
September 2018
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Filed under: POLITICS
Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 2:40 pm

President Donald J. Trump as now clearly articulated as among the few Presidents whom can be tallied of doing so much in as little time:

Our “mostest” President endures as endears as an administrator not just of a rose garden but as one of stand up for a ready bi-partisan vibe of a not to rush essence with “stop and smell the roses.”

As a career operator of destinations this President is well heeled in the art of being fully compliant.

Before General Assembly of The United Nations recent past lesser administrators have more uniquely confused more than assembled.

To fathom - twain a depth of understanding - let us mark various past occasions and set up particulars unique to each and forward establish an intellectual ranking.

We must be troubled concurrently as masses discover a reality of that more than just our united states of the Americas - but united nations too - even to a majority can now be conscious of having been saved from a President Mrs. Clinton.

These times that try men’s and women’s souls are beggard with Brett Kavanaugh nomination to The Supreme Court to know just how he born William Blythe III did earn a social reputation and moniker as “Slick Willy”.

A general primary probative question for the American Bar Association remains now long still re: COLLUSION of evidently it seems apparent that Bill Clinton with the The Clinton Foundation did operate contrary to our constitutional protections as akin to of INSTITUTIONALIZED COLLUSION.

President George W. Bush was beset and set asunder from the beginning to prevented from being as great as Trump claims; Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the antagonist of the stories to Bush kept from being a then great Republican like Trump.

Despite President Trump’s boasting we can pare and parse historicals to a correction for street cred and future proffering with a posit a hypothesis of his “mostest” is of success blooming not from a greatness philosophical or intellectual as perchance his “mostest” is yet from having undone more of inhibiting wrongs worked by his predecessor executives; perchance Trump “mostest” is yet more catholic of sticking to his guns and Bible guidance on economics of Paul’s with near to “to have a growth economy people must be able to sing together.”

Hillary Clinton’s run for President in 2016 was firstly of her most recent job as #2 - “First Mate” like? - of CGI - the The Clinton Foundation.

Mrs. Clinton therefore ran for high office with practiced institutionalized collusion and while founding of foundation was only okay’d as caveated as to not operate as political or partisan - to not be a vessel of for Hillary as political emoluments cloaked as charity.

As Speaker Nancy Pelosi may rate poorly in comparison to as an American of a “mostest” for how she obstructed President Bush of nature of blocking any and all initiatives if of any slight upon Bill Clinton and particularly his cuts of $2 Trillion to have their damaging and unnecessary surplus short term political partisan popularity with an imprudent $1 Trillion surplus.

President Trump’s “mostest” boasts may only have standing in the negative of his his is not from worked genius but generally primarily by deconstructing the mistakes of at least Clinton Democrats he once was one himself.

“Modern Republicans” are those now a decade plus at undoing the Clintons’ machine strategy of so much of Clinton 2nd term was spent corrupting old establishment Republicans to buffer a safe space for Hillary by compromising the opposition to they the a them that was fixed to couldn’t incriminate the Clintons without markedly twaining a self-incrimination upon themselves - and their ranks of the also corrupted.

President Trump as our liberator  may earn his “mostest” but for he joined to the Republican Movement long already committed on this path to recovery from outta the fogs and with intellectual engagement to acceptance - not denial - of so much wrong of Clinton Democrats and Obama Democrats of resolved to need stick to their guns and Bible economics worked purging - especially of Democrats’ worked suppression.

It is more deplorable than satire should/can parse how President Barack H. Obama standing at the The United Nations is so sub par to President Donald J. Trump, Sr..

If President Trump were to now have nominated Barack H. Obama to the The Supreme Court the Democrats feeding frenzy* likely would tag him of matricide; though there is “Bailey Wick(s)?” to illuminate as President Barack H. Obama essentially “played his fiddle as Rome burned” there is likewise the hunger for scandal in Democrats would find witnesses to “Barry’s” Harvard Law School days to assert and attest a conscious apriori to his mother’s death present and measurably ignored with each pen stroke for “Dreams From My Father” as of premeditated breaking of his mother’s heart.

It is cold how Democrats are now schooling and righteous of a bigger fish Trump to boasts, however, of vast yuge amounts of change effected and to suffice to rival and surpass but a few of his predecessors.

It seems safe to articulate/posit that Hillary R. Clinton must not, in comparison, like roses as too long just lubrication for William J. Clinton philandering. Mightn’t the The Rose Garden been set asunder with a President Hillary perchance more for lilacs

By how Nancy Pelosi as Speaker inhibited George Bush from then doing the necessary disassembling and purging of Clintons’ machinations we have united nations to feel lucky and grateful of saved from a new administration of the Clintons.

To credit the “The Candy Man” requires a real accounting and intellectual engaged ranking now of at least Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

No journalist worth his/her wrapper now can engage the public professionally without engagement towards a fully developed non partisan ranking.

Oh Yes, again, the very opening of the The Clinton Foundation - Clinton Global Initiatives - whence was considered maybe of their “post-Constitution” gambit a loosening of our Constitution too great; Oh Yes, again, it is an is an old is that Bill Clinton - born William Blythe III - did have to promise he wouldn’t operate with his “initiatives” as political or partisan.

Quite simply Trump is succeeding where Bush and Obama failed by dismantling the Clintons power machine of the Clintons’ working it with unchecked emoluments as a coy ploy yet simply institutionalized collusion; Trump has defeated - critical to his boast - how each President before him lost by allowing United Nations Week in New York to be simultaneously operated of high handed like mandatory meeting time to voluntarily attend the annual Clinton Global Initiatives meetings and to then be sure to have prostrated enough to staying on or for getting on the Clintons’ good side.

There are a lot of histories to be learned from towards seeing President Trump’s boast in perspective of his ‘few done more’ yet of his success as inherited of the long worked of the Republican Movement of modern Republicans at the toils towards liberating the people and economics at least from the intentional schemes to suppression worked with transference protection of keyed of “blame and go” partisan fabrications with stories contrary postured to assert wrongly yet a sold “truth” of “it is all just Republicans fault.”

The “The Candy Man” is a too long fully compliant operator and manager of destinations to now escape a righteous accepting of a core of his boast of “mostest” due history should work to an understanding that Republicans are showing - maybe - that every bit of Trump’s steeled managerial experience has been needed to achieve the arts of succeeding - especially however from knowing what to deconstruct.

And, forward now this “mostest” President beaten but by a few must also develop a legacy as a “An Education President”.

“Truth Bombs” will be mined forward to seen first women like Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Mrs. Clinton had to have many of their mistakes undone for “The Candy Man” to have his enduring and endearing successes to strut.

The American Bar Association may be saved from the inconvenient of if Barack H. Obama, former President, were now President former Clinton Democrat Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

The American Bar Association though now is joined to the pickle that is Bill Clinton did operate foundation both in political and partisan fashion and to such extent that when Mrs. Clinton ran with “Hillary 2016″ she firstly ran of institutionalized collusion cloaked as charity and as a like #2 - First Mate - to a term limited President nd of her highest paying job likewise as ran on as voluntarily subordinate.

President Obama was joined to but far less intimate to such Clintons’ politics for natural state with power to the lawyers like in time of Pharises?

President Obama had his 2008 win arguably as stolen from Senator John McCain; Barack H. Obama - of “Bailey Wick(s)?” - more fiddled as economies burned after 2008 election was meddled with by domestic dot edu endowment shorts of shorting done to a suffice for “IT’S THE ECONOMY - STUPID” to play against Senator John McCain and generally primarily all Republicans; how elite dot edu endowments were shorted did steal an election for Senator Obama and maybe with motive a fear of a one proud as near last in his academy class the rising. After elected President fiddled in lieu of then responsibly acting with a mea culpa to stop how shorts started a slide in lies then not stopping further burning of economies.

“The Candy Man” has standing of that it seems to be taking one trying to be a modern Republican as by trying to be a reformed Clinton Democrat to be what it takes to deconstruct just the Clintons’ mistakes.

President Trump universal education parameters now should be of an ordained and established awakening to how Speaker Nancy Pelosi did work to keep President George W. Bush from any economic success by that as long as she held purse strings as a Clinton loyalist President Bush was arrested from explaining or effecting of that for recovery to be real we all have to learn the Clintonomics and Clintons’ cuts of $2 Trillion for unneeded $1 Trillion surplus were wrong and needed trashing.

Cackles and laughs joined now join to for excellence in journalism engagements for professionalism of accepting a need to fathom and rank, for starters, at least Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

We must not consider a Beer Summit a suffice for there have been bipartisan days of old when the beers became more liable than the parents or guardians.

These times of “The Art Of The Deal” author sticking to his guns and at least catholic economics of the Bible are trying many souls less.

Journalists and historians can work out later, and too Russian Intelligence, how if Donald J. Trump, Sr. Presidential success was more inherited while lay liberated may rush a pride filled of opinions akin Reagan’s Revolution of that New York Presbyterian Queens’ Protestant Donald J. Trump, Sr. “candy” is proofing more of a Catholic Wave than a Protestant movement.

Election 2018 midterms can now be catholic (small “c” as worldly) too for universal education but this too busts Democrats before “The Candy Man” to the United Nations General Assembly as Liberal wants was for elitism in institutionalized education core motivation and a set modal as against LIBERATOR President Trump faith in the people of our republic - faith in our lays as generally good.

In time of Paul there too questionable rule by lawyers and Pharisees.

     *     *     *     TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE?     *     *     *

* NOTE:  As per serious allegations against a Supreme Court nominee we have a need for respect for statutes of limitations lest we impart an idea that lower courts can live with a lower standard.  Such claims in no way should surface in our system first only if a nominee to the The Supreme Court.

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