
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

Barack Hussein Obama has been an “Our Pot Has Held A Melting” person for his first term.  We are now of a time he inherited more than made but to now the circus of his elementary politics all so gone carney.  These times are ours as the new year two thousand ten and three fast approaches.

Many people of color before him have done more for America and fellow Americans that he has (yet) and with less.  That he is our first black President of record has us now of such as a “fact” for comparing and contrasting more than now celebrating.  Earlier times had yeomen of Republican Party being nearly the most critical of legislators for early passage of civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

As a RING MASTER he has been big on ceremony and big promises of miraculous what evers and as if he had more rings in his circus “tent” than were actually there.  He has built a carney atmosphere about our once more prudent Republic and its governance from Washington.  He has even spirited hoopla about his rings of influence as if we could read our Second Amendment with import as if our First Amendment didn’t come first.

As Condoleezza Rice, a trailblazer in/of merit based race equality, has often pined, we have that America is now already a country where your zip code is too much predetermining your individual possibilities to advance with hard work and education.  Republicans have a different perspective to solutions while long of sharing a common humanity concerning equality problems.

Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney in far earlier years and more specifically of charges each of and about our Congress did marshall the necessary yeomen legislative muscle to stir our governance of our 60s - to whip their Congressional peers - to the passage of some of our most basic and fundamental civil rights laws.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

We have that President Barack Hussein Obama has created a circus of governance these past four years with it he that took us all to such so “gone carney.”  Donald Rumsfeld nor Richard Cheney are half breed black Americans yet they together did much and for a long time less “carney” and quite effecting to a “bigger” “tent” for Americans and even others around the world.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

President Obama has been of such a circus of governance these past four years that often two things in one of his sentences do not and cannot work together yet orated as if they can.  Condoleezza Rice was a pioneer for THE FREEDOM AGENDA and a trend setter for even Barack Hussein Obama but for a prudence and practicality in foreign affairs.

Little, as the year 2012 wraps up, can or should be said well of Hillary Clinton as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  It doesn’t matter as per Libya if Congress had the purse strings for “security” as this was one of her “babies” of “accomplishment” and “boldness” that should have had Ambassador Chris Stevens and all about his charge SECURED by 9/10 with at least a bed check by herself.  Libya has led to us seeing “Hillary” as willing to sacrifice Ambassador Susan Rice in a playing of politics CYA for her own hams;  “Hillary” was the lead as per ODYSSEY DAWN but how the French needed to provide the leadership she lacked;  Libya consulate security should have been at least in her top 5 checked every day and not at the mercy of “Congressional purse strings.”

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

Much of President Obama’s problem of our governance turned into a circus act by his deciding does rest historically upon the Clintons and thought “GOOD” decisions made by them during the 90s that were actually the “BAD” decision(s).

Our Fiscal Cliff is only here now because we haven’t dealt with how the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were the greatest economic blunder of the past century.  We had no need for surpluses those years and we had already arguably cut too much too quickly when the Republicans found a way to offer a thought impossible balanced budget.  We have been of war costs and social costs especially school and infrastructure items because of that extra trillion cut by the Clintons for convenient political popularity;  we have been of greater costs and economic struggles because we have needed after the surpluses to be at far greater costs to a putting back so much of what they cut, and as necessary spending.

To appreciate the comments of racial trailblazer Condoleezza Rice as per deep problems in America’s education paradigm and how we are at a point where one’s zip code is too determinative it may help to refresh some management  methodologies even if they stir a like “federalism” debate about such.  When you have problems like such is the worst place to attempt a fix a distant centralized see of sorts?  Is this a problem that needs to see an uncentralized “one size does not fit all” approach were distant cells more local and of “community” are stirred in freedoms to compete in lieu of a national assimilation?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

We may be clearly of a showing that the “rings” of the “tent” of President Barack Hussein Obama’s “governance” show that Democrats do not have the management sense or skill needed to even just be as successful as Republicans had years before when of a practical broadening of our BIG TENT. 

Obama’s engagement in Afghanistan has been “war of choice” of Democrat specificities.  Afghanistan mission still troubled for it in a country that has its primary national industry that of supplying near 80% of the world’s opium.  Afghanistan may be a convenient place to play war and with a “war of choice” from a earlier measured enterprise to trespass to find Al Qaeda 50 or so “campers” - but the nation has nearly 75% of its populace as illiterate in any language even a “local tribal dialect”.

As we look to judge President Obama by his Secretary of State we still have it a circus of contrariness where two things just never seem to belong together in a single promise or proffering.

President George W. Bush, with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Richard Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was in Afghanistan not in a “war of choice” but as of a “WAR ON TERROR” and specific deals and permissions to be trespassers on such nation’s sovereignty per a policing search for wanted and known members of Al Qaeda.  President Bush’s administration was trading road and school construction as part of a limited engagement about Afghanistan of a necessary WAR AGAINST TERROR.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

A suggestion by President Obama or even just his mere political appointee Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton that Afghanistan can be won is best balanced and checked with a simple comparison to our Southwest border — I should be logically at least fifty percent easier to solve the problems of our Southwest border and it as well of a drug trade of huge scale than it should be to be able to “win” in Afghanistan while interrupting whole foreign cultures about opiates.

The explanation for Al Qaeda’s attacks of 9/11 that make now still the most simple and logical understanding possible is much of the hypothesis that we were attacked after the Administration of the Clintons because America during the such years had failed to bring sufficient justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.  Our 9/11 Commission Report still rings as flawed with echoes still fresh of its charged American leaders’ personal statements that they had decided to “only look back ten years”!  We have that with such our chosen “detectives” for such purposes as they were charged as a “commission” was of a naivete like that more recently by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton with regards to Benghazi — at the time they “chose” to only look back ten years Al Qaeda was maybe already past its 12th anniversary of its conception/consecration as a group organized to bring needed justice to/upon Saddam Hussein.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he has been more a divider than a uniter himself.

Personally, my public commentary about Afghanistan near as soon as the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama started was early and regularly of:  “BRING OUR TROOPS HOME - BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!!!” postings as of my best advice per such “conflict.”

It is more logical to believe that we could fix our immigration and our Southwest border with the level of commitment and engaged troop levels for Afghanistan than that such could be close to reasonable for whichever limited “goals”/”mission” that could be writ as if then a reachable goal to a “win.”

As per education - much has been made to be such a governance circus with this administration leading the rings to too much all carney.  We have that “federalism” discourse must continue as such is where the answers lie for workable management methodologies for solutions that stay of our keep with freedoms first and protections second so Constituted.

As per the ARAB SPRING - you should be better of lessons that there wouldn’t and couldn’t be an up side if Operation Iraqi Freedom hadn’t affected the then oh so late prosecution of Saddam Hussein.

As per the COLD WAR - Afghanistan, until the eight years of avoidance and inaction that cooked a great “abandonment” attitude as those eight were of the “leadership” of the Administration of the Clintons, was an Afghanistan to the Cold War as Gettysburg was to our Civil War.

As per THE BENGHAZI FOUR - you still should be considering it is late for any “Diplomat” to be speaking of “terrorists” without specifities as to how such was not of STATE ACTING - A RELIGIOUS ACTING - A CRIMINAL ACTING.  We have that we are still of a underwhelming “explanation” by this Administration of Obama that allows a tagging as “demostration” or “terror” while it may make more sense that it is an expansion of the “theater” of conflict in our now LONGEST WAR in Afghanistan so however commenced to a forced marriage between the TALIBAN & AL QAEDA.  We have not begun to hear sufficient explanations for “Hillary’s” serious failures in Libya.

As per THE TALIBAN - their leadership has been on TV with interviews and speaking of how in Afghanistan now of the Obama years and policies, at least, the Taliban & Al Qaeda are now basically one.  It is still possible that BENGHAZI ambush of “Hillary’s” people was of an ACT OF WAR in an ongoing war with the Taliban and as an act thought justly of and to a broader theater of conflict.

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

It was straight up a clear demonstration of “Hillary’s” persistent naivete as per the conflicts of the Middle East post the Saddam invasion of Kuwait when she with near first comments about her failures as per the lost BENGHAZI FOUR, at least, spoke with:  “I do not know how this could have happened in a country we liberated.”

As of the ARAB SPRING, again, there likely would be no upside for the United States of America now if such were happening before we had “prosecuted” Saddam Hussein.  I am still of the opinion that the best time and place for the full enforcement of the United Nations sanctions against Saddam Hussein was during the first term of the Administration of the Clintons.  It is little considered, and dangerously, still, that those were the best years to have proceeded judiciously in keeping with our standards and examples with Germany and Japan after earlier world warring.  We have now an ARAB SPRING contrary to the governance posits and proffering of this administration and even more so to that of the Administration of the Clintons — these days the “SPRING” is some a competition with justly freed Iraqi people and to attempts to better them in their workings at bettering for themselves a better Constitution that that which is America’s.

President Obama inherited a BIG TENT America - he can hardly claim to have built it himself.

And we cannot now avoid the 16 trillion made by the Administration of Obama with the careful hands of those seemingly in line to have been the chosen Clinton experts if “Hillary” had managed to have been actually “inevitably” aligned by political machinations concerning enough without foreign concerns.

And we must consider how simple a truth it is for “budgets” now that it will be irresponsible for the Administration of Obama with whomever left-overs of the Administration of the Clintons to be suggesting job and economic growth promises without first seriously offering a solid fix to immigration.  It is ridiculous that with immigration and illegals so long such a problem and a problem also much ignored by the Administration of the Clintons (while of a trillion not needed to go to surpluse to spend) that Healthcare Reform was put ahead of Jobs Plans and that both were put ahead of Immigration Reform like of “carrots” towards temptations to over-ride any possible planned new workings for Immigration Reform.

And, so we have that President Obama is of a BIG TENT America hardly of his own “building” - and with us to a new year two thousand ten and three with it seeming he has now “accountability” for so so so many proposals and plans that are of the circus of governance now set in our DC.  He built this mess upon good deeds built by others, not nearly as guilty as he - as he is making others out to be while covering up for clearer fault and guilt of both Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

And again, as per Iraq and the Administration of George W. Bush - Today’s ARAB SPRING though under the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama would not have an up side for the United States of America if we hadn’t already worked that very late and very costly due prosecution of Saddam Hussein. 

As the Clintons had been leaving it - if so still as they had been leaving it - today we could hardly globally appear to be much better than Syria’s Assad - Don’t you think?

President Abraham Lincoln lives - He was a uniter not a divider by the end of the Civil War.

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