
December 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:12 am

Our hopes are upon him now as another set soon so out to pasture and reflection; these days soon to dawn for hopes not too bogged down.  And, by the embers of his peats a shared stoking for the she fires before now but out to pastures, soon.

If Governor Andrew Cuomo is to run for President in 2016 there isn’t much he now need to do about Hillary Clinton.

This is not to be a “metrosexual” new age piece like a vagina diatribe by Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton;  President Obama after nearly four years had only one “foreign policy” success to run on - right?  Mrs. Clinton is today to be covered as a woman and following on the Governor of New York State being of his State of the State about sexual equality and pay as if equals.

Yes, that is right — after four years President Obama only had the overseas military success of having done more than catch Osama Bin Ladin to run on despite Madam Secretary Clinton as his top “DIPLOMAT.”  We can off blog get down to discussing how she has been heralded as a success despite such and yet with such usually of commentary with metrics as that only maybe related professionally since the measure it seems for her has oddly been to whether “Bill and Hillary” have become “more popular” globally.

Has she been more a “terrorist” than a “peacemaker”?  Has she been the “moody” and “irrational” decider thought now only of past chauvenistic bygone era - actually?  Has she been all of a personal vendetta and vengence - as it can be reasoned with the co-Administration of the Clintons so fresh still and yet so incredibly contrary?

How can there be a bucolic reign for Senator John Kerry turned Statesman with the irregularity left of the long era of his predecessor?  Can Madam Secretary be just considered as “put out to pasture” if not also penned that way with “Bill” and their CGI?  Where are the ‘happy places’ - ‘happy fields’ - for a Secretary Kerry and his Boss Obama?

Governor Cuomo, while recently of having to unlearn most of what was his “expertise” while in the Clintons’ administration and to finding workable ways otherwise so as a new governor, is of his prudent political posture that there sould be sexual equality and equal pay regardless of ones sex.  But Hillary stands as a failed Secretary of State to enough and yet while still oddly championed as a better “next President” than now Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Can there be a bucolic political landscape - can there be one at least until some of the wounds of the hawkish “Hillary” have had care and time to heal?

It seems we all should be of real concern about our “Hillary” and now look back at her irregularity and contrariness as at least of her being a woman - a woman though specific to her past and its “emotions” political not because of her and menopause.

She did show in these four years a “Hillary Before” and a “Hillary After” that is still hard to explain but by discussing deeply a need for Clinton CYA and for it seeming that such now so as “different” or “moody” stuck like vengence around the world on those still standing as if standing was an embarrassment personally to “Bill and Hillary” of their eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

It does seem just wrong to suggest Madam Secretary Clinton has been a success because the “CLINTONS” global brand stock is up around the world.  It seems unfair to President Barack Hussein Obama that she otherwise has left him hardly a campaignable success but for whatever “hands on” roll she might have diplomatically or undiplomatically played towards the assassination of Osama Bin Ladin.

There is all the “moodiness” that cannot now be like a tool in the shed of diplomacy for Senator John Kerry if and when Secretary of State - he will be expected not to change his hair style willy nilly per his personal whimsy and nor will he be seen as stable if he dons even a small fraction of the irregular and inconsistent wardrobe stylings of his predecessor.

It is arguable that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has despite clearing up the “Saddam Hussein” specifics been to targeting foreign leaders that make she and her husband look bad for having been so cozy and like ‘in bed’ with during the eight years of the co-administration of the Clintons.

But can a bucolic now be possible if we are just of a letting of our “Hillary” be to as if just put out to pasture?  Isn’t the Clintons’ BRAND now globally a conflict of interest whether she is Secretary of State or just like afterwards the “FIRST LADY” of the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVE?

We have that many can hope so many now won’t just be like “lambs” to a Secretary Kerry as if “lambs” as “pawns” these years - long years - of Secretary Clinton.

It may be suggestive of a possible political bucolic to see “Hillary” as a peaceable lamb tucked away in some fields of Ireland’s Kerry — But, we are talking about the Clintons and should be talking about Hillary as a woman - and as one that had too many “POLITICAL” emotions to carry after having been FLOTUS Mrs. Clinton for eight.

Governor Cuomo has prudently spoken to an agenda for sexual equality and equal pay regardless of sex, and, he knows better than most that he had to learn a new “expertise” to Govern after that of the era of the co-Administration of the Clintons and his charges about such couldn’t carry water.

It seems Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton can be tagged and/or branded to near historic chauvenistic stereotypes for and of women.  I don’t know which of our politicians now has the greatest ambitions against more favoritism for her at their own expense - Senator John Kerry if her successor will have her “womanness” hard to avoid, and difficult politically to fix.

Though the timing of her baby as it was “ODYSSEY DAWN” did broadcast like simultaneously with the Twitter scandal of her top Middle East Advisor’s husbands “tri - pol - I” pixilated infidelity it may not be another WAG THE DOG Clintons CYA for the French needed to take the lead on Tripoli.  Much more has been to getting more hazy.

She needed the French as did President Obama it seems; they needed the French to take the lead because they didn’t have the necessary leadership skills and experience themselves to have taken the lead so. 

So it seems, still. 

But as per our “Hillary” as not a too emotional (woman) politician prone to hot spots/flashes and irregularities we have that she leaves to the likely nominee Senator John Kerry a fog of Diplomacy and international politics much ado about how if we were right to proceed towards the killing of Osama Bin Ladin and Qadhaffi and to the stand-offishness about Egypt than we must have been justified earlier towards a similar pursuit, however, against Saddam Hussein, and, as he to many was considered worse.

As per our “Hillary” this may all about her just a vengence seeking hawk and as a former First Spouse scorned, and, not otherwise specifically about her as an irregular female and too moody a woman.  There is the “HILLARY BEFORE” and the “HILLARY AFTER” and still so much worrisome as to how she can be so different now than she was while First Lady.

So it seems, still.  

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