
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:42 am

Perhaps you have heard of the long day ride of the nominee of President Obama Chuck Hagel!  Two lanterns may be needed, or just one, for that guardian charge many are being asked to allow as a trusted duty his.

How many candles can he light - need he of Nebraska light at least metaphorically - how wicked or enlightened be he in old lights for Posterity as a candle otherwise maybe lit as our beacon of defense?  William Golding of Brasenose College - a perhaps idyllic or iconic in life and death for Chuck Hagel and his comraderies?

We were nearly all the boobs of the threat considerations of the 2006 SURGE dates — Senator Chuck Hagel, whence pressed, and probed, those moments lingering on, still as “complicated” relationships hung over much, with fogs of ignorance and naivete horned yet not seen, was figuratively a Paul Revere of Nebraska biased to measures scaled to relations foremost considerate of natural law erudity flames or sparks.

“Among the vicissitudes incident to life”* start stands as a prophylactic of earlier days governance commencements quite so whence Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska was charged of considerations of personal emoluments of official duties and which ever pecuniary costs for skins or pounds of flesh, however Solomesque, the peace of the dates or the spark of threats had embedded particularly.

It is considerate to not relate or report yesterday’s pounding of President Barack H. Obama’s first choice to succeed Sec Def Panetta as Republican on Republican hate.  He may have been a silversmith to only a second place though for himself, now.

When Senator, he, Chuck Hagel,  may have wanted to see a Clinton PEACE as not a “PEACE!” before its time and been too much to a bosomed embrace of our Houses as united while still divided by actual wars and their political costs and histories.

There were ways to buffet such dates of so much warring thought not to have been to becoming our fate or destiny but not to run from the light of the actual candles/beacons of truths of the ages in which all was bedded.

The pounding and pressing of President Barack H. Obama’s first choice even if it leaves nominee Hagel now of a silver of his own wraught - is good for the President and for us since it was an airing of shared SURGE naivete still long over-coddled by the Administration of Obama.  What was lit yesterday for all to be forewarned from is that his shared pinings and sympatheties on review as also those long fronted by our current President are now no longer “historical” or defensible - that they are not now “reasoned” nor “reasonable” as most now shed their innocence and naivete of the “it’s complicated” old dated relationships as per threats not as simple as such that a warm embrace could fix or settle.

Among the vicissitudes incident to the SURGE Senator John McCain and myself and maybe all that I wrote publicly in 2006 as “uc” has been much confirmed and affirmed as our actual histories for and about the SURGE for Posterity now as a candle/beacon of and for fact based governance (and defense budgeting).

Strategically speaking so much of such past dates were really always political then of “it’s complicated” near to a maximus, and, still of a more reasoned understanding for motivations as justifications by the seats of Al Qaeda to 9/11 I quite that more should be considerate that our Senators at least had their judgement compromised by our 9/11 Commission Report as it was/is a flawed bedded and binded mess for having only looked back ten years all the while Al Qaeda was known to have been born nearer twelve years thence earlier.

Of nominee for Secretary of Defense beaconship we can be considerate that Senator Chuck Hagel when given the right histories or facts is likely of a capacity and accomplishment in governance to make a good or right decision.  It is arguable that his hot seat flaming is lit by embers of ignorance and naivete official bound by our 9/11 Commission findings.

The incident vicissitudes particular to the erring by nominee Hagel now so historical as lacking in “historical” correctness are of days and threats against America that had long passed Nebraska thresholds as of a bosom and soothing or settling by coddling, it seems.

We have too long been blinded by the worked ignorance upon the minds of just Americans by politicking with our histories such as two Clintons have too long done.  It is considerate not to report yesterday’s ups and downs so incident as Republican on Republican HATE.  The bound bedding now long pertinent to the bad dates so rehashed with discussions of earlier Republican possible partisan betrayal is buttress’d covertly too much in a false narrative not a rap enough of the false yet convenient rap of two of the Clintons. 

As per such as the important and incident actual histories of the relative past twenty plus years of ups and downs foreign and domestic it behoove all to remember the Clintons’ are by their “friends” still fresh of taggings as “BIG LIARS”! 

By the lies of the Clintons - the known and the unknown lies of the Clintons many leaders have fallen or slipped as BOOBS!

William Golding was of erudition by way of Brasenose College and Senator Chuck Hagel to politics of vicissitudes of incidents domestic and foreign by way of Nebraska. 

His hesitancy whence to be of Republican Party loyalty as to the proven sound reasoning of and for a SURGE is not quite as bad a faux pas as that which have made Clinton loyalists and the Clintons themselves now nearer to a record as of a actual historical global naivete - of an embrace to much of “PEACE” before its time.

But of his Congressional Senatorial review - it is good news that the President’s seemingly intimately shared naivete about histories now better understood than whence thence to political hesitancy and dangerous inaction and avoidance posturing have been aired by his first choice for Secretary of Defense charge.  We now may all be able to GET SMART and start moving forward with intellectual honesty and a reset to US Governance along fact based actual histories.

We may all be at risk if we don’t check nominee Chuck Hagel’s rendition of SURGE political bedding/binding.  Whether by across the seas or by lands American of the United States all are now still too at risk of also becoming BOOBS of the Clintons at least if failing to consider that Saddam Hussein gave birth incidentally to Al Qaeda by his invasion of our Ally Kuwait, and, that Al Qaeda likely attacked us on both 9/11 as a political or thought just act of “Jihad” against first the failures of President Clinton to sufficiently have prosecuted Saddam Hussein, by their radically so sense of justice, and, then with the second 9/11 maybe so for the same reasoning then of an abhorance visceral to their ideological theocratic group think as President Clinton of Charlotte charlatan posturing like a pouring of salts into their wounds, the wounds by their conception kept open and sore and misunderstood at least by those that trust our 9/11 Commission findings.

It may be that Nebraskan nominee Chuck Hagel came across as a BOOB of Obama’s preference from a trust in the history as bound by his old Congress’ consdiration of Al Qaeda by way of their 9/11 Commission and its ______________ for having only looked back ten years when the group know to have actually attacked of their own wills and sense of justice was yet then nearer twelve years old.

A better embrace of history is now available for many - for many more than whence thence now of old wounds reopened:

Al Qaeda was formed to be a Muslim answer to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of neighbor Nation State of Kuwait and was so chided and long abraded by the USA and coalition states having been otherwise chosen to be the just warriors.  It can be said that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 but likely only by way of having incidentally having been the father of Al Qaeda by way of his inappropriate violation of Kuwait. 

There is real and historical “cause and effect” now more publicly consumable such that fewer need be BOOBS still about our own trying times that followed on so much of the Clintons’ “PEACE DIVIDENDS” of ups and downs like of lies of a “PEACE” “officially” before its times.

Nominee Chuck Hagel might be a candle of naivete too much - I hope our Senators figure out such in time.  As more than a time of natural law biased “PEACE” where coddling too long thought a way to bedding for Posterity Nominee Hagel is still at risk of not being embraced if he rests with President Obama like of a innocence from ignorance and naivete disrespective of incidental histories that relate to Saddam Hussein legacy and motivations seemingly of a confidence that he thought he had a way to defeat the United States of America - globally, and, specifically with traps set about an assault figurable against Americans of the United States by way of cyber or global public relations warring spin.

These hearings now are for Posterity with us now to trust that our charged Congress will be to greater good discourse to be a prophylactic for endemic naivete imprudence.


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