein Obama now without a cloaking left but yet still with at least a affecting broom of a muggle.

Harry Potter of his story as with a godfather Serious Black is one at least above such “common” and “core” as of a lacking in “magic.”  As human beings however are fated to sing of at least their habitats “electric” it is more of “magic” to understand the dangers of being of bodies electric and of different electrical standards of some of volts de more highly powered and more seriously dangerous.  It is that for any or all of the magic of even political “electricity” Voldemort is a DANGER daily for all those of a brotherhood of electricians — as of a brotherhood for the magic in the dangers of POWER it is keen that Harry Potter also has a godfather like a union electrician firstly reered to a seriousnous most especially for the black wires as those primarily structured as the HOT WIRE.  Yes Harry Potter (matured first gen) readers I speak in words now as one whom first had the magic of a brotherhood about him as faith allowed by a godfather a union electrician.  Yes readers and aficionados of HOGWARTS I can attempt to educate you about a core of the Clintons “politics” as lacking in “magic” and alert you to how the curriculum was originally set to be a political prophylactic to endear and endure as protection from the Clintons (as muggles).

There is little HOPE left for the once HOPE & CHANGE candidate to now offer as a second term President.  It seems he is left to tagging the Clinton “two-fer” as having been dirt under his and our skin that he couldn’t clean away for these five years so.  It seems he is left to offering that he was shackled to their past (unmagically) and so that he was occupied more than liberated by his close and embedded associations with at least Mrs. Clinton of CGI while former Senator and Former First Lady and Former First Lady of Arkansas as his Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

I do not know if President Barack Hussein Obama can now rise as if of a yet unknown latent quality blood’d however for “magic.”  I can though explain that yee and all however of a knowing of the curriculum of HOGWARTS are supposed to be inoculated from the Clinton “two-fer” and as by the original intent and mission set for J.K. Rowling when whence firstly of her famous napkins usage due to mused stirrings.  The Clintons - for these purposes Hillary Rodham Clinton CODE NAME:  “THE WART” - are inseparable and now as President Barack Hussein Obama’s last chance to clean up the body politic by offering to clean up his own party.

It is complicated.  IT’S COMPLICATED!!! Right! President Obama to save his political skin now must be able to show demonstrably that he forever since whence in post primary reckoning when he so was to the ill fated embrace of the Clinton machine and however to that “work-out” that the Clintons would then like get to keep the world when he became visibly the first black president was a fool for letting the Clintons bury themselves under his/our skin so while so politically compromised and “dirty.”  Right!  The first black President now must be able to show demonstrably that he effectively has been enslaved and occupied by the Clintons and not in any way or especially in any magical way of a liberation of or by the Clintons.  Right!  President Obama did lie, and his lies exposed now expose the longer bigger lies that were set from day one necessarily to attempt to cloak the Clintons. It is by one lie his other bigger lies have been called out and are still much to be aired duly.  It is that President Obama failed to “cloak” the Clintons (and associated Democrat Party) guilt by false flagging the history and complicated as if of Republican fault and guilt. 

President Barack Hussein Obama now must be to a cleansing mea culpa as little as possible of self immolation and as much as possible to a “magic” in a fresh and artful confessional at least to a new muggled posturing of he as having been stuck as too enslaved or occupied by a still too powerful and dirty “politics” of at least Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART.”

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[NOTE:  Yes readers akin to the magic of Harry Potter and even the volts concerns magical of Serious Black,  you were supposed to have been protected and even cleverly inoculated from the Clintons’ political machinations and from the very seed of the conception of HOGWARTS as to a curriculum set for rearing next gen’rs to be wards not warts about their community - that it could be and should be “magical” to grow up clean and bright so as not to just be dirt under your family and/or community’s “skin.”  I know of what I speak in visible written spoken words as it is I that can tell of a Patron US of musings fo’ napkins whence thence for J.K. Rowling, and, I know that as per the above as to a too present but still embedded “dirt” of the Clintons it is that I suggested that if the seven books did stay true to the challenge as for seven years of magic curriculum then she as the “mother” author would become rich - would become very rich.  It is that by staying true to the original outline it was that such was originally intended and balanced to be effectively though effectively foreign born yet an American made inoculation to the Clintons, as best as was possible due to the entrenched complexity of their “dirt” and as such not quite the best tool for such a mission even maybe impossible for one like President Barack Hussein Obama.]]

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:28 pm

For any modern discussion of economics we must in a bi-partisan/non-partisan/cross-partisan be to spinning beyond TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS.  We are stuck now as commenced to a new #MoralCapitalism of a rejoined humanity in #MoralMan historicals much and quite mostly for #UrbanMoralisms.  Thanks to Martin Luther, however of a BE BOLD IN YOUR SINS, some may have taken past liberties in cruelty expectant that the day was then that even so so they could and would be forgiven.

It is that a morality is what has stewed better progress for Secretary Kerry than for Secretary Clinton.  Since Madam Secretary is inseparable from Bill Clinton’s commitment to her, as recalled, that preceded a fidelity in marriage arrangement with their prior necessary condition to marriage of that he would promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his, there is a forgivable possible and a forgivable not appropriate for a candidate or just historical Hillary Rodham Clinton;  Mrs. Clinton cannot run yet for 2016 as if of a Christian forgiveness granted daily so that each day she can be like just a lawyer with new cases — the Clintons do have a running con - a decades long operable plan for the election of her that as a still kept plan greater than each of her/our days is such of a aura than should not and cannot be overlooked or of a forgiveness sponsoring.  She is white - she is white collar - she may deserved being a white collared even if by an establishment morality separate from a State as a white collared posse.

President Barack Hussein Obama is a conundrum for historicals in economics.  It is hard to say he has a philosophy of governance nor any “economics” his own but that of spend, spend, spend & tax & tax reset of old “tax & spend” that if Mrs. Clinton otherwise had been electable too would have been of a politically necessary to render herself of at too as Senators Obama & Clinton did make nearly all the same campaign promises.  It is here ridiculous to try to relate to any TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS and especially if to be of a political spin doctoring attempt to show them in a possibly more moral light.  It is ridiculous otherwise too now to much discuss TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS just because the marketing and pop culture of these days are not of the era of such economics and are not sustainable or supportive to a harmonics or synthesis currently.  I propose that we now are to a new economics paradigm of at least a soft science discerning that can be responsibly tagged as a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

A discussion of a SUPPOSITORY ECONOMICS vs. a DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is seemingly apropos for these current social dynamics of the micro or macro and the local or global.  A discussion and development of a general understanding and furtherance of quantifiable and applicable discourse though may be good for setting us forward back to at least a decade of growth economics yet while it seems that such cannot fare well for President Obama nor other so yet set other leading Democrats.  It seems that we can focus how the Democrats in mass basically have been failing economically much because they have been lacking the understanding that should be generally solidified if and when to a full and detailed expose of that to do justice to it as a better and new economics as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS.

It can be said to be generally acceptable that President Obama did not rightly place the blame for the said “economics” he “inherited.”  It can be said that politically President Obama trapped himself from a better economics by being from day one of a politics of covering up how much of the collapsing of economies was rooted and nurtured essentially of Clintonomics and the general political administering of the co-Presidency of the Clintons.  The entire time since President Obama started off his first term with lies to the economics in play embedded and orated in his First Inaugural he has been of arresting any potential he may have had otherwise than has yet been demonstrable.  The Democrats in mass have been of an immorality in their governance by ways of lies about the causals most significant to the problemas.  They have only succeeded in pushing a “morality” agenda by a politics immoral as of them of falsely accusing and wrongly tagging the actual historical politics and economics.

Whom of white collars can be a posse?  We if again to a growth economics need be not of a said old and tired SUPPLY SIDE and/or TRICKLE DOWN now.  To be anew to a #MoralCapitalism we need to recognize we are not limited to the old Cold War Era prudent obedience to a TOP down guidance of/with assurities by Government that ones commerce wouldn’t be accidentally treasonous.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a charge of liberatings in new federalism have become a global normative.  We of America are of establishments that do quite require that an establishment morality exists separate from the State just so that the State can have a chance at operating morally.

It of us to a new economics as by ways of discerning as SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is also necessarily of a historical setting to an affecting that Democrats have not understood the socio - nor economics of their days so charge in its administering.  The world is decidedly more flat now.  The politics of a new economics need not be of SUPPLY SIDE nor TRICKLE DOWN old Cold War era prudence that did much synch with the marketing and advertising harmonics whence.  A new establishment economics can be of how the Democrats missed there were two economics to govern about while proffering their irresponsible climate and economic sciences — we have long been of a complex economics that is said of people playing games in the economies, however justified as if a hobby in doing God’s work, as by supposing things as possible and potential, and, we have long been to while so of such in our economics of the core of the “moral” in the “humanity” of commerce and governance of the more permanent socio-economic of people living only by what they did deposit as of the economics of subsistence more nearly.

A ripe fruit as a conundrum a problema as a prolegomena for prima facia for SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS is the unforgivable socio per the Clintons of the commitment keeping by Bill Clinton of his promise that Mrs. Clinton if she agreed to become his bride would have his fidelity at least to keeping his promise that she would get her own Presidency after he got his.  [This is of a historical of my own experience and knowledge of the Clintons which dates to the early 1970s.]  The plans and plots of the Clinton “two-fer” is mostly a running con that asks that they be of a Christian forgiveness fresh start each day from so many without any consideration that such is dominant and unforgivable.  It is bad enough for any economics that the Clintons are both lawyered/esquired (still?) and of a politics of playing at governance as if even in the charges they are the lawyers and of the adage “the client goes to jail” not the lawyer, and as they are each other’s lawyer firstly and protected spousally from incriminating the other and all the while they like to ask the People to let them forget their own hands/culpability each day as if by being lawyers each day is just a new case and a blank slate in “professional” plausible deniability for them.

But this needn’t be so personal while the historical record still needs to be settled more correctly for the Clintons and President Obama’s year of administering as self arrested from a greater HOPE and POTENTIAL by his handcuffing of his presidency so with his most affecting cover-up cons for the Clintons on a presumption that their party needed the same protection for an associated guilt with the much unknown seeming husbandry of a most selfish and spousally set Clinton political machinations.  The economics of these years of administering by the Obama administration are and have been corrupted.  It is more considerable for any now beholden towards a morality reset for a renewed #MoralCapitalism though that the economics of the Clintons and Obama administration have missed the complexity of the real world economics as of a gaming and subsistence - a supposing and deposits limited - a SUPPOSITORY vs. DEPOSITORY.

For now I have broached a discourse on a better and new economics science tagging — I will apply now some empathy receptors towards a further consideration and to an end that a SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS can now mesh with the Laffer Curve logistics and yet be a different from and more time and place responsive adjusted socio-economic lingua.

In future elaborations we can discuss the old vs. new as the Cold War and current geo-politics respective of the Russian Federation and Iran.  There is a necessary consideration to be worked through of President Putin as a Russian Orthodox Christian and of his engagements now in Syria and Iran affairs.  Russia has rebuilt the grand Cathedral that Stalin tore asunder to make a permanent like monument to himself for the ages and his “governance.”  Iran has cause to, however long of alliances with Russian powers, be firstly if to nuclear weapons to be of a morality that is considerate that “Russians” are due a targeting firstly and much before Americans or whomever otherwise of past opposing coalitions.

For any tagging of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECONOMICS to hold up and as if learned such much be applicable to a considerate historical at least as per Afghanistan and too how if the United States had not helped defeat the moves of expansionist communism/socialism by the old U.S.S.R. whence today Iran could too be just a satellite Soviet subject region.

{I wasn’t going to be expansive or historical to the early 90s recession recovery considerations but then today in 11:30 to Noon slot on The History Channel a short on Nelson Mandela confirmed an upside down of the politics and economics of the early 90s I had been considering but not meaning to also diss.  Of that of my economic thought and efforts of said pre-Clinton Clinton 90s recovery architecture is much that I was essentially to musing and synching a counter culture marking that was of an empathy for the more real economics as upside down as it was that the people at the thought bottom were then more relaxed and having more fun than the said “rich” of the top.  As per the Mandela documentary short they aired how he saw that the whites could be saved from themselves as a ticket forward his/theirs.  There is though I was annoyed by the Nobel Prize for Economics circa near 1992 and then later also annoyed that my architecture that was meant to be played with a complexity of at least a first part and then a needed second moderated differently second part had those like of he of the Nobel prize whence also apprised from earlier of my “marketing” for “economics” then stuck and ignorant of the second part and so that I was never able to also influence such via the remainder of my considerations in economics and positive change politics.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:43 am

How pleasant an American political consideration is it that any HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT caressing is firstly and primarily trenchant of her in the corner of hedge fund managers and trial lawyers?

There must be only one Hillary Clinton - what pray worked to moderate a true jeopardy of the Clintons when spotlighted of MONICA BEACH isn’t “campaign” stock.  Hillary Clinton can not be in defense of/for herself Presidentially as if “is Mrs. Clinton” and “isn’t Mrs. Clinton.”

The charm of Hillary Clinton is much in a well worn highly maintained suggestion of innocence - a presumption maintained somehow much of only an innocence.

An essential Clinton campaign fashioning must need be in a flattering defensive offensive.  Any “REAL” Mrs. Clinton exposing likely of a rawness - a heaviness.  An essential politically fitting caricature of Hillary Clinton seems justified if of showing herself of a struggle at/for any dashing — she rightly has a ball and chain braced to each of her ankles to a public eye - a critical minds eye respecting just admitted as yet culpabilities.

A charm and polish of Mrs. Clinton is too frayed and tarnished for her not now to have one ball and chain rightly fashioned for her personal absence of timely styling for prudent guidance and duty of her Odysseus pride — her pride has been set asunder in the public eye, however she may yet be of a personal and political denial.  She is fixated upon the public conscience of her Odysseus dawning pride of more than character assassination in Libya.  She is fit for a Benghazi 10 pounds of cold steel of an anklet with matching chain attachments in pillorying Hillary Clinton by at least an apparition of justice rendered with a ball and chain.  She is admitted of a culpability for such cold steel fashioning.

A charm and polish of Mrs. Clinton is too frayed and tarnished fro her as well of her first ball and chain - her Bill Clinton - her Clyde to her Bonnie - her intimate partner President William Jefferson Clinton.  She is so intimate in the matters of the Presidency theirs that it seems inappropriate to allow her a degrading of all other First Ladies of a suggestion that she too hasn’t already broken the greatest said “glass ceiling” of the Clintons’ BOGO plotting.  Their intimacy begiles so much of how it should be considerate much for such as their old and compromised “two-fer”, as it  be, and so established/proven, that she - Mrs. Clinton - may be justified to a public modeling more transparently truthful as with this ball so of marriage soul due a re-fitting with a rendering so heavy of a ball and chain and anklet respective of their political culpabilities.

How politically dashing can Hillary Clinton, however - however historically - now manage to be?

Whom cannot now bare witness to a real difficulty to hedge and/or defend Mrs. Clinton if she/they soon by free will  are to toeing in a start for such as a long and most public trial of all things Clintons now as a re-opening of all things Clintons especially since 1993?  And, if the Clinton BOGO “two-fer” doesn’t shelve 2016 itself?

She is well fashioned forward in a difficulty to any dashing as she herself is due at least transparent apparitions of her with two balls so chained such that firstly and primarily she as if pilloried for travels in a need to like pick up two 5-10 pound steel balls and carry likely near her bosom if to manage any more modern justified styling of/as “dashing”!

It isn’t really pleasant at all how we are all due an un-hedged ghosting about her Odysseus like Benghazi dawning originality.

To what or whom may yet be of Barack Obama coat tails it seems Mrs. Clinton is stuck as to being whipped up for trial lawyers more than they may yet be prudent/affording if of an exposure of a toeing the lines in defense of her.

Any due critique of a soon maybe justified opening and re-opening of all things Clintons and too of all things of the Clintons’ Administration will likely leave too little for the public imagination and consumption for hedgers or pal’d trial lawyers to yet much defend, and/or hide.

The Clintons have put themselves in jeopardy quite of the foreign and domestic.  Any official entrance as if self selecting to 2016 again as a like clean slate start need be now to a new transparency fitting for such a public trial.  Any official step past just teasing with a toeing of the 2016 Presidential campaign lines may yet render them safer from sedition charges but possibly though yet net otherwise albeit without trimming or thinning down what seems a real jeopardy - even maybe a clear, present and too certain global jeopardy.

Can you proffer a defense for Mrs. Clinton now to a charge due if so afoot officially past a Presidential teasing for 2016 and as if for an effective whitewashing about any “Justice” for Mrs. Clinton just for starters to hide further tarring culpability from a re-heating of all things Clintons specifically in a forensics for a believable pathology that now can yet explain what “all Bush’s fault” has proven to fail at explaining?

Can you now proffer or just posit any defense for the Clintons to a due charge that they for all the years of the Clintons’ 90s administering and such of the new millennium the Clintons in a selfish spousal political styling did arguably put their plans for a HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT and to a fig’n for a political A.S.A.P. ahead of their sworn duties in the charges of their Presidency?

If a defense of Hillary Clinton is even possible it now though must be vacant of assertions that the Clintons are pre-cleared for 2016.  The Clintons have put themselves in a to be determined original jeopardy by way of one and now both of their Clinton Global Initiatives.  The Clintons otherwise are of the People of a jurisdiction to a new “all things Clinton” just now as Justice still calling as a ravenous upon Mrs. Clinton and her Benghazi open door just now trimmed as yet with a primary culpability.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:27 am

Fellow Democrats the party is in perilous trouble.  We have only days left until the world as we know it is gone - is passe/over.  2016 is an open field for Democrats - this is the good news.  #DemsAgainstHillary is assuredly of the proposition that any Democrat is better than a Clinton Democrat.  It is an open field for 2016 - we need to ward heel the party to tilling of clear demarcation from the spoils/spoiled of the Clintons and of Mrs. Clinton as if a burlap bag walking yet as full of rotten apples.

Oh Virginia our Dear Lovers’d how spoiled the lot if too bagged of her spoils?  Can there be no Bernoulli lift for all if she so the “rotten apple” in the barrel of politics?  Is it to scurvy for all if she is set out with what little is left as if the fruit of our harvests?  From Norfolk to Arlington, and from the Blue Ridge skylines of Appalachia to the mouth of the Anacostia, her reign as First Lady hasn’t gone away — her reign as First Lady is here to stay — she is compromised by her own baggage.

It isn’t as simple Dear Virginia of Democrats of a tale of two Hillarys.  She has one near for even it seems seven colors.

Fellow Democrats it pains me for how long I have known dear Hillary and that it was I who played hardball at her while she of 2008 basis was of asking to be treated like the men — I still remember the hardball pressure I put upon her that should have knocked the Clintons out together but for her answer in avoidance by her New Hampshire tears.  She was down and beaten though displayed and puffed up with fluffery as the ever ready “INEVITABLE HILLARY” and the pressure in my positioned distant question was then to be devastating if she had to answer it like all men before her had been expected to.  She was being beaten more by the goodness of her party yet then by the new comer peer of next to no experience, Senator Obama.  She was though cornered and wounded and fearing having to answer the pressure like a man — her tears conveniently kept her from having to tell the world:  Right!  Yes!  I do not have any hobbies - I am not well rounded, you know I don’t like to stay at home and cook - I am just a lawyer who is a workaholic.

Fellow Democrats the end of our Party as we have come to know it is near over.  Isn’t it a relief?

Dear Virginia is former Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton showing, however placed geo-politically, in your race - your heated Governors race, as like Terry McAuliffe’s “Madam”?  From her ODYSSEY DAWN of women can fight as male monsters presented defensiveness to her culpability too set as near the shores of Tripoli she seems spoiled of the lot of Clinton Democrats as a “Madam” to “Bill” and “Anthony” and so as permanently exposed in the transparent and grey architecture of her Clintons’ Library.

The end of the world as we know it seem perilously close and troubling.  As Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton of the Clinton Global Initiative it is sad how spoiled the lot seems with she a walking and talking burlap bag of rotten Democrat apples.  It is too much of a forced structure in her recent dogmatic political strikes at “scorched earth” politics for it was indiscriminate - it specifically was a tag to ask people to be prejudiced against President Obama and to be discriminating so to see that he is not a Clinton - a Bill Clinton Democrat.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clintons’ broad and reckless political jabs can only come from an arrogance of President Clinton thinking he is still in control of the whole Democratic Party.  The First Lady of the CGI (the Clintons Global Initiative PAC - not the Canadian “CGI” responsible for the #Obamacare failings) was clearly lashing out at President Obama with any or all imagery and import in her “scorched earth” rhetoric.

My fellow Democrats we do have alternatives to the rotten spoils of the spoiled Clintons.  Have you even begun to dream and imagine a Governor Deval Patrick teaming with inspirational Senator Cory Booker as a running team for 2016 from the first crack of the whip if too such a public stand?  It may be that such is necessary to save our Democrat Party as these are the days threatening as of Republicans likely able to stand and with belief that they can and will deliver with a Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz ascension right as proud and less black as LATIN IS THE NEW BLACK.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way;  President Obama is clearly now a lame duck about the Clinton resurgent political stewing.  I don’t know where all the women who could be Democratic and President have gone;  I don’t know how or when any that could be a rival to Mrs. Clinton have been buried by the Clintons - buried they must have been.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way;  President Obama near ruined everthing by entertaining Clintons’ wants with the Mrs’ Secretarial posting.  The Clintons have their eight years to be dissected by Democrats firstly in an attempt to stave off a party wide ruining;  The Clintons did not practice equal rights for all across the Middle East - this is still most troubling.

Fellow Democrats we need at least a third way:  President Obama quietly abided the soft and hard un-American “official” bigotry of the Clintons’ admin’s “Diplomacy.”  Before we can protect them further from their fair share of blame we have to recognize that the Clintons were of at least a un-Constitutional bigotry in their abandonment of the Iraqi people for their eight years.  Mrs. Clinton’s crusading for women’s right is most complicated in her complicit bigotry against the Shia people of Iraq.  She has yet to politically answer for how it is supposed to be right for her to war to save the women of Afghanistan while wrong to use at least as much political effort and reasoned political will to also have helped the women of Iraq.  It is that the Clintons lead with at least a political bigotry short of ideological bias as it was just more convenient to their “PEACE” lies if they stood officially of a religion based bias against the Shia of Iraq as justification for not bringing Saddam Hussein to Justice.  It, however political, is historically real that the Clinton compromised President Obama and the USA in the Middle East with their old collusion and its ripe bigotry of official “Diplomacy” as a tag on Iraq status quo with them regularly of their strong arming as of:  THE IRAQI SHIA PEOPLE ARE NOT CAPABLE OF GOVERNING THEMSELVES.

It has been a sad and compromising political game of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that it can be right to war in Afghanistan on women’s rights and literacy and to not as well have been as justified and more righteous by waring away the years of the abandonment by the Clintons as “America” in Iraq.  The Cold War changed everything.

Before the Clintons the engagement and disengagements as per Iraq and its religious make-up was kept to Cold War geo-politics and from the latent and blatant bigotry of the Clintons.  We had a new world order emerging with the most unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992;  We had a new world order emergent of the fogs of wars passed cleared about the geo-politics of at least the Iraq and Iran region.  The Clintons went bad early and bad, very bad when so.  They liked governed abroad as if they missed the whole logic of the times which accidentally justified them a rising. 

The simplest hypothesis to possibly suggest, fellow Democrats, is that Operation Iraqi Freedom was necessary because the Cold War had ended and because Saddam Hussein didn’t want to change with the times.  There is little that can explain and justify the Clintons and their Iraq decisions;  Operation Iraqi Freedom was a necessary Constitutional and moral move however that by the time that it commenced it was nearly too late to be clearly constituted anywhere;  The clarity that was missing in a “morality” for OIF could only have present if it was marched out when due then about the third year of the Clintons’ first term.  It is a conundrum that she that helped put so little “bite” in Middle East based United Nations sanctions did become President Obama’s “bite” “officer” as his Secretary for Diplomacy.

My Fellow DEMOCRATIC People we need a third way;  President Obama embedded too many with his embrace of one more the root of all modern evils.  The hard truth is that we should have enforced the UN sanctions on Saddam Hussein fully within just 3-5 years — we didn’t during the Clintons’ administration because Bill and Hillary didn’t want to NOT because they/we shouldn’t have.

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*{readers - my fellow Democrats - bare with me as I still have to get to the part that we all are wrong to judge Operation Iraqi Freedom was wrong if we haven’t first gone month by month and year by year through the administration of the Clintons and fully of a probative analysis to how their “administering” of Carpe Diem was of not seizing the moments and to so much inaction and avoidance to the “DANGERS OF INACTION AND AVOIDANCE” President Obama tagged the Clintons with rightly and smartly with his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE acceptance speech.} 


*** I did return.  I will leave the above  * & ** for Posterity though they were posted when I was writing as I went and was yet to even maybe four paragraphs.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:35 am

Rendered now a stallin’ - rendering of higher education set asunder - low - base - heated - too heated.

The stoked considerate of the Marxist parlance so heated accrues its dividends of Hades shored.  The Styx so cross’d - OH! It may take “Tiny Tim” to bring us lately to a frank Christmas.

Lew BOND too RED - red Voodoo ember’d.  PRESSURE!  Noel Joel’d noted to conjoined afloat by ferry - - - MO’ DEVILISH than Harper’s or Jubal Early?  They’ll all descend together WILL’D & HILL’D pilloried but LOUIS CYPHER’D?

Yes Virginia, however your ANGEL HEART, there is a Clinton penitence due.  From Norfolk to Arlington ghosts a stirring fo’ Justice haunting and yet fo’ all some lately to Justice rendering.  The TERRIBLE haunting of the Clintons’ 90s - no TRICK nor TREAT — the banding skirting of the Clintons served and dished an economic diabetes.

The bones, economic, of the skeletons’ marrow of the Clintons’ closet of them of seizing the days by not seizing the MOMENTS for Posterity & Tranquility.  I ghost these out with TREATS of past Virginian TRICKS of ollies and curb hops from about a few VA ASYLUMS — The old and gone likely still spiriting ASYLUM - WAKE, SKATE, SNOW board shops I did original contracting performance there abouts and specifically within.  I can tell the devilish tales about the Clintons to the crash as from their machinations that set asunder a better economic and to a nation beset with phat of a too fattened economic as if diabetes.

The e.g. like i.e. for Virginia to specific diagnosis and forensics of the Clintons’ economic culpability are of my hands whence about the metropolitan DC area are secured in the economics of Potomac steel, at least.  I bore witness in the Virginia economics of old especially how the GREEN ENERGY campaigning by Democrats did spike the price of gas and decimate housing economics whence such commenced and persisted.  The price of gas did trigger the diabetic crash of the housing crisis;  I witnessed the politicized too subjective market influence on the price of gas as with and by GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM while still in and around The Commonwealth of Virginia.

I was of much welding for the original Virginia ASYLUM - for the first store design & build out I bought a basic ark welder & taught the carpenter builder me myself to its accomplished original fabrications.  For the second store and further design developments for display apparatus I was to upgrading to a basic mig welder.  Potomac Steel is where I bought all it seems of the raw material for the skate board stores I did design and build out or just accessorize later as I myself was too busy to be the contractor for additional stores for the old ASYLUM chain.

I have done my penance for having towards 1992 been to making the Clintons more electable than I meant to even though to top Democrats I had said I would be to making them electable if they were to learning how to sound like me.  I had to fix much of what they got wrong while of much you all liked as right that wasn’t of their fattening of the general Welfare synthesized politics of my integrated marketing conceptualized;  I did help President Bush fix for years so much of the bad inheritance he had fall about his Presidency as from the devilishness of the Clintons’ selfish spousal politics.

The first trigger to the housing collapse can be said to be so near to the launch of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT that it may be most fair and just to tag HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT as the GROUND ZERO of the housing collapse.  It is though more political though that it may firstly have been the INCONVENIENT TRUTH alarmism of the Clintons’ Vice President.  It is though more speciously apropos that alone the alarmism of Al Gore couldn’t have triggered the housing collapse by triggering a too subjective market pricing for supplies of fuel and gas;  It is more seriously considerate that HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT could have triggered such diabetic seizure alone without any INCONVENIENT TRUTH, and, that Al Gore didn’t light the Clintons’ candle - - - It is essential of CLINTONOMICS that it was of a political economics as at burning the candle from both ends at once.

From the witnessed onset of the Clintons Housing Bubble Crash forward the mathy econometrics start with the price of gas.  As I was of Virginia commerce and communing from DC Capitol Hill basis I as a welder of steel purchasing saw quickly how drastically a change in the price of gas could change the price of material and supplies.  I saw quickly that my material costs were to exceed the market price for work to be affordable in the retailing ASYLUM skateboarding commerce.  I could easily lean on my Villanova University BA in Economics learnedness & years of associated extra-curricular and discern a concern for those pimped by the Clintons into such as their diabetic hyper-consumerism not limited to the risky loan housing bubble.  It was simple math then, and still, how the Clintons set up and triggered the devastation of the housing collapse.  As a contractor self employed and about such material use of the raw products as retailed by Potomac Steel in Virginia I saw quickly that the price of gas could near over-night double the price of material.

The Clintons are no longer like the ANGEL HEART Louis Cypher and hidden from even the ghosts of their originally covert setting asunder of ADAM SMITH more conservative and working economics.

This is not a 2013 limited edition TRICK OR TREAT retrospective.  It is that I advised President Bush to not try to fix the economy and housing mortgage market whence he felt progress in Iraq via OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM afforded him time to focus on attempting to then safely repair economics of his day.  It was that I warned him that then about 2006 he should limit himself to postponing a collapse as it seemed the economy was set to crash if he attempted to fix it.  The politics some were that as well if he attempted to fix the economy and not just postpone a collapse as long as he could he would be politically attacked by the Clintons’ political machinery and to serious blows to progress in Iraq.  It was so, YES, that I saw the collapse coming and with no way for President Bush to fix it as long as at least Speaker Pelosi so obstinately at defending the spending cuts of that unnecessary extra trillion cut of their popularity chase.

It is nonsense to speak of the Bush TAX CUTS as causal to the housing collapse.  As you are now being told by Democrats, indirectly, such debt isn’t such a bad thing - at least if it is theirs.  The Clintons’ SURPLUSES of that extra trillion cut did, though not justified or wise, sufficiently and politically justify the Bush TAX CUTS.  It wasn’t until the Clinton inheritance became more clear on 9/11 that it began to seem that the Bush TAX CUTS were irresponsible.  Until the reaping was about of the sowing of underfunding to unpreparedness set deep with the PEACE DIVIDENDS and more cutting of necessary and prudent budgeted programs it was that really the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES fully justified the BUSH TAX CUTS.

The devilish camouflage that rendered the Clintons spousal selfish politics as covert have been at least partly shed and decoded.  It is now quite overtly upon them like feathers justified for them as tar and feather whence would have been standard and effected justly.

The Devil is in the details.  The price of gas spiked because of the politics of the Democrats campaigns including Al Gore as Mr. Weather with global alarmism.  As a purchaser of steel in Virginia I did quickly see that the price of fuel and gas first increased the production costs about the acquisition of the ores then increased its valuations through the energy costs of the smelting and rolling or pressing before yet spiking its eventual wholesale and retail values by ways of transportation costs maximization as for accounting for fuel use by mileage related to shipping weight.  Hillary Clinton promised to seize all the profits of all the oil companies - that was too much devilishness - the details are forensic and archived that the blood of the oil as the suffering of the displaced is her’s even more than her spouse’s.

The diabetes the Clintons worked into an otherwise stable and growing sound economics was of phat pimpin’ in a hyper-consumerism not limited to the risky loaning for a housing bubble.  President William Jefferson Clinton is guilty of selling PEACE for a People phat-ness that too rendered a fattening of the individual people;  It has been reported that The United States of America experience such an increase in average body weight under the leadership of the First Couple Clinton that the nation could be to spending a trillion dollars less in healthcare costs if the People could get back down to their pre-Clinton averaged from individual body weights.  Economically Bill Clinton was loved for being less of Hillary Clinton cooking and more as if of two super-sized BIG MAC meals a day or seating.

The Devil in the details of the Clintons’ Presidency is that nearly no PEACE DIVIDENDS should have been justified - - - that PEACE was being challenged by obviously long simmering caldrons about the Middle East and post Cold War politics.

When the phat of the Clintons economics met with the seizure dangers of Hillary Clinton rising it was firstly most evident likely in the steel markets as such so carbon and carbon fuel dependent/heavy.  But the Clintons had addicted too many to a lazy devilish sloth and envy while discipline and religious education needed for the not peace boiling up.  The CLINTONOMICS was of hyper-consumerism much for people of Democrat Party blind faith and long of life and American DREAMING but while mortgaged and fueled on fixed incomes.  When the price of gas started to climb there was a time uncertain of believing it wouldn’t stay around because OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM had finally brought sufficient stability back to international oil markets.  It was reasonable to discern a political understanding that there was while of President Bush not real expectation that Republicans would let gas prices keep climbing towards the 2008 elections, if they could help it.  The last thing any Republican wanted or care to abide was high gas prices at the time of the 2008 political deciding.  The Democrats on the other hand had means, motive and opportunity to and for higher gas prices to effect such days of deciding — the shorting though is still to covered/covert about how even so the Democrats’ high gas prices were feared then to not be to enough economic CRISIS to assure a 2008 Republican beat down.

The Democrats did reign too much as if Hades were their lot - - - the River Styx should have been more clearly accounted.

For those of CLINTONOMICS loyalty it is all TRICK AND NO TREAT.  For those on fixed incomes of the buy-ins about Clintons’ hyper-consumerism it wasn’t long after the price of gas climbed that it was too late for them after having budgeted firstly as if it could be now so high and yet to stay and climb higher.  The econometrics is still mostly unfigured and unaccounted per the culpability of the Clintons and at least the ghosting repercussions of their gross under-funding.  Whence the price of gas stayed so high and heated by campaign rhetoric in such a too great a subjective it became primarily that homes budgeted on fixed incomes had to choose between paying for gas to get to work or their mortgage before it metastasized more as if a economic cancer though however started as an economic diabetes from the reckless stewardship of the Clintons with their phattening. 

The ghosts of the Clintons’ TREATS AND TRICKING are much ghosting Virginia from Norfolk to Arlington.  It is a decoded once covert shenanigans no longer disguised by any cypher.  They are quite for Posterity as if two together each as an officer of Louis Cypher transgressions.  The Clintons have largely been guilty of bringing President Obama low as by cover-ups — that they have together been apparently covered merrily is now as if a clear skeleton of the bones of the collapse pulled from their closets.  It is that the Clintons have a public record that undermines the Obama covers for them as tricked out to suggest it was all Bush’s fault — the very mass and size about their cover-up shenanigans suggest that they feared themselves belonging in Hell, or jail, as politically it remains ridiculous that such a politics to cover-up should have been dramatized if there wasn’t a whole lot of personal culpability to disguise.

Eventually, though, yes, and as now is kinda late, the curtain of the calamity of what once was theirs more covert and coded in disguise has become plain and exposed.  The Clintons have no where to hide - they have no where to hide now. 

In Virginia it did become quickly calculable that a crash was coming; I am still proud of my advise to President Bush to warn him to just postponing it and to avoid any attempts at a fix.  Eventually the price of transportation for all retail items climbed to a due matching higher retail that then made saving mortgages impossible for so many that bought into the Clintons’ reckless hyper-consumerism. 

Rendered now a stallin’ - rendering of higher education set asunder - low - base - heated - too heated?  Really?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:17 am

Because of Bill Clinton - President William Jefferson Clinton - it is most improbable now that any national Democrat can offer a bi-partisan road forward.  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton oddly, for her purported “feminism”, is secured it seems as FLOTUS Hillary of the Clinton Foundation - as First Lady of the Clintons’ global initiatives.

Because of the partisan political first steps of the Clinton administration per the Middle East as it dates to the Year of the Founders’ Lord one thousand nine hundred and Ninety three the politics of the People of the United States of America are undermined.  President Clinton is remembered for a lawyer trickery like a used car salesman of the lower ranks of strategery for pushing lemons as sound vehicles. 

The threat reports of the United States as per the Middle East and our long history of Cold War involvements are yet corrected or properly of sufficient factoring for the variables related to the first move of the Clinton administration with a group of Middle East leaders so of he requesting that they contractually agree to just blame all ‘anti-American’ sentiment and justifications on Republicans.  It was a cheap trick to akin to the low ranks of thought stereotypes for used car salesmen.  It is a wrench still in the gears of the foreign affairs of the United States and as well all “intelligence” derived within.  It is that President Clinton is remembered for locking in a group of Middle East leaders to not blame him or Democrats for any or all of the Cold War years, at least, and to give him a clean slate - and that such to him was for a way to then avoid the action and commitment for the US relationships that better would have been with him to working to resolve in lieu of just blaming.

A slippery slope or an impossible oil slick for even a pedestrian navigation of current US relations across the Middle East is much the crash lawyering trickery of President Clinton akin to his reputation as “Slick Willy” for it seems having a slippery fork tongued (disbarred) esquired willingness to stand and present himself of an innocence while more of a guilt.

The people of the Middle East are of an honor and pride themselves in being honorable for their sense of honor.  The leaders of the Middle East seem foremost among those that pride themselves on being honorable for their sense of honor. 

President Clinton’s crass cheap tricks in politics to bias history of his first year and first steps developed to be much lacking in honor.  President Clinton’s “diplomacy” haunts now our foreign relations and ability to properly interpret intelligence — He as remembered so was to trapping a people of their sense of honor in a contract he then enforced to his selfish purposes and in ways that then held other “leaders” to a performance to keep up their end of his “bargain” to just blame Republicans. 

This is remembered while remembering also that such fits with my first bad first impression of Bill and Hillary from the early 1970s in the year or two before Watergate.  I have known Bill and Hillary since their law school days for it was that they polled my as a young youth to whether they could both become President of the United States of America some day.  It is remembered that from my first meeting of Bill Clinton I found him willing to lie and as well to ask a near first grader to lie to and in support of his lying as to what such’s God’s honest answer was to his querying.

There is a much longer story in the how and why of their rise in the 1992 election cycle for me to tell in coming years as of how for all the leading help they got from me after my initial guidance to Democrats as to how they could win in 1992 it was that much that came from me that has long benefited the Clintons after getting on such a wagon of mine was long firstly figured otherwise to be to protecting people from them specifically.  For now let me just say that though I did tell them that if they entered and learned how to sound like me they could win, and, that I wasn’t intending my help and guidance for Democrats to be enough to get them elected.  I was meaning to make sure President Bush had an actual credible opponent in the 1992 race and hadn’t figured the entrance of Ross Perot.  I was of my original opinion of the Clintons then and yet helping them to seem more electable than even I thought they were as a matter in my mind about national security.  I was of such opinions and a hope to flush these two out for a single use as disposable politicians.

On the honor of the code of honor honorable among the people and leaders whence and now of the Middle East it is that our systems are still corrupted by the first steps and the performance President Clinton insisted upon as per the improper “contract” he worked so of a promise that only Republicans would be blamed for the past problems and that too he would have it interpreted that such promise was to avoid blaming him as long as he was still in office.

There is very little honor in this as how President Clinton (the Clintons) can be remembered.

As for our story and how it was of years and decades of Bill and Hillary checking in while of their political plotting at times of wondering if ‘that charming boy from the school yard’ was of thinking they then were trying to go too far - we have a special relationship - and especially special relationship since so much good I worked was actually firstly figured in parts to be bulwarks against them and their shared plotting.  It is ridiculous how they are still too well considered for “successes” that only came to be from work long as prophylactics against them.  It is ridiculous but how when I stopped protecting us and them from themselves they weren’t even then able to defeat the near unknown junior peer of Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race.  I have comfort in my knowledge of the decades about such conflicted politics of how I did help and then not help in order to asses and know how when I helped them they looked good or great and when I withheld pro-active voluntary efforts they mostly stumbled and bumbled.

There is an honor I hope in my years of work after my efforts at knowingly helping the Clintons seem better and more electable than even I thought they were for it of voluntary and proactive work to many years and trying times at then a business too “proactive” and “voluntary” to mediate and reduce the risks of and from the Clintons if and when left to be themselves politically.  There is that after they were unexpectedly elected (for the lack of a factoring of Ross Perot) I thought I had a responsibility to keep trying to save Democrats from themselves to then save what could be saved of the People more generally.

Essentially it may be the worst of Bill Clinton as “Slick Willy” that he proceeded as President in foreign policy that not only asked the Middle East to bias history with sole blaming of Republicans for all that was wrong but to then put them on their honor to continue just blaming the Republicans for all those years that the Clinton Administration’s avoidance and inaction was diabolical “politics” actually of his hands not Republicans. 

It is so also remembered and due finally a dealing with that while holding such some remembered Middle East leaders to he secured promise to not blame him or Democrats he was then firstly of his work to have such be a contract also of a promise that with such would be a promise to not attack America - The homeland of the United States of America - about such as they were to just blame Republicans about - as long as he was still in office.

Syria now presents and opportunity for the known world and all of the United States of America to get the history and politics of their times all wrong anew.  These days are the days we need to open a dialogue about what did and has gone wrong because President Clinton thought his “lawyering” trickery of his reputation of short of honor as “Slick Willy” could provide a foundations for lasting understanding and lasting growth.

It is that I just hope that how the 911 Commission work has been flawed from their start and so about a “prudence” proffered, however, as if looking back just ten years to understand Al Qaeda would be intelligent or telling isn’t of a politics of the Clintons at a lobbying about such to keep the Government of the United States of America from looking far enough back - to looking just back 12 -14 years - to looking just back to the conception/birth of Al Qaeda - to looking far enough back to clearly unearth a (legally) buried “contracted” culpability or just gross negligence.

It is that it seems while near another anniversary of the attacks of 9/11 by Al Qaeda it figures most simply that we got attacked because President Clinton had failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein even just for his invasion of Kuwait.  It is slippery more though and still how our paths for an understanding as it now is needed most with Syria conflicts stirring are of risks for a lack of understanding that President Clinton actually spent his eight years trapping Middle East leaders, as remembered, on their honor of his worked promise to just blame Republicans and to not be to any attacks on the homeland of the US while he was still President.

It is simply now also important to consider and debate how it seems the attacks of 9/11/2001 were planned and prepared for for years before those first months of the Administration of  George W. Bush and as it was that globally those times were of an expectation that the next President of the United States was most likely to be Al Gore.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:54 am

As we are near into the breach again - however “morally” now indeterminate - it is appreciable that President Barack Hussein Obama would now be a better servant of the peoples if he had forgone his Harvard Law degree but for a Harvard Divinity doctorate.

We can see him of his youthful Hawaiian “surf’s up” random whimsy as if of having grown up with a surf board shackled 24-7 to his ankle however branded by his Sex Wax — as if a pod racer named DARTH HUSSEIN.

He seems post occidental as a bigger Kahuna these days that try so many souls with the suffrage and suffering about his (inconvenient) NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We are of tides and ebbs cycling with the youthful idealism of @BarackObama where his ends are supposed to be able to justify (eventually) his means.

As of the estranged racism of his pacific black man rights of passage “Barry” was maybe more a greaser than establishment and yet while accepted by the color of his skin as if more a native local just with funny hair.  Seems.  I can attest that he by near 11th grade had a competitive interest in oratory of at least President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and that for a declaration of war infamy related to some of the surprised history of the Hawaiian islands.

His “sled” his “pod racer” however named for he as a  DARTH HUSSEIN dark force “surf’s up” idealist may have had him less of time warps and warp speed as still of the era of pedestrian raciness less “back in the saddle” and more “doggy paddle” beach bum.  He may have howled at the moons and danced hung by leis with time in between to honor the fallen of Pearl Harbor and the Pacific campaigns of World War II - at least — he was/is still though of the “ebony and ivory” the “salt and pepper” of his parents stories as so conceived a Russian Studies LOVE CHILD “Barry Obama” - American.

He hasn’t purported a “morality” of a modern struggle against an axis of evil - he hasn’t recused himself from his personal story of a divided home that for his youthful reflections likely had him pining for a Socialist Soviet styled America as if it were the only way to bring his parents - his “ebony and ivory” - his “salt and pepper” - his “black and white” - back together. 

We are at the yet unwritten chapters of his memoirs, oddly, that should have most much concerned as to who Barack “Barry” Hussein Obama really is.  It really seems that at least we all could feel safer and believe he has a plan better if he had a Harvard Divinity Doctorate and not his Harvard Law JD.  He up to now has seems lacking in a philosophy of governance or a call to a general “morality” but to a politically rendered pop New Nationalism evangelizing towards secular Socialism.

Who is “Barry” the wave rider racer likely accepted in Hawaii as if a native just with funny hair?  How long did he paddle - paddle necessarily doggy styled to try to be a big Kahuna?  Did he yet catch enough wave before he was Senator Obama to be said to have HUNG TEN?  Is he from his troubled youth of his split family of a pining to be again firstly of the love as a SOVIET STUDIES LOVE CHILD of such “ebony and ivory” - “salt and pepper” - “black and white”?

For the sake of political simplicity it behoove many to broach the waxing of President Barack Hussein Obama as per Syria as SPLASH than a STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK.  We have that the Middle East used to have been subjected to a over-lording some as the United States of America fought many places and many ways to stem the attempts by the U.S.S.R. to reign an expansionist State Socialism across the seven seas.  Syria of today can be said to be one of those places that has lost its global cache with the end of the Cold War and the retreat of Obama’s endearing Soviet Socialism.

There are histories now contrary to histories and oddly yet coexistent as if both or all could be true and accurate.

President Obama didn’t catch the waves of the defeat of his endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.

There are stories to be told of how President Barack Hussein Obama and the lot of the Clintons’ “two-fer” BOGO political machinations bet the boards and tides too much to the very crashes of the years of suffering under the idealism effected with the Democrats of the Obama NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  He may be “successful” for having whipped enough - for having whipped so many so long and severely such that he has affected a new leaner “American” that is of the worked for conditioned response to be to eating less - spending less - saving more of his Green Energy Agenda of a “Vader” quality some too much for having put the earth and its environment above the people and their humanity.

He must have been a young dandy of a youth.  How did he paddle - how often did he paddle?  How keen and/or bright were his stands at trying to stay upright and moral while young “Barry” Obama?

As he nears us to a breach anew it is that he seems nearer to accepting that expansionist State Socialism was defeated by Capitalism and Reagan Revolution political activism and endurance.  He nearly seems a new man - not quite “born again” but now more cautious and suspicious of that of his old most endearing rearing as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD.  He has to be torn internally with such a American story — but it is that Al Qaeda may have felt justified in attacking the United States of America because of the abandonment (of principles) and inaction and avoidance of the Clintons’ administering for it of having provided an insufficient prosecution of Saddam Hussein (as like an earlier Assad - as a new Hitler (lite)).

Assad is like a Saddam Hussein as a Middle East secular dictator who couldn’t or wouldn’t change with the world when the world reset to a new order after the end of the Cold War as it was with Afghanistan a Gettysburg turning point of it.  They are like of the history of Ba’athism some together - they both seemed to some have “perverted” the original idealism of the Ba’athist ideologicals to be towards a beautiful unity of all Arabs into a United Arab Socialist State.  (I still lean on the book by Alan Hart - ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER — when speaking to the history of the Ba’athist Party and to suggestions that its Socialistic ideology would and could be perverted by ‘politicians’ for more selfish and tyrannical ends.)

We are decades from the days “Barry” Obama however torn and challenged as a Soviet Studies LOVE CHILD waxed his days away on the tides of the then news and issues of the days.  He seems now of days to paddle anew a dandy of a freer way for the tides are lifting with federalism debates and new Constitutions in the winds. 

Today who is President Barack Hussein Obama - is he a fresh American dandy or too much a DARTH HUSSEIN?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:54 pm

To discern a economic righteousness, apropos to times of opportunity, such as the past couple decades since the known human ecosystems moved to a new world order in a post Cold War era, with the United States of America of its win for Capitalism over Socialism, one seems to be prudent if to a stepping off drum beat to the erudite realms of fallacies.

Times such as we have slipped to since the great global victory of Capitalism over expansionist State Socialism have long been made historical passed epochs with specific new ‘lingua franca’ proffered appropriately of punctuations due as exclamations of apexes and nadirs and so when specifically of bad “economic” theoreticals.

Days like today, as of such a considerate era, raise special intellectual alarm clamoring and to such an extent that a new “Socialism” or “Philosophy of Governance” idiom at least is essential as a new “fallacy” however it might best be named for Posterity.

For discussions to a scientific for economic reasoning about such it may or may not help to try to be analogous to the “block buster” status for the new THE LONE RANGER.  To be authentic and genre sensitive the original THE LONE RANGER was bad television by today’s standards and the new movie which I have yet to see seems by the numbers to have had too high a production budget not too low a performance.  To make this new movie more “successful” and “authentic” the big screen production should have been interrupted by commercials at the most inconvenient moments and for decoder rings from Ovaltine or maybe a dramatic advertisement for Red Ryder bb Guns — it seems the “success” model still can work as Capitalism for the new THE LONE RANGER, and, yet it so that its should already have commercials and that the commercials should have been covered by the production budget of $400 million.  America still has room for heroes despite there land of origins, and, it seems that besides commercial interruptions the new THE LONE RANGER as well likely should have been stopped with “TO BE CONTINUED” at least once and so that children would be encourage to think of earning merit badges freshly before yet seeing if the Ranger could ride more than a hundred yards in one scene.

It may be easier to redress the long historical slights about the Reagan victory of Capitalism over expansionist State Socialism by like knowing that where Paul Krugman and his band of ideologues has said all should look for the “booty” of such as proof of it as a treasured win is actually the place such victory is least likely to show itself in Posterity.

Krugman Democrats have been skewing the general welfare of political discourse by parading more like an entertaining ship of fools than even a successful Pirateer.  There may be a great general need to emphasize the difference between a ship of state - Government Ship (solution) - and privateers, and pirate ships.

The jump point for such distractive economic sophistry of a Krugman Democrat - ‘Krugman School’ - is in the halls yet not as it generally appears.  It is dangerous to walk on any of ‘Krugman School’ planks as the actual depths of the issues are covered in layers and layers of fog - of intellectualized chameleon shiftiness.

The Reagan victory of Capitalism over the march or creep of expansionist State Socialism isn’t to be found where Democrats generally have been saying it must be found if it actually was a “VICTORY” — Citizens of the United States of America have been of liberal barrages to such affect - the ship of State has been said not to be of a great victory for laissez-faire economics by such of a ‘Krugman School’ because it didn’t make the Government of the USA bigger and more Socialistic.

Of the depression about the onset of the planks parading of a ‘Krugman Democrat’ or ‘Krugman School’ there is the emotional intelligence that was ignored or rendered as too inconvenient where it related to market forces and citizen and consumer confidence - of the general ‘Krugman School’ there has been some crack wackiness where Americans have been spooned a trip of a ‘fog’ as if the way to govern after such sacrifice and victory for The Reagan Revolution and Capitalism was to have our messaging become more top down and our politics to a affecting that the way to proceed after a defeat of expansionist State Socialism was to force a conversion to a Socialism at home.

The proof of there having been a victory of a Reagan Revolution over the Cold War and expansionist State Socialism just isn’t to be found where Democrats, however, have been persistently saying it should appear.  A victory for Capitalism and laissez-faire economics - The victory - is discernible but not as a Government victory — Republicans have been asked to prove it actually happened along fallacious lines of sophistry that is troubled in more than a couple ways.  First the Republicans that have regularly been prodded along such depths of ‘Krugman School’ planks haven’t been those of the American victory that was much only possible as by “privateers” - by free market resonance and timely synchronized economic harmonics.

There is so much that is of an economic contrariness and confused historical that a tag here now as “THE KRUGMAN FALLACY” can only be a punctuational exclamation to the effect that America does still have heroes and that the treasuring of such a story and booty has yet quite been of steerage by decoy maps.

The depression drop has been of splashes ranted as irregular and out of order by Republicans while more of the cooking and galley of the Democrats akin to Krugman.  The fallaciousness of much of this is demonstrable in many different satirical methodologies and quite economically so if more specifically about Obamacare however a three legged stool may seem of government niceties.  The ‘Krugman School’ offering didn’t parlay well to the historicals - it may have been their sophistry as biased intellectualisms too much of pining for a success for expansionist State Socialism.  The ‘Krugman School’ “economics” are better to be removed for the sake of clarity from being “economic” “science” and left to the softer “science” of “philosophy of governance” - at least.

For now THE KRUGMAN FALLACY is to be left as yet another good title under which much that I have already written and worked through with public sharing can be well organized, for general consumption later in book form.  This is fitting for the missing intellectual honesty, as to how federalism is a critical market force mostly ignored, and/or covered as jumping off points removed by a suggestion that a great victory over expansionist State Socialism couldn’t have actually occurred as if because since it didn’t make the Federal Government of the United States of American BIGGER and more oppressive than it must not have happened.

In laissez-faire “economics” it figures that markets should become depressed after a great victory if those that long sacrificed and suffered were afterwards suppressed and oppressed as if such victory never actually occurred and so as we have witness been of a politics of a new governance that has suggested that after their victories in the long slog between Capitalism and expansionist State Socialism they were to settle in to home fires kindled and stoked of a pressing need for the United States of America to now “recover” by becoming that which it largely had long been fighting against.

However cute the Obamacare three legged stool may be it is still that the ‘Krugman School’ just recently was pushing a false flag pirating of Romneycare.  I do not know if the ‘Krugman School’ allows there to be any lone hero in its overly intellectualized sophist defense of liberal anti-Capitalism propaganda.  It seems that the only “hero” must be them of say the “Crown” as if of a “The King is never wrong - long live the Prince.”

Economically speaking past the defense of a Krugman fandom fog in philosophy of government discourse to Socialism covered as if “science” in economics we have globally now the free markets still supporting the history that Capitalism did defeat expansionist State Socialism by being a superior “governance” basis of more “general Welfare” social good.

As per Obamacare there is still much intellectual honesty to be unshackled for new and better democratic mashables - there is per Obamacare that these times are of times of a “federalism” new struggle and such that we are living in real time of an era when our markets and economics would have been better and stronger if of an erudition schooled more generally and earlier to how the ‘Krugman School’ “solutions” actually now better argue for a less national rendition to either be more global or more local.

Right a fallaciousness is about!  We are living in real time of an era when our markets and economics would have been better and stronger if of an erudition schooled more generally and earlier to how the ‘Krugman School’ “solutions” actually now better argue for a less national rendition to either be more global or more local.

Right a fallaciousness is about!  The “proffered” so long in defense of Democrats by Paul Krugman, economist, have been wrong in a New Nationalism too, as he too at such for economics, for the Constituted United States, renders by his “theorized” that God is yet forward as under Nation - that Nationalism must trump all global eco-systems in market economics for a economics of a centralized Political identity contrary to the US original markets recipes (in pluralism).

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{It seems since THE KRUGMAN FALLACY is a fitting title under which to reorganize many of my past columns of many of these past years workings it is appropriate that I leave my bracketed notations here for Posterity.}

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:00 pm

It is that she is more a hack imposter of paint thrown about a floor as art.  For her and the strands of any “web” her’s is less as if an imitation Jackson Pollock and more as if spaghetti thrown on the floor.

She has been about a lot of flash but little lasting energy of success - as a Diplomat - seems.  She has been it seems of only porridge too hot or too cold - as if all she has served has never been served “just right”!

Her yarns can’t be silk as she has run too rough shod as a herded donkey more akin to burlap “home spun” of her “villages” - the glory of South Carolina mulberry trees of their fruitless harvests seem far from a bolstered “engineered” weave of her ragged husbandry.

Her “It’s Takes A Village” at first blush of a new “inevitable” towards 2016 seems tabled and secured away.  Her infamous book seems of the years still too missing of our current political historical dialogues and now too barred for any “approved” Hillary celebration such as rumored for political timing by NBC and CNN.

She is now as if an earlier contestant of a “Who am I?  Why am I here?” as if of a WAITING FOR GODOT more than a NEW Perot yet out again too similarly of non-answers akin to “To know me is to love me!” and that other of his answers near:  It is in the book - read the book. 

Can Hillary Clinton for 2016 even be a NEW Admiral James Stockdale - at least?  She may be cozy with a Vladimir of Godot and ready to cook up faux art for arrivals of performance on promises that likely can and never will be.  She has history of being to her “village” quite as if a socialist propaganda while maybe more of estrogen than Estragon - and with much posing.

How far are you willing to go with Hillary Clinton to her of her “village” oddly more then too as if a global village fundamentally contrary to the shining city on a hill known of the Reagan yarns?  She has hot flashes to doctor for her prescribed propaganda of the teasing by NBC and CNN but what she is already of all her years is more as if a Humpty Dumpty so broken and scattered that there is no putting her back together even if she were to allow the more controversial years of her saga to also be fairly dramatized.

She can be said to have had her “hot flashes” while of “official” duties but time has shown she failed to spin a web of lasting networked energy of “success.”  Little is being caught by her woven “home spun” as “artful” but inconvenient flies as if to thrown spaghetti - left - and left.

There is much in the years from 1990 - 1998 to cause a reduction to authority of the Clintons as still floated and packaged.  She is the spouse of the member of the most elite of “clubs” in The United States of America - she is a member by marriage in the club of former Presidents.  At the last main gathering of such “club” as it was, as I recall it, for the GRAND OPENING of the stately George W. Bush Presidential Library ,  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was controversial and concerning so adorned as if of a state uniform garb - as if owned by the Chinese.

Have you at least found the missing years 1993 -2001 yet? 

Have you become awakened to a Hillary that is not capable of an artful engineered weave of a catchy web and how 2016 now will hopefully not be a sad repeat of 2008 or 2012 with the Bushes as members of such elite club again too much as if Clinton Republicans?  2016 now sits out there as a horizon of a promise of an American Spring — 2016 is not now set for the Bushes to be again abused by the Clintons with their calling on loyalty in “membership” to have it that the Clintons are again able to use the Bushes generous loyalty to serve up dramatizations cooked up from lies.

The best way to defeat the Clintons now is yet again a way that has been too avoided - it is critical to a successful defeat of the Clintons that a RESET be affected to a nationwide to global general and public discourse on the years just between 1989 - 1993 - the years that oddly historically have trouble explaining the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.

The Clintons have kept Hillary’s hopes alive - have kept the hope’s of the Charlotte Charlatan Bill Clinton of the recent Democratic Party Convention “brassy” stoked - with a network of deception and a sad but effective betrayal of the Bushes while of a dependence on the honor of the Bushes as if a secret recipe of their home spun polarizing partisan political fabrications.

The Clintons are now only politically serviceable because the Bushes have been generous while being betrayed - and of enough honor such that their “friendship” for the Clintons was effective to selling the faux yarns of the Clintons’ spaghetti logic.

There was energy in Jackson Pollocks threads of paint and there is that the Clintons cooking setting them now up too much as if of a Politics of THE LORD OF THE FLIES.  Again: it seems telling that a board game can not quite be made to play a “game” as the Clintons play “politics” as though you may agree on what a board should look like there can be no rules as they persist in having every piece theirs set selectively as Clinton Wild Cards/Pieces.

It has been for too long that the Bushes have been saving the Clintons and because the Clintons asked them to indirectly as if one member of their elite “club” deserved protection from the others.  The Clintons have already been diabolical as members of such once more honorable “club” for of being to stewing of political consumables with hidden ingredients set to leave game changing after tastes or permanent stains from a general spillage.

The Clintons have persisted in lingering too long and now necessarily will be due a complete and serious audit of all the financials of all their private and public (however) engagements.  It was that it was too cursory how President Obama was to his “review” of the books of the Clintons and threateningly near a white washing as inappropriate in a time where global and foreign entanglements should have been more scrutinized.  It was a great disappointment how cursory President Obama was with his “review” of the financial engagements of the Clintons while about the seating of Mrs. Clinton as his Secretary of State.

Republicans and Democrats as these days are afoot as if the recent Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be of her “village” and yet be of our “shining city on a hill” if so to being proffered a cozy capitalistic support of a favorable rendition of years selected or block by her for the now teased Hillary Clinton miniseries (propaganda).

As the Governors of the states of the United States can be of the “government” alternative to Obamacare our Congress in light of necessary Sequestration should be able to defund or suspend the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare has be to an established network to a nationalized socialized alternative option for something that has many other options already available including Romneycare.  If it doesn’t have the votes to be veto proof for a defunding our Congress still is firstly more responsible for our National Defense and therefore must have some way to suspend optional alternative programs in times that an economy is forcing defense and intelligence spending cuts that can and might be threatening to the National Defense.

If there is a “web” of the Hillary Clinton now being remade and repackaged it is of her and Bill of cooking up ugly past “porridge” about the tables of the Bushes.  The Obamas should learn from the betrayal of the generous friendship publicly maintained for the Clintons by the Bushes that was on parade by the Clintons.  All should be now savy to how the Clintons have succeeded with flashes of hot spots from lies they only were able to concoct on the strength and honor of the Bushes and while depending, it seems, as figured, on the Bushes staying stately and silent per such. 

The Bushes were not caught in a web of the Clintons - mostly at least - but they have been smeared by the Clintons by their own silence as a family while members also of a most elite club abused its honor.  The Clintons when seen of all their years - at least of the years from 1989 to the present day - are in jeopardy — They reek of a desire to use the elite membership in the “club” of past Presidents to cover them for global meddling for selfish partisan and polarizing politics too much of “executive Power” while not officially any longer the “Executives.”

The Republicans have now lost more elections than they should have because the Bush family stayed silent while the Clintons were basically stabbing them in the back.  We can gather from this that the Obamas should have no expectation of loyalty from the Clintons or any trustworthiness.  It may be that if Hillary Clinton is hoping she can bend the Constitution even far enough to turn Obamacare into a single payer system - into an improved Obamacare then to be named Hillarycare.

If she does have a web and not just faux artistry of hot spots too Lordish - such a web should be glimmering and most visible in the lights and environment of the Clintons as too much of the “danger” of “avoidance” and “inaction” of all their years and all their foreign monetary entanglements however either white washed once by President Obama or of his oratory of his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech.  He did rightly slap at the Clintons with his Nobel speech so as he was to speaking of dangers of inaction and avoidance as if his “inaction” and “avoidance” was a tag on the Clintons as a due sad rap on their years 1993 - 2001.

For now whatever the Clintons are now trying to cook up or spin anew is dangerously too much like former Speaker Nancy Pelosi of her healthcare bill comments to the effect that you don’t need to know what is in it until after it is made law.  It seems too dangerous now to accept that Hillary Clinton is being to a RESET and make-over such that no one will know what to expect as a NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton until it is too late.

There is only a spaghetti logic at best to that which must be the real “legacy” of the Clintons.  We waited and waited for her to appear as electable in 2008 and now it seems such is even less likely now to be but as a promised “inevitable” that can never actually arrive.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:52 am

HONEST JOHN, of the Beaver Wars pride, stands tall of the felted beaver pelted topping of Abraham Lincoln as a bundle of flesh and bones quite more an embodiment of personality as to the HEDGER TYRANNICAL HILLARY now being processed as too institutionalized.

The hide of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is being metaphorically, at least, justly processed/peeled back not as if a quite dry autopsy of the Republican Party but as if of long due deep cutting for a not too political live dissection of so much of/from the Clintons inhibiting much as if a cancer on our politics and economy.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is Hillary Clinton more of a hedge fruitless global Diplomacy such that it has hardly been “Diplomacy” baring?

Is President Bill Clinton nearer to admitting it was more all his fault?  What of their foggy bottoms of Clinton two-fer?

{Enter President Barack Hussein Obama - as if newly present at Ohio State as if erudite about tyranny:   Puffed up.}

It is like a new kind of Beaver War that young Ohioans have been pulled into with their President of no tyranny claims while a tyranny of the Clintons reigns within his own Democrat Party for Party control and for rants of keeping whom they mean to as lower Democrats barred from higher Party status or institutional acclamation and rank.  It seems it is quite tyrannical how the Clinton have been trying to hold onto inappropriate executive power since leaving office in 2001.  It seems President Obama has a tyranny of his “team of rivals” and that this is some revealed in the live dissection of the Democrat’s cover-up pertaining to Benghazi.

If Americans are to find justice from the commenced live dissection of some rants of Mrs. Clinton and her keeps - of others less politically favored or protected while also her keeps - and a Shakespearean JUSTICE of a pound of flesh from around her heart it must now be set before that her blood may spill however while accruing the just full pound of flesh and no more — that her blood may now spill too if and when it a pound of flesh, a half pound or pounds of flesh judged fair.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  House Speaker John Boehner is both of these new Beaver Wars and of Ohio and the old Beaver Wars pride and tall honor much of Abraham Lincoln standing long so tall as a Republican in beaver felted pelted topping.  I do not know if Ohio can claim to have been the home of Lincoln’s own beavered tall standing.

Are the Benghazi hearing now as a live dissection of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton also about how the Clinton two-fer is now long as a tyrannical political power of a reigning about just Democrats as the keepers of the party gates for passage of young to Party places and classier ranks?  In Ohio President Barack Hussein Obama spoke as if there was no tryanny to worry about and not even that long now of the proximity of his “team of rivals” Clintons.

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This is not just a literary technique.  There is a tyranny over at least the minds of Democrat Party women now just of and by the concerned “Diplomacy” of Hillary Clinton as fruitless in hedging it has been.  There is a more political and partisan tyranny as well over at least Democrat Party women of and by the reigning of the Clinton two-fer however concerning as of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “team of rivals.”

With Benghazi the first real surgical cutting of the now much late live dissection of the political and “Diplomacy” of just Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton we have peeled back the ribbing and spine of a Party tyranny, much - already.

I dug out this of 9/18/2012 called TREASON SELLS while looking for a specific different piece more about #Benghazi > http://bit.ly/10jc6kk
.  I still recommend stretching your mental muscles against tyrannies over minds of men, and women too, with a visit to http://CitRB.com and a reading of all that queues after a local site search by BENGHAZI.

“Of #Hillary #Benghazi “WHAT DIFF …” IF THIS OR THAT clever defense - Really if that or that not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR BIG DIFF.“*

#Hillary LIKE REALLY? BEST YOU HAD FOR #CONGRESS #BENGHAZI WAS LIKE “or maybe just some guy walking down the street” possibility?”*

#Benghazi is about same Clintons that had their Prez Library designed in a gun shape & skinned in Confederate Gray & who planted on Whitehaven?”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

This in not just a literary technique!  There is a diabolical dichotomy nearer a trichotomy of the Clintons and their triangulations.

Re: #Benghazi much that GAME CHANGE book a vast lie about Hillary as she & Bill consummated their marriage towards both becoming President.”*

Re: #Benghazi “it’s for the video” - but isn’t it more insulting to Muslims to say brutality of video motives so more than insult video actually was?”*

[note: an “*” here denotes a quoting reposting of a recent #Benghazi related tweet of me with my twid (Twitter ID) @jphoganorg and as readable in bulleted of http://citizenrosebud.mobi]

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has been a hedger and arguably of a Diplomacy that hasn’t been baring fruits - at least as promised or as her rants and tying of rants bosoms yet of cold suggestions too institutionalized.

It is not fair to even just the young of Ohio State to let Hillary Clinton be as if of a new pride in a new Beaver Wars - it is safer and politically more prudent to still talk more of her as tyrannical in an imperialistic socialism as a Crusader with a history as FLOTUS as having been globally to much too inciting and too polarizing.


Seems an important day to remember Operation Iraqi Freedom as figured originally to be a new bold step for global relations with the liberation not to be an occupation and it to be of compensation after the fact by a freed Iraqi People with their profits from their oil output.  Odd how Dems say Iraq wasn’t paid for while it was Pelosi Congress that mostly killed how it was to be paid for by those liberated.  Even odder that we were supposed to believe that Hillary’s bold State move on Libya of her Odyssey Dawn was then set up and sold as if it were a brand new idea and a Democrat idea to have a liberation of a sovereign people and to have it set up supposedly to be as if a liberation compensated for by oil outputs of such country and its people. Hmmm?  Something not quite politically right about this as it seems at least Hillary can not hide she was playing politics with Libya & Benghazi.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  President Bill Clinton is nearer to admitting it was much all his fault!

[Note: a “*” could as well be for a posted sharing longer than 140 characters and yet also a tweeted by me as with twid @jphoganorg as originally a Facebook status update that re-posted to Twitter.]

House Speaker John Boehner is an honorable man and maybe due a tag too as of “honest” like say HONEST JOHN.  We have that the known history and legacy of the Clintons’ two-fer is now of the commenced late live dissection inseparable from their personal reputations as known liars and “Big Liars.”

#SecClinton per #Benghazi may have been too busy trying to usurp legacy global powers of Treasury & Commerce to do Diplomatic Mission well!”*

Oh #SecClinton per #Benghazi I guess it just used to be AMERICAN to think that our SoS would take daily threat ass. in countries they invaded?”*

I think that like Economic Statecraft idea of Hillary’s Diplomatic nonsense & dangerous as necessarily a restructuring of Exec Branch.”*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

Is President Bill Clinton now nearer to admitting it is much really all his fault?  Would that be fair or accurate analysis of the diabolical dichotomy of the Clintons’ two-fer triangulating trichotomies?

President Barack Hussein Obama as now still as if of Ohio seems to have missed the very dangers of his own “team of rivals” as of an actual and affecting modern tyranny of and by the Clintons at least still within his own Democrat Party.

“It was a cover-up method of & tall tales > but so they could avoid an appropriate necessary measured RESPONSE?”*

“The hardest hitting tweets - tweets with background to stand on links - on now threaded at - “*

“Of lies that if TERROR or ACT OF WAR then they might have had to bomb Meca or all the Afghan opium stores/crops.”*

“1/2 million may have already read my THE BIG TENT here linked > REALLY speaks to & Clintons as haphazards > “*

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?

& foggy bottoms of two-fer intel > so wrong about it still hard for him to be right bout anything in region”*

“Per & best we’d prosecuted Saddam in Clintons’ 1st term with a bring of Community Policing then & not just when SURGED”*

“Of “WHAT DIFF” If THIS or THAT clever defense - Really if THAT or THAT not big diff - BUT!!!, if TERROR or WAR -BIG DIFF”*

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really it seems a tyranny over minds and bodies of Democrat women at least that we are of a President Obama embraced by a tyrannical rivalry he may not even recognized as such.  Really it seems a tyranny over at least minds and bodies of Democrat women how the rants of Clintons’ two-fer are of their attempts to keep a party keep by rants tying and lashing down to hopes of so many they institutionally need to keep as a keep beneath them

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of Benghazi we see cracks in the cover-up of the Clintons by President Obama as well as an actual “played politics” tyranny of a political election count-down fields of conflicts and competition.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Of the modern sit rep of just Democrat Party politics, however of a tyranny while our President says to not worry yourselves about tyranny, it is ridiculous that with #Benghazi streaming, however now commenced as a late but due “pound of flesh” live dissection, of at least an arguable fruitless hedged “diplomacy” by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, that you are not alone in a time of tyrannies.

And, well, at least yee Ohio women maybe of Democrat Party thought - thoughts:  Really!!!  And how can it not be so while Hillary Clinton is so INSTITUTIONALIZED!?  How now as maybe we have that President William Jefferson Clinton may be nearer to admitting it was much all his own fault?  And, how, now as we have a state of Democrat Party Politics such that a tyranny likely explains best how it seems there are no other women than Hillary Clinton now allowed to be see as capable of becoming President.  And, how, as it is prudent and important to ask if there is even another women that hasn’t slept with Bill Clinton whom can be said now to be at least as capable as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is INSTITUTIONALIZED!  She has rants - She has her famous Benghazi rant - yet is she a tyrant?


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:33 am

There were some sheer moments of Obama in a no-nonsense comedic self incrimination.  These may be the times of better leg work by Secretary Kerry as Obama’s Secretary Clinton replacement than of the leg work of Obama while politically stuck to the hemming and fraying of the Clintons’ exploits.

You have been un-styled too long.  If you haven’t fashioned a comity about politics of the American confederate republic of the years since Governor and Mrs. Clinton walked your way in a rudely late 1992 strutting it may be because the Clintons can not be styled for comity.  We do now have Mrs. Clinton now infamous for “ready from day one” and “ready at 3am” runs contrary to how she warranted or guaranteed her “Hillary for President” vanity.

Maybe if Mrs. Clinton were now having to out model our Barack Obama for high office she might have that his “BUZZ FEED” 2am moments might be worse than her infamy for her as unable and unprepared when fateful 3am challenges dressed her down.

What of our Barack Obama’s walk of his second term as of his new Secretary of State struggling  to helm the heeling of so much keeled over that he has inherited from Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

It may have been political fashion faux pas for President Obama to ask either of the Clinton “two-fer” to walk more straight and with more honesty.  He may have tuned out when he needed most to have tuned in back when stumbling or fumbling however to ‘BUZZ FEED” satisfaction celebration/consummation.  But still it is that the Clinton “two-fer” is strung out now quite noticeably as they have to strut deniability and work it daily to avoid having to carry the weight and mass of their personal baggage just of their eight years as our highest in our confederate republic.

These are the days that must be trying Secretary John Kerry’s personal delights in kiting times as he is leeward bowed by an unjust innocent cloaking of two Clintons.  He may have stories to tell of these inherited times tacked hard and back with less than stellar lines of Hillary Clinton’s heeled helming of State.  He may be stirred by ghosts of an albatros fairly due about the neck of at least then FLOTUS Clinton.  It is hard to say that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while First Lady was more humane than the lore’d ancient mariner.

It is a stone cold sober reality that President George W. Bush and his father were no Reagans.  And, it is still sobering that so much of the spending by President George W. Bush was simply necessary because the Clinton “two-fer” had created a disaster waiting to bust out by having cut two trillion too quickly and so with it of nearly one trillion too much cut.  President Bush 43 was stuck with an economy the Clintons had treated as a candle that they could burn from both ends at once.  Though the Bush Tax Cuts were justified and justifiable by the Clinton “two-fer” trillion in surpluses the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were not well figured nor judiciously fit for those days.

It seems it is a moral paradigm some how there seems to be a calculation that Bush was wrong and for lying and yet so such that the Clinton “two-fer” were necessary to that which too many have simply let walk as lies talked and strutted.  It is sheer madness that there is much nonsense of our Barack Obama as of posturing that is suggestive that Hillary was/is not worth looking at.  The years 1993-2001 were not years that justified the Clintons’ ploys of/to PEACE DIVIDENDS.

It may help the confederate republic still stand true if we boost Secretary John Kerry so that he feels freer to walk an erudite rendition of the Clintons as per their eight years and so that we can picture Mrs. Clinton with all her personal baggage as her’s to carry herself and towards a truer new fashioning that she may have been near our worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States of America.

Though we now have been refreshed that our Barack Obama by two in the mornings had likely tuned out in days he would have been better to have tuned in it is still that so much of the Clintons is revealable as more half baked.  It is arguable that President Bush left a set-up for some due times for global tough love to allow the USA to better position itself going forward for parity and equality/fairness.  As #SecClinton such set-up was squandered and now with it arguable that we didn’t need to improve relationships so as “Hillary’s” legwork as strutted as if well styled and necessary.  It seems that “Hillary” just gave too much away and was too easy as she gave and gave. 

It is still nonsense that President Obama didn’t herald the prudence of either of the Bush Presidents however they were yet short of Reagan while pimping the Clintons as if of a innocence that can be stoked but not quite reasoned.  The slop of the tides and currents that are keeping Secretary John Kerry from an ecstasy in swift board kiting is also much of how the Clintons did corrupt our banks so to keenly politicize an unjust popularity to burn our economy as if a candle lit from both ends so that they could pass the bucks by stoking irregular branding.  It isn’t just that FLOTUS Clinton was an incendiary imperialistic First Lady of global trotting and posting as if it were safe then to come home and unharness our defenses and intelligence realm with vast budget cuts for them to get a new fix from PEACE DIVIDENDS in times when old wars were being rewalked.

We may not have the luxury of avoiding looking closely at Hillary Clinton and the Clintons’ fashionings since 1993.  It is ridiculous that “Hillary” did crusade as a inciting imperialistic First Lady and that she would then come home and support her husband fully as they they proceeded with sheer nonsense now all to haunting of having cut our defenses and intelligence realms after having traveled the world picking fights.

Really it may be a good first step towards 2014 & 2016 to look grossly at the leg work of the Clinton “two-fer” as much of utter nonsense, however it now may net out.

This is a time for a new REASON, MORALITY AND POWER discussion.  And, now it seems President Carter as sold it that President Bush was from day one due more honors for fairness than either of the Clinton “two-fer” after their eight years.

It is reasonable to join a dressing down of at least Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton as a Secretary of State that can go down as near our worst ever in the history of the confederate republic of the United States of America.  It may have been that our Barack Obama by two in the mornings was fumbling in a faux ecstasy with munchies his “BUZZ FEED” yet it is the infamy of our Hillary Clinton that is a stoking to be forewarned about.

Better it would have been if our Barack Obama served up that the Clintons can go down as “HALF BAKED” and that we should have prudently flushed them for such long long ago;  it is concerning that for some reason she of the Clinton “two-fer” cooked up a squandering of days of righteous indignation opportunism that she inherited as a rare styling for a new prudence from global international tough love diplomacy.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:31 am

Speaking first in a secular analytical erudition there is that without the vast bureaucracy of the Church President Ronald Reagan wouldn’t have been free to be so successful as himself as he was in winning the Cold War, at least.

With that said:  We have secondly a problem with Secretary John Kerry and as a Catholic of a good and a bad as per Operation Iraqi Freedom.  It can be said that he singularly with his single note Johnny come late to an opposition did with his anti-war revival efforts do more than any individual in the world to undermine the success that was thought to be possible from near day one.  It is that Senator John Kerry, was, near day one, of us with President Bush, and those of the new coalition more then of Countries with volunteer defenses than of larger earlier world wide aligned defensively for the Persian Gulf War, to an dumbed down one beat new anti-war movement nearly from the moment we all became committed in OIF as “boots down”!

President William Jefferson Clinton may have gone to Georgetown for some Catholic education, or not.  He did study abroad where a tradition for totalitarianism may have been more the standard and legacy.  His trillion dollar surplus may have greatly undermined our intelligence and defenses as well as possible enforcement when also of his “walls of separation” efforts to separate FBI Intelligence branch from the FBI Enforcement branch.  Without his trillion dollar surplus 9/11 terrorist likely would have had maybe a fifty percent lesser chance of success.  There is the “morality” to have someone learned to discuss about President Clinton for having worked a trillion dollar surplus too soon and knowingly after a nearly too quick cutting by Republicans of a trillion to that thought impossible feat of balancing of our Federal Budget whence.

Senator John Kerry wasn’t alone as a Catholic - he had Representative from Pennsylvania John Murtha with him radicalizing Americans to a disloyalty to our Operation Iraqi Freedom as well nearly from day one - as from like the first day that we all were committed in Iraq with coalition boots on the ground.  It isn’t that the Pope was fallible for his dictates to American Catholics to the ordering so religiously familial that as so blessed and together they did not have a responsibility to support Operation Iraqi Freedom.  The Pope seem to speak only to American Catholics as of the worldly family of Catholicism as not of a moral calling to go to a Muslim country to help some Muslims get justice from other Muslims.  As I recall the Pope didn’t address that Senator John Kerry and Representative John Murtha may have been of immoral American efforts while close minded to that American Catholics otherwise organized as Americans with historical precedence were so called by reconstruction and judicial precedence to as Americans to a prosecution for Saddam Hussein, assistance, at least.

I don’t know if it can be said to have been like Franciscan to have committed so many brave souls of foreign and domestic honors and colors to Operation Iraqi Freedom as of a “standing with” of “boots on the ground” war morality.  It at least seems less of a new Cold War bunker mentality of however too much a distant comfort for less that fully just remote droning.

We may now be in all this economic mess for many reasons — many different reasons - for reasons of too many reasons existing at the same time for the same thing and while not yet understood as if so for just such.  We have that it has likely cost us besides the costs from us not having been prepared for the 9/11 I & II by Democrat budgeting much by multiples of what it would have if we hadn’t let the Clintons chase rare SURPLUS political popularity so then as they mostly did for personal political gains.  I have to doubt that President Clinton’s Georgetown domestic education taught him that such could be “moral” or that as well his foreign rearing more of a legacy of autocracy and totalitarianism would have strategically advised such even on secular political lines.

It is hard to consider the spin that Operation Iraqi Freedom has been to costing between 4-6 Trillion US dollars unless you add yourself all that should be subtracted and/or credited to costs of war from Clintons’ spending cuts and as well those from how Catholics Kerry and Murtha destabilized OIF from the first day we all were past the point of no return about such.

As a Catholic though Senator John Kerry and Representative John Murtha did have a maybe just calling that a learned few can explain to have taken up a protestation against “Bush’s War” as of having been too much started on lies.  If we can find a few learned moralists we can move to a very late but public scrutiny and litigation of the seeming missing years 1993 - 2001, and, how but for it of a Johnny one beat dumbing down the Kerry ANTI-WAR REVIVAL had a Catholic morality thence because President Bush had taken the easy way to such liberation and late prosecution of Saddam Hussein.  President Bush let some glee slip, it seems, as of a happiness that lying to get the agreeable votes had worked before Senator Kerry’s maybe Catholic morality (guilt?) had him rightly, but for it so much of a dumbing down, to standing up against OIF as a war commenced by lies by a President.

What we have now is a general populace aware that the Clintons’ “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS” was a lark and a fraud.  We have that Senator Kerry and Representative Murtha did Americans a service and great disservice with their most Catholic but to parochial interpretations of right and wrong as per Operation Iraqi Freedom, so it seems.  They seem to have forgotten to remember Nuremberg and war reconstructions of Germany and Japan, and, Thomas Jefferson, at least.

There seems, if we can find some learned moralists, a morality near Franciscan in Bush’s boots on the ground “standing with”!

There seems, for all the lay and learned a simple and un-American like immorality to the maybe too random remote droning and kill lists of President Obama of his BEER SUMMIT history as one necessarily to earlier retractions and apologies for too publicly having shown himself to be of wants to be judge, jury and executioner of judgements.

It seems establish history that President Bush did take the agreeable to Congress shortcut to Operation Iraqi Freedom of such by convenient lies also arguably a bolstering pre-war to a readiness for what could be the worst case scenario all should be guarding themselves for.  And yet we have that when you accept that Bush lied us into such war it is the Clintons that start to look worse.  And yet though Bush “lied” the Clintons had to be less moral in an American way for they needed to lie with him for such shortcut to such late prosecution to be effectual.  And yet there is the politics of this that if President Bush didn’t take the path of such a dramatic causal means basis preparatory for a possible worst case scenario the only other means to such end would have required many learned moralists to work the public establishment about the Clintons and their now too missing still years 1993 - 2001 as of executive gross negligence, at least.

With the plentiful “analysis” now about Operation Iraqi Freedom ten years later we still are missing the brassy mathematics to explain how if it does go down as of a 4-6 Trillion Dollar War much of that has to be figured as Bush of mulitiples of costs for “defense” and “intelligence” than if Clintons had not willy nilly cut an extra trillion for a popularity chasing surplus politics. 

Of any and all costs of “Bush’s War” is that he had to refund so much cut by the Clintons as said “unnecessary” defense and intelligence spending as it was found too late to have been too much “necessary” security spending costs.  It seems it fair to say of any cost analysis for OIF that some parts did cost 3-4 x as much because such had to be put back into our budgets after having been cut and after such cutting had left America after the Clintons too much like with its pants down.

And again, there is that Secretary John Kerry may more than any other in the world have caused such a loud Johnny one beat ruckus with his Anti-War Revival (however justified in a Catholic morality once Bush let glee slip that he was happy his lying had worked) so that in Iraq a real and palpable fear set in unexpectedly from like day one that the USA was going to just Cut&Run again and again abandon justice and freedom seeking Iraqi majorities like again to eight years of avoidance and inaction like of the Clintons’ eight years.  It seems all costs about OIF now have to have a Kerry factor for all the variables effected by his stoking of a dumbed up or down new Cut&Run lobby with his Anti-War Revival, however justified in a Catholic morality.

Have you heard the one about how we now as per our much better and fuller understanding of how President Clinton though educated by Catholics of Georgetown was of more lies with “PEACE DIVIDENDS” while chasing popularity with lies so easy for such so of falsities that “war” wasn’t necessary while it actually was, at least as a liberation for proesecutions in our Nuremberg tradition and reconstruction precedence?

Have you heard the one about how, now with so many refreshed to our Constitution, and, with a more generally learned understanding of the real situation of the still too missing years 1993 - 2001 complexity, that citizens of the United States of America can push back from efforts about to all to work most as if more just State subjects, and rightly now as while of a best national security posture as of a renaissance in states’ rights and maybe as well a Holy Americas Doctrine some with an Axis of Catholics (reset)?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:53 am

It is inescapable that Bill Clinton is at heart the very politician that gave the filibuster like Democratic Party Convention Speech for the nomination of Governor Michael Dukakis.  1988 was a different time for Americans of the United States of America still in the longest of warring such as our Cold War.  Governor Clinton of Arkansas in 1988 in Atlanta, Georgia, droned on and on, and on, by many reports.

By 1991 we were in a new global state of affairs heralded as a NEW WORLD ORDER.  Many may have been dreading seeing Governor Clinton return to any national dais for another oration.  There is a long story to tell that now fits with a Democrat Party in need of branding help.  Today’s order as per intra-party Democrat worlds has a is segmented to a split about three identities;  Today there are different biases about the brand as of a trichotomy between Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - Barack Hussein Obama Dems.

Some are grateful much more than others that Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected in 1988 and that Governor Michael Dukakis was not.  As many may be grateful some about a retrospective that Governor Clinton may have cost Governor Dukakis the election with his convention speech still reported as of an air of a “Will it ever end?”

Students of the politics of the United States of America can hardly be to erudite posits and papers today in these times without having an understanding of the years 1988-1993.  To some it was just the years that the U.S.A. became the sole superpower in the world, and, to others it was the years of a concern that a third world war would break out and be the foretold end - the end of the world as by fire.

Of at least an intra-party Democrat world set about with a dichotomy just between Bill Clinton Dems & Hillary Clinton Dems we have that the First Couple Clintons did leave after their eight years without having left, so it seems, any alternative plan for “bite” as per Saddam Hussein.  We still have a vacuum about our political logic quite dangerously of roll outs of new policies and defense spending concerns endemic to the Administration of the Clintons and how they left President George W. Bush no entrance and/or exit strategy for Iraq and the considerable dust ups about a prosecution due for Saddam Hussein.

There is much hubris about so much over too many of these many years since Governor Clinton showed his true self with the nominating speech for Governor Dukakis that is of reports of some fearing it might never end, like.  From this we have that students of American history of the politics of the United States of America have a dichotomy to consider and scrutinize too much just within that which is just singularly of the known history of Bill Clinton.

Iraq and Iran, logically speaking, now would likely be engaged in a mini cold war of their own with non U.S. global support of quite a different “new world order” than President George H. W. Bush managed us towards.  Without the PERSIAN GULF WAR of President George H. W. Bush and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of President George W. Bush it is logical and supportable by known global sympathies that Saddam if still in power would now be in a cold war nuclear power and nuclear weapon race with Iran.  It helps to understand the years between 1988 & 1993 and how so then about a major adjustment for the world to a NEW WORLD ORDER with the U.S.A. emerged from such long dust up with the U.S.S.R. as a sole global super power.

About so much of this is still that Hillary Clinton Dems of the above concerning trichotomy and or dichotomy is that which did the most flip flopping.  She is also the Clinton, and Democrat, most culpable and mashable around a hashable #Iraq for she voted for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, logically, as one that as Mrs. Clinton the former FLOTUS of the most recent prior administration was of intimate enough “intelligence” to have known if “WMD” was or was not a lie.  She is remembered for being of reports that she was so confident with “WMD” intelligence as former FLOTUS, it seems, that she didn’t even take it upon herself to read the provided “NEW” intelligence estimates.

In light of the recent vast democratic reset that happened when the U.S.A became the victor of the longest of wars - of the COLD WAR - and became in the years 1988 -1993 effectively the only super power it is quite relevant and concerning that logic can help us be to better understandings of our here and now if we dig into the old dust ups of a couple decades ago.  Afghanistan can be said to have been the GETTYSBURG of the COLD WAR - the “turning point.”

In the mashable of our current problema challenging any now “Democrat” as of an “Intelligentsia” we have that we should consider that “WMD” may have been a genius stroke however a “LIE” for still we have that any entrance or exit about Iraq for a prosecution of Saddam Hussein and/or “bite” for United Nations’ sanctions was best to be booted as somehow definitively not of the U.S.A. or Coalition as to a HOLY WAR footing.

Hillary Clinton Dems are now quite past a reasonable deadline for proffering posits positively purposeful politically per prudent possible and probable prosecution of her past sworn officialdoms.  It is logical that Hillary Clinton has been making the same mistakes over and over since she first flip flopped about OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.  When one accepts “Bush lied” it logically becomes both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton whom appear to look worse - worser even that President George W. Bush.

There is a dichotomy taggable as of a Bill Clinton’s Dems and Hillary Clinton’s Dems even from their Administration as the first stirrings of a dust up in Afghanistan had one more a dove and the other more hawkish.  Together they abandoned Afghanistan for their eight years and such that once was manageable as of a too early exit by the United States of American became years of insult added to injury, like, such that now we may be there and for so long because they wanted to sell PEACE before its time and be coyly of an inaction and avoidance in Afghanistan and Iraq so that they could justify, somehow, PEACE DIVIDENDS during known unsettled times.

Yes there is a dichotomy at least just in Bill Clinton that is now still very relevant for it is not logical that he was himself truly while of his 1988 Democrat Party Convention speechifying and that he had been naturally as himself while of much of the exposure since their late entry into the 1992 Presidential race.

OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM would better to have been of ACTION by the Clintons in the first term of the Administration of the Clintons’ “two-fer” and then as well somehow clearly and definitively as of a “war” like posture not footed or booted as confusable as a HOLY WAR. 

Saddam Hussein was like a father or godfather figure about Al Qaeda.  How much this was strategic and purposefully politicked by Saddam Hussein to a consideration that he would be able to keep Kuwait despite the U.S.A. of treaties because Americans wouldn’t risk stirring up radicals known to be of geopolitical sensitivity and pride - like Al Qaeda.  We have that we are still deciding politics with still too little consideration about how our 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT is flawed for having looked back only ten years at Al Qaeda all the while it was nearer 12 years old and formed specifically to be a response/reaction to politics and warring by Saddam Hussein.  Saddam Hussein may have well like rocked the cradles of Al Qaeda against the United States of America towards gains like of his efforts in seizing Kuwait.

And today there is at least about Iraq and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM an intra-party trichotomy among Democrats as of either Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems.  These three still have different histories related to so much of what is now too effecting to our politics and these years of gridlock.

Logically there wouldn’t have been a 9/11 I or 9/11 II if Saddam Hussein hadn’t invaded Kuwait.  Logically it seems 9/11 may have been kept like as a HOLY DAY for Jihadists of Al Qaeda 2001 sense of justice and so if as well an attack by them to being only then interpretable of an “intelligence” of a motive nearly identical to 9/11 I.  There is more in just the broached “dichotomy” concern about Bill Clinton that relates to some of his earliest moral short comings of his first steps in the Middle East of his first year of his first term;  it is actually mashable and logical that Al Qaeda attacked us on both 9/11 days as acts of war in a HOLY WAR or Jihad for a sense of justice related still to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.

And today there is still a concern about “LIES” of “WMD” and yet hardly enough discussion as to the religious and geopolitics variables that were better worked around to assure that any due prosecution of Saddam Hussein wouldn’t and couldn’t be seen as of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of a wagging of HOLY WAR.

Again, there is a dichotomy just about Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton for their years of the Administration of the Clintons as per Afghanistan and Iraq.  Again, most reports still are of us as having had power shift from the Clintons to President George W. Bush without there having been a plan of the Clintons’ eight years left for entering and exiting Iraq. 

It seems that “BITE” for United Nations’ sanctions on Saddam Hussein, as an issue, as our history, does divide the house of Clintons still.

And, still we had the clock running.   We were some to a new way of “liberation” for the United States of America, as of a new world order, and expectation to “police’” as a sole super power, as it became an expected way for Americans that had risks of the U.S.A. becoming punk’d by other nations to such while to such.  We the People of the United States of America were uniquely fortified to a new way to “liberation” of other peoples where we had been compromised/engaged before much some just because we had (still had) an all volunteer force.

And now though with two acts of war by Al Qaeda on 9/11s are we to measure and consider the current intra-party trichotomy existant about a logical and historical divide between the politics of Bill Clinton Dems - Hillary Clinton Dems - President Barack Hussein Obama Dems?

And, again:  It is remarkable that as the discussion goes from “Bush lied” to an acceptance that “Bush lied” it is the Clintons however similar and intimate and different are two that each are to politically looking worse that President George W. Bush!

So:  Did we get attacked on both 9/11 because Bill Clinton failed to sufficiently prosecute Saddam Hussein per the sense of justice reasoning of Al Qaeda?  Was the second act of war on such that may have been kept as a terrorist HOLY DAY then for Bill Clinton returned and not penitent so when again in a Democrat Party Convention - when at Charlotte as the charlatan yet of a history of having been of an Administration of the Clintons now proven to have been too much of an avoidance and inaction as per Afghanistan and Iraq? 

We can accept that it is logical that Saddam Hussein fathered Al Qaeda by his violation of Kuwait - Right?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:30 pm

As these eves to February move to dawns to realities also to Marches Obama II is staged as if a SMOKEY IS THE BANDIT.

There are many conundrums to yet be settled about your civil rights and general Welfare consistently across different trafficking in “change” by President Barack H. Obama.  His new conservationism contradicts his new nationalism economic growth pimp’n - he is as much a punk rock poet for his due process stomp’n trip’n. 

We may not be yet any more safe as a nation than when we were before he became President; we do not know or know if we can be certain if he has stopped smoking.  As our President is his a “Smokey” - as President Barack H. Obama is he also a “bandit”?

We have been of four years for foreign policy quite different than that which was necessary to keep our United States of America from having been like punk’d by the peoples otherwise of the world to be the world’s police at our own expense.  Has President Obama, however of delegating these past four years, been to a giving away of the game (for popularity) before it was wise or safe?

It can be driven now for the next four years that the foreign policy of Obama I was able to build upon the Bush years in ways it and such wasn’t able to build upon the earlier years of the Administration of the Clintons.  That our President has trafficked in falsities taggable as a cover-up for a negligence of the Clintons doesn’t remove the logic of so much now as of a building upon much disciplined and difficult hard work of the Bush FREEDOM AGENDA.  The years of Obama I has been of saying Bush was wrong and all at fault while fronting the Clintons as oddly completely innocent.  The first term - Obama I - can only have been possible as a building on the Bush’s years for what was more right and developmental than that inherently too much of the Clintons.

I am not saying President George W. Bush was closely supporting a French underground as if in a real CASA BLANCA.  I am trying to make light of years inherited from the Clintons and so now with there being “old” and “new” Clintons contrary to themselves in many ways quite concerning.

Is ACA Obamacare just Hillarycare II - a rebooted Clintons’ politics and now late win?  Are you aware of how Obamacare can rob you of your thought kept civil liberties, some?  Have you asked if it isn’t now set up to allow spying here at home?  And to using doctors like Pakistan Doctor now hung out to dry by President Barack H. Obama? 

Have you asked yourself yet - have you sat down publicly and people watched and asked yourself or another:  How bad must our Governor be - our Mayor - our community with Obamacare now a stain upon our communities of an institutionalization about our federal government fixed to a need to help our neighbors because our neighbors were not helping our neighbors as a working or workable “community”?

Have you asked yourself what it may be that you don’t want your Doctor to ask you as now his records as your records are now set to be analyzable Big Brother Big Government centralized and sortable medical records of personal medical facts, however incriminating or suspect?  Did you know by Obamacare that Libertarians are at least concerned that ACA now allows and likely expects your Doctor to ask you:  Do you own a gun? and while collecting all your specimen records for their systematic perusal?

A real bandit just for a endemic trampling of due process at home and abroad - right?  A real “Smokey” now with extraordinary new powers to sort and statistically analyze so much once kept preserved as “private” and untouchable - right?

You are now just a number - just a zip code - a zip code odd or even with a street name and a ward however your address odd or even or your lifestyle - and your doctor expected to help his Government spy even as to your Second Amendment Protections exercising.  You will be nameless to a Googleable front door - street view - back alley intimate view - but a very searchable numbered “identity” for ward based political analysis of wrongs about a Congressional district - right?

As you wake up to more challenges due in 2013 of Obamacare regardless of it however a Hillarycare II will you be joining the revolution to restore your civil liberties to “free” or “freer”?  Will you doctor have “emergency” samples for you from unscheduled Emergency Room visits that hadn’t been figured to your questionable consumption to nearly about to have flushed through to “undetectable” “evidence” of “criminality”?

Will Obama II be as much as Obama I as the good guy a “Smokey” a bad guy “bandit”?  If you are robbed of your privacy and your due process or party to others having their yanked knowingly - will you be able to abide such trafficking to trackable assimilation and overreaching?  Will you wonder now how bad your community must really be that your Federal Government had to step in so to just care for your neighbors?  And, how bad your Mayor, County Execs and/or Governor must be that such a cold and systematic assimilating central body had to essentially invade your “community” space?

I mean it figures that your United States Congress Representatives staff will be able to order up “medical” “ward based” analytical reports from Obamacare ACA IMAC centralized systematizing to an effectual Big Brother computing towards “cost consciousness” and so that “keyword” “healthcare” “searches” with “parameters” a grand and vast realm of “variables” will be to being able to discern “cost saving” factoids down to house numbers as odd or even and by street name, ward and zip code - right?

Who can the usual suspects now be at least just in a new world set “official” for People long otherwise of plausible deniability and presumption to innocence?  I mean with Obamacare aren’t politicians now in your blood and urine and stool to stay with “Smokey” duties too easily to checking their wards for “healthcare” “indicators” of personal medical records now Nationalized and Centralized per their designs like say “evidence” of “stress reducing” “medicines” i “samples” yet/but no evidence of “prescription” nor “necessary” diagnosis?

With Obamacare like a “Smokey” a bandit as a bad “Smokey” of over-reaching vastly sublime to “official” use of doctors as if Domestic Federal spies - whom will be willing of so many uncovered to acquiesce to “samples” so likely unavoidably “officially” and “permanently” trackable coyly as self incriminating?  Can Obamacare but scare away those it supposed to care for and increase costs because of its invasive “governance” so Big Brother statistically yet computer trackable for all as locatable numbers?

Won’t your political representatives of such powers to request and gather “ward” based medical “findings” by residence number, street name, race, age, height, hair color, eye color,sex and even gun ownership be now as well to a “knowing” where “plausible deniability” used to reign safely?

And how much a “bandit” while fronted as a “Smokey” for trafficking in violations of civil liberties by statistical frauds, like?

And, yes this is just asking you to think about how you feel while your due process is being diminished maybe less though so than so many foreigners about Obama I and now to Obama II, and the foreign assaults on due process!

As it seems Obamacare is to be fully set up and to an IMAC clearing center of and for political ward based “health” reports how can we or any be certain or even expecting that the inputs won’t be skewed if “services” used and by black market manipulations to establish official “innocence”? 

And yet this is while we wait to see if Congress won’t be asked to affirm a duty or right to insist that all Americans submit to complete biological work ups of blood and urine and stools at least twice a year towards the Government need to reason a possible way to reduce medical care costs - right?

Aren’t we now to Liberal social program of Obamacare, however just a Hillarycare II, to being as ineffective as gun rights lobbyists insists gun control legislation is to keeping guns from those to mischief but to a establishment of healthcare reform in ways that will turn off many now said to be turned away? 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

Barack Hussein Obama has been an “Our Pot Has Held A Melting” person for his first term.  We are now of a time he inherited more than made but to now the circus of his elementary politics all so gone carney.  These times are ours as the new year two thousand ten and three fast approaches.

Many people of color before him have done more for America and fellow Americans that he has (yet) and with less.  That he is our first black President of record has us now of such as a “fact” for comparing and contrasting more than now celebrating.  Earlier times had yeomen of Republican Party being nearly the most critical of legislators for early passage of civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

As a RING MASTER he has been big on ceremony and big promises of miraculous what evers and as if he had more rings in his circus “tent” than were actually there.  He has built a carney atmosphere about our once more prudent Republic and its governance from Washington.  He has even spirited hoopla about his rings of influence as if we could read our Second Amendment with import as if our First Amendment didn’t come first.

As Condoleezza Rice, a trailblazer in/of merit based race equality, has often pined, we have that America is now already a country where your zip code is too much predetermining your individual possibilities to advance with hard work and education.  Republicans have a different perspective to solutions while long of sharing a common humanity concerning equality problems.

Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney in far earlier years and more specifically of charges each of and about our Congress did marshall the necessary yeomen legislative muscle to stir our governance of our 60s - to whip their Congressional peers - to the passage of some of our most basic and fundamental civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has created a circus of governance these past four years with it he that took us all to such so “gone carney.”  Donald Rumsfeld nor Richard Cheney are half breed black Americans yet they together did much and for a long time less “carney” and quite effecting to a “bigger” “tent” for Americans and even others around the world.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

President Obama has been of such a circus of governance these past four years that often two things in one of his sentences do not and cannot work together yet orated as if they can.  Condoleezza Rice was a pioneer for THE FREEDOM AGENDA and a trend setter for even Barack Hussein Obama but for a prudence and practicality in foreign affairs.

Little, as the year 2012 wraps up, can or should be said well of Hillary Clinton as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It doesn’t matter as per Libya if Congress had the purse strings for “security” as this was one of her “babies” of “accomplishment” and “boldness” that should have had Ambassador Chris Stevens and all about his charge SECURED by 9/10 with at least a bed check by herself.  Libya has led to us seeing “Hillary” as willing to sacrifice Ambassador Susan Rice in a playing of politics CYA for her own hams;  “Hillary” was the lead as per ODYSSEY DAWN but how the French needed to provide the leadership she lacked;  Libya consulate security should have been at least in her top 5 checked every day and not at the mercy of “Congressional purse strings.”

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

Much of President Obama’s problem of our governance turned into a circus act by his deciding does rest historically upon the Clintons and thought “GOOD” decisions made by them during the 90s that were actually the “BAD” decision(s).

Our Fiscal Cliff is only here now because we haven’t dealt with how the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were the greatest economic blunder of the past century.  We had no need for surpluses those years and we had already arguably cut too much too quickly when the Republicans found a way to offer a thought impossible balanced budget.  We have been of war costs and social costs especially school and infrastructure items because of that extra trillion cut by the Clintons for convenient political popularity;  we have been of greater costs and economic struggles because we have needed after the surpluses to be at far greater costs to a putting back so much of what they cut, and as necessary spending.

To appreciate the comments of racial trailblazer Condoleezza Rice as per deep problems in America’s education paradigm and how we are at a point where one’s zip code is too determinative it may help to refresh some management  methodologies even if they stir a like “federalism” debate about such.  When you have problems like such is the worst place to attempt a fix a distant centralized see of sorts?  Is this a problem that needs to see an uncentralized “one size does not fit all” approach were distant cells more local and of “community” are stirred in freedoms to compete in lieu of a national assimilation?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

We may be clearly of a showing that the “rings” of the “tent” of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “governance” show that Democrats do not have the management sense or skill needed to even just be as successful as Republicans had years before when of a practical broadening of our BIG TENT. 

Obama’s engagement in Afghanistan has been “war of choice” of Democrat specificities.  Afghanistan mission still troubled for it in a country that has its primary national industry that of supplying near 80% of the world’s opium.  Afghanistan may be a convenient place to play war and with a “war of choice” from a earlier measured enterprise to trespass to find Al Qaeda 50 or so “campers” - but the nation has nearly 75% of its populace as illiterate in any language even a “local tribal dialect”.

As we look to judge President Obama by his Secretary of State we still have it a circus of contrariness where two things just never seem to belong together in a single promise or proffering.

President George W. Bush, with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Richard Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was in Afghanistan not in a “war of choice” but as of a “WAR ON TERROR” and specific deals and permissions to be trespassers on such nation’s sovereignty per a policing search for wanted and known members of Al Qaeda.  President Bush’s administration was trading road and school construction as part of a limited engagement about Afghanistan of a necessary WAR AGAINST TERROR.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

A suggestion by President Obama or even just his mere political appointee Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton that Afghanistan can be won is best balanced and checked with a simple comparison to our Southwest border — I should be logically at least fifty percent easier to solve the problems of our Southwest border and it as well of a drug trade of huge scale than it should be to be able to “win” in Afghanistan while interrupting whole foreign cultures about opiates.

The explanation for Al Qaeda’s attacks of 9/11 that make now still the most simple and logical understanding possible is much of the hypothesis that we were attacked after the Administration of the Clintons because America during the such years had failed to bring sufficient justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.  Our 9/11 Commission Report still rings as flawed with echoes still fresh of its charged American leaders’ personal statements that they had decided to “only look back ten years”!  We have that with such our chosen “detectives” for such purposes as they were charged as a “commission” was of a naivete like that more recently by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with regards to Benghazi — at the time they “chose” to only look back ten years Al Qaeda was maybe already past its 12th anniversary of its conception/consecration as a group organized to bring needed justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

Personally, my public commentary about Afghanistan near as soon as the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama started was early and regularly of:  “BRING OUR TROOPS HOME - BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!!!” postings as of my best advice per such “conflict.”

It is more logical to believe that we could fix our immigration and our Southwest border with the level of commitment and engaged troop levels for Afghanistan than that such could be close to reasonable for whichever limited “goals”/”mission” that could be writ as if then a reachable goal to a “win.”

As per education - much has been made to be such a governance circus with this administration leading the rings to too much all carney.  We have that “federalism” discourse must continue as such is where the answers lie for workable management methodologies for solutions that stay of our keep with freedoms first and protections second so Constituted.

As per the ARAB SPRING - you should be better of lessons that there wouldn’t and couldn’t be an up side if Operation Iraqi Freedom hadn’t affected the then oh so late prosecution of Saddam Hussein.

As per the COLD WAR - Afghanistan, until the eight years of avoidance and inaction that cooked a great “abandonment” attitude as those eight were of the “leadership” of the Administration of the Clintons, was an Afghanistan to the Cold War as Gettysburg was to our Civil War.

As per THE BENGHAZI FOUR - you still should be considering it is late for any “Diplomat” to be speaking of “terrorists” without specifities as to how such was not of STATE ACTING - A RELIGIOUS ACTING - A CRIMINAL ACTING.  We have that we are still of a underwhelming “explanation” by this Administration of Obama that allows a tagging as “demostration” or “terror” while it may make more sense that it is an expansion of the “theater” of conflict in our now LONGEST WAR in Afghanistan so however commenced to a forced marriage between the TALIBAN & AL QAEDA.  We have not begun to hear sufficient explanations for “Hillary’s” serious failures in Libya.

As per THE TALIBAN - their leadership has been on TV with interviews and speaking of how in Afghanistan now of the Obama years and policies, at least, the Taliban & Al Qaeda are now basically one.  It is still possible that BENGHAZI ambush of “Hillary’s” people was of an ACT OF WAR in an ongoing war with the Taliban and as an act thought justly of and to a broader theater of conflict.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

It was straight up a clear demonstration of “Hillary’s” persistent naivete as per the conflicts of the Middle East post the Saddam invasion of Kuwait when she with near first comments about her failures as per the lost BENGHAZI FOUR, at least, spoke with:  “I do not know how this could have happened in a country we liberated.”

As of the ARAB SPRING, again, there likely would be no upside for the United States of America now if such were happening before we had “prosecuted” Saddam Hussein.  I am still of the opinion that the best time and place for the full enforcement of the United Nations sanctions against Saddam Hussein was during the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.  It is little considered, and dangerously, still, that those were the best years to have proceeded judiciously in keeping with our standards and examples with Germany and Japan after earlier world warring.  We have now an ARAB SPRING contrary to the governance posits and proffering of this administration and even more so to that of the Administration of the Clintons — these days the “SPRING” is some a competition with justly freed Iraqi people and to attempts to better them in their workings at bettering for themselves a better Constitution that that which is America’s.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

And we cannot now avoid the 16 trillion made by the Administration of Obama with the careful hands of those seemingly in line to have been the chosen Clinton experts if “Hillary” had managed to have been actually “inevitably” aligned by political machinations concerning enough without foreign concerns.

And we must consider how simple a truth it is for “budgets” now that it will be irresponsible for the Administration of Obama with whomever left-overs of the Administration of the Clintons to be suggesting job and economic growth promises without first seriously offering a solid fix to immigration.  It is ridiculous that with immigration and illegals so long such a problem and a problem also much ignored by the Administration of the Clintons (while of a trillion not needed to go to surpluse to spend) that Healthcare Reform was put ahead of Jobs Plans and that both were put ahead of Immigration Reform like of “carrots” towards temptations to over-ride any possible planned new workings for Immigration Reform.

And, so we have that President Obama is of a BIG TENT America hardly of his own “building” - and with us to a new year two thousand ten and three with it seeming he has now “accountability” for so so so many proposals and plans that are of the circus of governance now set in our DC.  He built this mess upon good deeds built by others, not nearly as guilty as he - as he is making others out to be while covering up for clearer fault and guilt of both Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

And again, as per Iraq and the Administration of George W. Bush - Today’s ARAB SPRING though under the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama would not have an up side for the United States of America if we hadn’t already worked that very late and very costly due prosecution of Saddam Hussein. 

As the Clintons had been leaving it - if so still as they had been leaving it - today we could hardly globally appear to be much better than Syria’s Assad - Don’t you think?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:54 am

Maybe this is all something we should be talking with Elizabeth Warren about.  You are hardly to see any one more “corporate” than Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  “Hillary” knows “limited liability” - “Hillary” is a lawyer.

She may want to play with a “WHOPPER” (spelled WOPR) but she may want to play “JOSHUA” more and not with a game of Tic Tac Toe.

But what about “Bill”?  If she cannot handle “Bill” can she even handle “JOSHUA” in a game of Tic Tac Toe?

Is Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton so so so “corporate” that it is better to describe her coldness and aloofness in “limited liability” structured protection as more a more modern day “Joe Wilson”?

And, what about “Bill”?  If he so wants to be a real “Al Haig” in control when not Constitutionally writ for control how can she be doing an “Al Haig” at the same time upon President Obama’s plausible deniability or naivete in trusting either “Bill” or “Hillary”?

Is this all really, too really, just “Bill” and “Hillary” being diabolical trying to have more years to play “political” Bridge?

Whether “Hillary” is a modern day ‘Josephine’ or ‘Joe’ it is simply plausible that she is being a second coming of Joe Wilson.

Poor President Obama?  Poor President Obama? - you ask.  How did he miss her tells - his tells?

We could hardly have had a more inciting First Lady than Hillary Clinton ‘THE CRUSADER’.  She went to some of the most radicalized areas with the least “Hillary” like philosophy for treatment of (their) women and trash talked and trash talk until most or all were without a doubt riled - didn’t she?

Where was “Bill”?  Why weren’t are Armed Forces all put on alert and readied with his wife “Hillary” so institutionalized to be “corporate” to Elizabeth Warren with a coldness from a structure for “plausible deniability” and “limited liability” for those otherwise thought about as “people.”

And, today if yesterday long before would “Hillary” have been of the Pharisees or the Sadducees?  And “Obama”?  And “Bill”?

And, today if today of “FORWARD” might she too be a Pharoah Ramses (Ramesses II?) or an all powerful Nefertari?

But for “Bill” of his moment at the convention at President Barack Hussein Obama’s backward looking “FORWARD” podium wrought however to resemble a chariot of Ramses would he have been more stripped down and simple as a Nubian, however?

There is a “tell” in the air still that harkens to the days thought expectant for a President Al Gore — What was then did seem in the air oddly again though less whence hence of a “plausible deniability” if checked.  Whence thence “FORWARD” to backwards, however garbed and/or adorned, we have that the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama did step forward more like a “WHOPPER” (spelled WOPR) stuck in a corporate game not a corporate game.

Are the Clintons, as if now, but really not as now as if of a simile or so rather a false taggable as just as of a metaphor, engaged in an unauthorized intimate play of “political” Bridge?

Bill Clinton did seem to revel in his own “BRASS” maybe more that that tactic as of “BRASS” could have been meant to praise any other.  When it comes to “BRASS” for trying to project and transfer your badness upon another even this performance by Clinton had him most maybe of greatest attempt at going after another for what you were actually doing and bad for.  And if it were now Hillary as President how wouldn’t too much of Bill already have been too Al Haig and even just when she maybe whined about a headache and went shopping instead or off to a spa or nap — AND HE TO:  DON’T WORRY, I AM IN CHARGE!?

But really - WHAT ABOUT THE REASONING OF AND FOR THE 22 AMENDMENT?  Is a spouse of a President, regardless of their sex, as a ‘partner’ however, the one Americans are wise to be to considering most as wise to be term limiting?

And really - I don’t know how for all the psycho babble of and from the Clintons they haven’t yet waxed on or off about such - while seemingly so confident as “politicians” like “corporate” “people” to the maxed “plausible deniability” and liability limiting for themselves however a modern day Bonnie and Clyde or Joe Wilson.

Did you sense or actually see a tell of the hold outs Clintons or Gore?  Did you see new President Obama seemingly with his cards set and his hands forced about Afghanistan?   Afghanistan was the Gettysburg of the Cold War, however - it was the turning point for a global spread of at least Soviet Socialism. 

That said:  

The new frontier for American Socialist Society however now may have to be smaller venues than our Federal stage,

Now there may be a necessity to regroup almost like Federalists and move towards our state house instead.  I don’t imagine they will get the need for re-socialization right and the most appropriate “class size” — it just seems they will miss that the best and fastest way to heal our “communities” and our economy while of a new need to have towns and cities publicly covered as in competition with each other - spirited competition - it just seems they will miss that regardless of how much like faith based re-socializing it may be it can be said that we just need communities to come together more at least one non-work day a week and sing and re-socialize together around a common message and which due new community message due to cover developing concerns over weakness or breaches in “the force.”

It seems we may need to see something like “socialism” at its maybe best proven level - a parish level or neighborhood level - it seems a re-socialization every week where many can fill a hall and sing as a united sect can help, can help restore a healthy free market capitalist spirit and what “socialism” might be workable.

That said:

Are “Bill” and “Hillary” now inappropriately engaged in an intimate play beyond our “CHECKS AND BALANCE” of ‘WAR BRIDGE’?

That said:

Was it a “tell” however as whomever when new President Obama seemed to have his hands limited and his cards fixed as per Afghanistan as if it was always supposed to have been a grand necessary war against all Taliban?

That said:

What about Al Gore - what about 9/11? Seems it is reasonable to believe that a President Al Gore would have moved to commit maybe as many as 300,000 troops in response and all to Afghanistan and also that he likely would have re-instituted a draft.  Right?  Close enough?

That said: 

Strategically speaking:  If one was to wanting to spread Soviet Socialism finally to the USA and all Americans at home or abroad wouldn’t it first be critical to securing it as a winning ideology for governance by a few elite that Afghanistan be re-invaded for such purposes to show that “socialism” could be spread to even the Taliban?

Despite all this however it can be ignored or over-looked:  It seems Elizabeth Warren should have a BIG PROBLEM - a BIG PROBLEM with Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton the former First Lady Hillary Clinton as really like a too “protected” corporate person.

It just seems the ‘PLAUSIBLE DENIABILTY’ and her ‘limited liability’ now should be checked and severely LIMITED!

That said:

“Hillary” as a new “Joe Wilson” has legs if you can call such that — Ever has there been yet whence or hence to now a more globally inciting and crusading radical than Mrs. President Clinton?  And, well about “Joe(sephine)” and “Bill” — however did he decide it was wise to under fund and unfund our intelligence and defense departments while “Hillary” was off all wild on her own personal CRUSADES?

That said:

Hmmm?  By the way:  WHERE IS AL GORE?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:31 pm

As billed we are to expect to hear or read of a week of Dems convening some how all about women and all about population controls.

But what about some simple governance sense - some not too old fashion common sense? 

What about the labors of Hillary Rodham Clinton?  Did she sleep her way to the top?  Did the Clintons blackmail topping candidate Senator Obama with “or elses” and “or elses” if he didn’t leave the world to them and settle himself in more as a domestic?

We have to consider that in home improvement contracting a husband and wife are treated with great powers under consumer protection as about their “homes” and “nesting” and so much so that such suggests a sharing of our White House must necessarily not undermine those laws with them treated any less as one and both term limited as of January 2001.

It is scandalous in a clearly Freudian consideration that President and First Lady of Clinton did visualize in permanent architecture for a Presidential Library an ice breaker for psycho babblers - that the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library could be phallic like a gun or a half a bridge, and gray for a white male of the south adorned as if Confederate gray.

This raises an interesting artistic and legal consideration.  For this convention week the prime question might be if Hillary has “female intuition” - or if she has any how little must she have?   And, did she sleep her way to the top?

If she has “female intuition” did she have it while First Lady Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and refuse to offer any possible benefit from such to her husband?  Does she have a soul?  How did she get her first staff job in the west wing?

If she has “female intuition” how can the Presidency of the Clintons in hindsight, just, look so devoid of any?

Is she as a lawyer of a “not in marriage” professional right to withhold from her husband while of a Clintons’ Presidency?

If she has “female intuition” and the nineties that left us 9/11 are a result of such - how did she get another White House job?

How do we understand Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?  If she had “female intuition” and did sleep her way into a west wing staff job is that RIGHT or WRONG - GOOD or BAD?  Just UGLY?

How has she while first lady most demeaning to the contribution in just female intuition of all our past strong and powerful and involved first ladies with her (sleeping her way) into west wing staff job - while FIRST LADY of her own higher office?

Clearly but for that “Bill” of the Presidency of the Clintons did adorn his official library in color quite a Confederate Gray we can look back and see that what he could have used more of in the 90s was a strong maternal caring and considerate counsel - a more aware female intuition?  

So, was it arranged for a “performance” for “Bill” to be all male and leave “Hillary” to be all female when she got to be the “inevitable” President Hillary they thought they had coldly and mechanically arranged?  Did she deny “Bill” female counsel by an arrangement to have a marriage not a marriage?  An is not an is?

I don’t know that President Clinton should or could fairly speak to much of this at what seems a CHOCOLATE POPULATION SUMMIT set for Charlotte exclusively for Democrat Party members.

How are “Bill” and “Hillary” not two of same Confederate Gray of the library of the Clintons’ Presidency?  How are they not each a shade of gray themselves as “married” and one?  Do they think that since they are each others lawyers and their own that they have no conflicts of interest personally or politically?

How are we to letting he have trashed so many great former First Ladies by thinking she should and needed to take a staff job in the west wing and be professionally then inferior to one an equal otherwise in our highest office of one of our three equal branches.  How much intellectual has been lost and how much common sense perverted?   As married by marriage the Presidency respects a wife as a equal half that with traditions up to FLOTUS Clinton had stood cherished and upheld.  To ask for an take a staff job while FLOTUS demeans the office of First Lady and all before her for by “office” “politics” it was Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton that thought it “female” power to submit herself as an inferior staffer officially per protocols.

Can Hillary be said to have been ever an actual “feminist” with this having happened and so?  Can she have any “female intuition” - really?  And then if so and we haven’t had it admitted as of her “resume” for employment  was is ever recognized as good enough by her husband “Bill”?

His library is architectually maybe a “half a bridge” that just looks phallic and yet still Confederate Gray more than Union Blue or a color of a chocolate?  And, he is without doubt may too insensitive a white man of the south.  How did Hillary get her jobs?

Did Hillary sleep her way to the top - dear feminists still feminists and Bolsheviks - how did she get her jobs - what type of law did she practice at the Rose Law Firm - mustn’t it mostly have been that to empower “Bill” in all his ways until he couldn’t legally be elected President again?

If she has a soul and “female intuition” how as married wasn’t she and all spouses to be firmly to be considered also term limited?  If the lived intimately and worked as one - how are they not then wisely limited as one?

Could “Bill” have decided to adorn his “Library” so nearly Confederate Gray without “Hillary” of a veto power and opinion?

And when the bought their house in DC on Whitehaven Road?  Shouldn’t one of two have vetoed the other too?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:58 am

When you hear tales of my having moved to Washington DC and into a one bedroom apartment on Capitol Hill and then so to stocking when stocking such for beer almost always with Milwaukee’s Best you are to be transported back in time.

There was a “Monica Beach” in DC when I moved there.  I moved there after deciding while half way across America in my new but used 1988 Dodge Ram B250 white cargo style van.  I moved to DC after time in New Orleans while I had a rebuilt Dodge 318 engine block switch in.  I decided to stop my trip to move to Los Angeles as the next and third step of hope in my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM and move instead to DC to be closer to all fifty states.  The year was 1997 that I decided and then it was 1998 when I found such apartment and moved.

We cannot now move forward without reconsidering those earlier years of changes about municipalities towards a renewal from “COMMUNITY POLICING” and brand new attempts to fight blighted areas even with “LIVEABLE CITIES INITIATIVES.”

To understand how some of this is more a tale of success for Republicans though many local Democrats were leaders in local municipal efforts to get away from the bunker mentality of centralized policing you may just look most at Democrats today.  We have in New York State that its new Governor is the Andrew Cuomo that was a part of “Clinton Initiatives” related yet now he is a Governor having to find ways different from what were the Clinton way while he was with the Clintons.  But really it might be simpler and not too Ayn Randian just to offer:  Democrats if they understood the importance of decentralizing policing then they should in these past few years at least have known as well not to over-centralize our national governments however.

The benefit of Milwaukee’s Best beside the red, white, and blue cans was some that it was cheap but much more that I was there in DC to work a third processing and widening for positive change following on start as written to focus on New Haven and then second processing to focus practically the air of such more widely then about the changes others and specifically some Republicans were working about New York City.  It was a toss up between Los Angeles and DC then as to which municipal area I should integrate a new in a third processing specifically related to similar blue collar networking of local governance - because of Clintons’ scandals it seemed DC might be a more needy place, politically speaking.

Most of this that I speak to of three different efforts at processing my thinking, writing and strategizing about all the positive change I hoped to assist with my focus kept about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM has stopped due to a maturity of initial change evolutions.  That said much also had to stop when Hillary announced “Hillary for President” as with them it was going to get corrupted any ways and to very different ends.

Paul Ryan, Representative from Wisconsin turned Vice Presidential nominee,  is about five years younger than I am young and did move to DC after the elections the fall after I moved to Capitol Hill about the time of the “Monica Beach” media stake-outs about the Clinton and Lewinsky scandal.   I moved to DC an owner and operator of a privately licensed white Dodge cargo van with four wheels that I think said “WILD TRAC” on their sidewalls.   Milwaukee’s Best seemed Randian and in character for my outward appearance even though I thought of my van as a “think tank” and kept a small skiff inside most days.

Here is where in my story I move past that I moved to DC instead of Los Angeles and to DC being the next place I would spirit a marketing madly or however, due to the scandals about the Clintons who had been having an easy ride so far while others had actually been the leaders and intellects for their easy ride.   It seems the Clintons both still actually lack the same leadership instincts of those that new what to do then and how important it all was to far greater levels of detail than most yet have considered.

I did in DC and some with consideration of an old friend Jim Wareck who moved to town months later that as well is likely now of the first ever Presidential ticket with someone younger than he is young.   Jim Wareck moved to DC from New Haven and not to go back to work for Senator Dodd but to be far more “local” and “grassroots” with a former New Haven Alderman who had represented his Yale ward as a student while Jim’s father had been the President of the New Haven Board of Alderman.  Jim moved to DC some unknown months after I did and took to the “Williams for Mayor” efforts and much with enough responsibility that after the victory he was regularly one of just four pictured behind the new mayor of DC.

I do not regret having decided to move to the District of Columbia to think for it with my marketing sense and core philosophy worked with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that proved well enough thought through to have been enough reworkable though with lower standards to help the Clintons seem electable for 1992.  It did annoy me that while thinking President Bush 41 deserved to have someone to run against not a third tier scrapper that I kept thinking I needed to rework my thinking about the philosophy modernized with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM to have it have a decisive fit for the Clintons. 

Again, I had worked to help the Clinton have the courage to enter the 1992 race and then to many many months to make them seem electable, and, that with that said again I should say I didn’t think I was giving them enough to actually be electable and so to a fine line where it was important even with the Ross Perot entrance that they look better than I thought they were.

For me now I am at a crossroads.   For me I have this team of Republicans enough of similar thinking that I may feel free to pursue old entertainment and media minded economy and positive change stimulating - to pursue the private sector profits I likely would have already had much of if the Clintons had been more honest with us all.

For the politics of our day and all our challenges municipal or federal revenue based this team of today’s announcements have me thinking I could if I wanted to help publicly again but actually so that the public is aware be better to find Governors to work with and so for it seems logically they are those best organized and situated to spearhead a new growth economy.

We have again that these are days we should look back at “COMMUNITY POLICING” and even “LIVEABLE CITIES” initiatives of the early 90s and also look now and consider that if Democrats actually understood the essential good sense and political wisdoms of such they never could have been to such grand national new centralizing attempts.

I am at a crossroads not to try to pick up a tangled mess and un-knot it so that it can work again to municipal and economic improvements but to consider where and how I might privately and in “media” somehow be to building anew with all new people/artists and for maybe a longer term benefit than was possible once the Clintons rose again and to obviously try to centralize after decentralizing had been quite an important “marketing” factor at the core of the successes that were had.

Yes I did rethink and relocate my thinking then leading thought first based around New Haven to then be formulated in a media way to work to support efforts of so many others about New York City and then I did decide to personally focus more on a reworking of the spirit of such again from a local blue collar hands on ready to pick up my Milwaukee Sawzall by day and a cold Milwaukee’s Best by night but how with all the thinking for change and hope I was at since days President Obama was still in law school.

Yes, that I reworked thinking so that all the artists and benefiting others for DC and so to daily thinking of Chief Ramsey at least every morning I slid a Leatherman Multi-tool onto my belt was also balanced still with my knowing of William Bratton since about 1988 from a Boston wiring of two of ambitions that hope and change were quite possible. 

Whatever it was I did it is now in the hands of others actually with constituents.  It may be now most for the shoulders of our Governors and municipal leaders and more possibly so if this now announced new possible team are elected.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:46 am

In these trying times that torture our souls with wars, necessary, or of choice, we still have that Afghanistan is a Gettysburg of the Cold War.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be then more clearly of a war zone of mission creep, and politicizing, by this current administration, of our executive branch in our Constituted loose federation of states.   And, it would be easier to see that it logically is still a battle some between expansionist socialism of a Cold War global geopolitics and America’s shared free market principles and freedoms for all from birth, equal as an American working concept.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If it were more a TV “CRIME SCENE” we might be able to look beyond the Clintons getting away with one of two-fer saying the other didn’t do it and the other as well testifying, however as well that the other of two-fer didn’t do it, and, we could be beyond taking one Clintons’ defense as innocence just because they say the other is innocent.

Our 1990s were actually a mess.  Afghanistan can be said to be a Gettysburg of the Cold War, and, now we can say that Syria seems to be in a Civil War.  We have from just last night that President Clinton of our 90s and his PEACE DIVIDENDS now feels so guilty about having let a million die in Rwanda while President that he has returned to try to ease his guilt.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

It seems incontrovertible that the Cold War was about at least the United States of America motivated and actively to a guardianship about the globe to hinder and prevent a global spread of socialism or communism.  With Afghanistan as a Gettysburg of the Cold War we have that we most now should avoid a mission creep to an involvement as if now to also being to an attempt to socialize Afghan peoples even short of a neo-colonialism.

It does seem we are through the breached breastworks of the Clintons’ defensiveness and finally to an open field now in 2012 to look back and critically at the Clintons and at least their PEACE DIVIDENDS.  Today we seem bolstered and well enough informed to see that our 1990s were actually a mess and not an era officially able to be in hindsight to justifying peace dividends so.  We have at least Rwanda and Afghanistan to look at - for starters.

There is a conundrum about the Clintons from the early nineties that as well rates as a paradigm at least of those times.

It may have been safer to elect the Clintons in 1992 than to re-elect President George H. W. Bush.  It looked possible that if President George H. W. Bush were re-elected he might not have been able to continue to moderate the more conservative Christians of his Republican Party.  It may have been too dangerous to have re-elected President George H. W, Bush because of Christian Conservatives nearly then in 1992 overcome with pride and excessive to a national expression about such excessive pride.

It is hard to say that a country such as ours with its Constitution of a preamble of an “ordained” and then all those subscriptions by its signers so “in the Year of our Lord …” is not a Christian country from its conception.  What President Bush likely would have faced instead of our long story of a wonderful melting pot of diverse peoples was it seems an overwhelming push by Christian Conservatives to claim credit for a “WINNING” of the Cold War too much for and as of just American Christian values.

The alternative that was the Clintons, now, is arguably with hindsight, maybe the worser of the choices though it seemed more reasonable maybe back whence.  How whether the Clintons were actually a worser choice in 1992 is now quite a consideration for 2012 - at least as per a prudence for future budgeting.

That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.  Yet now we are of early steps to a due discerning of guilt for former First Couple of the United States Clintons and for their PEACE DIVIDENDS.

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of  THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

It should seem harder to make any sense of the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS, at least.  We have just last night the contrary positing of President Obama’s Ambassador Susan Rice trying to make hay at the United Nations with 17,000 casualties as if a high bar, and, we have at the same time former President Bill Clinton in casual clothes on CNN seeming that the little he is now doing in Rwanda is enough to ease his categorically expressed guilt for having let one million be killed in Rwanda. 

We have it seems that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is the one even more contradictory to global histories just with Afghanistan.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan? 

Should you know of Friedrich Nietzsche and more about BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL than I — should you consider his sister worked him offer posthumously and it seems his “ubermensch” and reportedly had Adolph Hitler at her wedding — Then: Nietzsche may not have been the monster his sister and Hitler can be said to have made him out to be after his death?

Are you already educated enough to know that supposedly Pakistan was organized as a sovereign nation with a new National identity for its people with the poetry of Iqbal and his attempts to create a “Pakistani ubermensch” more likely on the ideals of Friedrich than the perversion by his sister after his death?

I am not a scholar in these areas - but then I only worked to be a top student much to a BA in Economics and an undeclared minor in Philosophy.  I may hear from the Iqbal family some though since part of above may be remembered from near my sophomore year at Villanova University while a grandson of Founding Poet of Pakistan shared some of his family history as a classmate palling around in same clicks/circles.  I did find suggestion of that wrought by Nietzsche’s sister elsewhere.

We have that the Clintons and their PEACE DIVIDENDS are now more suspect than due a celebration.

We have though that it may have been safer to have elected them in 1992 just because of tendencies to excess by a Conservative Christian pride too proud and so that it seemed it was possibly amassed enough to overwhelm any further moderation by President George H. W. Bush if re-elected.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

As per the Clintons now it is high time we stop letting them be their own character references and great proclaimers of innocence - That it couldn’t have been “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” has taken flight.

Our “NEWS OF THE DAY” isn’t often ours’ to choose - some days it is again sad and hard to speak of.

As per the Clintons’ years we have that their PEACE DIVIDENDS have proven to be as if a GREAT underfunding.

If you want to breach breastworks to a “scholastic” or “scholarly” first won’t you have to consider how as per Afghanistan the last thing we should be appearing to be at is a neo-colonialism to prove that a socialism (communism) can be spread into Afghanistan?

You may find yourself now reaching for a finding of THE FREEDOM AGENDA as an intellectually honest safe place for informed decisions and fathomable historical perspective. 

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:38 pm

There is a missing moral fiber in this diet of compassionate conservatism.  We have that a rascal - a young rascal of a President has had his hands slapped by better lawyers - all served up - aired out - debated & affirmed with strong dissent.

To some this is like a CADDY SHACK “X” or another GROUNDHOG DAY for gophers.

For membership in this buffet of over coddling especially Warren Buffett you don’t have to also get served - like maybe.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you may be sitting pretty and above all this.

If you are a billionaire in Moscow you have been reported at least by foreign press to be of a conclave locally as the largest class of world’s richest - as like:  The city with the most number of billionaires is Moscow.

The rascal that is “boy wonder” Barack Hussein Obama, President, has a dog of a barked ruling to live down while trying to now live up to it and it so much of an era known for compassionate conservatism.  What this dog needs is more fiber - some moral bits of fiber.

What is likely to really set its teeth with bite now upon Presidency of Obama and his moral stature is really that besides his complexity with his fog of religiousness he sits as President as a man born a Muslim boy who chose Christianity as a better religion - while of his right mind.

We have that this rascal does want to be a hero for saving the entire world as we know it from a sudden end and doom due to supposedly unchecked global warming and/or climate change.   In some ways his is a JETSON - a rascal as a still young “Barry Jetson” - yet a “Jetson” getting affirmative action to talk about.  He is futuristic, even too futuristic, but in the compassionate conservatism of his embrace of tenets of Romneycare.

I don’t know if you can say the recent opinions and ruling from the ACA - Obamacare, as a BACK TO SCHOOL like embarrassment for young rascal of a President the “boy wonder” who chose Christianity over Islam - the “Barry Jetson” of a futurism in his own time - the one and only Barack Hussein Obama, are not now a dog about him for what was ruled Un-Constitutional yet of these efforts rascalish yet of a compassionate conservatism his to own forever as work of an inadequate legal professionalism.

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as implied by Warren Buffett no less as much because Democrats had been over coddling him and for too long.  So it took a Republican to get us here - but how.

Obamacare is a dog of a work of inadequate legal professionalism with bite yes and big teeth - is it the young rascal of a President that wants to be a planetary hero for saving the earth able to run fleetly enough from its likeliness to catch him from behind?

Yes I do believe it has been confirmed that Moscow is home to the “most number of billionaires” for one of our world as we know it per one city - one greater metropolitan area.  They do seem protected from and above all this - but how?  But why?  Where is a reasoned and cohesive moral fiber as a visible intelligent strand through all this American politics about ACA - Obamacare?

It is the economy that is a bigger dog about this election year and as some know it isn’t President Obama’s explanations or excuses you should be believing - some know better - some to many have better legal professionalism too.   It is a more simple and so believable truth that the Dems with excessive liberalism and the already some admonished or scolded “over-reaching” are actually already sized up as those that caused the down economy and all their convenient CRISIS moments.

Do you like this rascal of a young Presidency as fleet enough to outrun this dog now to daily alarms as if each new day was just yesterday all over again?  Do you like him as a futuristic “Barry Jetson” “boy wonder” that managed to save and entire planet single handedly and in time for his next election?  Do you get that he is the uncontested self proclaimed new New Deal Austerity inheritor of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt social state madness?

How big a dog is Obamacare?  Romneycare didn’t tank the Massachusetts’ economy but it seems you cannot quite say the same about Obamacare for his pronounced Un-Constitutional over-reaching of embarrassing inadequate professional legal erudity - can you?

So its a TAX - a morally as it stands as a Federal Tax power that cannot really be denied as long as Presidents are willy nilly allowed taxing powers to revenues to wars of choice and/or unnecessary wars.  There can be a war on health - like - but there is not a Constitutional RIGHT to healthcare - right?   And yet we have President Obama also rascalish each day he wakes and leans on the kept closer to the citizen people compassionate conservatism that is historically Romneycare.

Obamacare is a dog with teeth and now bite!  Obamanomics is still a dog - is a dog as well he may not be able to shake.

Until November each new day will seem an awakening alarmed as if it was yesterday all over again - and again - Right?

It is a TAX - and one he cannot outrun now for it morally as a tax is one that all - everyone is of a duty to pay - EVERYONE.

IT IS A TAX ON EVERYONE!  It has to be morally speaking - speaking though with compassion - Right?

I know he our President that chose Christianity over the religion of his birth may dog him in more than one way too.

I know he our President does seem to have needed every dollar the Bush Administration expended to research and development of new technologies more efficient and even say “green”.

I know if he tries to be a “Barry Jetson” as a “wonder boy” that saved the entire planet he too may be to running from another dog after at bite at his “moralisms” for it seems to have done gone and save the entire planet in just that year or two he must know something that we don’t - he must know that President Bush must have prudently been actually a “green” President, right?

Mr. President - about Moscow - about so many billionaires seeming safely above and beyond this - how could you?  Can you explain the global moral inconsistencies? 

Why are you running Mr. President? 

But for your golfing - we see you can “dress” like a Compassionate Conservative - but can you out run your dogs? 

Should you be able to outrun these dogs - your dogs?  

And while BACK TO SCHOOL on the Constitution so embarrassingly at least for your Dem legislators and their lawyers?  

How is it this is legal more if a state does it than if the State so attempts such over-reaching?

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:35 am

It is a wonder these economic times we are in.   For starters we have that George Stephanopoulus appeared liberated last week.

George, shall I report, was very much early to and long a part of “it’s the economy, Stupid!”  This dates him back to the early 1990s and so to a party participation before there was a candidate Clintons.

About the ECONOMY:  About the Clintons et al:  George, shall I report, did seem liberated last week.

As Mrs. Merkel may be to scuttling tankers, I have long been to an economy with NUCLEAR CHILLER SUBMARINES and an international fleet justified by climate threats.   George did seem liberated by his former boss last week stumbling and back stepping so much he tried to float as if an “expert” about the economy, now and before.

Last Sunday’s ABC Sunday political talk with George Stephanopoulus where he felt he no longer dared to offer or feel obliged to a loyalty to either Clinton of the Clintons’ BOGO “two-fer” - he seemed quite different - quite liberated - less of the “economic” “stupid.”

We have had a serious CRISIS OF VALUATION - for sure - both parties have due still “mea culpa’s” for the workings bi-partisan of the Clintons’ second term.

You can decide yourselves if you have or can get past the facts that in 2008 more Americans went to the pols and voted with opinions driven by false and misleading information and propositions.

I don’t know that I have changed my views on economics since I was to offering at least allusions to such in letters to Representative Gephardt’s offices when this George was there hardly a “national” figure, yet.  The “we need a more level playing field” internationally and my call for a “back to basics” survive to me as well reasoned but corrupted by more than a few at least of the Clinton set of new Democrats.

As per this “stupid” and general economics I do alert that George Stephanopoulus seems liberated and now maybe unpredictable.  For the record this past Sunday due to the French Open broadcasts I did switch to viewing Stephanopoulus’ renditions and not a quick channel channel with disgust and intellectual caution those so many past moments where for years I managed to turn the channel within seconds of realizing I had even risked a few seconds of hearing the George still stuck under Clintons and seemingly working too much to a loyalty than a reasoned economic science.

Though our economy is in part down just because the Clintons either shouldn’t have worked politically to a trillion dollars of surplus crass cutting to “survive” politically after the Republicans during first term had worked a miracle and proven that a balanced budget was actually possible and that a trillion could safely be found for cuts in spending, or, because they shouldn’t have worked to the HOUSING BUBBLE RISKY LOAN HYPER CONSUMERISM pimping with their specific and personal politics, or, shouldn’t have worked so politically thinking the new dot com boom meant that the seated pols of those days regardless of party had best to get with the tech that could finally be used to fool all of the people most of the time unless it would be used to work them out and down.

George did seem tolerable and liberated this past Sunday - necessarily, since I still would have changed channels if he had seems a new and freer “journalist” aboard with anti-Clinton “analysis.

I stand still with my opinion that the Clintons and their meddling and economics with their contrary politics did set up most of this economic mess and maybe with diabolical purposes a part of such and to a discussable premeditation selfish in scheming, personal for and between Clinton spouses.

We also besides all this have that banks may have been to what corruption we have now long been reading about without the Clintons and maybe as a bad era generally of a national cross party glee.  We have that George’s boss did ask banks to “find a way to gamble away risks” expected from a housing bubble push he/they thought they better shouldn’t have been to, and, that so still we have that they shouldn’t have been so stupid to such economics while also being to rashly and crassly cutting a trillion more from budgets to have a partisan  political balance to save Mrs. Clinton’s ambitions in a SURPLUS to look as much the heroes as Republicans after Republicans had miraculously found a safe trillion to cut to “BALANCED.”

We have had a CRISIS OF VALUATION because of the Clintons.   Sure maybe only because Hillary the Mrs. announced she would run to return “two-fer” back to our White House, and, sure maybe only because former VP Al Gore worked so hard at an ALARMISM he spiked the gas prices so high that the Clintonomics’ dependence on hyper-consumerism became undermined - but still because of the Clintons - because of the Clintons maybe as best explained with former President Clinton’s economic “expert” remarks this past week or so.

We have, economically speaking, that companies and businesses and especially lenders can become too focused and impersonal to an inhumane business practice if they look at receivables and “contracts” too objectively and fail to go gestalt and whole business bodies with inside - outside vigilance to never forget while looking at an single receivable by contract somehow to also consider still a cost - benefit analysis related to the air of their accounts and a customer that may have a debit not as great as the “benefit” debit not of a contract that may be otherwise too great a “cost” to an inhumane consideration of just “costs.”

Our banks may have been on the way to being too corrupt without the corrupting selfish politics of the Clintons but after last week with former President Clinton insubordinate to party politics and a united partisan front for President Obama on the economy and possible solutions shouldn’t we also be considering that with the dot com boom the Clintons were able to corrupt too many Republicans during their second term?

I don’t know what George knew or when he knew it.  I know more than most about some that he knew that others still don’t.  I don’t know though with him seeming so liberated this past Sunday how he now will proceed towards covering better claims of economic “expertise” by his former boss and the suggestions by President Clinton to his “expertise” about his knowing now supposedly so much better and with a suggestion that he knew such earlier - such back in his “two-fer’s” second term.

There are at times economic benefits to companies that are bold and generous and volunteered but more as if of an Amateur with a hobby.   There are times that a company may have a simple contract with a person, an individual, with balances and due dates that is otherwise in the air of such a single entity having far greater benefit voluntarily to their profits and the general economy such that a step back and consider and a reconsider may be best before pushing for collection on a simple contract against such person who was greatly helping just voluntarily and with no obligation to continue helping if annoyed or angered by those he/she knows to be to millions and millions related to a general economic good will and integration of a united branding.

When a simple debt of contract may not be so simple how is it a business now can be so insensitive to push back made to help them remember to look newly and freshly at bigger picture of costs versus benefits analysis.  When a simple debt become impolitic how can a company not see it may be “shooting itself in at least one of its feet”?  How can a body politic but for a past corruption not yet publicly analyzed as well be to such a desensitized “stupid”?  

As we learn now that J P Morgan Chase has also been to lower standards and yet unthought of practices aren’t we all best to be now asking not just ourselves to ponder how long such may really have been going on?  Are we wise now to fight off another “stupid” and even consider that Chase may as far back as 2006 been to collections corrupted or too insensitive because they had been corrupted by the Clinton administration request by President Clinton to find ways to gamble away the risks in the economics he politically and selfishly wanted political popularity and a political save with?

I don’t know if it isn’t too early to call George now better educated - but he was seeming liberated last week.

Where there has been good will efforts and past huntings and of economic growth worked as an unrecognized individual’s personal efforts more as an amateur and independent we have that business should be always sensitive more to cost versus benefit feelings than a persistence to a cold simple contracts domination and objective stupidity.

If we are also to become as liberated we too may want to become, finally, as wised to what President Clinton claimed recently as of an economic “expertise” and as well to a pondering regarding what he knew and when he knew it.  For it seems even George may now get that it looks that if President Clinton knew this that then then that this now means then that this then had him knowingly setting up a general and at least national economic condition that should or would by his “expertise” be to a construct for our markets such that an election of Al Gore or George Bush both would have been to 7-8 years with an economy that was stuck not able to “recover” for that “five to ten years” with the emphasis on “ten” seeming more of such a supposition.

Educating George?  What did he know?  When did he know it?

If President Clinton is right and the “expert” he claims then it looks like this down economy was premeditated and meant politically to position the Mrs. for a take over of the national politics to a return of Clintons to our White House, on schedule, and so with timing such that they could look like economic experts for fixing their own “mistakes” or catching them just as the wave of recovering from them set.

What do they know?  When did they know it?  Really, based on President Clintons recent economic claims it does look like Clitnons would have had a President Al Gore just as stuck with a down economic inheritance so.

I don’t know what to say about GE or Mr. Jobs Czar or the others now titled un-Constitutionally as czars since our Constitution dis-allowes “titling”  per class - Jeffrey Immelt seems to have missed fortunes of opportunities to environmental cooling and even my idea for and international fleet for a WEATHER CORPS - with NUCLEAR CHILLER SUBMARINES - like actually submersible inside out refrigerators.

Just seems as well that GE could have been to so many more profits these past few years at least and maybe even to actually paying some fair taxes.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:44 am

What may not be kosher, orthodox or ordinary to some may be yet another white meat for others.

By now you have likely heard of Representative Allen West and his due recent alarmism less alarmism than historical retrospective explanatory of variations and differences still now dividing more than uniting more than just Americans and as per “pack animalisms”.

Who are George Clooney Democrats?  How is “President Obama didn’t create the economic mess” - wrong in “pack” speak?

To be - to be served up now as a variety of “socialist” or “communist” or Dem Ba’athist sympathizer isn’t to be labeled a real threat to our nation nor specifically a disloyal traitor.  What seems to be about our buffets of “pack” service is a historical perspective that explains how Dems are dividing more than uniting.

Economically speaking - yes this gets confusing!  Yes a “socialist” or “communist” can be a divider more than a uniter.

We have as an present example of such a conundrum that ABC’s Good Morning America seems to be growing in its ratings and yet clearly it seems as of a direct correlation to an economy that is growing the other way.  We have that as it seems GMA is succeeding by telling people what they want to hear they are hindering the better economic possibilities by presenting what people want.

You don’t have to look far to see “communism” as a failed socio-philosophic or to look farther that Afghanistan as a Gettysburg of the Cold War “turning point”.

It may be the “Kool Aid” - it may be George Clooney pimping or preening - it may be what the President has eaten.

Are they what they eat?  Have they eaten too many of a “pack animal”?

What is “local” anymore after all the success of the Bush Freedom Agenda?

Some here already have been briefed on history of George Clooney and NBC ER as having been cast into a new show that came from NBC and likes of Jamie Tarses in my head whence asking if I might have one more show idea and for Thursday night at 10 pm slot, and, so to being cast to play (not in a NY hospital ER) the character most based on being an alternate me.  We have as well that from same era of NBC line-ups the other George of Seinfeld as per the Yankees has sport legs as well related to the “other” in NBC query to if I might have “another” show idea.  Yes, this fits with the Republican story of the Democrats having been on the wrong side of Watergate and “Deep Throat” - and yes this rates as “confusing” as Dems as “communists” as “dividers”.

Can the Republicans be artful? 

Are the Republicans due a Republican WOODSTOCK?

Are we now past the old ideological breakdowns that kept us divided and threaten about “communism” and “communists” but for now a due attempt to get our own history right, and thoroughly?

Why did a young President Obama not say free “Nemo” and instead consummated a consumption of “pack animal” meat (and organs however?)?

To have a gaggle otherwise of a pack in Congress now taggable as “Communists” or related otherwise of an ideological to an elitist “socialism” or “Ba’athist” sympathizing of a govenance by a few over a united or divided many is more a threat to our intelligence and economy than it is now to the Bush Freedom Agenda or our national security, right?

It is interesting being me.  I can remember a day in my youth when realizing about summer baseball and Little League while betwixed or between a player ID as of my first name like may father and grandfather or my middle name Peter given by my parents to be different from my father and my grandfather.  I can remember a day in my youth when of echoes of earlier moments with ID blurts to answer “what is your name” to spews of “J…eter” on Blake Field.  I can remember breaking from the “John” and going with the “Peter” and even a day weeks later when I was to thinking maybe I shouldn’t have decided to offer up my father to son baseball enthusiam from a father who in college had played for Babe Ruth’s former coach.  I can remember the day back whence that a father of a actual “Jeter” was near distant tears as I considered that maybe I shouldn’t leave open a passing on of such good willed but excessive for my “Peter” American baseball summer enthusiasm. 

How about them Yankees? 

I think we can be assured and safe in a belief that President Obama won’t be letting dog meat or organs into our all American hot dogs.

How about them Yankees?  

Way to go #14 Yankee center fielder Granderson?

Yes, back whence from playful summers of ponderances of and to baseball from my Blake Field home turf for Little League I had come to call myself accidentally “Jeter” and then to wondering with at least one other if that was actually a real name for anyone, and, though, more recently to moving past an awareness of another and a father near tears one day when such real “Jeter” maybe near three or two more to what my future would be an more a “Peter” and one less of baseball.

We have that President Obama is necessarily running as a “divider” more than a “uniter” and that such can be consistent with a “socialist” ideological to a governing elite by a few over a many.  We have that he has admitted to eating what seems to have been the meat of a “pack animal” and not a domestic “BO” - however sheepishness.

We have that GMA with George Stephanopoulus may be climbing in the ratings and by telling people what they want to hear.

We have that by telling so many what they want to hear we are not having enough hear what is needed to get the economy working for more to many again.

We have Mitt Romney of mitten state catchiness now now of soft ball pitchiness with “Obama didn’t cause the economic mess” - nearly.  We have that President Obama is running as a “pack animal” as the leader of a Dem pack as a divider more than a uniter and that such while dividing “global citizens” domestic or foreign is to uniting himself to a causal of such for such was mostly caused actually by Democrats and earlier “pack” governance methodologies and practices.

We have now that it may be more honest and even intellectually honest to say that his did more than his didn’t.

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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:19 am

*So how can we discuss “bite” in sanctions on Iran if we aren’t discussing and emphasizing that United Nations sanctions on Saddam’s Iraq should have only have been given 3-4 years for full compliance?  How can we now so but without very publicly discussing how we should now to at least be claiming we should have been to so prosecuting Saddam Hussein within the Clintons’ first term?

*Well as per Trayvon comments by Pres O about “if I had a son he would look like him” it seems that he spoke inaccurately — I do believe he might have had a son or daughter that would maybe have looked white or at least Hispanic.  I am commenting here on this in part because Bill Clinton hasn’t seemed to want to shake or give up the mantle of “First Black President” even for President Obama.

*To cover 2012 Romney vs. Obama race as if against Obama but Clintons would have been better is to play to racism and sexism - There seems no basis or rationale to suggest that Hillary though white and a woman would have been any better than first black President Obama.  We have that most of what we find disagreeable about our first black President isn’t his high popularity for good personality but everything else more accurately about Washington Democrats and first white woman Speaker Pelosi governance and spinning.

*We have learned since Odyssey Dawn that Dems are now supportive of such idea that help from American and coalition countries can be with a compensation from people being “liberated” not “occupied” - right?

*It may have been better to be foggy on WMD with Saddam Hussein per cause and selling of war just for it helped assure that our efforts couldn’t be and wouldn’t be seen otherwise as if of “Holy War” bias following on Clintons’ years of becoming of un-American establishment of religion foreign politics and policies with religion and sect based bias new where old Cold War geo-politics had been otherwise long economic or Cold War-ish.  The Clintons’ were wrong to be biased and bigoted much of their 8 years with pro-Sunni anti Shia “official” speak and policies.  It was the Clintons who governed with this an American establishment to their avoidance and inaction: Iraqi Shia are incapable of governing themselves.

*If Madam Sec of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton shows strategizing to being next Dem Pres we are likely to have 2012 of the year we discuss how bad the Clintons actually were and how it is surprising they are both not guests of Gitmo already? We cannot see race against Obama with it also about Clintons even if only of the Clintons having been “A Couple of No - actually” and saboteurs of Obama admin since they most have been withholding advice and efforts to be separable and different from our first black President?

*You do get that if Saddam Hussein hadn’t gone into Kuwait they may never have been an Al Qaeda so organized to be reactive to Saddam Hussein and then America?

*I do believe WMD prefacing was important to giving Saddam Hussein a way out and to prepare America and Coalition states and their forces for what could be a soon upon us worse case scenario if Saddam Hussein failed to fully comply cooperatively.  I do acknowledge we shouldn’t have given Saddam Hussein more than 3-4 years to comply and so that we should have had this discussion within the first term of the Clintons’ admin.

*Remember it was the spending side of Clintons’ Surplus that got us into much of this mess - and how Speaker Pelosi held such inviolate when President Bush was looking for ways to fix growing mess in time.  There is little or nothing moral in the Clintons’ Surplus that took their cutting to near two trillion and at a time two trillion was available and otherwise budgeted.  If you see a run down school or old school books - thank the Clintons - If you see a bad road or bridge - thank the Clintons.

*Because of the CLINTONS’ TRILLION cutting of two trillion - the BUSH TAX CUTS would have been just fine if 9/11 hadn’t been an actual inheritance left the President after the Clintons “two-fer” foreign and domestic administered meddling - well except how that it likely could have been the Al Gore Tax Cuts - since Clintons’ Surplus did justify them.

*The biggest problem with THE BUSH TAX CUTS is that they were justified by the Clintons’ SURPLUS - the moral was put into them by the two trillion the Clintons cut out of government spending all the while schools went needing and even bridges on or near condemned list were left otherwise unfunded “morally” and to attempts to “repair” too late what needed to be replaced.

*I know Pres Clinton set this mess up - do you?  I know political trillion surplus unnecessary and shouldn’t have coexisted with his desire to have a housing boom economy with hyper consumerism.  I know he willfully burned the economic candle from both ends at once to chase rare political popularity.  I also get that without AL GORE GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM the spike in gas prices might not have been as bad and sudden and so this mess that Pres Clinton set up might have been more manageable while about an attempt to fix it.  I did advise Pres Bush not to try to fix it and to just work to postpone what seemed a coming crash, and as long as he could so as not to also lose Iraq and other critical battles by trying to fix an impossible economic set-up.  Bush never would have been allowed to fix it anyway since to fix it he would have had to demonstrate just how wrong and bad Clintonomics had been and by finding a way to counter Speaker Pelosi pride in Clintons’ surpluses and all its spending cuts - its spending side.

*We can say that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “DIPLOMACY” has been so questionable that she could be called a Secretary of War - we can say that and now worry about her attempts to global over-reaching with something cleverly called “JOBS DIPLOMACY”.


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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:29 am

As we wait with baited breaths for the decision of the century screen doors may already be slamming open and shut - almost shut.

Can it all turn us back to a reasoned Constitutionalism just for some one being too “leftie”?

The Clintons make simple piece work for trial lawyers - pity the fools?

How are we all now here?

We are of a complicated time of contrariness and not even much whispered rebelliousness.

President Obama once was a Constitutional Law professor.

President Obama studied law and our Constitution at Harvard Law School.

Both of the Clinton “two-fer” studied at Yale Law School.

Both the Clintons and Barack Obama have been rebelling from our Constitutional.

How are we all here now?

Can our “main stream media” learn to cover a new federalism?

Can our MSM learn to treat our Governors and state legs with equal rights - their full rights?

Can the Clintons and Barack Obama manage if MSM now work to cover states’ greater rights?

So gauche were and are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama - yet so too George H. W. Bush, it seems.

I don’t know the critical handing of Hillary Clinton - I do know she may have guilt.

On the one hand we have “Bill” & “Hillary” of fame for not spending.

On the other hand we have “Bill” & “Hillary” & “Barack” of excessive spending.

It does seem gauche that Clintons can be popular for crash and unnecessary cutting of near a trillion.

It does seem gauche that Clintons now can be offensive with spend, spend, spend & not defensive.

Our Supreme Court Justices are at risk of a “Political” ruling if to an upholding vote for ACA.

ACA use of “affordable” near as bad yet maybe worse than “Hillary’s” use of “universal”.

President Barack Hussein Obama is still wrong about spending for Iraq.  And so too the Clintons.

The Clintons as per Iraq had been their 8 to official biased and bigoted religion based foreign policy.

The Clintons have guilt - they as well shouldn’t be of offensive spending without also being defensive.

We didn’t need the Clintons’ SUPRLUS of trillion of rash defunding - how can they say spend now?

Because we haven’t heard the Clintons did it - they may be the only ones left not yet found innocent.

Before the Presidency of the Clintons Iraq and Iran had been of a Cold War geopolitics.

During the Presidency of the Clintons our foreign policy as per Iraq and Iran became “religious” and bigoted.

We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has been a shill for the Clintons - to quite a cover-up defense.

We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has been a shill for Clintons more than they shills for him.

After the Persian Gulf War Clintons should have avoided foreign policy bias bigoted against Shia.

The Clintons’ Presidency wasn’t well reasoned or Constitutionally balanced. 

The Obama Presidency isn’t defensive enough for its offensive spending and offensive defense of Clintons.

Where is Senator John Kerry when a real anti-war movement seems now deserved and calling?

It is offensive that the Clintons can be innocent with spend, spend, spend now while of rash defunding to Trillion surplus!

If we have “Bill” shill for “Hill” and “Hill” shill for PBO & PBO shill for “Bill” and “Hill” while “Hill” a shill for “Bill” - OH MY!

How are we all here now?

How are we to an entire party to such now a case of Un-Constitutional governance?

If President Barack Hussein Obama just to sworn “best of my ability…” is it Harvard’s Law School at fault?

As per the Clintons I have known “Bill” as a liar since he was a Yale Law student - Not sure Yale at fault.

As per Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton I remember she is whom’s face “Bill” lie to.

I am not sure Yale Law School can be blamed for the greasy watermelons that are these Clintons.

How are we all here now?

I know law student “Bill” lied to “Hillary” while walking & talking & polling law students - they polled me.

I know for he lied to her about what my honest answer so requested was amended to when they added without consideration to their polled question the complication that they were then of asking if they could both become president someday actually otherwise than first asked as if of two equal Yale Law Students with independent futures.  I know for when they changed the question of their polling about whether they could both become president some day my answer did change to amend answer to their conclusion as per their poll response as if it had been to a different question — I know for when they changed nature of question with “Hillary” then of response to my first answer with “then I will marry you” my answer changed for they hadn’t asked me if they could both become President if they married each other and became a united “one”.  I know this and know specifically that Yale Law School not as responsible for “Bill” as a liar and of that day for moving to lie to “Hillary” with his first words after her “then I will marry you” to a lying about my amended answer she hadn’t heard and then had been to asking him “what did he say” to such from “Bill” a lie about what I said.  If you think it odd I took to an appreciation of our 22nd Amendment you should realize most of this happened because of the Clintons then polling me as like a “charming boy at play in the school yard” and then years remembering me as like a talisman to their over-reaching plotting and ambitions - still as like “that charming young boy” once playing after hours alone in the school yard in a neighborhood known to be a New Haven professionals neighborhood much populated by lawyers and law professors and many professors from other departments at Yale.

How did we get here now?

And really it ridiculous that the Clintons of their trillion in defunding can present as right with spend, spend, spend now!

Nine?  Can we get ruling of nine justices against ACA - for otherwise justices are as political activism shilling for Dems?

Are we all at least agreed that they took an oath of office to treat the Constitution as our rules of their gaminess?

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