How she wasn’t for the garden, the solar @ home, the kitchen, & stitches in time is much the humble pie of these humbled Thanksgivings.
Beware a missing Puritanical marbling in you marbled cakes. From whence they came arose did whole-istic so Oliver Cromwell and a odd fellow divider Rene Descartes rise. Of the still living and passed First Ladies of The United States of America 2013 should be the most trying re-ordeal social mashable for Mrs. Clinton. Benghazi is far beyond a simple humble pie now for any and/or Mrs. Clinton.
We have bared witness these past weeks to honors for past Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy; we have had a reconsecration of a 150th of the Gettysburg Address and a solemn soulful expounding of the 50th of the tragedy of President Kennedy’s last living day. President Richard Nixon was firstly of the 80th Congress and so ever present while it so concerned with term limiting the Executive and in many ways to prohibit another President Roosevelt.
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is a hemmed and hawed buttered and stewed roughly booted Foggy’d Bottom of a political figure. It hasn’t been churned enough how she as “management” her yarns have unfurled as poorly figure’d and concocted. There is too much of her “ingredients” of feminism still set out and passed of her as Mrs. Clinton however of a “feminism” haltered and bridaled yet so bunched up and clumpy as an unmixed and never synthesized whole. For FLOTUS Clinton her “feminism” is a sunken souffle at best — in reality it is a pile of unused yet parsed divided bits on her carts served as together while kept separate for her spousal’d “two-fer” Descartean political defensiveness.
The tragedy of the Kennedys is also of John F. Kennedy Jr. who may have been too great of a Catholic morality on the night he died and not alone. He may have been goofing before night flight certified and dropped like a cued brick of his eyes wide shut. It may be more on FLOTUS Clinton for the wayward ways of JFK Jr. — as First Ladies go Mrs. Clinton may have killed JFK Jr. The night was set for controversy though anticipatory for Rory Kennedy and the gathering family for it was expanding through marriage - through a love story of Rory’s. The night was set for controversy about publisher of GEORGE magazine so of John F. Kennedy Jr. and how such was intermingled with a too great moral laxity of Kubrick and the Cruise - Kidman EYES WIDE SHUT. The night of fall of JFK Jr. and his familiar trusted passengers of their night flight some so of near Gay Head was the night of the rise of the Kubrick EYES WIDE SHUT. I don’t know how these two can relate as per the tragedy of a Kennedy gathering set to be of hope and marriage. It was under the “mothering” of FLOTUS Clinton that prudence and morality was stirred as it was said to be art and still acting for a husband and wife to be in EYES WIDE SHUT as teased of being husband and wife porn.
In the expectations of a FLOTUS or a POTUS as a woman there is still a duty to be hard and soft but definitely “white” in a “morality” to bring out the brightness of The White House. I remember being most strategically and politically annoyed with all the liberal teasing for EYES WIDE SHUT as one whom still cannot serve up an “art” of “acting” for such as it was being sold and opened so controversially and dominantly until the new Kennedy tragedy took center stage. I have yet to want to or end up seeing EYES WIDE SHUT by Kubrick, Cruise, & Kidman and still since JFK Jr. and company seemingly dropped from heights as if a brick accidentally or by goofing of and eyes wide shut. The year was more recent than 50 passed - it was 1999 - First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was supposedly the feminine better half and moral anchor of the liberal and/or Democrat family large.
I only know how EYES WIDE SHUT was being teased. I was receptive to it being interpreted more as a new immoral social mores for the Clintons’ America - of the FLOTUS’D “universal” - as started too much in a partisan with Madonna as George on GEORGE - maybe. These were the years the Middle East was saying America was of infidels — time has established it was FLOTUS’D Clintons’ harvests of an American Infidelity and of her POTUS’D as an infidel as per such very much to the Constitution. {Ok that was funny. I just to check started a search “Madonna on…”} It was American infidel-ism of the FLOTUS’ & POTUS’D blessed Kubrick EYES WIDE SHUT and part of the evidence against Mrs. Clinton of the serving trying cornucopia of this Thanksgiving another year to doubt being thankful for Mrs. C. — It is of our trying struggles served now in the spirit of her not of a wisdom of the garden, a solar house, the kitchen, and being true of stitches in time.
She helped steward a quite un-American revolution to a hyper-pop-entertainment-monarchistic autocratic new world order and by using as pawns maybe the though un-impeachable “American” of John F. Kennedy Jr. The FLOTUS’D & POTUS’D Clinton have been not yet guarded well enough against. The Clinton Presidency is best to be served as having been of an infidelity to America as “American” of the actual Constitution — they still need the People to bend with their need to be of a post-Constitutional world so that their extra-Constitutional ways stay save and secured from prosecution.
There is still a fallen 4th estate, however also of esquired squiredom, entrenched and trenchant as compromised into collusion with the Clintons revolutionary corruptions as a smitten and softly over coddled FLOTUS’D Clinton seduced media. The Clintons are still trying to become effectively the global autocrats apparently to too few of their original sinning since Yale Law school of plots to get around or over the 22nd Amendment of Richard Nixon’s 80th Congress.
This Thanksgiving the original story is better set and celebrated in its originality however such also of the times of Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes than at all served but of “humble pie” in still humbled times in anything pro-Clintonian. FLOTUS’D Clinton did render POTUS’D Barack Hussein Obama an unhappy lark of lard more than pork. FLOTUS’D Michelle Obama may have little reason to give thanks for SECRETARIALIZED FLOTUS’D Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.
FLOTUS’D Obama did throw here better half support behind a reckless and unnecessary trillion in surpluses of cuts that removed the very pipe line spending from being there years later when needed for the risky loan pimp’n of POTUS’D Clinton - FLOTUS’D Clinton did not serve well as “Bill’s” “better half” - “Bill” may be the better half or separated whole of the Clinton “two-fer.” Even FLOTUS’D Clinton “feminist” “cooking” is still a mix of separated and unsynthesized parts that have to be mashed for her revolution to progress or conclude. It seems “Hillary” needs her “recipe” to be just a “recipe” for her to present well and to keep it even from others from trying to be of a real consecration for public and/or private consumption. Feminists, however, have stopped short of finishing their revolution and for unfair political practicalities inconvenient maybe if otherwise.
RIP John F. Kennedy Jr. and your trusted also fallen airborne familial keeps - it may be that you were just goofing and unprepared, and, yet it was FLOTUS’D Clinton whom can be said of the boson that led you stray too far. These still may be years we are better to be “governed” by only a free press or the first 100 people in the Boston phone book than by a rile’d and spoiled POTUS’D Obama fraught long and long compromised by the FLOTUS’D Clinton.
How she wasn’t for the garden, the solar @ home, the kitchen, & stitches in time is much the humble pie of these humbled Thanksgivings? Again?
Times of these of the humbled Thanksgivings of the years of attempts to keep the promises of candidates Clinton & Obama of the 2007& 2008 servings leave too many again anew of humble pie best it seems at least served firstly to FLOTUS’D Clinton and then only maybe secondly to POTUS’D Obama. It seems President Barack Hussein Obama was trapped by the Clintons and their too clever carting in a covert Descartean Cromwellian. It seems President Barack Hussein Obama may have been forced to make all the campaign promises that his peer Senator the FLOTUS’D Mrs. Clinton had and then as well trapped into these years of trying to make contradictory and contrary programs work at all and work together while of a natural economy to be set to be in opposition and counter productive to a harvest good of either.
The lacking cornucopia of the FLOTUS’D Obama is much for the spoiled and ruined fields and field work of Mrs. C.
You and I may still too much be the “turkey” this new FLOTUS’D & POTUS’D Obama Thanksgiving - if we do not yet account for it that President Barack Hussein Obama has trapped us all in how he seemed caught and plucked by Mr. & Mrs. Clinton of CGI then next year too may just be more of same humble pie of humbled days rolled out by the Clintons’ economic “experts” under POTUS’D Obama.
Until President Barack Hussein Obama or Mrs. FLOTUS’D Obama scour the global media and scrub away any remaining lard or vestiges of the once substantial subverted 4th estate of the colluded to a hyper-pop-entertainment new revolutionary “governance” to again be superior as the first 100 of the Boston phone book. The attempt to bring the Constitution to a trash heap of history so that a few elite esquired (lawyers/lawyered) could consecrate and affirm a new “media” model disrepective of Federalism and Prudence is still a real and present threat to the Constituted in democratic republican Jeffersonian independent ways.
By the Clintons harvest was supposed to come a new infidel “American” of President William Jefferson Clinton’s (at least) infidelity to the Constitution. It may be we have all been saved as a nation from being THE AMERICAN INFIDEL but only if and when we realize that the Clintons are at least still busy trying to hide how at least “Bill” was of a governance and a presidency as an American infidel.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all - irrespective of which side of our tables you now prefer or by happenstance find yourself on. It is that Obamacare is served and served also as “not ready.” It is that Obamacare is served and yet little “cool” as it is more a tool for a new “governance” of a post-Constitutional hyper-pop-entertainment borderless Hamiltonian autocrat monarchisms.
The fight of Obamacare is a fight to keep this from being a tool in the shed of the anti-Constitutionalists and so that too many become mere pawns or socialist subjects anew that would wrongly blur the country well beyond 50 shades of gray - a blob of blobs of tasteless whatevers.
One is not a “crazy uncle” of a Thanksgiving however unread of 50 SHADES OF GRAY to explain a historical and dramatic in “ART” and “tragedy” if of talk of the silver screen as no place for a husband and wife to team up actually for bedroom scenes teased as if to be actually porn. “Acting” has to be less of “foggy bottoms” and of some unimpeachable lines at least so that there still a word mores even if not pure as Puritanical of a return to what the Bible specifically says.