You do not know the Clintons nor President Obama the way that I do. I have known the Clintons since the early 70s and known of such B.O. from Hawaii four years ahead of me since the late seventies.
There is much to my regularly refreshed ‘he is so wrong on Iraq he can hardly be right about anything’ thought that needed be specifically about tragedies of this week and my history with Barack Obama.
There is much I can not ever ignore of and from the Clintons of from their plotting years between the early 70s and as predating their assumption of the White House as of them of sharing with me that they had thoughts and plotting to undermining our Constitution as if of plotting to break it but as if appearing to be bending it greatly. I know the Clintons for having shared that they wanted to disregard our Constitution in order to attempt their ambitions like now long visible towards being the most powerful two people in the world. I can not ignore that I bore witness in spirit to their plotting and sharing nor that I was surprised that after their assumption of the White House they turned out to be so bold to actually think it wise or practicable to attempt to effect such of their decades of spousal scheming.
But today of this tragic week it is more to how sad it was for me after having helped the Clintons become more electable than I had meant to towards 1992 that further down the road my original assistance was being misappropriated by them and others in the Democrat Party though original to me and my ambitions and figurings to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution.
My story of having helped the Clintons in 1992 is too long a story now some told to go into greatly here now, but as it of me of thinking Democrats were desperate as a party and dangerous in a desperation and of a need to be much saved from themselves.
But I cannot abide President Barack Hussein Obama much for having embraced the Clintons after my efforts to have defeated their 2008 attempts much to his unintended benefit. I was of a generous thought for him that I should give him a year to show a willingness to clean up his own party before trusting my distrust primarily in a fuller stand against any Democrat too affiliated with the Clintons. I can be remembered for having encouraged the Republicans to try to position themselves as a party of noes from the earliest moments of such a general GOP response, and, I can be remembered for having asked CNBC to ask one of theirs to broadcast my thought that America could use a new Tea Party.
But for now and for this tragic week it is as much for the problems I have historically much with once just state Senator Barack Obama for his break-out Democrat Party Convention speech. Many since have read his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and to a possible realization that stylistically the two are quite different. For me who didn’t intent to watch that convention at that moment and yet turned it on it was a woeful and most annoying moment of thoughts visceral of “he is stealing my lines” and with it of echoes of powers that be of guidance to him to “try to own it - make it your own” and with “put a black face on it”.
If only you knew how such lines were originally meant and intended to work for a greater good as new more civil language much needed when first figured back before the Clintons had yet braved their unexpected late entrance into the 1992 race.
Yes I know that State Senator Barack Obama’s break-out convention speech had him more of my style than his of his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and that the echoes about his oration of lines too much mine were quite viscerally quite annoying as if a theft of intellectual property. I was years into annoyance along these lines for the Clintons were not authorized after the election for their misappropriate and incomplete usage of such that I had figured to be both to be a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and then some retweeked in a generosity to be to some saving of the Democrats from themselves.
The Clintons made me witness their spirited considerations to how they could benefit from a weaker interpretation of our Constitution that could come from them bending it so much on its face that it could only maybe be seen as a breaking and intent to undermine such. Again, I couldn’t believe they were thinking those things when they those years shared such thoughts and I could even less quite believe that after their assumption to the White House however then quite unearned and lucky that they then were so bold or stupid to actually try to move along with such effectings as they had long dreamed up.
I know that it was most annoying years into so much of this misappropriating and incorrect usage of what was my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM figurings to be as if a caboose to the Reagan Revolution when Howard Dean needed to be told as well to stop stealing my lines and especially while of his misuse of such in speeches to inner city youths supposedly as a message to not steal.
At the time of State Senator Obama’s break-out convention speech I had yet to connect that he from Chicago was that B.O. from Hawaii I had been aware of since I was in the seventh grade and reading to compete in school wide oratory contest with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Declaration of War Day of Infamy speech.
He is so wrong about Iraq that he really can hardly be right about so much more. I did feel it was generous to give him a year to show he was willing to clean up his own party to naught. I do feel it was ridiculous that he so boldly offered a cover-up of the Clintons with “all Bush’s fault” impossible nonsense as such on its face was so preposterous an impossibility that the size of it as a cover-up suggested the size of a guilt really due considered as mostly the Clintons.
It was ridiculous that I had to tell Howard Dean to stop stealing my original lines and as it was that I had to when he was stealing them to give speeches against stealing. As per the unexpected defeat of the Clintons in the 2008 race you may have the Bush administration and its honoring of my request to officially keep the Clintons from misappropriating anew more inappropriate use of my original works and figurings originally most figured to be for a strong economic recovery then as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution. I was able with the honor and officialdom of the Bush administration keep the Clintons from sounding like their earlier more popular selves as when mostly of having learned to have sounded like me and my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
The Clintons are not running to be a new hope for America if they unwisely risk an entrance into the 2016 races. The Clintons are running to continue with their extra-Constitutional plotting to undermine our Constitution to have more essentially global autocratic powers as still the most powerful two people in the world since like 1993. They are at running to be the most powerful people in the world regardless of our Constitution as if not an inconvenient relic of outdated unpopular useless Law.
I have said most of this in different ways in various pieces on and off of my blog sites for years - this week bring new concerns as we have it seeming commenced that the Clintons are already at least started down the roads of the intra-party warfare towards destabilizing the Obama legacy even while he is still trying to write one to supplant the Clintons’ legacy whatever and however it is yet.
I know more than most or any other how much both sides of such started intra-party warfare has roots but otherwise than would have been if not for me and my old figurings of decades of individual thought to my then afterwards titled so as my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
I really would like to know whom it was who boldly was of the echoes of the State Senator Barack Hussein Obama break-out convention speech that annoyed me as theft of intellectual property and to such misuse so that now is more publicly notable as of #Obama as then of a different style remarkably from his DREAMS FROM MY FATHER and yet quite of the rhyme and reasoning of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM.
And, yes it is of a woe to me that one who could have been to such a visceral annoyance so so was then later to be so wrong about Iraq as to be so wrong about everything else while oddly of some of an unauthorized use of words mine of a peace that historically better explains how and why both Clintons and this Obama have been quite wrong.
And this week of its tragedies we still have to wonder about the Time Square bomber as one of such family abroad that was of reports of being of dollars from the USA to fight terrorism at home and he supposedly so of reports of having set out to bomb in Time Square to restore his loss of honor to his family by bombing to offer further justification for more USA dollars to keep flowing to his country and his family to prevent terrorism.