
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 10:04 am

A FEMIFEST DESTINY to excuse even the past twenty plus years of Democrat Party national politics is far more inexcusable than a charge up San Juan Hill as if a Roosevelt’s convenient wag the dog war of choice.

Is Hillary Rodham Clinton forgivable as a MASTER OF DISASTER if it is to be politically excusable as figured and affected as if a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY?  I think not!

How in a Constitutional jeopardy are the People of The United States of America now free and proper to asserting if to asserting such just about Hillary Rodham Clinton?  There must be considerable jeopardy hemming in the Clintons and remarkably for times they were not actually of the Executive in the months between their departure from The White House and the very moments of the first 9/11 attacks.  These times are maybe as critical to understanding the real Clintons as the those unread missing Faulkner chapters may be to understanding him.  There is a jeopardy for the Clintons much just in the public record theirs since 9/11 and especially about those remarks they shouldn’t have made at all unless they needed to cover-up a reality wrought of their own knowing and willful politics.  The most serious jeopardy possible for the “two-fer” Clintons likely has to be for these months between their exit and the commencement of the long planned Al Qaeda attacks of 9/11 I. 

It may be that a MASTER OF DISASTER may have been a best hope for a global war on women politics, and, yet it may be that it is that at least Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to master a mastery if so of any ends justifying the means disaster ‘politics.”  I believe there are enough public statements made by either President or Mrs. Clinton now that compromise a possible forgiveness for even inciting discord abroad theirs — it seems that the Clintons have already said too much and so enough that the months here broached of their firstly without Executive privileged are smoking gun days to a negligence for them and at least for their surpluses as per 9/11 attacks.  It seems the Clintons did not let go of executive power as expected and have since compromised a presumption of innocence defense for themselves for the months before 9/11.  If a MASTER OF DISASTER either or both of the Clinton “two-fer” would not have to still rate as if the smartest person in the room about such — this ship of superiority has sailed long ago without them.

The 9/11 Commission Report was seriously flawed and somehow maybe by a political defensiveness coy enough by the Clintons as by only looking back 10 years at Al Qaeda that was then at least 2-3 years older than 10 it became possible to look away from the Clintons when looking for negligence and/or gross negligence of/by any Presidency.  I still have no idea how Congress did abide or sanction a 9/11 Commission Report that would not at least look back far enough to be looking at it as it was born/conceived firstly.  If one looks back to the birth of Al Qaeda as so to be an Islamic response to Saddam Hussein and his invasion of Kuwait and so to at least more years than the Commission did then one likely has to then grapple with a conundrum about a negligence for the Clintons more specifically as of an idea that The United States of America did get attacked on 9/11 because the Clintons’ Administration had failed to sufficiently bring justice upon Saddam Hussein by a thinking of justice by Al Qaeda ideology.

Wars on women rights and for literacy if of a core scheme since the Clintons’ first days at the helm can only maybe offer a political forgiveness - can only go so far politically.  It seems that if their is a core like of a FEMIFEST DESTINY as like a Presidency set-up as Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riding coincidences there is now a problem that the Clintons seemed to have failed to be smart enough to pull off what might yet be also now of a means justifying the ends forgivable politics.  There are really a trillion reasons why the Clintons can be said to have come up short from being smart enough - say from being as smart as they needed to be and as smart as they may have thought that they were.  We can hardly now justify Afghanistan as a just war of choice in keeping with the too imperialist feminist crusading by First Lady Clinton whence — As convenient as such seemed for her if due a Presidency we all have to query how it can be right to have been at such and yet not right to have been as well firstly in Iraq for the majority of its women so of its majority Shia populace.

To really be condemnable as a MASTER OF DESTRUCTION we must look at Hillary Rodham Clinton as possibly or likely causal to 9/11 attacks by an incited Al Qaeda.  We have a trillion reasons to justly tag the administration by the Clintons as negligent due to their surplus at near a trillion cut that can be said to have been necessary spending cut that time has established  a Posterity about as best if yet it had not been cut.  Yet as per 9/11 attacks we have to consider that the Clintons were smart enough, albeit, to know they international crusading on women’s rights was also incendiary and inciting and especially for those times that First Lady Clinton when into the turf of the quite radicalized and dictated that they needed to learn to behave and treat women the way she said so.

It seems in light of public comments made by the Clintons and their old team that such were only justifiable or rational comments as per past disasters if they were that the Clintons knew they had at least a negligence about such.  The Clintons and their people have a trail of remarks that shouldn’t have been made unless they had to be defensive in/of a known guilt.  As for the months between the Presidency of the Clintons and 9/11 it seems due to later made comments that these are days they may have been enough in a know about threats and yet immoral in an acquiescence at least of a negligence for a silence — the Clintons seem to have done enough knowingly to have knowingly been about a premeditation at taunting radicals in the Middle East towards action by way of First Lady Clinton and her crusading for her idea of women’s rights.

If she is of a grand plan like a THE FEMIFEST DESTINY suggested, as coined by me, we have that though she maybe forgivable for noble ends her means can hardly now be forgiven.  She has been far from uniform or universal in a general Welfare application, however.  She is now of a history of remarks her own that can condemn her and seriously self incriminate however lately yet.  She it seems hasn’t been as smart as she thought herself to be nor smart enough for what at least became duties of her political charges.  Whether she had a master plan to expedite her universal feminist crusade we have to be doubters as now it seems however if so there yet never has been enough uniformity globally.

There is a problem now just because the Clintons have a record of saying things that no politician should have said rationally unless they had something very serious to hide.  We have that for all these years that President Barack Obama compromised his own Presidency with a cover-up like “all Bush’s fault” presumption of immunity and innocence for the Clintons there yet now is a public trail of remarks by the Clintons that stand as contrary and self incriminating.

I do not believe Hillary Rodham Clinton has it in her to sufficiently explain her political life of at least the past 20 plus years as if of an ends justifying the means and as if a FEMIFEST DESTINY dogmatic where intervention anywhere is to be justified for her if she asserts a political purposefulness as about a liberation in feminism.

To Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as taggable as a MASTER OF DISASTER we have 2014 & 2016 politics to work a discover about.  It seems that for her to be actually electable she herself has to present and sell herself as if a MASTER OF DISASTER for otherwise it seems she has failed her way to the top so far and otherwise of a tragedy of errors culpability that must be said to have bordered on incompetence.  And, since her she wrapped up her first Benghazi attacks remarks from outside the office of the Secretary of State with near “I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THIS COULD HAPPEN IN A COUNTRY THAT I LIBERATED” it may be that she has herself admitted to not have been a master of the many disasters or even the two 9/11s, and that she has basically since 9/11 II admitted an ignorance and incompetence as per the Middle East politics and especially all things relating to Al Qaeda.

But yet it behoove us all not to yet fully consider that the Clintons do have a incriminating past as per a negligence to gross negligence prior to the first 9/11 attacks.  As per any candidate Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton now it must be that we be thorough and diligent and to seriously considering how the administration of the Clintons does better explain how and why so much went wrong - does still better explain causals that the here to fore tagging of just the President Bush decidings.

It is hard to say the Clinton Presidency wasn’t knowingly to inciting Al Qaeda as if by cornering in trapping.  It may be that 9/11 did happen because of a crusading too imperialistic First Lady Clinton, and so that we should think that she must have been intelligent enough to know that at least while she was so crusading it was then negligent to grossly negligent for she to be back in the US then knowingly supporting President Clintons defunding of so many budget items that secure the USA from threats foreign and domestic.  It seems that a MASTER OF DISASTER wouldn’t have knowingly incited and as well partaken in such as it was the great defunding of intelligence and defense programs coincidentally, the coupled and compromised further with the real work of the Clintons to establish walls of separation at the FBI between intelligence and enforcement.

If she has felt justified as if of a FEMIFEST DESTINY to be as a steward of disasters it at least now for political purposes seems as if looking forward we can all say that looking back she has failed to be a master of many past disasters.  For forward or backwards if she/they didn’t understand that First Lady Clinton’s global feminist crusades were inciting and incendiary these disasters are likely it seems more to a gross incompetence and not mere at a gross negligence.

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