
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:17 am

That is them - they are the ones - stop them - it is them, stop them - it is they that did it.

Al Gore cannot be your hero.  Before he was Vice President he was a cut and run runner of initiating a dangerous vacuous breach in the sustainable Constitutional.  Before he was the loser of the Constitutional challenge of the 2000 Presidential race he was, though the VP to the Clintons, less than a sponsored favorite “son” of them;  VP Gore did create the Constitutional crisis that best explains his inferior case at the Supreme Court by his cutting and running catalyzed vacuous that predates the Clintons entrance into the 1992 Presidential contest. Al Gore is Al Gore’s biggest problem second only maybe to the Clintons.

To listen to an authority on the 1992 rise of the Clintons - to read of truths of such - can be to cacophony of surprises in literate and confounding explainings of oddly yet little known or even little considered truths.  The full dynamic of those times and such as per the rise of the Clintons is generally still unknown.  When on election day in November 2000 I while in James Carville and Mary Matalin’s WEST 23RD Washington DC Foggy Bottom eatery from lunch to near closing I was to telling James that I wasn’t sure Governor Bush was ready, and, too, that if VP Al Gore was elected I very well might move out of the USA and even surrender my citizenship.  The real story of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 is known to me and not hardly flattering to Al Gore.

There is a story that still needs to be told to how the Democrats needed to be saved from themselves in the early 1990s and how the nation of The United States of America too needed to be saved and saved from a greatest threat to its national security by a dangerous from the Democrats being so too predictable (and bitter).  There have been Democrats that have been defeated - needed to be defeated - not for having a partisan ideology but because they were so predictable in a methodology trenchant that they presented a great threat to the national security of The United States of America.

Enter Stanley Greenberg and too the then Op-Ed columnists of The New York Times, and the imparted wisdom from the late Arthur M. Menadier and too the late Joseph V. Connolly Jr. - an imparted hooked-up “Mad Men” like New York City multi-national corporate marketing sense/prudence.  Per the rise of the Clintons in 1992 Stanley Greenberg is more the cart and a passenger on it than a horse at being in the lead — per an authority on the hardly well explained rise of the Clintons in 1992 and success up against President Bush while near of an earned 87% popularity it is that Stanley Greenberg should have been able to help the Clintons by seeing what was stirred in the spirit of old top Madison Ave “Mad Men” for him to see and see without knowing its origins and genius as set up for him yet to be able to see and measure.  The rise of the Clintons in 1992 is some of that hardly yet known generally of initiatives for positive and necessary change in a nick of time that was at times a good six months ahead of any polls by Stanley Greenberg my old, and then still, neighbor.

Hillary Clinton would be a fool to enter the 2016 Presidential race.  President Bill Clinton would not be wise to push his wife into entering even as great as his need to be seen as globally back on top may be.  The story to be still told in an authority of the rise of the Clintons in 1992 and as a more deep explanation of the politics and new world order of those days will only diminish the Clintons and their legacy further.  It is sad for President Obama that the fuller and deeper telling of these years before the Clintons succeeded surprisingly in 1992 will quit clearly explain that he has been wrong with the foreign policy and even statements much of his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton massively since day one and so of a faulty think rooted in an ignorance of the early 1990s and real but still too little known considerable threats to The United States of America.

President Barack Hussein Obama now has a quid pro quo problem that too belongs to the Clintons and such as should be to dwarfing yet the accusations of a Virginia based quid pro quo if so by Governor Bob McDonnell.  With quid pro quo the new Monica we are asked to consider what is or is not quid pro quo and or craftsmanship or art versus what might be free speech or clean enough politics.  It seems per the Grammys that artists of the musical have reached beyond the Democrats marches to a new nationalism (musical) mash and themselves quite liberatingly to a new bi-partisan or non-partisan or cross-partisan.  Them Democrats too much too long to a convenient crisis beats to a Machiavellian “how to stay the one in power” conductive are those that did it - are they that decimated so many to new notations more humbled and too assimilated under them.

Can it be illegal for a Governor Bob McDonnell to appreciate the artisan craftsmanship of a Rolex or a Ferrari and not illegal as grossly more generous in an improper gifting too much as of a Hollywood or musical propaganda as a quid pro quo of Democrats?  How can a creative artist be not of a quid pro quo if of a political art beat out too much as propaganda and a material artist say of craftsmanship of a watch or luxury car not equally be celebrated and appreciated as yet a form of free speech?

It is alarming that they did it - that they are the ones - the ones that should be stopped - those that did it ten fold to a hundred fold more of a quid pro quo, at least.  It is already quit damning for the Clintons how they did operate and administration (too) close to Hollywood (at least) and be to having Philip Bobbitt as one of their of their National Security Council report and support in his TERROR AND CONSENT how they can be said by their lies to have begotten terrorism by being too closely politically operating with the creative artists of Hollywood — Right!  A Clintons’ own NSC member by his book has told the world that there are real dangers from a White House working politically too close with Hollywood and that such dangers as from his experience at least under the Clintons is the danger from such “work” begetting real terrorism.

Philip Bobbitt is not as uniformed as per the rise of the Clintons as most - he had drinks with this “authority” of the such era in US History when it was that it was wise to consider that some to too many Democrats constituted the greatest threat to national security by their predicability.  Yes, I did try to lead the polls taken and reported whence by at least Stanley Greenberg and some with a choreography more complex and out of time with time warp complexity beyond a fathoming (yet) at least by President Barack Obama and nor it seems by either of the Clinton “two-fer.”  It is that I did have drinks with Philip Bobbitt in New Haven after he spoke in an open to the public regular class turned lecture of Ruth Wedgewood’s Yale Law class and was then to some explaining that there was a time warp (of a private sector “Mad Men” like marketing initiative) that he too may not be yet considering and as critically important to knowing if to build on the early 1990s more to how if at all it could be to safely building so upon.  In such class that I visited as of the “public” invited at Yale Law School during the Clintons’ administration my question to Philip Bobbitt was near: 


(This was a query from a gut feeling but not a seeing that haunted until 9/10/2001 as the evening of 9/11 that I was of to feeling an attack was coming that the Clintons were not even seriously considering. As it is I was on 9/10/2001 in the evening considering that while still concerned I was near to going personally bankrupt from keeping so much time towards such concern as if it were still a real concern that developed from the early first moves of the Clintons per the Middle East and Iraq.  As it is I decided to have a reality check with myself as per such suspicion of an unseen but sense threat from the politics and foreign policy of decisions by President Clinton in his first days and that I should decide going forward starting on the morning of 9/11/2001 that I must have been wrong about such a threat of being of any real likelihood or potential.)

Right, I woke on 9/11/2001 and decided to travel across town in DC from my apartment near Eastern Market on Capitol Hill to the home the job site for that day in the Georgetown area by ways of the Mall and then up 17th Street NW along side the Old Executive Office Building and so as near to The White House.  As it is Condoleezza Rice had already been a construction client through a subcontracting of me for new closet doors in The Watergate and since my current client used to be a dosen (tour guide) in The Old Executive Office Building I was to thinking of Bush’s NSA Rice as it seems as her last thought prior to her assistant notifying her of a plane striking one of the World Trade towers.  I only later learned of such timing as I didn’t know of the terrorist attacks until later in the morning and after I had seriously and completely removed permanently the front door at such site.  I did recall the time I passed by The White House on 17th Street NW and for a thought to a professional referral spiriting from my former client Bush’s NSA Rice - but right, I didn’t know until later and after I had to stay and work through the events while being at installing a new front door in the Georgetown area.

I am an authority on the 1992 unexpected rise and surprising success by the Clintons.  It is what my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM was written to make possible.  That said:  President Obama is still politically in jeopardy from an ignorance of a greater truth about such years, and has been by such history actually transpired now been too long too wrong and originally wrong quite on much if not all of that as foreign policy and diplomacy with his first Secretary of State.  I know what I tried to do - I know what I meant to accomplish - I fairly well know how and when I succeeded - and, yes I know that a greatest threat to the national security of The United States of America did much to motivate me to such of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM crisis management volunteered political corrective writing to max positive change upon the waves of the new world order and while so of a concern that too many Democrats were a great danger from being themselves too predictable.

This is them - this is of a real them - it is they whom did it more than most - it is they whom most did it - did it poorly.

We have that the Presidency of the Clintons took to much as able to be teased and ignored, and that it is that they did and still do work at falsely blaming others and too many of the Republican Party for what was malicious as from them at begetting terrorism however by a now to be generally discussed defining of what is or is not illegal quid pro quo.

                                         *     *     *

Note:  Best that I recall the decision by new President William Jefferson Clinton that I air here was pertaining to the Middle East and specifically Iraq and Saddam Hussein.  Best that I recall this decision was of he deciding not a should or shouldn’t become engaged but of a deciding that he didn’t want to personally and so wouldn’t.  Best that I recall this very decision did diverge from my otherwise considerate think and strategizing of my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM that does itself help explain the times and the unexpected rise of the Clintons in 1992.  Best that I recall it was that I became aware of such decision and a to a sense of doom from it of a visceral resonance akin to the thought IF HE GOES THAT WAY AMERICA WILL GET ATTACKED.  Best that I recall, and to now as time has elapsed to confirm by other efforts that my advice otherwise would have held up/worked out, President Clinton did decide to diverge from the road of my political writing and poetry much as it though does still best explain his 1992 success and that when he did so decide to not be as serious as it was he left me so with a sense of doom that for his selfish deciding America was to then be even maybe justified by his avoidance as a target for an attack and one on its homelands.  Really, this is how the original thought haunted me from such day President Clinton seemed to decisively diverge from the more serious reasoning of his getting elected to the eve of 9/11.

As I live it still it is that though I considered and penned my THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM to mediate and prevent through a curative positive change new world order politics and political correctness and as of an offered new way for the media to write more simple as of by race in a black and white simplicity due to the selfish political early decision of President Clinton it became from such original purpose otherwise to be guarded then forward for it and me to be prepared as best as possible for its use for a recovery if perchance my haunting gut visceral doom sense did turn out to be right. As I live it still such did then get used after 9/11 towards a knowing considerate expedited recovery even though the thinking had been in the 1992 era as originally meant to be prophylactic.  As I live I know the Clintons too well to ever advise anyone to vote again for them.


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