
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:37 pm

The Greeks may want to all get on board with this.

We have a psychopathy of at least one individual to render separated and parsed thoroughly towards an understanding of this.

The Greeks may not be alone in wanting to look at one American meddler and his psychopathy for real culpability in an extra-treasonous way.

How now to be real and down and dirty truthful about such that for some is treasonous and for others more as if overseas foreign transgressions enough that a foreigner might be due more blame than a countryman?

Well the new season of TV shows is near about started for Americans, at least.  And, we have to be sensitive and forgiving with allowances that though a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY is still our President’s strongest message.  And while to some it ad buys may seem allowed strictly to others it might seem treasonous if they sell or push anything other than austerity.

Here we are of a day long overdue for considerations to parse “disloyalty” from “treason” and “citizen” from “subject.”

If there is one foreigner - foreign meddler - that the people of Greece might be able to blame their economic problems with more than any other isn’t that person William Jefferson Clinton?   And, I mean to a level related to the severity of effects economic wrought so such that a general desire may exist and be due of feelings that one if so should have to ‘face the music’ like - have to face some type of prosecution.  And, yes this would hardly be of a “loyalty” or “treason” to them.

What is a popularity for a “post-Constitutional” era pushed in lieu of proper procedures with amending process but dare say a push for a popularity for “treason.”  Justice John Roberts could have had a field day with the subject - he quite nearly did decide it seems that the reported “Pelosi Congress” had willfully acted to violate and betray our system of government with ACA.

As we now consider there may be some new shows worth watching we should be wise to how little they should be being allowed to sell - what with NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and a new nationalism in conservationism the strongest Government messaging.

Well “Bill” is back and yet he shouldn’t be.

Well “Hillary” is still clinging around though now of fresh wounds fatal for some giving rise again to “gross negligence” of a Clinton.

“Bill” is back with his old sticht still hardly comical of rallying all as much as he can to a convenient “post-Constiutionalism”!

Hmmm?  Where did you just hear that phrase “post-Constitutionalism”?  Hmmm?  Were you asked to compare and contrast how “post-Constiutionalism” is or can be other than “treason”?

Should we only expect a dangerous and broad reaching treacherous economic times if a GREAT BETRAYER is about pushing BETRAYAL as a new better norm?

Could William Jefferson Clinton actually be primarily a foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the Greek economy?

So maybe WJC is just a serial person of a psychopathy to disloyalty.  But, really his “economics” and BHO’s “economics” do not and cannot mix.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be realizing this all himself now, finally.   He now cannot likely escape it nor how long he asked and dictated that none should be looking back and trying to “re-litigate the past” a past not hardly even litigated yet.

It is hard to say where such a word of such a heavy sentence fits in our times other than that is cannot abide any now as if it depends if treason is treason.  How little adherence to rules and procedures would offer a “disloyalty to our Constitution” in lieu of heavy sentences with “betrayal of our system of government and our Constitution”?

Well we have that treason must sell for it seems that WJC is still able to be popular with public performances now as a charlatan from Charlotte with his old jive to popularity of a “post-Constitutional” era.   I mean it is that WJC is selling treason as if it isn’t treason that makes him still so adorable in an ignorant way - right?

So what about at least the Greeks?   Would they or do they have a hankering for all this with their own concerns now so real that may actually have the reckless popularity and politics of Clintons’ “post-Constitutionalism” to blame for our economy now so quite undermined?   Where can “long arms of the law” actually reach these days - like REALLY?

If a politician say like WJC were to campaign as if too a “Post-Constitutional” era but then when elected let one or two years pass without moving to make any of such affecting legal and within proper procedures where would the line between “disloyal” and “betrayal” be?   We can be of campaigns to amend and change to a new Constitution - right!  But if a “Post-Constitutionalism” is attempted only in convenient extra-Constitutional ways when is such so much a disloyalty to our systems and Constitution to be a treacherous and treasonous betrayal - and willfully?

We are a young country - so young a country that we cannot have already buried the crime of “treason” from our systems - right?   I suggest we could ask the Greeks if “treason” as a crime is out dated or at least if the sentence of “death” is antiquated.

This psychopathy though is of WJC popular for selling “treason” as if not “treason” and now we have nearly twenty years of proof that rules and procedures and that of our due processes were meant all along to have been mostly ignored as he chased popularity over merit based standard government accolades more humble and of harder work, usually.

But really Justice John Roberts came very near to ruling as per ACA - Obamacare that the whole lot of Democrats signees upon such attempt at a new “Right” were willfully acting treasonously as per the content and the method of theirs all in its movement publicly contrary to expressed and measured representative will.  I mean can we really not say this is so?

This is America - to avoid a betrayal of our system of government a wanted new “Right” must have an amending process pursued.  To move to effect a new “Right” by trickery, covert and overt, as if a law equal to an Amendment is not a legal way ours.  To move as so many did as a partisan lot is highly questionable as if actually more serious than a convenient disloyalty and too near a betrayal that a President’s (mature) veto pen could still absolve them of guilt about.

I mean how can you consider it treachery to “treasonous” if a President can just issue waivers like with a pardon for the whole lot? 

So how is it that William Jefferson Clinton might be said to be the foreigner most responsible for the collapse of the global economy and that of Greece specifically?  I mean besides the psychopathy on parade again as if the rules are not suppose to apply to him? 

And:  Now:   A:  That he shouldn’t have had any of a Clintons’ Economics so as it was to chasing popularity by burning the ECONOMIC CANDLE from both ends at once.

Is “treason” not prosecuted today just because it is too heavy with an expectation of punishment by death - so writ?

But where does the “disloyalty” of WJC stop?   Where hasn’t it already and for too long been actually effected near “betrayal” willful and purposeful, selfishly?

And:  Well,  WHAT DID SHE KNOW - WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?   It might figure if truly diabolical as it may seem that WJC might have acted alone and so that HRC could effectively have plausible deniability but dangerously so for if any were to exist it would truly undermine her ability to function intelligently in any high office without being of too much ignorance.

I mean if TREASON SELLS - how can all media and entertainment not now be blushing with potential about “treason”?


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