
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

A longer title could or should be NEW WORLD ORDER TABLETS.  Our world has changed and we have by one party more than another been encouraged to change with them in ways contrary to our long established systems of checks and balances.

Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

A retrospective on President Obama should now at least dig up how his famed “SPEECH TO THE MUSLIM WORLD” CAIRO SPEECH oddly proffered like:  American slaves got out of their bondage peacefully and without violence.

The complexity of this recently re-elected President who wanted to have a “personality” based Presidency has another grand oratory moment of international concern for any world order.   Some how Senator Barack H. Obama spoke to a large crowd in Berlin, Germany and with linguistic oratorical looseness such that he closed out his rendition of history as if his father as a army cook was critical to the success of the Berlin Air Lift and so that he the son now can stand and inherit from his father and all listening a personal empowerment of having saved the World - or just Berlin, himself.

We are of days of wonderful new communication tools that don’t just have to be wired by Government as tools for mass partisan assimilations.  As tablets are of our past carried morality now new tablets are there yet to be used for a better modern morality.

President Obama now has a problema much like that visceral for his predecessor while himself no long re-electable — The Clintons as like “family” - adopted and embraced step children/brethren - by the Bush clan did turn out knives as if back stabbing political opportunists even though Bush was no longer “electable.”   President Obama now himself no longer re-electable has the Clintons as his greatest threat and as an internecine Democrat divided house — as the Clintons were willing to back stab the Bush as “family” as “rivals” of Administration of President Obama what won’t they be willing to try to do, politically just within their own party?

President Obama may have the greatest friend as of the adage “an enemy of my enemy is my friend” with Senator John Kerry if approved to be Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s successor.  He should after Benghazi failures now of problems and unpreparedness within some of her own “pet” issues be called to a cleaning of her houses of State.  A Secretary of State John Kerry is a perfect political ally for President Obama against an expected internecine power struggle (for legacies - over legacies).

Most concerning, despite how dangerously framed, in these complicated times, by the real international and geo-regional politics more real than some of the above oratorical confounding profferings, and as if we are working on a tower of policies on shifting sands and without an adequate foundation, remains, though little pressed, to be how we have been of Mrs. Clintons our “oversight” head for Mr. Clinton while of all his CGI and Library and/or Foundations’ global machinations.

I don’t know that our system with checks and balances and its three equal branches of Government ever failed to consider that a wife is not supposed to be our “policing” agent for a “hen house” of global egg laying of her husband.  I do think that is like having put an known egg thief in charge of securing our eggs.

We can recall how I and others did give the orator of at least the above mentioned past Obama speeches very low grades or failiing grades for one or the other - and how others gave him glowing like A++ s even though he spoke as if orating a denial that our Civil War had actually been at all about slavery. 

We can though still look at how our Executive Department has historically worked with more checks and balances and too more transparency over our history — We can look at how almost all of President Obama’s weak or faulted international moments and especially of his speaking with prepared remarks has his top Diplomat as Secretary of State as a Cabinet level “officer” at least primarily a suspect for each as each fault had her of a job to see it and say something about each before each and even maybe to have been an “expert” with “edits” proffered.

Politically speaking just about the very concerning above problema intertwined in much of what isn’t working now while of “national” or “federal” hands we have that a Secretary of State John Kerry can come in and blame his predecessor for most if not all of his new boss’s past international foibles - and domestic messaging as per them all.

I was disappointed recently when I quickly Googled “modern moralists” and didn’t see any “modern” moralists then in the first page of results.  Again, it may be “leaders” of your party that are using new “tablets” to attempt to work a mass hysteria to an acceptance of methodologies contrary to our system and still writ regulatory ways. 

But about President Obama — has he been an imperialistic neo-colonialist?  Was he trapped by internecine Democrat Party machinations hung-over from the Clintons’ spousal plotting to a having of his “governance” hands greatly tied up by the Clintons?  Is President Obama though of a desire to be of a “personality” based Presidency and despite how a “cabinet of rivals” rivaled such as a contradicting paradigm/conundrum but now of a legacy near exactly as that which we would have had if of an extention of the Administration of the Clintons as attempted?

With former President William Jefferson Clinton, here to fore protected by his spouse, while she the cabinet level officer charged with oversight of organizations like his creatively established CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE, still of his CGI as if a privately operated “State Department” can Senator Kerry start at State as the successor of such charge now without calling rightly for a full and complete audit of all the overseas activities of our former President William Jefferson Clinton?

Even though like President Bush in years past we have that President Obama is no longer also re-electable can that the Clintons are of his own party keep them from behaving just as disloyal or even more of a lack of loyalty?

Though our new tablets are now of us still of a lasting legacy of foundations in earlier tablets we have problems now in part for international “relations” are so borderless that we are of a new world more of “international politics” than as before of and for “global diplomacy” for relationships between peoples.

Again we have had administration by Democrats where they have worked less than possible and/or prudent towards an national awareness raising to better “informed” “citizens” as all of a “towards such” reality.  These Democrats new and or compromised so, as of a before when a “before” wasn’t too early, have been contrary to our basic methodologies secured by our Constitution by policies and practices more towards a shift at home and abroad to as many as possible more to as if just “subjects.”

These are days of us of new world order with tablets old and new — and of people in a world more already of an “international politics” than the “Diplomacy” so far of the Obama administration’s State Department has pressed, itself. 

We have that we are of dangers just from a lack of sharable understanding of the attacks to the loss of THE BENGHAZI FOUR as such is going down rightly, it seems, as an “ACT OF WAR” in a known ongoing war and not as a random act by unknown unaffiliated “terrorists” as spewed in amateur fashions by those we accepted (wrongly) as experts.

The new order possible for President Obama in his second term with Senator John Kerry if confirmed to be our next Secretary of State remains of opportunities for the both of them to blame Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for most of the past “shortcomings” or “failures” - yet to allow President Obama an escape for near un-American “management” methods of his having let Mrs. Clinton be the policing “officer” of his cabinet for all “foreign” activities of her husband has to rest on his shoulders as of his naivete and bad managerial and legal judgement.

We are so of new tablets and a new world order our Democrat Party leaders are trying to subdue but when to mass assimilations to dictatorial obedience as if of more “subjects” than “citizens” below them, and while of an opportunity to govern more as if a media corporation of “pop” artistry in lieu of due process by governance still of and by laws, not man or woman.

It is if, some at least, that President Obama thought he of a “personality” based Presidency wouldn’t have to make consideration for “management” or “cost consciousness” that actually recognized “temptations” as a human problema necessitating a governance by laws not by will or tyranny of a man or woman - or an elite troika.

Again:  Happy New Year 2013 — it may actually be “leaders” long of your own party that have the most guilt about avoiding to bring us all into these new times as teased and informed as they could have or should have.

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