
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:24 am

As a political writer I am sitting here with Memorial Day Weekend near wondering how to cover Democrat Leaders fresh and stale as of their Obamacare of Darwinian concerns.

Are we of days of lesser weevils like rotten apples about a Bernoulli greater evils of like rotten apples in your bushels?

Oh my!  Are these days of lifts or down drafts - more days of political dark clouds nearer than the horizon?  Can I even remember how or why a old college Economics Professor did once call the Bernoulli Principle a “bad apple theorem”?  May be easier now to just wonder how a new municipal politics is afoot for a Big Apple - and due some damming.  Whom may crowe about lesser or greater weevils may be ravenous too much of old evils said of an Axis of Evil.

How Manhattan may all memorialize a loose Union anew in 2013 seems now for the picking as about East Egg & West Egg escapism of old fashioned Leonardoesque capping.  What is the weevil in the barrels truly of the Clintons’ evil of old avoidance and inaction than cannot long support still their old “PEACE” for “PEACE DIVIDENDS”?

Has it been seventeen years already since when Bill and Hillary Clinton should have measure Saddam Hussein as a serpent in their garden and but how Biblical moved so judiciously and civilly prudently for a prosecution in full of all sanctions and crimes held up against Iraq’s tyrannical leader?

Do New Yorkers have among them already a perfect Super Bowl Mayor candidate for 2013 political harvesting?

Among the ebb and flow and thermodynamics of our current political pickings there may be a need to dam some old currents to stem a re-streaming of conditions from the conscious politics of the Clintons still to causing turbulence of/from unstable “hot-air.”

It may this weekend be more difficult to pick through the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama for “good fruit” even if of like Mr. Binks of Rudyard Kipling’s MUNICIPAL sewers keeping.  Yes Ja Ja Binks seems to be still quite a Gunga Din.  Yes, President Barack H. Obama did receive a Nobel Peace Prize.  Yes, the President of the United States, currently, when of his acceptance speech for his Peace Prize was early to a damming of old lingering dangerous fruits of Clintons’ evils in their avoidance and inaction, globally.

Do you - all New Yorkers - take Bill and Hillary to be yours - yours as embraced New Yorkers?  Do you take carpetbagger Hillary Clinton of a bought nepotic Senate acquisition by Executive arrangements of and by her spouse while then a seated President of the United States of America?  How whether you take them as your own is it that it was fair that she Hillary was allowed to campaign for Senate and the Presidency legally at least while of the full protection and its pomp and circumstancing luxury of the details for a term limited President?  What is “not fair” - what is “NOT FAIR!!!”?

Do you yet get the import of the apple of the eyes of the Eightieth Congress as entrenched for now still by the existent 22nd Amendment of a careful “holding” poetic legalese to keep our term limits Amendment supposedly from being just a loop hole say for FDR to have just run again after two terms on his wife’s name Eleanor Roosevelt?  Our Constitutional Amendment for term limits upon our President was a reaction to Franklin and Eleanor.  Our Constitutional Amendment so written by the Eightieth Congress and ratified by the nation does respect that marriage laws and “holding” of united souls in marriage unions can not be set asunder for an interpretation of their limiting writ as if an election of one spouse to a holding isn’t actually also an indivisible by election working to a “some” or maybe “much” “holding” of such office by the other spouse.

There is a serpent of knowledge awaiting our Constitution as our 22nd Amendment is still on the books yet as undecided law.

By it being now undecided law so much can be said as if its original or derived intent to tag current politicians with labeling as if Criminal - Un-Constitutional - Treasonous.  But for now it is a knowledge of a united two in marriage union that can not be set asunder by its legal “holding” so that the “holding” of the 22nd Amendment can reasonably be to allowing legally for Hillary Clinton to run for President as an election of her would then effect a by election “holding” some or much of office again by her spouse.  Bill Clinton is not allowed to be returned to any holding of the office of the President by election and as he is indivisible from his marriage holding and union Hillary Clinton is not a legal eligible candidate for an election of her would return Bill Clinton by election to at least some “holding” Constitutionally barred.

But New Yorkers this is more about the Big Apple and so much long fought for since THE FEDERALIST PAPERS were written as if by Publius to defend the hopes of a more perfect Union of the Founding Fathers, and, as written to defend such from an earlier Clinton of New York politics who had more empirical and/or imperialistic designs too like these still in our faces newer Clintons.  We have that these days are much like the days of the Founding Fathers of the United States and yet now with it just a new Clintons about a similar resistance but now as per more global opportunities to less than Constitutional designs.

Enter again our concerns about President Barack H. Obama even as he seemed smarter (smart enough) earlier at least when to tagging the Clintons with a global guilt from their years of administering with so much international inaction and avoidance.  Enter again the current President who early did so speak seemingly erudite about DANGERS!!! from politics like that of the real legacy of Bill and Hillary and their Presidency.

It may be necessary to go all Darwinian “survival of the species” political in 2013 at least while discussing how important it may be to over-turn Obamacare.  It may be about what has to be dammed that is of old unstable turbulence from “hot-air” of the Clintons’ administering - Quite!  It may now be seriously that we have to dam both the Clintons and their protege(s) and as well Obamacare - REALLY!  We have that we aren’t getting economic lift maybe because the Apple of the Clintons is spoiling the whole lots of bushels.

There was no real “PEACE” in their days as “two-fer” intimates engaged however properly or devilishly in a holding of the office of the President of the United States of America.  Their “PEACE DIVIDENDS” were more conjured as of evil spirits then and of a poisonous fruit of “PEACE” then as a BIG LIE.  The already recorded “legacy” of Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton is coincidentally also able to be of a tag on Clintons as of too much hedging and too little fruit baring economics.  New Yorkers may better than most recall that in 1993 when sworn in the “two-fer” Clintons were to inheriting a almost already recovered from recession economy.  What happened after 1993 was that they worked an evil devilish selfish politics of a fattening of a recovered economy so that they could have headlines to make people around the world believe that they had made the economy better. 

By now it may be that New Yorkers are the ones behind the bad air and drafts of the Clintons and some how of political blinders to an ignorance that the Clintons did actually cause most of the economic conditions that made the collapse possible.

They while wanting to be loved as like PEACENIKS are actually of such as of theirs as of “PEACE” then actually of the rot with the collapse much of from their pickings to PEACE DIVIDEND popularity from now more obviously questionable (lies) about “peace.”

Afghanistan and Iraq are the two greatest failures about such BIG LIES by the administration of the Clinton “two-fer” and specifically what our current President was admonishing when with his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech was to careful tagging of DANGERS from “inaction” and “avoidance.”  Yes these are the same Clintons that after eight years didn’t even leave a succeeding President a single option on the table as per even just Saddam Hussein and a full prosecution or enforcement of him by rights established with United Nations agreements.

The politics of both the Clintons and Obama as per ACA - Obamacare is such that a devolution may now result from an over coddling new nationalism with their centralized near BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER “caring” governance.  The more they get citizens (subjects) to let the Government do for them the less capable such as a species of Americans should then develop and evolve in years with as still of a natural selection “survivor” trait(s).  The old “AMERICAN” may be a dying bread - Quite!

The Clintons’ “PEACE” for their desired devilish wants for a rare popularity for/from “PEACE DIVIDENDS” can be said to be a bigger and proven more dangerous lie than that of President Bush when after the Presidency of the Clintons seemed to be with Americans down to near only one way left to proceed with a due prosecution of Saddam Hussein, and to tagging as “Bush lied - soldiers died.”

As the Clintons’ “PEACE” was maybe the biggest and most dangerous lie by an American leader in the past twenty years, and seemingly because “Bill” just wanted to be lovable as like a Dove, it is still dangerous that the Clintons seem too institutionalized in their marriage and of a plot to allow “Bill” to be the “Dove” and then to shock and awe with “Hillary” later allowed to be the “Hawk.”

But will the over-coddling socialism reaching centralizing attempts by the lot of Democrat leaders lead to a devolution of the American species?  With the Government trying to have power to do more for Americans of that which Americans were long strong and proud for being of a self sufficiency won’t it be more of a survival of the species Darwinism to Americans to devolving not evolving as a class or species?

This Memorial Day Weekend it would behoove New Yorkers of Mayoral Race of 2013 much also to consider that the world has not become a better place with the new Clintons trying to effect globally quite what an earlier New York politician Clinton did once unsuccessfully after being confronted by Publius and his THE FEDERALIST PAPERS.

The bad apples now possibly about the Big Apple municipal political reset are of turbulence that needs to be dammed or damned still of an inferno of Hillary and her crusading while FLOTUS.  She was having trouble being right recently on foreign affairs and the Middle East not just because of limits of her “experts” - she is quite able to be tagged as blinded as well by the hot-air streaming nonsense of the “PEACE” they pimp’d that never actually existed.

New Yorkers if you do still take the Clintons as yours will you if and when the Congress deems it wise to subpoena maybe both Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and dig deep into as well all matters and monies movements via the CLINTONS’ GLOBAL INITIATIVES?  Benghazi is a scandal that for its cover-up opens up a concern that the cover-up was politically needed because they had been wrong about intelligence and history and at risk each or all as possibly of being to naively funding like a by material support the very terrorism they were supposedly fighting.

Please do consider either whether right to choose the less of the two weevils and how to now choice something better than a consideration just politically as a “lesser of the two evils.”

[note:  I am still of the strategic opinion I figured since before the Clintons did enter 1992 race and so of from before I helped make them electable in part because of such concerns in my philosophical strategizing about my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that the Clintons or a re-elected President Bush was best to move to prosecute Saddam Hussein within that new term.  What was needed after the Persian Gulf War to be done before it was likely safe to move finally against Saddam Hussein was that at least New York City and its Time Square and Las Vegas had to first have started a real revival and urban renewal with Community Policing.  It still seems plausible that Saddam Hussein had a way to defeat the new sole superpower USA in a global PR war if we didn’t show the world that Americans could fix their own cities before asserting that they could run Baghdad better than he.  It still hasn’t made sense to me for USA to have not moved for a full enforcement of the United Nations sanction on Saddam Hussein and his Iraq within what was the first term of the Clintons’ “two-fer.”]

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