
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:41 am

This cannot be good for William Jefferson Clinton.  A time for atonement should only be for those among the still living of statutes of limitations, and yet with death bed conversions.  Any he or she of these many years, such as of WJC & HRC politics, should have no way out until them of late atonement by death bed conversions!  At least when WTC initiates its curatory of the mission of the Ground Zero Museum it again will seem too late for the Clintons to come clean;  It seems just for the CRUSADING of FLOTUS HRC whence JIHAD will stick with her like BENGHAZI to her grave.  And, too, there is WJC.

The songs of the Clintons have coy misdirections and are simply of too much political escapism that can not resonate as of TRUTH.

The tone of the pre-Clinton early 1990s were of proportions of great storms and fears of a predicted end of the world by fire maybe ablaze initially near Mesopotamia, newly.  The heralding of a right and wrong and the alignments of parties and as States/Nations were of such time of a call to tables for proactive discourse as to common and/or general mores.

This cannot be good for Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Though it seems wrong that her admitted culpability about the BENGHAZI failures should be regrettable it seems there are more regrettable than such for her to regret more as of her duty and time as President Barack Hussein Obama’s Secretary of State.  Secretary Clinton seems to have failed the first black President quite as per the BENGHAZI attacks and so as such seems to have revealed that she didn’t understand before, during, or after much of the essence of the realm of Al Qaeda & JIHAD (still).

The songs of the Clintons are fraught with over-lays of discord hidden by beats set “POP” and yet still there in an inappropriate as their harmony is dishonesty in a tagging of others as at JIHAD without incriminating their own CRUSADING.

What can be honestly known?  How can the dishonesty of WJC & HRC now be more broadly known?  What is the still unknown about the hands Clinton that people everywhere should table of the unleaven and leaven dough to kneed for parity?

The tone and beat downs of the imperialist FLOTUS HRC were wrenched upon peoples consciousness as if by a trespasser of brash dictates while violate of sovereignty as a visitor on foreign turfs.  WJC & HRC are those of CRUSADES now far more concurrently, still of the unsettled, otherwise now oddly yet as if transference upon PM Tony Blair & President George W. Bush were warranted.

“It is broached…” is apropos to the CRUSADES of WJC & HRC as it seemed impolite and imperialistic (and of a CRUSADES BEAT) that so regularly broached Secretary Madeleine Albright of a tonage as if of the phonetics of the era as if the import was a dictate so of “WOMEN / MADAMS @ LINES TO ALL BRIGHT” missionary positions post warring on Christ-o-for Secretary Warren Christopher days preceding.  It was broached as if of a CRUSADES but without WJC or HRC of limiting principles even for any statute of limitations for a righteous prosecution of Saddam Hussein for United Nations sanctions violations nor his many known crimes.

What should be better said of Prime Minister Tony Blair as per CRUSADES?  Is it not more honest and truthful that President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair inherited a CRUSADES - is it not more so that they did not build a CRUSADES?

There seems no way out for WJC & HRC as atonement for JIHAD has passed a reasonable however a statute of limitations may concur.  It seems wrong and now dangerous to persist in a “POP” beat ignorance as the songs of WJC & HRC are base in a cacophony for all times.  It seems so wrong to allow the Clintons to yet posit triangulated transference, and especially per any CRUSADE, upon any others “leaders” and even, yes, too if upon President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair.

There is a guilt by association locked into the culpability of HRC as per BENGHAZI as too of a incrimination of WJC and all of the Clintons’ years of executive decidings. Now it would be as inappropriate as how they lifted a statute of limitations for the murders by Saddam Hussein for them to escape themselves from the foibles of their so evident CRUSADES.

To meter any innocence upon either WJC or HRC there is the atmosphere of the tune of their times (too Tony) as per the conduct unbecoming a President of the Monica Lewinsky scandals, and so as such became Nixonian as a scandal too as by cover-up and lies; there is that the message in the scandals also the times of the conduct unbecoming as those of concerns about our Middle East engagements as of times newly sensitive to grand and common holy mores.  The notation of WJC must be measured for it that his conduct unbecoming a President was even more dangerous as of a time when infidels/infidelities were the leading politics of tables international.

Right!!!  As HRC was violate of peoples’ sovereignty with her imperialistic crusades of feminist dictates towards respecting women more equally even so regionally in those Islamic domains so of known radicals it yet was that WJC was domestically beset begetting controversy about disrespecting mores and women, specifically.  But yet how flawed WJC was is minor to the current JIHAD expose, generally, and too personal, and too specific of subjective marital infidelity.

What incriminates them the most?  How are they most culpable yet?  Whom is implicated by JIHAD curation when the Ground Zero museum is open and of the mission in curatory but WJC & HRC and also a cadre of “Middle East Leaders” of their 8 years and an associated guilt?  As it seems any CRUSADE was not made by President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair it is yet tony how they have been of a triangulated transference of supposed guilt from WJC & HRC politically - generally.

The missionary positions of the CRUSADES of the Clinton 8 however more as of WJC or HRC begot terrorism and JIHAD.  It is their former National Security Counselor Philip Bobbitt whom with his TERRORISM OR CONSENT proffered from his experiences with the Clinton 8 that like a White House that works too closely with Hollywood begets terrorism.  But how tony now the pomp of the past triangulations in coy misdirections whence a mission in curation begins with an opening of WTC doors of the Ground Zero museum?  What can be said to be JIHAD?  Whatever JIHAD is to be said as of whom?  If it be JIHAD, however,  was it successful or yet was it that the attacks by Al Qaeda succeeded while there expectations of a general Justice in JIHAD did fail?  Is it that the JIHAD element of the attacks so now to fore as failed could yet succeed by improper fidelity to truth and mores if to a presentation of the coy and deceptive “history” notations of the Clintons yet endure?

President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair, though they inherited a time beset of unnecessary imperial crusading, did work in a general Welfare objective jurisprudence of engagements in prosecutorial and principles of statutes of limitations along the lines of offering a policing devoid of religiosity and sectarian bigotry.  Any “lies” these two “leaders” said supposedly of as if of coy misdirections yet otherwise metered to a more honest than those of WJC & HRC.  The Clintons’ 8 left fewer to no good options for objective and prudent enforcement of United Nations sanctions endeavorings;  The Clintons left these two hardly any way to execute a prosecution of Saddam Hussein even by his people as his peers but as if in a HOLY WAR JIHAD their own if not by heavy specifics at calling out SH by bluff.

After the CRUSADING of WJC and by FLOTUS HRC there was little if any way to civilly proceed with a albeit late enforcement of the United Nations sanctions left for President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair.

But for these days now necessary of a new predicating as per JIHAD and how any curator must proceed at the teaching of 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks we must look to whom is associated in a guilt as the Clintons CRUSADES are extant and justifying.  It seems that the Ground Zero museum must offer a querious to ‘HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S’ and be girded to an apropos associated implied guilt for “leaders” of the Middle East at least as from agreements and promises made to President William Jefferson Clinton in early 1993.

The songs of the Clintons howbeit by them coy and of misdirection are yet of over-laid tunes that set a more tony for President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair of a resonance in innocence.  As JIHAD a tag upon the house of Clinton rightly and without escape but maybe by death bed conversions it is that the museum of 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda do implicate WJC & HRC and some Middle East “leaders” of promises made circa 1993 that the Clintons then were unjustly to persistent dogging through their 8 until 2001 for a “contractual” keeping of promised to much like “lies.”

The United States may now endure the opening and curatory of the Ground Zero museum as per JIHAD and CRUSADES as it remains a general Justice consideration that as long as such (compromised) (former?) Middle East leaders of such past political and partisan pressures from the Presidency of the Clintons remain silent as to the culpability of the Clintons it follows that they are more guilty as per a knowing prior to 9/11 attacks than WJC & HRC.

The United States may now be of a safety even in Governor Sarah H. Palin as of “waterboarding” a “baptism of terrorists” and all the while it more historical and yes tony that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair are of less culpability and real guilt than at least those of the Presidency of the Clintons.  A curation of 9/11 as of JIHAD now will implicate both WJC & HRC and too any so whence held to their improper promises to like just blame Republicans and be in agreement to not attack The United States during the Clintons’ 8.*  (*This is as I recall when first viscerally to such concern circa 1993 as whence WJC first trespassed a general prudence with a like worst of used car salesmen convenient coy “politics”!)

There is that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair enforced the United Nations sanctions, however controversially, and yet as such would better to have been limited to a statutory period say of that of the first term Clintons’.

There is that President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair are less culpable than either WJC or HRC as per JIHAD and as it seems too logical that if Al Qaeda was of 9/11 attacks as successful in effecting retribution it yet is considerable that Al Qaeda seems to have (for now) failed at JIHAD Justice.*  (*This still fits with my said first visceral as per missteps of the Presidency of the Clintons and so as I of my tale that on the eve of 9/11/2001 as September 10th so as so many years of concerns shared since 1993 I was yet to telling myself I must have been wrong all those years to have been preoccupied with concern and so that the next morning I should wake up and move on - and to maybe avoid personal bankruptcy. Yes, this is the same tale of mine as having been in DC and driving up 17th Street by the White House and Old Executive Office Building then unaware such was at the same moment that the first plane struck. Yes this is still the same tale mine that had me so likely the last thought of NSA C. Rice before her assistant notified her and so as such was as she a recent former client & I thinking to a professional referral and like a passing of the gut felt visceral of concerns from the Clintons political improprieties.)

A curation of Al Qaeda as at JIHAD by the Ground Zero museum will necessarily implicate WJC & HRC and as well those Middle East leaders so of the Clintons worked impropriety political at partisan blaming promising.  For now the USA can be of teaching Al Qaeda as at JIHAD and unsuccessfully as it seems highly set in reasoning Justice that Middle East leaders still too quiet as to implicating the Presidency of the Clintons will be to assumptions of greater guilt/culpability upon themselves and peoples of their own faith.

Right!!!  My tale is of years since hearing Clintons’ NSC counselor Philip Bobbitt speak to an open group at the venue Yale Law School in about 1997 having been to faxing the White Houses of the Clintons and George Bush of concerns that there were real threats we were not as a nation yet seeing.  When I heard, and then also joined some of such group for cocktails Philip Bobbitt whence I was so of publicly asking near “what about the threats we do not see?”.

For the tony of any tune for Justice by JIHAD must implicate WJC & HRC mostly and yet too a cadre of (past) Middle East leaders of their worked promise and held to promise keeping.  It was imprudent to have a Secretary of State so phonetically as “warring Christ of fors” and too one as if “madams to lines in all bright”!  Yet the mores of morality of Justice by JIHAD seems honestly only possible if an injustice lives in a spirit realm as unsettled and known to the like high priests as Imams too.

It seems for any and all museum curation as per JIHAD such has to give rise to the heights of culpability of the Presidency of the Clintons and too, if not specifically to those of said recalled Clinton partisan shenanigans as “leaders”, to those as the keepers of the faith of Islam.  It seems Al Qaeda cannot have been successful if at JIHAD if the keepers of their faith were not yet keepers of a sense of injustice for a Justice rendering yet.

How tony is it to be that a greater innocence and morality of purpose seems keyed for the legends of President George Bush & Prime Minister Tony Blair and as the coy misdirection of political and partisan over-laid of WJC & HRC notations so implicate more than just themselves as per JIHAD & Justice?

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