
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 9:15 am

What, perchance, is the recipe for disaster?  How is it we are now cast so adrift newly as if in the old times of NOAH of bodies electric signing safely to discern if forsaken?  If it is that we are of forces of good and even in our domestic politics mustn’t it be that we yet are of fields of danger from excess catalytics?

For now it seems safe to particulate that Russell Crowe seems to have chosen wisely, and yet that George Clooney, for his own deciding, erred for going out too much as if all entertainment and all for one only with the Clintons.

We are not just in Kansas when risking the forces of the People in politics and campaigns.  But May of 2007 should be remembered with prudence trepidations of Greensburgs and Greenbergs, seems.  As Walt Whitman penned of the Civil War era: “We sing the body electric…”  As Alfred Lord Tennyson scribed for all to fret of fate and powers of ‘God’ when sons so seem to be so humbled to be so tinny and of the Crimean War:  Some things are past reasoning - Some things are of ‘charges’ of ‘Light’ too of wars.

Can any storm be a Perfect Storm?  How poorly did George Clooney choose for himself when siding with the loose wires and fields of the Clintons?  The Charge Of New Federalism is actually historically about such storm and its foreign and domestic energies - George Clooney may have been fated to a metaphor as a captain of such storm but doomed only for having chosen a siding to the negative grounding of the Clintons.  The Perfect Storm was cheered in the Middle East by some nearly as much as 9/11 - The Perfect Storm took like dead aim at Kennebunkport as by a polarity serious upon the Bush dynastic shored.

In The Charge Of New Federalism as per the reasoning it too harkens to the Crimean valleys of death however covered as by Balaclava yet to a greater freedom potential resolute energy as with OUR’S IS TO REASON WHY, NOT, TO DO AND DIE, LEAST, BEFORE OUR TIMES.  (Pardon the absence of quotes — these are my own words, however poetic.)

From a quicky search via Wikipedia to confirm the year of energy and trepidations of The Perfect Storm I offer you, however eruditely, that such was also appropriately, it seems, tagged as THE HALLOWEEN NOR’EASTER OF 1991.  What complicates the The Charge Of New Federalism more currently than the Crimean War of those made “tenny sons” of the “valley” of “death” is that it is also more towards a lay Freudian as its “charge” to is a concern for the capacitors and capacity of the neurons and electrons of the mind of President George H. W. Bush as vesseled in his body of Kennebunkport seriousness.

Global Warming as fronted in the CRISIS DOOM ALARMISM by Al Gore is yet but more as if a lark - a worked fraud to addict people newly to a Gore “product” of nick of time tricks quite like the legend of the Gore Plantation & its capitalism in Tabacco.  It seems his “END OF THE WORLD (AS WE KNOW IT)” alarmism should have him now personally liable for storms and damages from a gross negligence and leadership unbecoming a former Vice President as lacking in a proper grounding in democratic debate.  It seems man made carbon reductions too cause climate change - shouldn’t be carelessly rushed.

The Charge Of New Federalism has moderated, and however when of forecasting much of the global political change since the stirrings of those three storms, that infamously joined to be such a dire and focused THE PERFECT STORM, quite accurately though Democrats and persons of the Clintons’ junctions have remained hell bent to positing that like “no one saw such coming” and while what explains their 1992 “coming” is that such still well explains both, however if in a “moral” context.  As you can read of a “Bush on fire” in LOS ANGELES poem of The Charge Of New Federalism it is otherwise than homage to Moses or Noah as of attempt cerebral to be considerate of the angels gathered about the mind of man of President Bush to be forewarned and temperant to the possibly excesses of the day and how such could quickly become of energy too excessive for the electrical fields as the battle fields of the wiring he only has of his one mind, under God.

However, now The Charge Of New Federalism may be presenting as a trap for the Clintons it can only be by them of deceit and envious coveting of goods not their own, and politically, and as a running con of cover-ups of their years of impropriety.  The Clintons seem to sense themselves now as if of walking into a trap, politically, and now as set almost with sufficient field strength and wattage and voltage however years covertly more on low voltage systematics.  The Clintons now are likely in a real jeopardy but of a civility in a “managed storm” of People’s Governance of prudence of jurisprudence kept Constitutional and honest.  The Clintons if now “trapped” (as they seem to fear) can only be trapped from years of misappropriations and of a political whimsy truly at only thinking “bush on fire” could only be about sex - sexual energy, and at times about a ‘the wrong woman.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe.  He may have been fated to be a captain in THE PERFECT STORM but how he let himself get played as if cast in a partisan to be firstly polar for the junction boxes of entertainment of the Clintons has to be on him as Noah now is on Crowe.  Write my old neighbors, yes, of the times I attempted an in time energy management by grounding serious series in poetry by The Charge Of New Federalism, in the early 1990s, are the Greenbergs of the front lines too for of the Clintons newly in 2007.  I was of the Mad Man attitude since the early 1970s as for having asking a great one to be my guide and mentor as my soon to retire grandfather.  The coincidental is that from about that same day I also became knowing of Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham though quite still a First Grader of Hooker School.  Stanley Greenberg’s daughters were behind me in school but friends and also of my Wilbur Cross Governors High School swim team when I was one of three of the Co-Tri-Captains of the 1982-1983 season.

My grandfather who kept his promise to teach me how to become a “Mad Man” (colloquially) like himself actually grew up in or near Gloucester. Some one of my heritage did die early by slipping on the ice near his boat an to have a watery winter fate/end.  My grandfather wired me into the standards and standard bearers of his legacy and so to higher standards than I yet have witness the Clintons ever consistently of - of an extant.

That I did set up the FRIENDS show request as around the friendship of the other two of my Governor’s HS swim team - a female Geller, and another swimmer, David - was of the respect for the standards and authority of Madison Avenue as I still managed to walk among while outside gracefully as guided from lessons from my grandfather Arthur M. Menadier.  By setting up shows that would succeed around my (moral?) anchoring of feeding plot lines for known casts I was able to maintain good energy around me and my associations as though neutrally as about a great good, like.

I know the Clintons to be beneath their skin “bad apples” at least as of a compromised Constitutional common core.  I have known them to be presidential in a bad way since we first met in the early 70s when I was but a First Grader as they asked me point on seriousness if they could each become President someday.  I know them of being so more goal driven ambitious than naturally set to surf their times and ride their times as their times dictated most - I know Bill Clinton as of a willingness and core rotten of a easy baugh broken from morality - I know Bill Clinton was willing to ask a First Grader like myself to lie and to lie about what his revised “God’s honest answer” had actually been rendered truthfully as.

Religion is inescapable.  The THE PERFECT STORM maybe was more “biblical” to those who walk in Islam and cheered on as much by some as the later storms of the 9/11 I & 9/11 II - as yet still to be discerned and timed of the Clintons too of a gross negligence and a more civil jeopardy than that which lifted all those, however, of the flood but not of the ark.

Right, the The Charge Of New Federalism is poetic of the valley of death akin to the neurons and electrons of the field of the mind of man, and specifically one President Bush pushing and pushing the grounding of a greater morality - in war’s time.

“We sing the body electric” and we now are like in a new civil war energetic domestically in the bushels of Mrs. Clinton, however, and her American pie(s).  The Clintons may be justly trapped and for them of walking themselves into their own jeopardy.  The Clintons deserve (each, and together) their days in court.  We should be more prudent than them or ourselves lately when of thinking them of good fruit while quite dangerous more of poison fruit of hedges and bush rows.

Does Hillary Clinton - Mrs. Clinton, however - yet know of any ‘recipe’ not a recipe for disaster?  Isn’t the “storm” of the Clintons already experienced by too many, and disastrously?  It wasn’t only for those of May 2007 of Greensburg of the Clintons of the Greenberg familiarity of wrought political endangermeants about the imprudent resurrection of their global initiatives of wants to being more like a “First American Autocratic Clan” rooted too much in (morals) hedging.

It seems the story of the Clintons and storms has already by experienced yet not yet told, however, lesser than Biblical.  It seems, as I recall, that the seasons of the insurrections, political, to the process, and prudence, of the common righteous more perfect core of the Constitution, such as that of their “social welfare” socialism chargings, were to a popular power, albeit, yet, a post-Constitutional extra-Constitutional ‘electric’ ‘power’, and of the Clintons, as of Mrs. Clinton more than 3/5th as person, though just half of President Clinton - and it seems not the better half - as I recall - it seems:  There was devastation and destruction of The Natural State of the Clintons as if they were of forces of an axis polar to them of evil as “God” it seems to at least rain heavily down in tormentuousness upon each of the many places they did rise from and abide in. 

It seems as I recall, as per “biblical” storms that the Clintons as like of a complicity for a doom upon Greensburg, if the charges of the Bible, Tennyson & at least Whitman are factual, was of a too polarized excess of the energy electric but not (morally) grounded of the ambitions and wants to more “pie” of the Clintons.  Little of this is new to me for much of the above history here shared is that once I crossed the threshold of from “marketing ambition” to “poetry” and “poet” I was at least knowing of the fields of politics if but as like a non contact volt meter potential.

The poem of the The Charge Of New Federalism as timed and regulated as LOS ANGELES has a happier ending than that of Tennyson’s THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE.  As it closes as a ponderance in morality of a realm of earthly angels with WITH A BUSH - ON FIRE - WHAT DID WE SEE?  It closes with President George H. W. Bush still alive though of times like a new more global civil war of Walt Whitman’s Captain Lincoln carpe diem bodies so “electric” and to live on to tell the tale contrary to the Clintons and President Barack Hussein Obama of old storms at least ‘biblical’ like to people of Islam more about the real risks that Saddam Hussein presented and as like the father of a bastards brotherhood of Al Qaeda.

It seems the Clintons were those who, however dimly, yet alighted to the coincidences like of Greensburg storms such as it was of their historicals like laid low all across their old “arks” as “homes” of Arkansas.  It seems it was either the better half as Bill Clinton or the better half as Hillary Rodham Clinton that opined a ’storm’ reflective, short of an admission of guilt, to how it seemed that like every place they had earlier lived had been “targeted” by “God.”

For now there may be a recipe to avoid disaster - there may be more than a few long set and kept long in a “HOLY” however particular and specifically somewhat “regional” or of “regional” “success” to be metered still and when sifting through in an a priori.  It seems inescapable that the Clintons seem in a real political and civil jeopardy and for how they ‘chose’ to walk and talk.  It seems that there have been many storms about the Clintons as “bad apples” in just American politics of the northern continent of The United States so still Constituted in ‘prudence’ a portioned.  All that may now be missing is like the guillotine of Marie Antoinette and/or the hangmen of a new ‘apocalypse’ and as for a common core of trees of civilly rendered jurisprudence.

LOS ANGELES, poem, however, is otherwise also poetic and news as it parallels its self in multiple interpretive threads as firstly structured to ‘journalism’ of covering the beats of Rodney King and so of also the streets of the angels “on fire.”

George Clooney is no Russell Crowe - they both may have been fated to ‘valleys’ of ’storms.’  The Clintons have paths of past destructiveness still to bear witness to them too much in some fields as of forces electric too ungrounded - it seems hands of fate have leveled them by a lighting their auras as if as them as “bad apples” of having reigned ruinousness in rains, at least, in the temperments of shared morality by recipes about pies, some, of bodily charges, however neuronic.

The Clintons seem to have been those most at fault of a said foulness by ruining bushels of so many now so long.  It seems Mrs. Clinton, herself, knows but recipes for disaster and still just can’t bring herself to judiciously being grounded in the common core of the Constitutional constitution.  To all of The United States we are set “ordained and established” by the “People” “Order” as one nation under God, and so then however industrious or hobbied/crafty, as formed with all corporations under the “Union” but so by the First Amendment that all corporations must therefore be “religious” as under the nation under God and yet with the Congress of the “Union” barred from any Law to discern how a corporation is respecting an establishment of religion.

Personally, it seems, still too “biblical” how the energy of truths worked also poetic of the THE CHARGE OF NEW FEDERALISM beget an understanding of the times that otherwise show to strongly as misbegotten and misunderstood by President Barack Hussein Obama  — it still reads, to me, that President Obama has been so wrong about Iraq he has hardly had even a chance to be right about anything ‘political’ and ‘historical’ across the Middle East.

Personally, it seems served that Mrs. Clinton, however Bill Clinton maybe the better half of their “apple” BOGO, and as Secretary Clinton, however imprudently and Constitutionally improperly ((long story for later too)), did electrify the People and debates by her exposure on Benghazi while Libya was her baby expected to be carried more prudently to term.  It seems undeniable that her Benghazi has rendered her of no “recipe” but for disaster as it seems her “baking” “diplomatic” can only fall and collapse upon itself.  It seems by her “fruit” President Obama “politics” became poisoned and it like “biblical” how her baby Libya by the abortive about Benghazi stands extant and evidential that she before, during, and after was deficient, unknowing, and, yes, even grossly negligent - by the bushels.

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