
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 6:37 pm

For some this may be put aside as political reading as of the Congress of August 2013, and, for reading during their five week summer break

For all though it is puzzling this supposed Hillary the Superwoman myth in the air that suggests that the Democrat Party is already all together as the lorded class of an agreement that the future representative of the “demos” ( the People) has already been picked and arranged for the 2016 change of crown - like.  It is quite puzzling that the party that is supposedly defined as “Democratic” as defined by “democratic” is as if so set with a new leader already hand picked and pre-selected by a elite set of Lord-ish Party leaders.

On the race angle though it is a problem as after the defeat of the vast “Clintons’ Political Machine” by an inexperience novice political junior peer of the Senate of First Lady Senator Clinton as well quite puzzling as if wondering if chum in the waters can attract sharks.  Whom that is black and an established politician actually of executive experience won’t or shouldn’t be in 2016 Presidential race at least if it seems it only Hillary Clinton that needs to be defeated again?

On reparations there is problematic politics too as per the suggestion that Hillary Clinton is an inevitable next President already picked by a few to be the new People’s leader not to actually need picking by the People - the “demos” of “democratic” and “Democratic.”  It seems suggested that Hillary Clinton deserves the office and should be an inevitable next President this time actually but so as if as a white woman deserving of reparations for time served as just the enslaved spouse of an earlier male President. 

On reparations too there is other race problems more black on black for it seems that President Obama did account to himself so much that as an executive he otherwise could have spread out to others more of slave descent than he — It is considerable how far to reparations for passed African American enslavement the vast millions President Obama didn’t have to have spent on himself as “perks” could have otherwise blessed others more of an American Slave legend. 

The Presidency if for a Democrat Party candidate again is towards 2016 now like cotton for the picking if just to prove a black again can out pick Hillary Clinton if she again enters such laboring - said laboring - refreshments of the “demos” Americana.

On reparations with myself as some of Irish descent I have to oppose reparations angle for the former First Lady Clinton and stick to summation above that Obama’s personal “perks” could have been sufficient for a blessing on most as a justified reparations for the Irish like labor abuses — I have to stick to summation so as if reparations by a refund of the last purchase price of a former slave relation was/is the only passable level of rendering late of old injustices.

Hillary Clinton has done much to demean former First Ladies and women in general with her of this similar false sense of personal entitlement.  It is diabolical to suggest she deserves to be President because as a woman while First Lady she was entitled to more that a spousal co-holding unabridged embrace of real power though of a third of every day with her husband privately much left alone to her mercy or lack of it.

Hillary Clinton set a ridiculous example that still diminishes all First Ladies of The United State of America - even our current FLOTUS Michelle Obama.  It was ridiculous that Hillary Clinton saw the office of First Lady - the Spousal Preserve of shared Power otherwise than all others have.  It was ridiculous that she insisted in a bureaucratic personal submission within the West Wing flow chart of obedience to her husband that undermined the historic traditions of real Power through intimacy.  She asked to be removed from the full protections and celebration of spousal rights as joined and united souls of our legacies and legends made by the women First Ladies.

More successful, than Hillary Clinton, even on healthcare for all is the black Democratic Party winner Governor Deval Patrick.  With President Obama’s ACA - Obamacare a general train wreck it just seems that the United States of America have a successful black executive to lean on towards 2016; it just seems that with Obamacare said of being so doomed 2016 has to be like a religious political calling for Governor Patrick of Massachusetts towards carrying the Democrat Party torch as no other could - towards carrying the torch of a promise that he could, if elected, help states learn how to make a Romneycare work for them.

This can only be some as a set up for Diane Lane and much because others more than Snipes have become snipy about the IRS and taxation.  This is about Joes more than - well this really could and should be more about Joes now than it is. Vice President of the United States is a First Stater and likely of cross party loyalties maintained across the isles of the Congress - across especially the isles of his old and familiar Senate haunts.  This is more about discounts at 1600 - and as “murder at 1600″ still a consideration of Congress as to a likely possible permanent tag on at least Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for gross negligence per Benghazi or even something near a “negligent homicide” rap.

Where is the buck to stop - the bucks to stop about all this that is supposed to not be at all of a “phony” until it has been established that something didn’t stop at rival Clinton’s State desk that was supposed to have gotten to the President’s desk yet didn’t.

There are interesting alternative political plot lines that could have been and still could be soon — there are interesting plot lines to at least entertain now as August break dramatic distractions/escapes.  We have that President Obama likely has shown that his Irishness is not dominant - not to obvious stereotypical dominant traits as his.

If President Barack Hussein Obama were more Irish in his salt and pepper - ebony and ivory - gene strings he likely would have as a visibly black Irish President have worked out a resolution for reparations at least to the last price paid for slaves of African descent of blood relations now settled as citizens of The United States of America.

How has Joe - How has Joe Biden, Vice President, not discounted black President Obama already enough so that he could himself be President now by some simple loyal reviews by his loyal peers in Congress?  How are we not now already with President Obama impeached or removed as by Political duty entrusted in our Vice Presidency?  How has Joe not moved on competence at least as it was possible (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to have move Congress and Country to a change on cause with a hope then in maybe two Joes? 

How are we not now already (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) to a change from within and to a President Joe Biden and maybe so set anew with a Vice President Joe Lieberman?  Why hasn’t experience and seniority reset and saved our body politics from all this division that has been arising from novice and amateur “leadership”?

These are trying days with a President that still seems to be in office quite over his head at least per economics.  Vice President Joe Biden (but for Obama being a “First Black…”) could even have moved Congress in the first term of such upside down and divisive political condition and as a champion for reparations to cure a stinging lack of whipping by First Black President - by President Obama.  We could now have President Joe Biden and with he of success in an earlier removal of a rival politician of little or no real experience and as otherwise an actual and real champion for reparations if only as to a summation tilled justly around the last price paid for each slave of African descent identifiable as of the history of U.S.A. slavery Big Business.

I don’t know how President Obama didn’t make reparations a priority for his first term as the First Black President; it now seems too late for him, and so any or all others.  It seems reasonable that had he been more typically Irish while a politician he would have been, however also white, to having braved the reparations politics when prescient of his first term.

Hillary Clinton did not live up to the Diplomatic challenge it seems that President Obama had hoped to gain from with her as a politically picked rival for his cabinet.  It seems much either stopped at her desk that could have or should have been resolved/attended to there or that stuff got too discounted by her there and so that she was to political selfish reasoning of a practice of keeping it from getting to the President’s desk (in time).  Besides all the improvements that could have or should have been made to the President’s foreign policy speeches and how such should have been caught by the dutiful supporting teamwork expected of a State Department cabinet appointee - there is still Benghazi as of his political rival not having been able to do the lesser job well enough - without apparent tragic negligence.

Whom hasn’t been too discounted at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.E. in Washington, D.C. since the First Black President firstly became so sworn in for his first term?  How has he not already been discounted enough from within so that we had an reset via Vice President Joe Biden and his loyal old Congressional peers, however of their seniority, and so that we otherwise could now be cruising back to American ways with two Joes - with President Joe & Vice President Joe?

It is historic that a first term of The First Black President passed with slaves of African descent seeming discounted more and as if he thought it was righteous for he to expend upon himself such vast sums as Presidential “perks” that symbolically at least could better have gone for reparations.

It may be too early to call him THE GREAT DIVIDER as it is still political that it looks like that we if Hillary Clinton had been elected would have been to having tagged her so THE GREAT DIVIDER more so.  He may be for history THE GREAT DIVIDER of the short history of legacies of past Presidents and irreversibly as The First Black President who avoided some great race based political issues at least during his first term, but, it is so that it was that Hillary Clinton made almost all the same Political partisan campaign promises and so that she as his rival may be a problem within that discounts his rap as a “divider” though without removing the sting from all their lack of whipping on issues that should have been of their first term.

It does seem with Obamacare such a said trainwreck that black Governor Deval Patrick is a nature and evolutionary next Democrat Party nominee for the office of the President.  He actually has political and executive experience and on a workable healthcare for all governance.  Deval Patrick could ask Mayor Cory Booker, if the Newark leader is actually to be old enough to be President by 2017 inauguration day, to join him for a 2016 ticket to take the Democrats away from the DANGER like warned of by a Doug Sosnik recent public comment to how his party is set to have big problems when President Obama is no longer its leader.

For now I can just hope that The First Black President has already read THE EMPEROR OF OCEAN PARK, and most at least of the SAMPLER set out of order at http://jphogan.org.  I have known of Barack Obama since the late 70s when I was in the seventh grade at East Rock Community School in New Haven, Connecticut and was readying for my oratory competition with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s DAY OF INFAMY declaration of war against Japan speech.  I though didn’t know until the 2008 races that he and I share the same August day as our birth date each year - with he old so by four years to the date.

It seems too discounted so that it has been so discounted as to not even much considered that really the politics of these years of The United States of America with its First Black President likely could have been more interesting if President Obama were white or just more white - white enough such that Vice President Joe Biden could have moved Congress to removal of the President for “competency” or “lying under oath” if not worse and so that he could have proven to be a really smart and ambitious rival.

What have we now missed these few years that could have been otherwise if Obama had been white to us of an impeachment or removal, however, so that now we didn’t have Joe so discounted - so that now we had two “Joes” - so that now we of the United States of America had a President Joe Biden and a new Vice President Joe Lieberman?

This is the Barack Obama, President, that said before his 1st Inaugural that the United States could use a new and different Declaration of Independence as if he meant as from the start and so before there was Delaware as a First State.  This is of he that spoke campaign rhetoric in his 1st inaugural as if his win had rewritten history and made his spin the new FACTS of the nation - of he that lied in his 1st inaugural.  This is of he that in his 2nd inaugural breathed a whipping of progressive anti-Constitutionalisms with he so then of his expressiveness smarted but with a legal ignorance while he too of a discounting of the relevance of the founding writs with he then of his like;  THOUGH I JUST SWORE THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I WILL NOT NOW FEEL BEHOLDEN TO SUCH OATH - TO MY SWEARING JUST MOMENTS AGO AS AN OATH OF THE OFFICE.

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