
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:06 am

This is a commenced treatment now of the tale of two Detroits - of a contrast in two Socialist treatises - like.

For now you may not want to complicate this discoursing with full knowledge of my past efforts in strategized integrated marketing politicking for the benefit of the American car brands, and how such was very substantial and volunteered during the Clintons’ years.  To preface but not bolster this economic and philosophical work out of the issues of Detroit bail-out(s) let it suffice to say that I was and without the Clintons much to thinking my work for positive change for America that gave much rise to them for 1992 was of a parallel consideration that with so much effort I was to hoping it could and would boost American made cars over foreign made, and especially in the luxury car categories.

For those new to finding of my quiet and largely still uncredited past of much success in effecting much positive change it maybe all started in 1971 when I was near 6 years old and asked my maternal grandfather Arthur M. Menadier to teach me how to become just like him - how to become a top New York City based Top Marketing and Advertising (Mad Man - colloquial) - and so as it was with he of one condition that it be as “but without his vice of smoking near three packs of Pall Mall cigarettes per day.  He was then just months from mandatory retirement age for his employment so running the Johnson & Johnson consolidated account as he had consolidated it into Young and Rubicam.

There are two Detroits we can speak of without invading Black President Obama and his awfully late attempt to address race and race politics.  The two Detroits to treat now each as a Socialism and yet with one a superior Socialism over the other.

Firstly we should get to the starting line and to having all the ladies and gentlemen with their motors started - we should first discuss how the old low (and affordable) price of gas was a Republican Socialism within their general economics of Capitalism.  Such was a wonder of job creation efficiencies however they may have to Government Socialists to have been of inefficiencies.

Secondly we have to create a buffer area about this as an economic discussion as dangers are about any comprehension from the confusion wrought and fixed by the Clintons’ extra trillion cut for a political gain from unnecessary surpluses.

Right!  Secondly we have to find a way to work around and drive around how the Clintons with their political surpluses were otherwise to these discourses to having been of a diabolical and exclusively negative “governance” as regards Detroit - the two Detroits I am now asking you all to consider with each other and myself.

Thirdly there is the conflicting “Politics” of the Clintons at least as to attempts to roll at least Americans to a post-Constitutional Totalitarianism as if a King David of axlerod railings global autocracy of the Clintons.  These are matters of much import and concern to all economics and politics if to preservation of freedom and democracy but they are not necessary to this discourse on two Socialisms of two Detroits.

It is likely quickest to a good revolutions torqued temperament if we dispense with the Clintons now and forward - if we otherwise focus more as on the benefits globally of the old lower fuel cost politics of the Republicans and even when then of trickle down economic mileage.  It was a socially good and generous Capitalistic Socialism of the old days of lower fuel prices and lower miles per gallon American road stirrings.  The old Capitalism model of one of the two Detroits was paved for maximizing job creation and saving all around the world - it really was a Socialism good within a good Capitalism.

To now moderate the environment of such a revving as a GOOD please for now consider that there were better ways to politically address any or all Global Warming than those of the green energy politics of the Obama Administration, and, that the way to have saved us from these trying days of bumps of a new depression was to have worked otherwise so that gas prices could be brought down and fast enough to have prevented the housing bubble crashing that was much from too many of having bought into the Clintons’ hyper-consumerism and maxed out all their fixed incomes so that they no longer could afford their homes at the new desired green energy convenient higher gas prices - if to also being able to afford to buy the gas to get to that job that provided them their fixed income - if not already jobless as “retired”.

The Clintons did set up this economic mess and much for a politics of thinking that each day they just had to come up with new lies to get them through just another day.  The Clintons surpluses set it up so that both Detroits and both Socialisms were likely past bumping and rolling with them to just crashing.

I leave it to you and other economic types to figure how the green energy politics of the nationalism centralizing Socialism of the Dems of the Obama years were to undermining employment all across the Middle East — I leave it to others to provide believable numbers and statistics to how whether the new increase in demand by China and India did maybe fully moderate and supplant all the jobs that their convenient higher gas prices and increased fuel efficiencies were then there undercutting.  I do believe that the Democrats energy politics did cause more unemployment across the Middle East than all the demand of China and India could have or yet quite supplanted.

The Government of Detroit and its now breaking Bankruptcy is of the Democrats’ Government Socialism otherworldliness of the other Socialism.  That the Capitalism of the old Detroit was a generous Socialism within the (trickle down) Capitalism economics has mileage today for all trippin’ on economics.  In essence the Dems of Obama’s New Nationalism Socialism to new foundations were Socialists who didn’t realize that their railing against Capitalism and its inefficiencies were firstly to undercutting the generous socialism and compassion that was essential to much of the “invisible hand” economics of the economics that long stood as American and of Detroit Capitalism - it was the Government Socialisms of the Democrats that largely first attacked and killed off the compassion and Socialism long of the working Capitalism of one Detroit.

We know how to make ice and General Electric with Jobs Czar J. Immelt had the technology to actually have had many shovel ready jobs under the Obama administering.  GE makes the nuclear power plants for many of the Naval vessels and could have moved mountains towards the inspired International Fleet of Nuclear Chiller Submarines and a new Weather Corps I had first written publicly of near 2007.  We could have started new industries to save the environment like for a Weather Corps calling and fleets of submarines powered efficiently by GE nuclear technology and as submersible inside out cruiser freezer/refrigerators that Disney or Virgin could have co-opted into their Cruise platforms.  We could have otherwise have been to turning the economy around faster if we had protect the generous and compassionate Socialist inefficiencies in Detroit’s Capitalism and with a more measured continued strategery to more efficient vehicles and while so then working effectively to get the gas prices lower and low enough to prevent most of the housing bubble collapsing that so did commence firstly due to the fixed incomes and hyper-consumerism of Clintonomics whence the green energy gas spike pricing subjectively overwhelmed reasonable and working (trickle down) economics.

We have that President Obama can hardly now take credit for the improved economics - at least in any political NET way.  His economic priorities had first been shown in Spain to have there cost at least two jobs for every one new job created by such a political economic machination.  It is for others to detail the metrics now economically and in depth to be more graphic to how Obamanomics have been worse than Clintononomics as Obamanations of facts being it seems that his were so radical and revolutionary that they were to costing nearer to three old jobs for each one new green job.

These bumps used to be smoothed out in time with economic maintenance schedules of the old workable Socialisms within the (trickledown) Detroit Capitalism.  Times did get bad, and, times got worse than they needed too but while so generally the USA was running union costs for employment in both Socialisms of the two Detroits to be for an American able to compete globally - still.  I though am not one to say that the unions were not willing to have worked a way otherwise and away from the political nationalized centralized Socialism of the political economics of the Obama administering.

Essentially, to be clear - to be brief - it was the Socialism of the Politics of the Democrats that did jeopardize the Capitalism of Detroit and all the compassion and Socialism in its trickle down economics of benefits for many from lower fuel efficiencies and lower gas prices.  There was time to expedite the modernization of the mileage - price paradigm conundrums, and, as it is we were from the Bush years already fixed on the road to such with a new global necessary politics for the United States of America as best to be paving the way for and to energy independence.

Though President Barack Hussein Obama may go down as the great jobs killer and even for those of the old fuel markets across the Middle East we cannot escape that he while being so passionate in his Government Socialism was naively to damaging more than helping both Detroits.  He may have made Chinese and Indians seem heroic newly to those of oil profits and interests across the Middle East and quite at a cost to those of the United States of America.

Again there were other and many quite shovel ready ways to have turned around the economies of the world and with many job saving in the USA if only the economics had not become so political and of such a crony capitalism of fixed Green Energy Platforms.

He - Obama - may have sold you with David Axlerod to being there for your bumps with rolls to national political evangelizing - he should though have avoided the need for such as better options and solutions were available to address and amend about the problems as he proffered them.

It is hardly a boon to President Obama that the economy is largely recovering mostly for the local state based efforts in mostly Republican led states and while them of reasonable and natural passages of the roads paved by Bush’s energy politics and continued support of institutions of higher learning and their automobile and science and engineering departments for greener and more efficient future mobility.

We could hardly now be having the economic recovery if we hadn’t had the Bush years and the standing for oil market stability and so as a defense held long enough for the United States to smooth out future bumps with revving for energy independence as a nation.  There long has been compassion of the “invisible hand” of trickle down Capitalism markets and that side of the two Detroit Socialism not now of the primary news as of being of the failed Democrat Party Government Bureaucratic Socialism that should have long ago started fixing itself, firstly.

Yes, I have been thinking for Detroit for a long time - I am a proud American today for the news of the Impala 95 out of a 100 international top rating.  I do remember the early days of the unexpected 1992 win for the Clintons and how the Capitalist leaders of Detroit Auto Complexes were of finding the Clintons had deaf ears to the necessary Capitialism strategery - but not me.  I am still proud of my offered direction to Detroit then about the vacuous Clintons’ economics for them to anchor themselves forward around lines of smaller cars to help sell future of efficiencies by making them small but in the style of the old big “American” cars of Bill Clinton’s and his gens youth.

Right - it can be humorous but for all the actually unnecessary bumps and rolls from the limited and short sighted said long road thinking of the Demonomics of Clitnonomics and Obamanomics if humor can be found in considering that the small car boom and customizing to musical and audiofiles that marks the Clintons’ years was not at all natural then to Bill Clinton or still as he is still of a personality to be selling cars with backs seats at least large enough horizontally for himself and one other - Right?

What we have learned at least from the evidence of the Green Political Socialism too nationalized and centralized by President Obama is that we already nearly had the technology ready thanks to the administrations of the two President Bush and quite hardly much to thanks for the Clintons’ surpluses of that extra trillion unnecessarily cut but as they figured it as a political ploy to sell Hillary still as a queen like best too also to a totalitarianism around axlerods bumb evangelizing in a lie base secular autocratic post-Constitutional new world order.

What we all should already have figured is that we could have made better progress to solving any or all of the Global Warming alarming problems without the Dems spiking of the gas prices and rash march on Detroit to higher fuel efficiencies immediately.  We were already set on the roads paved to an energy independence that have brought economic boons with the development of US natural gas resources and as well of a Capitalistic Socialistic Good of the two Detroits such that its armies of workers were together with its mass as already nearly ready to have so many of the gas engines also available as now to run otherwise on natural gas.

Technically speaking to close out this discourse hardly commenced nationally it behoove all to even if late to figuring it out to lock down an economic think that however “socialist” the old Capitalism of one of these Detroits was with low MPG and low gas prices long as the greatest job creator and savor the world as we have known it has ever known.  The Detroit of the old (trickle down) economics hardly HEDGED - it produced - produced - and maintained.

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