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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:46 am

Original to http://2012us.jphogan.org  01/31/12

     BOB & I RAN

To be standing today with a political future you likely had to know how to bob and weave through the nineties.

My term for myself during such trying decade is often as “cross partisan” - it may be best that I avoid saying I was “bi-partisan” or “partisan” as such could be as confusing as it was when I heard Senator Biden in New Haven of the nineties say that Federalism was “devolving.”

President Biden may actually have said “Federalism was evolving” while participating in symposium on the evolution or devolution of Federalism - it is still hard figuring - hard figuring a combination of “evolution” or “devolution” with “Federalism” especially as legal talk.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has years post her new “travel office” duties quite secretarial to judge herself and near as poorly and honestly as many of us will - especially for effrontery to Federalism.

It may all come down - come down soon to that they didn’t collaborate - not really as rivals and really not as politicians to a bi-partisan or “cross partisan.”

I still will have the Clintons four years from 1993 to 1996 to hold in a most critical contempt and with criticism - I have said we all would be better off today if the Clintons had not been re-elected.  There first steps of just first new year and first year set us up and to such “devolution” or “evolution” - dependent on your perspective of our Federalism.

President Biden may actually have said this is all mostly the fault of the Clintons - he didn’t have to weave such a partisan “evolution” defense while of his “devolution” perspective.  He, again, is of and from our First State.  I am of and from our Constitution State.  The first year of the Clinton administration is enough for most if looking for political moves to be critical of as of an early and root causation for these times.

Not even half of her remaining friends in Hollywood were able to help her with her “I ducked and ran for cover” her early and wrongness about her of an “I … ran”

Nominee Mitt Romney seems to have the footwork still to not just spar with Majority Leader Senator Reid but to bob and weave and knock him out.  I forget if it was in the Clintons first year or the year before where I was party to the think for positive change I was walking and talking so that IBM was asked to participate while of a partial usage and towards helping remodel Time Square and Las Vegas.

There is a lot Hillary Clinton hasn’t done - this alone can keep many busy for years for in a negative it is positively a negative - there is much to do about her “nothing” moments.  There are as well many collaborations between spouses of Clinton “two-fer” that too limited “collaboration” to selfish politics and running, as now fodder for them of a fading - a political public polite perishing — polite = kept civil exiting.

Speaking with some self awareness - I realize as per me as of a “Constitutional” I as per lacking erudity am one now maybe of having from decades of trying “cross partisan” participation may be as per memory as one whom has forgotten more than he might ever remember he forgot - quite possibly - Please don’t ask me to explain the Constitution - it is easier to make an example, practical of the Clintons.

President Biden and Scottish existentialist Newt Gingrich could start a morning call in show soon.

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton has decades to defend her ravaging now a couple decades so.

Not necessarily in defense of Nominee Mitt Romney - we have that he has bobbed and weaved better than Hillary has actually run.  To be standing today a midst these issues as a politician that survived the most trying and difficult nineties a Massachusetts “Governor” may most have needed how to bob.  It is kinda unfair to Evangelist Barack H. Obama that he believe it was as easy to be President as some made it look for Sopranos star William Jefferson Clinton and made it seem for him as well.  That isn’t quite our reality though showing still much for our nineties.

Have you ever gotten a laugh out of a Boston cop?  Have you ever had a Massachusetts Municipal chieftain tell you not to laugh?  Did you like his name - as for his cop work - his “Bill” and his “Bratton” and decide to quietly collaborate - even proactively for positive change?  You can consider that IBM committing to help remodel Time Square did coincide with William Brattons careful and politically difficult New York City collaborations of old - It may be best that the two are never separated, scholastically speaking to future erudities.

Some where there are records that President Biden could easily find - I did hear him and meet him near 1996 or 97 while still staying of a consideration for the well namedness of Chief Bratton - it was in New Haven then at the Joseph Slifka Center at Yale for a symposium open to public hosted by his son’s class then of Yale Law School.  I was still an enrolled student at Suffolk Law School when Chief Bratton newly to Massachusetts’ most dilapidated state wide police force suggested I not laugh at his new very old fleet.

Former Chief William Bratton’s old mentor Dean Esserman became a New Haven neighbor before he became a beat cop - a trained and passable cadet to be both an esquire deputy and a trained regular.  I here he is now back in New Haven - that Dean Esserman may already now be New Haven’s newest sworn Chief.

Oh, did she run!  Oh, boy did she run!  Oh my - she really should not have been of “I ran” even as just of her run.

By even just the end of the first year of the Clintons’ Presidency they were working to a collaboration to make others collaborations for positive change and a more global and level “Federalism” really an “Anti-Federalism” work for fewer - and more selfishly and politically for them and their (autocrat) dreamin’.

I still have no clue or conclusiveness on the intent of “Federalism is devolving” for alone it sounds too good to be true though otherwise maybe orated.  Does “Federalism is devolving” in an evolutionary sense mean it as an intellectual accomplishment and governance body politic returning to its fine roots?  Anyone?  I mean like our Bill of Rights as “TEN” is a harkening to the TEN COMMANDMENTS and furtherance upon and afterwards from the Articles preamble with it of an “ordaining” usage then concluded with “subscribing” … “in the Year of our Lord…” — it seems that we have our first “TEN” as if meant to be a parlay of commandments as RIGHTS and Power of the People to ways just to protect self and property from all violating TEN COMMANDMENTS.

I don’t know what to say now about President Biden — Nominee Mitt Romney may have been less of “flip-flopping” than a near impossible bob and weave existence throughout our terrible and trying nineties, and as if a survivor and better boxing champion than Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid.

{If you are to or were to asking Retired Chief William Bratton about me - he may tell you of emails I sent him while he was chieftain in Los Angeles and how he laughed, it seemed when the Bostonian he is realized reading me that I had been “taking on the Kennedys” and maybe even in keeping with my long spirit of collaboration to all the positive change I attempted to encourage as if of an “invisible hand” that as well stirs a memory near college graduation about the time the FBI named its new training town “Hogan’s Alley” if I might be looking to join their esprit de corps.  I am not nor have I ever been a government employee - I was of such opinion and expression purposeful to an otherwise yet as good to work also to better if and when possible thence.  Hmmm!  That ran on a little — If you speak to Retired Chief William Bratton he likely remembers as well that I emailed consideration that with election of Democrat to White House he should protect his life’s work and legacy and look to retire from public duty and maybe shift to private enterprise.  I was of opinion now quite proven correct that Democrats were going to do great damage to the economy - I did not think it would be fair that any increase in crime from such would then be able to be scapegoated on to likes of Chief Bratton - as if it were a policing not a national political problem.}

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