
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 5:28 pm

It may be commendable that a former President is to be helping commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March On Washington this Wednesday.  President William Jefferson Clinton is scheduled to have his “Got MLK!” soapbox moment.

There were earlier times in the history of the United States of America where a draft was thought a useful tool for what ailed urban areas.  President Barack Hussein Obama, so a born son of Islam, if now to the visceral drum beat of his new Secretary of State likely should and will be to a new draft and one naturally of his “governance” as with a real college exemption.

Many things complicate the United States of America to any involvement now in Syria. 

It may be all over again a “do your homework or you’ll end up in…” Democratic Party politics.  Seems eerily familiar.

We have that Secretary John Kerry, though a Catholic Diplomat head and shoulders above Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, is breathing the same petrified heinous Democratic leadership exhaustings as that which riled the guts of normal Americans in earlier days.  These times do have a beat now of and by a drummer President Obama that are dangerous for he as of his personal story as an apostate.  These times though by the wrenching words of his new Secretary of State do rattle the bones - do rattle the old bones of the transgressions on the souls whence by then new President Clinton.

President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t though as a self professed “Messiah” political figure yet been to explaining how his personal choice of Christianity over Islam has been formational to at least his governance views on theocracies or Islamic Dictatorships.  Such seems more a cup half empty of the work of Martin Luther King even than how President Clinton when a new President wrenched the souls and troubled the guts of Americans and especially Iraqi people of the majority was to deciding he didn’t want to have to deal with Saddam Hussein’s heinous past, and not be even to an in absentia new Nuremberg like war crimes prosecution. 

Secretary John Kerry has worked out the words and sentiment such as was once in the air in 1993 and so of a partisan political preference by the Clintons’ administration thence as America was told in a contrariness that they shouldn’t need to be bothered with such however heinous or gut wrenching.  It was PEACE Bill Clinton wanted to sell and a dovish Presidency he most wanted to proceed with — I was to PEACE DIVIDENDS - full steam ahead but for the inconvenient crisis left the world about Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is an inconvenient lesson plan now for any college now to be current and of an intellectual honesty about Syria without being to spilling so much milk about the still too propped up legacy of the Clintons.  It is to President Obama though to now necessarily be to a believable proffering as to how and why his choice to abandon his faith from birth for Christianity now guides his senses as to a right and wrong at least per Syria.

I do not doubt Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State for his gut reaction and tagging of Syria for chemical weapons use as a truly heinous act.  For me and I imagine many others it is like a deja vu all over again as it feels like that very irregularity that was Saddam Hussein when President William Jefferson Clinton came to town and like chose to prefer intelligence of a PEACE for his dovish wants of PEACE DIVIDENDS full glasses.  The outrage of these “heinous” and “gut wrenching” events as per Syria are due but if a US politician is asked to be or expected to be of a consistency in “governance.”

President Barack Hussein Obama made a horrible choice in Secretary of State.  When he set off on his “First Black” march with the unexpected drum of the Presidency the Clintons should have been relegated to the back rows for their actual history of global abandonment about moral causes - their history of unconscionable inaction and avoidance.  It may have been better yet if President Obama hadn’t even let them in the building - or on his bus.

President Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken well as to the unconscionable “governance” by Syria’s Assad.  The problem quite though is — scratch that — The problems are quite that his words may move the US to a draft as well as how an election of Mrs. Clinton too would - and yet it is that these erudite expressions otherwise are contrary even to the older words of that “anti-war” Senator John Kerry when of his railing against Republicans for action - not inaction.

I don’t know if you have yet any idea how much all of this is essentially of milk spilled by Hillary Rodham Clinton - a Methodist, if I recall — one not an apostate as her former black boss is of his storied march to Christianity. 

What does the religiousity of the Obama administrations have to do with current and past events?  How is it Obama’s Catholic Secretary of State has braved a stand with strong moral language in ways former Methodist Secretary of State didn’t or couldn’t?  How is it though the language seems appropriate to these events it oddly is contrary to past “views” on morality of John Kerry while Senator or Candidate for the Presidency?

It seems President Barack Hussein Obama is positioning himself as towards as great a new need for a Armed Forces draft as long feared that Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was while beating her way, however Methodist, to a power grab like no other - to a power grab quite extra-Constitutional as if a seat for two BOGO “Two-fer” not a two but a united in marriage religiousness as a union of one.

I would mention that President William Jefferson Clinton may be a Southern Baptist but with the clamor or moral outrage now in the air it seems we first should look at him as a husband and lawyer who just didn’t want to do the moral work now said anew to be expected of our leaders in government.  We know he loves to be loved as a politician who sold good and happy FAT (PHAT) times even though such was trumped by hard knocks learning - of real actual history — We know as a lawyer he was disbarred easily and yet forget to consider enough that Mrs. Clinton quite nearly as well was brought up so publicly too for at least a matching dishonesty while a lawyer.

The good news about Syria for citizens of the United States of America is that Hillary Clinton is no longer the Secretary of State.  The goods news now be that if a draft is necessary it will have Obama’s name all over it likely, and as well Secretary Kerry’s, of having an incentive to “do your homework” — a draft now in the second term of President Obama just seems to have to exist if and only it can exist if it is to have a full blown college exemption.

These may be trying days to think learning about capitalism is “getting an education” but it must be harder now for everyone with such “heinous” and “gut wrenching” news being a calling for President Barack Hussein Obama to explain verse for verse even how his choice to be an apostate to Islam was and is right - and acceptable if he is to intervene at all in the sovereign matters of Syria.

It is like “IT IS ALL THE CLINTONS’ FAULT” clear as day with the new beat the drum beat their’s of old.  The Clinton, for your education or refreshment, did choose to play Saddam Hussein as if for all their eight years his past of such war crimes was able to be overlooked.  When President Bush came to town it seemed the Clintons left now war drums anywhere with an alternative for Saddam Hussein and to a prosecution or “justice” as history has long suggested that the Clintons’ did leave office without any entrance or exit plans for Iraq to be dusted off by President George W. Bush.

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