
December 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:04 pm

With so many tee’d up and tee’d off these days we really shouldn’t let a Tea Party go to waste.  The long and short of our predicaments Constitutional have hardly been broached yet.  No matter how steeped you are in our Constitutional brews it is likely you have only by now seen a half full cup.

This Sunday of January in the Year of our Lord two thousand ten and three reached high noon with laurels rested some by former General Colin Powell while more of his captaining of Diplomacy colors.  For the sake of civility and comity I will try to keep this sociable as small talk for an afternoon as if our former Secretary of State Colin Powell did out himself as if a Tea Partier.

We can leave aside the patronizing education he proffered about Iraq towards hopeful President Barack H. Obama - for now.  What we cannot ignore are the seeming missing years of official records of the eight years of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

The Clintons have already spilled too much of our tea as autocrat wanna bees.  We can please find ways now to move to a revolution in Tea Party solidarity around our founders like Samuel Adams, and please while considering, for the sake of being smarter and safer, that our Clintons are Constitutional enigmas more of wants towards reigning as our Fourth Vice President did while at least then still Governor of New York George Clinton.

Yes, as you can see your cup however about our Tea Parties seems until now as while of considerations of recent election debates been like only a half full cup of Constitutional concerns, however steeped.

I can honestly claim to have not ever have been a Tea Party member nor to ever having been knowingly at a Tea Party rally - I have kept Tea Party leaders as facebook friends and otherwise of relations per social media.  I can though tell an honest tale though of days before there was a new Tea Party that date to moments while I was considering if I could or should go to work for CNBC and that such had me considering what I might then not be able to do;  I can honestly report that I did about then ask current employed personalities of CNBC to have one of theirs publicly state that “America could use a new Tea Party.”

For the sake of Constitutional rendition success I do have to add peacefully that as of yet a Tea Party as I may have imagined can not yet be seen quite as a cup over-runneth.

We can now understand as “fact” that President Obama has been overwhelmed by actual histories to a situation report about he having been at least ignorant or naive as per Saddam Hussein and the Iraq that President George W. Bush inherited from peacenik Clintons.

I have afraid that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has shown herself not to have been as claimed either to “be ready at 3am” or “ready from day one.”  We have that this is about how still now she isn’t likely ready for 3pm tea time civil rendition reflections on either of our Tea Parties.

We have for other less quiet times of discourse like heated happy hours that the Clintons may be due a full dissection of their decades of spousal political plotting at least as pertains to federalism issues Constitutional by ways foreign and domestic.  We have the Clintons around to dissect ad nauseum for years more;  We have for starters that they may have worked official department lying for a PEACE and PEACE DIVIDENDS before their time.

As per you cups of tea however now tee’d up or still tee’d off and if half full or still half empty — We have the federalism debate to refresh civilly with non-violence at least to discuss threats from undermining our Constitution as per foreign and domestic politics or “governance.”  We have a still here and concerning “FLASHING RED” sit rep to discourse upon even just to threats from within to our Constitutional safeties and checks and balance prudence.

In many ways former top Bush Administration cabinet officer Secretary Colin Powell seemed to have outed himself as if a Tea Party idealist.  For this hopefully quiet nearer 3 pm “Tea” you can ponder as you might how steeped as a Tea Party originalist and how just sympathetic to foreign Constitutional concerns from threats from within he may be as of this Sunday in January as Constituted by our Christian Constitution “ordained” by preamble set to its fully affected subscriptions then with the Christian Calender so that specific Year of their (our) Lord whence.

It seems the Clintons can be more clearly to be of debatable Constitutional threats as plotters long from inside;  The Clintons have themselves argued to a convenient mostly for them acceptance that our United States of America is now in a Post-Constitutional era, and, so that it practically authorized them each contrarily to be extra-Constitutional - at least.

We can spend some time on Obamacare as ACA as being found passable with low Constitutional grading as if a War Power would have been compromised if a President and Congress weren’t allowed to wage war at home on its people’s general Welfare.  Hmmm?  There is a can of worms - the specific seeming random use of capitalization in our Constitution’s preamble has to be purposeful and instructive as like a legend/key to the tune of all then to follow and be subscribed there within - right?

It is inescapable that we are now necessarily back to having a Tea Party - and now more globally yet then ever before.  Our former TOP DIPLOMAT has spoken simply to a naivete of President Obama and his hopefully still not kept views on Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

However you try to take your Constitution and American tea times we have that Iraq issues and our Clintons are here to stay as yet fully and appropriately discussed “federalism” issues.  We cannot escape a full considerations now of the dangers of the Clintons wants and practices to lesser Constitutionality and how such was argued to be convenient for them to together share more autocratic powers to foreign and domestic concerns as justified new extra-C powers in a necessary Post-Constitutional era.

This Sunday in January the issue has been broached that we have been but of half full or half empty tea cups so far.

Whom now will be next?  With former Secretary of State proffering wisdom and humility and with his rendition relating to Iraq and President Obama we now have to like find what has seemed too long to have been as missing records of missing years of those that are supposed to be there as the eight of the co-Administration of the Clintons.

We have our hands full enough to broach a discussion just of the Clintons and as per Constitutionality and “federalism” such that it would be unnecessary and maybe rude to even mention President George W. Bush and his administration at least until some base line notes are settled upon as to how the Clintons seem to be acting globally as if towards a global Constituting newly around themselves while opportunities exist specially for such to assign to them Powers nearly as if Autocrats.

For today’s Tea Party reviving comity we should brace ourselves away from thoughts comedic for it is still quite serious that we can greatly discuss that our modern day Clintons do not deserve a rap as “modern moralists” but maybe so as Karl Marx seems to have.  It is better to be more sociable to more localized small talk to how steamed many are now due to problems from how steeped the Clintons have been to leading and governance attempts as if they were former Governor George Clinton of New York in the days of our first Tea Party and to getting his way over that of our Federalist Papers and the troika such as Publius was set.

Are the Clinton effecting an anti-Constitutional global and domestic effrontery — Are they purposefully to attempts to make changes globally before any can figure out they are are trying to seize powers more of the mind set of former Governor of New York George Clinton than that which has survived long as subscribed whence thence in that “Year of our Lord…”?

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