
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 12:22 pm

The news of the day is …


For starters this may be good new for First Lady Michelle Obama - even great news.  The brew ha ha of this summation is of the bosom of truth about how Hillary Clinton can not run as a former First Lady and former Secretary of State without every talking point needing a fem on fem dissection.  Hillary Clinton cannot run now without Michelle Obama being put on the defensive and called out to tell the world that Hillary as First Lady was inferior to herself as such and that her “successes” as her husband’s Secretary of State were only possible as a tool blessed by the Glory of the personable and charismatic First Lady Michelle Obama.


This started a long time ago when a wiser President started the United States of America off as its First President not with a Declaration of Codependency but so as a chesty new frontier of Independence and a government of and for a People of their necessary to life vicissitudes incident to life.  President Obama is no George Washington.  Michelle Obama is more a Martha Washington than Hillary Clinton.  It was economic nonsense in the gestalt of the recent exhibitionism of President Obama however confusing with himself already quite tarred as a Socialist.  It is quite confusing for sure!  Among the Washington embrace of inescapable rights of and for the vicissitudes incident to American (colonial) life is a better understanding of economics than that yet walked or talked by President Obama.  America as Constituted can not be programmed politically for a even keeled economy - for his socialistic dreams of an economy without ups and downs.  And by the way it was the ups of the Clintons irresponsible extra trillion cut for unnecessary surplus popularity that set up the unstable bubble and then was to the down times so triggered by the Democrats while just of the campaign politics leading into the 2008 race — the Democrats caused both the excessive up time and the deep and depressing fall to such long since seen lows.  Having an economy with ups and downs isn’t the problem - the politics of the Democrats as socialistic or selfish elitism if allowed is the problem.


BREAKING ECONOMIC NEWS >>> A fresh start is possible if we just accept that we are best to not listen to the economics of the White House of Obama.  Being against Fannie or Freddie is poetic fright much of the timid story of Barack Hussein Obama so a caricature in name as if a metaphor to one that if afraid of being hit (bammed - O bam’d) too hard.  He may be not doing unto others has he would like done not done to himself  - but such is from a latent timidity not a bravery or bold embrace of economic freedom.  I don’t know how he can be for national insuring of health concerns and yet now be against keeping up with an insuring of mortgage fears.  It is of the record of at least the Republicans that this recent collapse was made by the Government and not a bad market economics Capitalism.  It was the political partisan dreamy crony economics of the Democrats of effectings from whence Hillary for President commenced that triggered the impossible personal financials that led to the housing crash after if first over inflated gas prices and after such then over inflated most household prices with new energy and transportation costs added to the old lower retail prices.  President Bush did not cause the economic collapse - not even did his Bush Tax Cuts — The Clinton Surpluses justified the Bush Tax Cuts as they were pre-9/11 figured.  The Democrats caused the economic collapse and by that we have much that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quite herself specifically causal as she wouldn’t let President Bush spend the necessary apportionments to save the economy as the areas he would have needed to spend money if available were off the table as sacred successful cuts of the Clintons and their surpluses.  Right - even without the Bush Tax Cuts the Pelosi Congress would have still blocked the Republicans from the necessary spending to save the economy before election day 2008.


Hillary Clinton is now mostly self-reduced to being a sad footnote in American History.  She is forever caught now in an eternal struggle for legacy between the Presidency of the First Black President William Jefferson (Davis) Clinton and the First Black President Barack Hussein Obama.  As a women she has a lot to answer for in this era of successful feminism by others - As a women she much has herself to blame for how she got trapped to being quite just a footnote to two said “black” Presidents. There has been this civil war ongoing among these rivals since at least the moment that Barack Obama too became a sworn in President.  There can be no near end to this civil war between these two Presidents as long engaged over a struggle for lasting legacy.  As Hillary has reduced herself to being more just a footnote it is remarkable how she complicates and confuses the legacies of both Clinton & Obama.  Because of Hillary these Presidents have to long suffer beyond the old more traditional controversies from comparing First Ladies - Because of Hillary only Clinton or Obama can be right - They cannot both be right. President Obama cannot now say it was Hillary that was responsible for his successes without saying then that it was Bill Clintons First Lady that was better than his First Lady.


The Commmander in Chief President Barack Hussein Obama went beyond the pale with his war nonsensicals orated too grandly from Camp Pendleton in California.  He is still stuck for being wrong about Iraq always - and confused by his former Secretary of State and her personal legacy of having been for OIF then against OIF then for OIF and then again against OIF… and with her as Obama’s “rival’ Secretary who by his control or not was to being more as if a Secretary of War than a secretary of diplomacy.  It was shameful what I saw and heard while watching the speechifying of the President in his colors as Commander in Chief while about the gathered pride of proud Marines of The United States of America. For more on this subject please find and consider OBAMA’S RETREAT at least as it is covered at http://www.jphogan.org.


*In the years of the biography of Hillary Clinton she is said to be allowing NBC to glorify in a four part miniseries we have the late exclamation of her twid bio of @HillaryClinton of her best as self tagged as “women & kids advocate” and as a “cracker” while The First Black President’s white Secretary of State her “glass ceiling.”  She so is self describes as not being or planning to be an advocate for men - she could have said more with less and room for a word other than “cracker” if she had been willing to profess with her twid (Twitter ID) to be otherwise promised as “an advocate for all.” 

*But to 2016 with any and all possible miniseries we have that it would be improper for NBC to celebrate First Lady Hillary Clinton in four parts without also grandly be at least so to at least a four part celebration of First Lady Michelle Obama. 

*For regular folk maybe more of entertaining options to NBC it is still to be considered that Vice President Joseph Biden as well should rank a four part miniseries before 2016. 

*For now though we can tease what it could all look like in a field of three to 2016 as if Hillary Clinton unwisely enters all should cry out for a re-election of Barack Hussein Obama by the accolades that can allow such with a celebration of their special example as a married black power couple as by a campaigning this time under Michelle for President 2016. 

*Most towns across America likely would hardly be able to handle just the traffic if candidates Michelle Obama, Joseph Biden & Mrs. Clinton were to arrive simultaneously — Poor “Joe” would have his large but thought much still too beat up motorcade while First Lady Michelle Obama would have the best and newest of the current full details that the Secret Service provides a President and Mrs. Secretary Senator FLOTUS Clinton would have what is left of the detail hers by marriage.

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