
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 7:53 am

With the rightly due honors and celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King presence with the March On Washington and his “I have a Dream” speech there is a considerate modern politics to be concerned about per President William Jefferson Clinton.

The early reports have that President Clinton is expected to participate in the 50th commemoration but without the honesty in the air of how it was quite that trillion dollar surplus and hyper consumerism of Clintonomics coupled with Al Gore’s GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISM and HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT “economics” pledge to be Socialistic of a promise to seize all oil company profits that beat the drums and forced the march of so many to such now high unemployment and depreciated existence.  It is that President Clinton coupled with the Clintons’ machinations for HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT arrests the sensibilities as most taggable historically in many metrics for the depression level decimation of dreams of blacks across the states of the USA.

These are the days where if America is to move forward all blacks should be shouting out their own dreams and showing their colors spectrally critically from President Barack Obama.  These are the days for like skinned to stand and march to their own beat to show that they are not just “all the same” and all of a prescribed political as of Obama’s colors.

Though I am likely to be honoring and commemorating in my own way tomorrow - though I may likely be to being a carpenter more tomorrow of its mid hours as a paddle restorer and shellacker of Helmsman exterior Polyurethane of a still shared spirit of “dip dip and sing” unity — it is most troubling these waters still too much of the lies and false constructs of the Clintons.  I one way or another will still be “paddling” for women equality tomorrow and as well the Dream of Martin Luther King as I think I may find and prioritize time to be back ‘in the woodshed’ to protecting my original three legged stool and as well the vintage canoe paddle I picked from a neighbor’s bulk trash in the past year.  By tomorrow afternoon my epoxy and carpentry repairs should be done and sanded and ready for UV resistant Helmsman spray Polyurethane protection with my heart shape guitar styled ‘milking stool’ like three legged stool.  I have only ever paddled one way that I know of - as far as I can recall I have always done the dip dip and sing song of the drum beat more majored by Martin Luther King.

As Arnold was likely named for the Arnold’s Shoe Store I got my sneakers for good spirit and youth adventure willing from, it may haunt even Hathaways, for cats and Pumas how it was a spark of early teens mine gave cause and rising for the DIFFERENT STROKES TV show.  (Long story - some told already on or off of jphogan.org)  For now I still live the life of media consciousness about my story of being so young yet wise to such and with a participatory “it would/will be better and work better if show has two adopted black sons - not just one.  (You did catch the “willing” as like a “Willis” embodiment of good cause carrying/paddling - yes?)

Hearing just of Reince Prebus on his personal mixed blood American story I was swilled back to my Washington DC political toasting from the years 1998 -2007 of nearly ten years self employed in the District while living on Capitol Hill across from Eastern Market — I have been right of center to more than just right of center and of the Dream my whole life and especially as a DC resident for nearly 10 full years.  One third of my self employed gross receipts those years were from work generated by the dreams and needs of the kindly Ethiopian Americans I also called my landlords.  And, so as to the “toasting” “swilling” as I kept it while able to bill out as a self employed carpenter at $100 - $150 per hour to evening wraps with Milwaukee’s Best or maybe instead some Kentucky Bourbon.  Seems I thought the best balance for us all was to be found in my keeping it grassroots and ground level with the well kept spirits of at least Wisconsin.

On the dark side of all this of THE BLACK TRAP is much that the Clintons are due a serious rap for having been causally negligent at least for 9/11 I & 9/11 II — that it is that 9/11 was likely kept by Al Qaeda as a Holy Day of “Jihad” where it could only be for the original sense of “justice” that another attack on the US on such day could be authorized or commemorated.  It sits for all to see if looked for that it does fit that it figures that the Clintons choices, inactions and actions do best explain both 9/11 Al Qaeda related events.  It seems that in the first case it was that the USA had the “cops” called on us once the Clintons were gone, and called to relating the crimes of the Clintons whence they then could not cover them up defensively as causally of their negligence, or too low standards.  By the time of the second 9/11 Charlotte had happened and Bill Clinton seemed unleashed from justice and on the rise again without justice upon him rendered for inadequate and insufficient justice wrought upon Saddam Hussein.

If you know Bill Clinton well enough you likely have experienced the gleeful moments of him thinking knowingly that he is and is “getting away with it.”  It is more a “wired” “real time” “sharing” than a “Dream” for those who have such sad awareness of the corruptive power that has reigned nearly supreme across the Clintons’ union.

Today and tomorrow are much of “Black” and for “Blacks” post women equality conjunctiveness.  And so that all should expect some answers - expect some real answers to how these days calling President Barack Hussein Obama in a Christian morality necessitate a queriousness as to whom of “blacks” go wrong by wanting to be a Ramses more than a Moses.

This day is set to live in infamy itself as we seem yet of breaking news that President Obama has yet consulted with Pope Francis as per “morality” related to Syria and chemical weapons nor of he the President of yet at least having gathered at least eight white men in black robes/garb of actual lasting historical moral traditions for reflection upon such seriousness for all in his house of the people such that The White House yet remains.

To speak to “morality” and to a clarity of the tragic failings of the Clintons today hasn’t been here and via my http://www.facebook.com/jpeterhogan to saying that Al Qaeda was justified by the Clintons shortcomings in their 9/11 attacks - though such is out there as suggested about the brevity of the airing.  I have spoken with written words to how the Clintons’ union has been of the moral shortcomings that gave a sense of justice as due upon the USA for its decisions of its first year of 1993.  I, to be clear, though, while offering that Al Qaeda felt justified in its attacks of the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, must parse the “morality” as per what seems a general “Holy War” “morality” that the politics and political balance was not yet so overthrown by the Clintons’ selfish political machinations such that a more civil and considerate corrective dialogue and resting wasn’t still possible — I haven’t said the attacks of 9/11 were actually “morally” “justified” though it seems in my brevity I have stated such - It seems there were more civil and moral alternatives still available even for the radicalized of the Al Qaeda Islamist historicals such that their attacks when they were effected were premature to a right of “jihad.”  That is though much debatable - even more debatable as it recently was that it seemed the Clintons had effected a Party coup upon the Obama’s for practical control of Democratic Party “leadership” henceforth until at least 2016.

It may be blacks that you have been the greatest victims and those most trapped by the economics of Obama’s Green Energy priorities.  You have not though at all been alone as victims.  Tomorrow as the 50th comes and goes all need to be considering that they didn’t have to be treated as lab rats by a Pavlovian partisan politics of baiting and shocking to desired change responses.  Tomorrow is a good day for all not to still feel trapped by the dictates of “Change” by the Democrats under President Obama.  Tomorrow is a good day to realize that all were quite treated so as lab rats when times had become already more evolved such that a conscious confrontation to rational discourse was available and a better method/methodology to be beat out otherwise of a more civilly respective Green march. 

I accept that there were times of earlier days when it seemed that the only way to bring necessary change to the American consciousness was in a Pavlovian shocking by gas price spiking, however with that said I reiterate that by the time of the march of the beat of Obama’s priorities of earth first and humanity second or worse other more evolved and involved paths forward were available and ready.

There are great dangers about a first black President and much to there being an shorted plank as a danger as a BLACK TRAP.  On the 50th marker of Martin Luther King Jr. presence and oratory about his “I Have a Dream…” homogeneity is a great risk - the message in the messenger is at risk of being lost in calls for a unity by skin color and unquestioned loyalty to a first black President.

There is trap set about the sociological conundrums being beat for tomorrow as the 50th Anniversary of “I Have a Dream” harkening by Martin Luther King Jr. — there may be more than a few “traps” about of a blind call to ignorance or false history support as a loyalty requested by current and former leaders.  Again, it is that by the time of the economics and political priorities of President Obama and his administration a more conscious and free path was possible and as probably more plausible yet for the same change effect desired.

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