
January 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:54 am

To double rabbit a justice about so many crossroads we’ld be cross, maybe, to not discern risings, and raisings, of the ups and downs footed at so many intersections, and there how so of overlay pathology, as to locking in a well joined apropos civility;

To a fitting justice, still set in joined civility of innocence until proven of specific guilt, we are still best to chisel lately at the rabbits’ overlays inaugural of George Washington’s prudent import at “…vicissitudes incident to life” immaturity prima facia.  To avoid even a smidgen of guilt (for a crucifying cross) one needs to consider their footing and their words, and well: 

May you be to lapping ups the joints to such, however, now firstly suggested, as if of two rabbits over-laid, to this joined raising for issues plus’d to capital punishment and apropos premeditation for avoidance from innocence lost.

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Is it of genesis of APPLE that #Jobs struggle was firstly & always to bringing tablets & Bible into the palms of everyone #app’ly?

Prove “Order” so capitalized in preamble is a NOUN as @ The Constitution is a People’s Order — Dems “legality” falls!  To be high with the Founders and their Lord now in a newer Year so of such God of the New Testament you may be prudent to be as engirthed in lines of Noah however so set so natural in hemp;  Joseph as a carpenter, wherever of his Jobian struggles, needed like Noah to be good at rabbits and very stoked in joints, however.

Freedom OF religion as:  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?  When open the Ground Zero Museum of the September 11 Memorial keep will be charged to a keep for truth - and curiosity.  When open at Ground Zero it will be devilish to some, and cross’dly so, how God is to be seen in capital punishment tool’d.  To atheists however grounded, it, a cross, could be a cross as but a rabbited tool for justice as replaceable as by a noose or an electric chair - or guillotine.  Rabbit holes of those among the vicissitudes incident to life can, and have, led many to God - not all, though. Tolerance too is chiseled, at least by a precedence set by U.S.A. Constituted first President under the People’s Order and so humbly under the subscribed set Lord, whence then in that Year as “done” so boldly as per modifying “to form a more perfect Union” ordering.

Though the joints of Noah and Joseph may have been long set in hemp, and more naturally than today’s, the parsed meants of the Founders’ parchment poetry as Law do not set asunder rabbiting writs for heaven on earth through believing in their highs. As established and ordained and set in writs cautiously to forewarn, to avoid yet, to pitfalls from (fogged) stumbles on paths however golden.  It seems impossible for there but to be a freedom of religion as it seems, objectively, that there can be no freedom from religion, though a freedom from a religion is yet plausible - though if only by a stature of another.  RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity;  By an objective definition of RELIGION it seems impossible as it as of all humanity that any human can yet be free of RELIGION;  It seems any can only be of it and not ever from it, objectively.  It is but an old or new - good or bad - best poetry of shared humanity, to be judged - but not escaped from, wholly.

ART!  Art, objectively, can be a great and grand tool, at least, to a better and broader crossroads and bridging for latitudes and attitudes better joined for a preservation and practice of prudence in a rectal sui juris akin to Sodom and Gomorrah curriculum to bestow benevolence in habeas corpus prophylactic governance bedded in innocent until proven guilty clausals.  However your persuasion and choice natural biases it behoove yee to be a booster of ART as ART may help you when best to avoid innocence as lost to a cross’d crucifying, however — by ART there can be more room for a preserve of innocence.

There are Bishops on the boards of CHESS everywhere!  It is as obvious an objective statement, it seems, as to suggest there cannot be a freedom from RELIGION - anywhere.  Without a Rorchach, ever, however, most will see an intersections of the laid squares at times cross’dly, however their paths hopeful or hopeless whence.  What though may yet be modern (ART) more as if at surgical strikes as yet moves meant to be less as at marbles and prudently at least as at CHESS?  Did the Clintons’ lose their marble when graphically so to a standard as to stoked as if an “up yours” earthly to the European Union celestial’d circle in a rectangle;  Didn’t the Clintons’ only think marbles while putting a circle in a rectangle anew as the Swastika had been in the fields of red of the Nazi of Hitler and The Third Reich?

(Note to self:  Confirm that no Republican past President, is though like President Obama, also of a flag, as a standard their own as well, and also too that like the Clintons’, so as like Barack Hussein Obama’s, isn’t also like the Nazi flag as graphically imperialistic, objectively (in ART), as an earthly circle, not like the Europeans’ Union. nor Japan’s as humble in a celestial.).

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.

Crimea, like Syria, however of Russia, is now hardly but a smidgen on the boards of shared humanity;  Crimea it seems isn’t to be stoked as if President Vladimir Putin has somehow lost his marbles, and while only playing marbles.  It seems this may be us of an intersection to be timed as too about a resurgent Russian Christian Orthodoxy.  It seems this is among the vicissitudes incident to life expectant in the existential of the newly Constituted United States of President George Washington’s rabbiting for inescapable humanity by his orations firstly inaugural whence.

Does Vladimir Putin have a holy excuse so about Crimea however too as a strategic CHESS move?  Does the Russian President have the words, even if a prudence to be covert and clever in strategery, to match the word of his Orthodox Christianity so Russian?  How cross’d be he if the Ukrainian (and Crimean) people are not too cross’d?  Is he about helping in their own jurisdictional rabbiting of consent more than terror?

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea is he a TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

What are the particulars most prescient (in a divine) for those not themselves of a cross’d innocence lost joined, however, in ups and downs footed and rabbited?  What are the particulars for those yet not cross’d yet of he that is cross’d?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of thought buried too taxing scandals.

By the words about the cross soon set commemorative we are gathered about Crimea as of new valleys to reason about before it maybe be too late for risen.  Alfred Lord Tennyson, I presume, hadn’t lost his marbles, not a smidgen worth.  President Obama may now be getting CHESS moves he hoped for without an apriori appreciation of a Russian potential about Syria policing maybe firstly wisely pre-staged by better defensive (naval) depths about the Crimean shores.

As President Barack Hussein Obama is past a smidgen worth of tagging as at only being of playing marbles isn’t it if President Vladimir Putin is a rising in the establishments of Russian Christian Orthodoxy maybe being preparatory to better crusading joined defensive new suppositions of naval deposits about the Crimea?  If we are to expect a Russian responsibility for its (guilt) of years in enabling just President Bashar al-Assad as a Russian compassionate conservativism shouldn’t we think it may be safer for Ukrainian if Crimean only seen as the home port of the Russian Crusades?

Where there is a smidgen of guilt there may be a mountain of (thought) buried too taxing scandals.

Who is President Vladimir Putin - as per Syria and Crimea isn’t he also @ a/also TERRORIST or PEACEMAKER?

Where any may be critical of mass it behoove any to see to having enough critical mass - in shared humanity.  Right?  In U.S.A. U.S.C. no freedom FROM religion as such not humanly possible.  Freedom OF religion - ONLY - as RELIGION = poetry, electric, of shared humanity?

Isn’t it to atheists that a cross’d just as well if displayed, displayed otherwise by a noose, an electric chair, syringe, or a guillotine?  As ART yet of helping latitudes of attitudes for the preservation of realms of innocent until proven guilty?  We are, where ever, yet, however, Constituted much about the rabbiting joined in the “Among the vicissitudes incident to life…” as the word of US by the first white President George Washington and his orations in New York City. 

We are always at a crossroads - a cross’d - as of our walks and net mobility.  Be careful, and forewarned yet to stay even, tall and from even a smidgen + of guilt!  Long live a carpe diem Miranda’d established, ordained, subscribed boldly writ “done” more perfect Union!

                                            *     *     *
[Yes, though as much about dadoes, or a dado paired pared, such here so chiseled sketchy of rabbits and rabbets.]

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