
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:25 pm

The days are numbered for writer critics of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton to pound #Hillary about Hillary Clinton as a clearly “PUBLIC FIGURE”.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for the office seeking of the United States of America Executive Branch Presidential see is not the still now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  We have that she has been of a “TEAM OF RIVALS” of the first of the Obama’s “we…” consideration as likely of two of his “we…” Secretary’s to be considered towards 2016.

The presumptive Democrat Party 2016 nominee for their leadership to capture the American Presidency must be considered firstly to be Senator John Kerry if confirmed nominee to duty as another Obama rival as a Cabinet Officer bound of State Diplomatic duties.  He should have the mantle of “Obama’s rival” at least as much as aspirant Mrs. Clinton of State husbandry, however, has or is presumed to be to a having towards 2016.

But for now it will be that “Hillary” is for a while no longer a public figure to kick around with fair criticisms and much due doubt — it is soon more that she will have been put out to pasture to idyllic retreating.  Of course if she is really a “rival” we should expect official statements contrary and critical of now re-seated President Barack H. Obama. 

Secretary of State John Kerry for President in 2016, though as “white” as a “Hillary” again for President, is what should be presumed firstly with bias based on sex, race, or age.  He has the money - he’s run before - he likely has to be at least as much a rival to President Obama as still charged and sworn Madam Secretary Mrs. Clinton and as well the re-sworn Vice President Joseph Biden.

Citizens United as been quite rendered a good and necessary ruling in light of the ease with which President Barack Hussein Obama raised and spent that sum in excess of a billion campaign dollars. 

More concerning is any or all “foreign” “influence” now in our politics - and all global activities of both of Obama rivals - both “Bill” and “Hillary.”  Secretary of State John Kerry as his Democrat Party Nominee in 2016 makes more democratic sense even though he can likely fund a billion dollar campaign with his own wealth.

Are the days now numbered as if “Hillary” soon no longer a “public political figure” to criticize as not due a privacy as if a lamb quietly set out to pasture in idyllic retreat?  Are these the last days to fairly speak of due criticisms of Obama’s first Secretary of State?

“Kerry For President 2016″ is at least a halo Senator John Kerry deserves if also to be seen as an independent thinking Cabinet Officer also a wanted “rival” sworn to obedience to President Barack Hussein Obama, but how fronted as a challenger.

A due long continuous battle to unearth the cover-up air about the Obama’s State avoidance and inaction of Benghazi failures of his first “we…” now butter’d up for departure but not legal escape is afoot such that she is to remain suspect as a person of interest yet still much in the public domain and eyes. 

Writers for politics and justice though, unless she steps out like now soon with a how and a why for consumption of “rivals” with specifics hers much to how and why she would have been a better President these past four years, are to consider civility and decorum and political politeness as if she is due an idyllic retreat as if placidly out to pasture as just a lamb.

It would behoove her to quietly retreat as much as possible now.  Obama’s new “rival” Diplomat is hardly more “white” than she, and, of a more lore’d and well beaten step by step path and resume building towards a Presidency for himself.

It should much behoove both President Clinton and soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton to both quietly now try to just fade away from foreign and domestic entanglements at least now for high profile and long about pressures to justice and understanding of at least the first four years of “Foreign Policy” of the Administration of Barack H. Obama.

These days are numbered for writers to write as strongly as a “public figure” deserves about our former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton unless besides a continued push by our honorable Congress as per a lingering haze of “cover-up” of fogs about Benghazi we soon see “Hillary” of official steps to directly set her self apart as having been an independent thinking “rival” these four years and of the aforementioned “how” at least speaking to what she would have done differently and better these past four years.

I will be freer without her as Secretary of State or otherwise a sworn officer of the United States of America to reach to much deeper and globally broader markets with my already written thousands of pages long of years yet maybe not of having been critical enough of Presidential aspirant Hillary Rodham Clinton.  I will though myself until further developments be to considering her less now for new pieces as of “new” material.

I do look forward to finding my real audience for my book idea to publish past columns and commentary about “Hillary” and our 22nd Amendment towards a Guinness Book record for “most number of pieces written as to why Hillary Rodham Clinton should not become President.”  And, I look forward to being more entertaining of comity and comedy as a political pundit and as well as a poet and political poet.

It seems reasonable to consider that most of my columns are as long here as a New York Times Op-Ed Columnist’s there - but yet three times wider and so nearly 3x the word count there.  I have not yet compared word counts between my average length column and such as an industry standard.  I am glad many of my pieces did not have to be reduced to such standards as theirs.

“Secretary of State John Kerry for President” has a ring of Boston Brahmin lore’d good will and wealth for much musing to considerations that he with his Yale pedigree could be a revolutionary American elder in four years of promises to a long necessary cleaning up of his own party.  He will have to likely have to also run as a “rival” of President Barack H. Obama’s to assert that he as well at least as “Hillary” and “Joe” was not just a bureaucratic tool incapable of independent thinking.

The Clintons have been public figures long enough such that an idyllic retreat as if out to pasture not a lot fair or due either President William Jefferson Clinton nor soon X-Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton. 

We have to write about and publicly long consider that Republicans couldn’t run clean enough campaigns in 2008 & 2012 because too many still of our Congress were about that had been too weak to avoid the corruptive collusion to political corruption worked politically by the machinations most political and new-tech of and by the Administration of the Clintons whence.

The Clintons with their Clintons’ global initiatives are due a near “monopoly” consideration to a new era of Congressional “trust busting” - can’t you say, yourself?  We have that we have no idea how vast the left wing global conspiracy is now already towards further undermining of our Constitution and at least our Constitutional protections set to limit and check all foreign “contributions” or “gifts” like by foreigner or agents of foreign countries.

As Walt Whitman sung of us as of body electricities while electricity hardly but a novelty otherwise we have that the Clintons have already too long been to involved and meddling as term limited by our 22 Amendment by at least the prudent example set by “George” and “Martha” - however pre-Lincoln re-uniting.

As per Clintons vs. Kerry towards 2016 with “whiteness” so muted it seems we must be to measuring the “foreign” influence in at least President Clintons affecting as of a electricity (bought and built) of foreign gifts towards political electoral homeland effectings as bankable swingable “CHARISMA.”

And, yes the Republicans still have troubles for having been compromised and corruptive by the Administration of the Clintons at least while during the Clintons’ second term.  We have yet to have a young enough Republican challenge to Democrat Party national ticket since President George W. Bush whom can stand up with enough inside the beltway Republicans without the Clinton having them not able to be free enough to speak against them without incriminating themselves.

The Clintons have to be the most long shot most “underdog” ticket to now measure towards 2016 hopes - right?

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