
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:09 am

One thing we now near all should be able to agree on is that we have been heading in the wrong direction for at least the past five years.  Well, maybe what we can all agree on is that after near five years it is just odd the the car of the economy is still in the same ditch.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There must be something for consumption in all of this as Vice President Joseph Biden himself has been seen and heard of proclamations by adages that do backfire upon himself and his boss The President.  There must be something in it however much it also an adage of the ages that VP Biden has proclaimed that “you cannot fix something if you do not understand what caused it to be broken in the first place.” {paraphrasing - thought full enough though words variant}

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

With us all still so in the ditch it seems and #OnStar or #411 response could be of advice to ditch the Clintons and Obama and as they are huddled as in a gaggle of czars in solidarity yet poor performance.  It seems after five years we have to be ready to accept that the Clintons’ economic experts however the same lot of czarish for President Obama are the problem - not the solution.  It seems whomever the car belongs to it is that the “economics” of the Clintons’ economics experts were those driving via campaign routes and not accidentally at fault due to any highway hypnosis.  The facts are clear, it seems, that President Barack Obama used the very “economic experts” that the Clintons’ would have if the Clinton “two-fer” hadn’t been so easily defeated, and, it seems President Obama with such “team” of “czars” was necessarily to an “economics” so politicized by having a responsibility to try to keep all the same campaign promises that he made though while it may be that the Clintons’ had been first to broaching them publicly.

There is a case to be made that President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State should go down in history as one of the worst TOP Diplomats in all of the years of the Constituted United States of America.  It is like being to better understanding the Co-Presidency of the Clintons when one wraps their mind around just the possibility of this as a truth.  For their Presidency and her reign as Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton it behoove all to consider a review otherwise than yet encouraged as by a retrospective hindsight considerate that for what they had to work with it can be that they did much in the 90s and while of collusion, as it seems global, with State & CGI they squandered too much.  It seems that Mrs. Clinton of CGI can be tagged and mashed as a worst Secretary of State much because for what she had to work with she basically squandered a new record amount of the possible.

I/we should get to later an informed review and judging of much of all that is Mrs. Clinton of CGI and 2016 teasing.  I/we should prepare ourselves for a possible truth that the said global fix needed after the foreign relations of the administering of the Presidency of George W. Bush now long hyped as if the “American” “reputation” abroad had been ruined is a mirage of falsity and in propaganda.  It seems that those that had stopped liking America under the years between a Clinton as an Executive Branch head may be categorically really a lot of states that we better to have been years longer of a working tough love “diplomacy.”  It may be that we will discover that a majority of those that complained about America were disappointed dictators and tyrants and/or of a socialism set.  It seems with the Democrat run economy still stuck in the same ditch as from their campaign route & “expert” driving we have to wise up to it that the said “glory” of “Hillary” for the “American” “reputation” hasn’t been good economically for anyone - it seems the science should confirm that those we are now closer to and better “friends” globally are a lot of a State calculus as variables which could better have been exponential if the FREEDOM AGENDA S.O.P. of by “tough love” had stayed the course.

The new frontier now is a variation of the old new world order new problema prolegomena about a Socialism vs. Capitalism federalism conundrum.  It seems that President Obama is out and Mayor Bill de Blasio is in.  Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio is inheriting a city that had to be fixed before President George H. W. Bush could advance a due prosecution on Saddam Hussein with a rap to the Persian Gulf War by a taking of Baghdad.  Basically the USA would have been trapped and likely globally ambushed by a more informed public relations army of Saddam and Islam sympathetics if it had, however, with the grand coalition, been to moving on to Baghdad before it first moved to set a better “possible” and “potential” example in #UrbanMorals by way of prefacing a prosecution of Saddam Hussein firstly with a saving of Time Square & the Greater New York City Metropolitan as well as Las Vegas.

You have found my blogs.  But yet have you realized that such is what I was saying whence with what authority I could muster before it was that maybe the USA & coalition had moved beyond a point of return and into what may have been a turning of tides in Saddam Hussein’s favor by way of a trap set for a global ambush meant to flush out so much that was then a real concern of American ignorance and overconfidence?  But yet have you considered that so much of what I did that the Clintons so benefited from was of my dedicated focus, however a hobby but towards an international success in at least marketing skills eventually, and firstly figured some to protect people from the thinking of the Clintons that I knew and yet more firstly as an honoring and progressing from President Ronald Reagan and strategically so that it was meant to then be to such working as it was for the Clintons but as developed and strategized intentionally but as for a second term for President George H. W. Bush?  Right!  The Clintons have benefited too much and now obviously unknowingly or too much of a corruption from what I figured for decades and work at effecting actually to be more as a caboose to the Reagan Revolution and so as a wonderment as possible yet though for a second term for President Bush.

To escape from the ranks and bondage of the Obama Democrat long arms of Socialism and their years too much of a economic killing nationalism marketing Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio may have to explain that he can stand separate and even more equal and some for a simple political truth that President Obama is basically bankrupt - out of money.  To be an #UrbanMoralist under President Obama, however, Mayor de Blasio should be coincidentally charged in a responsibility to demonstrate how much and how well his five boroughs can and will stand alone and of the “green minimalism” as a new “poverty level” propaganda of a #ClimateChange localism.  It is a poignant variable for such political calculus of the urban the new frontier and anew so of the old of the federalism debates;  it is poignant that per Obamacare aka The Affordable Care Act that if New York City cannot afford to fully cover all of its county basis than it must be concluded that it can figure that then Obama’s healthcare reforms are of a design and methodology that can not be afford nationally.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

There is such a thing as #MoralCapitalism.  In the markets of the economics of the capitalism about The United States of America there is that there is set a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion and that for commerce to be sanctionable it must be some of adherence to an established morality separate from the State.

No REALLY there is a case to be made that Hillary Clinton was so bad a Secretary of State that it is comparable in a political history heft as if Thomas Jefferson had not made the Louisiana purchase.  She squandered a rare opportunity in the history of mankind to take a first step herself with the incredible potential in tough love furtherance that was developed by (but not intentionally with?) the Bush Administration’s FREEDOM AGENDA global standard operating procedures.

But to get to Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as the actual “WORST SECRETARY IN US HISTORY” it is considerable in its complexity that first we have to look at her days as First Lady Mrs. Clinton in the Co-Presidency of the Clintons some for her “guidance” but more to rule out that Secretary Warren Christopher and/or Secretary Madeleine Albright were not indeed worser at such job.

For first consideration it behoove us all so oddly still entrenched in the ditch of the trenchant “Clinton economic experts” of the Obama economic team, however too czarish, to refresh and reset our discourse political as New York city and other urban realms stir as a new frontier so that too we are wised up to a reality that as inherited by the Co-Presidency of the Clintons by the hard and long trying work of Presidents Reagan and Bush it is that the United States could have and should have been to a full prosecution of the United Nations sanctions on Iraq and an already overdue prosecution of Saddam Hussein within that which was the Clintons’ first term, however it would better have been the second term of President Bush.

Who do you want to blame?  Why do you want to blame (just) them?

What or whom can an #UrbanMoralist be?  How can local #Socialism be just #CommunityOrganizing and #MoralCapitalism?

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