
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:19 pm

This is not about Sarah Palin!

Senator John McCain vis a vis so with the introduction of Senator John Kerry as President Barack H. Obama’s Secretary of State nominee begets that this is instead cleanly about a wrap of a first term for President John McCain if he had been elected - and figured since he looks stronger not weaker while so old four years later.

There was another way. 

As responsible global citizens we have a responsibility to consider now, now that we see McCain was fit, and enduring, how had if he been elected in 2008, to what, and where otherwise, we could or would be now.

The tao of Barack Hussein Obama as questioned leader of his own party though publicly set officially as our President has been of the party group think of an elite few that radical change had to happen and very quickly - had to happen like in only two years.

There was another way - not as tortured - as tortured as Senator John McCain’s own proud and patriotic past of sacrifice in the service of truth.

There was another way.

President Obama as our new executive did attempt to evangelize all global citizens while hoping to captivate Americans with his near daily one hour interruptions of regularly scheduled broadcasts.  There is that had he had a state run media for all of America contrary officially to our preserved rightly by our First Amendment he would have had a better chance at success.

President John McCain, if so, was of a way for Americans to zen and organize as proud and American Free. 

This is not about President George W. Bush nor specifically of his Administration.

We do have that because Democrat elite were able to railroad our new President Barack H. Obama as if he were not the head of his own party and so to the GREEN AGENDA etcetera we are now as global citizens best postured if fully to a consideration that effectively the Administration of George Bush must have been “GREEN” itself much somehow.  It is inescapable that all the rushed idealistic change of just the first two years of the Democrats back in power in DC couldn’t have been mechanically or physically possible if President Bush hadn’t been to institutional support of so much suddenly “new technology.”

There was another way.

Senator McCain had been selling a renaissance in state’s rights and a economic way forward that could have turned our economy around in just two years.  We shouldn’t take President Bill Clinton’s word that such was not possible — there is that a quick and “GREEN” economic recovery was possible with the direction a President McCain was towards as an new “executive” directing.  The caveat though as per such is that a faster recovery would have needed an official reforming of our banks more publicly otherwise than that which happened and with a real tagging of our banking problems having actually much having been of and by Clintons’ and their “CLINTONOMICS.”

By the heavy hand of elite Democrats as they seemingly were to railroading new and hopeful President Barack Hussein Obama we got a rush to political and partisan economics that could only lead to a slow recovery like our “JOBLESS RECOVERY.” 

These hands called us to their tao as if President’s change all along - like.  Yet we ignore still at our expense and at pains to the global economy a perspective ignorant for all global citizens if so without recollection that such was marched as our marching orders even though in Spain such was earlier proven to have cost two jobs for every new one that it could produce.

I don’t know why we went the way of Spain and so blindly quickly - so politically and in a polarizing partisan forced march.

A once tortured President John McCain was reared years as a U.S. military brat, arguably.  Our military was our new frontier for most of our best integration as a nation as a melting pot.  A President John McCain could only have been at least as much a President of all our people as President Barack Hussein Obama has been, it seems.  Senator McCain was reared institutionally to be none other than such, it seems.

There were and are other and better ways to have changed our economy around real and imagined concerns about GLOBAL WARMING.  Senator John McCain as a candidate for President was standing receptive and leaning it seems as if responsibly to a more open minded approach as well on the possible uses of so much investment in GREEN technology as that which must have been long of the Administration of President George W. Bush and the Congresses convened those years.

There was another way.

It can be said that our economies haven’t been able to recover yet because the Democrats of the United States of America rushed too quickly ahead with too much unfigured and yet properly considered change.

As I tweeted recently: 

>”What of 150,000 troops? For enough to liberate an oldest of sovereign nations & for enough to chase 50 Al Qaeda.”

>Time rprtd a 9% drop in USA carbon emissions since 2007 & others a USA warming as gas levels dropped. What up w/ that?

There was another way.

More condemning of Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton than her outburst like “JACK” of A FEW GOOD MEN with her’s nearer to an “I cannot handle the truth!” is that which you can find by visiting citizenrosebud.com and with use of search pane to gathering from keyword prompting with “9/11 II”.  See:   http://bit.ly/Tyzzlk  (& scroll past this column also in results for 9/11 II)  It seems it still makes more sense and is more condemning of her that Al Qaeda attacked on another 9/11 for reasons similar to the first 9/11 - Right?

As I posted on Facebook the other day:

>“Tease: There would have been a “new nationalism” w/ Prez McCain - with THNX to troops rotated home reasonably & to nation’s thnx with: This is why OIF right and necessary uniting! late but not too late, and with McCain Admin of promises to keep to have at home as well stirred the spirit of federalism with what seemed his paths then to a renaissance in state’s rights.  We wouldn’t have needed Obama’s Liberal ideas of New Nationalism as then we were a better informed general populace capable finally of learning of real complexities that necessitated OIF at least so that the United States of America didn’t get trapped on the wrong side of all this change happening across the general Middle East.

>”Prez McCain would have been a healthcare for all President too - but with Americans and returned troops encouraged to show proudly what it means to be American Free and of states as incubators to better government of and by the People.  See we already had Romneycare in Massachusetts, and, Utah is much of a Mormon tything and we were just missing other states stepping up competitively with inventive new healthcare coverage for all models of their own.”

There was another way.

This Saturday January 26, 2013 in the wee hours near 3am I posted this on #davos2013 venue for the World Economic Forum on a couple of their Facebook updates:

>”That is a tough one to answer as the US internal politics still in disarray with people not considering or having realized that WMD argument by President Bush needed Senator Hillary Clinton’s vote as affirmation that the intelligence of the Administration of the Clintons did not contradict his basis for Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Senator Clinton’s vote for Operation Iraqi Freedom is more condemning of her and her husband than President Bush if WMD basis was a lie.  She voted as reported without reading any newer intelligence reports than she would have been at least intimately privy to via Clintons’ administration.  Cooperation is a tricky issue now since USA is waking up to it not possible that “it was all Bush’s fault” and to that it likely was more than half the fault of the Clintons.  There was never an argument that Saddam got WMD in only the few months since the Clintons left office so Senator Clinton’s vote was affirmation that the Clintons agreed with the Bush intelligence about WMD.  @jphoganorg . of http://jphogan.org etc…”

There was another way — I was ready to work with a President John McCain along all of these lines whence.

Earlier I shared probably via Facebook the historical perspective that the housing crisis and down economy started with Hillary and Al spiking the price of gas with their global campaigns.  Clintons and CLINTONOMICS had encouraged Americans to spend more than every penny they had and recklessly such that there was no room for higher fuel prices in their fixed incomes when the price of gas did spike and keep spiking due to so much subjectivity and politics slammed into our markets with Hillary’s and Al’s global campaigning.  When the price of gas went up the hyper consumerism at the core of CLINTONOMICS had to stop and while the fuel prices had yet to cause so much more to cost so much more due to higher energy and transportation costs then added to once otherwise budgeted basics.

When you figure finally how it all started it becomes rational to consider that Bush could basically do nothing once it started as related to the spike in gas prices caused by the politics and subjectivity of Hillary and Al and their global campaigning against carbon based fuels.  The last thing Republicans were to wanting then before an election in 2008 were higher gas prices as then they could get re-elected simply due to economics.  And, as long as the price of gas was part of the ideology for rushed change by the Democrats there was no way really to turn back the prices in time to prevent the housing collapsing first around those that had bought into spending more than every penny as urged by CLINTONOMICS then on fixed incomes.

There is as well, to help McCain’s case and incidentally President Bush and his legacy, that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was wrongly a devotee of the Clintons’ SURPLUSES of that extra trillion cut that never should have been touched for cuts.  Speaker Pelosi as a devotee was also a wall up against President Bush having political room to attempt to prevent the housing collapse being as great with some quick spending — he was not allowed by her to call for spending like on anything the Clintons had said could be cut for their SURPLUSES.


*[I will stop now and consider style and content and possible edits though space and word count not here limited to me.  This is supposed to be a column ready for Sunday - the first Sunday of the Second Term of President Obama yet maybe as if it were otherwise to being now a second term for still strong still Senator John McCain.]

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