
May 2016
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:21 am

Pilgrim, this is about you. What follows is inescapably about you, pilgrim. 

Pilgrim, there is no where right to run to, it is time to stand and defend with social media your nonviolence weapon.

Whether you take a cotton to Mr. Trump these times are bigger than all of us, - so big there is no where right to run to. THINK, and STAND.

Personally I, myself, I, he whom Donald Trump got the APPRENTICE show idea from, - I J. P. Hogan - accept that I mustn’t be a first Catholic to get along with a Queens’ Presbyterian.  It is that I was too seriously engaged in unsolicited national ‘work’ of helping America be great, or still survive, when I shared such idea, - it is that Mr. Trump liked the idea too much for me to be part of it due I was then too seriously at the ‘work’ of political writing, and in a tight loop.  I, at most, saw 1 1/2 episodes, only.  The Protestantism of Mr. Trump seems to secure him from being a fascist.  More and more each day it feels as if I will soon yet be working closely with “Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump” - and not as an apprentice.

I accept that I mustn’t be a first Catholic (as like of regular respect as a not an attendee) (of Irish American Catholic tags) to get along with the ilk of Mr. Trump - with the ilk of Queens’ Presbyterians.

Pilgrim, you are secured by your bible and your 2nd Amendment rights, - your Bill of Rights is like 10 for 10 as an enumeration that all of People are secured as of rights to defend themselves from any violate of the 10 Commandments, and especially, by the 2nd Amendment, if it is a government violating the 10 Commandments against your rights from your Creator.

FACEBOOK may not be the best media, a best social media platform for what you stand for, and need stand and defend against, but it, as a weapon of nonviolence in the hands of conservatives, is and is locked and loaded for your efforts to great civil obedience, and any civil disobedience intra-party to the Democrat Establishment that candidate Bernie Sanders supporters will hopefully need, - the likes of FACEBOOK, - not the exclusivity of just one of a kind of populated interactive social media platforms, and the linked web of them of ecosystems.

Pilgrim, it is a reset supreme for high intelligence that the say “Democrats Constitution” has been shown as no constitution actually established, - actually ordained.  Your constituted People’s Order endures!  Your protections writ so that you have rights to defend against any violate of the 10 Commandments against you, are to endear, - as secured.

Donald Trump, pilgrim, still has problems with his think on the Middle East, these are being worked through and worked to a higher workable intelligence, as time allows. 

A quickie with Mr. Trump, for each pilgrim, who still believes in their freedoms as of “GREAT” of America, is yet to consider Iraq, Syria, & Ukraine synchronize of a commonality as like three more secular socialist states that effectively crossed lines to being too irreligious, - as a toe in to that leaving Saddam Hussein in power as President Clinton like left as the only option, was not ever an actual workable option.

Deeper to the general paradigm complexities, of Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump progressing through the “It’s complicated!”, remains a great embarrassing failure of the left, of Obama, of what would too to have been President Hillary Clinton’s grand failures inescapable imports. The Democrats attempt at intellectualizing on the Middle East by yet trying to bend truths to fit with their partisan agendas has failed and stays failing much for they have yet to confess to that their big miss, - their BIG OMISSION - remains that it seems they just never saw to blame themselves, and for their tech agenda strong armed partisan dictum, while they progressed as if the unrest in the Middle East couldn’t be due people having more internet access, and such to youths across the Gulf Countries feeling inklings for greater freedom(s).

Donald Trump seems immune enough to the past ridiculousness of the dictums so strong armed of the LEFT - and recovering daily from how such was carried by too many biased media, old and new, and to them now like taking defensives stands by ad hominems quite substandard as like “yellow journalism” without cause, - justification but as a needed defense.

Deeper, again, to the general paradigm complexities, of Gulf Countries and the #NewGOP of #TRUMP, is it has always been quite an ignorant policy to just blame President George W. Bush as the ignoramuses have shown themselves wrong at “ALL BUSH’S FAULT” unless the DOT COM BOOM and new e-stirrings to that the INTERNET of things also reached the Middle East are so to have only happened thanks to President George W. Bush.

Cursory for a easier copacetic to how the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, has been more jack booted of a politics of to partisanship more dangerously close to #FASCISM please jog your neural pathways, - THINK - intellectualize to if battles concurrent across the Levant are as can be historical as like a MUSLIM TEA PARTY, or, as like a PEOPLES MOVEMENT FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY - RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.  Wonder with the INTERNET OF THINGS to having also reached so many youths and agile of ISLAM how AMERICA DEMOCRATS didn’t report on having considered like how PRESIDENT BUSH was more an innocent for such of these troubles can figure as naturally having occurred due the liberating effects of so much power in every individual’s own palms.

A conundrum to pare:  Are there now more QURANS being carried about around the world daily - as like a most popular and relied upon “pocket book” “paperback” - than BIBLES or just NEW TESTAMENT books?  Are there more QURAN apps in daily use than BIBLE apps?

I am comfortable that Queens’ Presbyterian Donald Trump, the Republican Presumptive Nominee, is enough a friend to Catholics and of all of the Americas, and too the not too stoked of Islamic - to of princes of peace, however booked, as yet not stoked to inflamed to as if called to be vigilantes.

The Republicans also some still have Donald Trump’s Middle East rendition as a problem across their ranks, - Saddam Hussein would also have been powerless, while more a powder keg, to the liberation by the invasion of the internet - “internet of things”!

There is much here more deeply, and as archived, or sorted by #Cats (categories) by subject or keyword, to sustain these shares; there is much in “IRAQ WAR WAS WRONG” that can be pared and corrected; there is much to that Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine have been firstly as like having happened, due the “internet of things” liberation, as to it now three more secular socialist states have also failed and for having some time been to some how like across the Rubicon of having become too irreligious.

It should be so embarrassing how to more they were ignoramuses and not intelligentizers of intelligent politics, now, - now as they have droned warfare near eight years on false premises and erred narratives while like not even considering bible editions while wielding their guns - their Powers as of office of Commander in Chief. 

Perchance you know, pilgrim, if their “Rhodes” standard was so substandard to be below the Rhodes Scholarship’s.

Perchance you should now, really by now, if Bill Clinton used his FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP and time in the United Kingdom as but to be contrary to the “REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION” as by being studious, and thought prepared, to like set it asunder so that the CIVIL WAR could have a new ending and to that at least SOUTHERN WHITES could have the CLINTONS as like KING & QUEEN, - as like as under AUTOCRACY and TOTALITARIANISM due subversive willful acts to subvert country to more just of subjects under a POWER as if an actuable “DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION”?

Pilgrim, please shake off any old thoughts and inclinations to be with the LEFT as against clinging to “BIBLES AND GUNS”!

Pilgrim, please, intellectual, however now needed to suffice, from the ignorant ignoramuses politics that ignored that the ‘INTERNET OF THINGS’ is more rightly to blame than PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH.

Pilgrim, please, flex your neuronic muscles - your mental mass - your high intellectualism - your faith in humanity - for to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN we must have critical masses, ecosystems of at least e-gathered together, respectful to that a SIMPLE TAG also upon such which must be most embarrassing to the LEFT is now as well:


Note:  Peoples of the Levant are maybe a least likely to have missed BIBLE originalism of imports of “neighbors” or ”neighbor’s” of TEN COMMANDMENTS to that princes of peace brethren are of brotherhood and sisterhood but where and when bearing false witness and covetousness are legally limited to like only BAD when effected against or upon “neighbors”! - and as kindred to QURAN! ???

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