It seems an impossible mission. President Barack Obama, can you be brought back from a political deadness - can you be resuscitated from BIGGEST LIAR? For those more of HARRY POTTER first gen now matured and politically conscious this can be a quite worrisome troublesome. Many have wanted “Barack Obama” to be a half blood’d prince and yet now as the play of his “legacy” solidifies he seems not alone in being not a squib even and yet merely one among many of muggles. Robin Hood likely had to be, though of basic thievery and mugging, at least a squib as he had dramatics and an artful ability to dodge and as well split an arrow. It seems the only way now for President Obama to clean up his presidency is to clean up his own party - it seems he has failed to prove that the “dirt” under the body politic and body economic is Republican and well simply that means that the “dirt” must be Democratic and embedded as truly of his own party.
That there is no magic in President Land begets a ponderance of if there really ever was - if there ever was any real “magic” in Obamaland. To be brief - to be clear: Let me be clear: Their lies were not artful - they kicked the can down the road — they lied, and, it is that there lies were not artful dodging - there is a selfishness too institutionalized that should not be confused with “magical” in how their “dodging” was political as if only of a capacity of muggles. Is it too late though for at least President Obama to learn of himself as of a capacity for “magic” as at least a squib - as one though late to learning of learning that he is some at least a half blood’d for good? For a spell for President Obama mustn’t we be able to establish that he has been crudely but effectively burdened and or shackled by others say like the Clintons and so burdened as to be impossibly arrested from any use of any mere “magical” potential he may have as latent qualities? Have the Clintons - has just Hillary Rodham Clinton - been of such a overwhelming muggleness that President Obama was forlorn to failures so common and commonplace in political orbits?
President Barack Hussein Obama has real problems! President Barack Hussein Obama has real political and character problems yet are his five + years of him willfully and knowingly of having not been squared away himself and not on the level by his own affectings or has he been yet trapped by those of his own party? It seems the logical dodge left as the only one feasibly remaining is to show that his own party should and can be cleaned up — it seems that he has spent his free chits of credibility as of the traditions of his office “cloaking” by having been party to what now has failed even as common artful (lawyered partisan political) dodging. The real world isn’t about RACE TO THE TOP as for a common core to ignore your neighbors and their plights firstly - the real world has to be about community and civility at home and near home primarily. There can hardly be any “magic” or traditional “faith” in the COMMON CORE of the curriculum of the Democrats.
President Barack Hussein Obama is now with no cloak of invisibility nor any due prefacing as to invincibility.
The point of a HOGWARTS education is to learn and develop at least an ability in dramatics and artful dodging that too can wield an affecting as if that of precision in archery as for splitting an arrow. The point of HOGWARTS is some in the name albeit rife with with a keen and sharp double edge as HOG-WARTS and not HOG-WARDS — yee of such curriculum however yet matured and matriculated are to be of the hope for a potential to grow not as dirt under the skin of others as if a wart on them or a more general body politic. Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to as originally set for the tradition and legacy to be above such commonality and away from sweeping dirt under a carpet or lawyering to keep it from a general airing for a prudent (civic) cleaning. Yee of HOGWARTS are supposed to be schooled and read to a capacity and discipline to shine locally and globally as of a “magical” civility learned to ways in being good wards of good wards.
Hillary Rodham Clinton may be more “CHICAGO” than yet the ward heeled late comer now President - Mrs. Clinton of the CGI is more “CHICAGO” than President Barack Hussein Obama. It is recorded that she was raised to embrace violence and to not just hit first but to hit the boys there about her ward and to hit them first. She was raised tough but seemingly without a civil ward “magical” and to be a FIRST STRIKER. As President Barack Hussein Obama’s first Secretary of State she may now be due a timely exposure as one a muggle and a wart. His Madam Secretary has been out from officially of his “skin” now about a year and it seems that some “magic” has returned to what is foreign policy of The United States of America. It is for history and others to conclude if such is more for a released and cleaned up President Obama as maybe one capable himself at least of some half blood’d magic or if it is that he has a glow about him from having Catholics more now at his affectings. Mrs. Clinton should be seen and read as one whose story is too polarizing and partisan and still a troublesome “wart” to President Barack Obama and of a legacy quite so lacking in “magic” that all should easily conclude she must be a muggle. Mrs. Clinton, of her own Twitter Avatar, shows her linguistic capacity to be common and dirtied and cold for she not only lately tags herself as a “dog owner” she only tags herself as a “dog owner” and not in a little part a “dog lover.”
Hillary Rodham Clinton shows much so common as to be expected to be only of a capability of muggles with her Twitter @HillaryClinton and so that @BarackObama can make an example newly for himself as liberated and no longer occupied by the Clintons and now offer a civil and thorough promise to clean up his own party. It is that he is tagged now like the Clintons as a BIG LIAR and yet for now it seems he has time to learn of a latent quality in himself to be actually of some political “magic.” It may not be too late for President Barack Hussein Obama to show himself liberated and freely at finding (surprisingly) (himself) a capacity even half blood’d for a “magic” in politics. It seems if he is more than a muggle and not so just a muggle like Mrs. Clinton of CGI than he now has a duty and honor calling him as it is exposed that the Republicans were not as tagged of exclusive culpability or guilt per the “it” as the “BIG IT” — it seems President @BarackObama can at least move the Twitterverse now to a public and effective “wart” cleaning and removing - It seems we all have Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART” to work a still possible mission about as a general and thorough liberating political deep cleaning.
President Barack Hussein Obama is now with a political broom to wield even if himself actually just a muggle too and at least now to a mea culpa in poor judgement in associations so long with the Clintons and their too institutional lawyered political muggleness. He can show himself with a broom at least now of a willingness to cease and desist from further sweeping under his “rugs” of a not squared away or on the level corner cutting partisan polarizing politics. He has himself now evidently of regular traffic about his past five years now with his embedded dirt now as visible as if a wart on his “rugs” as everywhere he goes it seems his “rugs” have hills and valleys.
President Barack Hussein Obama, as impossible as it may now seem, is apparently yet of an ability to tag at least “Hillary” of the Clinton clan core body politics as if an embedded and too long occupying “dirty” he yet can magically or by due diligence yet remove forever from under the skin of the nation.
President Barack Hussein Obama now without a cloaking left but yet still with at least a affecting broom of a muggle.
Harry Potter of his story as with a godfather Serious Black is one at least above such “common” and “core” as of a lacking in “magic.” As human beings however are fated to sing of at least their habitats “electric” it is more of “magic” to understand the dangers of being of bodies electric and of different electrical standards of some of volts de more highly powered and more seriously dangerous. It is that for any or all of the magic of even political “electricity” Voldemort is a DANGER daily for all those of a brotherhood of electricians — as of a brotherhood for the magic in the dangers of POWER it is keen that Harry Potter also has a godfather like a union electrician firstly reered to a seriousnous most especially for the black wires as those primarily structured as the HOT WIRE. Yes Harry Potter (matured first gen) readers I speak in words now as one whom first had the magic of a brotherhood about him as faith allowed by a godfather a union electrician. Yes readers and aficionados of HOGWARTS I can attempt to educate you about a core of the Clintons “politics” as lacking in “magic” and alert you to how the curriculum was originally set to be a political prophylactic to endear and endure as protection from the Clintons (as muggles).
There is little HOPE left for the once HOPE & CHANGE candidate to now offer as a second term President. It seems he is left to tagging the Clinton “two-fer” as having been dirt under his and our skin that he couldn’t clean away for these five years so. It seems he is left to offering that he was shackled to their past (unmagically) and so that he was occupied more than liberated by his close and embedded associations with at least Mrs. Clinton of CGI while former Senator and Former First Lady and Former First Lady of Arkansas as his Madam Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.
I do not know if President Barack Hussein Obama can now rise as if of a yet unknown latent quality blood’d however for “magic.” I can though explain that yee and all however of a knowing of the curriculum of HOGWARTS are supposed to be inoculated from the Clinton “two-fer” and as by the original intent and mission set for J.K. Rowling when whence firstly of her famous napkins usage due to mused stirrings. The Clintons - for these purposes Hillary Rodham Clinton CODE NAME: “THE WART” - are inseparable and now as President Barack Hussein Obama’s last chance to clean up the body politic by offering to clean up his own party.
It is complicated. IT’S COMPLICATED!!! Right! President Obama to save his political skin now must be able to show demonstrably that he forever since whence in post primary reckoning when he so was to the ill fated embrace of the Clinton machine and however to that “work-out” that the Clintons would then like get to keep the world when he became visibly the first black president was a fool for letting the Clintons bury themselves under his/our skin so while so politically compromised and “dirty.” Right! The first black President now must be able to show demonstrably that he effectively has been enslaved and occupied by the Clintons and not in any way or especially in any magical way of a liberation of or by the Clintons. Right! President Obama did lie, and his lies exposed now expose the longer bigger lies that were set from day one necessarily to attempt to cloak the Clintons. It is by one lie his other bigger lies have been called out and are still much to be aired duly. It is that President Obama failed to “cloak” the Clintons (and associated Democrat Party) guilt by false flagging the history and complicated as if of Republican fault and guilt.
President Barack Hussein Obama now must be to a cleansing mea culpa as little as possible of self immolation and as much as possible to a “magic” in a fresh and artful confessional at least to a new muggled posturing of he as having been stuck as too enslaved or occupied by a still too powerful and dirty “politics” of at least Hillary Rodham Clinton as a “THE WART.”
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[NOTE: Yes readers akin to the magic of Harry Potter and even the volts concerns magical of Serious Black, you were supposed to have been protected and even cleverly inoculated from the Clintons’ political machinations and from the very seed of the conception of HOGWARTS as to a curriculum set for rearing next gen’rs to be wards not warts about their community - that it could be and should be “magical” to grow up clean and bright so as not to just be dirt under your family and/or community’s “skin.” I know of what I speak in visible written spoken words as it is I that can tell of a Patron US of musings fo’ napkins whence thence for J.K. Rowling, and, I know that as per the above as to a too present but still embedded “dirt” of the Clintons it is that I suggested that if the seven books did stay true to the challenge as for seven years of magic curriculum then she as the “mother” author would become rich - would become very rich. It is that by staying true to the original outline it was that such was originally intended and balanced to be effectively though effectively foreign born yet an American made inoculation to the Clintons, as best as was possible due to the entrenched complexity of their “dirt” and as such not quite the best tool for such a mission even maybe impossible for one like President Barack Hussein Obama.]]