
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:11 pm

These are momentous days of truths rolling on beyond the control and wishful messaging of President Barack Hussein Obama The Re-Elected.  Firstly we should primarily concern ourselves much already to 2016 to the preservation of U.S. of at least two parties.  Secondly we should firstly also be to a present queriousness as to whether these past four years have been of the United States of America of a governance and politics actually more polarizing politically than was thought beyond “expected” to of an “inevitable” new partisan dividing quite on the way and yet of a President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

There are greater truths rolling on above this now ancillary historical still concerning problem more pressing now judicially as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is set to be paraded for problems inescapably hers and some much more than of others about her as failures at least in “leadership” messaging and tone hers.

Whether President Clinton would have been more polarizing if the resultant victor of the 2008 challenges - more polarizing than he that has now been sworn in again for having hung himself higher successfully than she in our public eyes/galleries is somewhat a something that both our House and our Senate by tomorrow should also consider at least as per “motive” and “means” while working to see if she can or will incriminate her boss without delay.

If it is to a real concern that a capital punishment is deserved at least for Madam Secretary Clinton it shouldn’t be a high hanging of a well worked rendition in oil on canvas for her but harkenings chorused on high as if the United States of America had French guillotines.  These are moments like past lore’d histories where at least a threat of “off to the guillotine” or water-boarding would be in the pressing and generally in the civil airs.

Whom to hang higher tomorrow?  To at least consider hanging higher tomorrow and now on the eve with political palpitations in flux anticipatory to a high drama possible if “rival” Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may or may not be prone to an outburst or worked plotting to effectively throw her boss under a bus — Whom to hang higher or lower soon?

The state of our nation is at stake and our last vestiges of HOPE maybe in our institution of Congress.  His team of “rivals” has truths their own rolling on contrary and maybe superior to a better and higher legacy than he may yet be able to lift or peg as his own.  There has been much change but now with scholarly called hopefully to an intellectual honesty professionally rended towards future editions reared to consider his successes may actually already now be more her “successes” and not much at all anything he actually built.

How much is at stake?  Is the entire reputation of our state of a nation at stake and threatened by what should be heard and discoursed fully through with his “Hillary” to hot seats with a “the buck stops here” out of passing the buck up to her boss to help set her up, however, towards 2016?

How threatened is the state of our nation vis a vis our view of our representatives and our institutions of Congress as our House and Senate now with a “Hillary” disposition maximus or again too minimus due news of this week?  Can she be hung high now despite whether or not politically an “how high” or if “higher than” her boss without our Congress being again too complicit in a vast lowering of standards of our State?

This is more for echoes of our Statuary Hall and galleries, where ever, though in centuries earlier more dramatic events would likely have already unfolded for at least our Madam Secretary of State for having doned pompous capping in preposterous hats as figuratively as if too much a modern day Marie Antoinette - nearer to “off to the guillotine with her” or for her boss.

No, we can wait to see if President Barack Hussein Obama can stand the never ending campaign of the Clintons in battles for legacies greater for themselves than they have earned, and now with he too set to have a institutionalized never ending campaign for himself.  For our Statuary Halls and galleries, where ever, it may be that the Clintons will succeed in still out foxing President Obama and maybe by some clever transference or projection again in coming days of State disposing hearings into renditions of Hillary’s questionable understanding of history.

Today on the eve of a scheduled challenge to seated power such as times before celebrated eons and eons prior like with a sharpening of guillotines or a building of a hanging stand we behold a great institutional threat to our House and our Senate and so our Tranquility and Posterity. 

Must our Congress find that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to be effectively somehow and very publicly set out tomorrow and in coming days for perpetuity as if always now to be hung lower than President Barack Hussein Obama?  Can his “Hillary” effect a coup as a still too celebrated “rival” and yet not be so to a corrupting of our institution of Congress of the People quite sworn? 

Can they go light - can they as our Congress’s sworn go as light on her as she and our now re-sworn President have in mind as of a “fairness”?

Our we at a weakness for firsts primarily now too much like of a too high affirmative action for those held out as of our highest or presumed finest?  Are we of these as “her” and “she” of “Hillary” as our to be most scrutinized highest yet for all the State failures at least in Presidential messaging and “leadership” “tone” such to as of a “he” and “his” of “Obama” as our still unreached maybe too to be faulted as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and so that they are hoping that our institution of Congress can only be to a review of them as nearly our First Female President and he as historied already as a First Black Man so by reasoning as of a low standard for each of them firstly to be primarily no higher than the worst of the white men that have preceded either of them?

Our Congress has before it the ability to destroy itself if it proceeds towards a hanging of a prettier portrait of our Secretary of State than she has earned or merited.  There is that maybe she can make a deal to throw her boss under the bus to get herself hung higher for perpetuity but still with that we have the risk that our Congress could be to being of acts too low and basic to be only to devastating affectings upon themselves.

Can our Congress now proceed at all “lightly” against our currently seated Secretary of State without incriminating themselves to publicly of a set and cast to standards now too low for our people of our We the People…?

It may be too dramatic a judicial pondering to be believing that either our Secretary of State Clinton as an almost First Female President Clinton or our re-elected and re-sworn President Obama are self-possessed to an escapist rendition of justice such that they and their failures as per our not to be forgotten BENGHAZI FOUR and the related contrary suggestive that their Al Qaeda intelligence must all or nearly all be fundamentally flawed intelligence at our highest of political review levels are now or ever can be judged by our institution of Congress now only by comparison to the worst white men that have preceded them in their current offices.

Some truths are rolling on now greater in an honesty and breadth of permanent details now such that President Obama seems to think it necessary to now also be of running a permanent campaign at least to defend himself defensively from machinations by the most political and proven polarizing Clintons and their never ending campaigning.

And, some truths are now more self evident and still rolling on that stand up Republicans as more correct and of having been of a more honest telling than yet broadly known specifically as pertains to renditions of Dems histories as preached or posited by “Hillary’s” boss.

We have that just though for all the State failures in crisis prioritizing and “leadership” tone it looks like we are set now to just see our institution of Congress seize these moments to RESET their “standards” be to effecting that Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has now done too much too poorly to ever be hung as high as now re-elected and re-sworn President Barack Hussein Obama.

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