
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:00 am

The warm and fuzzy of The New Romantic Era economics and sociology isn’t mine to write or dictate.  I, as best I know, do not know how to affect a “new romantic era” upon a People.  Suffice it to a personal suffrage; I am but able to declare one is here and proceed to reporting on it as presently quite effecting

If you are as BIG and independent as Texas in your foppish erudity perchance you are established in a fond bookishness too as J.R. so walking tall as of Austin powers.  How does one parey the richness - when is one best to parlay?

Is NEW NATIONALISM dead?  Has NEW NATIONALISM failed?  Do you reckon the direction towards a new nationalism was the Devil’s work as it was - as at the time certain it suffered the humanity and comity of the country away from practices more regular and celebratory of community?

Where is the crime - and where is the punishment?  Where is the war, and where is the peace?  How are there tales of so many as two cities?  Can J.R. of Austin power talk the walk of better times, otherwise than Texan, however sauced for their ribbing?

The tumbleweeds of democracy have as etched sands of time eternal.  How pewed the Irish may be regular and parochial for their bogged down fueling as pf pillars of faith sustained cap’n more forested yet are woven bare shagged at flats and dust bowls of people of Muhammad.  To find one or the other in a new romantic a beaten path more Celtic stays muddied and ready without divining needed to anew find one’s way to a sanctuary;  to find one’s way by Muhammad if not shod and saddled Texan an observance five times daily yet set just to be sure for divining a ways to sanctuaries by the heavenly as God teases daily by dusting over and over whatever physical and earthly paths be set so sandy.  In the deserted lands of the original People of Muhammad if not to East five times per day could any yet find West or North when the dust ups began?

How Texan can a nation now grow considerate if by Rick Perry more broadly as J.R. Perry For President?

Texas is bigger that Ted Cruz - Latin may now be the new Black - Texas is bigger than Senator Edward Cruz!

As pews may be catholic like fallen trees to sit upon in a Great Forest of faith and practicable in a pragmatic for lifting people from their dirt and mud elsewhere a bare floor and a holy woven mat rates as well as endearing.  If ones “dirt” can just fall off one as sand higher seats however parochial needn’t be necessary.  Where woolen weaves and oil skins can secure ones sustaining warmth between bogged peat fires elsewhere burkas are garbs quite genteel and protecting from biting aired grains otherwise turfed as environs.

How now is it established that we are all due - that we of reporting are all called upon to be composed of journalizing and even some dramatizing about how a new romantic era is here - about a NEW ROMANTIC ERA has dawned?

What is LAW & ORDER - here - there - anywhere?  Do the people of Muhammad have a Martin Luther forgiveness at least in their catholic economic horse or camel trading?  Do the familial of Peter of Pope Francis have their times set and scoped by sextant anchored heavenly byways not now too topped by protestations people otherwise?  If one lacking in faith but erudite of hopes in an atheism can you deny a one book pragmatic - can you deny a practicality in humanity at least for travelers that as many as possible be each of one similar enough book and one that calls people to gatherings and song?

How ceremoniously and/or pious one people or person may refresh it rest for chemistry that for some alcohol may thaw while loosening and yet for others it more to cooking while stressing.  For many or most of Christianity alcohol isn’t of the dangers of the desert and the lands of Muhammad originalism where its chemistry threatens life so habitual as HOT.

Is NEW NATIONALISM dead?  Has NEW NATIONALISM failed?  Do you reckon the direction towards a new nationalism was the Devil’s work as it was - as at the time certain it suffered the humanity and comity of the country away from practices more regular and celebratory of community?

I do not know about you - - - I do not need a NEW NATIONALISM - - - I want to give it up to the chance that love, romance and community can work.  I do mean to move though first - - - an essential in American is that you can choose where to live and whom to live among, and, yes, as all created, at least, equal.

However we have been suppressed as others at a Devil’s work is for our hopes and to change but so as for whom we choose to stand in front and lead - to guide traditionally from the front - to teach and commune by common words and songs albeit more so as set for the necessary political persuasions.

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