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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:56 pm

We should accept that President Obama would have liked to have used his middle name and maybe for a HUSSEIN COMPACT.

To be brief this could have been just another Obamaism if he actually used “compact” while himself too often prone to too much droning.  The issues of the Monroe Presidency do relate, and, so that it may be best to think instead of a new Monroe Doctrine.

Is President Obama in a tight race and desperate with attempts to be seen of using FEMA to recolonize some of the original American colonial plats?  Is the author Obama, who has long tagged himself as of concerns for a neo-colonialism, and a penchant too great to centralize too much, now over-reaching at home as if citizens are actually subjects?

A HUSSEIN COMPACT is beyond a comprehension for the current President - President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t compacted or cleared up any of the great issues of our day much past a seventh grade level opaque use of a global “we” and a confused centralized “our” with a spillage so over most breastworks and waters’ edges with inappropriated and deeds uncertain usages of “they” as a similar “they” and then not if a different “they” can be redistributed as a confirming posit tangential to his starting premises.

Ok, I am a blogger and thought I might find an earlier column to re-post for you all for Election Day 2012 — Ok, I realized I have likely over 1,500 past blogged compositions to have chosen from and that it should now be easier and better to try to produce an entirely fresh new work.

There seems to be no uniting thread or worked through “compact” of a workable set of interactive principles of this administration now facing a JUDGEMENT DAY this Election Day 2012.

There seems to be a vacuum here among all this a JUDGEMENT DAY of the Obama Presidency as we know it.  And, there seems to be much we don’t actually know about it or him that we have long thought we should be, and already.

We seem for 2012 to be of a President without FIRST CONTACT principles so a HUSSEIN COMPACT must default more to our timely MONROE DOCTRINE.  He did expand the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR deeper into Afghanistan and as well Pakistan but as like an accident of unplanned mission creep.  His war of choice that is our long Vietnam like Afghanistan War was not a war Bush was in “on a credit card” - the current long battling in Afghanistan is of Obama’s making as a war of choice against the Taliban.

It is still clear enough that 9/11 to the Administration of President Bush was an inconvenience to his prudent purposefulness to see that Saddam Hussein put up or shut up as regards all the United Nations sanctions and his past.  It is still clear that from day one the Democrats seems mostly to want to use 9/11 as an excuse to go to war against the Taliban and so as if an imperialistic war on literacy and women’s rights. 

I still do not understand the Democrats of the Hillary Clinton set for having a heart some for a war against the Taliban as a war on literacy and women’s rights while so about such as if all of Iraqi women should be left to suffer further after a similar abandonment by America.

A CRISIS like Sandy has unearthed much and torn asunder and decimated much.  But still this is the very type of CRISIS that this administration has cherished as a political opportunity not to be wasted on their march to secure a socialistic power to a Democrat Party elite few.  I don’t know how President Clinton hasn’t been pushed out by now - almost seems he must have some card files of dirt on his rivals and even his chief rival President Barack Hussein Obama.

Now President Bush is another issue.  He actually had a globally based standard operating procedure that was of his FREEDOM AGENDA and progressive in how compassionate it was while considerable to spreading equal rights more equally.

Now President Bush is particularly of interest about this with a JUDGEMENT DAY about for the Administration of President Obama.  He actually had a harder time making a case for helping those abandoned in Iraq by the Clintons for all of their eight years, and especially all the oppressed Iraqi women because of 9/11/2001.

The Clintons are now more easily drawn out about all this and with it like a:  WE JUST FOUND THE MISSING YEARS 1993-2001! 

Though Newt Gingrich seemed to want to take some to the dark side of the moon in 2012 we know that John F. Kennedy was secretly taping long before Richard M. Nixon.

And well again:  Don’t ask Vice President Joe Biden if Afghanistan is a new Vietnam — He might answer:  Afghanistan is a trillion dollars the Democrats wanted to spend to have a new Vietnam.

And so we have that President Bush had essentially a FREEDOM AGENDA that was standardized and progressive in how compassionate it was, and, that so he nearly had a BUSH DOCTRINE to rival President Monroe’s MONROE DOCTRINE.

And still it seems that neither President Obama nor his Secretary of State have a working first contact plan.  And yet we are just supposed to believe and hope that one of them can have enough personality to make something up that may or may not work - whenever.  I think this may be some of Clint Eastwood’s problem also with Presidents as also lawyers.

And with a JUDGEMENT DAY here for our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT and so with the alternative other AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CANDIDATE now his Secretary of State it seems time to grade his editorial recently published with one by Governor Willard Mitt Romney in the Wall Street Journal.  I have to conclude that it lacked any sense of a limiting principle, a waters’ edge or any of our many jurisdictions and so that it didn’t even rate as considerable as a work of a first year law student.  That said it seemed for all the different “we” and “ours” and “yours” or “theys” to be so confused a composition that it could have been the work of a virgin seventh grader unknowing about politics and global affairs.

And election of the America’s Comeback Team now could start a post Obama economic recovery really within a day or two.  But as per Monroes and the Republicans we have that he can rock out a post “Deep Throat” new way with it socialized properly that it has not been that Nixon was guilty but really that the Democrats are at least as guilty.

Willard Mitt Romney may be no Bush - Can he be a Monroe - Need he be?  Need Mitt try?

It seems Clinton’s Blue Dress is the new “Deep Throat” and that the Dems now live as the party that embraced irregularities more.  I have written already with OBAMA’S BLUE DRESS that he didn’t inherit it but that he chose to embrace it.

Tomorrow is a JUDGEMENT DAY for our first AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT — was it too much affirmative action that left him in over his head - if that is how it falls?  Was he innately prepared, actually, but too inclined to be a new like Marie Antoinette?

One after tomorrow will be more on their knees as the loser.  In 2012 only one is likely to be a defeated loser while the other may suffer a loss but not be defeated or moved from their shared goals.

Is home where the heart is?  Or is it as you have been nearly evangelized socialistically these past four years where ever your President can reach you all e like - and in your face NEW NATIONALISTIC like?

Saddam Hussein did reportedly pervert the founding ideology of the original Ba’athist conceptions to be to a ideal United Arab Socialistic State and to grab and hold power for himself and his purposes and with a homage to socialist ideals of the birth of Ba’athism if such was the readiest weapon in his political arsenal.

I don’t know how President Barack Hussein Obama could have embraced either of the Clintons after they were of 8 years of abandonment of Iraqi Shia majority, at least, and many of the lands of Afghanistan.  I do get he has been too clever by half at times with socialistic global “we” or “they” or “our” propaganda.

And with this JUDGEMENT DAY now for him I ask you to help me transition however you all have decided to be more towards a time to reflect and compose about the 90s as THE TERRIBLE 90s and while so about such to be redoubling concerns and efforts to see our Forth Estate is renewed and rebuilt. 

Though I may have suggested much of the strategy to a real challenge to President Obama these many years - I am less of having a horse in this race but my fight to have actual history be taught and preached. 

I get that such is a judgement against President Obama - I though am waiting to discern how you all have spoken and to wondering then to a what next.

And yes I think it is about:  $16,000,000,000,000.00 ++++++ & for the unborn a WELCOME with and UOUS near already a $40,000 per new born as a personal debt theirs.

It seems even if there had been a HUSSEIN COMPACT there still hasn’t been found a way to pay for its costs.

Well maybe I do think it would be insane if President Barack Hussein Obama were to be re-elected.  But that is more for you all to decide and me to consider after the fact as objectively as I might to the highest standards our Forth Estate may yet hold - hold forward.

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