
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:22 am

To tee up stories for this weeks coming challenges we have that grammatically there is a place for sport and for sports.  It may be that Tiger Woods and Hillary Clinton are most in the weeds or stuck deep in the woods for having hazarded the most so far.

It isn’t sporting now to beat up Hillary Clinton too much after she couldn’t keep a straight face while puffing up for Women in World audiences.  She couldn’t keep a straight face as she put her best leg forward knowing it doesn’t historically show well and as if a sad political war profiteerette seizing a chance to reinvent herself while apparently knowing she doesn’t deserve such.  That she while of her new puffing up leg work was to failing to keep a straight face is quite politically suggestive that she is not a viable candidate for higher office.

It is not quite sport though to speak of Condoleezza Rice as per the Masters though it can be sporting now more than ever before.  She is now professionally again sworn to defending her employer and its professional standards where ever she is as a Stanford University Professor.  I don’t think she can be loyal based on race this weekend without being concerned for her school colors officially — I can hazard a consideration that Tiger Woods in entering this Masters plantation having hazarded his standing however by winning.

It is sport in sports to consider how Tiger Woods may or may not be able to take the heat - all the heat this week whether weaker at Amen Corner or of great temptresses around the Magnolias and laurels and all the legends of hazards bounded by and about Hogan’s Bridge.

But with Hillary Clinton, as a successor to Condoleezza Rice, and to much dishonesty, with lies about new foundations being needed, and all the while she as she managed to stand and proceed, mostly on grounds actually gained by progressive efforts about a freedom agenda, of the Bush administration, it is interesting how it may be another Hogan bridging about a Freedom Agenda that is still to be established as a freedom agenda as of a manifesto like of a Hogan’s THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM a oddly foundational for both the Clintons’ and Bush Administration. {The Clintons present themselves as inseparable as a “two-fer” so “Clintons’” usage is appropriate and sporting for a political honesty in marketing their branding in a possessive plural sharing.}

The talk of the Masters may all be how though Michelle Obama may not herself be a golf enthusiast she could trump masters better than Hillary with 2016 Presidential race if it isn’t inconvenient to have a Michelle vs. Hillary Constitutional Crisis as per our 22nd Amendment constructs and its less than wordy establishments.  It is sporting now to suggest that the members of the Bush administration have not been setting themselves all free from the railroading still of and by the Clintons with learned erudity orally proffered in part for being themselves the more honorable of the administrations.  And, how this may be some for their Freedom Agenda by the timeline suggested recently by Elliot Abrams as so following a teed off sharing of a poetic manifesto like so whence thence committedly with THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.

But to stand up as a Stanford University Professional golfer and one of two of the first women ever to be admitted as members of Augusta National seems now for Condoleezza Rice a sporting concern as per Tiger Woods.  I am not talking so here of a concern that another win by him so soon could caused him to need to return to therapy — I am talking here coincidentally about Hillary and Tiger of having contradictions to much in their branding as spring breaks anew in the Year of our founding fathers’ Lord two thousand Ten and three.  For Tiger it was of a retailing of him at Torrey Pines as if he was reconciling with his wife and starting the season off with a putting of fathering first in his fields.  For Hillary, well she couldn’t keep a straight face while trespassing upon good souls again with an attempt to an new unearned reinvention of herself.

I do find it sporting that I did once install new closet doors for Condoleezza Rice while President Bush’s NSA master, and, that as it may be her last thoughts on 9/11 morning before her aid walked in with news of a single plane crash into one of the World Trade Towers were of a professional referral airing for me as I then at that moment was coincidentally driving up 17th Street in Washington DC and right by the Old Executive Office Building of the White House plantation.  I didn’t though myself know of the timing of such or of the plane crashes until maybe an hour later and after I had arrived at a new clients home and already had been to unrepairable full removal of the old front door.

When I wrote to Representative Gephardt’s offices then that August in days and weeks before the collapse of the Soviet Union George Stephanopoulus and a Koch son were peers and equals there.  When I wrote then I shared the first starts of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM thinking and as a way forward towards better freedom for more with such a started sporting attempt to give local American words and meaning in a rhyme and reason to Bush’s term NEW WORLD ORDER.  It is still sport and sporting that so much of what Clintons then braved learning to say and sound like was teed off primarily, at least, with the due focus on New Haven, Connecticut - as I had so based it poetically and as a global coding.

But for Tiger he hasn’t quite failed to keep a straight face with a new extreme makeover type improper leg work so as recently such a sad sight by Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton now too much of disordered personalities and contrary historicals.  But though branded for Torrey Pines as if to being this Year of our founders’ Lord two thousand Ten and three it seems by the Arnold Palmer Invitational that he was all about being iced tea and lemonade otherwise but likewise.  I don’t know how it won’t be sporting for even Condoleezza Rice if not called upon too officially about such to hazard a “beware of the hazards” to Tiger Woods as well of her Stanford University branding.

What can be par for the course this week for Tiger Woods at least near Hogan’s Bridge or Amen Corner?  Will the foliage be metaphorically at least too in bloom and as a HAZARD?  How won’t servants and service people be now most on black Tiger “Ice Tea” Woods mix about Augusta National for all of the Masters of this week in the Year of the founders’ of the United States of America Lord so such as it now is two thousand Ten and three? 

My sister did bring me back some paraphernalia from recent gathers of Masters - at least as a hostess executive for Time Warner Cable partying of the 75th Anniversary branding.  I do not know at the time of this pressing if she will be hosting as a corporate executive again there at some time this week - her last name is not now Hogan - she is a Democrat whom I believe still keeps a personally autographed mug of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on or near her desk.

A Michelle vs. Hillary is a Constitutional Crisis waiting to be fluffed and folded for all the world to see.  Michelle has as much right to let her husband run for re-election on her name now as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has to run as if not a criminal enterprise, again.  If it is not fair for President Obama to trump our 22nd Amendment protections and seeming established intent by running now on his Princeton and Harvard degreed lady’s name than it likely is so criminal for there to have been one HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT such that we should now find our Masters in Treason and learn of their learnedness at least as to whether there are any statutory limits that run with treasonous activities if not merely somehow established as criminal.

{note:  At this moment on Sunday I am breaking from this pressing of a new column - not knowing if it is done or due furtherences however farther or further may be grammatically the appropriate metric for such meters and footings.}

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