
October 2024
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:33 am

To pop the magic puffery of modern populism necessity necessitates a consideration of the mysticism beats pedestrian and parochial, and however catholic.  All nativity scenes can also be cultural and scientific neuro iconics as of the double helix of a humane literal deoxyribonucleic evolutionary marker for a birth in expansive literacy and culturally wired expression.  So much that is American - of South America - of Central America - of North America - is evolved inescapably with what can scientifically to be a Jesus cultural “dna” marker.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  Historically he can be said to be like a mason without a plumb bob nor a level or any trowels.  President Obama has had so much trouble being “pop” even as shovel ready he is akin to masonry as if a double naught - he is akin as if not even toed up to a first degree towards a thirty third degree.  He can point in thin air but to associate his “Obamacare” metaphorically we need not consider it set with mortar even as though it was supposed to be so squared away and ready - so ready that he could stand up as if a foreman due respect if and when saying “I will not negotiate.”  It is popping now and as of a President hardly a mason that what was supposed to be all squared away did just roll out with too many corners cut.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  It seems set in stone though that he did build this and yet it seems it is not safe for he nor any other to reliably stand upon.  As words and codes were supposed to be his bricks and mortar it is considerable that his “lawyering” for the People is as polls are posting believed to not even be on the level.

Oh President Barack Obama has problems, yes.  Politically his puffery has blown his own constructs down, you could say.  Politically his governance has been lacking in a mysticism realm of any discernible political philosophy ranking way and as if of a foundation as if in loose sands as by an absence in sufficient service as per property rights.

Da Fence!!!  Da Fence???  Defense???  Though President George Washington is recollected and accounted for as of a advanced degrees in masonry and as he that dictated to the to be capital city of Washington DC that it should be mostly set as of connected town homes without grand yards we should mix it to a mashable now to talk about keepers of gates and fences as a starting point prior to a full and effected condemnation and deconstruction of that which is “built” of President Barack Obama.  To get just the economics of The United States of America back to a parity in evolutionary not devolutionary economics we have to draw many lines more clearly - we maybe have to suggest people so a solidarity in individuality and personal property rights by putting a single fence section in their yard of the “pop” of “defense” by “Da Fence.”

[note:  I just to check a spelling of devolutionary happened upon finding that Google has a page for “Devolutionary federalism” that has to be related to all this that I write now while having considered Reagan’s New Federalism but not as a new federalism as exclusively his.  I will be heading back to such page after this column.  I remember VP Biden from an open to the public Yale Law symposium in the 90s when Senator Cory Booker and his son were law students there - I remember waving him off on one perspective and though remain confused some as to how he may have concluded that Federalism was devolving.]

President Barack Obama has problems of a mysticism mash — there has been a blurring of the realms and venues as specifically kept for spiritual sanctuary of jurisdictions however base civil or catholic.  The political economics of the Obama & Clinton shared “expert” “guidance” is as flawed in a related personals apropos as I have broached in THE KRUGMAN FALLACY at http://bit.ly/1dmjKqL — The “pop” politics as if a squared away economics has been set asunder by nature as much as any “structure” to be expected to be if and so built, however, on shifting sands. Every state of the confederate republic kept as conceived by the subscriptions under God by the Founding Fathers in that Year of their Lord now should be even of marches and “pop” parading to reestablish a state mysticism realm - even if by a proud and ordered National Guard mustering tuned out with a keying in the state legends by way of a state hymn or fight song.

To puff on the puffery of a “pop” keynoting by President Barack Obama one too can likely become addicted in nicks of time licked, however, into the wind more than of a better direction of riding with the winds of evolution and the markers of cultural integrations.  I personally do have masonry tools and have pointed in more than just thin air and believe I have been on the level and of an aplomb however permanent my artistic structuring was.  I have even used my masonry tools in Virginia and bought their from trade suppliers — I have no idea how or where I would though if in the Masonic Order would then or now yet rate of any if any degree myself above a double naught.  For me I have a kinship with “gate keepers” even maybe in a global mysticism way (at times - at rare times) for though I may write and sound as if an Irish American my personal double helix has markers maybe dominant of my French German one eight and so of it as of a French name that is purported to be translated as “keeper of the gate.”  This is of my dna of the blood line that is of my by 1971 asking my maternal grandfather then near mandatory retirement even after 25 last years running the consolidated Johnson & Johnson marketing and advertising account as it then was with him at Young & Rubicam.  He with his French name as of the Alsace Lorraine region seemed well named to be however an author of proactive and reactive copy for J&J as well as an Arthur necessarily considerate of other Arthurs.

To puff on the puffery of a “pop” keynoting by President Barack Obama one too should consider what is local - what is community - what is county set - what is state set - and then and only then if your beats pedestrian permit to be looking beyond in the more “cloudy” of a national or nationalized State or Nation composition.  Surely your own, or just your immediate neighbors legend in markers of deoxyribonucleic acids by double helix structuring has a measured and on the level composition at least as economical or copacetic as that being mashed mostly now by too many of the bands of Obama.  I have heard and/or read that God and/or the Devil can be found in the details.  I have also heard though maybe not read that a person should realize of a mysticism of humanity that every decision one person doesn’t make for themselves another person somewhere or somehow may then incidentally make for them, and even some or too much unconsciously and without sufficient or any composed consideration.

The music of the Obama & Clintons of their too political “economics” and it so as of their “experts” has been too much of ad venting in a devolutionary directional.  Their “pop” has crashed and for having been mashed instead say of offered metaphorically in a cultural otherwise as composed and presented as carefully measured and diced for that real buffet of evolutionary and marked culturals.  These have more been by their graying - their graying of prudent jurisdictionals of the purview and gates of community iconics - to a cacophany truly of discord in discordance.

Perchance to be for you and your realm of a robust reset in pedestrian localized community and even a not too lonely chorus of compatriots it is that the grayed of mysticism can be straightened out for a modern as symphonic and acceptable yet as such of the cultural traditions in the iconic of even Jesus as a born marker of scientific and helix’d evolution.  I hardly know what to say of what is known or unknown or how Saint Augustine may have known as well as Nicholas of Cusa or Dionysus the Areopagite how they and others needed to learn to not know what they knew - to unknow the known.  I in my paul - my humble and small philosophical - am behooved to a civil prudence that mysticism is for your musical tonnage of a cultured and necessary free will and that I know to not presuppose in my ignorance of the mystical of others yet which way or even Tao may flirt and float your notes - your notables.

Perchance to be for you and your realms of an evolutionary cultural however iconic with historical markers of others and/or earlier set beats you still haven’t blurred your common sense too far in the Nationalists marched heavy booted cacophany wafted for assimilation and obedience.  Perchance we just now need to protest enough for changes in music so that even details of greatness however threaded in times can burst out as God wills a “pop” however set - however set at least by a say gaggle of Homo sapiens yet differentiated and even in a discernible variation of a mysticism.

Perchance the details escaping the Obama & Clintons teams akin as “economic” “guidance” as if “experts” is that they just missed the music of their times, and while too much of wanting the times to bend to their beatings instead of being humble and synchronized as right for their times.  To dream the American Dream - perchance to dream again - mustn’t we quit the beating of a blind mice nationalism and key anew to local and pedestrian harmonics - however base and civil or enlightened and mystical?

Our music, whomever we be, should in general be sanctioned mostly in an accepted spiritual realm as of firstly doing no harm.  To be to and of the secured Union as to a people more People and perfect of a general Welfare the Tranquility and Posterity resonance seems of the keep of the humble and local.  When instead of these cacophanies national we have even fiddled competitions musical of individuals trying to shine in all their prescribed potential or yet arisen learned glory and of that of God lives on and on in the details long progressed with mightn’t we be restored and reset even to a growth economic and even a New Romantic Era?

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