
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:51 am

The work of Obamacare is not a moral work.  It is near as if all showy leg and not of true heart.  In the play of life there is a real lack of moral leadership in at least the governance by national Democrats.

There is too much a temptatious and Power Devilishness in the walk of President Barack H. Obama that of which time cannot carry the lay and lie.  A real eye candy historical to such degradation of the American Politik isn’t as much Hillarycare as it is that together the Clinton Power “two-fer” walked and seduced through their years that it was sexy and responsible to cut and cut and raise the once more prudent hemmed budget lines with their to tight fashionings as by a risque extra trillion skirted away.  It is not a no nonsense historical now that the skirting by the Clintons step by step to their waggle and waisted extra trillion was too much - too much as a horny as a “Rataxes” as a National Socialist French Rhinoseros King - however bah barred.

There are a hundred and one in the Senate of the United States that have a right to vote.  There is a real lack of moral leadership at least in the Senate of the bicameral Congress of The United States of America.  We have long been of the American Play of life of a talk and walk as if one hundred and one in the Senate today are expected to want to now be President at least more than they would be to, however teased, a return of its Power and Authority upon what soul there may be otherwise in either of the Clintons.

Our Senators have among them at least one peer whom to win an office by election in Connecticut was to public recorded lies about his Vietnam era military service.  This is a problem of the morality to the above more limiting as if already then to a Senate of only one hundred whom should be of wants and stepping out against the Clintons for a Presidency more their own.

We have that since the Second Inaugural of President Barack Hussein Obama his Vice President has to be due a probative questioning as to why he hasn’t exercised his Powers and among those of the one hundred of his one extra to one hundred and one of the Vote in the Senate.  President Obama set himself up for a just coup with his pronouncements in his inaugural remarks near to: THOUGH I DID JUST SWEAR THE OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION AND TO DEFEND IT EVEN FROM DOMESTIC THREATS - I WILL NOT FEEL BEHOLDEN TO THE CONSTITUTION AND NOR TO THE OATH I DID JUST SEEMING SWEAR A FIDELITY TO.  It seems Vice President Joseph Biden, though, may now yet have less standing between himself and his spouse of a Presidency their own but than he - he Vice President Joseph Biden & in lieu of a President Pro Tempore impeachment “voter” substitute.

Our Senators could hardly, Democrat to Democrat, be accused of racism if to being moved to walk a great temptation beyond a #Biden teasing;  It seems the Presidency can now be Vice President Joseph Biden’s if he were just to ask the other of his one hundred and one in the Senate for a new spirit of bipartisanship as a call for a moral reset by an impeachment voting for succession by him for cause - for a President too dark and established as away from the light and brightness of the endearing Constitution of The United States of America.  Our Senate is supposedly home site for the ONE HUNDRED MOST AMBITIOUS in America - One hundred and one if you respectfully include the Vice President.

There is a couple new giants, one can say in the too real lands of “Babar” and “Rataxes” as is the threatened realm of Washington, DC for its current state as of an excess of National Socialist Politics.  Between Jeh Johnson and James Comey risings time must have ticked eternal in the knees of President Barack H. Obama;  It seems President Barack H. Obama has done a moral thing now twice in his duty to find the greatest giants around for the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.  Besides the to be expected threat from Vice President Joseph Biden in the sworn duty his to be moral and too as his oath had it to like “not bare false witness” - to specifically NOT LIE - there has been an air about the Constitutional in the assumption of mantles by J. Johnson and J. Comey that seems to have made President Barack H. Obama weak in the knees, visibly. 

There are a couple giants now sworn to uphold the Constitution of The United States of America and now with it at least teased that Director James Comey had not yet been the official head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation because his first oath taking had to be voided as improper and deficient in a Constitutional for his hand wasn’t on a Bible - on a Bible being held by his spouse - being held in his case by his spouse as a wife.

Really, all Vice President Joseph Biden may have to walk and talk among his special and unique club of peers of their one hundred and one of Vote Power is to tease them with even just a little leg of a temptation that the current President is like derelict in his sworn duties and not sufficient to the mantle bestowed upon him.  It seems, really, that the only thing now standing between the Bidens and the Presidency is Joe Biden.  Like all he has to do is walk his very white legs into their chambers and ask in what cannot be a racial way that the first black President of The United States of America is a failed and still failing President.

President Barack Hussein Obama was greeted at the Washington DC headquarters building of the Department of Justice branch endowed and subscribed, however, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a Deputy Director’s diplomatic words.  It is though that though he walked in tall of his affectable strutting he seemed visibly shaken about his Liberal knees while and after it became officially the FBI of Director James Comey by his standing tall in its tradition of FIDELITY BRAVERY AND INTEGRITY and very strongly of his recitation of the Oath of such office as if he meant to himself be even to protecting and defending the Constitution and the People from domestic threats - domestic threats however Political they may be so.

President Barack Hussein Obama walked in say as tall and horny as “Rataxes” might have in a real Constitutional realm of a National Socialist see his and fit his crowning.  But the Constitution seemed to have the bull, however of President Barack Hussein Obama, as a dramatized Rhinoceros of BABAR, caught by more elephantine Republican ways by ways of a oddly familiar Oath and as if he really appeared as if a proud mouse to a set and baited trap.

It is that the walk of the too National Socialist Democrats of America, however of a Rhinoceros King “Rataxes” of a possibly also too National Socialist France, have the Clintons and President Obama in seeming legal jeopardy.  The Oath of office of the Presidency wasn’t the only risque showing in the temptatious talk of his teased easy times — he did certainly declare that he would not feel beholden to the Oath he had though just sworn a seeming brave fidelity too, but, interestingly for Posterity as it was for the cameras, President Barack Hussein Obama had moral problems while asked to be enthusiastic or just of a carefree and comforting believe as the chorus set so on high waffed intoned their witness and renderings of the endearing truth in strong notes about HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON.

We all had the chance thanks to C-SPAN to bare witness ourselves, however far or near, to those precious moments of the embattled failing Obamacare rollout so fresh yet so fresh and alarming inescapable for President Barack Hussein Obama as they were timed and walked so for the “official” swearing to the Oath of the office of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - of its ranks now mostly all reared through the Quantico based HOGAN’S ALLEY.  We all could see it if we could discern its apparent physical truth — We can still in repeats take stock in how the Oaths are stalking the Presidency and teasing a one hundred and one of the what is supposed to be America’s MOST AMBITIOUS. 

The stock - the stocking truths about these days of The United States of American seeming of a real lack of moral leadership, and but for the above aforesaid new GIANTS for JUSTICE, is much that President Barack H. Obama was greeted greatly as in a due and procedural pomp in a diplomatic presumption of innocence of a tall walk even if as a proud mouse more than a Rhinoceros too taxing King.  But, it seems he did grow appropriately weak in his knees and have to yet walk out so impressed by the newly sworn to FIDELITY BRAVERY INTEGRITY promise mission duty of the mantle of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as so lightly assumed in spirit despite how heavy the calling then officially set upon Director James Comey.  It seems as proud a mouse that President Barack H. Obama entered so it is that he left as if at least seeing the cheese and wanting the cheese and knowing the trap was like now set for a real snaring.

We all must now be vigilant and while Vice President Joseph Biden may only have but a real walk to a real talk with his Senate peers for a ushering to a needed new era of bipartisanship.  We should be vigilant even if a simple path to a moral reset is now available an in a non-racist procedural.  We should be vigilant and expectant that the full one hundred and one of the Vote Power of the Senate can do more than tease that solutions are possible, however be it in no-nonsense political skirting regularity. 

We need be vigilant for we should have at least one hundred expectant and seated options to these days of a moral fog.  Too much too easy is being offered up by too National Socialist “Rataxes” like Democrat Rhinos.  And it is that we should be vigilant for however it is that the temptatious of the walk and taking stock of President Barack H. Obama’s netting are seen as his there is that such has the legs of Hillary Clinton too most camouflaged and costumed, and, quite alarmingly as if of a walk for President William Jefferson Clinton as if he might be the first King of The United States of America - as allowed if their risque “post-Constitutional” treatments are embraced without taking stock enough of the endowments of peace stockings hemmed and secured by the living elasticity of the work and bravery of the integral integrity of the Founding Fathers.

To take prudent stock in the walk and talk of the 2013-2016 body politics across the United States isn’t one needing to hope still that the Senate has at least one hundred moral leaders ready to now stand tall in a reset of what has long been secured and sustained as right? 

Can the Presidency now actually easily be Vice President Joseph Biden’s and his spouse as a wife Dr. J. Biden’s if he just asks one hundred others much like him to help him stop leading so many into these excessive temptations as now too long walked and strutted by the Obamas’ and Clintons’ administrations and selfish political machinations however foundational?

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