
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 1:44 pm

White picket fences abound in the modern American icon - still.  Never before may have they been so iconic and ironic.  Though you may think of them by ways of Tom Sawyer or WINESBURG, OHIO the irony comes in at the gates of today’s worldly crossways with Mrs. Hillary Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives of a political charm likewise yet somehow from her seemingly as successful while being a good Nixon, a good Reagan, and good Bushes - especially a goof 43.


It may be times for a Republican to pull a JOSEPH WELCH - to even push Mrs. Clinton as a successful Republican copy-cat.  Whom is it now endowed best to ask Democrats in a JOSEPH WELCH either:  HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?; HAVE YOU NO SENSE OFDECENCY?; or: “HAVE YOU LEFT NO SENSE OF DECENCY?

These are some most puzzling and riddled times.  It seems with President Obama of his declarations that his Obamacare is a Romneycare we have to wonder how much is the “messenger” and how much the “message.”  It seems with Mrs. Clinton of her most odd twitter avatar bio of @HillaryClinton her message is that she is a “cracker” and with her priorities amiss in the most peculiar order of her self assessment.  How is it “lawyer” is so important, and, how is it she is self assessed as only a women and kids advocate?  Why does she even have “dog owner” listed while most if to such would self congratulate more as if a passionate “dog lover”?  Why and how is she so out of order and so out of sorts as her own messenger of her “message”?

“I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to victory on the FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”  Is a comparative line spoken guardedly by Margaret Chase Smith of Maine - by the first female Senator of the Senate of the United States of America - by the first Republican female Senator.  (Her quote is found in AGE OF ANXIETY, author Haynes Johnson, page 81)

If you wonder how much we should be asking if it isn’t the Democrat “messengers” that need be poked & politically splayed aren’t you of seeing an obvious at least for Mrs. Clinton of the Clintons’ Global Initiatives in her odd prioritizing of a Political message by her Twitter avatar with it of her near declaratory that she does not consider herself to be an advocate for men, of any race or color?  She is self assessed as if it is a good that while a lawyer first she is only a women and kids advocate.

It seems conclusive in a comparative for two female Senators - for a Republican a first and that of the Mrs. Clinton cloudy message as a Democrat  - that Mrs. Clinton is no Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine.

But how is it that Obamacare as a Romneycare worked when its messenger was Governor Mitt Romney yet now as a Republican success story of a Republican success of Romneycare it as Obamacare with President Barack H. Obama as its messenger and steward is now so riddled and troublesome with it of his self made problems.  How is it that there is such a fog about something that had already been proven able to work - yet proven at a more reasoned more “local” level?  Is it that it is too much Politics and a politicizing of healthcare and that the adage made famous by a Democrat of Boston should apply too for this Obamacare message — that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL”?

Politically we have to look at the message of the “messenger” President Obama as if he is saying he can and should catch fish with a net - as a metaphor for a nation wide scoop in conveniently riddled message as if humans are just his fish - his pawns - his subjects to be snared however he can yet manage.

There is Politics globally to diagnose for any possible philosophy of governance or any standard - standard operating methodology for Diplomacy.  It seems that as messaged of his Obamacare it is what Romneycare cannot be - it is precedent setting in a presumption of federal obligation such that any future (and past?) international obligation seems to have an unchecked “morality” triggering that if and when the Executive acts independently, at least, to “Big Brother” in a sovereign nation it is then exposed to the medical needs of all the people there abouts under the foreign control so and so also to be expectant in a full coverage however as if insurance or entitlement.  Seems!

It seems a national embarrassment that The Congress is allowed to and is so full of parading persons personal medical stories for Politics.  Healthcare still is more of the adage above drawn out to encompass the failing web launch of Obamacare as so more still just of neighbors helping neighbors mostly primarily exclusively in that which is still their own neighborhood/community.  It seems diabolical that a nation’s Congress and it politics can make, irregardless of the Establishment by way of the First Amendment, a communities business so their business and as if there can be no “local” politics anymore for every breath one takes and step they advance, even if in a retreat, is now firstly of a new Nationalist jurisdiction.  Now by these byways so National Socialist federalized that headache you got of a guilt for blowing your leaves carelessly onto your neighbors lawn is now of you a national subject of the State.  How has this new bread of Democrat “messenger” so killed GOD and “community”?

In the history of these united states, however Constituted, it had been long as “Tip” proffered that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL.”  In the history of these united states it has been the neighbors helping neighbor in their own communities and them to needing but to look for Jesus - for a place of Christian community and service as part of their holistic community based Capitalism.  Secure so in the old ways of community and peer guilty for a better and more whole conscience it was not a State by the numbers interlude but a tythed and maintained “local” community organizing. 

It still figures in the old “fisher of men” legacy that as by former Speaker Tip O’Neil, again, that “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” — that healthcare of a neighbor was of the “work” and “community” of faith and Jesus, at least.  That a moral health was to be considerate in any otherwise to physical and by the objective science of health care concerns — that a community had the jurisdiction to be of the “community” healing of moral pressure to the good and right that could by ways of establishment of the seven deadly sins domain/web.

It still seems to figure that healthcare can only become more affordable if it is returned more to an engaged community basis, but how the smallest set in “community” to a still neighborly as by ways a COUNTY WIDE BASED CARE SYSTEM.  Most healthcare related costs are accurately accounted, it seems, as if it still has to be moral for a neighbor in need to be cared for by another neighbor at the ready in healthcare providing in a still quite local and neighborly care establishment. 

Almost all care beyond such as of doing unto one’s neighbor as… familiarity is more of a science of medicine due a national effort than a practice of medicine.  As for a practice of medicine and any caring web it is improper to believe in the State firstly as if mandated to a Nationalism as more a subject (snared).  It seems if to be affordable the legacy of the old faith based and community based has to be reset — it seems healthcare can never again be affordable if only so as now of adding out of area layers and layers of interloping bureaucracies to what ever local costs there are to be conscientiously approved or objected between a hopefully secured and some holistic county of “neighbors” relating copacetically with those as peers as “neighbors” too.

Even in the web of the messiah Jesus the “messiah” Barack Obama is snared as too objective and as an interloper.  It is fishy business that the State is about such national parading of county and community degradations as if a permanent new State order - an irreversible slide to the depths more of a Hell.  Unless the price of caring is kept to the conscience and practice of neighbors in community neighbors won’t be established to be unto their neighbors rightly as they would have it be if they were locally still yet accountable.  Seems.

It looks by the “message” of Obamacare as a Romneycare that President Obama is being “caring” and “compassionate” in keeping with his demagoguery when more of his proclamations as if speaking as one a messiah and endowed with a personality that would allow him to bridge all religiousness about the known world as no one before ever had.

It though seems that there is a clear Power aspect due a global guilting and appropriate with moral peer pressure however those so engaged may become ill at ease for their compromising of that realm of the legacy of neighborliness, at least.  It seems that the new State Health “web” isn’t holding a candle to the old legacy of community and faith Posterity and Tranquility however whence of a web more truly as about Jesus fish - fishing web.

In these matters of State politics as they are, and too National Socialist quite as Senator Joseph McCarthy at least feared, it does now seem more as if Democrats upon THE FOURHORSEMEN OF CALUMNY than has the first female Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine implied whence upon Republicans.  It doth seem Republicans secured in the Constitution and Democrats upon her FOUR HORSEMEN OF CALUMNY — “Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”

As such seems conclusive in a dramatic conclusion afoot for them of hoofing long a contrary to adage “ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL” that keeps about it what seems a lost Establishment in common sense of doubting Thomas of colonial ways and its regular vicissitudes so incident also about the first inaugural by President George Washington.  Thomas Paine nailed a basis for common sense around a fig’n of prudence if around doubting any pain.

As such it remains yet established that it reasons that if a “community” anywhere within the purview of sovereignty under Constitution is yet as by a county wide basis unable to afford or maintain a caring in health services of all those resident of then the problem isn’t the urban and suburban county wide healthcare system but by such as a barometer of “community” then indicative to a different problem of the commerce and “community” capitalism its.  Agan, if a county in the USA is seeming unable to afford or maintain a health care system for all of its resident people the problem likely then need be diagnosed as first a problem of community and not the system of its healthcare providing.  Until now this hypothesis has yet ever been fully tested and established as a true or impossible theory.  We as a People have not yet been of these days of technological and scientific advances such that for these times such statement could well or properly relate - properly met all the meta about it as also a firstly of a “community” design diagnosis - non medical.

Again by ways of the legacy of once the keep of the Jesus venues of neighborliness and sanctuary it yet endears that it figs that if a county cannot afford a county wide full covering of its people its first problem is less its healthcare system and more primarily a general welfare of a Posterity in “community” - it figs firstly that there is lacking anywhere so a lacking in sufficient morality of its regions necessary Capitalism.  Some it must be are not being neighborly on their part as to their worth or true value as intra-established of an integrated part of a “whole” body in “community.”

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