
February 2025
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Posted by: J. P. Hogan @ 8:30 am

President George W. Bush and his henchmen are poor messengers of how the Afghanistan War has been an unnecessary, improper, and poorly run “war” however run these years on a credit card.

President Bush and his henchmen are not the guiltiest party;  The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open;  People’d of the world cannot long ignore a real history of the Clintons and their Clinton 8.

Though Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton’s - Hillary R. Clinton’s - “Jack” moment of herself like ‘not able to handle the truth’ while before Congress, as if of a “A Few Good Men” prosecution, still sits heavy as a telling outburst about war and wars by political leadership.

President Barack H. Obama’s first Secretary of State did run out the clock so as per learning of how poorly she operated regarding Benghazi & Libya and too Obama’s war of choice theirs differently from Bush’s as that changed in Afghanistan to a war against the Taliban.  She only got to a Congressional “review” when she could tick-tock a clocketh runneth outeth defense.

There is hardly a way to put a happy face on how its seems confirmed that Democrats do not know how to operate a war nor win a war, still.  There is comfort for Democrats now only if still it can be said that President Bush and his henchmen operated worsely.

The Clinton “two-fer” presence at the opening & dedication of The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is characteristic of them of willing to do (and say?) anything that will help them to appear later better as they should appear for that actually of their ‘before.”  The museum has a duty now to open each day to curate the querious of truth seekers, and, the museum cannot ignore the still too missing years 1993-2001.

It is a fair question causal about the attacks of 9/11/01 if it isn’t that had President William Jefferson Clinton not been at dalliances of the blue dress of Monica Lewinsky would he yet have put in the time to have prevented such diabolical expounding upon the United States of America homeland?  That there are near a trillion unit points per dollar to otherwise asses for a liability or gross negligence, at least as when accounting for the rash cuts to defense and intelligence, pairs with his dalliances.  Too, President Clinton, besides his unnecessary surpluses, if of his “walls of separation” affected at the F.B.I. between Enforcement & Intelligence, to abide a tagging that runneth to ‘accomplice.”

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open!  President Barack Hussein Obama with his Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton did expand/broaden the theater of war of the Bush’s operated GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM in Afghanistan from the original trespass to find and kill or capture about 50 thought “campers” of Al Qaeda.  President Obama with Secretary Clinton did alter operations in Afghanistan for a Democrats war of choice, too on a credit card, as a war without due process too much like as a genocide upon the Taliban women hating illiterate natives.

The ugly face of Obama’s war of choice against the Taliban is that he was operated too much devoid of civil procedure and too much as if of a “feminist envy” effected like exterminators of bugs.  The pretty face is supposedly that because it was a picturesque region for still shots of “war” unlike the slog of Iraq and its urban jungles the Democrats of Obama & Clinton(s) could sell they could run a like ‘cleaner’ war.

Still President Bush and his henchmen are not the best messengers for how bad and how long so bad the Democrats have been so ugly and base in their bad even as just as per the ‘theater’ of ‘war’ of Afghanistan.  The Republicans are poor messengers for the good and better they were at much for they themselves hardly found the words to explain how they were better or best - just more of a ‘good.’  That the Republicans were or are better is hard to believe for they have so far much failed to even sell that they were right while the flip flip of calendars has clocked them as more right.

The Obama AFGHANISTAN WAR has been from day one of the Democrats’ political management as a war of choice of the mission creep from Bush and his henchmen at the GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR so within the sovereign lands of Afghanistan.  The Obama administration moved from trading the building of roads and schools for trespass rights to find the expected near about 50 of Al Qaeda, as foreigners literate among the mostly illiterate natives, to a SURGE for an a war not justified by the 911 attacks as a war generally against the Taliban.

President Obama and Secretary Clinton put a happy face on their plans to much be at exterminating the too misogynistic & too illiterate Taliban by selling that theirs was a ‘right’ war and Bush’s late policing of Saddam Hussein and Iraq was a ‘wrong’ war.

As the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is now open the Clintons, mostly, and primarily, now have no place to hide;  The “911 Museum” is a permanent “wrench in their gears” of political operations - forward;  The “911 Museum” has the blue dress controversy among its hauntings and curatory duty and all the while the trillion unit points ghost the years whence from trouble brewed and stirred much because President William Jefferson Clinton decided, it seems (still) that he would not prosecute Saddam Hussein because he didn’t want to, and, he wouldn’t prosecute Saddam Hussein because he already had Bosnia and Herzegovina undesirably on his desk.

President William J. Clinton may be most to blame for their being now the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum.  President George W. Bush may be most to blame for not being able to ’sell’ in real time and still how it was right that he was as he said of doing right.  President Barack H. Obama may be most to blame for having a war of choice so in Afghanistan now as a “Longest War” as it though seems maybe inherited from FLOTUS Clinton crusading as a meant AFGHANISTAN WAR to target and subdue the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban.

It figures when one looks more seriously at the history of Al Qaeda, than the 9/11 Commission so did in choosing to look only ten years back, that the 9/11 attacks may have been planned since 1993 and the very day President Clinton likely decided his didn’t want to do the messy work of prosecuting Saddam Hussein so he wouldn’t - wouldn’t for however long he was in office.

A queriousness due of every visit to the The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is prudent upon the “good” of President Clinton still too much as a “mirage” of the cover-up of the Clintons President Obama was wrongly more at than President Bush had been yet at too long.  It is now improper to hide the Clintons’ vast culpabilities and as it is historic that there are a 9/11 I & 9/11 II with Clinton paw prints all over ‘em.  We are now beyond “if” to a but “how” expected - expected daily.

It figures most clearly, however revealing in real time whence could have compromised “mission”, that Iraq as by OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was not a “war of choice” for Al Qaeda seemed bent to prosecuting the United States of America on its homeland ever since the day President Clinton shrugged from doing right with his decision to do next to nothing towards prosecuting Saddam Hussein.  It seems in comparison President Obama & Secretary Clinton of their warring on the Taliban are those of a “war of choice” run unnecessarily and improperly and poorly run while diabolically run on a credit card.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is duty bound to curate for truth and honest forward.  Its doors however open or closed represent a thresholds of history and while it only a dangerous mirage that there are yet these two histories coexistent and with the Democrats affectings not yet known as mostly all a too political and partisan mirage.

The THE NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL & MUSEUM is now ground zero to GROUND ZERO of it that each day by each visitor a queriousness should arise of:  HERE FOR HOW MUCH THE CLINTONS GOT WRONG IN THE 1990S?

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and distorted by the Clintons, and now the Presidency of Obama.  If Al Qaeda so decided the American homeland deserved attacking so on that day that President William J. Clinton in 1993 decided he would evade and ignore the issues of rendering justice upon Saddam Hussein it becomes clearer finally that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war and the Democrats warring on the too misogynistic and illiterate Taliban was just a political convenient coy war distraction as a unpaid for war of choice.

There has too long been miscarriages of American “justice” by the politics so slanted and polarized by Democrats’ defensive partisan machinations in spin;  As the history of Al Qaeda supersedes the “report” of the 9/11 Commission since its “investigation” looked back only 10 years it becomes excusable that President George W. Bush couldn’t explain how right he was while the President more rightly at war. If we still ignore the history of the organizing of Al Qaeda of Osama Bin Laden’s hopes to change the Middle East by an allowance for himself to general the prosecution of Saddam Hussein as a justice of and by Muslims we will become in greater peril from a continuance in these mirages beset in ignorance.

The now “THE LONGEST WAR - THE AFGHANISTAN WAR” is outed as President Barack H. Obama’s war of choice.  It is now, as the “911 Museum” thresholds, that OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM was a necessary war, even as contrary to the 9/11 Commission, for the pathology forensic of the causal rests forever in a simple consideration that the USA got “policed” on 9/11 because President William Jefferson Clinton had decided in 1993 that he wouldn’t “police” Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and as such decision then necessarily was to be for the remainder of his terms. 

The mirage is sad as the Democrats now can hardly justify the lack of jurisprudence and due process party to their party warring for politics in Afghanistan.  The Clintons have already shown themselves to fit in an episode of a THE SOPRANOS and yet where is the talk of “Politics” or “Diplomacy” of it that Secretary of State Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton was responsible for the “diplomacy” of having such control over 80% of the world opium production during her “service” to President Barack Hussein Obama?  Secretary Clinton served President Obama more as if of BREAKING BAD in a drug trade to diabolically while she more as if a SECRETARY OF WAR than of “diplomacy.”

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