
July 2012
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:14 am

{WARNING:  This is written with a style that is supposed to have been worked well to be as taxing as the subject “taxing”}

At least after Pres’ comments towards CLINTONS’ TAX RATES yesterday the people should not be the “oversight” committee to finally lead us to the long needed and much seemingly avoided discussion of how the 90s were a mess with the CLINTONS’ SURPLUS more to a financial GROSS NEGLIGENCE and the budgeting to balance and then to surpluses an eight year bi-partisan story of too much cut too quickly.

If we don’t go after methodology of Clintons as per their tax rates and with a discussion of whether their spending cuts were irresponsible we will be moving forward reinforcing the very behavior we now need to get over and past.  We shouldn’t reinforce the behavior of the politicians in Washington of the 90s regardless of their party - yet especially if the Clintons.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

It is bad enough the THE BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE tried to upstage elegant new Democratic Party “mother” the still FLOTUS MICHELLE OBAMA back when she first announced a new compassionate program to help curb the laxity and sloth encouraged and supported by the Clintons - so with her diet and “move” commands. 

Yet, however, as per that day that was supposed to be the Democratic Party’s successor to FLOTUS CLINTON “BIG DAY” it still seems reported that President Clinton scheduled a duel for press dominance by electing to schedule elective surgery for his clogged arteries or veins. 

Maybe it was a “biblical” day where he felt the guilt pangs for his irresponsible guidance to great advances in obesity - yet still it seems reported that Bill Clinton elected an elective emoting with elective surgery to steal the show from the Obama’s and Mrs. Clinton’s successor.

It seems yesterday is a cry for help from President Obama - It seems as if he has figured that he and his Mrs. cannot handle their rivals the Clintons, and is now trying to stir up allegiances against them by drawing their years out and finally into a current political mash up.

As it is possible that Bill Clinton, former President, may have had a “biblical” moment with guilt pangs either at the four points of max emphasis for all those years he promised his Mrs. with an “I cross my heart and hope to die…” pledging as maybe with a X-ray overlay possible to attest with some physical traits observations if we were to get Bill to “cross his heart” again for his Mrs. with a pledge of honesty.

And, so the recent heat wave reported more as a “HEAT RELATED” storming maybe as well “biblical” for its timing and pathology across the Obama White House netherlands might have been more “HEAT RELATED” than of a “CLIMATE CHANGE” and “GLOBAL WARMING. 

I don’t know if we have any experts in such area in America anymore.  I do get that ministry studies of all faiths and foreign language studies have the greatest potential now each as growth industries - as areas of and for job creation in and about a growth economy hoping.

Federalists v Republicans is now as if Democrats as Republicans or Federalists or maybe if Republicans aren’t now yet enough Republicans and still too much the new Federalists that Democrats would rather most not see them as.

As it is possible that Bill Clinton, former President, may have had a “biblical” moment with guilt pangs that day that was meant to be FLOTUS MICHELLE OBAMA’S big day to step out and above Mrs. Clinton and with a better diet and physical example for all the world as us expanded to “GLOBAL CITIZENS” — It still seems reported that President Clinton elected that day to try to upstage his Mrs. successor to Democratic Party “motherhood” with his dueling scheduling of a stirring of emotions “Oh, SURGERY” and “HOSPITAL” trip for PRESIDENT CLINTON.

Yes, it does fit that story could have been reported that THE BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE PATRIARCH CLINTON and his health concern could be ’supportive’ of his Mrs.’ successor to Democratic Party “motherhood” as an example to learn from - as an example of costs of walking President Clinton’s walk and talk.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

As we consider how much of Obamacare has to go as per a due reflection upon Federalists and Republicans of our original quite fully considered condition and wisdoms we do have that the greatest danger of the Party control duel by the term limited FIRST COUPLE CLINTONS even so was that the message from the BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE was that free healthcare and free healthcare coverage was their solution for the American people and that Michelle’s dieting just shouldn’t be seen as COOL.

Federalists v Republicans is now as if Democrats as Republicans or Federalists or maybe if Republicans aren’t now yet enough Republicans and still too much the new Federalists that Democrats would rather most not see them as.

At the time of THE PERFECT STORM - the actual storm that took out the first floor of Kennebunkport that storm could have been reported as a HOLY mess maybe not “biblical” enough.  Those were the days of fears and storification of a possible end of the world by fire third world war originating out of the Middle East and with George Bush, President, the target of angst “biblical” (also) as the BIG tribal leader of an arrogant suddenly “sole” superpower of the world.  That storm was so upon Bush’s Maine manse as that of three storms converging - as I recall.

And for these trying days with President Obama braving a “re-litigation” or “first litigation” of the Clintons’ 8 and the tax rates of such years, however:  If we are asked to look at the tax rates then we are smartly it seems heralded to a querying as well as to the conditions of the budgeting then and all the spending cuts that did or did not justify such past tax rates.

We have as a starting point for this likely bi-partisan attack line at the terrible 90s that the BUSH TAX CUTS were justified by the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES and passed in pre-9/11 budgeting parameters.

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

It is amazing now in the same calender as our Constitution was ordained within yet now to us at the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and Two that Americans and maybe most “GLOBAL CITIZENS” are actually now fit thinkers already stirred enough to be maybe the most informed set if voters for 2012 than maybe since the days of Publius.

It is amazing now in 2012 that Americans can intelligently discuss so much that the Pelosi Congress tried to ram rod through without respect to a Jeffersonian Republican grounding or a respect actually of the peoples intelligence as per such.

2008 may go down in history as an election year for the record books where it was a whence with the electorate the most uninformed and misinformed ever in America’s still short story.  Senator John Kerry may have to carry the cross about such the most for he seemed more interested in having an ANTI-WAR REVIVAL than an intelligent discussion of issues nearly ten times more complex and pressing.

America we seem to be oddly smart enough this year to handle the over due litigation of the Clintons’ 8 as per their TAX RATES and all their SPENDING CUTS and to the crucial points we have been being distracted and redirected from that may turn to be more a problem of Dems’ spending cuts than GOPer’s cuts and so to a new dawn where we can see that the 90s were a mess and much a bi-partisan mess with GOPers’ nearly as corrupted as Clintons’ Dems and the BIG GULP TWO BIG MAC A DAY WITH LARGE FRIES FIRST COUPLE.

It is amazing that we seem informed enough and intelligent enough for this stirred and overdue scrutinizing of the Clintons and the budgeting of the 90s and to us all thoroughly to a litigation even to consideration of whether that decade wasn’t dangerously of careless budgeting too political (even if bi-partisan) of a cutting of too much too quickly.

But is it actually too much for you now - do you need likes of Speaker Pelosi to make all your decisions for you?

And yet you/we at least seem to understand this paragraph by Ron Chernow in his biography of George Washington from WASHINGTON and page 671 of hard bound edition in its time:

     “Before long the two factions took on revealing names.  The Hamiltonian party called itself Federalists, implying that it alone supported the Constitution and national unity.  It took a robust view of federal power and a strong executive branch, and it favored banks and manufacturing as well as agriculture.  Elitist in its politics, it tended to doubt the wisdom of the common people, but it also included a large number of northerners opposed to slavery.  The Jeffersonians called themselves Republicans to suggest that they alone could save the Constitution from monarchical encroachments.  They believed in limited federal power, a dominant Congress, states’ rights, and an agrarian nation free of the corrupting influence of banks, federal debt, and manufacturing.  While led by slaveholders such as Jefferson and Madison, the Republicans credited the wisdom of the common people.  Washington and Hamilton believed wholeheartedly in an energetic federal government, whereas Jefferson and Madison feared concentrated power.”

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?  

Did the Clintons’ corrupt both parties so much in our actually terrible 90s such that our labels and party tags are now more part of the problem than the solution?

Were yesterday’s remarks from President Obama a cry for help?

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