
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 11:21 am

If one is a lawyer, and still yet to a consideration of supporting Hillary Clinton to a new ‘inevitability’, one must now be worried more than ever before, and, one must be worried for Clinton BOGO of so many double standards long of the Clintons’ skirting.

One may say they can only heel the reaping of a boatwright sown coursing of vessels against a double jeopardy inconvenient jurisprudence and politics;  there can not be a ship-shape of the Clintons as of a multi-tasking harried if their politics need their vessel keeled to be in two places, or two directions, simultaneously.

However:  The house of Clintons is not in Order, nor order.  Rather:  Things be much amiss in the possible of the Clintons sheeting and questionable tacks;  Their planks are too short to be seen as obviously too long of knots or too thin of rings of Power established for their is as the is our is;  There is a double jeopardy in the double standards as already navigated and journaled of the trip tix of the spousal’d set husbandry of the Clintons as two-headed.

As plebes of a harried it may be the rookies of the seas and/or the cadets of the air and land can spot an infractious Constitutional viscerally when uniformly to patriotic posturing of the keep in constitutional vicissitudes civil procedures. The Clintons ‘windward’ and/or ‘high ground’ supposed ‘advantage’ may be neither, and never, as of a natural set in Bernoulli’s principle.  There is a problem, incidental to the lives of the Clintons, that there ups & downs of multi-tasking that undermines their own sheeting, however of tack and a ship shape helmsmanship.

What is the shape of the Clintons’ breastworks, political, so seen only yet as of an above the surface #GotGame?

How threatened are the common defenses of the Constitution and its bulwarks against nefarious broadsides however campaigned?

Aren’t now the greatest threats to the People’s order, and Order so ordained and established, now of these times, in the Year of founders’ Lord two thousand ten and Four, but coy, and coitered in banded threats, as more probable of the domestic girth politically electric than a gathered massing hemmed in a foreign engirthed?

These are times anew to consider the evolutions and devolutions of civil society and its procedures;  These are times anew like those of whence thence of the Pilgrims as born from the rising to Oliver Cromwell and Rene Descartes ponderances writ from the netherland shores from which the American Mayflower literally departs. The #GotGame of our days newly fitting the philosophical extant of the Founding Fathers’ and to a prefaced predicated posture to the #THINK of federalism and if evolving or devolving, and, how if threatened now is threatened either by a domestic or foreign machinations, and, how if threatened is specifically (still) threatened by Clintons and their empirical too autocratic wants.

They cannot hide from Obamacare as politically like the most costly way of every state being to having their own Romneycare.

They cannot hide from climate change tacks as it common sense that if man made increases in carbon pollution can cause global warming there is that reductions made (at least too quickly) in greenhouse CO2 levels in the United States of America can too cause weather disturbances and climate change logically by the cooling to be expected whenever a greenhouse is removed.

They cannot hide from the D.O.M.A. and Same Sex Marriage struggles for equality in “marriage” and be not assaulted per their own marriage seeming posited and predicated as if for politics and Power as a marriage not a marriage (Union) of two inseparable under Law.

They cannot hide from their own double standard of fronting Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton as a feminist and as if able to stand on her own (though irreconcilably of one soul in marriage) and independent while they together sheet their vessel tack duplicitously contrary to trichotomy of Constitutional Law and as they bosom her in the maximus of the said too chauvinistic institution of First Ladies protection.  It is long the double standard of the Clintons’ politics that Mrs. Clinton supposed to be an independent feminist and yet too fully protected by the traditions and institution for the First Couple as that the spouse is supposed to be a political untouchable.

They cannot hide how they the Clintons have long been of attempts in such a skirting of parity with their maximus to her like of a Commodus right to ascension to be of the glory of the pomp and circumstance protectorate of Presidential spouses, and yet while such broaches a jeopardy of nepotism.

>>> LEGAL LOGIC PUZZLER:  Two logic circles over lap some to much but not none at all as united Lawfully in marriage Union.  Two logic circles so as one, even so looking phat like an eight, still be as one, though of two.  Bill Clinton is one circle and Hillary Clinton is the other circle - they are by Law inseparable as Married in Union.  As one in ‘housed’ as at ‘home’ the other is always there of shared assets in residence, Legally in a unit-ified lingua.  This is much like ‘nesting’ environmental humanity protections and quite apropos the consumer protection laws around home improvement contracting, and especially such contracts voidance if three days not respected post signing(s).  By home improvement laws around consumer protection prudence and evolved jurisprudence in many ways spouses are and are not interchangeable halves.  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment of term limits marriage Unions may not be set asunder by a more convenient ‘interpretation’ of ‘united’ in ‘marriage.’  By the wisdom of the 22nd Amendment it is arguably criminal for Hillary Clinton as logic circle to be “elected” to any holding of office of the Office of the President; Hillary Clinton is one with Bill Clinton — as when he was “elected” she was to a holding of office by election as they are inseparable over lapping logic circles.  So legally the Clinton Union is not now again able to have any part of it for infinity past their eight by election able to have Bill Clinton returned to any holding of the Office of the home office of The White House of the Office of the President.  The puzzle is in the Clintons’ trichotomy of a double standard for their own marriage and Union — Hillary Clinton as a logic circle is not allow Constitutionally to run for a holding of the Office of the President on her own as she is inseparable from Bill Clinton and such would by an election of her (if possible) be to a return to some holding of office by election of President William Jefferson Clinton.  But is this Legally more concernedly of a TREASON than just a wonton indiscriminate double standard like only convenient to the Clinton Union?  It is that simply it would violate the language and seeming original intent of the Eightieth Congress to not see a First Couple as inseparable and that an election of one isn’t an election of the other as a half but a ‘by election’ effecting to a holding by a conjoined one, of soul, in coitered & consummated marriage.


How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING…

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like against a Constitution state as if too Descartian but of an ability to render a duplicity of course to the constituted writ large language as Law.  The ship of states is different from the ship of State — there should be no double jeopardy nor double standard convenient to an autocratic helmsmanship as the Clinton seem heeled and tacked.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a roused rabble of political nonsense yet convenient to a campaign duplicity.  The greatest threat now from any man made climate change is it seems clearly that a continued rush in rash partisan politics of limited solutions cozy capitalism to ’solutions’ as proffered by too false naratives over even New York Times data points is from the dangers in new atmospheric hemispherical altitudinal thermals resultant naturally from a politics to poorly and negligently affected irregardless of it common sense that if man removes some or much “greenhouse” effect from one place the thermodynamics and atmospheric winds will likewise re-route at least as long as a “greenhouse” effect stays constant or grows elsewhere, at least in a shared hemisphere.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like a Montesuma’s Revenge of marines not timely even to Tripoli at least as Mrs. Clinton still Constitutionally compromising as Secretary of State too nearly a new Commodus as the import of the original intent language of the 22nd Amendment seems flushed as mis-stressed, itself.

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like to for federalism and new state ‘new normal’ adaptive evolutions in budgeting locally for said more predictable unpredictable, however Acts of God, storm costs.  If climate change is more than of man made damage from increasing pollution levels and too as common sense supports as from any lowering of carbon levels we at least are at Senator Barbara Boxer’s “evidentiary” of like:  “97 percent of scientists agree that carbon pollution is “pollution”"!

How the Democrats mis-stress GLOBAL WARMING begets confusion like remembering that the Senate is supposedly a ‘club’ of the 100 most ambitious people of the Union by the People’s Order so ordained, established and subscribed as “done” more perfect Union — it is just as confused to posit that:  “Only 2 percent of Senator Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s peers didn’t vote her out of their own political way - out of their club — only 2 percent of her peers didn’t vote her out of their Senate.”

How the Democrats mis-stress POLITICS OF #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets confusion!  It seems by throwing the campaign foul flag of “DOUBLE STANDARD” Mrs. Clinton, however, has called for a review of all times Hillary Rodham and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton from days shared as FLOAR, FLOTUS, SENATOR, SECRETARY OF STATE, & now like First Lady of the #CGI CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVES.

How the #CLINTONS mis-stress #POLITICS of #MARRIAGE & #UNION begets #CONSTITUTIONAL confusion!

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