You’ld think you should call ‘em “charitable”? You’ld suppose if it is called “philanthropy” it should net out some greater good advantaged. These are rough days for philanthropy much due it “philanthropy” the Clintons proposition themselves as at.
There should be a jeopardy - a danger - in associating with the Clintons purported “charity”! It is confused and quite confusing how that what the primary purpose of the Clintons’ politics it that any of their Clintons’ Global Initiatives aren’t firstly by the IRS as if a PAC or a 501c(4) - or another. To host a Clinton under a guise of “charity” and “philanthropy” seems risky legally and to a dawning new appreciation that quid pro quo at least in creative arts is due a new accounting.
Any familiar with that supposed of a “good” of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives, however charitable, is oddly firstly as of two so so so “Political” and “Partisan” of standing up in public relations of damage control and spin doctoring too seemingly of a need to appear to be doing “good” to cover - cover-up - a legacy of failing to net out in greater good accountancy.
It seems of a poisoned tree that any associate “philanthropically” around the so so so political and partisan Clintons. Such as any “charitable” association with the “The Clintons” seems too much “political” and “campaign” activities to be actually fit for charity registering.
The history of this supposed “charitable” of a foundation in Clintons began with a promise that such was not to be operated by William Jefferson Clinton in a political or partisan manner. The history has been that it is ridiculous, especially lately, to posit that the Clintons haven’t been specifically using these appearances of doing good for political and partisan personal gain.
There is a danger in the global philanthropic of a pair a power couple playing at “philanthropy” and “charity” in ways that allow them to act contrary to the Constitutional prudence as if a Congress bypass as an organized too autocratic totalitarianistic.
There is a danger in the message in their standard - their banner/flag - as the “C” so violated as if of a bosoming in Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton smarts artlessly as too like of “imperialism” and as an affront to the European Union yet with a circle of stars as grounded away from “imperialism.” By the masthead of the Clintons it seems inappropriate to conclude their CGI is for “philanthropy” or “charity” firstly and to any net profit in a “greater good” mission.
By the very existence of the so false flag organizing of the Clintons as seemingly of an attempt to actually be like the first American global autocrats in an Autocracy of Clintons the process and prudence of the Washington based democratic lives as set asunder and undermined. The Clintons even as when so of “believable” in “charity” still are those so publicly know to be “Big Liars” that they lost near half of their old “Hollywood” “friends” and friends’ money to the Democrat Party alternative so junior and inexperienced - they lost half their thought “friends” to candidate Barack Hussein Obama.
We are to be behooved to a more prudent safe “philanthropy” if and when we become more saddled of the old Constitutional prudence which the “politics” and “partisan” of the Clintons so daily undermines. It seems so wrong if it called “philanthropy” as the Clintons are suspected of cover-ups and known of lies that undermine a reset in consumer confidence and confidence in politics all over the world.
The Clinton Global Initiative was inaugurated with a promise that it would not be operated of “politics” and “partisan politics” and yet that is largely all it has ever been convenient for William Jefferson Clinton, and so now too so Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton. It seems impossible to now suggest there is any real legal separation between “political” and “campaign” and the appearance of the Clintons as in “charity” and “philanthropy” while the real politics are of it that they need good public relations like of appearing to be so actually engaged to balance a now fairly growing understanding of how much they already should have been doing political penance for - each, and personally.
It seems as good as philanthropy can be and should be we are of days where it generally is undermined by the existence of the Clinton of an extant as of doing more good then harm while them so at such defensive work to appear at doing good is poisoning the boughs of the trees of giving. There too is that a global economy with too much “philanthropic” can be to depressing much opportunity for economic growth — As by first post in thread at as WHITE COLLARED POSSE there is an economic dynamic expressed originally as of SUPPOSITORY & DEPOSITORY ECNOMICS.
There is that any associating now with any familiar to the Clintons Global Initiatives, however “charitable” or “philanthropic” are themselves too much to enabling the “politics” of such an dangerous alliance for it does by how it is extant undermine the regular process and practices of the Constitutional Congress. The low public opinion now held of the Congress is interestingly related, it seems, to how the Clintons have by their appearance as “do gooders” been short of due accounting and as they persist and persist and with annual (mandatory) meetings so crossed in “import” as if of a right of King yet timed to the United Nations annual gaggle.
It seems by supporting the Clintons as if of “philanthropy” any so at least familiar to such is also working for personal gain towards a constituted Power extra-Constitutional and so actually quite so in a rivalry with the Congress and accountable mostly as if consecrated to be firstly for “Power” and as too like the early Clintons of the American unifying as more for empire than freedom in independence, and as too like it as of Clintons yet now having a power too nearly real though set in The United States while operating as if a Autocracy of Clintons & too much as if above the Laws.