However an alien, where it is you come from is not where Hillary Rodham Clinton comes from! Mrs. Bill Clinton’s #PRECIOUS is not your #HOPE!
You’ve been warned! Consider yourself warned, -now: > #WARNED!!! <
May you find sanctuary in the original principles now thousands of years old to that one is always to be firstly under their God/Lord/Creator before ever then as a subject under a government. America is Constituted in the Paulist espoused to it by the Order that is the constituting that Americans, the People, have their founding documents to this establishment as done, as ordained subscribed in “the Year of our Lord”!
Consider the reputation of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as it should be for the years under the administration of President William Jefferson Clinton:
Consider the background that supports “profiles” of some “players” - if looked to - to then a prima facia likening them, though “Democrats”, more to as if “SITHS” - even if “minions” to a Party “Power” controlling dark “Lord”! It now may be too late to save commoners of New York City.
The five boroughs may be fallen, - too descendant & descending still!
President Clinton could not have sold out Baltimore without the (evil) blessing joined to such by Speaker Pelosi whence. For #HOLLYWOOD F.O.B. seems Clintons & Pelosi flushed blacks of this Maryland city for #RATINGS as seemed they were like doing enough as roped in to help New York City, and Times Square, too Las Vegas, - as so of the inherited after 1992 not created movement of the Democrats.
Baltimore was to its poor blacks, and associated able to be red lined by politics, #FLUSHED by Clintons & Pelosi for F.O.B. of #ART seemed convincing that such metropolis should be a ground zero for selling telling real crime / true crime! It was (a few) Democrats who like are #HAUNTING as mem’d for being party to letting a major metropolitan area suffer so that Liberals #ARTISTS could celebrate crime and criminal culture via #HOMICIDE, & …! Feeling the #WIRED yet?
Yup that’s a rap on the real President Bill Clinton (, and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,) to how while he inherited COMMUNITY POLICING and to COMSTATS progressive politics and policing he did cut out a devilish exception with his seeming acquiescence to that Baltimore could be a major metropolis spared from such improvements for communities.
Are you ready to see them as at least compromised #MINIONS in a #SITH #DARKSIDE extant, - to scandal how the teased can yet be discerned as too like a house of cards in a game of thrones contrary to “We the People…” “Order” constituting original intent?
Are you ready to face the music, the long, say rap sheet, #MUSIC of the #DEMOCRATS of (SITH) Clintons? Isn’t the sheet their to see done charging document now but rationally established to that there are 17 felonious breaches of law already discerned to prosecutable, and that a mere finding of criminal negligence to at least negligent securing of records of a clear possession has a guilt self evident to even most lay news consumers?
Aren’t you hip to that President William Jefferson Clinton is chargeable already with no way out for evidence is overwhelming that he with “HIS” server on “HIS” property was with #HILLARYEMAIL of at least negligence of POSSESSION, - hip, you, yet to PWJC can be indicted and before Mrs. Clinton, if the #JUSTICE of President Barack Hussein Obama could prevail to jurisprudence for a level playing field in politics?
Aren’t you hip to the greatest blocks of money behind, seems, #HILLARY2016 is of the banks and banking F.O.B. as eager to see poor and less learned teased to irresponsible consumerism, again, and to be then as plumped up pickings as #PREY? Have you considered ye may have a Republican #FRIEND - more than a baker dozen of #GOP #FRIENDLIES? Of #THEFORCE like?
You of #BLACKLIVESMATTER: Better joined like of #FRIENDLIES of #DemsAgainstHillary to also of a “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!”?