
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:33 am

There were some sheer moments of Obama in a no-nonsense comedic self incrimination.  These may be the times of better leg work by Secretary Kerry as Obama’s Secretary Clinton replacement than of the leg work of Obama while politically stuck to the hemming and fraying of the Clintons’ exploits.

You have been un-styled too long.  If you haven’t fashioned a comity about politics of the American confederate republic of the years since Governor and Mrs. Clinton walked your way in a rudely late 1992 strutting it may be because the Clintons can not be styled for comity.  We do now have Mrs. Clinton now infamous for “ready from day one” and “ready at 3am” runs contrary to how she warranted or guaranteed her “Hillary for President” vanity.

Maybe if Mrs. Clinton were now having to out model our Barack Obama for high office she might have that his “BUZZ FEED” 2am moments might be worse than her infamy for her as unable and unprepared when fateful 3am challenges dressed her down.

What of our Barack Obama’s walk of his second term as of his new Secretary of State struggling  to helm the heeling of so much keeled over that he has inherited from Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?

It may have been political fashion faux pas for President Obama to ask either of the Clinton “two-fer” to walk more straight and with more honesty.  He may have tuned out when he needed most to have tuned in back when stumbling or fumbling however to ‘BUZZ FEED” satisfaction celebration/consummation.  But still it is that the Clinton “two-fer” is strung out now quite noticeably as they have to strut deniability and work it daily to avoid having to carry the weight and mass of their personal baggage just of their eight years as our highest in our confederate republic.

These are the days that must be trying Secretary John Kerry’s personal delights in kiting times as he is leeward bowed by an unjust innocent cloaking of two Clintons.  He may have stories to tell of these inherited times tacked hard and back with less than stellar lines of Hillary Clinton’s heeled helming of State.  He may be stirred by ghosts of an albatros fairly due about the neck of at least then FLOTUS Clinton.  It is hard to say that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton while First Lady was more humane than the lore’d ancient mariner.

It is a stone cold sober reality that President George W. Bush and his father were no Reagans.  And, it is still sobering that so much of the spending by President George W. Bush was simply necessary because the Clinton “two-fer” had created a disaster waiting to bust out by having cut two trillion too quickly and so with it of nearly one trillion too much cut.  President Bush 43 was stuck with an economy the Clintons had treated as a candle that they could burn from both ends at once.  Though the Bush Tax Cuts were justified and justifiable by the Clinton “two-fer” trillion in surpluses the CLINTONS’ SURPLUSES were not well figured nor judiciously fit for those days.

It seems it is a moral paradigm some how there seems to be a calculation that Bush was wrong and for lying and yet so such that the Clinton “two-fer” were necessary to that which too many have simply let walk as lies talked and strutted.  It is sheer madness that there is much nonsense of our Barack Obama as of posturing that is suggestive that Hillary was/is not worth looking at.  The years 1993-2001 were not years that justified the Clintons’ ploys of/to PEACE DIVIDENDS.

It may help the confederate republic still stand true if we boost Secretary John Kerry so that he feels freer to walk an erudite rendition of the Clintons as per their eight years and so that we can picture Mrs. Clinton with all her personal baggage as her’s to carry herself and towards a truer new fashioning that she may have been near our worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States of America.

Though we now have been refreshed that our Barack Obama by two in the mornings had likely tuned out in days he would have been better to have tuned in it is still that so much of the Clintons is revealable as more half baked.  It is arguable that President Bush left a set-up for some due times for global tough love to allow the USA to better position itself going forward for parity and equality/fairness.  As #SecClinton such set-up was squandered and now with it arguable that we didn’t need to improve relationships so as “Hillary’s” legwork as strutted as if well styled and necessary.  It seems that “Hillary” just gave too much away and was too easy as she gave and gave. 

It is still nonsense that President Obama didn’t herald the prudence of either of the Bush Presidents however they were yet short of Reagan while pimping the Clintons as if of a innocence that can be stoked but not quite reasoned.  The slop of the tides and currents that are keeping Secretary John Kerry from an ecstasy in swift board kiting is also much of how the Clintons did corrupt our banks so to keenly politicize an unjust popularity to burn our economy as if a candle lit from both ends so that they could pass the bucks by stoking irregular branding.  It isn’t just that FLOTUS Clinton was an incendiary imperialistic First Lady of global trotting and posting as if it were safe then to come home and unharness our defenses and intelligence realm with vast budget cuts for them to get a new fix from PEACE DIVIDENDS in times when old wars were being rewalked.

We may not have the luxury of avoiding looking closely at Hillary Clinton and the Clintons’ fashionings since 1993.  It is ridiculous that “Hillary” did crusade as a inciting imperialistic First Lady and that she would then come home and support her husband fully as they they proceeded with sheer nonsense now all to haunting of having cut our defenses and intelligence realms after having traveled the world picking fights.

Really it may be a good first step towards 2014 & 2016 to look grossly at the leg work of the Clinton “two-fer” as much of utter nonsense, however it now may net out.

This is a time for a new REASON, MORALITY AND POWER discussion.  And, now it seems President Carter as sold it that President Bush was from day one due more honors for fairness than either of the Clinton “two-fer” after their eight years.

It is reasonable to join a dressing down of at least Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton as a Secretary of State that can go down as near our worst ever in the history of the confederate republic of the United States of America.  It may have been that our Barack Obama by two in the mornings was fumbling in a faux ecstasy with munchies his “BUZZ FEED” yet it is the infamy of our Hillary Clinton that is a stoking to be forewarned about.

Better it would have been if our Barack Obama served up that the Clintons can go down as “HALF BAKED” and that we should have prudently flushed them for such long long ago;  it is concerning that for some reason she of the Clinton “two-fer” cooked up a squandering of days of righteous indignation opportunism that she inherited as a rare styling for a new prudence from global international tough love diplomacy.

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