
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:19 am

We have heard a lot about “fair share” these past weeks, and, we gladly haven’t heard too much about coal.

We have hardly heard from Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, and nor have we yet had the fair discussion of how much “coal” this “lady” deserved/deserves.

What is right?  What is wrong?  What was and is “Playing Politics”?  What needs to be done?

We have a leading woman character too written of a presumption of innocence not fitting the amount of baggage she carries around, and, we have that she meddled in similar affairs earlier that are of records stored somewhere.

It is wrong to forget THE BENGHAZI FOUR, and, it is wrong to ignore that “Hillary” used to be FLOTUS Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama may be avoiding jousting at Libya as if just a windmill, and, VP Biden may be loyal and subservient with such hoofing and pedestrian tripping.

It is wrong to let go or ignore that Senator Clinton did reportedly vote for OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, and, that she voted for a war like “operation” without having read the related intelligence reports.

Records of the Administration of the Clintons that are related just for her travels and foreign meddling are much of protections of political privacy wanting of that which remains of their maybe thirty years of “secrecy.”

President Obama and his trusty borrow also mounted sidekick VP Biden are right not to joust at Libya and Benghazi as just “windmills” — they are wrong - so wrong as Secretary of State Clinton - much now more so for having “Played Politics” with “terrorism” while such considerable as actually an “act of war” expecting a serious response.

Simply the foreign policies for the vast and varied regions from Tripoli to the Afghanistan and Pakistan border are considerably different between this administration and its predecessor administration and the co-administration of the Clintons then before such. 

We do not have a common thread that needs us to think this administration has to be treated with kid gloves to avoid incriminating the previous administration of the other party.

Sorry to say our Congress has a hard lot served as their trails to ride and walk about this to an “honorable” and “respectable” or “chivalrous” soldiering.  Hillary Clinton, as failed and failing still Secretary of State, is a can of worms politically speaking. 

We have that these matters do relate as per the injustice and unprofessional lack of foresight and preparedness by “leadership” of Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton to a presumption of innocence for her despite her past flip flopping as per Operation Iraqi Freedom and such as stumbling after she had been to “voting” without having reportedly read the related “intelligence reports.”

With anticipation building for a great Political Congressional “SMACK DOWN” of a seemingly grossly negligent female Cabinet Officer of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama:

We have that these matters do relate at least in a sense of “what did she know - when did she know it” queriousness to her inciting and crusading days as FLOTUS Clinton and so to official records of the Administration of the Clintons. 

We have that she being this wrong now suggests she has been quite wrong officially for a while and so much so that we may think it our civic duty to suggest or insist that Congress unseal most of the foreign policy records of the Administration of the Clintons otherwise tucked away for that remaining of secured “privacy” allowances nearly thirty years set.

She is a can of worms that seems already to much OPEN to now not see if President Obama’s “jousting” or not has he and his trust side kick VP Biden has also of having stepped all in it, all that among it on the sordid trails from the hoofing of the crusading Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

Benghazi represents more than a lurking threat of a windmill possessed.  As an “ACT OF WAR” of an ongoing known war it is that President Obama is taggable as of “Playing Politics” and muckraking with his Madam Secretary as if it could be “terrorism.”

{We can leave it to conspiracy theorists to discuss alternative machinations these events could have wrought if Governor Mitt Romney hadn’t quickly stepped in and stemmed a flood of misinformation that probably or just possibly was building.} 

{We can leave it for others to wonder if Bill Clinton with Al Qaeda like “funding” methods now his with his CGI isn’t himself incidentally or accidentally of a “material support of terrorism” if Benghazi rates as “terrorism.”}

The Administration of Barack Hussein Obama seems to have let now - and still seems to be letting still - an “act of war” go unanswered, and, the administration with Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton seems beset with a now long over due queriousness as per “what did she know - and how long did she know it?”

Earlier during the co-Administration of the Clintons we did let acts of war, like, on embassies go largely un-responded to as of a category of a fog of conflicts of a “terrorism” gray, and, earlier the Clintons could call it “terrorism” for they were avoiding acknowledging their “PEACE” time as actually “WAR” time.

It is wrong for President Obama now to call the events that show now a of a gross negligence by a female Cabinet Officer to accept her attempts to let it go as “terrorism” and further political cover for failures of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

The attacks that killed four under the care and keep charge upon Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and while of such as one of her “babies” of BOLD “mothering” are best to be called “ACTS OF WAR IN A KNOWN AND ONGOING WAR.”

What did she know?

When did she know it?

Is she just being loyal to spousal plotting and of the “secured” papers of the co-Administration of the Clintons now and of “political” judgements in keeping with a “behavior” of avoiding “intelligence reports” or new counsel of “intelligence”?

Is Hillary Clinton the most POLITICAL Secretary of State our nation has ever had?  How is it that the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t “Playing Politics” with events of such as the negligence about Hillary’s BENGHAZI?

The co-administration of the Clintons essentially seemed to leave President George W. Bush two started games of JENGA, and, the Clintons seemed in unison of like a coy “best wishes” while it seems that they did leave him each a tower of their own “playing” where he had but only one move left to “play” before two towers would just fall down.

{We can leave it to conspiracy theorists to discuss how annoyed and even paranoid once new President Clinton was when then of a simple self awareness that he had oddly become President without having earned such mantle, and, we can leave it to them that he did express annoyance that his predecessor had “left him a war.”  It is better for such to look at how President Clinton may have been petty again and to thinking he (they?) should leave their successor at least one war.}

We have that by the time our Congress may get to giving Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton a due “third degree” or a “whole nine yards” of review for her of a perp walk or cat walk “political” the events of 9/11 II have passed too long as considerable as an unanswered ACT OF WAR.

What is a fair share of blame now for President Barack Hussein Obama?

What is the fair share of blame for Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton, and, how long its years of incrimination?

What is or is not just a “windmill” to Vice President Joseph Biden?

This is not about Christmas “coal” for a born yesterday “Hillary”!

With the elections now passed we can look back and consider that these of the Administration of Barack Hussein Obama did seemingly get all busy with “Playing Politics” over events in Libya, and, with these elections once so critically set to turn against them if such was allowed out honestly as not “terrorism” - as but acts of war in a warring known and ongoing - but/yet there to fore of having been being politically sold as “GOING WELL” and them of “WINNING.”

Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has her fair share of documents of their co-Administration of the Clintons earlier “official” days, and, Madam Sec now gives cause to have such reviewed much at least as they that are just of her fair share of secured papers and such. 

She did crusade and incite as FLOTUS “Hillary” - and stomp and rant much as if an imperialistic queen irrespective of whose “turf” she was upending.  She has now been of such a BOLD intelligence failure that she seems institutionalized about such failure as of a consistent and/or persistent other realmness.

These may be just “windmills” to President Barack Hussein Obama and his otherly orderly side kick Vice President Joseph Biden, and, these may be days where they are due a political separation and differentiation from “Hillary.”

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