
December 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:33 am

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Leader Nancy Pelosi?  Have you come up with an explanation for so much that roots in your time as Speaker?  Can this be mostly that of the global influence of a stale Clinton - at least one Clinton too long in power?  Mustn’t it be more all just your fault?

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?  Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

Speaker Nancy Pelosi it part of a triumverate of circa 2007 effectors whom can be considered a dark “charmed” troika to an economic slide for all.  For Leader Pelosi her necessary role was to keep President George W. Bush from being able to do the spending he would need to if to being able to fix the economy in time.

Two others, at least, had to play equally diabolical roles yet more to subjectifying our economics and at least the price of vehicle fuels.  We can get to them later - they can run, but can they hide now?

We are here now with a threat for a new recession or depression quite possible.  I don’t know if technically such would be now a quadruple dip if since the day of Senator Clinton and her announcement of HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT - or just a triple or double dipping.

2012 was a big WIN for Republicans - it isn’t hard to figure it so, already.  President Barack Hussein Obama may not yet provide us copies of his ideological college or law papers but to go forward PC he should avoid being PG (Politically gouche) and work us all away from insensitive discussions of a “POVERTY LEVEL” as he creeps forward with his dream NEW DEAL AUSTERITY and to a new patriotic Obama “GREEN MINIMALISM”!

Yes, while Speaker, Nancy Pelosi did carry on as a devotee to the Clintons and a dark celebrant of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES and to such an extent that she governed to keep President George W. Bush from being able to reverse enough of the spending cuts of two trillion in eight years in time to fix our economy in time.  Yes, Speaker Pelosi was part of a triumverate as a purposeful dark “charmed” troika of sorts hell bent to keep a down economy so that Dems could win again on:  IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPIDS!!!.

This is like a period made more for a political enlightenment than expected new renaissance.  Republican have at least their 41 votes in the Senate to hold back any new reconciliation moves however already impossible with their holding of our House so this 2012.  Democrats now to move forward must establish a base line more PC than “POVERTY LEVEL” as their mandate seems to be of from a youth movement willing to have less if it will save our planet.  Democrats now to move forward must first be from the desk of newly elected President Obama be to establishing a baseline for their GREEN MINIMALISM PC.

Let me be clear:  There is no way this black FDR wanna be didn’t want an excuse to bring in anew the white FDR’s social programs and socialistic powers.  He even is obvious for the name of the Chicago area he chose to live in.

The con is up!!!  Let me be clear:  President Obama is now re-elected with a mandate to save the planet with any or all austerity he thinks needed.  He now logically needs his first step to be to a most public dictate as to a minimalism for all, a GREEN MINIMALISM at least for those that stood up for such to be his mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The attempt at a RUSSIAN “RESET” may have been doomed from the start for there were already three as a dark “charmed” troika in America.  Clinton and Powers may have had no real chance to bring Russia in as a forth.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

For the Honorable President George W. Bush to have fixed the economy while President he would have had to have very publicly reversed much or most of the unnecessary extra trillion in spending cuts by the Clintons for their SURPLUSES.

We are now of a day(s) with President Obama with an election mandate near solely for a new GREEN MINIMALISM as if a black FDR to a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY.  We have that the like “GREEN REVOLUTION” he just rode to re-election is of a mandate loudly that his people are ready to have less if it will save the planet.

We are now, so it should be, of just a brief waiting upon newly elected President Obama for his dictates on minimalism levels so spoken and voted in as a mandate.

And who was it that quipped: “LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!”?

The planet must still be in serious, even most serious, peril since the Obama campaign didn’t back down or away from any earlier claims of dangers of an “end of the world…” coming.  It now must not be PC to speak of “POVERTY LEVEL” as a NEW DEAL shared sacrifice era has been run on and voted in enough so for us now to learn to become of a new speak of GREEN MINIMALISM PATRIOTISM.

And the other two of the dark “charmed” troika or triumverate about Speaker Pelosi 2008 economic hobblings are simply then just Senator Hillary Clinton and new “Mr. Science” and “ALARMIST” Al Gore.

We are not talking “conspiracy theories” here - awaken to GRAND STRATEGIES possibilities, please.  Become enlightened as much as you might now, please.


But how?

It is quite simple when you have opened your mind to how bad the Clintons’ SURPLUSES were together with what else they passed off as good economics, and, it is quite simple when you understand that Speaker Pelosi did keep President Bush from being able to do the spending necessary to fix the very fundamentally troubled economy in time for 2008 elections.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?


Can President Barack Hussein Obama now govern with his con up?  Can he carry just his believers forward to his new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as many find out it is now only necessary because the Democrats worked it to be necessary?  Will they accept a timely austerity and it’s necessary new PC of patriotism to a GREEN MINIMALISM?

Can President Barack Hussein Obama even convince his own to suffer and figure ways to get by on less - if only to save the planet?  Can he govern with his con up and it obvious that it was Dems fault and from a trying and it no longer a “inheritance” inconveniently left just magically for a black FDR wanna be by a Republican predecessor?

Sure much good can come from a new austerity now regardless of how wrought actually by hands of leading Democrats.  It may be inconvenient that they now have to move forward not as convenient “inheritors” of a perfect set of crisi, but, still we are reportedly able to save a trillion dollars in new healthcare costs if we can just get our nation’s average for personal body weights back down to or below the pre-Clintons’ presidency levels.


But how?

Simply it was all about oil or “carbon fuels” for the Democrats.  (Yes not as thought so as simply all Republicans were only about.)

What Paul Krugman has seemingly refused to tell you is that HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT dictates and the alarmism of GLOBAL WARMING by Al Gore did cause a serious spike in gas prices. 

What figures out forward is that the housing crisis though fundamentally set up flawed by the Administration of the Clintons was triggered to collapse by the spike in gas prices.  First came the higher gas prices and then came the collapse of the Clintons’ worked hyper-consumerism that kept the economy bloated.  First came the higher gas prices and then that so many on fixed incomes that had bought into Clintonomics and their hyper-consumerism were then no longer able to pay for the gas to get to work and their mortgages.

Second came that once the housing bubble economics of the Administration of the Clintons and the pimped out hyper-consumerism met the spike in gas prices caused by the dictates and subjective partisan political rhetoric of GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM people first couldn’t pay for gas and their mortgages on their fixed incomes and then couldn’t afford the continued hyper-consumerism needed to keep the bloated economy bloated.

Third came that with the dictates of Candidate Hillary Clinton toward seizing all oil company profits, coupled with Al Gore’s ALARMISM and the partisan politics of Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a devotee to the spending levels of the the Clintons’ SURPLUSES even more then were stuck - WERE STUCK!!!

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!

President Clinton did ask bankers to delve into derivatives for the purpose of allowing him to run his risky loan housing bubble economics as an unfunded federal social program.  President Bush could only have fixed the economy and saved us from a recession or new GREAT DEPRESSION if he could have publicly have explained how bad the spending cuts of that extra trillion cut for the Clintons to have a thought impossible political popularity were.

We do now seem to need a new AUSTERITY if only because that is the mandate President Obama just secured with his re-election.  It may now be too late for us not to have a NEW DEAL AUSTERITY. 

It may be very difficult now though for President Barack Hussein Obama as outed as a black FDR wanna be for it seems most will soon realize that Democrats caused this mess and that it wasn’t Republicans or Bush - but as of those corrupted in the nineties by the Clintons while about setting up this mess.

What have the women of President Obama left him with his re-election?   Seems it is a best case scenario for Republicans all across our lands - quite so, if you can figure it.

First the Administration had to set up fundamentally flawed economics and pimp them out and then only three of a dark “charmed” troika or triumverate were needed to spike the price of gasoline while as well being devotees to that unnecessary extra trillion cut for the Clintons’ SURPLUSES.  After that 2008 was a lock since so many were trapped in the Dems’ hyper-consumerism with fixed incomes unable to afford new higher gas prices.

How is it with an America with so many women in power we did get so near a new GREAT DEPRESSION?

Are we here now because too many became loyal to Bill Clinton and stayed such for too long?

We have that the Dem con is up!!!  We have the Black FDR exposed!!!  We have us now just a time coincidentally in need of a new NEW DEAL AUSTERITY as any new FDR of any color would have hoped for!!!


*{new columns now should be looked for via http://citizenrosebud.us or directly at http://jphoganorg.jphogan.org}

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