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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:01 am

And you thought you were off the hook. 

2016 IS COMING!!!  

We are set now in too untried times and yet to a political dimension of depth and probity never yet before so for our frontiers;  these are the waking dawns of a race of tickets in lieu of a battle of individuals rising us towards betterment from democracy of engagements alarmingly set for November 2016.

2016 as the judgement year with so much dirty laundry like blowing in the winds, political, seems rolled up and ready to unfurl for people’s struggles regardless of their stripes.  The patterns suggestive for a political Constitutional RESET have to stay local like Catholic parishes;  President Obama will be out and hopefully also gone will be his too singular too new theocratic JUMBO TRON centralization so contrary to all religions that don’t even have just one global mass on their sabbath with just one teacher for such a “class” size.

I.E.:  2016 is of such a dynamic at least for citizens of the United States that teamwork may be the golden child towards 2016. 

E.G.:  2016 should maybe start with four tickets as a race from the start of say Paul and West, Rubio and Cruz, Patrick and Booker, and, Biden and Clinton.

Historically it seems the world is due a RESET to PRE-CLINTON politics.  There is much to be learned in what the Clintons didn’t know, and as well what they worked to keep you from knowing specifically about what they knew too little about.  It may help to key an early broaching of such by reminding all that though the Clintons were from Arkansas and so late to the 1992 contestations it oddly was that they were running as if from New Haven, Connecticut.

Bill Clinton has basically ruined it for Hillary Clinton - a sequel though now most unlikely still has to be aired out as if Mrs. Clinton can offer nothing now but more sloppy seconds;  she has a record of psycho “baggage” that is inappropriate to the legacy and example of George and Martha, even however with the First Inaugural of “vicissitudes incident to life” and poetic suggestions of Washington of a general use of prophylactic “skins” of their day that can be washed and reused and even spoken of in Presidential speeches.

I am not sure that the Clintons didn’t too sex up the intercoursing of political parlay too much such that Republicans towards 2016 will have to publish an American rival to Kama Sutra, or at least be better to selling “Presidential knee-pads” than even just Roll Call classified ads.  America will rock on — America does need a RESET to PRE-CLINTON for diplomatic, economic and political reasons separate from their pop idolatry/propaganda.

I, as I harken all to consider the Clintons in 1992 and then with their administering (so questionable), am of an understanding about the unanswered dimension that is of the open files per the Clintons from Arkansas of running as if of and from New Haven more so.  It is that as per such I know so much that I may still be (sadly) the only expert in such field.

President Barack Obama did with his oddly early life story personal memoir of DREAMS FROM MY FATHER (if I recall source correctly) was confessional uniquely to a personal dislike for “community organizing.”  We have that teams in lieu of heavy hands marching a beat in a hope for individuals towards 2016 may now be our most practicable and prudent future political.  It was telling that “Barry” of his most early memoir spoke of a quest for Power and a specific dislike for community organizing.  It was telling even more so that his second Berlin speech naively proffered that the American concept/experiment was for “the Power of the Individual.”

It seems “Barry” the “community organizer” told his autobiographical tales as of a dislike for being embedded in communities as nearly like:  I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE - I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE — IF I ONLY HAD REAL POWER…  I’VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE.

It most seems his and the Clintons’ “dirty laundry” have too much uncovered such that prudence needn’t be of US citizens to being Republican prudes but is smartly of a psycho F.U.B.A.R. that a RESET to PRE-CLINTON is pragmatically alluring.

Yes, I do (at times) think it is sad that I may as regards so much now still of vast import to the American tales be still nearly or just too much the only expert in my field.  I may be, but for the Clintons, though white, quite of a minority as per the breaking of racial divides in the early 1990s knowledge and specifically as per an original understanding of how and why it was set so about New Haven and that the Clintons needed to learn it some in order to become electable in 1992.

There was, shall I say, a too little known contestation to push and tease a new political correctness that I based in and on New Haven as a poetic example for global lessons of practicable new federalism charges with specific defining and balancing of loose talk of a NEW WORLD ORDER.  New Haven became ground zero for a political thought as to what a NEW WORLD ORDER should mean for free peoples at least of the United States of America as it by accident more than design did become a sole superpower.

It is fit to consider that the Clintons have too much to lose by telling you enough truths.  It is still that President Obama can be said to have been failing as the Executive of the USA because the lack of Power in his community organizing wasn’t of a Power he would or could have even if and when elected President.

President Obama can be said to have been trapped wanting and seeking a type of Power that doesn’t fairly exist for any man or woman in the United States of America and that it has been that he has disliked the work of the Presidency likely as much as he seemed to have dreaded community organizing.   The Clintons are though more of wanting the times to have to fit their spousal husbandry to Power grabbing when of the times that needed them otherwise to have been right for the times.

It was a lot of work helping President George W. Bush after 9/11 try to fix so much that the Clintons with their selfish political spousal plotting had set asunder.  This again is a broaching of an area of US history at least some again of me at times of feeling that I am too much a lone expert about such field.  I do like how McCain/Palin ticket promised to strengthen subset of governors the Governors, and, I like now how it seems the Council on Foreign Relations with Richard Haas is to speaking of a need to broaden our range more locally (as if training a larger orchestra for democracy).

There are problems in the type of theocracy that President Barack Hussein Obama tried to usher in.  It is that with such as quite of a prima facie tone from the White House as “Pulpit” more than “Bully Pulpit” Big Brother Governance was broken out — President Obama should have while set so more as if to work a secular socialism of global apologisms at least have ordered that that seventh day for rest had to be given up too as he asked for people to essentially give up their God(s) to follow his daily evangelisms.  There is no escaping that new President Obama did break into regular broadcasts and so that he could give hour long mind numbing evangelizing renditions fit to the type of Power he thought he could have as President that he couldn’t as one not willing to do the actual parochial hard work of compassionate community organizing.

Yes we do need, it seems, to have teams of tickets from the earliest of a start for 2016 contestations.  Yes, we do need, it seems, to really have a RESET to PRE-CLINTON governance.  Yes, we do need, it seems to learn that President George W. Bush did largely have to fix most of the problems of the inheritances from the governance of the co-Presidency of the Clintons and while giving them a like GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD in the interests of keeping the nation together after 9/11 and to speeding a vibrant and robust recovery.

These are issues tarred to the Clintons that histories past would not now be considering as lightly. 

President Obama is basically to being President as if again of his days of disliking how much work was needed in community organizing and of too lately discovering his own dirty laundry much of it for not getting cleaned by itself without some one actually to doing the hard work about such.

There likely will be Catholics in the 2016 and as more than engaged as a team of one.  President Obama has shown himself to be less of a teacher and contrary to his own “education” messaging of the importance of smaller class sizes — if smaller class sizes are right for his education politics than his politics, however to an evangelizing to a new theocratic Big Brother justification, should have been more Catholic and less JUMBO TRON in a singularity as if he unlike a Pope should be globally followed for one one hour mass each day and maybe two on the sabbath — it seems that Catholics are kept to a peace by a local stirring of community voices and that President Obama wanted only his sermons to be heard as the Word and only in his voice.

There likely will be Catholics in the 2016 marches for a washing of past wrongs and of a hope for a future more alluring and workable.  To get back to NORMAL the whole world really likely needs a RESET to PRE-CLINTON and not an offering of just Hillary Clinton as only now presentable as like SLOPPY SECONDS - OR THIRDS.

Let me be clear:  President Barack Hussein Obama’s second Berlin speech and his history of irregularity as per The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution is quite visible as a stain on the American concept — American is for the “power of individuals” firstly and not as he offered as “for the Power of the Individual”. 

Let me be clear:  These are times where such is quite concerning that he was to speaking in Berlin and to that the United States is consecrated for Power to whichever (mad) individual might then be able to seize and hold power as of a megalomania.

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