
August 2012
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

Whether she is a Helen a Penelope or and Isabella she might still be your Helen of today, or your Penelope, or, your Isabella.

In this year of the women of our politics and our political battles over them quite (unnecessarily?) partisan and polarizing we have some sensitivity to women to talk about with all the convening about to convene. 

Regardless of whom you hold out HOPE most with and with whom it may be that Mitt Romney is a Mormon that has him now predisposed as per this election season as more sensitive to women.

Even when of his inherited Mexican machismo he may be more of Columbus than of Odysseus.

Some of all this polarizing political partisan politics may be of pols too much beating around the bushes as per all the women issues in 2012 that may have President Barack Hussein Obama as clearly “sensitive” but all the while Mitt Romney as a Mormon and Mormons of a polygamist history as more sensitive because of such to women today.

President Barack Hussein Obama may have been more to selling or pushing elixirs and snake oil as if a Greek God more than a Gypsy peddler - he may have been wanting use to see him of vast left wing supplies of nectar and ambrosia but still it may be the fare of Romney’s Mormon rites and sanctuary that has Mitt Romney of a Church of polygamy history now as more sensitive to women and their maternal powers.

If Obama - President Barack Hussein Obama - were actually a Muslim he might be able to claim from multiple wives as well an understanding good and maybe better for 2012 discourse and deciding.   There is though in the Mormon side of Mitt Romney a wisdom from his Church related maybe to polygamy that there are times Christians shouldn’t believe first in a father, son & Holy Ghost.

I don’t know why President Barack Hussein Obama decided as Senator candidate for President Obama to go all Greek and then to march - attempt to march - all forward to a new Greek-ness for Americans.  I don’t as well yet understand why he bowed and apologized for Americans around the world and when at home could be heard telling Americans that they needed to become more like the French - even all the women.

We have that though Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has been more like a Secretary of War devoid of “diplomacy” and first concerns for human rights - she hasn’t been the “Helen”,  “Penelope” or “Queen Isabelle” she thought wrongly highly of herself maybe as.  She may have been a good Hun though - it seems.

If President Barack Hussein Obama were actually a Muslim and of a sect still strongly in living support of families of man with multiple wives could he now be as writ sensitive to women in 2012 as Mitt Romney seems like baptized?

That he seems to have inherited some Mexican machismo may suggest he hankers to be chiefly more Catholic?

Can you only find answers you are seeking if you first find the questions?

If in a Jeopardy round you see “OEDIPAL” - You answer with a question “What is President Obama’s affinity/relationship with Secretary Hillary Clinton?” - LIKE?  I mean like really how could he have tried to live on Mount Olympus without her - doesn’t he have a “mother complex” specific to strong white mother figures?

I don’t know which “religion” today may have the best arguments and writs and rites for a lasting polygamy way - if any. 

But enough about Bill and Hillary - LIKE?   No, seriously, is the polygamy of Mormons the reason they spiritually have dwelled more sensitive to women (, and still,) since otherwise a FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT not living with sanctuaries akin for a “Holy Trinity”?   Well maybe:  But enough about Bill and Hillary.

For the record I believe I recall that Hillary Rodham grew up essentially quite a Chicagoan raised since a little girl not just to hit the neighborhood boys but to be the one that hit first.  I believe she is still a Methodist and still married to a Baptist, maybe a Southern Baptist.  (You can check them and balance this yourselves - and should.)

I am not suggesting that Mormons because of a tradition are more sensitive to women than President Obama or his Secretary of State of his Catholic Vice President. 

I am not suggestion at all that the once new President Obama who wanted to hold courtly weekly large banquets in the White House for 2-3 hundred “political” power figures on Wednesdays was trying to be “God-ish” in a Greek way.  I do remember that he did start out to have weekly grand political banquets on Wednesdays and maybe held two before the heat was on.

What can we learn from Sidney Poitier - especially from the IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT?  Or/and THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER?  Is there a lesson in race relations and about “rape” in one more than another of these reflections on earlier souls of America and Americans?

The grand weekly Wednesday banquets that started off with Kobe steaks near a hundred dollars an once or pound, if I recall correctly, were set to bankrupt probably at least three of DC’s top power eateries if allowed to continue.

The grand weekly Wednesday banquets that started off as a way for President Barack Hussein Obama to reign over so many with expectations of dangers from refusals to show and be seen were quite insensitive considering as well that we were nearer a new GREAT DEPRESSION as we know it from him to have been declared so.

The heat was on for those nights by the second of his thought inaugural banquet reigning new ways to rule delights.  I remember dishing out some heat about such my self - and maybe writ far more sensitive to a new depression era so than his orations or/and dictates of his (at least) early days.

No - Yes >> I mean as per Mitt Romney - MORMON:   a FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT “trinity” was not a callous way of a Church of polygamy whence.  We can hold out hope for a sensitivity from polygamy pasts wherever as of a greater sensitivity to women at least in some ways spiritual. 

Yes, with polygamy and families of multiple wives and children of other mothers so, as sanctioned and of an “under one roof” we have that that there was no embrace of a “HOLY TRINITY” there is a suggestion that a sensitivity was and may still be there for and from and of an awareness that with polygamy essentially it is more a:  FATHER, SON(S) & “POLITICAL” WIVES LIVES.

Even when of his inherited Mexican machismo he may be more of Columbus than of Odysseus?  Even so he still is less of Troy or Achilles?  And less of heights of Olympus and nectar and ambrosia?  He is a Christian and not a polygamist as a Mormon - LIKE?

With five wives of five sons and ten in-laws, as well, he likely has to be more “sensitive” to women than at least Bill Clinton or President Obama - right?

If in a Jeopardy round you see “OEDIPAL” - You answer with a question “What is President Obama’s affinity/relationship with Secretary Hillary Clinton?” - LIKE?

Can you say “HEY ZEUS DAYS” ten times fast with a Mexican accent?  President Obama or candidate Romney?  Can you supporters all say it as well at least ten times fast?

Do you see a problem anywhere with “hey zeus days - hey zeus days - he-sus days - je-us days - Jesus Days?

Yes, with polygamy and families of multiple wives and children of other mothers so, as sanctioned and of an “under one roof” we have that that there was no embrace of a “HOLY TRINITY” there is a suggestion that a sensitivity was and may still be there for and from and of an awareness that with polygamy essentially it is more a:  FATHER, SON(S) & “POLITICAL” WIVES LIVES.

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