
June 2016
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 3:14 pm

A Buddhist and a Presbyterian walk along an Orlando Boulevard.

For civilizations to endure perversions of governance from morality and from regular order cannot. There must be an ecumenical practiced to a suffice always more of “all Politics is local.”

As we bow our heads for to be disciplined of souls, not base as barbarians to wits sans community, there is that the agreed as of laws of our Lord must not be perverted in the times such is agreed to, - but for then it the business of the community in worship effected.  Cross-pollination is as natural as that of Paul structured for sanctuaries establishments for Hope & methodisms; cross-pollination is as much a matter of civilizations as wafts of gaiety and engirthments of winds of gaiety.

As “pre bus” to “Pre-bits-tear-I-ams” re: in sees of “pre-bus” of that of republican of Republicans of Reince Priebus to the if sufficient disciplined of Presbyterian Donald Trump.  Can such be as natural as for Buddhists, and yet of tolerance by Christians?

Methodist, so her resume states, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is a contradiction to prudence, of a chaos stepp’n as against regular order, of as contrary to Constitutional so vastly and historically as to be as anti-Constitution as Governor DeWitt Clinton and/or Vice President George Clinton, whence as if also “Tony” like Alexander Hamilton.  The Clintons are not Hamilton Federalists nor Jefferson and Madison Republicans; - in essence the Clintons are perverts of a third way perversion to the two Constitutional options for national governance, - to lawful Posterity in governance by how constituted.

The Clintons are as of perversions to Constitutional it seems as much as Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are historically problematic for to power via Ba’athism ideals and original intent as a way to a UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE (my source is Alan Hart book: ARAFAT - TERRORIST OR PEACEMAKER).  Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are two who are said to have perverted Ba’athism towards getting power and then holding it by secular Socialist tyrannical Powers.

The Clintons’ perversions of prudence and of a nation in regular order as constituted seems as much to blame for so much of falling to pieces in America as like as much Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq are taggable as but 3 more failed secular Socialist states.

In America a Buddhist and Presbyterian can be to strutt’n down boulevards of Orlando, Florida, even especially amidst the real world and “local” daily dynamic, and to tolerance of polity - politeness of bowing ones head in humility - humble ducking for comity to a copacetic for an extant of sanctuaries establishments for maintenance of Hope, and humanity promises.

Strutt’n in America is as to be pledged by Pledge of Allegiance for civility by innocence first and rights to privacy ordained for that an presumption of innocence is to be respected but where an immediacy is calling of a self-evident obviousness to imperils beckoning an immediacy.

Strutt’n in America - these united states of the Americas so Constituted by People’s Order done in Year of our Lord - is yet for Prudence in community needing disciplined of a suffice - a sufficient number of people “locals” must always be disciplined to that there is not a dynamic of “too much irreligiosity” - too many “irreligious” - to few of thinking and debating to what is workable as an agreed to and set out “laws of our Lord” & since our federal Government is set as minor to GOD and under our Lord, under that of the “global citizen” cosmopolitan internationalism - bodies electric sans borders.

As the Clintons’ perversions have American Democrat Party affected usually just emotionally by like “dog whistles” there is that the Clintons are not alone in whom has been to perverted regular order. 

President Barack H. Obama has also been vastly of perversions from Constitutional structures for due process and adequate maintenance of “under God” polity by being firstly for demagoguery for a NATIONALISM for a selfish grandness and exaggerated self importance by methodism for TRICKLE DOWN NEW DEAL NEW NATIONALISM, even as also sold for a tyranny by GREEN AGENDA of deciding for “subjects” that obedience must be foremost practiced to GREEN MINIMALISM of a new CONSERVATIONISM of decrees for EARTH FIRST dogmatic.

There again, under the perversion of the Clintons and Barack H. Obama, a tragic scandalous to test that “all Politics is local” is the keystone of these united states of the Americas, as actually workable - as workable only quite when as Constituted for “tolerance” and no “bigotry of tolerance” - as like any of religiosity to a suffice to humble under our Lord is then not Holy if of any bigotry, or perversion say like for Power as can be storied of Clitnons - especially Hillary Clinton - and as akin to how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad are too long said to have perverted Ba’athism ideals to have Power by secular Socialism albeit as by perversions.

These days that prejudge souls, too frequently, - and as of “FAILURE!!! - OF WORDS!!!” as I’ve authored before - are beset by Democrat Party guidance too haunted by elites wanting to have and to hold Power and to now again em are like firstly to tooting a “dog whistle” for compliance and obedience perfectly contrary to “all Politics is local” grand prophylactic for impregnable fortitude for FREEDOM and LIBERTY set still in our “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” pledged to, - our calls to REGULAR ORDER and ORIGINALISM

As a Buddhist and a Presbyterian may be disciplined to be more “pre-bus” for “tolerance” and to less prejudiced even as if wanting to be cold or of a cold shoulder to a reflexology to be to ducking for Posterity, there is that strutt’n cannot be of a suffice for “community” where any “local” has fallen to “too irreligious” as like Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria are like three more states of having failed due to a endemic reality to that too many did become too irreligious, - too many stopped THINKING and DEBATING amongst themselves as to what needed to be that of “local” but “global citizens” as to what was a minimum agreed to as to what were needed to be the agreed to as set out “Laws of our Lord.”

We are asked to know how to “duck” - know how to bow our heads even as post coital and in public as Paul in his letters doth prescribe around Corinth in Corinthians 1 or 2 as to that after being in private and to loving when in public parties to such should be of a polity of comity of like “blowing kisses” to their apparent “neighbors.”

HAMILTON THE MUSICAL may get to be “TONY” on the Constitution but it can mislead and misdirect as the perversion at least of Hillary Clinton, as to her core of her defining success as to that of what a “LAWYER” must be to of “Power” to be “most successful” as to peers also Yale Law School alums. 

HAMILTON is today firstly important as “Publius” of “Federalist Papers” “Federalist #1″ as for he sells a hip Constitution by exclamating the Peoples Order is for “INDUCEMENTS TO PHILANTHROPY” and as to closing emphatically as yet to a conundrum in also writ the Order is for “PRESERVATION… OF PROPERTY.”

As Buddhist as disciplined however also to respect ducks and budding love for community and polity we have a Presbyterian strutt’n it seems less perversions from “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” than what is extant in the perversion tendency for prejudgement to beckoning firstly like by “dog whistles” to a nationalism to an exaggerated self importance for one demagogue’n as a “leader” as if such is/was “PRESIDENTIAL.”

A first perversion akin both the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” and the “THE HOUSE OF OBAMA” is to the ridiculous for how postured for nationalism while loose and undisciplined as to national borders.  It is a ridiculous and ungovernable perversion of the constituted by Peoples Order that there can be calls and passages for SOCIALISM and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE where national borders are not firstly secured, and of processes to process any and all for a LEGAL IDENTITY of each and all.

The Clintons are not HAMILTON “FEDERALISTS” nor “JEFFERSON REPUBLICANS” and so we must stop - must arrest - the Clinton perversion of constituted Order by it done established contrary to their third way a perversion of the CONSTITUTION - the constitutional as neither “FEDERALIST” nor “REPUBLICAN”!

The “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” constitutional perversion, before being to the ridiculous of selling a nationalist agenda while not securing a perimeter and process to isolate a “national”, is firstly to that they are mostly UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ANTI-CONSTITUTION for their “POLITICS” is more of that of Vice President George Clinton and/or New York Governor DeWitt Clinton firstly; - the Clintons “POLITICS” is still to much akin to be at least as if also related to General Clinton of the United Kingdom, as a last fighting for the CROWN of BRITAIN against the COLONIES, and to if I recall to of having had plans to attempt at least to assassinate THOMAS JEFFERSON.

The Clintons’ perversions, today, are at least as problematic as how Saddam Hussein and Bashar al Assad got to power by perverting BA’ATHISM and how it was of an ideology firstly of an idea that an UNITED ARAB SOCIALIST STATE could unite all Muslim nations/states of at least its vast region.

The Clintons’ perversions are against regular order for impregnable fortitude to vicissitudes incident to life as George Washington set forth in our first inaugural address.  The Clintons are for compliance and obedience more to an AUTOCRACY OF CLINTONS to the “THE HOUSE OF CLINTON” as of at least national AUTHORITARIAN Power.

Again, under these perversions of regular order by leaders of the Democrat Party there has been a tragedy that is firstly again of terrorism that people of these united states of the Americas should first THINK and DEBATE respectfully as again of exercised opinionated of prejudice and intolerance, as sans duck’n discipline of heads bowed for ecumenical comity, and, as now again, first, there is a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” - - - and as improper under the Constituted Union due all PEOPLE are of pledges to allegiance for due process and regular order, and to “all Politics is local” is the common core and for FREEDOM in RELIGIOUS LIBERTY necessarily needs a sufficient percentage of populace to maintaining as bulwark for HOPE and SANCTUARIES always as by being guarded against any community to becometh too “IRRELIGIOUS”!

However, now the grieving is complicated as due “TERRORISM” and if of ISIL - ISIS - DAESH - ISLAMIC STATE - as sponsored or endorsed we are yet of it as globally to for how Americans are pledged as a “FAILURE!!! OF WORDS!!!” for other peaceful means were necessary and while prejudice and prejudgement is not AMERICAN even while governance becometh too secular and SOCIALIST for DEMOCRAT PARTY elites to have Powers too AUTHORITARIAN for an exaggerated self-importance not humble in as set under our Lord their CREATOR.

As we bow our heads, and too daily for comity akin to as set out by Paul, for the Constitution is of a apostolic by the Founding Fathers dependent upon civilization of Union as firstly being so “Paulist” as to the People are established as under our Lord before under our Federal Government, - the free people of these united states of the Americas are ordained as “Paulist” as under God before under any government and so there must always be a suffice - a sufficient engagement of voluntary extra-Nation organized morality to that the UNION never becometh even locally too IRRELIGIOUS.

As we bow our heads and to now more to THINK and DEBATE amongst our “communities” we have that we must shake off - to arrest - the idea to as if there is a DEMOCRATS CONSTITUTION where there a “living document” status as if a loophole to the REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION of our CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC as the truth seems that since to the apostolic of the Founding Fathers for endurance in practices for ECUMENICAL prophylactics there is that the impregnable fortitude for “vicissitudes incident to life” is rooted in that HOLY SCRIPTURE is a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and so then that the CONSTITUTION need not be a “LIVING DOCUMENT” and to that then the ECUMENICAL must govern the ducks and comity firstly as the calls of Posterity for Tranquility in Union have been constituted to that the PEOPLES ORDER THAT FORMS THE MORE PERFECT UNION is established to be more difficult to amend and void than it is for the KING JAMES BIBLE, at least, to yet be to new editions by revisions.

There is no constitutional call to the nationalism and new progressive attempts to set asunder the People’s ORDER; - The call even as for “ducks” to a NATIONALISM for self-importance for HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is contrary to the CONSTITUTED as as under God of vertical separation of Government to that all are to be firstly of self governance by disciplines to an extra-nation organized morality. 

There is no enduring structure for ECUMENICAL methodism where the “dog whistle” tyranny of the Clintons for AUTHORTARIAN demagogue STATUS endures.  So THINK & DEBATE upon what PERVERSIONS!

I do not know if a PRESBYTERIAN is now otherwise of sufficiency for the impregnable fortitude George Washington inaugurated our People for tolerance of ;- I know not if Donald Trump shares the apostolic for ecumenical ordered ours - Our CONSTITUTED.

I do feel that as ducking of a bowing of heads for respect and a comity of polity for community parity must endure we must not be beckoned, however by a CLINTONS’ NATIONALISM, by “dog whistles” when work is again to be done to again ensure that none of the “local” of “AMERICAN” is in danger from having become (like Iraq, Ukraine, Syria) too IRRELIGIOUS, - - - or just too SECULAR SOCIALIST!

Our “We the People..” is in “more perfect Union” done and of an ecumenical conundrum, it seems, to endure by the apostolic dedication of the “FOUNDING FATHERS” in that “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” is a puzzler for to have “FREEDOM” “OF” RELIGION it is that one must be an individual to learn’d “OF” “RELIGION” in order to be above barbarian or suspect to reflexive obedience to whistles - to be a FREE PERSON! - - - Like to be AMERICAN is to know what must be RELIGIOUS in order to be FREE - of CONSTITUTED “FREEDOM”!

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